Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting

Wednesday 29th August 2018 Meeting commences 10.30am Council Foyer Room 209 Comur Street Yass

Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am


AGENDA ...... 2

1.0 Present ...... 3

2.0 Apologies ...... 3

3.0 Declaration of Interest ...... 3

4.0 Public Participation ...... 3

* ...... 3

5.0 Confirmation of Minutes ...... 3

6.0 Matters Arising From Minutes ...... 3

6.1 Various Parking Modifications ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

6 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.0 Matters for Information...... 5

7.1 ...... 5

8.0 Matters Considered between Meetings ...... 7

8.1 ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.0 Items Delegated to Council...... 8

9.1 Request ...... 8



Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

1.0 Present

2.0 Apologies

3.0 Declaration of Interest

4.0 Public Participation * 5.0 Confirmation of Minutes

That the minutes of the Traffic Committee meeting held on 2nd May 2018 be endorsed.

6.0 Matters Arising From Minutes

6.1 Update on Closure of Monteagle Street Binalong PURPOSE OF REPORT To update the Committee on submissions received in relation to the part closure of Monteagle Street Binalong

REPORT At the February 2018 Traffic Committee meeting it was recommended that in principle support be provided for the part closure of Monteagle Street (on east side of Dickson) to stop traffic using this street to by-pass Burley Griffin Way. See plan.


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Council has advertised the part closure and a number of submissions have been received that object to the part road closure. The issues raised in the submission includes:  The closure would impact funeral parades which currently use this section of Monteagle Street  The closure will adversely affect the school bus services that currently has a bus stop in Monteagle Street  The closure will adversely impact local traffic access to the village centre  Speed humps will be a an alternate mechanism


Nil as a result of this report.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee review this matter and any alternate solutions


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

7.0 Matters for Information

7.1 Update on Trial Mid-Block Pedestrian Refuge PURPOSE OF REPORT To update the Committee of the trial mid-block pedestrian refuge on Comur Street Yass between Meehan and Lead Street.

REPORT Council has installed a trial mid-block refuge on Comur Street Yass and requested community submissions on the trial As at 10 August 2018 Council has received 51 submissions and one 357 signature petition. Largely the submissions received were not supportive of the trial refuge and the concept of mid-block refuges (35 unsupportive – 15 supportive – 1 unclassified). The petition calls on Council not to support making the refuge permanent. The primary reasons for the not supporting the trial mid-block refuge were: · Loss of parking space (7 spaces lost) · Adverse impact on business and general loss of trade in CBD · The effectiveness of the refuge as many of the pedestrians crossing this section of Comur Street choose not use the refuge · Safety concerns in relation to confusing the refuge as a formal pedestrian crossing by both drivers and pedestrians combined with the reduced width of the road at the refuge Four pedestrian surveys were undertaken on various days between 9.00am and 4.00pm. The survey indicated that of the pedestrians crossing the road within 50 metres of the refuge that on average 68% used the refuge and 32% did not. The survey of businesses indicated that all businesses directly adjacent to the refuge were not supportive of the refuge due to concerns about the impact on their business and the adverse impacts on their customers. The remaining businesses surveyed were evenly split between supportive versus non- supportive of the refuge.

An update report on the trial mid-block pedestrian refuge was reported the Council’s 22 August 2018 meeting, which resolved to:  Not proceed with mid-block pedestrian refuges on Comur Street  To remove the trial refuge and re-instate the original parking arrangements  Council to continue to pursue alternate options for improving crossing on Comur Street


Nil as a result of this report.

RECOMMENDATION That information be noted


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

7.2 Update Proposed No-Right Turn on Bellevale Road PURPOSE OF REPORT To update the Committee on submissions received on the proposed no-right turn from Bellevale Road into Yass Valley Way

REPORT At the May 2018 Traffic Committee in principle support was provided for making Bellevale Road no right into Yass Valley Way has installed a trial mid-block refuge on Comur Street Yass subject to community consultation. Council has placed this proposal on exhibition and as at 21 August 2018 Council has received three submissions and one 164 signature petition. All submissions and the petition are not supportive of making Bellevale Road no-right turn. An update report on this matter will be provided to the September 2018 Council meeting


Nil as a result of this report.

RECOMMENDATION That information be noted


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

7.3 Traffic Safety Improvements Adjacent to Berinba Public School Yass PURPOSE OF REPORT To update the Committee on the traffic safety improvements adjacent to Berinba School Yass

REPORT As reported to May 2018 Traffic Committee Council has received a grant from the RMS to implement safety improvements to the intersection of Church Street and Grand Junction Road adjacent to Berinba School Yass. These works are completed. Refer following photograph.


Nil as a result of this report.

RECOMMENDATION That information be noted

8.0 Matters Considered between Meetings Nil


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.0 Items Delegated to Council

9.1 Request a Change in Parking Restriction on Barton Highway PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from Qcity Transit to change the current parking restrictions adjacent to the hotel on the Barton Highway Murrumbateman

REPORT Council has received a request from Qcity Transit (copy attached) to change the parking restriction on the western side of the Baron Highway from Hercules Street to Fairley Drive Murrumbateman village. The current restrictions is ‘No Stopping’ which runs from Hercules Street intersection to beyond Fairley Drive, which includes the current bus stop. See plan. To addressed this it has been requested that the current sign 20m south of the bus shelter indicated ‘no stopping to the left and the installation of a new post&sign 10m north of the bus shelter that indicates ‘no stopping’ to the right,


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am


If approved the cost of this works is estimated to cost $1,000.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee discuss the request


Hi Meryl It was lovely to meet you last week.

I have had some communications from my drivers that we are hoping can assist with.

The bus stop at Murrumbateman (Yass Bound) near the Tavern has a no stopping sign with the arrows pointing both ways. The drivers have asked as it indicates it is illegal for them to stop there, can the sign be removed or corrected, eg bus zone or arrows only pointing back towards Murrumbateman.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. In the meantime have a great weekend.

Kind Regards Stacey Carpenter Depot & Community Engagement Manager

P 02 6299 3722 | M 0419 989 036 11 Bass Street | PO Box 6066 | NSW 2620


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.2 Disable Parking in the Public Carpark Adjacent to Banjo Patterson Park PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from a resident to have two disable parking spaces in the public car park adjacent to Banjo Patterson Park

REPORT Council has received a request request received from a resident to have two disable parking spaces in the public car park adjacent to Banjo Patterson Park. Refer plan. Currently there is no disable parking spaces in this carpark .


If approved the estimated cost for two disable spaces is $5,000.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee discuss the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.3 Additional Disable Car Parking on Comur Street Adjacent to the NRMA PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received for a parking space to be created for people with disabilities adjacent to the NRMA in Comur Street

REPORT During recent community consultation to install parking for people with disabilities in Comur Street a submission was received to create a parking space that would improve access to the news agency and Priceline Chemist. It is noted that Council installed a temporary disable parking space adjacent to the NRMA in Comur Street when the two disable parking spaces in Meehan Street were unavailable due to facade work on the news agency. The location of the suggested space is show in blue on the following plan



Estimated cost if approved is $2,000.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.4 Look Out Before You Step Out Safety Program PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from the RMS S/W Region to participate in the ‘Look Out Before You Step Out’ safety program

REPORT Council has received correspondence from the A/Director RMS S/W Region for Councils to participate in the ‘Look Out Before You Step Out’ safety program. See attached correspondence. This program aims to improve pedestrian safety by focusing on the need for pedestrians to be mindful when crossing the road. The program will require only limited in-kind support from Council.


Minimal cost would be required which would be cover by existing Operational budgets.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request.


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.5 Temporary Road Closure Montem Street PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from the Principal of Bowning Public School for a temporary road closure of Montem Street Bowning

REPORT Council has received a request from the Principal of Bowning Public School for a temporary road closure of Montem Street Bowning. The temporary closure will be from the intersection of Leake and Short Streets. The temporary closure will be associated with a school and community family fun day. The temporary closure will occur between 9.00am and 3.00pm on Saturday 22 September 2018. If approved the event and closure should be subject to following: That the 2018 Bowning School and Community Fun Day be approved subject to the following conditions 1. The organiser is to supply Council with a copy of the current Public Liability Insurance for the event with a minimum $20,000,000 indemnity 2. The event organiser arrange for an appropriately certified Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to be prepared, which includes all required detours 3. That the event organiser implement the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) identified in the TMP. 4. The event organiser is responsible for directly notifying all residents that may be affected by the approved events as soon as possible; 5. Event marshals, event participants etc. will at all times obey the provisions of NSW Transport Legislation; 6. The event organiser is to arrange the supply and installation/removal of appropriate signs etc. identified in the TCP. All personnel involved must be appropriate accredited; 7. The event organiser is to ensure any local traffic, emergency services vehicles etc can safely and efficiently access/egress any property impacted by the TCP 8. Event organisers, event marshals, volunteers, event participants etc. are to take all possible actions to minimise the effect of the event on the non-event community, throughout the event; 9. Event organisers shall comply with the above conditions and the undertakings in its submission. Failure to comply will immediately void this approval


Nil as result of this report.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

From: Emily Jones Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2018 10:27 AM To: Yass Valley Council Subject: Road closing - Bowning

To Whom it may concern,

I write in regards to having one street closed in the village of Bowning on Saturday 22nd September 2018. The school and community are holding a family fun day to raise money and build community spirit and involvement. We are planning to have Montem street closed from 9am until 3pm to enable a safe environment for children and their families. We would need to close from the bridge just up from Leake Street to Short Street. This is a combined community event and the businesses affected by this closure are in support of the event and are involved. There are alternative streets around this part of Montem Street that would allow for traffic flow through the village.


Emily Jones Principal Bowning Public School Proud member of the Burrinjuck and Binit Binit Learning Communities


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.6 Request to Change the Give-Way Signs at the Intersection of MacDonald and Brennan Streets Yass PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from a resident to change give-way signs at the intersection of MacDonald and Brennan Streets

REPORT Council has received a request from s resident to change give-way signs at the intersection of MacDonald and Brennan Streets. Current the give way signs are located on MacDonald Street providing priority to traffic in Brennan Street. See plan. The residents has requested that the give way signs be relocated to Brennan Street providing priority to MacDonald Street. The basis for this request is that vehicles using MacDonald Street have to basically stop at Brennan Street, particularly heavy vehicles. It is noted that MacDonald Street is uphill from Warroo Road. When the vehicles accelerate through the intersection after stopping/slowing it generates significant noise, which disturbs the adjacent residents. It is noted that the current sign arrangement acts as a slowing mechanism for vehicles in MacDonald Street.


If approved the estimate cost is $2,000 to relocate the signs, poles, install new hold and centre lines plus black-out the existing hold lines.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request 16

Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.7 Traffic Safety Concerns Green Street Yass PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from a resident to take action to stop vehicles speeding in Green Street Yass

REPORT Council has received a request received from a resident to take action to stop vehicles speeding in Green Street Yass. See attached redacted message.

During phone discussions with the resident they noted that Green Street has 50 kph speed limit however the traffic heading north (from Wee Jasper Road) does not slow until well along Grand Junction Road. The resident indicated that this matter has been raised with NSW Police and Council over an extended period and no solution has been achieved. The resident suggests the installation of calming devices on Wee Jasper Road just south of Green Street.


Depending on the type of calming devices the cost will be in excess of $10,000.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Telephone Message Document Id: 250211 Date of Contact: 05/06/2018 Title / Given / Surname: Mr XXXXXXX Phone No: Mobile No: XXXXXXXX Message: Green Street. Still having speeding trucks and cars coming down from Wee Jasper . Can we get a speed humps . Signs not working ?? Can you please call to discuss


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.8 Loading Zone Polding Street Yass Adjacent to Woolworths PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received to provide a loading zone on Polding Street Yass adjacent to Woolworths

REPORT Council has received a request received from a resident (redacted service request attached) for additional parking on Polding Street. In a subsequent discussion the resident indicated that there was no suitable parking in the Woolworth’s car park for longer vehicles. The resident suggested two alternate locations that a loading zone could be created. See plan.

Polding Street




If approved the estimate cost for the signs and one additional post is $500

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Document Id: 263387 Date of Contact: 15/08/2018 Title / Given / Surname: Mr xxxxxxxxx Phone No: Mobile No: xxxxxxxxx Message: Would like to suggest that we have more designated longer vehicle parking around Woolies. IE on Polding Street


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.9 Review Extending the Murrumbateman Village Speed Limit PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from to have the Murrumbateman village 50 kph speed zone extended to Hillview Drive

REPORT Council has received a request to have the Murrumbateman village 50 kph speed zone extended to Hillview Drive due t recent development in the area. Refer plan.

New vet clinic

Proposed extended zone

Hillview Drive

End of 50kph zone

Barton Highway

This matter has previously been considered by the RMS who advised that the current development did not support the change although this could be reviewed when Fairly Estate and he land to its north are fully developed.


Nil as a result of this report

RECOMMENDATION That the request be referred to the RMS for consideration and response.


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

From: Cr Jasmin Jones Sent: Friday, 17 August 2018 12:59 PM To: Terry Cooper Subject: Item for inclusion traffic committee

Hi Terry, Please put on agenda revisit of speed zone for Murrumbateman. Now that the vets business is open on the corner of Hillview and Barton and other housing erected adjacent along with Abode opening, I think we need revisit the community request to extend the 50 speed zone out to Hillview road.

Could We also have a update on community engagement regarding the left turn only access change to sale yards and next steps.

Kind regards,

Councillor Jasmin Jones EMail: [email protected]


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.10 Install of ‘No-Camping’ Signs on the Land Adjacent to Mechanics Institute Building Binalong PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from a resident for the installation of a ‘no camping’ on the land adjacent to the Mechanics Institute building in Binalong.

REPORT Council has received a request from a resident for the installation of a ‘no camping’ on the land adjacent to the Mechanics Institute building in Binalong. See plan The resident’s concerns relates to noise generated by campers utilising the site and the nearby toilets. Of particular concerns is the use of generators to provide power to the campers. The resident also suggested that the campers be directed to the ‘showground’



If approved the estimated cost for two signs and posts is $1,000

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Document Id: 248213 Date of Contact: 28/05/2018 Requestor Details:

Title / Given / Surname: Ms xxxxxxxxx Address Line 1: Town: BINALONG NSW State: Postcode: 2584 Phone No: Mobile: xxxxxxxx Email Address: Request Details: Looking at mechanic institute there is a carpark alongside the toilets, regularly people are pulling up and staying the night in their caravans , having fires and running generators. Some nights there are multiple caravans. Can we please get some no camping signs and possibly direct them to the recreation ground

Document Id: 246514 Date of Contact: 17/05/2018 Requestor Details:

Title / Given / Surname: Mrs xxxxxxxxx Address Line 1: Address Line 2: Address Line 3: Town: BINALONG State: NSW Postcode: 2582 Phone No: Mobile: Email Address: Request Details: Apologies for the mystery surrounding this request, I had a call referred up to me from the front office regarding RV/Caravanning, from a Mrs Russell (Binalong Resident) who wouldn't provide further details, she is complaining about RV's and Caravans parking/stopping over night at the Mechanics Institute in Binalong (15 Wellington Street Binalong). She has requested a "Caravan/Camping Prohibited" sign to be put up. She was quite upset so I advised I would pass this message along. Thank you


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9.11 Parking Concerns Adjacent to Visitor Information Centre PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a request received from a resident to address access issues associated with parking for the Visitors Information Centre and Coronation Park.

REPORT Council has received a request from a resident to address access issues associated with parking for the Visitors Information Centre and Coronation Park. Refer Plan.

Comur Street

Visitors Info Ctre

The area shown in blue is used as angle parking, which is accessed via a driveway to the north. The current parking pattern causes difficulties for residents to readily access the adjacent properties


Unknown until a solution is recommended.

RECOMMENDATION That the Committee consider the request


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Telephone Message Document Id: 261656 Date of Contact: 06/08/2018 Title / Given / Surname: Mrs xxxxxxx Phone No: Mobile No: xxxxxxxxxxx Message: Mrs xxxxxxxxx from Comur Street came into the office to enquiry about the road outside her house near the Visitors Centre , they park all day and also people using Coronation Park as well . She Wendy is unable to back a tailer in and drive out some days . Can we please notify of the outcome at xxxxxxxxxx.com .


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am


FILE: PURPOSE OF REPORT To provide the Committee an update on progress on Committee issues/activities.

REPORT The table below is a draft summary of outstanding issues/activities and associated actions of the Committee including a current status.


RECOMMENDATION That the information be noted.


7th November 2018


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

MEETING ITEM ISSUE/MATTER EST. COST ACTION TAKEN STATUS FINALISED DATE NO. 25/2/2016 Dutton St Lane Closure $20,000 Referred to Future Works Ledger for Remains of future works ledger for Funding via grant or future Operational Plan funding opportunities. 25/2/2016 Realignment intersection Yass $15,000 Referred to Future Works Ledger for Remains of future works ledger for River Road and Dick Creek Funding via grant or future Operational Plan funding opportunities. Road 1/2/2017 6.3 Installation of line and signs $15,000 Referred to Council’s Works area for School bus signs installed Namina Road prioritisation and action within the existing Unable to be undertaken Lines and Signs budget allocation remainder within Operating budget. Grant funding to be sought. 1/2/2017 6.5 Pedestrian Access Yass CBD Nil at this Council to consider position of mid-block Refer Report on this Agenda stage crossings. 1/2/2017 6.6 Pedestrian Crossing Barton Nil at this RMS to investigate the upgrade of the Feb 2017 – formal request sent to Highway Murrumbateman stage existing refuge as part of the Active RMS. Transport Program Report on May 2017 Traffic Committee agenda. Awaiting further advice from RMS 3/05/17 6.4 Speed Limit Wee Jasper 1. That a sign and delineation review of the May 2017 – referred to Works curves be undertaken by Council. 2. That Council remove all existing 80km/h and 100km/h signage. 3.That Council remove the existing 60km/h zone currently ends and install “END 60km/h” sign with “REDUCE SPEED TO CONDITIONS” and/or “DRIVE TO CONDITIONS”. 3/05/17 9.8 Bus Infrastructure Valencia Nil at this That the RSO work with the bus operator to May 2017 – RSO in contact with the Drive stage determine a preferred design and location bus company. and explore funding options. Awaiting funding opportunity.


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

9/8/2017 9.1 Mount Street Parking concerns Nil at this The proposed changed parking Complete Completed stage arrangements be placed on public 14/06/2018 exhibition.

Council determine whether the parking Completed arrangements are to be changed after

considering any submissions and undertake

any required works.

Completed 9/8/2017 9.3 Yass Valley Way Bus Stop Nil The RMS to investigate the original purpose Funding application submitted to for the construction and review and report the RMS under the Safe Road back to the Committee. Program and the RMS has advise that this was not suitable for funding Awaiting other funding opportunities 9/8/2017 9.4 Ambleside Estate Traffic Safety Nil That Council erect repeater speed signs and Refer to Works for installation install a centre-line in Ambleside Road from Murrumbateman Road to Broughton Circuit

9/8/2017 9.5 Meehan Street Parking Nil at this The proposed changed parking Complete Completed Concerns stage arrangements be placed on public 14/06/2018 exhibition.

Council determine whether the parking Completed arrangements are to change after considering any submissions and undertake any required works. Completed 9/8/2017 9.6 Rossi Street Crest (near Irvine Nil at this The proposed changed parking Complete Completed Drive) Parking Concerns stage arrangements be placed on public 14/06/2018 exhibition.


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Council determine whether the parking Completed arranged are to change after considered any submissions and undertake any required works. Completed 9/8/2017 9.9 John Gilbert Grave Access Nil at this The RMS investigate the background to the Referred to RMS who are currently stage road pull-off and review and report back to investigating the Committee including an option to address concerns raised. 9/8/2017 9.12 Bus Waiting Area Near Nil at this The proposed changed parking Complete Completed Courthouse stage arrangements be placed on public 14/06/2018 exhibition. Complete Council determine whether the parking arrangements are to change after considering any submissions and undertake any required work Completed The bus drivers be notified of any changed arrangements and procedures in relation to safe waiting locations within this area 01/11/17 9.2 Truck Parking Safety Concerns Nil at this The proposed changed parking On public exhibition closes 7th Completed Adjacent to Vehicle Registry stage arrangements be placed on public February 2018. 14/06/2018 Yass exhibition. Refer Item 6.1 on Agenda Council determine whether the parking arrangements are to change after considered any submissions and undertake any required works. Complete

The resident be advised of the above.

01/11/17 9.3 Safety Concerns Intersection Nil at this Council to renew the existing lines & install Passed onto Works dept. Warroo Road and McDonald stage B-size give-way signs. Street Yass 30

Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

Council to investigate trimming the trees on the corner of Comur Street & McDonald Complete Street to improve sight distance for vehicles turning left off Comur Street onto McDonald Street.

The resident be advised of the above. Complete

01/11/18 9.5 Safety and Access Concerns at Nil at this Council to prepare a suitable design and Investigation being undertaken by Finalised Berinba Public School stage consult with the school, RMS (Safety RMS Safety Around School’s Officer Around Schools Officer) & the community and report back to the next Traffic Refer Item 6.2 on Agenda Committee meeting.

01/11/17 9.6 Parking in MacDonald Street, Nil at this The proposed changed parking On public exhibition closes 7th Finalise Yass stage arrangements be placed on public February 2018 exhibition.

Council determine whether the parking Complete arrangements are to change after considered any submissions and undertake any required works.

The resident be advised of the above Complete

07/02/18 9.5 Traffic Safety Concerns Nil at this The proposed changed parking Complete Finalise adjacent to Yass Bowling Club, stage arrangements be placed on public exhibition.

07/02/18 9.11 Traffic Safety Concerns Nil at this The proposed changed road closure be On public exhibition 24 April 2018 Monteagle Street Binalong stage placed on public exhibition. Refer August 2018 Traffic Committee Agenda


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

07/02/18 9.12 Request for additional disable Nil at this The proposed changed parking On public exhibition closing 24 April car parking spaces in Comur stage arrangements be placed on public 2018 Street Yass exhibition. Refer August 2018 Traffic Committee Agenda 2/5/2018 6.1 Parking Modification Truck Parking adjacent to Motor registry Referred to Works

Parking adjacent to Landmark Referred to Works

2/5/2018 6.3 Safety Concerns Mont Street Install raised centre line and fog lines Referred t Works

Working with land owner to remove hedge Referred to RSO

Residents be advised Completed 2/5/2018 7.1 Update on Bus shelters Obtain community feedback Referred to RSO

Work with RMS on bus pull over area Council and RMS meet and a concept plan being developed

Work with RMS to improve connectivity Council and RMS meet and a concept plan being developed 2/5/2018 7.2 Baron Highway Duplication Murrumbateman overpass and horse Referred to RMS underpass

Alternate option for Murrumbateman Referred to RMS overpass 2/5/2018 7.3 Safety Improvements on Safety Improvements Awaiting feedback from RMS Stephens Street Binalong 2/5/2018 9.1 Speed Review Yass River Road Request t0 reduce from 100 to 80 Referred to RMS

2/5/2018 9.2 Line Marking Cooks Hill Road Install centre line on Cooks Hill Road form Referred Works Orion to Archer


Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 29th August 2018 held at the Council’s Foyer Room at 10.30am

2/5/2018 9.3 Speed Camera on Dog trap Refer to Centre of road Safety Referred to RSO Road 2/5/2018 9.4 Safety Concerns Queen Street Apply of r funding for missing link footpath Referred to RSO Binalong Working with school to improve walking Referred to RSO safety

Advise resident Completed 2/5/2018 9.5 Safety Concern on Wee Jasper Install a convex mirror Referred to Works Road 2/5/2018 9.6 Safety concerns various Ford and Grampian – hold line Referred to Works intersections in Yass Ford and Pollux – refresh line marking Referred to Works 2/5/2018 9.7 Safety concerns Bellevale road Proposed no-right turn placed on public Completed exhibition

Report outcome of submissions to Council Proposed for Sept 2018. Also see report on this Agenda

Advise resident Completed