Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499

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Cardiorespiratory treatments as modifiers of the relationship between particulate matter and health: A case-only analysis on hospitalized patients in Italy

Sara Conti a,n, Alessandra Lafranconi b, Antonella Zanobetti c, Carla Fornari a, Fabiana Madotto a, Joel Schwartz c, Giancarlo Cesana a a Research Centre on Public Health. Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods. University of Milano – Bicocca. Via Cadore 48, I-20052 Monza, (MB), Italy b School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. Department of Health Sciences. University of Milano – Bicocca. Via Cadore, 48, I-20052 Monza, (MB), Italy c Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, P.O. Box 15698, Landmark Center-415-K, Boston, MA 02215, USA article info abstract

Article history: Background: A few panel and toxicological studies suggest that health effects of particulate matter (PM) Received 29 May 2014 might be modified by intake, but whether this modification is confirmed in the general Received in revised form population or for more serious outcomes is still unknown. 8 August 2014 Objectives: We carried out a population-based pilot study in order to assess how pre-hospitalization Accepted 5 September 2014 medical treatments modify the relationship between PMo10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM ) and Available online 26 November 2014 10 the risk of cardiorespiratory admission. Keywords: Methods: We gathered information on hospitalizations for cardiorespiratory causes, together with pre- Particulate matter admission pharmacological treatments, that occurred during 2005 in seven cities located in Lombardy Pharmacological treatments (Northern Italy). City-specificPM concentrations were measured at fixed monitoring stations. Each Effect modification 10 treatment of interest was analyzed separately through a case-only approach, using generalized additive Case-only analysis models accounting for sex, age, comorbidities, temperature and simultaneous intake of other drugs. Analyses were stratified by season and, if useful, by age and sex.

Results: Our results showed a higher effect size for PM10 on respiratory admissions in subjects treated 3 with theophylline (Odds Ratio (OR) of treatment for an increment of 10 μg/m in PM10 concentration: 1.119; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.013–1.237), while for cardiovascular admissions treatment with cardiac therapy (OR: 0.967, 95% CI: 0.940–0.995) and modifying agents (OR: 0.962, 95% CI: 0.931–0.995) emerged as a protective factor, especially during the warm season. Evidence of a protective effect against the pollutant was found for glucocorticoids and respiratory admissions. Conclusions: Our study showed that the treatment with cardiac therapy and lipid modifying agents

might mitigate the effect of PM10 on cardiovascular health, while the use of theophylline seems to enhance the effect of the pollutant, possibly due to confounding by indication. It is desirable to extend the analyses to a larger population. & 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2011). PM exposure has been associated with short-term increases in hospital admissions for many health outcomes, such as asthma, The scientific literature from the last 20 years consistently chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory tract related ambient particulate matter (PM) exposure with an infections (mainly pneumonia), cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic increased risk of hospital admission for broadly defined respira- diseases (especially myocardial infarction (MI)), heart failure tory or cardiovascular causes (Brook et al., 2010; Rückerl et al., and arrhythmia. All the studies support the hypothesis that high levels of PM are associated with short-term increase in hospital admissions for exacerbation of the disease in a susceptible n Corresponding author. Fax: þ39 0264488169. population (Dominici et al., 2006; Gold and Samet, 2013; E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Conti), Medina-Ramon et al., 2006b; Peters et al., 2000; Rich et al., [email protected] (A. Lafranconi), 2004; Vedal et al., 2004; Wellenius et al., 2006; Zanobetti and [email protected] (A. Zanobetti), [email protected] (C. Fornari), [email protected] (F. Madotto), [email protected] (J. Schwartz), Schwartz, 2005; Zanobetti and Schwartz 2006; Zanobetti et al., [email protected] (G. Cesana). 2000). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2014.09.007 0013-9351/& 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 492 S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499

Ambient PM is therefore widely recognized as an important than a pre-specified threshold, overcoming the issue of non optimal data quality and modifiable determinant of respiratory and cardiovascular (Fornari et al., 2008; Madotto et al., 2013). In detail, we followed-up each resident of the seven cities from January 1st diseases (Bernstein et al., 2004; Brunekreef and Holgate, 2002). 2005, or the date of immigration, up to December 31st 2005 or the day of Exposure to PM has been shown to induce the activation of emigration or death, whichever came first. For each subject we extracted from alveolar macrophages (Bouthillier et al., 1998; Driscoll et al., the DWH all HDs occurring in 2005 and reporting one of the following cardiovas- 1995), mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) (MacNee and cular or respiratory diagnoses in at least one of the first two causes of discharge: acute respiratory infections [International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Donaldson, 2003) and calcium (Brown et al., 2004), to diminish Modification 9th Revision (ICD-9-CM) codes 460–466]; pneumonia and influenza the clearance of activated macrophages (Brown et al., 2002), and (ICD-9-CM codes 480–487); chronic bronchitis (ICD-9-CM code 491); asthma to cause damage of the respiratory epithelium (Gualtieri et al., (ICD-9-CM code 493); lung abscess (ICD-9-CM code 513.0); other diseases of lung 2009). These in turn are linked to asthma exacerbation, especially (ICD-9-CM code 518.8); ischemic heart disease (ICD-9-CM codes 410–414); diseases – in children, worsening of COPD and pneumonia (Delfino et al., of pulmonary circulation (ICD-9-CM codes 415 417) and other forms of heart – fl disease (ICD-9-CM codes 420 429). HDs also included information on patients' sex 2004; Donaldson et al., 2000). The systemic in ammatory and age. Subsequent hospitalizations related to the same patient were considered response and the production of ROS have been related also to as the same event. atherogenesis, plaque destabilization and rupture, which causes Furthermore, using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, such as MI and System, we identified all the medical prescriptions for a selection of respiratory and cardiovascular drugs that were actually purchased during 2005 by the study stroke (Bai et al., 2007; Dockery, 2001; Donaldson et al., 2001; population. With regards to respiratory prescriptions, we included systemic and Frampton, 2001; Mills et al., 2009; Zanobetti and Schwartz, 2005). topical drugs routinely used to treat asthma, COPD and pneumonia, as there is Mediators of the same process have been identified responsible of evidence that they could modify the effects of PM on the respiratory system vessel and cardiac remodeling (Baccarelli et al., 2008; Ying et al., (Delfino et al., 1998; Silverman et al., 1992; von Klot et al., 2002). Through their fi fi 2009). Finally exposure to PM has been associated with disorders molecular structures and exposure routes, we identi ed ve different classes: systemic glucocorticoids (ATC code H02AB01, H02AB04, H02AB07), of autonomic function of the vessels, like acute vasoconstriction inhalants (ATC code R03AC02, R03AC12, R03AC13, R03AK04, R03AK06, and arterial blood pressure changes, and of the heart, including R03AK07), glucocorticoid inhalants (ATC code R03BA01, R03BA02, R03BA03, increased heart rate, decreased heart variability, increased elec- R03BA05), anticholinergic inhalants (ATC code R03BB01, R03BB02, R03BB04) and trical instability and increased cardiac arrhythmias (Bartoli et al., theophylline (ATC code R03DA04). As for the cardiovascular prescriptions, we included the whole category of drugs for the cardiovascular system (ATC code 2009; Brook et al., 2002; Chan et al., 2004; Ren et al., 2010; starting with C). Since some toxicological studies suggested that antiarrhythmics Zanobetti et al., 2009). (Brown et al., 2007; Rhoden et al., 2005) and (Miyata et al., 2012; Miyata Over the last decade, some researchers have examined the et al., 2013; Sakamoto et al., 2009) could modify the effect of PM on the relationship between environmental pollution and drug consump- cardiovascular system, we divided the cardiovascular prescriptions into three fi tion, for instance analyzing the increased use of asthma medica- branches: cardiac therapy ( rst 3 characters of the ATC code C01), including fi fi fi antiarrhythmics; lipid modifying agents ( rst 3 characters of the ATC code C10), tion in association with ambient ne and ultra ne particles (von including statins; all other cardiovascular treatments (first 3 characters of the ATC Klot et al., 2002), or looking at how modulates code C02 C03 C04 C05 C07 C08 C09). cytokine production by human alveolar macrophages and bron- We finally restricted the analyses to cases who underwent at least one of the chial epithelial cells, following the exposure to PMo10 μmin selected hospitalizations, and built dummy variables indicating which treatments aerodynamic diameter (PM )(Sakamoto et al., 2009). A study has every subject was undergoing prior to hospitalization. We considered a patient 10 treated with systemic glucocorticoids, cardiac therapy, lipid modifying agents or fl explored the effect of statins on the PM-induced in ammatory other cardiovascular treatments if he had purchased at least one of these drugs response and has shown that outcomes related to PM exposure, during the two months preceding the hospitalization. Similarly, a patient was like heart rate variability, are modified by the use of statins in considered treated with adrenergic inhalants, glucocorticoid inhalants, anticholi- certain subgroups of the population (Schwartz et al., 2005). nergic inhalants or theophylline if we observed at least one purchase of these drugs during the month preceding the hospitalization. The length of the pre- Although these studies have produced evidence of a potential hospitalization observational time was dictated by the fact that Italian law (Legge interaction between PM10 and medical treatments, the analyses of n. 388 23 dicembre, 2000; Legge n. 405 16 novembre, 2001) establishes that a such an interaction remain sporadic and focus on selected pathol- maximum of two blister packs of the same therapy can be dispensed with a single ogies and active agents, probably due to the difficulties of obtain- prescription, and that we observed that two blister packs of the selected therapies ing pharmacologic data concerning a wide sample of individuals. can last a maximum of either one or 2 months, depending on the treatment. In order to avoid misclassification arising from different pre-hospitalization follow-up In the present pilot study we investigated the effect of PM10 on durations, we excluded all admissions preceded by less than two months of respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions in a sample of observation, thereby eliminating all hospitalizations occurred in January and the resident population of Lombardy, a region of Northern Italy, February 2005. during the year 2005. Our aim was to explore a potential modification of the pollutant effects due to pre-hospitalization 2.2. Environmental data medical treatment.

The Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA, Italian acronym) of 2. Materials and methods Lombardy collects data about weather conditions and pollutant concentrations by means of monitoring stations located all over the region. For each of the examined cities, ARPA provided time-series of the year 2005 of daily average concentration of 2.1. Health data PM10, temperature and relative humidity, measured from all the stations located

within 10 km from the city-center. Since the number of PM10 monitoring stations The Lombardy Health System provided data on hospital admissions and that fulfilled this criterion was low, we gave priority to the background stations, but medical prescriptions that occurred during year 2005 to the residents in the cities we included also traffic or industrial monitors if the correlation between their of Sesto San Giovanni, Monza, Bergamo, Lodi, Mantova, Sondrio and Saronno. These measurements and those from the background stations was sufficiently high seven cities were chosen because they are located in areas that differ both for (Pearson and Lin's correlation coefficientZ0.8 (Lin, 1989)) or if such sites were morphology and degree of urbanization and therefore provide a range of PM located within the city of interest in areas with high population density. We exposures. Data were extracted from the data warehouse (DWH) DENALI, which provide a map of the study area, together with the locations of the selected PM10 incorporates various administrative healthcare databases, including those of monitoring stations in Appendix A (Fig. A.1). hospital discharges (HD) and medical prescriptions. One of the distinguishing We considered eligible for the analyses all the time-series with less than 25% features of DENALI is the probabilistic reconstruction of links (probabilistic record missing data and separately for each city we imputed the missing values following linkage (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969)) among databases without a unique identifier and the methodology adopted in the MISA study (Biggeri et al., 2001). We subsequently with missing, defective or incorrect records. In short, probabilistic record linkage averaged the obtained daily time-series for each city, thus assessing the city- uses available individual information (e.g. demographic characteristics) to compute specific daily exposure to air pollution concentration and climatic conditions. a matching probability that is proportional to the concordance among information Finally, we computed the time-series of apparent temperature basing on the of interest. Two records are assigned to the same person if the probability is higher averaged time-series of temperature and relative humidity (Berti et al., 2009). S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499 493

fi 2.3. Statistical analyses tested for relative effect modi cation, as described in literature (Faustini et al., 2012).

We used a case-only approach, originally applied in the investigation of gene- environment interactions, in order to evaluate the potential modification due to medical treatment of the effect of PM10 exposure on hospital admissions for 3. Results cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. Several investigators (Armstrong, 2003; Medina-Ramon and Schwartz, 2008; Medina-Ramon et al., 2006a; Schwartz, 2005) pointed out that this approach was suitable to analyze how the effect of a In Table 1 we report mean and standard deviation (SD) of fi time-varying exposure (e.g. PM10 concentration) is modi ed by some individual daily mean concentration of PM10 together with the number of characteristics that do not vary over time (e.g. sex, age and medical treatment, residents and of cardiorespiratory admissions in the selected when considering two months of observation). It consists in modeling the relation- cities during 2005. The study population included 471868 ship between the conditional probability of observing the hypothesized modifier given that the subject is a case as a function of the time-varying exposure of resident individuals. We selected 2821 hospital admissions with interest and the possible confounders. In order to allow a more flexible control for a respiratory diagnosis and 5831 hospital admissions with a confounding through splines, we decided to use a logistic generalized additive cardiovascular diagnosis. As far as the exposure is concerned, model, rather than the usually employed logistic generalized linear model. Though the average daily concentration in the study area was 47 μg/m3 this approach provides greater statistical power to examine interactions, the fi number of events was still limited enough that we decided to analyze the area (SD 29.52) and it was signi cantly (P-value Wilcoxon test, as a whole, rather than stratifying on city. o0.0001) higher during the cold season as compared with the We performed the analyses for the whole study period, as well as stratifying on warm one. cold (October to March) and warm period (April to September), and we carried out Among the 2821 hospital admissions for respiratory causes separate analyses for hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular 1558 occurred during the warm season (Table 2). Females con- diseases: for the former, we evaluated only the effect modification due to respiratory drugs, while for the latter we focused on cardiovascular treatments. stituted 42.96% of the admissions, and most of the hospitalizations We fitted separate models using each category of drugs as the dependent variable. (64.06%) affected subjects aged more than 64 years. Furthermore, Long and short term confounding was considered, and we included in the model a 17.44% of the hospitalizations regarded subjects younger than 20 linear predictor for the date and a categorical variable for the day of the week; years. The most commonly used respiratory treatments were potential heterogeneity between cities was controlled with a categorical predictor indicative of the city of residence of the hospitalized patient. Since many subjects adrenergic inhalants (12.73%), followed by systemic (11.63%) and received more than one treatment at a time, we included in the model dummy inhaled (10.67%) glucocorticoids. The 5831 examined hospital variables indicating whether the patient took other cardiovascular or respiratory discharges with a cardiovascular cause were divided into 3465 in addition to the analyzed one, in order to capture the modification during the warm and 2366 during the cold season (Table 2). due to the single drug. Moreover, we adjusted for sex and age, respectively through Females contributed 42.94% of the hospitalizations and a substan- a binary variable and a penalized cubic regression spline with 3 or 4 knots, depending on the outcome being analyzed. Furthermore we accounted for patients' tial proportion of admissions (77.86%) occurred in people aged pathologic conditions at hospitalization through Charlson Comorbidity Index more than 64 years. 37.04% of the admissions regarded people (Charlson et al., 1987; Quan et al., 2005), as computed on the six diagnoses who had a pre-hospitalization treatment with cardiac therapy. fi reported in the HD. This index is a score de ning patient's complexity and it is Subjects received a pre-hospitalization treatment with lipid mod- computed by identifying which comorbidites within a wide set, ranging from MI to AIDS/HIV (see Quan et al., 2005 for the complete list), affect the patient, and ifying agents in 22.26% of the admissions, and other cardiovascular subsequently summing them up with specific weights. We included this Index in drugs in 65.80%. the model either in a linear form or as a penalized cubic regression spline with The results of the case-only analyses to evaluate the potential 3 knots, depending on which model fitted better according to the Akaike Informa- modification of the effect of PM10 exposure on hospital admissions tion Criterion (AIC). In addition, we evaluated the performance of various models to for cardiorespiratory diseases due to respiratory and cardiovascu- control for the potential confounding due to temperature: we included tempera- ture or apparent temperature at different lags (up to 6 days) in either a linear or a lar drugs are shown in Table 3 in terms of Odds Ratio (OR) related μ 3 fi fi spline form. Finally, we built different models introducing a linear term of PM10 to an increase of 10 g/m in pollution. A signi cant modi cation concentration at different lags (up to 6 days). Based on the AIC we chose to include of the effect of PM10 on respiratory hospitalizations emerged only a linear term of the apparent temperature of the day of hospitalization and the for theophylline, for which we observed a significant and positive average of PM concentrations on the day of admission and on the previous day. 10 effect (OR: 1.119, 95% CI: 1.013–1.237), which persisted during the In case we observed a significant effect modification, we stratified the analysis first by sex and then by age, to investigate if there are potential susceptible cold season (OR: 1.178, 95% CI: 1.027–1.351). Furthermore, sys- subpopulations. Age was categorized into three groups for respiratory admissions: temic and inhaled glucocorticoids showed a protective, though not age 0–19, age 20–64, age 65þ, and two categories for cardiovascular admissions: statistically significant, effect against PM10, especially during the – þ age 0 64 and age 65 . warm season. Seasonal differences in the distribution of demographic characteristics and fi treatments were tested through Chi-square test of association or Wilcoxon test, For effect modi cation due to cardiovascular treatments before whichever was more appropriate. The differences between the estimated Odds cardiovascular admissions and considering the overall analysis, Ratio of prescription for warm and cold period and for the stratified analyses were a significant effect modification emerged for cardiac therapy

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of PM10 concentration, resident population and number of hospital admissions in the selected cities during the year 2005.

3 City of residence PM10 (μg/m ) - Mean (SD) Population N admissions

Warm seasona Cold seasonb Overall Respiratory Cardiovascular

Total 30 (15.08) 64 (30.93) 47 (29.52) 471868 2821 5831 Saronno 28 (18.18) 64 (36.03) 46 (33.65) 37465 341 549 Sondrio 26 (16.17) 56 (26.06) 41 (26.41) 21839 132 295 Monza 29 (11.33) 59 (27.63) 44 (25.94) 122112 558 1207 Sesto San Giovanni 33 (14.79) 72 (33.45) 52 (32.28) 83486 594 1082 Bergamo 29 (13.50) 60 (28.66) 45 (27.05) 116354 524 1378 Mantova 34 (14.11) 60 (26.36) 47 (24.98) 47887 355 747 Lodi 31 (15.28) 74 (33.00) 52 (33.29) 42725 317 573

a April – September. b October – March. 494 S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499

Table 2 Demographic characteristics and treatments at hospitalization.

Characteristic Respiratory hospitalizations Cardiovascular hospitalizations

Warm season Cold season Total Warm season Cold season Total (N¼1558) (N¼1263) (N¼2821) (N¼3465) (N¼2366) (N¼5831)

Demographic characteristics Female - N(%) 662 (42.5) 550 (43.5) 1212 (43.0) 1484 (42.8) 1020 (43.1) 2504 (42.9)

Age at hospitalization Mean (SD) 62 (27.3)c 58 (31.6) 60 (29.4) 72 (12.6) 72 (12.7) 72 (12.6) Median (Q1a – Q3b) 72.5 (56–81) 71 (36–81) 72 (48–81) 74 (66–81) 74 (66–81) 74 (66–81)

Ageclass at hospitalization - N(%) 0–19 219 (14.0) 273 (21.6) 492 (17.4) 10 (0.3) 9 (0.9) 19 (0.3) 20–64 305 (19.6)d 217 (17.2) 522 (18.5) 753 (21.7) 519 (21.9) 1272 (21.8) Z 65 1034 (66.4)d 773 (61.2) 1807 (64.1) 2702 (78.0) 1838 (77.7) 4540 (77.9)

Charlson Index Mean (SD) 1.29 (1.6)c 1.17 (1.5) 1.24 (1.6) 1.11 (1.3) 1.16 (1.3) 1.13 (1.3) Median (Q1a – Q3b)1(0–2) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2) 1 (0–2)

Previous respiratory treatments - N(%) Systemic glucocorticoids 184 (11.8) 144 (11.4) 328 (11.6) 132 (3.8) 78 (3.3) 210 (3.6) Adrenergic inhalants 187 (12.0) 172 (13.6) 359 (12.7) 94 (2.7) 68 (2.9) 162 (2.8) Glucocorticoid inhalants 158 (10.1) 143 (11.3) 301 (10.7) 93 (2.7) 83 (3.5) 176 (3.0) Anticholinergic inhalants 120 (7.7) 94 (7.4) 214 (7.6) 62 (1.8) 39 (1.6) 101 (1.7) Theophylline 43 (2.8) 35 (2.8) 78 (2.8) 18 (0.5) 21 (0.9) 39 (0.7)

Previous cardiovascular treatments - N (%) Cardiac therapy 291 (18.7) 250 (19.8) 541 (19.2) 1327 (38.3)e 833 (35.2) 2160 (37.0) Lipid modifying agents 116 (7.4) 75 (5.9) 191 (6.8) 784 (22.6) 514 (21.7) 1298 (22.3) All other cv drugs 679 (43.6) 508 (40.2) 1187 (42.1) 2285 (65.95) 1552 (65.6) 3837 (65.8)

a 1st quartile. b 3rd quartile. c P-value of Wilcoxon test o0.05 vs Cold season. d P-value of Chi-square test o0.05 vs Cold season, pairwise comparison with age 0–19. e P-value of Chi-square test o0.05 vs Cold season.

Table 3

Association between exposure to PM10 and drug prescription among hospitalized subjects.

Modifier Total Warm season Cold season

ORa 95% CIb ORa 95% CIb ORa 95% CIb

Respiratory treatments Systemic glucocorticoids 0.940 0.823–1.075 0.984 0.907–1.067 0.960 0.903–1.020 Adrenergic inhalants 1.034 0.905–1.181 0.991 0.920–1.067 1.006 0.951–1.065 Glucocorticoids inhalants 0.887 0.759–1.036 0.991 0.915–1.074 0.988 0.929–1.052 Anticholinergic inhalants 1.014 0.858–1.198 0.987 0.892–1.092 0.991 0.919–1.068 Theophylline 1.131 0.880–1.453 1.178c 1.027–1.351 1.119c 1.013–1.237

Cardiovascular treatments Cardiac therapy 0.922c 0.866–0.982 0.982 0.945–1.021 0.967c 0.940–0.995 Lipid modifying agents 0.923c 0.859–0.992 0.971 0.928–1.017 0.962c 0.931–0.995 All others cv drugs 0.958 0.900–1.021 1.006 0.966–1.048 0.997 0.968–1.027

a 3 Relative odds of prescription for an increment of 10 μg/m of PM10. b 95% Confidence interval. c P-value o0.05.

(OR: 0.967, 95% CI: 0.940–0.995) and lipid modifying agents (OR: The results of the analyses stratified by gender (Fig. 1) con- 0.962, 95% CI: 0.931–0.995). The trend observed for the whole year firmed a significant protective effect modification due to the use of was confirmed both in the warm and in the cold season, though cardiac therapy and lipid modifying agents respectively on males only the estimates for the warm season statistically differed from and females, during the warm season. The age stratification unity: the estimated OR was 0.922 (95% CI: 0.866–0.982) for confirmed the trend observed in the general population for both cardiac therapy and 0.923 (95% CI: 0.859–0.992) for lipid modify- age classes, but the effect modification emerged as statistically ing agents. significant only in people older than 64 years. S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499 495

Fig. 1. Association between PM10 and prescription of cardiac therapy and lipid modifying agents among cases hospitalized for cardiovascular causes. Results stratified by a 3 season, sex and age classes. Vertical lines represent 95% Confidence Intervals. Odds Ratio of prescription for an increment of 10 μg/m in PM10 concentration.

4. Discussion Our interpretation is that the hospitalized patients with prior theophylline treatment are those who do not tolerate or respond We carried out a study on a subarea of Lombardy with to first-line treatment, often with a more compromised health a population of approximately 470,000 people. Importantly, our condition. analysis included the whole population of that area, avoiding some Our analysis showed an overall protective pattern for cardio- selection bias. Using a case-only analysis, we showed that pre- vascular medications, reaching statistical significance for both hospitalization cardiovascular and respiratory pharmacological cardiac therapy and lipid modifying agents. treatments are potential modifiers of the association between To our knowledge, no epidemiological studies have analyzed

PM10 concentration and cardiovascular or respiratory hospitaliza- the interaction between exposure to PM10, cardiovascular dis- tions. The observed modification was particularly strong for turbances and intake of cardiac therapy, a broad class of phar- theophylline, which increased the risk of PM-associated respira- macological treatments including drugs used to manage tory admissions, and for lipid modifying agents, which reduced the congestive heart failure, hypertension and arrhythmia. However, risk of PM-associated cardiovascular admissions. Another interest- it should be considered that epidemiological studies (Anderson ing finding was that cardiac therapy drugs appear to play a similar et al., 2010; Peters et al., 2000; Rich et al., 2004; Vedal et al., protective role, which to our knowledge has never been detected 2004)confirmed the relationship between exposure to PM10 and previously. arrhythmia, and some toxicological findings (Brown et al., 2007; In our analysis of the effect of consumption of respiratory drugs Rhoden et al., 2005) suggested possible interaction between on the relationship between PM10 and respiratory admissions, antiarrhythmic drugs and exposure to PM10. Human studies a protective pattern was noticed for glucocorticoids. Other authors showed that the exposure to atmospheric particulate is related support our findings: Silverman et al. (1992) analyzed a sample of with episodes of cardiac arrhythmia and, from a therapeutic asthmatic subjects and suggested that the therapy with xanthines, point of view, with the activation of implantable cardioverter oral and inhaled glucocorticoids or adrenergic medications could defibrillators. In particular, Peters et al. (2000) followed a group ameliorate the potential adverse effect of the exposure to the of 100 patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator for pollutant during winter. Delfino et al. (1998) investigated a panel 2 years and concluded that high concentrations of particulate of asthmatic children and concluded that the probability of matter could lead to potentially fatal arrhythmias; similar results developing respiratory symptoms related to PM10 is lower in were obtained by Vedal et al. (2004) and Rich et al. (2004). subjects treated with inhaled corticosteroids. Our study adds to Anderson et al. (2010) identified a positive association between these by examining the entire population of seven cities, rather episodes of activation of the defibrillator and the concentration of than sensitive subgroups, and by looking at more serious out- pollutants. A toxicological study was carried out by Brown et al. comes – hospital admissions. (2007): he analyzed the mouse macrophage cell line J774 and

As far as the increased effect of PM10 observed in those showed that synthetic oxidants, like tBHP, induced TNF-alpha subjects who use theophylline, it should be noted that this drug production via calcium signaling; , an antiarrhythmic has a modest anti-inflammatory potential at low doses, and at drug targeted on calcium channels, was observed to inhibit higher doses it acts as bronchodilator; it is commercialized in calcium signaling, thus reducing the effect of exposure. Further- sustained-release formulations, for chronic therapy of asthma more he explored possible interactions between PM10-treated and COPD, and in short-acting formulation, for disease exacer- macrophages and lung epithelial cells in a conditioned medium bation. 2005 guidelines on asthma and COPD did not recommend derived from activated monocytes: the release of TNF-alpha and the use of short-acting theophylline (slower onset of action and IL-8 was shown to be increased and the expression of ICAM-1 on higher risk of side effects), and limited the use of slow-release epithelial cells was also enhanced; all the effects were prevented theophylline to those patients who did not achieve control on by pre-treatment with Verapamil. Another in vivo study (Rhoden inhaled glucocorticosteroids alone, and anyways as second line, et al., 2005) showed that the increments in heart chemilumines- after the association of glucocorticoids and long-acting inhaled cence and wet/dry ratio, a measure of the water content of an β2- (Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), 2005; Global organ that can indicate the presence of edema, induced by urban Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), 2005). ambient particles and concentrated ambient particles could be 496 S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499 prevented by pre-treating the experimental subjects with ateno- occurred, because DENALI does not gather information on the lol, a beta-blocking agent. actual compliance. This might have led to a certain amount of As far as the observed protective effect of lipid modifying agents misclassification. However, it should be noted that misclassifica- intake is concerned, in Lombardy the most commonly prescribed tion should be stronger for acute treatments which can be agents are statins and Schwartz et al. (2005) highlighted that in suspended after a short period of time, while lipid modifying certain population subgroups the use of statins seems to counteract agents and cardiac therapy are mainly chronic. Furthermore, some of the adverse effects of PM2.5. Similarly, a study carried out thanks to DENALI we know when the medications were pur- on a panel of diabetic patients (O’Neill et al., 2007) pointed out that chased; this should more likely indicate that they were the use of statins seems to reduce the inflammatory and endothelial actually taken. response to PM exposure. Furthermore, a multi-city European study Due to the use of the case-only approach, the results were (Rückerl et al., 2007) investigated the effect of PM on blood markers expressed as relative odds. This means that it was impossible to of inflammation among MI survivors, most of whom were treated ascertain whether the negative association between pre- with statins. Results highlighted an increase in interleukin-6, but no hospitalization treatments and PM10 concentration represented variation in C-reactive protein blood levels, suggesting a protective a decrease in risk in days with a higher concentration of PM10 or a less effect of the drug. pronounced increase as compared with subjects who were not treated. Sakamoto et al. (2009) looked at the effects of statins on Furthermore there is an intrinsic limitation regarding the

PM10-induced cytokine production in human bronchial epithelial exposure measurement, because it was impossible to establish cells and alveolar macrophages, to confirm the presumed anti- whether the measured PM10 concentration coincided with the real inflammatory effect of the drug itself. His results suggested that exposure of the subject for different reasons: we did not have data atorvastatin could interfere with the production of PM-induced about indoor air pollution; we used outdoor measurements form cytokine by alveolar macrophages, but not by bronchial epithelial monitoring stations, that might poorly represent personal expo- cells; the medication seemed to modulate the production of sure; each subject was assigned the average exposure of his city, as mediators, thus influencing the inflammatory response to PM10, DENALI did not include information on residents' addresses and which is believed to play a role in the cardiovascular diseases. daily movements. Similar conclusions were shown by two in vivo studies (Miyata Finally, we analyzed multiple outcomes and potential modi- et al., 2012; Miyata et al., 2013), which demonstrated that fiers: specifically 2 outcomes (respiratory and cardiovascular intake can attenuate the PM10-induced inflammation by reducing hospitalizations), with respectively 5 (systemic glucocorticoids, the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and polymorphonuclear adrenergic inhalants, glucocorticoid inhalants, anticholinergics leukocytes and by enhancing the activity of alveolar macrophages inhalants, theophylline) and 3 (cardiac therapy, lipid modifying thereby promoting the clearance of particles from the lung. agents, all other cv drugs) modifiers. We believe that this set is Some limitations of our analysis should be noted. The major limited enough to reasonably infer that our results might not be limitation in any observational study examining therapeutic drug given by chance, but more work is needed to confirm our findings. use as a modifier of an exposure is confounding by indication (Psaty In spite of all the limitations, this study shows the advantage of et al., 1999), that occurs when a certain treatment is actually a proxy using administrative databases, which contain information about for some patients' characteristics and therefore the estimated inter- the whole population of the study area. Thanks to DENALI, we action between exposure and treatment is actually an interaction reconstructed each subject's medical history by linking different between the exposure and these characteristics. This issue clearly databases, and we could analyze hospitalizations together with emerged in the analysis of the effect modification due to theophyl- medical prescriptions on every single subject living in the selected line: it is plausible that the intake of this drug is a proxy for the cities. We were therefore able to develop one of the first studies to patients' compromised health condition, that in turn makes them investigate the pharmacological treatment as an effect modifier of more susceptible to the effect of PM. If the same conclusions should PM pollution in real-world settings. Though on a small sample of apply to cardiac therapy and lipid modifying agents, we should expect individuals, we analyzed a more variegated and wide population these treatments to be proxies for some individual condition that as compared with previous studies, which were forced to select reduce susceptibility to air pollution: it might be argued that subjects only a small cohort of patients and to follow them up in order to who are treated are those who receive better medical attention, but establish which medical treatment they used. under this assumption we would expect to observe similar results when analyzing all the other cardiovascular drugs, while we did not. We therefore conclude that the risk reduction we estimated plausibly 5. Conclusions identifies a real protective effect of cardiac therapy and lipid modify- ing agents against PM. The findings of our study provide a better insight of the

A further limitation, as this was a pilot study, is that the interaction between pharmacological treatments and PM10 on selected population was relatively small and the observational health outcomes. Although this is a pilot study, it gives some time was short (just one year), therefore the resulting number of interesting indication of cardiac therapy and lipid modifying events proved to be too small to build an analysis based on a agents having a protective effect against the negative conse- generalized additive model. This limitation was overcome thanks quences of exposure to PM10. Moreover, it detects a synergy to the use of the case-only approach, but because of the limited between PM10 and theophylline, which is likely due to confound- number of cases no analysis stratified by diagnosis could be ing by indication, and suggests that treated subjects are more carried out. We were therefore forced not to make any distinction complex and therefore more susceptible to the pollutant's effect. between different subgroups of respiratory or cardiovascular It is desirable to widen the study, expanding the temporal period discharges. Pathologies affected by PM10 through different path- or the geographical area of interest. ways (e.g. asthma and COPD) had to be grouped together. Another possible limitation is our definition of pre-treated subjects. Indeed, the observational time was too short to distin- Acknowledgments guish between chronic and acute treatments; furthermore we assumed that the subject was really taking the medication and This study was supported by Cariplo Foundation (project that the active agent was still effective as the hospitalization entitled "Tossicità del particolato atmosferico e marker molecolari S. Conti et al. / Environmental Research 136 (2015) 491–499 497

Fig. A.1. Location of the cities involved in the study and of the selected PM10 monitoring stations.

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