1945-10-13 [P B-6]
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netting J&iaf pot is Washington,-D. C., Saturday, October 13, 1945—B—6 Intersectional • Games in Wilson, Lose or Draw Eastern, Smashing Win, National Becomes Favorite WALTER McCALLUM High Light Top-Heavy By BOB McCLEAN. smith, D« Oeorge. Wilson. K<lut,*nArfi!' By Goldstone, Trzynor, B»rak, Bre«n*h»n. Interhigh Standings. Redmond. Smith. Ockershsusen, Morgan, Needs More Golf Clubs W L T W L T Wolfe. Costanzo. Hollister. J^/msse. Capital Keenly Parker, Carrico, Gilroy. Ballard. Sterling. Program Today Eastern __ o' 0 Tech _ 1 1 0 As one has come with yet no up the explanation for a situation By thr Associated Press. Anacostta 2 0 1 Western ..0 2 0 Anacostia Boosts Prestige. 0 1 Roosevelt 0 2 0 that continues to puzzle a lot of citizens in Washington who want to Coolldse.. 1 means Army’s powerful Cadets clash Wilson... 110 Central 0 2 0 That victory over Western join a country club to play golf and find themselves stymied with such with Michigan's Wolverines today added prestige for the amazing answers as “maybe, in three years,” or next spring.” It’s early In the season to make Red "perhaps in the top game of a national foot- Anacosdans because in the The truth is that almost this prediction, but in this book to- team. It plain every country club around Wash- ball program htfch lighted by inter- Raiders they beat a good Eastern is a favorite ington (there are none in the city proper^ is at the seams, sectional and interconference tilts. day topheavy was only in the final period, in fact, ljulging to last season's crowded with members, with lengthy lists of applicants awaiting The Cadets, with Passer Arnold repeat performance that Anacostia could punch home and take the 1945 interhigh foot-5 action and with locker space at a premium. During the playing Tucker in shape to handle full-time its pair of touchdowns after a three ball championship without a defeat. season some country clubs seemed like public courses on a busy Sunday, duty along with Doc Blanchard, period stalemate. There doesn’t seem to be team even with, gasoline rationing in effect. Olenn Davis and Herschel Fuson, any Anacostia’s first came on a double on the circuit that can compare with Don Dinkins later- Some day soon the Congressional Country Club will be turned are four-touchdown favorites to beat pass play when the Eastern eleven that polished off who heaved back to the membership. Those in charge at Congressional already are back Fritz Crisler’s youthful band. ailed to Willie Umholtz Wilson, 32-0, yesterday in the Ram- the end making preparations for return of the club. They believe that in Despite the sidelining of Tucker it to Gene Schroeder in bler Bowl to keep a two-year inter- a the present crowded country club situation around Washington the for a major portion of two contests, zone, and Dinkins counted again high record unblemished. The Ram- a line buck. club membership will fill up rapidly. the flashy Army squad was able to few minutes later on blers now have run up 85 points in 1 back to pile up terrific yardage in walloping 1 Western came fighting three and no other the Personnel Distribution Com- winning games, score its touchdown in the final of Will school has shown the Reopening Congressional Help mand (32-0) and Wake Forest scoring punch \ seconds on a pass from Don Lichty But when it and that should take Congressional, opens, may not be enough. Another (54-0). victory spirit to Bill Botz. good country club, perhaps two more, is needed, so many are Eastern right down the line to the people The Wolverines have been com- Walter (Doc) O’Connor, fast little there looking for a place to play golf. It's all a long way from the title. ing along fast since they were ! Western halfback, was a casualty lean yean; of 1933 and 1934, when club Trouble for the Easterners may country memberships dropped, bumped 13-7 by Indiana. They Ij of the hard-fought battle. O'Con- and for a time people said there were too many country clubs and a pop up in the once lowly Anacostia! mauled Michigan State 40-0 and nor was taken to Georgetown Hos- consolidation of some would the financial eleven that Western, be proper way to end xcu walloped 12-7, cvcucu biicu wuiii uy ; pital after fracturing his leg during distress. That has been over. Members of boards of yesterday at Fairlawn, to maintain long governors thumping Northwestern 20-7 last the third Deriod. no longer have to ask the meat man and the butter man to hold its status as the surprise team of week. Pos. Western. Anacostia. off for a month. bank accounts and the main the year. Tech, 12-0 winner over Instead, have fattened, Notre Dame was an overwhelming j L. E_Beatty _Scbroeder Roosevelt on the Riders' L T_Carpenter_Phelps worry now at most of the private clubs is where to find locker space choice to Dartmouth’s Rough grid, pulverize L. G. Rees _ Reybold and how to crowd more on the what to do with isn’t rated as much of a headache people golf course, and Eastern invaders while it was only a C. Poindexter _ Anderson lists. for the Ramblers this season. East- R. G. Moreland _Burroughs swelling waiting question of how many points Min- R. T_Parrott_Allwine ern knocked off Roosevelt, 33-6, in R. There will be resignations during the winter. There always are. nesota’s Gophers would want to roll E_Henry _ Rausch the opener two weeks Q. B_Lichty _Umholtx interhigh ago. L. But those concerned with the operation of country clubs predict that, up against the Fort Warren (Wyo.) H-O'Connor _ Kent Has Two Teams. I R. H_ AUison _ Pridgen come next spring, the same crowded situation will prevail; that again Broncos. Complete F. j B._tthler _ Dinkins the will zoom like those for downtown in an South Carolina’s Gamecocks No secret around the is the waiting lists apartments prob- loop I Western _ 0 0 0 7— 7 overcrowded city. ably will endure an inhospitable fact that Eastern actually has two Anacostia _ 0 0 0 12—13 Touchdowns — Anacostia. 8chroeder, visit with Alabama. Hie same teams, either of which complete j Dinkins: Western, Botz. Point after touch- Boom seems in store for Nebraska when it might take the title. After scoring down—Moreland ‘placement). Substitu- Tremendous Links Is Expected tions—Western, Botz, Bromley. Castro, crosses Big Six lines to meet tough almost at will against Wilson with Bannockburn and Congressional are out of ownership Fuller, Lamar, Pritchard, McIntyre; Ana- private Indiana. Tulane’s journey to Rice what might be called the "A” team, costia, Goins, Flaherty, Seymour, Foote. now. Congressional still is being used by the War Department. The should prove highly profitable. Coach Dick Mentzer sent in his ‘‘B’’ Tech's T Begins to Click. Navy has Bannockburn under a lease to run through next spring. But Some Games Close. eleven, which could be called a ‘‘sub- Tech's version of the Redskin T Bannockburn has not had a large membership for years. Perhaps Likely stitute’ lineup only at Eastern. formation 1s beginning to click and the ruggedness of the golf course had something to do with it. Some Hie only big games that may close State And It was a "B” souad halfback. the win over Roosevelt may be the people d° prefer flatter terrain. Return of Congressional will be one prove pit Michigan I Texas A. & M. Sal De who then stole the beginning of better things for the answer to the situation, but it may not be enough. against Pittsburgh, George, | Louisiana Detroit two Maroon. In the first period yester- All the people say the game is due for a tremendous upswing, against State, show by galloping to touch- j golf day the Maroon machine worked with millions where thousands before, against Mississippi in a meeting of downs. Scoring honors up to that | playing played throughout in a touchdown undefeated elevens. Texas were divided the i faultlessly 70-yard the country. That may be true, as part of the swing back to sports against COME TO PAPA—Gene Anacostia for a from Willie Umholtz point among regu- Carolina Schroeder, end, leaps high pass drive that wound up with Andy which seems to come after a war. It will make more real the over- Oklahoma, and North lar Eastern backs, with Sonny Settle j (not shown) as two Western players, Gene Allison (left) and Don Moreland, try to intercept Davis slashing off tackle to score. at of the clubs in this area. And against Pennsylvania. snaring a pass from Jack Bobb for a | crowded conditions many country from Another rare of unde- in this third-quarter action. In the Anal quarter Schroeder caught another aerial Umholtz Os- ! But the play of the game came it may not be too long before one or two clubs, as Argle did, will find meeting first-quarter tally and Jerry State to score his team’s first touchdown. Anacostia won, 12-7. —Star Staff Photo. the second quarter when Davis, their land too valuable to retain for course use. feated powers sends Penn bourne and Bobby Lyles registering jin golf on his own a formidable at An- more in the second 5-yard line, flipped The answer may be that more country clubs are needed, farther against Navy two 8-polnters | ; pass to Jim McCauley, who ran the from the city, where land values are not so high.