Knowing and worshipping God and sharing His love St Nick’s, Allestree & St Paul’s, Quarndon May 2021 What’s it Worth? By Phil Moncur

As some of you may know, I have been volunteering at the Derby Arena Mass Vac- cination Centre for the past few months. The other day, my duty involved collecting phials of vaccine from the pharmacy and delivering them a few at a time to each vac- cination station. As I was walking through the crowds of grateful people queuing for their first vaccination carrying four phials of the Oxford Astra Zeneca Vaccine – enough for 40 vaccinations – I began to ponder just how valuable my cargo actually was. As far as I know, the vaccine costs the NHS around £3.30 per dose. That being the case my four phials worked out at £130. £130 to potentially save forty lives!

Of course, the actual cost to the NHS is much greater that £3.30 per dose if we take into account the costs of transport, storage, the hire of the arena, the myriad con- sumables and staffing costs. It does, however, beg the question of just what value can be placed on each human life. To the recipients, the vaccine represents re- newed hope; a promise of better things to come.

As Christians, we know just how much value God places on each individual human being. As John writes in his Gospel:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Vicar: Rev Becky Mathew Email: [email protected] Tel: 01332 550224 Rest Day: Friday Curate: Rev. Dawn Knight Email: [email protected] Contact Tel: 01332 519552 Rest Day: Friday Children’s, Youth & Families Worker: Anna Oldknow Tel: 07508988722 Email: [email protected] Administrator: Gael Browne Church Office Tel: 01332 550431 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: / Temporary Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9am –12pm 1

Each and every one of us is loved by God. Each and every one of us is a unique indi- vidual with infinite worth and an eternal destiny. No matter how difficult life can seem, we can trust in God to know us; to love us and to sustain us. Our lives and ministries have a value beyond measure. As Paul writes in his letter to the Ephe- sians:

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 4:10

So let us all accept not just a vaccine against the threat of a deadly disease, but the fullness of life that God offers: both a constantly renewed hope and an unbreakable promise of better things to come. New Parent Support Group 2021 By Anna Oldknow You may have heard on the grapevine or seen on Facebook the launch of our New Parent Support Group in May! After watching an online seminar or “webinar” of how to run a COVID safe baby and parent group I felt very passionate about trying to facilitate a space for new parents to come and be with other new parents and to have some support, which everyone needs in the first year of parenting but even more so when social distancing has made it extremely hard to meet up with other parents and build relationships. Dawn also has a passion for this type of group due to witnessing first hand her daughter’s experience who became a first time parent in the last few months. Due to socially distancing we can only fit 9 parents and their babies into the church hall, each with their own 2x2m square, marked out on the floor. We are fully booked for our May group with a view to run it again in June re- opening the booking to the local public. If this is something you would like to get involved with and support please get in touch with me (Anna).

Perhaps you love of reading and have enjoyed us- ing some of this lockdown rediscovering the joy of books? Please do get in touch with any book reviews and recommendations to share! We love to hear what you’ve been reading and how it has affected you.


In July 2018, Gideons UK made the decision to break away from Gideons International as they made the decision to accept women as full mem- bers of the organisation. Some of you might be aware that Gideons International subsequently pursed legal action against Gideons’ UK, hence the change of name and logo. During lockdown, ‘Good News for Everyone’ were kind enough to get in touch with myself and I was able to obtain copies of their ‘Hope’ magazine to gift to anyone who might appreciate some words of encouragement. The magazine contained verses from the Psalms and John’s Gospel alongside photos highlighting the beauty of the natural world, which were appreciated by those who were shielding and those who were having to stay in their homes for extended peri- ods of time. ‘Good News for Everyone’ have continued to make available copies of New Testaments and Bibles during the pandemic, and have continued to encourage daily bible reading via their downloadable app.

I first came across the Gideons when I was given a New Testament at school and having spotted the daily reading plan I began to do just that, thus forming a lifelong habit of bible study. At the time I was a shy teenager, aware of God, but without any adult Christian mentors in my life I instead found help via the Gideons, and the sec- tion in the New Testament on verses entitled ‘where to find help’. I still have my red school New Testament and I give thanks for those who visited my school that day. Revd Becky Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm News from Derby City Deanery City in the Chapel, St Nick’s

From Jan 2021, Bishop Libby has begun the process ofJanuary consultation 15th across the Dio- cese concerning a new vision proposal for the Diocese.February This includes 12th a new vision statement: The Kingdom of God: good news for all and a mission statement: “To proclaim afresh in this generation the good news of theMarch Kingdom 11th’. With a 2027 Diocesan Centenary in mind, Bishop Libby isApril hoping 22nd parishes will en- gage in this vision which includes 5,000 new disciples, 1,00May new 20th local lay leaders and 500 new community projects and partnerships. During Lent, we held a number of sessions for a new ‘MaryJune & 17th Martha ’ group also thinking about our own churches’ future vision and whatJuly we 15thfelt God might be ask- ing us to take part in, where God was wanting us to September share our resources 16th and pro- claim the good news. We hope to continue with this thinking over the next months October 14th in conjunction with the Diocesan vision training material that’s currently being pre- pared. November 11th


The Children’s Society - Young People’s Mental Health and Well-being – Supporting Friendships Thursday 13 May 2021, 2.00pm – 3.00pm In Mental Health Awareness Week The Children’s Society invites you to a webinar on the challenges facing young people’s mental health and well-being as we emerge from lockdown, launching new resources supporting young people. Join Rachel Brockie (Relationship Manager for Dioceses of Oxford & St Albans) and hear: - The Right Reverend Simon Burton-Jones, The who will talk about current challenges to young people’s mental health and well-being and ap- propriate Christian responses and interventions. - Joanna Hunt, Head of Emotional Health and Well-being, The Children’s Society, who will give an overview of our work in this area across the country. - Huw Thomas, Diocesan Director of Education for Sheffield Diocese, who will launch our new young people’s friendship workbook designed to support Key Stage 2 children in Church Primary Schools. Sign up if you can’t attend to receive a recording with the presentations as well as the links and resources. Tickets are free but registration is essential – Contact Gael to obtain link. News from our Link Diocese– the Churches of North India The Bishop of Repton, the Rt Revd Malcolm Macnaughton, has dedicated a prayer station in Derby Cathedral which will be a focus for prayers for the people of In- dia, who are suffering devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Churches in Derbyshire, including the , have strong links with the Church of North India, particularly with Kolkata. “Things are not good at all. People are dying due to lack of oxygen and hospital beds. Corridors of hospitals are full. The poor not getting an ambulance to take their dead to do the last rites. Many are just burning them on roadsides. Scary and terri- ble times. Please pray for us. Our hope and trust is in the Lord alone. Please convey my regards to all my Derby friends.” (Message from the Church of North India in Delhi. ) Revd Anita Matthews who chairs the partnership between Derbyshire churches and the Church of North India says, “It is our colleagues in the Church of North India who are trying to reach out to people to offer some kind of support and hope by providing vaccination programmes and food for families who have lost loved ones and have no income or because they are in lockdown and cannot work. Some of the messages I have received from our long-standing friends and ecumenical partners in India have summed up the desperation there – and yet in the midst of it they are saying ‘We pray for you in Derby and Derbyshire’ and that they place their faith in God alone. That faith is absolutely extraordinary.”


Prayer Walking the City / Thy Kingdom Come Derby City Vision On May 23rd to celebrate Pentecost as churches together in Derby we will be gath- ering online for the annual Thy Kingdom Come celebration - you can join by going to YouTube and searching for Derby City Vision. We long to see churches across Derby united together to pray and work for the good of our city. So in the run up to this, during the first 3 weeks of May, we are looking to prayer walk every street in Derby. We’ve created an app which you can download: Complete the login details on the website and it will create an app that will allow you to choose and mark off the streets that you want to walk and pray for. As you walk and pray we are longing to see spiritual transformation but we also want to see physical transformation, so we're asking that people also litter pick as they pray that we might make a tangible difference across Derby. For more info / to get involved, contact Anna Mann - [email protected]. No one person or one church can do this by themselves. Only as a united church and people can we cover our whole city and pray that God's Kingdom would come and His will would be done across every street and every area that many might know salvation and transformation. St Nick’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting Due to the pandemic, despite only having our last APCM in October, we have had to move the date of our next Annual Parochial Church Meeting to Thursday 24th June. We hope to be able to meet inbuilding and are keen to encourage folks to be pre- sent; anyone can attend, but only those registered on the church electoral roll are entitled to vote or be elected to the PCC. We are keen to recruit new PCC members who are instrumental in enabling St Nick’s to function as both a registered charity and a faith community. We need you to pray for our church, our vision and where God is calling us to be over the next 5 years. What can you do to help fulfil what God has planned for us? Despite the pandemic and lockdown, a lot has happened over the year; the building may have been shut, but worship continued in many different ways. We have also taken a considerable loss in income - given our Hall and Rooms have had to be closed, this is not surprising. APCM reports may be picked up from the back of St Nick’s from May 23rd, along with nomination forms for PCC and Church Wardens. Online copies will be posted onto the church webpages.

APCM Thursday 24th June 7.30pm in St Nick’s Church APCM Thursday 24th June 2021 7.30pm in St Nick’s Church


Senior’s Afternoon Tea St Nick’s ministry team were wondering if anyone could help with the following initiative which we hope will bring people together for a series of social gatherings. Depending on interest we may have to look at a booking system, but before we get to that, we really need to know if anyone would be willing to help set up chairs, and assist with preparing and serving afternoon tea, and of course clearing away, including moving chairs and washing up. We may also need some entertainment! We have the following dates booked and afternoon tea will be served in St Nick’s Church Garden: June 24th, July 22nd, and August 26th With a start time of 3pm, concluding by 4.30pm If you think you might be able to spare a few hours, please get in touch with Gael, our church administrator, via phone or email. Offers of cakes, tea and refreshment items would also be appreciated! Wanted! Ideally we would love to be able to put up a marquee on the church gardens over the summer months in order to enable groups, individuals and households to gather out- side together for social and worship activities. If you are aware of any organisation or individual who might be able to loan us a marquee for this length of time please do get in touch with us, again via Gael or a member of clergy.


Fishers of… Water?! Revd Peter Walley, Acting A number of churches have had links overseas through different charities and this story which emerged last week in Derby seemed to be a real encouragement to pray and trust God for his provision. For fifteen years a Derby charity supported by local churches has been supporting a school in Eldoret, Kenya. Having first financed the building of the school it now helps the school to become self-sufficient. This support has included funding a minibus to collect students from some of the local slum areas, providing for solar panels for power needs, computer tablets to receive the new state curriculum, and to provide running water from a well instead of having to rely on inconsistent, expensive tank- er loads of water three times a week. Drilling started at the beginning of April but by the 10th, the drillers were becoming very concerned that they had passed the level where potable water was predicted. On Sunday 11th, Revd Paul Pritchard who was taking the Zoom service asked people in Mickleover to pray for a successful out- come. This is what happened next: The drillers struggled with what they thought was a dry well when a complete stranger walked onto the site who asked what was happening, appearing to know a lot about drilling and the underlying rocks in Eldoret. He told them to drill to a depth well beyond what they considered possible, and described the stages of rock they would find before they hit clean water. He then left. They followed his advice and what he described took place. He reappeared and talked them through the last stag- es until water gushed out. Everyone looked around for him to thank him but he had disappeared into thin air. No one knew him or had seen him around the town be- fore; the school director, Pastor Kenneth, described the experience as an Angel ap- pearing to help them. Kenneth continued “Now we have the water that will trans- form the lives of our school and the community – thank you all for prayers.” Paul reflected on the story in these words: ‘All I could think of was our Lord telling Simon Peter to put down his nets when they had been fishing all night without suc- cess. Simon replied “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!’ How many of us have feel we have very little for our efforts? We may think that changing the structures of our diocese or engaging with the Vision will be more of the same. It may be, but we worship a God who is Almighty and well aware of our needs, who helps those who call on His name. Our exit from Covid 19 is an oppor- tunity to ask God where, how and when should we let our nets down. This story en- courages me that there can be a more fruitful future. God can send his Angels here too. Let’s be open to His leading as we journey on. 7

Quarndon Bee Festival - ‘Bee Kind, Bee Active, Bee Creative’ Saturday July 10th & Sunday July 11th Help wanted! If you would like to be a part of the committee, please speak to Rev. Becky. We’d love to have you on board and get more ideas and help in putting them in place practically! The idea for the festival has arisen out of the Mary & Martha discipleship group, looking for opportunities to engage with folks through common interests. Certainly, ecology and environmental awareness are coming more to the fore as Quarndon Community group are looking at starting a Repair Café, and have recently received funding and have started work on a Quarndon Community Gar- den. Instead of a summer fete this year, which we can’t do in light of current restrictions, we have some sort of weekend celebration of everything ‘Bee’! • Curzon School are going to get onboard with perhaps a ‘Spelling Bee’, make up your own ‘waggle’ dance, or getting involved in bee crafting or eco activi- ties. • For fundraising we may be able to have a Cake Stall, perhaps with honey based recipes and other dietary friendly alternatives. Given car boots are permitted to meet soon, we might be able to have a ‘pre-loved’ stall too. • Muddy Church have a great bee trail resource which we could adapt and per- haps have in the gardens of friendly parishioners, or even just around the churchyard itself which could stay up for the week. The bee trail includes scriptural references to bees and honey. • A short video with a local bee keeper could be filmed, about keeping bees and bee behaviour, that we could then put on our websites and social media. • For a bit of fun, villagers can be encouraged to display ‘Be...’ displays in their gardens – a bit like the scarecrow festival, using puns. E.g. ‘Bee-hive yourself, ‘Your honey or your life’, ‘beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder’, bee’s fa- vourite singer ‘Beeyonce’. • There’s also the possibility of The Joiners getting involved with creating a spe- cial Bee cocktail using locally resourced honey, for example. There are many exciting possibilities to spread some community cheer through this festival, and so please do get in touch if you have any thoughts or would like to be a part of making it happen. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


Summer Holidays– Family Fun Mornings Provisional dates are: Tues 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th August, 10.30 - 12.30

Again the ministry team have had our thinking caps on, and instead of a week long Children’s Holiday club, we would love to have instead this year a series of Family Fun Mornings held once a week at St Nick’s throughout the August summer holi- days. This will look like a themed, weekly fun morning, full of activities, games, crafts, and messy play! We’re super excited about the possibility of welcoming fami- lies in our community to come and spend time with us, and provide a safe space for children to get outdoors after a time of lockdown.

St Nick’s Church Hall and outdoor area has been booked for Tuesday mornings in August and will need, once again, some volunteer support to make this event hap- pen.

Please contact Anna Oldknow if you would be able to offer help - this might be wel- coming families, serving drinks, or helping with craft and activity tables. We would like to run this event outside in the garden, for those who still might be anxious about Covid and would prefer an outdoor venue.

Many of you will have heard about the footballer Marcus Rashford’s campaigning for free school meals to be provided during the summer holidays, and in order to support families at this time we would like to provide lunch at the conclusion of our fun morning and the opportunity to take away a food package.

Revd Becky is collaborating with local business’ through the Derby Food 4 Thought Alliance in order to provide this support to local families.

We would appreciate your prayers first and foremost for this initiative, as we believe in the power of prayer to supply our every need. If you have any links with local food suppliers– fruit & veg, bakeries, please do ask them to get in touch with us or Derby Food 4 Thought Alliance– we have a shopping list of items and anything they can donate would be greatly appreciated.


Derby Diocese welcomes a New Bishop!

On Sunday 18th April 2021, Malcolm Macnaughton was installed as the Bishop of Repton in a special Evensong at Derby Cathedral. Bishop Malcolm’s installation fol- lowed his consecration as Palace on Wednesday, 14th April. The , the Rt Revd Sarah Mullally, presided, and the , the Most Revd Justin Welby, was the preacher. The Right Revd , , was present to receive Malcolm as the Bishop of Repton on behalf of the Diocese of Der- by. Covid restrictions meant that the original date for Malcolm’s consecration had to be postponed – and both his consecration and installation were subject to government restrictions and guidance. Malcolm said: “Over recent weeks I have enjoyed beginning to get to know col- leagues lay and ordained from across the Diocese of Derby, but I am now really looking forward to making a proper start, especially as we will now be able to get out and meet people where they are. I haven’t seen much of Derbyshire yet be- cause of the restrictions, so it is going to be so good to be able to visit communities and churches all over the diocese in the coming months.” “Despite the struggles of the past year the reality is that each day, transformed by our encounter with our risen Lord Jesus Christ, we can find hope for the future, for our churches, for our communities. The Kingdom of God is good news for all – and we are called to proclaim that Kingdom afresh in our generation. There is plenty to encourage us – and there will be much more! Please pray for me as I join you in this, our shared calling.” A key focus for Malcolm’s ministry will be to support those engaged in church revi- talisation especially through church planting and fresh expressions, particular- ly with areas of deprivation. He will also give an episcopal lead to our work across the diocese with young peo- ple, schools and with the Derby Diocesan Board of Education. Malcolm has a background of working in rural, inner city and post-mining areas, and with archdeacons and area deans and their teams he will ensure we work well together to equip and enable local people, lay and ordained, to proclaim the good news of Christ in our diverse communities across the diocese.


Church of North India Social Service Institute & Allestree—Nagpur Link Committee The partnership between churches in Derbyshire and the Church of North India (CNI) was established in 1977. During the early 1980s, it was considered that the Greater Allestree Group of Churches might become more involved in the venture, and following visits to and from Nagpur the link with the Social Services Institute (SSI) was formed. The SSI works extensively with the poor and marginalised in the region. The present work is addressing the socio-Economic conditions of the rag pickers community, Marginal- ized farmers, Women and children from different oppressed communities. Providing Vocational (skill development) training and empowering the un - employed youth and women for socio- economic freedom is one of the main activities of the organi- zation. CNISSI was registered as society in 1982 and moving on with the mission to liberate the communities from the bondage of poverty and oppressive social - politi- cal structures. Please keep the Director of the SSI, Aradhana Upadhyay in your prayers, for her col- leagues at the SSI and for her family. If anyone from St Nick's would be interested in joining the Allestree-Nagpur com- mittee please get in touch- we haven't had a parish representative for over 18 months and we really need someone to come forward who can engage with the committee on our behalf and be prepared to feedback from the committee to the PCC and ministry team. Please contact a member of clergy if you’d be interested in joining the committee. Church Rota Gael is currently in the process of putting a Church Rota back in place. We hope and pray that the coming months will see us emerge from lockdown and enjoy being together again. Please get in touch if you’d like to help out by being on our volun- teers rota for Church Services.

Newsletter Information - Birthdays


Please be aware that the deadline for If you’ve got a big birthday coming up, any news you’d like to be included in maybe 80, 90…… 100?! We’d love to the next Newsletter is always the know so that we can celebrate with you! 16th of the month before. Speak to Sarah Tupling, as she has taken over keeping our birthday records up to Any info should be sent to the church date. office [email protected]


Upcoming Services Dates/Services Leaders Readings Sunday 2nd May St Nick’s: 10am Informal Worship Becky Acts 8:26—end St Paul’s: 10am Holy Communion Dawn John 15:1-8 Sunday 9th May St Nick’s: 10am Together @ the Table Dawn Acts 10:44—end St Paul’s: 10am Informal Outdoor Worship Anna Jon 15:9-17 Sunday 16th May St Nick’s: 4pm Afternoon Praise Becky Acts 1:15-17, 21-end St Paul’s: 10am Holy Communion with SHINE Becky John 17:6-19 Sunday 23rd May St Nick’s: 10am Holy Communion Dawn Acts 2:1-21 St Paul’s: 10am Informal Worship Phil John 15:26-27, 164b-15

Sunday 30th May 4pm Joint Outdoor Service @ St Nick’s Ministry Team

Handy Contacts for both churches:

St Nick’s Church Warden: Paul Taylor Contact: 01332 556020 Safeguarding Lead: Miriam Chappell Contact: 01332 550782 Facebook:

St Paul’s Church Wardens: Mike Annable Contact: [email protected] Jan Calladine Contact: [email protected] Verger: Dawn Price Contact: 01332 556422 Safeguarding Lead: Vacant– please contact Revd Becky Church Hall Bookings: Val Annable Contact: 07780 830371 [email protected] (or see our website to book online) Facebook:

Please get in touch if you’d like to talk to us about organising a Baptism at St Nick’s or St Paul’s, or would like to get married or celebrate a special anniversary with the renewal of wedding vows. Vicar Becky is always happy to respond to enquiries.