INCO TRIANGLE Pane Panying Layout to Give Its Readers an Idei 0F What the Country Is Like: IE-IA.ID I-I1i If Ic 1
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VO1,UI E ('UPPER ('LI FL ()'I'\R I( ) UV EM II ER. I)45 N [\I !i ER M Levack Mine Has Veiy Picturesque Setting DISCOVERY OF ORE IN PLACE REESE IS HONORED I)iin,ild J. Reese. head of the Iron Non MADE BY JAMES STOBIE IN 1889 -: Nickel Conipnv. Inc iii Ness York was pre- In the autumn of 1887 the prospector James Stobie was , who credited ss tb inred wrrh a ' Tr'hure of \ppreciation assard several of the major nickel discoveries in the Sudbury District, undertook a careFul 'for distinguished er' iee to the Giivornrneni examination of the rock cuttings and gravel pits on that part of the Canadian Pacific 'nd the gray ron foundry industry by he Railway lying between the stations of Larchwood and Cartier. Gras' Iron Fouuder Socu'ts, n.itiiin.iI --on iii ni.inufartu:-ers if engini'i'ring gras' Near Windy Lake , and also in the township ' - coos, at rh' trade groups l,th inniirI (miii- o[ Levack, he found some boulders cniaining '0, 888, NicConneil ipphed to purchase. in . - I nti in in - 0 ago. ore of the Sudhurv type, hut snow fell before h pitent for ths pirrel was issued to him on could li'c,(t(' ore in plare, Two years later h October 0, 1889, h0c patent for rlti' iiith \'(' her I Set11' in. ii'i-tIiIiiii il h Socie'' resumed his torch and located he gossin- ihree guarrcrs ui lot ssent to Stoke tin - to presuitwig host ill .is,ird ii \Ir Petit 5100ed (intern1' tnt the south part itt lot 7 md enther 4 uI thi' ssonu rear 540: 'lou cay!' he nuntiti 4 .Sreat (ti,454444' 0. lust 6 in the si 'iii ion ci'i.sio ii. also tin loi 4 in .too rue, .uiutinduig sirs' it-es 0 I,. gris rh- I i sack Nlin e, is ii ciu iu' t i li t - ia ll , d usa , - li' fiiiirih iin(.',suiit, I)uruig thi ear olter 'miii Iiwndrs iiidiiiiru o'tiliiilili' fli5SiStdii fl - - the first deposit locireil nit he Nit; them R,inu' ihi' di'piisit tin k iiuurih h,i,f ,f lit ô . ' I ruin \1iril I') U ii; lelirtisiut. 194', is (ho'? - of the Suuihiiru' Boon ,ilih,i,gli (It 0 discos i'rv -' hid oi'en fiuund liv a toiip1i' if Indians on if he Iron ass] Sti 'I \l,insif,icisirins' S'tiiii - w as ((Ole tset , ur i ' i n s clear iaea c o uld hi s i' ' 5 behalf or Rinaldo &lr(,onni'll, another outstand- 'nO in ,sthi'r ri'spoiisihl enos ituui'm iii lii' \\ ii propeorusr sf rhi' earls jays. Os Ns:-:rb,'' lConisnssi'd (Sn Page 141 lb tuil:ii-to'ts Ru - I (N.INCOlIANkL ltiililE.litfl hr ill i'iiiplvt'. of The Inter- ii,itli,iiil '. lt-kt'l ( riiiteiii f(iiia.ili. l,liiiltt'tl. lIon 'II. ISO nilnir. ElItlIr ROLL OF HONOR L:l)I'I-olll tI. (SF'I-lf 'I': fOIIER ('1.111', OY','F. :''°'.':",'- iiii:. u i: iii•:i I I'ftE.EIt%; sI IL t 'i-' 'iii: .m:e4. \'OI..t'Mf ' OVFMUhR. I45 NCMBER AUBREY A. RODGERS ALBERT S. BLANCHARD C. J. FISHER Erood Mine Copper Cliff Mechanical Copper Cliff CLAUDE R. MOORE FRED GREEN FURWEDD OWEN Crtighton 1ine-Mechanical Frood Mint Copptr Refinery CHAS. M, COMPLIN THOS. B. FORESTELL LLOYD KIRSTINE Electric Eye is Froocj Mina-Mechanical Conisron Electrical Frood Mint DOUGLAS C. FLESHER WILLIAM GORDON EARL DAUBNEY Frood Mine-Mechanical Port Colborne Port Colborne Smoke Detector JOHN D. DOUGLAS ALEX STALKER ROBERT L. ANDREWS Frood Mint Coniston Electrical Frood Mint THOS. D. FOLEY F. CAMPBELL BUSHFIELD ARTHUR F. HOOD Frond Mint Frood Mine Creighion Mint GEO. E. POSTLETHWAITE PHILIP SOULLIERE RONALD H. FOX Frood Mine Leoack Mine Frood Mine HUBERT LAFRANCE JOHN L. F. LOWN RICHARD C. DAOUST Police Coniston Elecirical Garson Mine WALLACE IBBOTSON FREDERICK KONIG EDWARD F. KLEMMER Copper Cliff Stores Pori Colborne Creighton Mine DOUGLAS A. MAY MORLEY P. LOYST LEO BERNARD WALKER Frood Mine Police Frood Mine GEORGE N. MOORE HARRY MAKI ARMAND ETHIER Frood Mine Copper Cliff Electricol Creighton Mine CHARLES B. BROWN DAN BERNARD KENNETH A. GREIVE Port Colborne Copper Cliff Smelter Copper Cliff Smelter CLARENCE NICKEL CLARENCE J. BAIN LEONARD SMITH Copper Cliff-Mechenical Copper Cliff ncontratOr Copper Cliff Smelter LESLIE R. SCOURFIELD JOHN STEPHEN KITTS MAURICE WILSON Copper Cliff-Research Open Pit Mechanical Creighton Mine CLIFFORD G. GRAHAM CLARENCE L. STEVENS CLIFFORD DONAHUE Copper Refinery Frood Mine Frood Mine LAWRENCE J. McHUGHEN HARRY S. McINTYRE THOMAS EASTON Frood Mine Frood Mine Frood Mine WILLIAM T. LANE GEORGE D. LEES WALTER DAVID COOPER Copper Cliff-Eleciric.l Murray Mine Electrical Copper Cliff Smelter LESLIE BUTLER DAVID SCOTT JOSEPH P. HALL Port Co-lborne Port Colborne Coniston Smelter THOS. F. HYNDMAN WM. BRODIE ANDERSON ELMER NEUMANN Copper Cliff Smelter Creighton Survey Levack Mine Fire protection for employees clothing in the BEATTY CAMPBELL WILLIAM E. A. McMITCHELL HARRY FARR L'.OEO individual steel lockers in the Copper' Frood Mine Copper Cliff Smelter Copper Cliff Smelter Cliff changehouse includes an electric eye WILLIAM F. JORDAN GERALD ANDREWS WILLIAM MUNRO system for smoke detection which is unique in Copper Cliff-Mechanical Copper Refinery Copper Cliff Smelter Canadian industry. FRANK B. ANDERSON ARCHIE FERGUSON ERNEST TOeRVILLE Garson Mine Port Colborne Frood Mine Two big fans draw drying air through the JOSEPH H. EVELINE WILBERT A. HEALEY LEO WALKER lockers, and out through dncts into two con- Copper Cliff Smelter Open Pit Frood Open Pit rete tunnels each 120 ft. long, running the GRAHAM CHABOT EDISON MENZIES HECTOR DESAYEUX Coniston Mechanical Levack Mine Creighton Mine length of the changehouse. Prior to installa- JAMES ANDERSON FRANK VID WILLARD DESJARDINS tion of the smoke detection arrangement it was Port Colborne Creighton Mine Garson Mine found that fire originating in the clothing in MAURICE ONUSKI VICTOR RANGER HUGH D. PAWSON one locker could spread to a considerable ex- Copper Cliff Smelter Creighton Mine Copper Refinery tent before being discovered endangering the RUSSEL DAVID MATHERS LEN ROGERS EDGAR GUTHRIE Copper Refinery Port Colborne Copper Cliff contents of an entire bank of 40 lockers. JOSEPH P. SULLIVAN ALBERT BRANKLEY CARL WALTER STROM After numerous experiments using actual Copper Cliff Smelter Garson Mine Frood Mine fires in clothing in different lockers the Com- FRED BUCK GEORGE A. MITCHELL ANTHONY SMRKE pany's electrical department in co-operation' Copper Cliff-Mechanicol Port Colborne Open Pit ALEX ROY C. A. McKINNON RONALD P. HUDSON with the fire inspector, worked out the novel Pori Colborne Copper Refinery I-rood Mine electric eye system. A balanced phototube cir- JOHN MARSH PATRICK CRAWFORD ALFRED J. GALLOWAY cuit is maintained in each of the concrete Garson Mine Open Pit Frood Mine tunnels, a beam of light reflecting from photo. STANLEY J. DUBOWSKI DONALD A. AUGUSTINE LEONARD H. SAVILLE Port C.olborne tubes at one end to small mirrors at the other. Copper Cliff Smelter Port Colborne JAMES SMITH ALFRED BALCOMBE J. E. SOULIERE When any smoke or other foreign matter enters Copper Cliff Port Colbornr Copper Cliff the tunnel through the ducts, the light beam VICTOR A. HUFFMAN J. A. MYRE CHARLES LEWIS WEATHERBY is broken and a recording instrument in the Port Colborne Frood Mint Conitton First Aid room automatically pulls a relay REGINALD GREENTREE BRUCE S. CORBETT DAVID H. JONASSON which shuts off the ventilating fans and sounds Levack Mine Copper Cliff Conitton an alarm. An investigation is made at once. IVAN PAGE ARTHUR DIWELL MURDOCK J. McLEOD Port Colborne Port Colborne Copper Chit Operation of the system is complicated by JOHN BECKETT DONALD D. MacKERACHER EMMETT J. DILLON dust and in 24 hours there may be four or' Port Colborne Creighion Mine Copper Cliff five false alarms during the periods when the CECIL GOODREAU ALBERT E. CLARKE JAMES L. MORTIMER men are changing clothing but this incon- Copper Cliff Levack Mine Capper Cliff venience is more than offset by the efficiency of' STEVEN MOLARCHUK JAMES STANLEY HOWARD WALTER HUGH SCOTT Creighton Mine Frood Mine Frood Mine the unit in detecting fires which usually occur HENRY EDWARD LACELLE JOHN LORNE ROCHESTER SIDNEY PHILIPCHUK cne to two hours after the men have been Copper Cliff Copper Refinery Copper Refinery at the lockers. DENNIS ARTHUR DAVEY GORDON W. FERGUSON LAWRENCE FREDERICK KING The accompanying picture is one of the Copper Cliff Copper Cliff Copper Cliff RAY EDWIN PATTERSON FLDON THOMAS MAGILL DOMENIC J. BELLANTINO phototube installations which might be called Copper Refinery Carson Mine Cone-ion an electric nose rather than an electric eye in RODGER BRUNELLE MICHAEL OWENS HENRY GIPSON DUNCAN MacKIN NON view of the way it sniffs out tell-tale smoke. Creighyon Mire Copper Cliff Soselri-r C.pper Cliff 'slei-hn rica i Copper (,Iiff Mechanical JOSEPH C. KANE LEE NASH AlEX. PHILI.IPS ERIC TIPLADY I-rood Mine 'rood Mine Port CaIhrrrni. Copper Cliff A FAST DEAL. PHILIP McINTOSH BERT McFEETORS ROBERt K. JACK PETE OBBEMA The decrepit old car rolled up to the toll Open Pir C.,t't'er lit (.ir .on rstiiii- (.,.irson Mine bridge. WIllIAM POHO HOWARD PETERSEN JOSEPH F. bUIL T I-RED RANGER I.erack Mm,' Levo,k Mine Cop per (lit 1-roid Mmmcc 'Fifty cents. called out g.nreinan JOS. P. BIRMINf,HAM J OHN BILBE N.-VIHAN CRAWFORI) HAROI,D C. IRWIN "Sold," replied the driver. ('rOper tiff (.oni..,on Copper (liff C.,tpcr ( liff WILLIAM S. LOGUE WM. COLIN SOUI.L JOE ANDREWS HECTOR J. I.ECLAIR Copper Cliff Coppcr Cliff Porr CoIbrrne Copper Cliff To rise to great heights, solid faundarions crc WM.