December ‘17 FULL COURT PRESS The Official Newsletter of the Centenary University Sport Management Concentration

Dave’s Summer with Monumental Topic Breakdown Sports and Entertainment Internships

Mounumental Sports: Page 1

Prodigy Sports: Page 2

State Fair Group Event Management: Page 2


Brainstorm Digital: Page 3

Shadowing Marketing Director at YMCA: Page 3

NY Mets Shadowing: Page 4

NY Red Bulls: Page 4

NY Red Bulls: Page 5

Prodigy Sports Shadowing: Page 5

Behind the Scenes of College Athletics: Page 6 This summer I had the opportunity experience and has helped me grow to intern with Monumental Sports as a professional. During my time at A Day at South River High School: Page 6 & Entertainment. Monumental Monumental, I gained experience in Sports, located in Washington D.C., sales and service, group sales, mar- Lehigh Valley: Page 7 owns and operates the Washington keting, game operations, planning/ A Day in the Life of a High School Athletic Capitals, Wizards, Mystics, Valor, running events, and more. I also Director: Page 7 Baltimore Brigade, Team Liquid had the opportunity to help launch The Baby Bombers Stomping Ground: (E-Gaming), a new NBA G-League two new AFL teams, the Baltimore What a time to be a RailRaider: Page 8 franchise, a subscription based sports Brigade and Washington Valor, and network, and several arenas through- assist in revitalizing the Washington AFC Presentations out the DMV. I met Richard Lintker, Mystics franchise during their 20th the Director of Ticket Sales & Service season. My advice to underclass- Competition for a Cause: Page 9 with Monumental’s Franchise Teams men is to take advantage of as many Laps for Lexi: Page 9 Department last October at the RMU opportunities as you can during your conference. After the conference I time at Centenary and to attend con- Westchester Knicks Reflection: Page 10 kept in contact with Richard, visit- ferences such as RMU. ed their offices in Washington, and - David VanArtsdalen Alumni Updtes & What We’re Up To was made an offer in March. This internship was an amazing learning

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 1 perience at Prodigy was extremely Prodigy Sports Internship valuable because I was able to learn a different side of the sports indus- try. Recruiting was something I didn’t know too much about until I did this internship and now it is something I could possibly see myself doing in the future. I also learned that recruiting is not easy and finding the perfect per- son that matches the job description may seem impossible, it takes a lot of patience and determination. The staff at Prodigy Sports was amazing This summer I was able to intern with input on website edits and conduct- and a really great team of recruiters. Prodigy Sports, which is an executive ing research for potential candidates. This internship was an opportunity of search and recruiting firm for profes- I also had the opprtunity to answer a lifetime and I am so thankful I was sional sports and entertainment orga- phone calls, listen in on intro meet- able to be apart of the Prodigy team nizations. As a recruiter they are hired ings as well as initial phone interviews for the past couple months. by a sports or entertainment compa- with potential candidates. While I -Ashley Eisenstein nies to go out and find the best talent was with Prodigy they worked with to fill a position they are looking for. Monumental Sports & Entertain- My time at Prodigy consisted of help- ment, Americrown, PCG SportsDesk, ing with social media posts, giving SeatGeek, and many more. This ex-

Pre-event I worked with the both the State Fair Reflection state of New Jersey and , filing the necessary permits to hold This summer I interned in event planning events for later this year. the fairs; I had a role in contract management with State Fair Group. The events I was apart of this sum- management, group sales, fulfilling State Fair Group owns and operates mer were by far the largest of any I’ve ticket orders and booking entertain- the Meadowlands and Empire State ever worked at. State Fair Meadow- ment to name a few things. During Fairs, two professional independent lands alone brought in over 400,000 the event I managed Groupon teams in the New Jersey attendees. redemption, customer service phone Jackals and , Tasks and responsibilities I was lines, will call ticketing, and enter- Skylands Stadium and Pompton presented with were things I didn’t tainment operations. Sport to name a few parts of have much experience in because it Going into this past summer I was their company. While I was focused was a different kind of event than I’d looking to try something different, on the Meadowlands and Empire ever worked before. With that being something I hadn’t done before and State Fairs this summer, it was a great said it was also a different environ- I was fortunate to have the opportu- opportunity to be working in the ment with a different customer base. nity to do exactly that with State Fair group’s main office because every Working in sports you‘re typically Group. - Carolyn Clites part of their company runs through interacting with the same kinds of that office. people at the same kinds of venues, State Fair looks to use the baseball sports fans in stadiums and arenas. stadiums, Skylands Stadium in Sus- This opportunity provided me with sex County and Yogi Berra Stadi- a whole new perspective in enter- um in Little Falls, for events in the tainment. It also led me to thinking offseason so the event department that every game or match is an event. was very busy this summer planning Event management is going on in and executing both fairs as well as sports with every single game day.

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 2 from the director. One project that was ongoing involved adding snow Brainstorn Digital to an entire shot. Another involved changing a winter landscape (mostly tially studied music at Juilliard with regarding bare trees) into a summer aspirations to compose, but only at- landscape. All of these shots require tended one year because of obliga- VFX work, and it is Eran’s respon- tions to serve in the Israeli army. Af- sibility to advise and lead his artists ter his time in the army Eran began through the process of finalizing the his career as a professional musician, product. although tinkering with VFX soft- Overall my experience was fascinat- ware and concepts on the side began ing, as although I may not find my to shift his passion. A job offer from way to the movie industry, the lead- Industrial Light & Magic brought ership and managerial skills Eran Eran to Singapore temporarily before displayed can and should certainly be Eran moved to New York City and applied to any scenario regardless of soon found himself with Brainstorm industry. If able to shadow an indus- Digital. try professional I would highly rec- For the day, Eran advised a few dif- ommend pouncing on the opportunity ferent artists on a variety of VFX – I have only had positive, knowl- For my project I shadowed Eran Di- shots. In one instance the director of edgeable experiences in the multiple nur, VFX Supervisor for Brainstorm the film wanted a shot taken from a I have completed. Digital. Brainstorm Digital is a Visu- 2nd story perspective to look like it - Glenn Allen al Effects Company that specializes was taken from a 3rd story perspec- in the production of visual effects for tive. Some individual shots needed any type of cinematic work. Eran ini- softening of edges to fit the request

Shadowing Marketing Director: YMCA

For my Shadowing project I decid- through all expenses in the market- picked up that I will take away is the ed to shadow Lindsey Cozewith the ing department over the last month need for organization, attention to Marketing Director at the YMCA in to make sure the numbers matched detail and the ability to trust our gut. Madison NJ. She is the department and they didn’t over spend. That was - Blake Fielding head and oversees all of marketing very interesting to see them use excel there along with works with other to go through statements. The sec- departments such as development to ond meeting was a Human Resource help portray the YMCA in the most meeting that was interesting I got sit professional way possible. When go- on them discussing the proper way to ing to do this project I wasn’t sure interact with different aged consum- what to expect out of the day but after ers to make sure everyone is treated the day I was glad I chose Lindsey. equal. I was able to sit in on a lot of meet- The most interesting was when I wit- ing, which she was able to walk me nessed Lindsey tell her associate that through what they were doing. I also the ad she made was poor and needed was able to sit back and take in what to be redone. It was very professional was happening, how they interact of her being able to tell associate what and how they conduct themselves in needed to be changed without mak- a business setting. The first meeting I ing her feel poorly about the work she sat in on was all financials, they went had put in previously. Some things I

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 3 NY Mets Shadowing NY Red Bulls

Last week I had the great opportuni- ty to visit Red Bull Arena in Newark, Jersey. I was able to shadow Kelsey Meehan the Field Marketing Coordi- nator, Yulissa Pereyra and Kaitlynn Wall the Game Presentation Coordi- nators and Marco Matute the Field Marketing Coordinator. Kelsey was able to give me a tour of the entire stadium, and show me places where fans and staff members are usual- ly not allowed. After getting a tour of the stadium, I got to see where all their offices were located. From there The first thing I learned when I got I got to sit down and talk to Yulissa, to Citi Field was that Kaitlynn and Marco about what they fans are beyond passionate. One do at their job. Learning exactly what thing I learned from everyone in the they do during typical days and game social media department was that you plained the strategy they take to cover days was shock for me. I thought all have to pay attention to every detail the games in the best, most efficient the time it would be noisy and fast because if you make a spelling error way possible. While the team does paced. When I went in the office to or something as small as a misplaced split up, those in the box have both shadow it was quiet and slow paced. punctuation mark the fans will let the TV and radio coverage playing Each staff member taught me differ- you know. so they don’t miss any content they ent skills that you need for the job. Will Carafello is the Director of So- could use on their platforms. Kaitlynn taught me that you should cial Media Marketing & Commu- Everything they do at the Mets is on have communication skills and being nications at the New York Mets. I a schedule and very organized. With well organized to work in a workplace was lucky to spend a day with him a career in a field that moves at a very like Red Bulls. Yulissa believes that and his team. They took me through fast pace that is extremely important. computer skills and transferable skills their day-to-day responsibilities both I enjoyed my time at the Mets and are important, while Marco says that in-season and offseason, at home and I learned a lot about the field that I knowledge of sports is an import- on the road. While I did visit in the wouldn’t have been able to learn in ant skill. From hearing these skills, I offseason it was far from a slow day the classroom. learned that these are skills I need to at the Mets with the announcement - Carolyn Clites practice to get a job in the future. The of their new manager, Mickey Call- best part about this shadowing project away. I got to see first-hand how the was I got to network with other Red social media team worked through Bull staff members. It was just a great releasing the announcement online. experience getting to look around the I saw graphics being sent to differ- stadium and learn from staff members ent departments to be approved and what they do for their job. details being communicated down to - Justin White the minute that the content could be posted. Will and his team were awe- some about explaining each step they were taking as I observed. Will also took me to the box his team sets up in for home games. He ex-

Full Court Press - October ‘16 Page 4 NY Red Bulls Prodigy Sports Shadowing

This past semester I had the luxury of shadowing Joseph Delchop from the . Joseph Delchop has been with the team since July of 2013 as an Inside Sales Executive. From here worked his way up through the organization to now have the position as a premium membership executive at the New York Red Bulls. I personally know Delchop because of my volunteer I had the opportunity to shadow Scott do not listen closely, you may not ask experience with the team my fresh- Carmichael, the Founder and CEO of the right questions and not get a true men year of college. Prodigy Sports. Prodigy Sports is a read of the experience of the person. Walking into the New York Red executive search and recruiting firm I was able to listen in with Scott and Bulls sales department I quickly felt that is hired by professional sports write down a question he would ask very comfortable because of my ex- and entertainment organizations to the candidate based off what I had lis- perience there a couple years prior. find positions (director level and tened to. The rest of his day consist- Since the team is out of the play- above) to fill for them. While I was ed of a couple more phone calls and offs, the sales staff is preparing for shadowing I was able to learn what more research. He also spent time the upcoming 2018 season. In this it was like to own and run your own to check in on his staff and see how particular day Delchop was on the business as well as be an executive their searches were going. Culture phone contacting people about their recruiter. This experience was awe- is very important to him, so he wants transactions of the 2017 season and some because I was able to see what to make sure everyone is having fun if they are interested in the 2018 someone with over 40 years in the doing their job as well as taking it se- season packs. I also got to sit in a sports industry and taught me about riously. meeting where they spoke about the the importance of recruiting. The day was very cool and I really training program they created for During my shadowing I was able to enjoyed every second of it. This is the Inside Sales executives. sit with Scott and see what he does something that I could possibly see I received a lot of great advice not on a daily basis. I was able to learn myself doing in the future. I am re- only from Joseph Delchop, but also about negotiating contracts and how ally interested in doing research to many people in the sales depart- he makes his decisions. I learned look for potential candidates for jobs. ment. I would recommend any un- what a protected list and how he de- I also think that being taught to listen derclassmen to get in contact with cided on the percentage they receive better and really understand the back- him so that you can also experience from working with the organization. ground of candidates I could be suc- what it is like to work for a profes- I watched him respond to important cessful. Scott put a lot of work into sional soccer team. emails with clients as well as contact the success of this company and I was - Luis Santiago potential candidates to set up calls. able to shadow the week of their 10th He spent some time doing research Anniversary. This was such a great for potential candidates as well as opportunity and I am glad I was able potential prospects that Prodigy can to have the experience. find jobs for. - Ashley Eisenstein I think the most exciting thing that I was able to do was listen in on po- tential candidate phone calls and see Scott asks his questions. It is import- ant to listen very closely when hav- ing conversations with people. If you

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 5 Behind the Scenes of College Athletics

When it comes to college sports ev- concerning practice times, and game- eryone focuses on what is important day meeting. Another thing that I wit- to them, what happens on the court nessed was what needed to be done in or field. But what is really important order to live-stream an event. Most of that is essential to success during the the prep for a live-stream game hap- game is behind the scenes. Back in pens days to weeks before the game the beginning of November, I trav- so nothing is forgotten if it was done eled to Montclair State University the day of. and shadowed the Director of Sports Throughout this experience, I learned Publicity, Michael Scala. I learned a lot about behind the scenes of a a lot while I was there that I hadn’t sporting event. When the sports are learned being an athletic work-study in-season, there isn’t a lot of free here on campus. time. Workers, like Michael Scala, One of the things that I learned during are always on the move making sure my experience there was that there is everything is done in preparation a lot that goes into a sporting event, for a game. Someone has to work especially an NCAA tournament. a scoreboard so you can know the Montclair State’s field hockey team score. And the programs that give was entering the second round of you player stats can’t be done the day NCAA’s, so I got the privilege to sit in of a game; someone had to make sure on the phone conference that every- they got done. Next time you attend a one involved took a part in. During sporting event, take a look at the tiny this call, all decisions were made things that don’t usually get noticed. - Miranda Burns A Day at South River High School

One day during this semester, I got to day activities that would take place want to do. Though I don’t necessar- spend the day shadowing Carl Buf- that evening. ily see myself starting out at the high falino, the Athletic Director at South Throughout the day, I learned that school level, becoming a collegiate River High School. As an alumnus of communication is one of the biggest athletic director is currently in my fu- South River High School, there was parts of being an Athletic Director. ture plans. a very familiar feel to the day, but Game times may switch, or even - Amber Sporer it was also new and refreshing. Mr. locations may switch and everyone Buffalino, also known as “Buff,” by who could possibly be involved must the students, and I spent much of the be notified in a timely manner. One day making sure all was in order for thing Buff did tell me is that making the afternoon soccer games. It was a phone call or talking to someone eye-opening to see what it actual- in person is always better than send- ly took to get ready for a game day ing them an email. The phone call or on his end. There were many phone face-to-face interaction leaves little calls made, confirming referees, bus- room for misinterpretation which is es, event staff, and anything else you always a good thing. could possibly think of. It was the end Being an Athletic Director is some- of the fall sports season when I was thing I have always aspired to do, and shadowing, so we also had to make after this shadowing experience, it sure all was in order for the senior was confirmed that this is still what I

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 6 Lehigh Valley A Day in the Life of a High School Athletic Director

Shadowing Erik Hansen at the Warren Hills Regional High School’s importance of strategic planning in Lehigh Valley for a day was awe- Athletic Director Geri McKelvey her job. However she warned me that some. I got to see firsthand what a spent twenty-three years as a Phys- even though she takes the appropriate Director of Tickets Sales does during ical Education/Health Education amount of time to plan, she scraps her a game day and also how he manag- teacher before applying for her cur- plans most days to catch up on emails es his sales staff. After Erik showed rent position. and to face problems that require im- exclusive areas around the PPL Cen- When I first sat down to talk to Mrs. mediate attention. ter he gave me great advice and tips Geri McKelvey about her day to day One thing that impressed me the most about starting my career in the sports as an Athletic Director one of the about her was the plan that she imple- industry. first things I wanted to talk her about ments to keep her budget two years - Alejandro Espinal was her transition from being a gym ahead of time. This is done purpose- teacher to being the Director of Ath- ly in order to have leave her enough letics at a regional high school. Tak- time to make the necessary changes ing advantage of this opportunity to deemed by the board of education be hands on with the budget, all of on what she proposes for the upcom- the coaching staffs, and board of edu- ing year of athletics. Overall I had cation was something she didn’t have a great experience shadowing and I as a gym teacher. She simply applied would recommend it for anyone who for the job like any other job appli- is looking to get a hands on experi- cant and waited for an interview for ence in a job they think they want to her to express her passion and dedi- go into. cation to high school athletes. - Maxwell Nauta Throughout my shadowing experi- ence Mrs. McKelvey expressed the

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 7 The Baby Bombers Stomping Ground: What a Time to Be a RailRider!

It was a pleasure to shadow Bob Mc- Lane and Jeff Smolens of the Scran- ton Wilkes-Barre RailRiders! Even though it is the baseball offseason, Bob and Jeff are busy at work sell- ing for the 2018 RailRider baseball season. Bob serves as the teams VP of Ticket Sales, while Jeff works as a Corporate Ticket Sales Executive. The lessons and skills I witnessed while shadowing Bob and Jeff would be beneficial for any college graduate about to enter the real world. Scranton has recently been a breed- ing ground for young Yankee stars known as “baby bombers.” Baby bombers are players drafted by the Yankees themselves. The most no- table baby bombers are Aaron Judge, fans and local businesses who have an amazing start to their baseball off- Luis Severino, Gary Sanchez, and tickets. In business and in sales, you season. They all were organized and other current Yankees in the major have to tell the potential customers eager to make new clients that will leagues who played for Scranton be- the benefits they will get from going enjoy RailRider baseball in 2018. I fore New York. to a game. could tell by being in the front office Beautiful PNC Field is home of the I would like to thank Jeff and Bob for that it is an exciting time to be work- RailRiders in Moosic, Pennsylva- inviting me into their organization ing for the Scranton Wilkes-Barre nia right outside the Scranton Wil- and giving me an entire day of expe- RailRiders! kes-Barre area. Throughout the day, rience. In the morning I was given a - John Tierney Bob and Jeff explained to me the ap- tour of the ballpark, which was really peal of PNC Field and how they mar- awesome, then I observed how they ket the baby bombers. With the baby log information and set up phone calls bombers excelling in New York with and meetings with potential clients. the Yankees, and the newly renovat- Then after that, Jeff and I canvased ed PNC Field, the RailRiders have a his sales territory for potential clients pretty cool appeal for baseball fans. in the Scranton Wilkes-Barre area. I While I was shadowing Bob and Jeff was fortunate enough to witness Jeff I learned something really beneficial go through the actual sales process for business and sales. Bob and Jeff with a couple different new business- were not just selling tickets to a base- es. When he talked to potential cli- ball game, they were selling the expe- ents he showed confidence, charisma, rience and atmosphere of PNC Field. resilience, and his personality. Mak- On top of that, they were also selling ing a new sale with someone can be ways to strengthen customer relations really difficult, but watching Jeff go for businesses interested in tickets. through the sales process in a profes- According to Bob and Jeff, it is more sional manner was really beneficial to than a baseball game, the memories learn form. can lead to benefits for RailRider The RailRiders sales staff was off to Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 8 Competition For A Cause

In our charity event which was half When our event came we made sure court shots at halftime of the men’s everything was still on and made game vs Rosemont Col- sure to have a backup plan in case of lege. We worked very hard and earned any accident or mistake within the our charity a total of $103.00. Lead- event. When halftime came we had ing up to the event we did many things the students come to shoot, collect- that were vital to our success in raising ed the money prior and had a good money such as hanging flyers, posting time. After that was over we went raised money for a good cause. Over- on social media, telling friends and around with our cash box and were all, we thought everyone who was at family, and getting prizes donated. All able to make extra cash from people the game during halftime was pleased those things contributed to our event who were willing to donate. After we and satisfied. If we had a chance to because they played a part in the excit- thanked everyone for coming out and do this all over or even do another ing atmosphere, good attendance, and told them to beware for any event in charity we wouldn’t hesitate because amount of money we ended up raising the future. it was joyful and great to work as a for our charity. So, when it was time In conclusion, we as a group worked team and build relationships within for our event we were set and ready to really well together and are very hap- our group. entertain our audience and put on an py not only because we were success- unforgettable show. ful but most importantly because we

Laps for Lexi Charity Event

On December 6th, two video game tournaments were held in the vibe by Michael Young, Peter Sullivan, Eric Nugent, Ashton Pardy, and Jack Baroch. The game selected for the tournaments was FIFA 2018. The two grand prizes were a $25 visa gift card and a $30 voucher to Bea Mc- Nally’s Irish Pub. The group was able to bring together $193 while also spreading awareness about the or- ganization with handouts explaining what exactly Laps for Lexi stands for and by selling their merchandise. - Michael, Peter, Ashton, Eric, Jack

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 9 Westchester Knicks Reflection

I would say that this project really helped me see how difficult it can be to market a product. Marketing for a G league team can be a huge chal- lenge. Our group chose to focus on how we can market to corporations, so they attend Westchester Knicks games. At first I thought that this project would be easy. I did not real- ize how much thought had to go into it. We are not just throwing out broad ideas, we needed to come up with ac- tual plans as if we were working for Knicks. It took a lot of research and I think that our group came up with an effective way for corporations to attend Westchester Knicks games. This project allowed me to get over my fear of making that there was less pressure. Overall I phone calls to people I am not famil- feel like this project was a challenge stead of reading textbooks and taking iar with. I made three phone calls to but rewarding. It gave me the oppor- tests, this class had a clear objective minor league teams and they all actu- tunity to really get a feel of what a which many salespeople do in ev- ally went well. I was surprised how marketer does. I put a lot of work into eryday life. It was more of a “hands open these sales representatives were this project especially towards the last on” experience. I would recommend to help me. I definitely was nervous few weeks. I learned how hard it is to other students to take this course even for the presentation. Doing it in front market a relatively unique product to if their business concentration is not of the skype camera instead of in per- a group that does not have a large pur- “sports management” just like mine. I son in Westchester I feel made it easi- chasing power in this product. I think still learned things from this class that er to present. Without the audience of this class gave me a sense of how I can use in my future career. Westchester Knicks employees, I felt things work in the business world. In- - Matthew Riotto

Save the Date Centenary University 7th Annual Sports Management Conference When: April 20, 2018

For more information, contact: Carolyn Clites at [email protected]

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 10 Alumni Update What We’re Up To

Fred Mangione ’93 Fall Internships Senior Vice President, Premium Revenue, Strategy and Carolyn Clites – Corporate Partnership Development (New York Jets) John Tierney – Hackettstown High School Athletics Andrew Granozio ‘10 Dean Hadzovic – Hackettstown High School Athletics Director of Business Development and Premium Seating (Rutgers University) Blake Fielding – Precision Sports and Entertainment

Arden Wright ’13 Manager, Premium Service (Brooklyn Sports & Spring Internships Entertainment) Todd Reddington – Precision Sports and Entertainment Justin Belanger ’13 Amber Sporer – SponsorUnited Championship Sales Director 2019 US Senior Open Miranda Burns – Gran Fondo NJ – Bruno Event Team

Nicole Collins ’14 Study Abroad Associate General Manager at IMG Learfield Ticket Solutions (Rutgers University) David VanArtsdalen – Richmond – The American University in London – Kensington Campus Jason Verrico ’15 Coordinator, Practice Facility ()

Sal Manzella ’15 Operations Assistant ()

Christopher Ruoff ’16 Group Sales Account Executive (New York Jets)

Dominick Lentine ’16 Grassroots Marketing ()

Abi Lawal ’16 Premium Seating Executive (Philadelphia Flyers and 76ers at Comcast Spectacor)

Dan Konteh ’16 Season Sales Representative (Houston Rockets)

If you have any news or updates please email Professor Perricone at [email protected]

Full Court Press - December ‘17 Page 11