W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11

EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 DOI10.14456/ea.2019.40 EnvironmentAsia ISSN 1906-1714; ONLINE ISSN: 2586-8861 The international journal by the Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment

Institutional Analysis of Limitations to Climate Resilient Urban Development Planning: the Case of Province

Wijitbusaba Marome1*, and Thitirat Pholcharoen2

1Faculty of Architecture and Planning, 2Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University

*Corresponding Author: [email protected] Received: April 28, 2018; Revised: November 6, 2018, Accepted: June 8, 2019

Abstract Udon Thani is a province in northeastern which is rapidly growing and aims to become a regional hub despite being confronted with climate-related challenges. The research examines the limitation to the territory’s climate resilience through the analysis of plans and policies at national, regional and local levels regarding the provincial development strategy with the focus on three sectors: land use, water supply, and wastewater management services. In doing so, this article identifies the other limitations to the mainstreaming of climate resilience into urban development planning, which includes vertical and horizontal institutional arrangement, legal framework, policy drivers. The researchers conducted. The research reveals that there are restrictions to climate mainstreaming as a result of institutional arrangements and gaps which have resulted in the lack of coordination between agencies at different levels of administration or agencies operating under different ministries. Moreover, the efficiency of the three urban services are undermined by the discrepancies of responsibility, information and financial resources allocated to the relevant actors.

Keywords: Urban resilience; Water resource management; Thailand; Urban development planning

1. Introduction Economic and Social Development Board’s 2007-2011 and 2012-2016 strategic plan which Situated in the northeast of Thailand, propose the development of logistic systems Udon Thani is the 11th largest province with in Udon Thani’s city region. Udon Thani is in the potential of becoming one of the country’s close proximity to the Laotian capital important secondary cities. Udon Thani as well as prominent Thai provinces such as experienced rapid economic development in the which has Special Economic Zone, 1960’s as the base of the United States Air Force and which is the location of the during the War. After the departure of region’s biggest university. While agriculture the US soldiers, the Udon Thani international remains the source of income of the majority airport and other built infrastructures enabled of households in the province, the socio- the province to become a regional transport economic development of the region has led hub. Indeed, this development was also to urban growth and an increase in economic supported by the central government as Udon activities in the past decade, and this growth is Thani is addressed in the Office of the National expected to continue according to the province’s

1 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 development objectives. Moreover, the growth have addressed the issue of climate change of Udon Thani is expected to intensify as and climate related risks through the spatial development of border areas become a priority and environmental planning of Udon Thani. of the Thai government. The development of the The analysis of these components also reveals province is addressed in various national and institutional issues which are most likely present regional strategies. in other aspects of urban governance in Udon However, like other provinces in the Thani province. The improvement of land use, Northeastern region, Udon Thani’s development water supply and wastewater management is potential is largely threatened by the risk of necessary for Udon Thani’s development and flooding as a result of heavy rainfall during climate resilience, and the degree to which these the monsoon season that happens often in the components are able to accommodate climate upper areas of Thailand. Udon Thani frequently related risks are indicative of the extent of the experiences flooding in low-lying flat areas, mainstreaming of water management into including urban areas near the river, during the urban development planning. rainy season (June-October) of each year, and The research area covers the urbanised high-intensity floods have recently occurred area of the province, which falls under the in 2001, 2002, 2009 and 2011. Moreover, Udon following six local administrations: Udon Thani also experiences the problem of drought Thani city municipality, Nong Samrong town which occurs almost annually as a result of municipality, Banjan subdistrict municipality, insufficient supply of raw water for tap water Nong Bua subdistrict municipality, Na Dee production. This often leads to farmers being administration organisation, and told to reduce water usage for agricultural Banjan tambon administration organisation. purposes in order to prioritise water supply The research area thus comprises of the most in urban and economic areas (Udon Thani densely-populated and most developed urba Waterworks Authority, 2015). These climate- areas of the , which are related risks therefore undermine not only the all affected by the impact of seasonal flooding rising urban areas but also the province’s large and drought. It should be noted that these areas agricultural sector. fall under different boundaries of the regional Udon Thani was selected as the study and the local administrative division systems area because it is an example of development which are inconsistent, thus highlighting one within the context of increasingly severe and of the various obstacles to the mainstreaming frequent climate-related risks and a freshwater of climate resilience and ensuring policy ecosystem whose urban services are clearly coherence. linked to the climate. Moreover, Udon Thani is a dynamic area with high intensity and 2. Research Methodology diverse land use as well as high socioeconomic importance to Thailand. This case study focuses Climate change adaptation and resilience on the institutional factors which are obstacles must be integrated to development strategies to mainstreaming climate change adaptation in order to minimize the impact climate- into urban management and thus exacerbate related on investments and infrastructure and Udon Thani’s vulnerability to drought and reduce social vulnerability of the residents. flood;his is examined via analysis of the three Another requirement is for mainstreaming urban services of land use, water supply, and climate resilience is to ensure that there is wastewater management. These components, coherence and unity in the approach of local which are inherently linked to the issues of and national authorities, especially in the case flood and drought, were selected because of Thailand where central government agencies they are essential drivers for urban growth remain in control of many aspects of urban whose management or structure provides an and environmental management at all levels. insight to how, if at all, the public authorities Climate change adaptation and resilience

2 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 in Udon Thani can be analysed using IIED’s organisations which leads to policy change, as Building blocks for climate mainstreaming well as the obstacles and limitations to policy (Pervin et al., 2013) which categorizes the design and implementation. These limitations, components of the process into three ‘blocks’: which are the focus of this study, may be a the enabling environment building block, the result of internal processes and operations policy and planning building block, and the or relationships with other organisations. programmes and the project building block. Hence, the analysis of land use, water supply This study focuses on analyzing the and wastewater management in Udon Thani enabling environment and policy planning province focuses on the vertical and horizontal building blocks. The research framework thus institutional arrangements, which refers to begins with the analysis plans and policies the coordination between public agencies of covering the period of 2002-2022, in line the national, regional and local levels, and with the provincial development strategy, the spatial coordination of public agencies including policies at national, regional and at the same level of governance, respectively. local levels regarding the management of Vertical coordination is essential for creating flood, drought, land use, water supply and the drive for water management and urban wastewater management within the context development policies on multiple levels, of larger development aims and projects. The while horizontal arrangement encourages analysis reveals the institutional gaps present coherent and effective urban growth. There is during the policy design or plan formation, the also a need for coordination between public links between water management and the three agencies and the local government in order urban services, and limitations for operation to incorporate climate change mitigation and which includes shortcomings in organisational water management to various aspects of urban structure, legal authorisation, and other management. (Figure 1 and 2) limitations. Policy analysis was also used to A deliberative visioning workshop was assess whether the policies included or reflected a workshop conducted towards the end of climate-related risk reduction measures and the project. Findings from the institutional whether they are sufficient for enabling the city gap analysis conducted were presented to the to cope with environmental risks. Extensive relevant actors and stakeholders who expressed literature review was conducted of the policy and their agreement with the information. The plans at multiple levels including the province’s research team also assessed Udon Thani’s strategic development plan, development plans capacity to cope with the risk of flood and of the Joint Committee of Public and Private drought through the creation of three transient panel for Fixing Economic Problems, flood scenarios: business as usual, population and drought management plans, environmental increase according to the strategic plan of the management plans, comprehensive urban Provincial Waterworks Authority, and the plan, and the strategic plan of the Provincial scenario where all of the province’s envisioned Waterworks Authority. The research team also development projects of the strategic plan examined primary data and conducted multiple are materialised, leading to significant urban in-depth interviews with officials in Udon growth. For each scenario, projections are made Thani, which offered a better understanding to for the requirements that the land use, water the enabling environment upon which these supply and wastewater management sectors. policies were formulated. These scenarios were then used in a visioning The research team also conducted workshop with public officials from relevant institutional analysis focusing on the vertical institutions in Udon Thani to stimulate dialogue and horizontal institutional arrangements, on whether or not their agency has considered legal framework, policy driving mechanisms the scenario and the possible limitations they and other components in order to establish an will face in the case of flood or drought. The understanding of the nature and capacity of workshop was also intended to foster a more

3 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11

Figure 1. A diagram of research framework that shows a relationship between climate change and urban services

Figure 2. A diagram of research methodologies holistic approach to mainstreaming climate Administration Organisation, Udon Thani City change adaptation and to encourage participants Municipality, and the wastewater management to consider the temporal aspect of operational agency. For each of the aforementioned planning, It is worth noting that these scenarios scenario, the participants are asked the following are not predictions for the future--they are questions: simply a tool for understanding the climate 1) Has your agency considered this resilience of existing policies; these scenarios do scenario before and how? What must your not accurately reflect the reality on the ground organisation do in this scenario? due to limitations of the availability of data 2) If the scenario happens, what limitations such as the number of informal residents, and will your agency face in the case of flooding? two scenarios are based on plans and strategies 3) If the scenario happens, what limitations built upon potentially inaccurate data. This is will your agency face in the case of drought? also suggested by discrepancies in estimates 4) Currently, are you participating with on the same subject such as population size by or assisting any other agencies? Do you have different plans. (Figure 2) any expectations for cooperating with other Participants of the workshop included agencies in the future and if so, with whom and personnel from Udon Thani Provincial on what issue? Waterworks Authority, Udon Thani Province

4 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 3. Research findings comprehensive plan fails to take into account flood risks, as demonstrated by how the plan The research team has identified six key designated settlements in areas with the risk limitations to the development of Udon Thani of recurring flood..The shortcomings in land province. use planning may be a result of how there 1) There is incoherence and contradiction was a transfer of responsibilities from the between the provincial authority’s strategic plan Udon Thani department of Public Works and and the flood and drought management plan. Town and Country Planning to the local-level 2) There is a lack of continuation of organisation, the Udon Thani city municipality, flood and drought management plans which to create the Udon Thani comprehensive are usually issued by the central government. plan. According to an interview with a city These plans are created annually and often after official, this transfer of responsibilities was not an emergency event, so they are more reactive supported by the allocation of personnel and than preventive in nature and lack the essential budget, leading to inefficiency and delays. This integration of the water resource management. indicates discrepancies in vertical institutional 3) There is limited information forecasting arrangements. While local government also scenarios of future floods or droughts in the have the ability to manage urban planning provincial strategic plan, this resulting in a within their jurisdictions, but few have the plan that only addresses general environmental skilled personnel and/or resources, knowledge, issues. and budget to do so, thus demonstrating a 4) The city is growing into areas with gap between assigned responsibilities and recurring floods, and therefore poses new risks available capacity. In the horizontal dimension, for the future. the institution arrangement of municipalities 5) there is a lack of holisticness in spatial lack cross jurisdiction coordination which is and infrastructure management, leading to important for mitigating or preventing flood. incoherence between urban policies and risk In the legal aspect, there are discrepancies transfers to neighbouring areas. regarding the decentralization of authority. The 6) There is a distinct lack of unity in the ultimate decision in the planning process is lies planning and development of the three urban with the central authorities, and not the local services sectors of land use, water supply government. According to the urban planning and wastewater management. These services act of 1975, the final stage of the proposal of remain vulnerable to the effects of climate risks, the comprehensive plan is the consideration specifically with regards to urbanization and of the urban planning committee who has the wastewater infrastructure location in flood- power to reject or amend the proposal. This prone areas. This undermines the development committee is composed of representatives of capacity and climate resilience of Udon Thani central government agencies and does not urban’s city region as well as the province’s aim include representatives of the concerned area, to become a regional economic hub. resulting in a lack of integration. Moreover, For land use, there are limitations from while land use planning has been identified the enabling environment that are obstacles as being useful for the province’s development for mainstreaming climate change adaptation. strategy, the development plan does not address The latest provincial comprehensive plan of tools or substantive process for urban planning Udon Thani has been created using outdated and offer only vague goals such as creating information, leading to a plan that is inconsistent livable cities. with existing settlements and the reality of Similarly, the water supply sector lacks changing city. Civil groups such as the Udon integration with climate change adaptation Thani Chamber of Commerce and the Industrial policies. Currently, the Udon Thani provincial Committee have therefore submitted a request waterworks authority utilises only 58% of its for the comprehensive plan to be reviewed The water production capacity while covering all

5 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 areas in the Mueang with the exception water supply service provider such as local or of some villages that have their own village village water supply systems. This also includes water supply system. The Udon Thani provincial the areas within Nadee tambon administration waterworks authority has the capacity to organisation and Banjan tambon administration accommodate the needs of 120,000 people organisation which are within the research while the current number of service users is perimeters. The water supply sector also 69,876 persons. The main limitation for water faces the issue of the unsustainability of water supply in Udon Thani is the increasing demand resource and water treatment capacity which for raw water, especially in times of flooding exacerbates in the event of flood. Moreover, the where the raw water sources located in areas of Udon Thani provincial waterworks authority recurrent flooding may become contaminated. plans to extend its service coverage to more In the past, the water supply did not particularly residents in order to offer increased access to suffer during droughts because the urban area more secure and higher quality water supply, is prioritised over the agricultural areas when a goal which makes the need for an alternative water is allocated, but the conditions will change source of water even more immediate. with the worsening drought and the decreasing Water supply in Udon Thani is a complex service volume of water of existing sources. Another that involves multiple actors with roles in the issue that arises during the periods of drought three stages of the water supply process: is the contamination of pesticides and other 1) Finding water sources and allocating chemicals as a result of farming in nearby areas and maintaining raw water resources (The which often gets washed into the water sources Department of Irrigation, Joint Management by the rain afterwards. Committee irrigation and protection of Huai The Udon Thani provincial waterworks Luang, Provincial Waterworks Authority, and authority recognises that there is a need to the Department of Water Resources) find alternative water sources not only for 2) Water treatment and water supply satisfying rising demands but also to ensure systems (Provincial Waterworks Authority) and that the water supply service will be less severely 3) Clean water distribution (Provincial affected by flood and drought. The Udon Thani Waterworks Authority, municipalities or other provincial waterworks authority is allocated local administration organisations which are 33 million cubic metres of water from the required to provide water supply services in the Huay Luang basin, based on a MoU between area) the Department of Irrigation, the Provincial The Udon Thani Office of Natural Resources Waterworks Authority, and the Udon Thani city and the Environment is the central government municipality. This information is inconsistent entity that oversees the environmental aspects with the projection made in the Provincial of water supply operations. Other actors Waterworks Authority’s plan stating that the include the Provincial Electric Authority who demand for raw water in 2014 is 47.9 million m3. provides electricity needed for water supply This suggests that it is possible that there water services, and the Department of Highways who supply is insufficient in some areas. Similarly, enables the laying of water supply distribution the assessment of the Department of Irrigation systems in accordance with new roads, and is less than actual use. In 1999, the Department the local administration organisations who predicted that in 2017 the demand for raw owns the land used for pipe laying as well as water will be 24.022 million cubic metres per approving operations and providing policy year while the amount of water Department guidance through their development plans. allocated to Udon Thani provincial waterworks Moreover, there are additional agencies who authority in 2016 was 33 million m3. are involved in water supply and services during The issue of available raw water resource times of emergency, including the Udon Thani is further complicated by the lack of data on Provincial Agricultural Office, Udon Thani raw water consumption through alternative District Office of Groundwater Resources which

6 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 coordinates with the local administration in to the residents are roughly calculated due to times of drought, and the Regional Office of the lack of information, resulting in these fees Water resources who are involved with the being viewed as unjust by some (Udon Thani restoration of water sources in areas afflicted Wastewater Authority, interview). Moreover, by disaster. these fees fail to encourage ecologically There are multiple issues regarding responsible water usage. There is also a lack of the institutional arrangement of the water political will for the development of wastewater supply service. Vertically, the Regional services as suggested by its budget allocation Waterworks Authority is largely bound by and absence from local development plans. central government authorities. However, the Moreover, the wastewater management facilities Regional Waterworks Authority’s desire to find such as the water treatment plants are located an alternative raw water source is not shared by in a flood-prone area outside of the urban the central authorities such as Subcommittee area as designated by the City Comprehensive on Water Management who are more focused Plan. This is because the wastewater system on addressing issues as they arise. Regarding was planned after the city itself has started to the horizontal institutional arrangement, the develop, so there was limited availability of land Udon Thani Provincial Waterworks Authority large enough to accommodate the system. At lacks the support from and coordination with present, only 8.3 km2 of the urban area in Udon other entities in finding an alternative raw water Thani is connected to the wastewater system due source to accommodate rising future needs as to the limited coverage of the pipelines. well as for planning and operational purposes. The most prominent issue in the There is also a lack of coordination between institutional arrangement of the wastewater the Waterworks Authority and other relevant management service in Udon Thani is the lack urban services such as power supply and urban of unity between the local service provider and planning. Within the financial framework, the Regional Office of the Environment who is there is a lack of budgetary support from local responsible for monitoring the water quality in authorities despite the fact that they are legally the area. The wastewater management sector mandated to ensure the provision of water is more significantly affected by limitations supply in the 1953 Municipality Act. This is in the legal aspect. There are inconsistencies because the water supply expenditure has been between the 1992 act for the promotion and grouped with other services under the public protection of environmental quality and utilities budget. the laws that were passed afterwards such Wastewater management service in as the acts on decentralisation to the local Udon Thani is designed to have the capacity to administration, which leads to unclear division process up to 45,000 m3 of wastewater, which of responsibilities and complications in the is equivalent to the use of roughly 225,000 procurement of the budget for wastewater users. However, the volume of water being management. There is also a lack of legal processed is around 16,000 cubic metres, framework granting local authorities the power equivalent to the use of 6,000 persons which is to inspect wastewater management in housing 26% of the total capacity. This limited coverage estates and penalties for the failure to collect is because of the lack of a cohesive drainage wastewater management service fees. system that reaches all potential service The output of the discussion during the area; the wastewater management authority deliberative visioning workshop held by the currently covers only an area of 8.3 km2. The researchers demonstrates that the relevant problems of wastewater management in Udon actors have some awareness of climate related Thani demonstrate the importance of the two issues but find it difficult to translate these ideas components of the enabling environment: into practice due to limitations in political knowledge information and political will. The will, authority, institutional arrangement, service fees for wastewater management charged and budgets. Participants of the workshop

7 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 included personnel from Udon Thani Provincial of water users in the service area. Plus, there Waterworks Authority, Udon Thani Province are also some communities that still use Administration Organisation, Udon Thani City water sources from the village water supply or Municipality (including personnel from the groundwater.” These communities may want civil works department who is involved in urban to be covered by Waterworks Authority in the planning and drainage), and the wastewater future. A participant working on the provincial management agency. strategic plan also reveals that it is difficult to Participants agree that measures such determine the direction of urban development as reducing water loss through leakage and because there is a lack of information regarding excessive usage is no longer sufficient and must the future, especially from the climate change be complemented by more significant measures aspect, so the province is only able to define such as to increase water procurement and the urban development plan in vague terms production capacity. Likewise, for the case of such as making the city more livable. land use planning, it is no longer sufficient Participants from all agencies were to simply avoid flood prone areas but also to especially interested in the scenario where all implement adaptive measures to ensure that built existing plans are successfully implemented. structures can withstand flood and that they will This scenario highlights that the water supply not exacerbate climate risks. Incidentally, these and wastewater capacities are not sufficient for are also the measures recommended by UNDP- the accommodation of the projected urban UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative (2011) growth. In this scenario, the water supply for mainstreaming climate change adaptation sector is especially affected and will need to into development. However, the workshop look for alternative sources of raw water as the also highlights limited risk assessment as well Huay Luang source will not be enough, even as the lack of adequate coordination between without the impact of climate change on water organisations. It is recognised that the impacts availability. A participant from the waterworks of climate change will exacerbate the challenges authority mentioned that “the agency wishes of ongoing urban development. to find a new source of raw water and has Participants from all sectors revealed submitted a proposal to the Joint Management that they have never considered the proposed Committee for Irrigation (JMC), which is a scenarios (i.e. business as usual, population central organization that sets policies for each increase according to the strategic plan of the river basin. However, the JMC was not in Provincial Waterworks Authority, and the favour of the proposal and emphasized that the scenario where all of the province’s envisioned water delivery system and pipes should first be development projects of the strategic plan are improved in order to reduce water loss. So, it was materialized) together. In fact, preparations not able for the waterworks authority to plan have been made only for the scenario based for water production in the future.” Regarding on the projections regarding water supply, but land use planning, there are limitations in the only by the Waterworks Authority without direction of urban expansion. In the northern the involvement of the land use planning and part of the city, the Nong Samrong municipality wastewater management authorities. According is experiencing significant growth, which to the participant from the Waterworks includes expanding into an area with frequent Authority, “Water supply is forecasted for flooding. This development is a result how the the amount of water that will be used in the city has grown along the road that leads Nhong future. But is a forecast based only the capacity Khai province, where the regional development of the system and not on how population may strategy is consolidating a border special increase. As of now, the Waterworks Authority economic zone. According to a participant from realizes that the water supply might not be the civil works department, “the city plan must enough in the future due to the construction have an appropriate land use plan. If the city of condominium and the increasing amount expands, such as in these scenarios, it is not only

8 W. Marome and T. Pholcharoen / EnvironmentAsia 12(3) (2019) 1-11 the municipalities around that will be directly strategic planning department said that in the affected but also the water drainage capacity past, the province has organized joint meetings of Udon Thani Municipality will be affected for various agencies whose work is relevant to because it is no longer possible to drain water the province’s territory, in order to find ways in the lowland area in the north, because that to improve basic infrastructure and urban will cause severe flooding in the area where the development. Then, each locality can use the city is going to expand into.” outcomes of these meetings to give direction to In the case of drought, the participants their development plans. However, these joint expressed that the limitations that their agencies meetings are no longer organized, which may will face will not be significantly different to the have led to a gap in collaboration or possible challenges that they have in planning for floods cooperation over some issues across different because much of the water allocation policy districts. Similarly, the wastewater management comes from the central government. However, authority representative expressed that while the they expect that there will be an increase in agency has created a plan for the future, it is up to conflict between the urban and rural areas each local government to develop their drainage regarding the water allocation policy. This is also systems in order to deliver the wastewater to the supported by insights from a previous interview constructed provincial wastewater management with an official of the provincial waterworks system, thus highlighting the need for increased authority official which revealed that according collaboration and cohesion between agencies. to the data of data water consumption from Huai Luang Reservoir during the year 2003- 5. Conclusion 2007, the Udon Thani Special Branch Water Supply Station is permitted to use 21 million Focusing on the policy and planning and m3/year. Currently (2015), the Station is allowed the enabling environment dimensions climate to use 33 million cubic meters per year under mainstreaming, this study examined and a joint agreement (MoU) between the Royal demonstrated limitations to the mainstreaming Irrigation Department, Udon Thani branch of climate resilience in three important urban Water Supply Authority, and Udon Thani services (land use, water supply, and wastewater Municipality. At present, the major limitations management) and urban development planning of PWA Udon Thani Branch are raw water in Udon Thani province. Existing policy and sources that are not sufficient, thus making it plans in the national, provincial and local levels necessary to procure new sources of raw water, lack coherence and there is no integration of especially considering the likelihood of drought climate change adaptation and development. and flooding. According to the Master Plan for Consequently, the three aforementioned Water Resources Development in the Mekong urban services are not adapted to immediate Region, Volume 16/20, PWA Udon Thani has a climate risks. Moreover, there are limitations policy to build a pumping station that uses the in the institutional arrangement aspect in the Mekong River as a raw water source. vertical and horizontal dimensions: for land Regarding the collaboration and use, the local authorities are legally mandated cooperation between the different agencies in to create a comprehensive plan but lack the the past, present, and future, the participants ability to do so, thus the responsibility falls expressed that the agencies are familiar with upon the central authority who does not have each other so there are no major obstacles in a thorough understanding of the area. There working together. However, this has mostly are also insufficient channels for coordination been working on ad-hoc projects, and they have with the local jurisdictions and utilities not had much experience in working together in service providers. Similarly, the water supply long-term planning. They expect that they will service lacks vertical coordination between be able to work together in a more systematic entities of different levels of government manner. The participant from the provincial as well as horizontal coordination between

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