Indiana Law Review


CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE The Honorable Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard

Joseph R. Alberts Jon Laramore Jennifer Andres Tanya D. Marsh Bryan H. Babb Jeff Peabody Kellie M. Barr James Petersen Emmanuel VR. Boulukos April Sparks Pyatt Christopher A. Brown MarciA. Reddick

Daniel K. Burke Joseph P. Rompala Victoria Calhoon Phillip T Scaletta Tom D. Conley Joel M. Schumm

Mark J, Crandley Richard K. Shoultz Michael A. Dorelli Freedom S.N. Smith

Suzanna Hartzell-Baird P. Jason Stephenson Lawrence A. Jegen, III Paul C Sweeney Jeanine Kerridge Seth M. Thomas Charles M. Kidd Robert B. Thornburg Angela Krahulik Milton Augustus Turner

Steven P. Lammers James B. Williams


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102354 Indiana Law Review Volume 43 2009-2010

Editor-in-Chief Daniel E. PuUiam

Executive Managing Editor Executive Notes Editor E. Ashley Paynter Danielle Tucker

Senior Executive Editor Executive Articles Editors Daniel Cicchini Emily Slaten Peter T. Tschanz Symposium Editor Ann Harris Smith

Articles Editors Note Development Editors Kayla Britton Marie Alexander Dawn Butler Laura Katherine Boren Kyle Gobel Hattie Harman Glen Koch Duane Marks Victoria Lewinski Tim McKay Lauren E. Miller Matthew Neumann Chad Pryor Kyli WilUs Justin Walton

Associate Editors

James C. Ciula John P. Delaney Justin P. Forkner Caitlin K. Nicholl


Courtney Andreone Zachary G. Jacob Timothy J. Moriarty Amanda Baker Brian Jarman Sarah Orme Sara Benson Jared W. Josleyn Mac Schilling Lauren Berger Thomas Landrigan Justin Spack Charles Daugherty Kyle McClammer Jordan Szymialis Jennifer Ekblaw Kate Mercer Lawson David T. Vlink Jonathan Faust Perry Whan

Editorial Specialist Chris Paynter

Faculty Advisors Andrew R. Klein R. George Wright Indiana Law Review

(ISSN 0090-4198)

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in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation Indiana International & Comparative Law Review

The Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, published by the Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis since 1991, is a student-edited law journal that provides a forum for the discussion and analysis of contemporary issues in public and private international law. The Review publishes articles by prominent legal scholars, practitioners, and policy makers from around the world, as well as student-written notes and comments.

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Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis 2009-2010 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND FACULTY

Administrative Officers

Michael A. McRobbie, President ofthe University. Ph.D., Australian National University. Charles R. Bantz, Chancellor, Indiana University-Purdue University—Indianapolis. B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., The Ohio State University. Gary R. Roberts, Dean and Gerald L. Bepko Professor ofLaw. B.A., Bradley University; J.D., Stanford University. PAULN. Cox, Vice Dean and Centennial Professor ofLaw. B.S., Utah State University; J.D., University of Utah; LL.M., University of Virginia. James P. Nehf, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Cleon H. Foust Fellow; Professor ofLaw and John S. Grimes Fellow. B.A., Knox College; J.D., University of North Carolina Law School. Claire Grove, Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies. B.A., Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. JONNA Kane MacDougall, Assistant Dean for Institutional Advancement. B.A., M.A., Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. CrastytyTuompson, Assistant DeanforProfessional Development. A.S., B.A., Alabama State University; M.B.A., Auburn University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law Indianapolis. EuZABETHALUNGTON,Directorfor External Affairs. B.A., Indiana University; M.A., M. Phil., New York University. Teresa (Terri) J. Cuellar, Director of Technology Services. B.S., St. Bonaventure University, New York. Joyce M. Hertko, Director of Major Gifts. B.A., Knox College; M.S., Western Illinois University; Ph.D., Indiana University. Amanda Kaaiman, Directorfor Development. B.A., Indiana University. Patricia K. Kinney, Director ofAdmissions. B.S., Purdue University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Virginia Marschand, Director ofAdministrative and Fiscal Affairs. B.A., M.P.A,, Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Heather McCabe, Director, Public Health Law Program, William S. and Christine S. Hall Center for Law and Health. B.A., M.S.W., Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. SonjaRice, Egypt Program Director. B.A, Purdue University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. LaWanda W. Ward, Director ofPro Bono Program and Public Interest. B.A., Murray State University; M.A., Illinois State University; M.S., Old Dominion University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. TamaraMcMiluam, Associate Director ofProfessional Development. B.A., Southern Illinois University—Carbondale; M.S.W., Southern Illinois State University—Carbondale; J.D., DePaul University College of Law Susie Agnew, Assistant Director ofStudent Services. Clark College. WlLLL\M J. Baker, Assistant Director of Technology Services. Karen H. Miller, Assistant Directorfor Admissions. Midway College. Lisa Schrage, Assistant Directorfor Donor Relations. B.S., Marian College.


Cynthia M. Adams, Clinical Professor ofLaw and Co-Director of the Latin American Law Program. B.A., Kentucky Wesleyan College; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Judith Ford Anspach, Professor ofLaw and Director, Ruth Lilly Law Library. B.S., M.L.S., Kent State University; J.D., Mississippi College School of Law. CynthiaBaker, Clinical Associate Professor ofLaw andDirector, Program on Law and State Government. B.A., J.D., Valparaiso University. GeraldL.BepkoJndiana University-Purdue University—Indianapolis Chancellor Emeritus, Indiana University Trustee Professor and Professor ofLaw. B.S., Northern Illinois University; J.D., ITT/Chicago-Kent College of Law; LL.M., Yale Law School. Shawn Boyne, Associate Professor of Law and Dean's Fellow. B.A., Cornell University; M.B.A., University of Minnesota, J.D., University of Southern California's Gould School of Law, M.A., University of Wisconsin, L.L.M., Justus-Liebig-Universtat.

Karen E. Bravo, Associate Professor Law; John S. Grimes Fellow andDean 's Fellow. B.A., The University ofthe West Indies; J.D., Columbia University School ofLaw; LL.M., New York University School of Law. Robert Brookins, Professor ofLaw. B.S., University of South Florida; J.D., Ph.D., Cornell University. Kenneth D. Chestek, Clinical Associate Professor of Law. B.A., Pennsylvania State University; J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Daniel H. Cole, R. Bruce Townsend Professor of Law. A.B., Occidental College; A.M., University of Chicago; J.D., Lewis and Clark Law School; J.S.M., J.S.D,, Stanford Law School. Jeffrey O. Cooper, Associate Professor ofLaw. A.B., Harvard University; J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Eric Dannenmaier, Associate Professor ofLaw and Dean 's Fellow. B.A., Drury College; J.D., Boston University; LL.M., Columbia University; M. St., Oxford University. James D. Dmitri, Clinical Professor of Law. B.S., Indiana University; J.D., Valparaiso University School of Law. Jennifer A. Drobac, Professor ofLaw and Director, Central and Eastern European Law Summer Program. B.A., M.A., Stanford University; J.D., J.S.D., Stanford Law School. George E. Edwards, Carl M. Gray Professor ofLaw; Faculty Advisor to the LL.M. Track in International Human Rights Law; Director, Program in International Human Rights Law and John S. Grimes Fellow. B.A., North Carolina State University; J.D., Harvard Law School. Frank Emmert, John S. Grimes Professor of Law and Executive Director, Center for International and Comparative Law. Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen (J.D.), University ofMunich Law School; LL.M., The University ofMichigan Law School; Ph.D., University of Maastricht; Diploma, European University Institute. Nicholas Georgakopoulos, HaroldR. WoodardProfessor ofLaw. PtyhionNomikis, Athens University School of Law; LL.M., S.J.D., Harvard Law School. Carrie Hagan-Gray, Clinical Associate Professor ofLaw. B.A., University of Kansas; J.D., University of Cincinnati, College of Law. John Lawrence Hill, Professor ofLaw; Adjunct Professor ofPhilosophy andJohn S. Grimes Fellow. B.A., Northern Illinois University; J.D., Ph.D., Georgetown University. Linda Kelly Hill, M. Dale Palmer Professor ofLaw. B.A., J.D., University of Virginia.

MaxHuffman, Associate Professor ofLaw andDean 's Fellow. B.A., Cornell University, J.D., University of Chicago College of Law. Lawrence A. Jegen, III, Thomas F. Sheehan Professor of Tax Law and Policy. A.B., Beloit College; J.D., M.B.A., The University of Michigan; LL.M., New York University School of Law. Robert A. Katz, Professor ofLaw and John S. Grimes Fellow. A.B., Harvard College; J.D., University of Chicago Law School. Eleanor D. Kinney, Hall Render Professor of Law, Co-Director of the William S. and Christine S. Hall Center for Law and Health. B.A., Duke University; M.A., University of Chicago; J.D., Duke University School of Law; M.P.H., University of North Carolina. Andrew R. Klein, Paul E. Beam Professor of Law. B.A., University of Wisconsin; J.D., Emory University School of Law. Norman Lefstein, Professor ofLaw andDean Emeritus. LL.B., University of Illinois College of Law; LL.M., Georgetown University Law School.

Maria Pabon Lopez, Professor ofLaw and Dean 's Fellow. B.A., Princeton University; J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School. Gerard N. Magliocca, Professor ofLaw; Co-Director, Chinese Law Summer Program and John S. Grimes Fellow. B.A., Stanford University; J.D., Yale Law School. Allison Martin, Clinical Associate Professor ofLaw. B.S., J.D., University of Illinois. Deborah McGregor, Clinical Professor ofLaw and Assistant Director ofLegal Analysis, Research and Communication. B.A., University of Evansville; J.D., Georgetown University Law School. SUSANAH M. Mead, Professor ofLaw. B.A., Smith College; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Mary H. Mitchell, Alan H. Cohen Professor ofLaw. A.B., Butler University; J.D., Cornell Law School.

EmilyMorris, Associate Professor ofLaw andDean 's Fellow. A.B., Harvard University, J. D., University of Michigan Law School. Novella Nedeff, Clinical Associate Professor ofLaw. B.A., J.D., Indiana University. David Orentlicher, Samuel R. Rosen Professor ofLaw and Co-Director of the William S. and Christine S. Hall Centerfor Law and Health. A.B., Brandeis University; J.D., M.D., Harvard College. Joanne Orr, Clinical Professor of Law. B.S., Indiana State University; J.D., California Western School of Law.

Antony Page, Associate Professor ofLaw andDean 's Fellow. B. Comm., McGill University; M.B.A., Simon Fraser University; J.D., Stanford Law School. H. Kathleen Patchel, Associate Professor of Law. A.B., Huntington College; J.D., University of North Carolina Law School; LL.M., Yale Law School.

Michael J. Pitts, Associate Professor ofLaw; Dean 's Fellow and John S. Grimes Fellow. B.S.J., Northwestern University; J.D., Georgetown University Law Center. Peter A. Prescott, Associate Professor of Law. B.A., Augustana College; M.S., The University of Chicago; M.P.A., The University of Texas at Austin; J.D., The University of Houston Law Center. Fran Quigley, Visiting Professor. B.A., Hanover College; M.A., Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Florence Wagman Roisman, William F. Harvey Professor of Law. B.A., University of Connecticut; LL.B., Harvard Law School. Gary R. Roberts, Dean and Gerald L. Bepko Professor ofLaw. B.A., Bradley University; J.D., Stanford University. Joan M. Ruhtenberg, Professor of Law and Director of Legal Analysis, Research and Communication. B.A., Mississippi University for Women; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. JoelM. Schumm, Clinical Professor ofLaw and Director, Judicial Extemship Program. B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; M.A., University of Cincinnati; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Frances Watson, Clinical Professor of Law. B.S., Ball State University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. Lloyd T, Wilson, Jr., Professor ofLaw and Co-Director, Chinese Law Summer Program. B.A., Wabash College; M.A., Duke University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Bloomington. Mary T. Wolf, Clinical Professor ofLaw andDirector ofClinical Programs and Externships. B.A., Saint Xavier College; J.D., University of Iowa College of Law. R. George Wright, Lawrence A. Jegen III Professor ofLaw. A.B., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Indiana University; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis.

Emeriti Faculty

Thomas B. Allington, Professor ofLaw Emeritus. B.S., J.D., University ofNebraska; LL.M., New York University School of Law. Edward P. Archer, Professor ofLaw Emeritus. B.M.E., Renesselaer Polytechnic Institute; J.D., LL.M., Georgetown University Law School. James F. Bailey, III, Professor ofLaw Emeritus and Director of the Law Library Emeritus. A.B., J.D., M.A.L.S., The University of Michigan. Clyde Harrison Crockett, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., J.D., University of Texas; LL.M., University of London (The London School of Economics and Political Science). Debra A. Falender, Professor ofLaw Emerita. A.B., Mount Holyoke College; J.D., Indiana University School of Law—Indianapolis. David A. Funk, Professor ofLaw Emeritus. A.B., College of Wooster; J.D., Case Western Reserve University School of Law; M.A., The Ohio State University; LL.M., Case Western Reserve University; LL.M., Columbia Law School. Paul J. Galanti, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., Bowdoin College; J.D., University of Chicago Law School. Helen P. Garfield, Professor of Law Emerita. B.S.J., Northwestern University; J.D., University of Colorado School of Law. Harold Greenberg, Professor ofLaw Emeritus. A.B., Temple University; J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School. —

Jeffrey W. Grove, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., Juniata College; J.D., George Washington University Law School. William F. Harvey, Carl M. Gray Professor ofLaw & Advocacy Emeritus. A.B., University of Missouri; J.D., LL.M., Georgetown University Law School. W. William Hodes, Professor of Law Emeritus, A.B., Harvard College; J.D., Rutgers University School of Law—^Newark. Henry C. Karlson, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., J.D., LL.M., University of Illinois College of Law. William Andrew Kerr, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., West University; B.S., Duke University; J.D., LL.M,, Harvard Law School. William E. Marsh, Professor ofLaw Emeritus. B.S., J.D., University of Nebraska. Ronald W. Polston, Professor of Law Emeritus. B.S., Eastern Illinois University; LL.B., University of Illinois College of Law. Kenneth M. Stroud, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., J.D., Indiana University Bloomington. James W. Torke, Carl M. Gray Professor of Law Emeritus. B.S., J.D., University of Wisconsin. James Patrick White, Professor of Law Emeritus. A.B., University of Iowa; J.D., LL.M., George Washington University Law School. Lawrence P. Wilkins, William R. Neale Professor ofLaw Emeritus. B.A., The Ohio State University; J.D., Capitol University Law School; LL.M., University ofTexas School of Law.

Law Library Faculty

Judith Ford Anspach, Professor ofLaw and Director, Ruth Lilly Law Library. B.S., M.L.S., Kent State University; J.D., Mississippi College School of Law. Susan Boland, Head ofInformation Services. B.A., Monmouth College; M.S., University of Illinois; J.D., Illinois University College of Law. Debra Denslaw, Reference Librarian. B.A., Franklin College; M.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; J.D., Valparaiso School of Law. Richard Humphrey, Reference Librarian. A.A., Brewton-Parker Junior College; B.A., Georgia Southwestern College; M.L.S., University of Kentucky. Wendell E. Johnting, Assistant Director for Technical Services. A.B., Taylor University;

M.L.S. , Indiana University. Chris E. Long, Cataloging Librarian. B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Indiana University; M.L.S., Indiana University. Steven R. Miller, Reference Librarian. B.S., Lebanon Valley College ofPennsylvania; M.A., Dominican University; M.S., Northwestern University; J.D., The John Marshall Law School. Mahnaz K. Moshfegh, Serials/Acquisitions Librarian. B.A., National University of Iran; M.S., Tehran University; M.A., Ball State University; M.L.S., Ph.D., Indiana University. MlRL\M A. Murphy, Associate Director. B.A., Purdue University; J.D., M.L.S., Indiana University—Bloomington. Yj\OS\{\OT^\i, Automated Services and Media Librarian. A.A., Parkland College; A.B., M.S., C.A.S., University of Illinois. Indiana Law Review

Volume 43 2010 Number 3

Copyright © 2010 by the Trustees of Indiana University



I. Introduction Four Big, Dumb Trends Affecting State Courts Randall T. Shepard 533

II. Supreme Court Review An Examination of the Indiana Supreme Court Docket, Dispositions, and Voting in 2009

Mark J. Crandley 541 P. Jason Stephenson Jeanine Kerridge JeffPeabody

III. Administrative Law Survey of Indiana Administrative Law Joseph P. Rompala 559

IV. Appellate Procedure Developments in Indiana Appellate Procedure: Rule Amendments, Remarkable Case Law, and Guidance for Appellate Practitioners Bryan H. Babb 579 Kellie M. Barr Suzanna Hartzell-Baird

V. Business and Contract Law Recent Developments in Indiana Business and Contract Law Michael A. Dorelli 603

Phillip T. Scaletta

VI. Civil Procedure Recent Developments in Indiana Civil Procedure Daniel K. Burke 639

VII. Constitutional Law Indiana Constitutional Developments: Vitality for the Ex Post Facto Clause, But Not the Education Clause Jon Laramore 665 VIII. Criminal Law and Procedure Recent Developments in Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure Joel M. Schumm 691

IX. Environmental Law 2008-2009 Environmental Law Survey Seth M. Thomas 723 Victoria Calhoon Freedom S.N. Smith Jennifer Andres Angela Krahulik

X. Evidence Recent Developments in Indiana Evidence Law

October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2009 Paul C. Sweeney 713 Emmanuel V.R. Boulukos

XI. Insurance Law Survey of Recent Developments in Insurance Law Richard K. Shoultz 815

XII. Intellectual Property Law Developments in Intellectual Property Law Christopher A. Brown 837

XIII. Medical Malpractice Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice Steven P. hammers 855

XIV. Product Liability Survey of Recent Developments in Indiana Product Liability Law Joseph R. Alberts 873 James Petersen Roberts. Thomburg

XV. Professional Responsibility 2009 Survey of the Law of Professional Responsibility Charles M. Kidd 919 XVI. Property Law Recent Developments in Indiana Real Property and Related Areas of Law Marci A. Reddick 937

The Stagnation of Indiana Real Property Law April Sparks Pyatt 967 Tanya D. Marsh XVII. Taxation Recent Developments in Indiana Taxation Survey 2009 Lawrence A. Jegen, III 999 James B. Williams Tom D. Conley

XVIIL Tort Law Recent Developments in Indiana Tort Law Milton Augustus Turner 1053

Volume 43 Number 3