lalrePtmettzda Seetaa DEPT. OF INDUSTRY & COMMERCE ROOM 254... PHONE WH 6-7473 PrffilICO of with&rch 16, 1959. LEGISLATIVE BUILDING Release ate 1,


Prospectors have barely tapped one of Manitoba's most valuable mines.

Not veins of hidden ore -- but the rich heritage of memories looked

away in the minds of pioneers who came here when the province was young.

Other treasure, in the form of journals and old letters, is still

waiting to be discovered in dark cupboards and attics.

The Manitoba Historical Society has announced that it will award

medals to competitors who stake wiming claims on this type of material.

The contest : the Margaret McWilliams competition for historical

essays, collections of local historical material and recorded interviews with

early settlers.

The late Mrs. McWilliams, wife of former Lieutenant-Governor of

Manitoba, R.F. McWilliams, Q.C., was keenly interested in the preservation of

provincial history and was the author of "Manitoba Milestones."

The competition will be judged for interest value at three levels :

amateur, professional, and entries from high school students.

A total of eight medals will be awarded to competitors submitting

entries from the following areas of Manitoba : Northern Manitoba, the federal

electoral districts of Portage, Neepawa and Dauphin; Brandon, Souris, and

Marquette; Selkirk and Springfield; and Lisgar; Winnipeg north;

Winnipeg south; Winnipeg suburbs and the city of St. Boniface.

All entries -- to have a definite subject and dealing with one

particular place, period or personality -- must be received by September 1.

Notice of intention to submit should he forwarded to the Manitoba Historical

Society, c/o Room 255 Legislative Building, Winnipeg, by July 1.

Additional information and contest rules may be obtained by writing

to the above address. - 30 -