Minutes of the Meeting of the PLANNING AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE held on 19 FEBRUARY 2013

PRESENT: Chair: Councillor Sue Stevens Vice-Chair: Councillor Ros Griffiths

Councillors: As per the Council Meeting.

Officers: R N Barnes, Clerk & Financial Officer


As per the Council meeting.


There were none.


IT WAS RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 15 January 2013 be received as a true record and signed by the Chair.


Housing Development South of The Boulevard

It was noted that representatives of Bloor Homes were due to attend the meeting to give a presentation of the proposed scheme and pedestrian linkages.

Dog Fouling

Councillor Warburton circulated a letter which had been sent by the Head Teacher of Broughton School to parents asking them not to bring dogs into the School grounds or tie them up outside because of the potential for a child to be bitten and the fouling which was being caused. Councillor Warburton questioned what the Council could do about this.

Councillor Warburton was reminded of the actions which County Council had and were undertaking as reported at the previous meeting. Ultimately responsibility for these issues rested with dog owners.

Joint Services Committee

The meeting of the Joint Services Committee had taken place and had approved the proposed budget.

- 86 - Chair’s Signature______POLICE MATTERS:

The Chair welcomed PC Gill Lehrle and PCSO Adam Wilson to the meeting.

PC Lehrle introduced PCSO Wilson explaining that whilst he covered Broughton and Bretton he also had responsibility for , Penymynydd and Kinnerton.

PC Lehrle reported the following:-

• She was heavily involved in an operation to tackle crime on local industrial estates including Manor Lane and River Lane. • Crime figures in Broughton had reduced by 18% compared to the previous year. • She would be holding monthly surgeries at Broughton Library, commencing in March. • She clarified that the Airbus Police Officer was required to spend 10% of his time in the Community. This tended to be in conjunction with operations and community activities. • With regard to the issue of parking outside Broughton School PC Lehrle said that the Police were unable to take action as there were no parking restrictions in place. She said that the School had been offered Police traffic cones to place at junctions and opposite the School but had declined the offer. It was suggested that what was required was a single yellow line restriction time limited to prevent parking between 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

The Chair thanked the Officers for their attendance.


(a) to write to Flintshire County Council requesting provision of parking restrictions to cover the School leaving times in the vicinity of Broughton School.

(b) write to North Police to acknowledge the work of PCSO Jason Knowles whilst serving in Broughton and Bretton.


The Chair informed the Committee that the Council had been asked if it would wish to participate with Community Council and Town Council in a meeting with the Commissioner. This would be an opportunity to learn of his proposals for policing in North Wales and raise questions with him.

IT WAS RESOLVED: to accept the invitation to attend the joint meeting.

- 87 - Chair’s Signature______PLANNING APPLICATIONS:


(a) to formally note that the participation of those Councillors who were also Members of the County Council, in both the debate and subsequent vote, was on the basis that the views expressed were preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Community Council. The County Councillors reserved their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all relevant arguments for and against.

(b) that the County Planning Authority be advised that this Council’s observations on the planning applications submitted to it were as per the attached schedule.

(c) to note any appeals received


IT WAS RESOLVED: that the decisions taken by the County Planning Authority be noted.


The Chair welcomed Mike Aston Technical Director and Mark Waite Strategic Planning Director of Bloor Homes to the meeting and invited them to explain the proposed development and associated pedestrian linkages to Broughton.

The Bloor Homes representatives advised that it was proposed to construct approximately 260 2, 3 and 4 bedroomed houses, 30% of which would be affordable. The site would have a single access and egress point and would have its own open space and multi use games area. The existing properties on The Boulevard would be screened by a hedgerow.

Bloor Homes expected to submit a Reserved Matters planning application in March and for it to be determined by July, when infrastructure works lasting six months would commence, prior to the construction of houses. The houses would not be phased, they will be constructed in line with market demand.

The Committee was advised that following discussion with the Welsh Assembly Government and Flintshire County Council it was proposed to construct a pedestrian link from the site to the Broughton Hall Road underpass via a new footpath created alongside the A55 slip road. In addition a traffic signal controlled crossing would be provided across the A55 slip road to the .

- 88 - Chair’s Signature______In response to a question raised concerning drainage the representatives advised that the Company’s consultants were liaising with the Environment Agency and Flintshire County Council. However it was stated that there would be on site attenuation measures provided to deal with surface water drainage. It was expected that existing localised flooding would be improved as it would drain into the new system which would run towards the Airbus attenuation lagoon.


(a) to note the proposed scheme and pedestrian links

(b) to discuss the proposed pedestrian links and access to the Broughton Country Park at the Committee’s March meeting.


In view of the non appearance of Mr Peter Woodhouse of the Environment Agency for a second occasion.

IT WAS RESOLVED: to write to the Environment Agency to register the Council’s annoyance and request the attendance of an alternative Officer.

The Clerk reported that Saltney Town Council had invited the Council to participate in a joint forum with representatives of Saltney Town Council and relevant agencies and interested parties in connection with flooding. The Council had been invited to appoint three representatives.

IT WAS RESOLVED: that Councillors Billy Mullin, Keith Rogers and Sue Stevens represent the Council in the joint forum and that Councillor Warburton act as a substitute representative.


The Chair referred Members to the press release received from the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

IT WAS RESOLVED: that the press release be noted.


Councillor Mike Lowe said that the past month had largely focussed on 2013/2014 budget issues.

IT WAS RESOLVED: that the report be noted.

- 89 - Chair’s Signature______CLERK’S REPORT:

The following matters were reported:

(a) Visit of Auzeville Tolosane Twinning Committee Members

A party of eleven French visitors would be visiting Broughton from 23 to 30 April. It was customary for the Council to host a reception/buffet. The Clerk sought the Council’s confirmation that it would again extend its hospitality to representatives of Broughton and Bretton’s Twinned Town.

(b) Best Kept Village

The information pack for the 2013 competition had been received and would be sent to the Bretton Residents Action Group.

(c) Flood Wardens

Advice had been received concerning the ongoing preparation of a community flood plan for Manor Lane and the appointment of Flood Wardens. An offer had been made by the Environment Agency’s Flood Awareness Officer to attend a meeting of the Council to explain what was taking place and the role of the Flood Warden.


(a) to host an evening reception buffet for the Twinning Committee Members for Auzeville Tolosane on a date to be agreed.

(b) to invite the Environment Agency’s Flood Awareness Officer to attend the Committee’s March meeting.


There were none.

- 90 - Chair’s Signature______