E978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2012 Middlesex County, New Jersey. MCREA has for survival, but to become a part of something ents from southern New Jersey. Rabbi made the protection of the retired school em- so much bigger than ourselves. Menachem Mendel and Nechama Dina ployees’ state pension fund and insuring the I urge my colleagues to join me in marking Mangel, are known to their friends as Rabbi continuation of current health care benefits this special occasion. Mendy and Dinie. They are a Chabad- among its top priorities. MCREA members are f Lubavitch Chassidic couple who were married active in their community and have organized in 1992 in Brooklyn, . They have di- NALENE CASTANEDA-ROMERO assistance programs for nursing home resi- rected Chabad Lubavitch of Camden and Bur- dents, and delivered food for the needy and fi- lington Counties, since settling in their New nancial assistance to students. They have also HON. ED PERLMUTTER Jersey community in 1994. organized various social functions for mem- OF COLORADO Rabbi Mendy received his Rabbinical ordi- bers to attend various cultural performances IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation in New York and together they began and historic sites as well as extended trips Tuesday, June 5, 2012 to offer a wide-range of educational programs throughout the and various for- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to increase Jewish knowledge and observance eign countries. Today, MCREA is proudly rep- today to recognize and applaud Nalene in the area. By the spring of 1994, the Chabad resented by over 1,675 members throughout Castaneda-Romero for receiving the Arvada Lubavitch Center was established in a store- Middlesex County and New Jersey. Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth front in Voorhees, Chabad Hebrew School Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in award. Nalene Castaneda-Romero is a 12th was inaugurated, and Shabbat services congratulating the Middlesex County Retired grader at Pomona High and received this began. In April of 2002, to accommodate the Educators Association for 50 years of service. award because her determination and hard increasing number of programs and partici- Their efforts continue to enhance the lives of work have allowed her to overcome adversi- pants, Chabad moved to its present home in retired educators throughout Middlesex County ties. Cherry Hill. Rabbi Mendy and Dinie have and New Jersey. The dedication demonstrated by Nalene since expanded their activities into Burlington f Castaneda-Romero is exemplary of the type of County. In 2004, they brought Rabbi Yitzchok achievement that can be attained with hard and Baily Kahan on board to begin the Gan HONORING JEWISH AMERICAN Day Camp at Chabad and to assist with HERITAGE MONTH work and perseverance. It is essential stu- dents at all levels strive to make the most of the general growth and expansion of activities their education and develop a work ethic at the center. More recently, in the summer of HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY which will guide them for the rest of their lives. 2010, Rabbi Menachem and Shterna OF I extend my deepest congratulations to Kaminker joined the staff, to work with the He- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nalene Castaneda-Romero for winning the Ar- brew-speaking community. Tuesday, June 5, 2012 vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for The Mangels are the proud parents of eight Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit wonderful children, ka’’h, ranging in age from Ms. BERKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the same dedication and character in all her 18–2 years. Many people have come to know mark Jewish American Heritage Month. future accomplishments. Rabbi Mendy and Dinie and their children My family’s story is very much an American f through their involvement and service to their Jewish story. On my father’s side of the fam- community. They participate in their commu- ily, from the Russia-Poland border, an entire MARSHWOOD HIGH SCHOOL WE nity’s annual Menorah lighting ceremony, de- 1,000-year culture was wiped out as a result THE PEOPLE TEAM liver Purim gift packages, teach classes in the of World War II. My mother’s side of the family synagogue, or invite friends and neighbors in comes from , Greece, where there HON. CHELLIE PINGREE to their home to enjoy a delicious and spirited was a very vibrant Jewish community prior to OF MAINE Shabbat meal. They have opened their home World War II, totaling half of the city’s entire IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and their hearts to share the warmth of Jewish population. But by the time the Nazis finished, Tuesday, June 5, 2012 life and tradition with the many Jews in our there were only 1,000 Jews left there and I am area. Rabbi Mendy and Dinie and their family Ms. PINGREE of Maine. I would like to con- not presumptuous enough to think that my have devoted their lives to ignite a passion for gratulate a group of students in my district family would have been among those chosen greater commitment to Jewish life in all whom who have earned a national title in their under- to live. they meet. standing of constitutional issues in a changing My family escaped both the Russia-Poland Rabbi Mendy will be honored this week at area and Thessaloniki in order to come to our world. Participating in the national round of this the annual Chai Gala celebration in Nation’s shores. And I grew up hearing stories Cinnaminson, New Jersey and I urge my col- of what their lives had been and how thrilled year’s We the People competition in April, Isa- bella Burke, Catherine Pouliot, and Samantha leagues to join in me in offering my most sin- they were to come to the safe haven of the cere congratulations. United States of America. It was the very sur- Silver of Marshwood High School in South f vival of my family. Had they stayed where they Berwick, Maine, took first place in the unit on lived in Europe, we would have been ‘‘What challenges might face American con- SAMANTHA GROENHOF exterminated in the Holocaust, but we came to stitutional democracy in the twenty-first cen- this remarkable country, where we’ve not only tury?’’ HON. ED PERLMUTTER survived, but we’ve thrived. I am very proud of the level at which these students performed especially on a question of OF COLORADO When my grandparents came here—and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this is a story that is so common among such importance to our country. American Jewish families—they couldn’t speak I would also like to congratulate advisor Tuesday, June 5, 2012 English. They had no money. They had no Matt Sanzone and the rest of the Marshwood Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise skills. The only thing they had was a dream team for making it to nationals for a fifth year. today to recognize and applaud Samantha that their children and their children’s children It is an incredible statement of this school’s Groenhof for receiving the Arvada Wheat would have a better life here in the United dedication in teaching students the founda- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. States than they had where they came from. tions of American democracy. Samantha Groenhof is a 7th grader at Drake We American Jews are lucky to be a part of f Middle School and received this award be- the fabric of this great country, to have full ac- HONORING RABBI MENACHEM cause her determination and hard work have ceptance, to be able to access the highest lev- MENDEL AND NECHAMA DINA allowed her to overcome adversities. els of power, to be able to effectuate meaning- MANGEL The dedication demonstrated by Samantha ful change in a very positive way by partici- Groenhof is exemplary of the type of achieve- pating in the American political process. We HON. JON RUNYAN ment that can be attained with hard work and have made more than a life for ourselves in perseverance. It is essential students at all OF NEW JERSEY the United States of America. We are very levels strive to make the most of their edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proud Americans, and we are very proud cation and develop a work ethic which will Jews. And we appreciate so much the fact Tuesday, June 5, 2012 guide them for the rest of their lives. that this country offered so many remarkable Mr. RUNYAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise this I extend my deepest congratulations to opportunities and gave us a chance not only evening to pay tribute to two of my constitu- Samantha Groenhof for winning the Arvada

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:50 Jun 06, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.017 E05JNPT1 tjames on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E979 Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth water purveyors to the Castaic Lake Water to help patients feel more comfortable when award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the Agency. The legislation brought the water pur- visiting the doctor. The work ethic Mollie has same dedication and character in all her future veyors to the table for the purpose of negoti- shown to earn her Gold Award speaks vol- accomplishments. ating a valley-wide management plan, some- umes about her commitment to serving a f thing the local water community continues to cause greater than herself and assisting her do on a regular basis. She was an early and community. HONORING THE VETERANS OF THE ardent supporter of the creation of the City of Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young JUNE 5, 2012 EASTERN IOWA Santa Clarita, which incorporated in 1987. woman and her supportive family dem- HONOR FLIGHT In 1992 Wright, ascended to the state Sen- onstrates the rewards of hard work, dedication ate when former Los Angeles Police Chief Ed and perseverance. I am honored to represent HON. DAVID LOEBSACK Davis retired and served until 2000. As a Sen- Mollie and her family in the United States OF IOWA ator, Wright helped craft California’s welfare Congress. I know that all of my colleagues in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and child support laws. She was instrumental the House will join me in congratulating her in obtaining the Gold Award, and will wish her Tuesday, June 5, 2012 in securing funding for the College of the Can- yons, particularly a new library and a media & continued success in her future education and Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, I am honored fine arts building. Senator Wright worked tire- career. to welcome Iowa veterans of the Greatest lessly to develop a Systems of Care approach f Generation to our Nation’s Capital today. that would provide early intervention for at-risk A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF THE These veterans, accompanied by volunteer mentally ill youth. HONORABLE JOHN JOSEPH LEE guardians, traveled to Washington, DC to visit Mr. Speaker, Cathie Wright’s two decades the National World War II Memorial that was of dedicated public service make her an out- built in their honor. standing example of her generation and its HON. ANNA G. ESHOO OF CALIFORNIA I proudly have in my office a piece of mar- commitment to our Nation. It is appropriate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ble from the quarry that supplied the stone therefore that we honor her life and contribu- from which the World War II Memorial was tions today. Tuesday, June 5, 2012 built. That piece of marble, just like the memo- f Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rial it built, reminds me of the sacrifices of a honor John Lee, a resident of San Mateo, generation that, when our country was threat- RYAN PFANKUCH California, who died at the age of 81 at the ened, rose to defend not just our Nation but Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Hospice. the freedoms, democracy, and values that are HON. ED PERLMUTTER John Lee served his country as a Marine in the basis of our great Nation. They did so as OF COLORADO Korea and Vietnam; was a successful busi- one people and one country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nessman; a founder of Telogy Inc; was a high- The sheer magnitude of what they accom- ly respected member of the San Mateo City plished, not just in war but in the peace that Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Council and served as Mayor. He was respon- followed has stood as an inspiration to every Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise sible for the completion of three major projects generation of Americans since. The Greatest today to recognize and applaud Ryan during his twelve year tenure—a movie theater Generation did not seek to be tested both Pfankuch for receiving the Arvada Wheat complex, a new library, and a new police sta- abroad by a war that fundamentally chal- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. tion. lenged our way of life and at home by the Ryan Pfankuch is a 7th grader at Drake Mid- He was known to all for saying ‘‘It’s out- Great Depression and the rebuilding of our dle School and received this award because standing!’’ While he could be stern and firm economy that followed. But, when called upon his determination and hard work have allowed minded, he was never disagreeable. He ap- to do so, they defended and then rebuilt our him to overcome adversities. preciated hard work and supported dedicated Nation. Their patriotism, service, and great The dedication demonstrated by Ryan city employees. He worked to help the less sacrifice not only defined their generation— Pfankuch is exemplary of the type of achieve- fortunate, and in the words of San Mateo Po- they stand as a testament to the fortitude of ment that can be attained with hard work and lice Chief Susan Manheimer, ‘‘He was a man our Nation. perseverance. It is essential students at all who believed in valor and chivalry and duty.’’ I am tremendously proud to welcome east- levels strive to make the most of their edu- John is survived by his son, John Lee Jr., ern Iowa’s veterans of the Second World War cation and develop a work ethic which will of Oregon, daughters Brenda Lee Woodward, to our Nation’s capital today. On behalf of guide them for the rest of their lives. Karen Frost and J. Marcella Lee; his stepson every Iowan I represent, I thank them for their I extend my deepest congratulations to Michael Streim and many grandchildren. He service to our country. Ryan Pfankuch for winning the Arvada Wheat also leaves four siblings. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me f Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- in honoring a true public servant who served HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE cation and character in all his future accom- his Nation with honor, valor, and generosity. OF FORMER STATE SENATOR plishments. He served his community with equal distinc- CATHIE WRIGHT tion, and earned the respect of his colleagues f in public service and the deep regard of his HON. MIKE THOMPSON TRIBUTE TO MOLLIE EMERSON entire community. I ask my colleagues to ex- tend to his children, grandchildren and siblings OF CALIFORNIA our most sincere sympathy on their great loss. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TOM LATHAM John Lee will be missed by everyone who had OF IOWA Tuesday, June 5, 2012 the good fortune to know him, and I count my- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, self among those so blessed. Our community I rise today to express my sadness regarding Tuesday, June 5, 2012 and our country have been strengthened by the recent passing of former State Senator Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the life and the service of John Lee. Cathie Wright, who represented the Simi and recognize and congratulate Mollie Emerson of f Santa Clarita Valleys in the California legisla- Rockford, Iowa for being awarded the Girl HONORING THE PLASMA PROTEIN ture for 20 years, and with whom I was proud Scout Gold Award. THERAPEUTICS ASSOCIATION to serve. The Gold Award is the highest award that a Born in Old Forge, Pennsylvania on May 18, high school-aged Girl Scout can earn. This is 1929, Cathie Maranelli Wright launched her an extremely prestigious honor as less than 6 HON. KEVIN BRADY OF TEXAS political career in the 1970s as a member of percent of all Girl Scouts will attain the Gold IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Simi Valley City Council. Wright was the Award’s rigorous requirements. city’s mayor when she ran for and won an To earn a Gold Award, a Girl Scout must Tuesday, June 5, 2012 open Assembly seat in 1980. During her ten- complete a minimum of 80 hours towards a Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise ure in the Assembly, Wright carried several community project that is both memorable and today to honor the Plasma Protein Thera- pieces of legislation to address local issues, lasting. For her project, Mollie redecorated pa- peutics Association (PPTA) as that organiza- including a bill that added the valley’s four tient rooms at doctor offices in her community tion celebrates its 20th anniversary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:50 Jun 06, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.015 E05JNPT1 tjames on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS