OPINION FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS The future Troubles for No Protection FAU's Wall of SDI, drug enforcement. from Starship, of Fame. page 4 page 6 page 8 page 10 Atlantic Sun \'OI..~ 63. N .....ber 13 july 29. 19$7 The weekly student publication of Florida Atlantic University

Former Soviet Scientist Incoming supports Star Wars UnllCld Sta1co depIo).5 501 Un­ Freshmen media'ely !he Sov>et Ultion will be fotee>d 10 ullow t.he _ ofpe'_ As July e.-.is. so coneludes...., son..! COlmpUtcn. welcomed month long even. of films. Icc_ lUres and det.""" _ doe sub}«'l He ~ lhII' wnh the u"" of L YNS So'-""EC compute~, ",,,,nl,SLS «>uld pnn. of Stalepe Der"'llK (nlliallv,.. STAFF WRJ'T'Dl ooptes of !he B'ble or- ClducauoaJ 1be S.....es of evcnu thaI ....as books. MIlJ>c,y_ estnnaled !he Tbc In-eom"'g fra.bmen of the sponsored by the Collell'" CQ6. of Iwo books on the black fallll987 ~rrcceivedthrir Rq>ubI>ean$ included a Iccrure by market ...... Id be equal 10 lhe Ii.... dose ofeoIJccr ti'" _ -.ek. Omllt}' Miu",yev on Thursday. monthly ""Lary of an .,ng'I1eC•. Aboul 210 freshmen and 1$0 JllIy n ,n the Un;versuy Ceo..," "Computen w,ll clu,ng., the .,.renlS lUtended the freshlnen Soviet Un_ by u,odt:munm8 Ihe orientation .... Monday and Toes­ tlIe f<>nJ"lef Sovlel K",ncl$l and monopoly of ,nformatlon.·· he d:ay. July 20 and 21. author of The So...", PrrsfHn..... ~," SponsoruI by theOff""" ofStu­ "" 501altemplcd Kl lhed lishl on den, Affai"., the _enlS s" soc'al. pol"'elll and Mikh.,yev .aid Ihal the with welcoming remarks from eeonomica.l llSpecU of SOL Amencan .yAem IS betler anti thc President Popovidt; Associate SoVN!< people WIll know th,S with DmiI.., MikheyC". a f...... Sovll1 ~l~, lecIured 10 It'" ~'AU eo...­ Dean of S.udenl Affairl I'tlcbe M,lcheycv ."."ked the So... ..,. !he innodu",,-..... ofcornputen. He munlly on July 2J U'-'I lhe Imparlance of SDI. lidded. "Soviet pevple "'ill $CXm 1 -' Kerr. and Student Body Preaidcnt ")'.Ln(i bad "Arc we Qpeble ofchan.,nlllhc 91." morning progrcs.sed. UnlOn~" AI lhe end of the lcclure opinion poliS. Sov,et Millhc)'cy Af'e. a 'h""'" hour 1.e<:lUre by "Orien""ion provit1e5 an e,,­ responded 10 his queslion by ..-y. "'embers of the .udience ques­ AS the deb:l'c grew inlo an Mikheyev. the audience W"5 .,ilI tlOllCn as i~ speak. of the ;mrued,"'c nOl a debale. He ""ked people to polisibl". Mikheyev "'''d. ''I'm Alone poinl a n",mber Qf Ihe FRESHMEN d .... "h 501. Ihe)' wIll have 10 audience Ihe Malislic ""id. "We're Ilfmnn a"d rue<: will eomin"e.,. WHAT'S SG takes gold medal HAPPENING Tomorrow 7/30 in Summer Olympics

The bond Elmo Sf••I. OOUG OOlCNElC There was • "pass the WIll be perform,ng '" Ihe STAI-T WRITER hfesawr" """""""ilion aIonll with Owl's Nest on Thursday. Ju· a ""'.Ilem",lon ..a,ing COnleSI for Iy 30. Studenls $1 and l)Qpue ever threa'en,ng ra"'''. both girls and guys. Nex' Came guests $3. the ICCOnd s...... 1 SUmmer O1ym. lhe waler ball""n lOSS. A com· pies were held on Sunday, Junc bina'"", Ih...... Ie&llCld soee<:r kkk 19. TIN: even' ror s.udenls was """" yet lIl>OIher game played. Friday 7/31 rundcd Ihrough A&$ fees and From lhere co"'estanl. proocod. wu a great SUoCeSs despite. halvIng ed quickly '0 the beach for lhe There >ViII be a sensa' only four I....ms compele. Tbc nlbbe.....ft rat:e. uonal party for Slng* at w,nner of the 1987 Summer Peppers In Fon Lauderdale OlympICS w'"" Studenl Govern_ Surf"rl.l!he beach COIlId a1CM on Fnday. luly 31. See menl'" e1lccullve-.d. thai Ibe _vlOS were taro b'a for News Shelf, page 2. Ibe rubber rafl compemion All Ahhough only four I.,.m.o lcams eompec , ....__'-' ~...... _ wl'h • ..-et 1Iu__..-.y FAU'" chapter 01 Alpha show«! up fot the compeViII be th.owlng there W1l$ hip inu:relub nvury. nlled oul for ocna,n Ie''''''''. eta "'I lao...... a party lor FAU studen'" at the FAU BBO pavilion on The foUowi"3 four teamS look On the beactI c:aeh team ""gq;­ Dav>d Pennell of Pi Lambda .Io"g wi';, ho' doas and Friday. July 31. See News put in the fun: I~Govem--: ed ina f'-=gameoflUa...... Phi said. "TIN: eV.,nlS wen: a hamburgers_ Shelf. page 2. menl·. E1Iccu".... Cabinet. 2)P; P; Lambda Phi fraternIty emera' &ood way 10 promote ""hool After the barbec:ue. the gamc$ Lambda Phi fralerni.y. ed winners of this eompelll_ spirn. but I think Student Gm-an­ continued on Ihc V<>!lcyball COIlrt 3)Ac«JunLlna Studen15 Auoc:ia­ with !he help of!heir 1arae dIOCr_ men' riaged Ihe IOtympic when Ihc n.ins subsided. Pi Note ...... and 4)Alpha Epoilon P; ing seaion consiSling mosbers c:otlld ~ ,oId.-lO_ have w.... the Summer OIy.... Everyone ..roed lhal lhe Iy the libroTy will be chafI«e fot the diff".-ent events. glove$ wen: providc>d for- pica." I'IenneIJ ~ the ...... 31. Olympics. orpaoizcd by John open lrom B a.m. 10 mid· Ihcir """"...... bed. bu' just like eYet)'OllC_ night and an Saturday. lbcre were a local of eipl he had ...... ' ...... M<:DooaJd. Ibe spcciaI projocu Everybody eoordi_, ...... aood _y for August I, 'rom 9 a.m. 10 events in which all competing ",ar evenl was.-.""Ihe ~ orpniPtiom had a ct>ance 10 .. Evnyonc assc:mbICld .. !he pits 00 eampus 10 .... midnighl...... w 'heir $Iu"". exhalWinc· for • t:.rba:uc. Beer ...... served out .... haw fwo. J..ly 2', 'tIla News Shelf AT&T donates computer equipment

BRAD MIDDLEBROOK STAn' WRITER Graduation reception Thllrsday morninll. July 16. In response 10 ....dent requests lor some special AT&T Corpo....;on formslly recognition of A ..gwP graduates, two 01 FAU's colleges donaled a S2OO.ooo aift ofrom· have scheduled even~ to commemorate the completion pul"r oquipmrnl and .ofI""'''''' '0 cou~. 01 their lh<: Comput"r and Information The College 01 Humanlti.. w,lI host a receplion lor ,ts Systelm [)qMrtmrnt .. PAU. SUmmer groduat.. on Friday, Aug. 7. al II a.m. in the This brinl" the toW donations by Green Room and Patio 01 the Esther Boyer Griswold lhr rompany 10 s..soo,ooo. """'~ Families ollhe graduates arell'lvtted to atlend. R...... r­ Dr. HrI.,., Popovkh. FAU vationa can be made by calling 393-3800 by luly 31 P'rrsodaIl. who .... very pleaod. FAU'" College 01 Engln_ring wUl hold a convocation Ia>d. "Th.. is • msp lUp for­ lor IIlI August graduates on Thunday. Aug. 6. at 7,30 p.m...... rd...we hope 10 _ that each In the Univertsity Center Gold Coasl Room. The College 5lUde:lI is c:ompru::n< in lhrir...., 01 Engrneerlng's convo.xrhon Is open 10 the public. (compu""') and ....,Illhus br Itble to prrfonn w"ll ,n loday's Workshop on careers ...... isucatrd bwo'",," ~""ron- Dr. Jaro6d A.bbod, 8diac ....01.-~01...... , .... mo:...... kb Pres. Hden ...... idI. aDd ATAT's ~ IldllUOd Benr e-..Trcrcb. a lIlX·hourworbhop lor}ob_kersand AT&T Bnnch M...... r LaN) cor_r changes. will be held Monday evenings. Aug...... Bell said. "nils procnrn is <>no:: at 24 and 31. lrom 5,30·8:30 p,m. Palm Beach lunlor Col· .....y AT&T".., ...... ffinn its luna· AT4T. TIw; donuion includes br used in the popular U,w;.,.,.. lege. Lake Worth <:ampus. 1helocuson _lI-a:ssessmenl. tenn eour<:elI and job-~$l;fOt8gies of... ~SYaeRl th-. has ~) simulacion projeCIf... will be led byToby Chabon. Career CouI188Q. Advance •• rnain.....-y f""" provided Wrftt 10 AT4T." lima lhr oriaiftlOl ~y.....­ 1be eqwpmctlllS kJc:aIcd in .. registrat,on at any <:ampus Iocauon Is required. This 1be 8'li IS ~ of new won,••Iily ..... i~ sa..n.J...... Lab .... me ~ workshop ks sponaored by ihe Cente, lor the Continuing ,.,.,..0(FIrmi<1I Hall. and any _ E'dueat>on for Wo...... n. Contin..,ng Edue.;ttion. Palm ...liwa..... and tJP&fWk 10 the I'eSpOftSe II...... Dr Soun H.... pmfrssor of lerrsted prnooou...... Beach Junior Co1lege For further Information call e1isllna hard " of four machines donaled rarlo"r lIy oomput.,.. $rorftCe. said...It will 10 seop by and sec it. 439-8lXl6. A 1_ of $15 lor Florida ..-denlll includes malerials. FRESHMEN DAKA sponsored • t-rber:ooc New parking decals in me rafetena. w"""' ev"ry.­ .,.,joyed c:hid:rn. ""'"' and aIadL Parking decols lor the 1987.a8 .chaol year are now from page 1 Btl< t:CeS$." II". one was I..,..... said 8...... ,. Cashier'. oflfce. lllIld Sav..." "The rresh""", ... w".., sbl" to ask q\M:SliOl\5 ...... 1 Arrording to Studrnl ArrairJ. Scholarship for study abroad lhey w"..... trally ,m"rested m thr tra""f"r on"n..llo

Oriental language course JUl.)' I~A, 3 p.m. a ....·hl'" ",,,I,, n<>l befo..... lhe compla"\3nt was Miami and wOllld Iik".o ask her abl" to II'" a good look al hIm and SOme sutv"y qurstion-o. The""In' DelOriS C~lnki became a well· known TV celebrity In appc:ared al 'hr Stud"n' Arra,ra write down his Ik"n"" plate plsinant told hml she would lapan by leach!ng Engllan 10 mUUona o! Japan...... VleWers. office carry,ng a pl"""c 1111 .... al"r nu"'brr. answer no ""nonal qU~lion•• Here In the United StaleB, her 8·hour classea m Orienlal gun and askrd {or" ""'''SIn staff ".., PAU pohce we,,, able 10 a~su""'" languages are very populat. ClasseB fat lhe monlhs o! rnembrr who was not in lhe of­ and the "all"r her that ! fi"" allt>r tIn",. As 1M: .....a. SIIOn e"'"nluaUy find Ihe ~usprct and Ih",.., wOllld br ....,..,. i Aug\Ull and September at& now formmg; call 734·3520 lot IIlInll him ,mo cuslody. A • details. '" d,ng lh"...... he "'!Ulned wal"r in_ H., began by ..king her wlult • to hi. mouth From "'" glln. The ""n1l",01 "ue IS prndrng year she ...... in .1 srhool. when AEPi's Sundown Blast receptioni.. called the ramp'" Police credit thr compla,nant shr would arad...te. and what police 10 n:po.. this ~t ...ng" prr_ with h"lping sol",,, Ih" casr FAU ...... lit". H" e oJM: aoc • good dos.. look whal ""lor hair.-he had and wh.at will be sponsoring a Sundown 8JaaI party at lhe barbecue pr"mi_ by the t,mo: officers .r· .1 the ftuher and was ab!., 10 dM: s e.anng. Ju" .! tIn",. " the coor ...... rI ..... enuy sad _ IDld hiscar as .... _ cunu.. _ on August. lrom 7,30 . 9 p.m.. In the Planned Parenthood of_ ....·d ",""" .. rIIalt:e reatinrtio, or Ihc Lake Wonh '11..,.11,. -.n. who cope STAFF WRITER If you WCl'C-IO .....k irIloFAU's I be cliPbk 10 <:bee>" in t-:-:-=-:~'---:::--..,.-..,...,.-::--:------I SY"' RICCIIdy you -'d bllwe H "i.·s Aloha Bowl The ...... o..v-a~.JWr21)-Pohc.J.arnedthead- heard doe ~ cblJPUla. ~ ...... the ··A...... of d,_ of escap.d child killer Elizabeth o.one Dow"" by '--.... ~~.. _ .,. ~11omce," __ 10 die. Palm "... ~ _ ...... -.. ~''''''''"''~ 8a V aCing " .....nlat1Onsona nole...... Iehm herceUondcap- buIbic ISIlk. a (I'cerinl said Commandont foae Guadalupe Leyva eonC>IICO cUed coac:h rrom Tam"" fur me"'51 II wllh hi. piSlol II<;Ilety On and the lis! of people he hod Each day Ihe NCA Slaff. oom­ ycan;. NCA Clinic O"''''lOr P"I planned 10 qu_uon still In Iu$ hand. 'He Wall not even poscd of coll¢a¢-I¢"d SlCphetu. said of FAU's don'ns. \ plonnmg 10 Offes1 anybody." Can...,n scud c~rieader$. 1c>lcrs In nc'" c~. chants. n'l'hcy ...... , cI"an_1he bot 1'"" pie were klUed by lioocls and kmdalid_ CO\.lMd by a mo. pcno"on. jor storm lhat dropped 22.5 ,nches rain On One VIllage hen: ha"",bcI!:n so helpful,n mak- or lcadc:.,.h,p "nd other areas p¢nl' Ihe~hegVl_ on.doy roln 01 Ihe century. ollictalll 110'0: inl ou. May ¥cry plca...,t." j (~vernment ....nllO cheerlcadinl' In lhe c""n. .n..,..~ _. llpokesmen reporTed 31 mlll8lng. 110 tn• ing•• ,he ~ were JudI"" by )WGa " ..d 60.000 homeleSll. They expeCt Ihe CCIIualty F_,,-'·~ .. The meab. which came ,n " the and 10 nse, Slaff "warded on a nbbon "-_"'_"UfI __ .M packalC deal al the R.I. w"", ligurell Thousands of army rellervLSIS and rehel 5YSIeTO. "No! onl)' is IIf>SINCI"'&J workeradug through the deb..... for lhe dm From Sn",klng AmeTlcans each yu' than en­ physema and chronIC bronch..is) hold ""n-"me joke m<>re ,han col­ citk"...., homicklc "nd ""icid¢ Lung C"""C' CRllsed by ...... k_ mothe.,. kick me ""bll "nd s",i than l!OfI-sn",.crs. lite rcpo" Iele gratluau,s: hilh school comb,ned. accord."g '0 Ihe IaIl!:St ,nl ,s "n .nsodiou.l "nd slow­ qun afl"r the baby is born. ~.. dropouts smokc morc lhan those a...... 1 report or the American l::ttW'f11 disoease lha1 u.suaIIy I&kes W1IIo's smoki,,& _1 "Tobec""sToll 0It AoneriQ.n ,,-'ho 8J"duated. the Amn.can Luna _ ...·s Lunl AssocIllltOn. 20 .... more "ea... I(l dclll!:1op ,n Today's a""ng" smok"r 15 Smoking IIC1DtItUtts for 17.2 pe.­ smot:en. n.e ALA annual report li.cly 10 be leu educated, eun 198.S-1986 annual rcpon. outI"""", .. SInce 1976. lee"",,, .IIItIS ce"l (more than onc-~"Olh) of "II dOspla~. a chan showi"l Ihe cor­ "SOC,,, eco<>uc ''''Iic rl'!ing "'J """,allUtd regional profile of To­ 'ceDage boys. TIte AWl. also repon Ma'cd. while alcohol abuse death ",tc from lungcanecr totltty day's American sn"'.cr. The 54 notes ,hat IU"g car>C¢r has now accounts for 4.9 p"rccnt. motnr and 'M pea. in p'" cap"a million Ame.ican, who smo.c surpassa:l bn:asl cancer •• tt>c "ehlc'" accidents ,,",count for 2.3 cigarcOle consumption beck In The make up nearly one-'hird 01 per­ No. I kilk:, ofAmericlUl womcn. percenl. sutcidc lor 1.9 percenl. ,..... cent) of,t>c poptIlalion. Aboul 41 homicide foo- 1 peroenl and useof Ahhoul:h 'e5ear"h "nd ,mltion Americans ar~ now .. 9Iue-<:ol.... work,"", smoke ,lhcll dnt8s fOO" OOlly .2 po:rccno. tccltltltkJP::al brcaIr.tI>roufhs ""'III!: former smokers. motl!: !han ",hite-collar wo.kcn;. nln our (kcp cotKI!:m O\IC. made imponanl 5Irirdina 10 me ALA smok· drug abux• ..., must ...,,,,,r forgel trutmen' of many fonns or ,ng has acnerally declined in lite .. Smol¢ cance•. the fi~e-ycar su.... IYaI rale U.S. since 1964. the yur Dr. are highcsl ror lhose..e 35 IO~: grcatCl;1 loll On our popula,ion fo' ""ticnts wilh lunl CRnccr ""S ""lhcrTcrry issued me landmark among women. smok.ifll nlll!:S "re hert in Soulb Florida." :said risen only one percenl in whiles SlIrleo" General's Aepo" hilhcst in me 20-2. ale group TcrO)' R. L.dtrnIIn. rnanq,inl in the pu.t ",n ycars. n.e five- poorer allOda in school and work docume",inl me callsal Unk beI­ "nd in me 35-44 &Be group. yea' i..... I1lI£ has I>Ol risen in in a leu pratiakM.ts 0C1CUf:*1 ..... wcen cigarene smol<. and hc.lIn disease or lion of $otuhcast Florida offcn; Assoclalion. percenl ofmom and 28 percenl of Accordina 10 The ALA repan. "ny popula'iolt group. 3,~.OOO Americana die each se~c.,,1 differenl cessallon p..... Su....eys do not e~pl.Iin lhe WOmen smokc. In Florida lhe percentale ,s e"cn less. w,lb em­ yeSt from smo.inl-.clat¢d grams and aJlllroKhcII. loch'dinl reason fo. """"'" find'ngs. said me • Women who work otluide dilcalcs. SmokiDB is Ihe cause of "FIftdom""rom Srnolot-. lh¢ serious '-Ith Who ia still smokiq? The chron;c obalnocti__ pul_t)' .....~ hazar<.b of smoki.... ALA report found: ...... EDITORIAL Censorship bleeps!

Ccnso",t"p ili bact. "sam 'Tl,,~ """'. no ~I""'"been ""lied off of m" < ..... Th,~ lime mel' lyrics are Ihe raet II 's nol the Ii,.,;l lime Sleps ha"'" boen tal ofabonooa or convneraab for condoms, Th¢onIy n<><>eeable fllC:l ...... the aeuoaof~1OrAlben Gore's w,fe "'nee he: denlitll elc,,"..n Bul" recent repor1 broIdcaso on "Em""",,,,,,",,,, Too:ullhJ.·· wu really upsett'.... II showed how _ of th<:s<: ~ <10 not he$LlUOIll: I<) smash and W breal. rcc:ords. In {ron, of TV rcpon<:t'$ IMd " ~nna el'Q"olod E'"cty tun<: such an _ hapPenS...... "ever may be destroyed. boolts. records or paon""p. it is" ..emmde.. w ~ of_her Ume in ms.o.,.. One oflhc firsI KlJQftS oflhe N...... her they lOOk 1'0"'= in 1933 waslOwpruze ··aucodaf...•• all ~OennanylOde5troy "Impure" InenNrc. When the CoItbo1ic church de<:odcd 10 catch up wilh ....r modem soaely at the bcginnin& of one d".-. one of 11$ lim d«1~ was 10 ael rid of eenso...'''p _ boolts Anybody has lhe right 10 upreH hIS Of I>et" (echngs .bou. an. HJssory is full of ~.ooualhe new U'Cnd5 .n -.1. 8ul the pII)'$i<:al • de.true..",o ofan worIrnluti<:>ft. mon,h and Ihe Colleae The SOl i. no.... • reploed. "1 csnnoI recall ...y .. If IbaIl<.iftd of..-olcnnl uti... ill not pu, ..ide. wbu os left? Republic&ns f1oodod !he eampw superweapon, orbo".....r eanh, AI flrsl. ~ They ...- lsbd. wilh &II sons of inf","""uve u.e ..-nenI." some .... 'or m.nor d\snaa. '0 ....i.h ptnpolm ICClll'1lC)'. II "• be pu' on the record. whose lyrics can influenec k ...... Bu. who bulle.ins .nd Clr100NI reprel<:n­ Tod.y. IS ,he I Collea" ~ clean• .-.ha.r.&tdous ....eapon dled by lbous&nds ofstudents journey 10'0 !he fUlure and Ic:C ' ....ir job beller. Oe,,,dlCll, the SOl """Id "'ve missed !he,offens,ve .11 lhe and sround world. Opinions eh&,.." qUICkly somethlna can how"'" CoIJcge Republteanll fail­ il • 101 IIClII haurdou. 10 the en­ IlIlure of ,he SOl in lheir eam_ be obscene lDday and vll&loomorrow. Twerll)' yes... "8<'. lhe word ed '0 &ddr_ sorne Olher alj)CCl$ vlronmc:nl I ....mc:mber "'It il paian b&ek in 1987. "pres"",," WI> prol'1ibi.ed on TV show•. Todaoy. ""'ny '""lions of "'is '·defen.., sYSlC!m.·· 30 ~ look n"nu.c. for the old W.... I ....." jUM pie,ured for '0 "'"-least c:ommen;:WI for oondom< in spite of!he opre&d II is 1999, .nd the wotld is ntIClear n'iui.....o hit thdr illl"get. of AIDS. Whio, il it goina be 'omorrow? you ;. noI a mYlh: i' Is • ,..,.Ii'y '0 ,,"'nged. Thc popula\lon hu bu, for SDI It i. only" f"clion Our sociaies f.ce ..,rlou. ptobl..ms. Nobody "an deny tha' grown d ..ma'ieally. Poveny. I.... could prove to be: our fUlure, of" Ie<:Ond. I belicve WI for • .-.:c1U1 world violence i, one of OUr moll' ledoul problem•. Bu' 'here i. no use hunge, and dic,a\Orship Ite ..ill Ano,....r ch....ge Ot'Curcd aftcr ,rying '0 find sc.pegoats. problenul will be solVed wc do noI need a milll.n~ed n- to,· in command in some """n,,;u. the SOl weat><,.n ,yucm ,",,'led its everybody or lhey will not be solVed &1 'II. n.ey need • consen. Bu, fcar nOlo for n'''aie space. Wh., we nced Is • me .. orbi•. Wilh ou"h a power in &pace ..... of.lI !he people Involved. n""le...... free earth. defense syslem has bc:c:n IIUI&II_ where nei'....r "we lhe people" ed and is fully open.io...l. Cona""". had .ny Wilh our unlly.nd knowledlle t1i~r <:OUr$<:. " nor"'" """.rol. -n.;-. Of COSI bilhon. of a ge,,",DI decided 'Iul' ,I was ,n we an Slop the research for SOt dolla'" "'" could have. in••e

AIlantic- Sun Edilorial Policy Statemenl "-""",,,. r-..._ r:.o­ Summer Semester, 1987 ~!,- £

...---lI6o_._ ..... _rolI ...... ~ .... - Stu"dent wG~v;"';m~nt S"u';'mer"A ;"a"",.d~ Ba;'q~ei: A Family Album r- .,

a~T Ao~oQ. M- tcKc. 0f.AI'tI IJ ~1f\S ,,~ ""'\4\~ ~.~ \,l:UI'nlrA., 6eA.'" F«.A...... 'Po:s . .(>(. ,"cRR, wAS ""'''-''I..~ bUlt'lt~t>!

4.-u1 M","N

~~I ll-u -..- IIoM.-1 ~ .... ~..... ~..t....l ....-t...- l.~., .. ~ ;,.",.--,. ~ ...... "--""" ...... t>..,.. ~.. _d ~...... ~ "'.... """'- ~ I0

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Having No Protection is disastrous!

IlABED PIEN looking like your typ,cal tor­ however, do not on album songs over and aVe! again the enUre album. My Ilf'Sl ,m. SPECIAL TO nu: SUN tyish hou_rnolheT. Certoln­ make. 110 as to get the gisl 01 the pression of the collection? ly not your overage run-ol songs melJ8og.s. ThIs Simply pUl·UUCCKKII the·mill rock .'0•. Secretly I C

quesUon·answer lormol In a philosophical dialogue wllh I'll, "Religious utterance. are not meant a. dogmcrt1c disctples, the work explores and ~ clortll...... ntial Buc:ldhlSl doctrine Th/s C'CIumn reviews n.w boob atatemenq, the truth b; not ...n a. 110m_thing and leachlngs, and delails lh.. pre­ oval/able or Ihe FAfJ Wimberly that can be defined conceptually••.•• cess Involved In eont.mplation oflhe Ublary. They con be found In the new mInd and lindlng the "palh al book MClion located on the litSl tIOOT enlightenmenl.·' II uses parobl.. and U] lhe lobby areo. simile 10 explain phlk*=>phy m a prac­ method_·Ihe lhear..ticaI anoJoy- and Although there ore many !l8oCUI or tical. COmmon ....-- fashion that ro­ pracllcol techruqu_ odvanced by Zen Down, tlanslated by J. C_ schools of Buc:ldhtSt thought. C1eory 10l1lS an aura 01 reverellCe. Zen leach.... of the lim... qual"' "If you are conhned to one 01 CI.ary. 1986 Shambhalo Pubbccrtione. Th.1aSl work. "Tre0ti8e On !he True I~ pag... call number BO 9268 z46 Cleary olle,." On .nlight.ned them, !heyar. all wrong; lfyou rec:on· 1986 e1le them. they are all correct'" Sudden Enlighttonment School 01 the balanced VIew 01 Buddnlllm os a Creat V.hicle'· hoa a layperson'. Th... ShOM, .xqulSite work eonlaillS philosophical dactr",. whIch The hrst text. 'The Records of the point 01 view andlhe language ts cor· three medllolion manuol'l wnich are und.....tands th. natur.. al human be­ Studentsand Teacnersol the Lanka, ,. respondingly slmpl.r, reflecting among Ihe earllest known records 01 ings. The Intenl of Buddhlslleacnlng gives a hlSlory 01 some 01 th.. "OrllNt greater owe thon understanding. The Zen IChon) Bucldhi!lm. These te"ls is to fll Ih. needs of people, nOt 10 1m_ leachers 01 Zen, their pnIIOllOphl<;:al style tS question·answer, 'With Ihe WQre recently rediscovered among paae unquestionable religious views and teaching methods. The Urll! moSier revealing what the liSlener the records 01 the Tang civilization, dogma, "Rellglous ull"ranc," Or. nOI lew leachers were disciples from In. wants to kna'W. Th" maSler tries to In· preaerved at Tun Huang In wealern meanl as dogmatlc statements, dla, the blrlhploce of Buddha. Later, stlll greater awareneas ,nlo Ihs Chino and dote from the early elghlh because the lrutn is not seen os the Chinese lIIudent.. 01 Ihe... holy ",entury. ltsten..r, who Is looking for clearly something lhat can be dohned Con. men become lhe leaders of Zen In outlined rules In a philosophy thot has ceptuolly 01 CQplUred in 0 Slnng of China. This "'0 beautiful prose work, none. J.e. Cleary 011..... In a loreword his words. teaching Buddhlsm lIIlIken. ....th a m_ge alii valid loday that Cleary'" transkrtlon ts very clear, eoncepUon 01 the unponance of Ih. to ~'IUlIl010 ed curiIlg lhere are th.. mind '" a .aurce of energy and wntlen In smooth Enghah prose wh.ch early Zen t.x",. taking Inlo account many dl8eose1l. there are oleo many enhgh'.nmenl, and that when we managea '0 capture Ih.. con· both their hJstoricai and phlk-:>phIcoi m-diCl~ , discover OUr 0-.. copabllities _ con templat.ve pow.r 01 the original tligrnficance. Hislorlcally. they_tva _ a reference po.intln compo...:>n to become more fully human. ....,Ihoul boring or ov"rwhelming the QuOllng from On early Zen hislory "Bodhidhanna's Treatise on Con­ read..r. He has Included.a helpiul Iol"r Buddhl$l works. _hlch were In· by Zong MI (780-841), Cleary funher lemplaling the Mind..' the MCOnd Iluence

~nly(I Wednesday. Augusl 5: Dead Or 'fhl$.- book must b.- read Wllh an Alive at Club 1235 (Miami) . ..:>rCtung nund It IS ="Inle..-mg h>stoncal ~ and a neh .....rce of Friday. August 7: Run DMC and p.aom on contemplatton '"' :he ..- ot lhe mind, 1\ the Beastie Boys with special teton.. QUI o"er Ih. :lIDWS to oller a ,yay and guests Steve Tyler and Joe Perry .,-ge thai '- .uu rele" of Aerosmith. at the Miami .~ of!&nnO (I po"'•• In the '" !ruths of human Baseball Stadium. • and (I dOClnne 01 'Ycmdequahty A£H the 'true penh, "1lCI Sunday. August 9: Patti llusbook Itself ·'It does not P~erP1avoou- will preMn\lhe Fort La~PI8yet$' 30Ih LaBelle/Atlantic Starrat the .. exuhallon or d,sputa­ annIversary production 01 "W"' Side Story," July 31 through n. h IS IUllI the mmd In August 2. PlayIng Iha,pa" of Tony. the romantic lead, Is Carlo Miami Knight Center. ene.knowlng lor It....II.·· Imperato, 0' Iha ,elev,slOn se,Ie. "Fame." For tleka' Inlorma. tlon. call 428-2277. For grot1Jl ..l.,. Informalion, call 761-5314. The Fort Lauderdale Players are sponsored by the City 01 Fort Thursday. August 13: Stryper at Lauderdale's Perks and Reerealion Deplllnment. the West Palm Beach Auditorium. 'RM1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1:aiRtlf,I ~ I Saturday. August 15: The Tubes Entertainment writers i at the Bullon South (Ft. Lauderdale) . ~ -~ wantedI i Friday/Saturday. August 21/22: Luther Vandross at the Sunrise ? Call 393-3750 for~ Musical Theatre. 'RM1BI1:ai1:ai1:ai1:ai1Bl1:ai1:ai1:aiI:al11iM Attention all Broward Students! Applications are now being taken for, Broward's new STUDENT GOVERNMENT PROGRAM BOARD

Program Board Coordinators will facilitate in the plan­ ning, promoting and administration of special activities and entertainment programs for the Browarcl campuses. These paid positions provide good experience in marketing and administrative activities. Applications are available in the Student Affairs Of­ fice at the Commercial Blvd. campus and at the Tower. Call Julie D'Amico or Cheryle Williams at 776-1240 for more information. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1987 Funded by•SO through Activity and Service Fees All-American Owls: an elite group lItE."'rl COLES 1l>ey an: pan uribe FAU Wall FAU sportS. He.... u FAU. denf'. Unlvcn.ll)'. "",-'.wlly STAff WRITER of Fame. lbe Wall of Fame or To be selected as athk~ mil)' lake • t.ck ~. 10 FAU Wall of Fame ~ ..... n.. Wall. if you will..... 001*­ 0IC'adtmw:s. bul ;S"","hal the way ~LIl1 thIng. lbe Wall •• Dan Shcfficr "'as the fint to do lion of ponralts honoring FAU an All-American ;. &bould be &. every un,vers.ly? sou'",, of pnde for "'" .... it_ Hcdid i' in 1976-n. Whitney athletes who were ..,Iec:ted •• is the dream of Being chosen an AIl_Ameri<:an lUli"",rs,"'5? Ma}be '''I auniJy in thet. r<'sp«'Uvc sporu' ~. FJonda. bu. the Wall of Fame ,. nation .. _ ref1ec.KXl on lhc IfalT yean. 01 will be ~lhef IIDdy pcaition. lCSIO""")' 10 lhc achoevements of atIJ athldo<: prOS...... of lhc stu- W ••b of F...... FAD's Owl-Americans. .. 1) Dan Sheffler. golf. 1976-77 2) Whitney Kraft. tennis. 1982-83 3) Feith Foley. baseball. 1983-84 4) Mike Ryan. baseball. 1984-85 5) Karen Gray. golf. 1985-86 6) Kris Hnat. golf. 1984-85 7) Bob Mucha. golf. 1984-85 8) Suzette Brinkerhoff. diving. 84-86 9) Bev Cox. swimming. 1985-86 ~=-=-:::======:~_""m;,~ """...jl0) Scott Hay. baseball. 1985-86 The Wall 01 f'ame is located In 'h. gymnasium...... _..... Sport Shorts Activities and Informatio

Dolphin g IS f'ollowecl by • a game of exer­ dcaI orernpMais on the: value or aoIfis ... ~.heR'sa war­ ift condit..... -...I an ,....·11 ..,. fUll course ortoc.")' driftkiaa­ cise. Not the way physical fi_ roo- lbe value or ftiftl rrom your dac.or of am""",r -...thing like this. "Oh eMi.... lO of you. body's dliropraa>C. I get. pleraly of "",erei..,. 1 play develops lhe pmUICh. it's being played _raJ iDle&nty and toc.Ith. aoIr a. Icas••wice a week." Befon: all lhe SOlf enUlllS-' nowadays. rerommend good cMd-r....""-1 Don". overdo II. You have 10 As he says the word "e"",r­ ..,. up in urns about anyone "".e.cise such as modera.e build )'OIlr capKaly fur ~iR ci"",.·· )'OIl notice his ~unch ~rltici%il\lllheir mal beloved spon. ld Doctors of calisthenics. brill< walki... and by ine...,..ina you. involv....-., ill popping over hi. panl.<. and II be kno...... ben: and now lIIal .wirruni.... Try sit-ups• .,..Ioh-up. slowly. And "",ver. never try.o ",,'. ou. Ofbread1juM rrom show­ lolr is one of.he mos. popula. chiropractic, who side ,w;SI.<, """,k """'ions. push )'Ol.lrIelfbcyond you. limila_ inl you hi. tw<>-over-par s,roIee. ..""'" in America. It's plVdue«l place a great ,ions. To protet:. your hc:allla. i• You wonder why. SOme grUlI performers like Jack Still. play golrbu' so thai in ad· is wile 10 have a checJ<_up. in_ 1bI' r.cc is du•• playltli golf I. Nicldau$ and Arnold Pal...... and deal of emphasis di.lon '0. not 1I>Slead of. mon: c1udinl an esamlnallon of your­ nco: a g...... of "",,,.dle. Not the h.. b.endilled sOme a'eat ..imula"ng ""'erei"",. And ir)'Oll "Pine IIIld nervou. syltem on a way it's beln, pl.yed nowadays. dlarides thanks 10 people like on the value of happl:n 10 belon& to a SOlr club n:aul..- btiiI. Ifan "",en:ilC pro­ True. years qo i, emalled • Bob Hope and Perry Como.....nd !hal lIill allows you ao walk and ...... is advilable. your docIor of il"s fun _ dev". coordina­ physical greaI I)' rork_ .... Florida Game and F...,.h While a 12- or 14-- poulloCll'. ,.n·. ed lail. The spoclCl may be Water Floh Commission. .ha' unusual. The billloS. dis"ngulShod rrom the whi.e ca,_ challenge. MOTI'IIo said. is 10 fish by ,lI la~. number of anal Oo1 ... _f..". catfioh doesn', rc­ roaht off the: mco;qu1loei who 1o>'C lin rays;. av~ng from 24 10 30. qu''''' any f...., rod and rel'l. or peslering ntghH'tno:! ....1""" The cur.ent Florida Sla'e an 1OS""",.,ve boat "-Sed with Bil ca,rosh can be c.ught rO

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