Object-Based Mobile App Testing with Squish A multi-technology, cross-platform functional GUI regression testing tool.

Squish GUI Tester is a cross-platform, multi-technology automated GUI regression testing solution for your “Squish GUI Tester empowers testers and mobile applications. Create and execute tests, on the developers alike test mobile Apps with con- device or using a simulator/emulator, interact with fidence and accuracy, interacting with each your application at the object level and produce a ro- App at the object level, even with standard bust and reliable automated testing framework. and 3rd-party or custom controls.”

Object-based testing with record and playback & Frerich Raabe, Lead Developer manual scripting

Powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform test development environment

Test without jailbreaking or unlocking the device Supported Mobile Device Platforms:

Advanced object recognition and gesture support Android Device and Emulator

Object and image-based verification points iOS Device and Simulator

WebKit support and Web testing on device or simulator/emulator (requires Squish for Web)

Choice of non-proprietary scripting languages: GUI Controls: Python, , JavaScript, Ruby and Tcl Standard Controls Script access to all App classes, methods and properties Complex Views

Flexible XML-based reporting Spinner

Distributed batch testing using command-line Date Picker interface or 3rd-party integrations Time Picker Integration with HP QC/ALM, Microsoft Visual Gestures Studio / TFS MTM, Jenkins, Bamboo and more Multi-touch Gestures Commercially-supported product

Source code shared with customers Squish Customers

contact [email protected] www.froglogic.com