Item Applicant Parish Reference No. No. 1 Mr T Davidge 3PL/2006/1934/F 2 Peter & Alison Lord 3PL/2007/0611/F 3 County Council 3PL/2007/0652/O 4 T G Ward & Partners WHINBURGH/WESTFIELD 3PL/2007/0664/F 5 Mr T Wicks 3PL/2007/0676/O 6 Banham Vehicle Services Ltd BANHAM 3PL/2007/0683/CU 7 Henstead Hall Estates Ltd THETFORD 3PL/2007/0686/F 8 The Crown Estate THETFORD 3PL/2007/0715/F 9 Mr G Smith OVINGTON 3PL/2007/0747/F 10 P D Hook Ltd 3PL/2007/0756/F 11 Mr M Woodrow 3PL/2007/0772/O 12 R A Fletcher DEREHAM 3PL/2007/0829/F 13 Mr M & Mrs L Walsh BRADENHAM 3PL/2007/0916/CU 14 Mr S Bates 3PL/2007/0921/CU 15 A C Stasiak ATTLEBOROUGH 3PL/2007/0941/CU 16 Cofton Ltd 3PL/2007/0948/F



REF NO: 3PL/2006/1934/F

Full LOCATION: THETFORD APPN TYPE: 74a Magdalen Street POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry

ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Mr T Davidge 42 Mill Lane Attleborough TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: N H Building Design 18 Plasset Drive Attleborough

PROPOSAL: Demolish existing carpet store for 6 no. residential flats

KEY ISSUES 1. Form and character. 2. Residential amenity. 3. Parking.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT Planning permission is sought for a development of 6 one bedroom flats on land in Magdalen Street, Thetford. The development comprises a two storey building with a single storey element at the rear. Three flats are proposed on the ground floor with three flats above. It is proposed to demolish the existing carpet warehouse although an attached storage building is proposed to be retained.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site is located on the south side of Magdalen Street a short distance from Thetford Town Centre and within the Conservation Area. An existing building on the site is currently in use as a carpet warehouse. The site is within a predominantly residential area with dwellings either side, opposite and to the rear in Melford Court.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY In 1994 planning permission for a change of use to a gymnasium was approved. In 1997 planning permission for a change of use to a retail warehouse was refused. The proposal was subsequently allowed on appeal.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policy HOU.2 of the Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is considered relevant to this application. HOU.2 Housing development within the Settlement Boundaries of the five towns will be permitted subject to criteria.

CONSULTATIONS CLERK TO THETFORD T C The Committee objected to this application on grounds of over-development of the site, poor design and inadequate parking provision. Those points made, it went on to say that it would welcome a pair of flint cottages on the site. These would enhance the street scene in this sensitive Conservation Area location.

FURTHER COMMENTS RE AMENDMENTS 20/04/07 The Committee was not taken with this scheme. It wanted to see a smaller number of units with adequate arrangements on site for bin storage, amenity areas and off-road parking. HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objection.

COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - No objection to the principle of residential units subject to conditions requiring timber windows and agreeing materials.


REPRESENTATIONS Letters have been received from 12 properties objecting to the proposal on the grounds that there is no car parking provision, traffic congestion, out of keeping with the existing development in the locality, loss of privacy and overlooking.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * The site is located within the Settlement Boundary for Thetford where the principle of new residential development is acceptable. * A number of revised schemes have been submitted to address concerns regarding the design and appearance of this scheme, private amenity space and overlooking of properties to the rear of the site in Melford Court. * It is considered that the scheme, as amended, satisfactorily addresses these concerns. * Concerns about the lack of car parking provision within the scheme are acknowledged. However, the Highway Authority raises no objection to the proposal given the town centre location of the site, the advice given within PPG 3 and PPG 13 and the sites previous use. Accordingly, therefore it is considered that an objection on the grounds of lack of car parking could not be substantiated. * It is considered that the scheme, as amended, represents an acceptable form of development and is therefore recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission



3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3048 In accordance with submitted AMENDMENTS 3106 External materials and samples to be approved 3750 No part of structure to overhang highway land 3920 All velux rooflights in rear elevation to be obscure glazing 3920 All windows to be timber, flush fit, side hung casements etc 3920 Measures to prevent ground gas ingress 3920 Contamination found, no further development until dealt with 3994 Potential ground gas ingress 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0611/F

Full LOCATION: LONGHAM APPN TYPE: Pond Lodge POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Wendling Road ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Peter & Alison Lord Pond Lodge Wendling Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Mark Hoare North Pells Saxtead Green

PROPOSAL: New single dwelling in lime hemp construction, with passive solar design

KEY ISSUES 1. Impact upon Countryside 2. Impact upon trees 3. Assessment against PPS7.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT Full planning permission is sought for the construction of a single detached two storey dwelling. The site will be accessed via Wendling Road which is located to the north west of the site.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site is an asymmetric plot of land which currently forms part of the large grounds which accompany the existing dwelling known as "Pond Lodge" which is situated to the west. The application site is surrounded by mature vegetation and to the south west is an established pond. To the north west of the application site is the Wendling Road.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2004/1122 - Permission granted 16-08-04 for Erection of garage with storage over 3PL/2002/1422 - Permission granted 05-11-02 for Re-building of Pond Lodge & erection of cart shed 3PL/2001/0056 - Permission granted 05-03-01 for Roof alterations to provide pitched roof over existing area of flat roof of bungalow


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU6, ENV3 and ENV26 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) and Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas are considered relevant to this application. HOU.6 Residential development will not be permitted outside of Settlement Boundaries unless it is justified for agriculture, forestry, recreation, tourism or the expansion of existing facilities. ENV.3 The landscape outside of the Areas of Important Landscape Quality and Historic Parks and Gardens to be protected from development wherever possible. ENV.26 High standards of design in all new buildings will be sought.

CONSULTATIONS LONGHAM P C Objection Outside settlement boundary. HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY - comments awaited.

COUNCIL'S TREE & COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - the application site has little impact upon the adjacent trees.


REPRESENTATIONS Nine letters of support have been received for the proposal.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * Given that the site is located outside of any defined Settlement Boundary there is a presumption against residential development unless special justification exists. From a Local Plan perspective, Policy HOU.6 only permits dwellings in the countryside where they are connected with agriculture, forestry, organised recreation or tourist facilties. This is not the case in this application. * However, PPS7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas states that: 'Isolated new houses in the countryside will require special justification for planning permission to be granted...... Very occasionally the exceptional quality and innovative nature of the design of a proposed, isolated new house may provide this special justification for granting planning permission. Such a design should be truly outstanding and ground-breaking, for example, in its use of materials, methods of construction or its contribution to protecting and enhancing the environment, so helping to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas. The value of such a building will be found in its reflection of the highest standards in contemporary architecture, the significant enhancement of its immediate setting and its sensitivity to the defining characteristics of the local area.' * Whilst it is acknowledged that the scheme does display some innovative features such as the lime-hemp construction method for the walls, and local residents have expressed their support for the propsal, it is considered that the proposal as a whole does not adequately display "truly outstanding and ground-breaking" properties as required by PPS7 as quoted above. In fact, the agent confirms in his "Case of Support" that lime-hemp walling has been used at the New Adnam's building in Southwold and in a housing scheme near Bury St. Edmunds. * The Agent is aware of the concerns of the Local Planning Authority and as a consequence is preparing additional information to support their view that it is of exceptional quality and innovative and therefore meets the requirements of PPS7. As this information is not available at present it will be reported verbally to the Committee. * The Council's Tree & Countryside Officer has confirmed that there is no objection to the proposal on the grounds that the existing trees on the site will be adequately safeguarded. * The proposal would not compromise residential amenity as the dwelling is a significant distance from any existing dwellings. * The Highway's Authority have confirmed that there are no objections on highway safety grounds. * In conclusion, whilst the Council is supportive of the applicants' desire to develop a good example of sustainable development, it is considered that this does not, at present, meet with the strict guidelines that are outlined within PPS7 and as such the application is contrary to policy and recommended for refusal.

RECOMMENDATION Refusal of Planning Permission


9062 Adopted D.W.L.P. (Sept 1999) Policy HOU.6 - Outside villages 9063 Policy not met outside settlement 9066 No evidence that cannot be met in settlement 9900 Planning Policy Statement 7 requirements



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0652/O

Outline LOCATION: DEREHAM APPN TYPE: Dereham Swimming Pool POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry De-Narde Road ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: NPS Property Consultants Ltd Lancaster House 16 Central Avenue

PROPOSAL: Residential development

KEY ISSUES 1. Policy 2. Local character 3. Loss of recreational facility 4. Traffic

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT It is proposed to redevelop the site of the former Dereham Swimming Pool for housing. Indicative details submitted with this outline application propose a development of up to 35 dwellings. A range of dwelling types and sizes is proposed, with a mix of open market and affordable housing. A children’s play area would also be provided. Existing embankments would be removed and the site re-graded to create a gentle slope across the site. Access would be gained via the existing site entrance on De Narde Road.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site is located within a residential area to the north of Dereham town centre. The site extends to 0.98 hectare, and is currently occupied by the former swimming pool building and associated car park. The site is adjoined by existing residential development, public open space and the playing fields of Northgate High School.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY An application for outline planning permission for housing was submitted in November 2002. This application was subsequently withdrawn.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.2, HOU.15, HOU.16, REC.2, REC.3, ENV.28 and TRA.5 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. HOU.2 Housing development within the Settlement Boundaries of the five towns will be permitted subject to criteria. HOU.15 The design and layout of new residential development will be to a high standard. HOU.16 The density of housing development will reflect its environment and locality. REC.2 Open space will be required for new residential development subject to criteria. REC.3 Recreational open space will be protected. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected. TRA.5 Where development would endanger transport safety, generate traffic that would be detrimental to the transport network, require highway improvements that would conflict with conservation considerations or attract traffic that would have an adverse effect on residential amenity, it will not be permitted.

CONSULTATIONS DEREHAM T C Councillors felt this was over-development and 25 and not 35 dwellings would be more appropriate for this site. The proposed three storey properties were totally out of character with the area. THE HIGHWAY AUTHORITY – has raised no objection to the application subject to conditions, and financial contributions towards walking/cycling provisions (£157 per dwelling) and bus stop facilities (£3,000).

NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL – has raised no objection subject to financial contributions to education (£68,873) and library services (£1,750).

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY – has objected to the application on the grounds that issues of flood risk have not been fully considered.

THE COUNCIL’S HOUSING ENABLING OFFICER – has raised no objections subject to a 30 per cent affordable housing contribution.

THE COUNCIL’S TREE & COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER – has raised no objection to the application.

THE COUNCIL’S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - has raised no objection to the application.

THE COUNCIL’S CONTAMINANTED LAND OFFICER – has raised no objection subject to conditions requiring further site investigation work.

NORFOLK POLICE – have advised that careful consideration will need to given to the layout and design of the development with respect to the location of the play area, the retention of access to the school and the adjacent public open space.


REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection to the application have been received from local residents raising concerns about the impact of the development on the character of the area, overdevelopment, residential amenities and traffic on local roads. It is also contended that the site should continue to be used for public recreational purposes or alternatively incorporated into the school grounds to provide additional car parking or playing fields.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * The site is considered to be suitable in principle for redevelopment for housing. The site is previously developed land and falls within a predominantly residential area. The site is well located in relation to existing local services and facilities. The development would accord with national planning policy as set out in PPS 3. * The application proposes an average density of development of around 35 DPH. Although higher than the density of existing development adjacent, the proposed density lies towards the lower end of the density range recommended in PPS 3. A range of densities are proposed from 30 to 40 DPH: with the lower densities proposed adjacent to existing residential properties, and the higher densities within the main body of the site. The development would include single, two and three storey dwellings, with larger houses located on the lowest parts of the site and away from existing residential properties. Provided that the detailed design of the development takes proper account of the character of surrounding development, it is considered that the proposal would not result in harm to the appearance of the area or the amenities of neighbours. It is considered that these matters can be dealt with through appropriate planning conditions and through the reserved matters process. * Local Plan Policy REC.3 seeks to prevent the loss of existing recreational facilities to alternative development, unless compensatory provision is made. Whilst the proposed housing development would result in the loss of a recreational facility, the requirements of policy have effectively been met by the new development of the recently opened Dereham Leisure Centre. It is not considered therefore that an objection to the principle of housing development on the basis of Policy REC.3 could be sustained. * Local Plan Policy REC.2 requires public open space to be provided to serve new housing developments in accordance with the NPFA 6 acre standard. To meet this requirement, a children’s play area of 0.08 hectare is proposed. This would result in a shortfall of 0.16 hectare of sports provision. It is proposed to offset this shortfall with a financial contribution towards enhanced facilities in the locality. Given that there are other public open spaces in close proximity to the application site, it is considered that this approach would best meet the recreational needs of the development * Concerns have been raised locally about the impact of the development on traffic safety. However, no objections have been raised by the Highway Authority. De Narde Road, which currently serves approximately 60 properties, is considered to be suitable to cater for the traffic movements likely to be generated by the proposed development, particularly when account is taken of the reduction in traffic movements following the closure of the former swimming pool. * It is recommended that outline permission be granted subject to conditions and a legal agreement relating to open space, affordable housing and contributions to recreation, education, library and transport facilities.

RECOMMENDATION Outline Planning Permission



3005 Outline Time Limit (3 years) 3058 Standard Outline Condition 3060 Standard outline landscaping condition 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 Any other conditions to be reported verbally 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval & Legal Agreement



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0664/F


ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: T G Ward & Partners c/o Rysa Lodge School Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Alan Irvine 52 Merton Road

PROPOSAL: Conversion of farm buildings to three dwellings with garaging, gardens etc

KEY ISSUES 1. Suitability of the existing buildings for conversion 2. Highway safety 3. Neighbour amenity

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application seeks full planning permisiion for the conversion of a group of existing barns to form 3 residential units with accompanying garaging. The site is accessed via a long private drive which adjoins the public highway to the north east of the site.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is in the open countryside and accessed via a long private drive. The site consists of a group of both traditional brick built barns and modern agricultural buildings. The group of buildings are surrounded by predominantly open countryside with no immediate residential properties, the closest being Manor Farm Cottage to the north east, some 70 metres away.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policy HOU.11 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is considered relevant to this application. HOU.11 The conversion of rural buildings to residential use will be permitted subject to criteria.



WHINBURGH & WESTFIELD P C Objection. See letter received 4th June 2007. COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - no objection subject to conditions.

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - no objection.

NATURAL - comments awaited.

REPRESENTATIONS Two letters of objection have been received, a summary of their comments are as follows: Detrimental to highway safety, the private drive is in a poor state of repair, out of character with rural area, no local facilities are available, the farm enterprise will have no barns left to operate from, detrimental to the environment and detrimental to nature and wildlife.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * Policy HOU.11 of the Local Plan allows for the conversion of rural buildings to residential accommodation where specific criterion are met. * The applicant has provided the necessary evidence of the marketing of the site for potential commercial use, as a consequence of which no firm offers were received. * The applicant has submitted a comprehensive structural survey to confirm that the buildings are structurally sound and capable of conversion without significant re-building. * The design of the conversion, by virtue of the materials proposed and the arrangement of the openings within the unit, means that the the integrity of the buildings are retained. A condition to remove permitted development rights for extensions will ensure that the future integrity of the buildings is safeguarded. * A Barn Owl and Bat Survey has been submitted with the application and this has been passed to Natural England for their observations and their comments are awaited. * For the above reasons it is considered that the proposal accords with Policy HOU.11 of the Local Plan. * Concerns have been expressed at the impact of the proposal upon highway safety. The Highways Authority have assessed the application and concluded that they have no objections to the proposal. Furthermore, the concerns raised relating to the poor state of the private drive are noted, but this is under the control of the applicant/landowner and not the Highways Authority.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission



3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3110 External materials to match existing 3120 External joinery to be stained black 3139 Structural stability 3304 No P.D. rights for extensions, sheds, etc 3802 Precise details of surface water disposal 3804 Precise details of foul water disposal 3402 Boundary screening to be agreed 3920 Demolition of buildings and spoil removed 3920 Construction of bat boxes 3972 NOTE: Bats and Owls




REF NO: 3PL/2007/0676/O

Outline LOCATION: NECTON APPN TYPE: Site adjacent 18 Mill Street POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry

ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Mr T Wicks 14 Pilling Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Parsons & Whittley Ltd 1 Street Swaffham

PROPOSAL: Residential development

KEY ISSUES 1. Residential development within Village Settlement Boundary. 2. No impact on local drainage 3. No impact on highway safety

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This is an outline application for the erection of 3 single storey dwellings and one 2 storey dwelling on 0.26ha of land forming part of the garden area of a bungalow at Mill Street, Necton. Whilst an indicative layout has been provided, only the matter of access is required to be determined at this stage. The submitted drawing shows the two-storey unit set towards the front of the site close to the eastern boundary, with the 3 no. single storey dwellings spaced evenly to the side and rear of the principal bungalow. The existing access, which is to be improved, is proposed to serve the development. The density of development would equate to approximately 16/ha which is generally in keeping with that of the area.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site lies off the southern carriageway of Mill Street, in a residential area approximately 70m west of the street's junction with Chantry Lane. Two-storey dwellings abut the site to the south and east, whereas single storey development predominates to the west. Whilst the majority of the land area proposed to accommodate the single storey units comprises lawns, the north east corner, the part of the site proposed to accommodate the two-storey dwelling, comprises a wide unmanaged drainage ditch and a number of mature trees. This area is stated to have been a former pit which has been filled with material infected with Japanese Knotweed. The site lies within the village Settlement Boundary.


RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/1994/1196 - planning permission - Erection of dwelling adj. Fourbays.

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.4 and INF.4 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is/are considered relevant to this application. HOU.4 Within the Settlement Boundaries of villages identified for Individual dwellings or small groups of housing, development will be permitted where it will enhance the form, character and setting of the village. INF.4 Development that would increase the risk of flooding will not be permitted, unless appropriate mitigation measures are agreed in accordance with the Local Planning Authority and Environment Agency.

CONSULTATIONS NECTON P C Objected to on the grounds that the development proposed is too cramped, plus there is an old village pond on the land which has been filled in and would ask that a drainage engineers report be carried out before any progress is made on this application. Plus there is evidence that there are protected wildlife species on the land also. Access is considered too bad onto a dangerous corner of Mill Street for so many dwellings.

7th June 2007 Objections based on previous application for this proposal. (BY FAX)

NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objection subject to conditions.

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY - No objection subject to conditions.

COUNCIL'S TREES AND COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions.

COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - Comments to be presented verbally at the meeting.

REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection have been received raising concerns in respect of drainage, highway safety, overlooking, loss of trees and the control of Japanese Knotweed.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * It is considered that the principle of this development proposal is acceptable as it will result in the more efficient use of this large area of garden land without harm to the immediate locality. * The applicant intends to improve levels of visibility at the site entrance and undertake works to improve the existing on site drainage system. * The site is well screened by trees and hedges along its boundary with the highway and along the eastern boundary. 2 metre high timber fencing is provided along the remaining boundaries and would serve to protect the amenity of neighbouring occupiers. * Set within reasonably spacious plots the development proposed is in keeping with the local area. * No significant overlooking would be likely to result from either the proposed single storey or two- storey units, however this will ultimately be considered through any future 'reserved matters' application. * In the knowledge of drainage conditions locally the applicants have employed a firm of drainage consultants to devise a scheme to improve site capacity in order to accommodate any additional surface water run-off. The resultant scheme has been scrutinised on behalf of the Council by an independant drainage consultant who concludes that the development would not result in increased flooding to off-site properties. * The Japanese Knotweed will be dealt with in accordance with the recommendations of the Environment Agency and its removal/destruction will be conditioned accordingly. * No objection has been raised by the Highway Authority. * The proposal is considered to comply with the relevant policies of the Breckland District Local Plan and is recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Outline Planning Permission



3005 Outline Time Limit (3 years) 3058 Standard Outline Condition 3048 In accordance with submitted AMENDMENTS 3200 Two storey dwelling only 3302 No P.D. for extensions, roof alterations, porches 3306 No P.D. rights for garages 3304 No P.D. rights for extensions, sheds, etc 3402 Boundary screening to be agreed 3414 Fencing protection for existing trees 3406 Surfacing - details and construction 3415 Trees and hedges 3412 Trees/hedges to be retained 3920 Non-standard condition - floor levels and flood mitigation 3740 Vehicular access to be constructed 3740 One access only 3740 Visibility splay 3740 On-site parking/turning area 3740 Adequate drainage methods 3740 Off-site highway improvements 3740 Improvements completed before occupation 3920 Knotweed condition 3920 Tree Root Protection 3920 No-dig construction of service runs 3994 EA Notes and S106 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0683/CU

Change of Use LOCATION: BANHAM APPN TYPE: Banham Vehicle Services Ltd POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Rosary Farm ALLOCATION: No Allocation Road CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Banham Vehicle Services Ltd Rosary Farm Kenninghall Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Banham Vehicle Services Ltd Rosary Farm Kenninghall Road

PROPOSAL: Continued use of an agricultural building for a car/lorry workshop & office (renewal)

KEY ISSUES Effect on amenity of adjacent dwelling.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposal is for the renewal of permission for change of use of part of an agricultural building to a car/lorry workshop and office. The permission was originally made temporary and personal to the specific user in 2002.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is part of a larger agricultural building which is accessed through an existing farm. The building is located adjoining an existing dwelling close to the farmhouse.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Planning permission was granted in 2003 for the change of use to car and lorry workshop and office. The permission was temporary for three years and personal to the user. Conditions restricting hours of operation of machinery inside the building and no machinery/power tools outside the building, were imposed, as well as conditions requiring insulation work to be undertaken. An initial application to renew the permission in 2005 was submitted, but withdrawn as the insulation work had not been carried out. A further application to renew the permission was submitted and approved for a further year in 2006 (3PL/2006/0148/CU), in order to fully assess the effectiveness of the noise insultaion. A separate permission to run a HGV haulage business from the site was given temporary planning permission in May 2006 for one year, subject to a condition requiring the erection of an acoustic fence. The fence was not erected but the use of the site ceased as a haulage yard. Therefore the condition was not enforced. This permission has now expired.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies ENV.28 and ENV.31 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected. ENV.31 The conversion of rural buildings to non-residential uses will be permitted subject to the building being of permanent and substantial construction, being in keeping with their surroundings and being capable of conversion without major or complete reconstruction.

CONSULTATIONS BANHAM P C After an appeal by a nearby resident for conditions on noise and hours of use and comments from the landowner, the Council remains concerned about the erosion of the neighbours' amenities. The Council recommended approval on the condition that the acoustic fence is erected and any noise and hours of working conditions are strictly adhered to and monitored. The ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - has raised no objection to the renewal. No complaints had been received regarding the premises until the application for renewal was received.

REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection sent on behalf of neighbours have been received regarding the continued use of the site without permission, hours of operation and return of the HGVs.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * Complaints received regarding operations on the site since the grant of planning permission have related to the use of the site as a haulage business and non compliance with conditions relating to that permission, and not regarding the use of the building as a car/lorry workshop and office. However, only recently complaints regarding the premises being used out of the hours specified on the planning permission, and the return of the HGVs have been received. These issues are currently being investigated as to the extent of these breaches. * The principle of the continued use of the site for a workshop is acceptable, subject to full compliance with the hours of operation and the use of machinery conditions. In order to further protect the amenity of the adjoining neighbours the acoustic fence previously required for the HGV use of the site will be conditioned to be constructed within one month of the application being approved.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission



3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3546 Personal to applicant 3522 No generators/air handling plant without consent 3504 No power tools to be used outside specified hours 3506 No power tools outside building 3920 Acoustic fence to be erected 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0686/F

Full LOCATION: THETFORD APPN TYPE: 3 Minstergate POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry

ALLOCATION: Primary Comm. Area

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Henstead Hall Estates Ltd c/o agent TPO: N

LB GRADE: Adjacent Grade 2 AGENT: Anglia Design Associates 11 Charing Cross Norwich

PROPOSAL: Convert house to provide 2 no. one bedroom apartments, new build block to provide 11 no. one bedroom apartments

KEY ISSUES 1. Character and appearance of the Conservation Area. 2. Parking.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application seeks planning permission for 11 one bedroom apartments within a three storey development. The accommodation within the building comprises 3 apartments within the basement, 3 on the ground and first floors and 2 on the second floor within the roof space. Within the scheme an adjacent dwelling would be converted to 2 one bedroom apartments. No on-site car parking is proposed although provision is made for cycle storage.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located close to the town centre on the south side of Minstergate between the Somerfield supermarket service delivery access road and the Charles Burrell Museum. To the rear of the site is the supermarket loading area and to the east is Barclays Bank car park. The site lies within the Conservation Area.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2002/0792/F: Approved- 2 No. commercial units, 1 town house, 4 flats, converted house, basement parking and access. 3PL/2004/1627/CU: Approved – Change of use of ground floor from 2 No. commercial units (approved by 3PL/2002/0792/F) to 2 no. one bedroom flats.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.2, ENV.10, ENV.28 and ENV.26 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is/are considered relevant to this application. HOU.2 - Housing development within the Settlement Boundaries of the five towns will be permitted subject to criteria. ENV.10 Conservation Areas will be preserved and enhanced. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected. ENV.26 High standards of design in all new buildings will be sought.

CONSULTATIONS THETFORD T C The Committee objected, owing to the total lack of on-site parking provision. HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objection.

COUNCIL'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS OFFICER - Objects due to the detrimental effect on both adjacent Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area as a whole. The proposal is unsuitable on the grounds of scale, massing, proportion and architectural detail.

COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OFFICER - Recommends all rear facing windows shall be provided with acoustic glazing due to the close proximity of the existing loading bay.




ASSESSMENT NOTES * The site lies within the built up area of Thetford where the principle of new residential development is acceptable in accordance with Policy HOU.2 of the Local Plan. * Members will note that planning permission for residential schemes on the site were previously granted in 2002 and 2004. * The scheme now applied for is very similar in terms of size, height and external appearance. The main changes are internal alterations which increase the total number of units from 8 to 13. The 5 additional units are achieved by converting the existing house into two apartments, converting a proposed townhouse into two apartments and converting the basement parking area into 3 flats. * In the previous scheme 4 car parking spaces (for 8 no. units) were shown in the basement of the apartment block. The vehicular access was between the new building and the Charles Burrell Museum, with access to the parking spaces and the turning area, at the rear. * By proposing to convert the basement parking to apartments there is no longer a need for a vehicular access. A new lean to extension alongside the building proposes a cycle storage and bin storage facility, whilst the rear turning area now provides an amenity/drying area. * The Highway Authority raises no objection to the absence of on-site parking given the site’s town centre location, the existence of waiting restrictions on the surrounding highway network and the advice in PPS3 and PPG13. Whilst the Town Council’s opposition to the application is noted it is considered that the previous parking provision of 0.5 spaces per unit, would have been of limited benefit in a town centre location and any prospective occupants would clearly be aware that the units do not benefit from on-site parking. In view of Central Government advice it is, therefore, considered that an objection on the grounds of no on-site parking could not be substantiated. * The scheme now proposed benefits from an amenity/drying area which is considered to be a useful facility for future occupants, not provided for in the previous schemes. * Notwithstanding the absence of on-site parking the proposal is considered to be an acceptable form of development and is recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3048 In accordance with submitted AMENDMENTS 3106 External materials and samples to be approved 3131 Window details to be agreed 3380 Archaeological work to be agreed 3920 Non-standard condition - windows 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0715/F

Full LOCATION: THETFORD APPN TYPE: Land between A134 Road POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry and the A11 Thetford By-Pass ALLOCATION: Employment

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: The Crown Estate 16 New Burlington Place London TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Carter Jonas LLP 6-8 Hills Road

PROPOSAL: Renewal of pp 3PL/2004/0331/F to develop land as business park including land use class B1, B2, B8 & site for hotel

KEY ISSUES 1. Policy 2. Development Brief 3. Flooding

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application seeks to renew outline planning permission for a business park development on land off Mundford Road, Thetford. The development proposed would include B1 (light industrial/office), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage/warehousing) uses and a hotel. A new roundabout junction is proposed on Mundford Road. The application is supported by a Design & Access Statement, which makes reference to the previously approved Development Brief and indicative site layout proposals.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site is located on the edge of Thetford, on land adjoining the A134 Mundford Road and the A11 Thetford bypass. The site is currently in agricultural use and extends to approximately 16 hectares. The site is adjacent to the Brunel Way and Fison Way Industrial Estates, and the surrounding area has a commercial character.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Outline planning permission was granted for a new business park in September 1990. Since then permission has been renewed on a number of occasions, most recently in April 2004. Reserved matters approval for the proposed new roundabout access junction was granted in February 2006.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies ECO.1 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is considered relevant to this application. ECO.1 Land has been allocated for economic development.

CONSULTATIONS THETFORD T C The Committee had no objection, subject to on-site provision being made for a perimeter pedestrian/cycleway, running parallel with the A11 and inside any boundary screening. It was noted that this need would most likely be recognized in the Green Infrastructure Study. THE HIGHWAY AUTHORITY – has raised no objection to the application subject to conditions, including a requirement to submit a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan.

THE HIGHWAYS AGENCY – has advised that the proposed development will not adversely affect the A11 trunk road and has raised no objections to the application.

ENVIRONMENT AGENCY – has objected to the application on the grounds that issues of flood risk have not been fully considered.

THE COUNCIL’S TREE & COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER – has raised no objection to the application subject to adequate screening and landscaping being incorporated into the development layout and subject to wildlife surveys.

THE COUNCIL’S CONTAMINANTED LAND OFFICER – has raised no objection subject to conditions requiring further site investigation work.

THE HEALTH & SAFETY EXECUTIVE - have advised against the grant of permission.



ASSESSMENT NOTES * The development of this site for a new business park is considered to be acceptable in principle. The site is identified for employment use in the current Local Plan and has had the benefit of outline planning permission since 1990. The proposal is also consistent with emerging LDF and Growth Point policy and proposals. The site occupies a prominent location on the edge of the town and adjacent to the A11, and its development would be of strategic importance to the future growth of Thetford. * Whilst the principle of a business park here is accepted, it is considered that further work is needed to establish a proper planning framework within which future detailed proposals can be developed and assessed. The previously approved Development Brief for the site is now rather dated and in need of review to address current priorities. It is suggested therefore that before any reserved matters applications can be considered, a new Development Brief for the site should be required, covering issues of building design and site layout, landscaping and biodiversity, and internal access/circulation. These matters can be dealt with by planning conditions. * In respect of flooding, the Environment Agency has noted that whilst the site is not at direct risk of flooding itself, the proposed development could increase the potential of flooding elsewhere. It is requested therefore that a Flood Risk Assessment be submitted. In this instance, given the longstanding allocation of this land for employment use and the history of previous permissions, it is considered that this issue can be dealt with adequately by planning conditions requiring the submission of a Flood Risk Assessment and detailed proposals for surface water drainage.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3005 Outline Time Limit (3 years) 3058 Standard Outline Condition 3060 Standard outline landscaping condition 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 CONDITIONS TO FOLLOW



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0747/F

Full LOCATION: OVINGTON APPN TYPE: Redhill Lane Farm POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Redhill Lane ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Mr G Smith Redhill Lane Farm Ovington TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: dwa planning 6 Middlemarch Road Dereham

PROPOSAL: Replacement temporary dwelling in conjunction with smallholding

KEY ISSUES Replacement of temporary dwelling.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application seeks planning permission to replace a residential caravan with a three bedroom, log cabin measuring approximately 12m x 6m. Temporary planning permission for the caravan was approved by the Development Control Committee in April 2007.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located in open countryside some distance outside the Ovington Settlement Boundary in an area which is predominantly rural in character. Adjacent to the site, which is served by an unmade track, is a stable block and paddock.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2007/0320/CU - Retention of temporary dwelling in conjunction with smallholding - Approved - 16th April 2007. 3PL/2006/1112/F - Standing of mobile home in connection with smallholding - Refused - 5th September 2006. 3PL/2005/1285/F - Erection of timber stable block - Approved - 17th October 2005. 3PL/2005/0715/F - Caravan for security purposes and occasional sleeping accommodation - Refused - 15th June 2005.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.6, HOU.12, and ENV.3 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. HOU.6 Residential development will not be permitted outside of Settlement Boundaries unless it is justified for agriculture, forestry, recreation, tourism or the expansion of existing facilities. HOU.12 Applications for Mobile Homes and Residential Caravans will be determined as if they were for permanent housing. ENV.3 The landscape outside of the Areas of Important Landscape Quality and Historic Parks and Gardens to be protected from development wherever possible.


COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - No objection, subject to connection to mains electricity.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * Members will note that temporary planning permission was granted, contrary to officer recommendation, in April 2007 for the retention of a temporary dwelling in the form of a caravan. * Temporary planning permission was granted for a period of three years expiring on 30th April 2010. The purpose of the permission was to enable the applicant to prove the viability of the smallholding he operates. At the end of the temporary consent the applicant would need to submit a further planning application to renew the permission. * This application shows that the applicant owns only the paddock adjacent to the caravan. It is understood that the remainder of the smallholding is rented by the applicant. Officers have previously expressed doubt that a viable long term agricultural case can be made in this case. * For the permission to be renewed the applicant would have to prove that the smallholding is an agricultural unit which is either viable or moving towards viability. If this cannot be proved it is considered that it is unlikely the existing temporary permission would be renewed. * The log cabin now proposed is a substantial building that would, if approved, have a degree of permanence on the site. It is however acknowledged that it is a temporary structure. Therefore it is considered that, in planning terms, an objection to this application cannot be substantiated, given that temporary planning permission for a temporary dwelling already exists on the site.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission



3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3022 Temporary Building -3 year 3042 Personal to applicant & cease temporary use 3920 Connected to mains electricity 3802 Precise details of surface water disposal 3920 Existing temporary dwelling to be removed 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0756/F

Full LOCATION: WRETHAM APPN TYPE: Brick Kiln Farm POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry

ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: P D Hook Ltd The Hatchery Burgh Castle TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Nicholas G Bailey Duart Cratfield Road

PROPOSAL: Erection of chicken shed to replace existing dilapidated shed

KEY ISSUES 1. Impact on landscape 2. Residential amenity

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The application relates to the erection of a chicken shed to replace an existing dilapidated building on an established egg production unit. Plans also show a feed bin, approximately 7 metres high. The building will be of steel profiled sheeting, coloured Vandyke Brown.

SITE AND LOCATION Brick Kiln Farm is sited in a rural location, outside the built up area of Wretham and Stonebridge. Access is from an unclassified road, part of . The closest dwelling is that within the ownership of the applicant, sited at the entrance to the site. The buildings are seen against a backdrop of mature trees but with no other screening.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies ENV.1 and ENV.28 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. ENV.1 Development will not be permitted in the Areas of Important Landscape Quality and Historic Parks and Gardens except in exceptional circumstances. ENV.28 Residential amenity will be protected wherever possible.



COUNCIL'S CONTAMINATED LAND OFFICER - recommends a precautionary condition.

HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY - no objections as the proposal is for a replacement and is likely to engender very low additional traffic movements.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposal is referred to the Development Control Committe for decision as a "major" application involving a building of 1,540 square metres in area, approximately 76 metres long x 20 metres wide. * Brick Kiln Farm currently houses 16,000 chickens reared for egg production, in two buildings. The third building is currently unused. This building is to be replaced and the new building will be used to house a further 8,000 chickens. The new building is of similar length but wider, to provide the floor area required for modern rearing requirements and incorporates ridge extraction fans. * The overall capacity of the site will not be increased. Historically 24,000 birds were kept in the three chicken sheds. * The new shed will generate four additional loads of litter out, and four loads of chickens in and out, per annum. The Highways Authority does not object on the basis of the small increase in vehicular movements to and from the site. * The principle of the use of the site for egg production has been established for a number of years. The replacement of an existing shed with a more appopriate, modern building is considered acceptable and the proposal is recommended for approval subject to any conditions considered appropriate in terms of Environmental Health issues.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3549 Any environmental health conditions 3920 If contamination found, scheme submitted to deal 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0772/O

Outline LOCATION: ATTLEBOROUGH APPN TYPE: Rear of Woodsplace and The Nurseries POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry London Road ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: Y APPLICANT: Mr M Woodrow Woodsplace London Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Mr M Woodrow Woodsplace London Road

PROPOSAL: Proposed dwelling

KEY ISSUES 1) Impact on trees and replacement tree 2) Access 3) Form and character

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The proposal seeks outline permission for the erection of a dwelling. Means of access and siting form part of the application. It is a resubmission of a previous application that was refused. The position of the access and the dwelling have been revised to overcome the previous reasons for refusal.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is to the rear of a pair of semi detached houses situated at the corner of London Road and Sheppards Way. The site is included within the Conservation Area.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY A previous application submitted in 2006 for a four bed dwelling was refused on highway grounds and the loss of two important trees. An application on a smaller site was dismissed on appeal in 1991.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.2 and ENV.26 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. HOU.2 Housing development within the Settlement Boundaries of the five towns will be permitted subject to criteria. ENV.26 High standards of design in all new buildings will be sought.

CONSULTATIONS ATTLEBOROUGH TC No objections. HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - have withdrawn their previous objection.

REPRESENTATIONS One letter of objection has been received raising issues re loss of privacy, overshadowing, density and design out of keeping, failure to enhance Conservation Area, small gardens, close proximity to road junction and precedent for further development.

ASSESSMENT NOTES * The principle of the development of this site is consistent with Government Policy set out in PPG3 regarding making the best use of land. The previous refusal was due to lack of visibility and loss of two important trees within the Conservation Area. * The access has been resited to achieve a greater visibility splay and in view of the recently reviewed highway standards the proposal is considered acceptable. * The dwelling has been set back away from the trees, which were considered important trees worthy of retention within the Conservation Area. However, this has raised a new issue regarding the close proximity to the rear boundary and the impact on the neighbours. * To ensure the dwelling does not have an adverse impact on the amenity of the neighbours it is considered a condition should be imposed restricting the dwelling to single storey. * The beech tree in front of the property has recently died. While there are no signs of pathogenic invasion, the mode and pattern of death displayed is considered compatible with a tree dying from herbicide poisoning. * It is considered that the tree should be removed and the Council impose a duty to plant another tree of an appropriate size and species in the same place as soon as reasonably possible. This duty should apply notwithstanding the outcome of this application. * In order to avoid any future conflict with the replacement tree and the proposed dwelling the siting of the dwelling should be conditioned to that shown on the submitted plan. * In terms of form and character and effect on the character and setting of the Conservation Area it is considered that the development of the site is in context with the existing estate development, with smaller plots rather than the traditional villas along London Road. * It is considered the proposal as submitted is in accordance with policy HOU.2 and is recommended for approval subject to conditions.

RECOMMENDATION Outline Planning Permission



3005 Outline Time Limit (3 years) 3058 Standard Outline Condition 3048 In accordance with submitted AMENDMENTS 3202 Single storey dwelling only 3054 In accordance with indicative scheme 3724 Turning space to be provided 3412 Trees/hedges to be retained 3414 Fencing protection for existing trees 3920 Full details of foundations, drive etc submitted 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0829/F

Full LOCATION: DEREHAM APPN TYPE: 7 Stone Road POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry Toftwood ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: R A Fletcher 7 Stone Road Toftwood TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: R A Fletcher 7 Stone Road Toftwood

PROPOSAL: To build a garden wall 1.8 metres high across the front of the site

KEY ISSUES 1) Visual impact 2) Highway safety

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT To build a garden wall 1.8 metres high across the front of the site.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located within Stone Road, Toftwood which is primarily a residential area, but the site is located next to a small parade of shops.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history.

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies ENV.28, TRA.5 and HOU.17 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected. TRA.5 Where development would endanger transport safety, generate traffic that would be detrimental to the transport network, require highway improvements that would conflict with conservation considerations or attract traffic that would have an adverse effect on residential amenity, it will not be permitted. HOU.17 Extensions to dwellings will be permitted subject to criteria.



DEREHAM T C Objection Councillors objected to this plan on the grounds of visibility and access, also the proposal is not in keeping with adjoining properties and Councillors hoped a compromise could be reached as to the height of the wall. HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY - Objection: comments will be reported verbally at Committee.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * This application seeks approval for the erection of a 1.8 metre wall to be positioned 1 metre back from the front boundary abutting number 7 Stone Road. * The area within which the application site is situated is defined principally by planting or low walling. * It is considered that the wall with landscaping in front is acceptable in this instance. * As such, it is recommended that the application be approved.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3048 In accordance with submitted AMENDMENTS 3402 Boundary screening to be agreed 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0916/CU

Change of Use LOCATION: BRADENHAM APPN TYPE: 4 The Gibbets POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Green Lane ALLOCATION: No Allocation Off Hale Road CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Mr M & Mrs L Walsh 4 The Gibbetts Green Lane TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Mr M & Mrs L Walsh 4 The Gibbetts Green Lane

PROPOSAL: Change of use from existing temporary dog breeding & pig rearing unit to permanent dog breeding units

KEY ISSUES 1. Principle in this location. 2. Potential noise generation.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application is for the permanent change of use of two existing buildings set within an existing piggery known as Gibbett Farm, to use as breeding kennels. Information submitted with the application states that the current level of 39 breeding bitches permitted at the site relates to this application. The site licence issued by this District Council limits the number to 39 breeding bitches. The application proposes sound attenuation measure to both buildings to contain noise within the buildings.

SITE AND LOCATION Gibbet Farm consists of a large number of agricultural buildings, including farm dwellings, located just over half a mile to the west of Bradenham. The site is set in a relatively isolated location, the nearest dwelling not within the Gibbet Farm ownership being some 450 metres distance. The site is accessed by a concrete drive measuring some 250m from the highway.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Temporary planning permission for two years was granted for a change of use to kennels on the 8th June 2005 - 3PL/2005/0596/CU. Full planning permission for a change of use to breeding kennels was refused in 2006 - 3PL/2006/0265/CU. The site was the subject of a Committee Site Visit on the 1st June 2006.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies ENV.22, 28 and 31 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. ENV.22 Proposals for farm diversification will be permitted subject to criteria. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected. ENV.31 The conversion of rural buildings to non-residential uses will be permitted subject to the building being of permanent and substantial construction, being in keeping with their surroundings and being capable of conversion without major or complete reconstruction.

CONSULTATIONS BRADENHAM P C The Parish OBJECT to this planning application .

Noise levels at any time of the day are unacceptable and the barking can be heard in the centre of the village

Not all the farm houses on the site are occupied by farm workers many are residential homes.

Most of the residents there are not in a position to complain because the accommodation is rented to them by the owner of the site.

The fact that some residents have dogs is irrelevant.

We think this site is totally unsuitable for this applicaton.

The application does not comply with recommendations from Breckland Council.

We have been advised that Mrs Walsh uses one of the bungalows to sell the dogs and her customers often obstruct residents rights of way.

The applicant is and has used the site illegally.

The applicant does not live on the site and is not on the electoral register for Bradenham.

Bradenham agreed to temporary planning permission only because we had been advised that work was being carried out at the applicant's Ivy Todd premises which had gained permission.

HIGHWAY AUTHORITY - No objections.

COUNCIL'S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER - No objection subject to conditions including the implementation of the proposed sound attenuation measures and a noise level condition.

REPRESENTATIONS A total of ten letters have been received from local residents and the Dogs Trust expressing concern about the proposal. Concerns relate primarily to noise generation and animal welfare.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * This application seeks the permanent use of two buildings within the Gibbet Farm piggery for use for dog breeding purposes. * The temporary planning permission for this use expired at the end of May 2007. * As noted above it is not the intention of the applicant to increase the number of breeding bitches kept at the site beyond the 39 currently allowed in the site licence. * The key issue identified by a number of objectors to the application relates to noise generation. * The main difference between this application and previous ones is that the applicant is now proposing substantial improvement works to the buildings in order to retain any noise generation. This work includes sound proof boarding for the walls and roof areas and raising existing dividing walls and block work walls to the rear and sides to roof height. * The Council's Environmental Health Officer raises no objection to the application subject to all the works to reduce sound levels from the site being implemented. It is considered that this level of work will adequately contain noise within the buildings such that there will be no adverse impact on the amenities of residential properties both at Gibbet Farm and those beyond the Farm. There is a considerable separation between the site and those residential properties not within the Gibbet Farm ownership. * The applicant has requested 12 to 18 months to implement all the new work to the buildings. However this is considered to be too great a timescale. If the application is considered acceptable it is suggested that a time limit of 6 months be set for the completion of the work. * Issues relating to animal welfare are noted, but are not relevant to the material planning considerations. * Subject to the implementation of the proposed sound attenuation measures the proposal is considered acceptable and is recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 Sound attenuation measures 3920 Noise level measured at nearest res. boundary 3920 All waste to be disposed of not to cause nuisance 3920 Dogs to be kept in kennels between 17:00 - 08:00 3920 Feeding of dogs between 08:00 - 17:00 3920 Number of breeding bitches not to exceed 39 3994 Advice from acoustic engineer 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0921/CU

Change of Use LOCATION: SWAFFHAM APPN TYPE: Land to front of POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry 1 The Oaklands ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Mr S Bates 1 The Oaklands Swaffham TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Mr F Munford Charnwood 36 New Sporle Road

PROPOSAL: Change of use of amenity space to garden

KEY ISSUES Loss of amenity land.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The application is for the change of use of land currently owned by Breckland Council to domestic garden.

SITE AND LOCATION The property is the first in a row of three pairs of semi-detached properties at The Oaklands, which fronts onto Watton Road, Swaffham.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 3PL/2007/0528/F - Change of use of parcel of land to domestic garden, erection of retaining wall and erection of porch at 2 The Oaklands - approved by Committee on 2/7/07. 3PL/2006/0461/F - Change of use of amenity land to new vehicle access including new wall at 2 The Oaklands - approved 12/5/06.

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policy ENV.9 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. ENV.9 - The visual amenity value of open spaces will be protected from development.






ASSESSMENT NOTES * This application proposes the change of use of Council owned land to the front of No. 1 The Oaklands to garden land. * The applicant will be leaving the land as it is currently but just wishes to regularise the change of use. * It is considered that this land has little amenity value and is not considered to be of strategic importance. * On balance, the proposed change of use is not considered to have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the area and is recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3300 No P.D. for fences, walls etc 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval 3990 NOTE: re. land ownership rights



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0941/CU

Change of Use LOCATION: ATTLEBOROUGH APPN TYPE: Entrance to Rosecroft POLICY: In Settlemnt Bndry

ALLOCATION: No Allocation

CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: A C Stasiak Clifton Villa Station Road TPO: N

LB GRADE: N AGENT: A C Stasiak Clifton Villa Station Road

PROPOSAL: Change of use from grass verge to garden/allotment

KEY ISSUES 1. Application affecting land owned by Breckland District Council.

DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT The application seeks a change of use of a grass verge to garden/allotment land.

SITE AND LOCATION The site is located at the junction of Chapel Road and Rosecroft. It is a narrow strip of grass verge measuring approximately 45m long x 5m wide at its widest point. At its narrowest the grass verge is approximately 1.5m wide. The verge runs alongside an existing unmade track, leading to allotment land and Rosecroft. There is a mature hedge within the verge.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY No relevant site history

POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policy ENV.28 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) is considered relevant to this application. ENV.28 Amenity will be protected.

CONSULTATIONS ATTLEBOROUGH TC Objection-Committee has made a site visit. The decision went to the vote and the following recommendation for refusal was made – this is a public piece of land and should be kept as such


if possible. It is setting a precedent and although such a small piece of land may seem insignificant, if all such pieces of land are bought up it will result in a significant loss of greenery and public open space.


ASSESSMENT NOTES * In planning terms it is considered that no objection can be raised to the proposal even though it may appear to be a somewhat awkward piece of land to have as a garden/allotment. * The site is fairly prominent in the street scene and the existing hedge provides an element of visual amenity within the built up environment. * If the proposal is considered acceptable it is suggested that boundary treatment along the Rosecroft frontage be agreed, the existing hedge be retained and the use of the land restricted to garden/allotment use only. * Subject to the above restrictions it is considered that in planning terms the proposal is acceptable and accordingly is recommended for approval.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3405 Fencing/walls - details and implementation 3920 Site to be used for garden/allotment land only 3920 Existing hedge within grass verge to be retained 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval



REF NO: 3PL/2007/0948/F

Full LOCATION: CARBROOKE APPN TYPE: AND POLICY: Out Settlemnt Bndry Former RAF Watton Technical Site ALLOCATION: Redevelop. Opport Norwich Road CONS AREA: N APPLICANT: Cofton Ltd 9 Morris Drive Little Plumstead TPO: Y

LB GRADE: N AGENT: Lovejoy Birmingham Caxton House 1 Fore Street

PROPOSAL: Variation of cond. 5 on 3PL/2005/0477/O to omit ref. to Site Development Framework


DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT This application seeks to vary condition 5 of the existing outline planning permission for residential development on part of the former RAF Watton Technical Site. Condition 5 requires the development to take place substantially in accordance with the submitted Site Development Framework document. It is now proposed to substitute a revised Design Guide in place of the original Site Development Framework.

SITE AND LOCATION The application site comprises the southern half of the former RAF Watton Technical Site and extends to 11.97 hectares. It is adjoined to the north by existing housing and by Phase 1 of the Technical Site development, and to the south by the existing airfield. The site is located approximately 2 km to the east of Watton town centre, and falls within the Parishes of Carbrooke and Griston.

RELEVANT SITE HISTORY Outline planning permission was granted on appeal for the development of the application site for housing in November 2006. Planning permission for the development of the northern half of the Technical Site for housing and employment was granted in September 2006. This development is currently under construction.


POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Policies HOU.2 and HOU.15 of the Breckland District Local Plan (Adopted September 1999) are considered relevant to this application. HOU.2 Housing development within the Settlement Boundaries of the five towns will be permitted subject to criteria. HOU.15 The design and layout of new residential development will be to a high standard.

CONSULTATIONS CARBROOKE P C Comments please see letter on file. GRISTON P C NO RESPONSE AS AT 4TH JULY 2007. THE HIGHWAY AUTHORITY – comments awaited.

THE COUNCIL’S TREE & COUNTRYSIDE OFFICER – has raised no objection to the application subject to the proposed footway/cycleway being linked as far as possible with adjacent developments.




NORFOLK POLICE – comments awaited.



ASSESSMENT NOTES * The proposed new Design Guide is similar in many ways to the approved Site Development Framework (SDF) that it would replace. Like the SDF, the Design Guide proposes a series of character areas for different parts of the site, with the intention of creating variety and a sense of place. Variations in approach to building form, layout, parking provision, landscaping and external materials would give each character area a distinctive identity. * One key change proposed is the realignment of the main spine road away from the landscaped open space to create a largely traffic free green space running through the centre of the development. The layout of the character areas has been adjusted to accommodate this change. It is considered that this revision would have a positive impact on the quality of the development and enable full advantage to be taken of one of the site’s main assets: its mature landscape features. * Whilst some detailed elements of the new Design Guide are under discussion, it is considered that overall the new Design Guide is an acceptable replacement for the approved SBF. Given that the site is to be developed by several different housebuilders, the Guide would be particularly helpful in ensuring that a coordinated approach is taken to the development and that high standards of design are secured.

RECOMMENDATION Planning Permission


3007 Full Permission Time Limit (3 years) 3046 In accordance with submitted plans 3920 Any other conditions to be reported verbally 3998 NOTE: Reasons for Approval
