Sent to Guantánamo after years in secret detention

Majid Khan was transferred to Guantánamo in September 2006 along with 13 other “high value” detainees. Before this, they were held in secret by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for up to four and a half years – victims of enforced disappearance. The US authorities have classified as secret the location of these clandestine detention facilities and the interrogation techniques used in them. Majid Khan has alleged that he was tortured in CIA custody but these details also remain classified. The CIA has confirmed that it used “”, a form of , as an interrogation technique against three other detainees held in secret in 2002 and 2003. To date, no one has been brought to justice for the serious abuses linked to the secret detention programme. ACT NOW Call on the US authorities to: Amnesty International International Secretariat  Declassify all allegations made by Majid Khan Peter Benenson House 1 Easton Street about his treatment in CIA custody and initiate an London WC1X ODW independent criminal investigation into them. United Kingdom • Release Majid Khan unless he is promptly charged December 2008 and fairly tried before a federal court that excludes as Index: AMR 51/125/2008 evidence any information obtained under torture or other ill-treatment.

WRITE TO: AND: President Attorney General The White House U.S. Department of Justice COUNTER TERROR 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW WITH JUSTICE Washington, DC 20500, USA Washington, DC 20530-0001, USA Salutation: Dear Mr President Salutation: Dear Attorney General ACT NOW FOR MAJID KHAN GUANTÁNAMO DETAINEE