E686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 27, 2012 While it was years in the making, this Despite optimism over the verdict, inter- nal Court, meaning prosecutors there cannot week’s historic verdict marks a triumph for jus- national efforts to prosecute leaders have intervene unless the U.N. Security Council tice. I especially want to note the dedication of been spotty at best. Slobodan Milosevic died asks them to. Russia and China would likely Dr. Alan W. White, chief investigator respon- in his cell before a verdict could be reached veto any such move. on charges of fomenting the Balkan wars. sible for putting the case together, David M. The ICC has indicted al-Bashir for genocide Moammar Gadhafi was killed by rebels last in Darfur, Sudan, but he has openly defied an Crane, chief prosecutor at the Hague, and my year before he could be turned over for trial. international arrest warrant by flying to former staffer Chris Santoro who served as a Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is openly friendly nations and has recently cranked up trial attorney in the Taylor case. defying attempts to arrest him on inter- war rhetoric in his country’s border dispute Perhaps most significantly, Taylor’s convic- national genocide charges. with South Sudan. tion, in the words of an Associated Press story In one success story, prosecutors at the Most likely the next former leader to face that I submit for the RECORD, sends a ‘‘warn- U.N.’s Yugoslav war crimes tribunal are justice will be former Ivory Coast President ing to tyrants.’’ Foremost among them is Su- close to wrapping up their case against Laurent Gbagbo, who is jailed in The Hague danese president Omar Bashir—himself an former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan on charges of attacking political opponents Karadzic although it took more than a dec- internationally indicted war criminal with blood as he attempted to cling to power following ade to have him arrested. elections last year. on his hands. Furthermore, this verdict ought The global implications meant little to Edward Songo Conteh, of Sierra Leone’s to be a wake-up call to the countries and gov- survivors of the war in Sierra Leone who Amputee and War Wounded Association, was ernments that persist in hosting Bashir on offi- celebrated Taylor’s conviction. ‘‘I am happy that the truth has come out in court Thursday to watch the verdict. His cial travel—they will find themselves on the only regret was that Taylor was not imme- wrong side of history. . . . that Charles Taylor is fully and solely responsible for the crimes committed diately sentenced. CHARLES TAYLOR CONVICTION SENDS WARNING against the people of Sierra Leone,’’ said ‘‘I want to see this man behind bars for the TO TYRANTS Jusu Jarka, who had both his arms hacked rest of his life,’’ said Conteh, who had one of (By Mike Corder) off by rebels in 1999 and who now runs a sup- his hands hacked off by child soldiers. LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands.—Former Li- port group for fellow amputees. berian President Charles Taylor became the Crowds that gathered to watch the verdict f first head of state since World War II to be live on television in the Sierra Leone cap- convicted by an international war crimes ital, Freetown, sighed with relief when the IN HONOR OF GEORGE RATHMANN court, a historic verdict that sends a mes- conviction was announced. Some carried sage that tyrants worldwide will be tracked posters that exposed still-simmering anger. down and brought to justice. ‘‘Shame on you Charles Taylor. Give us your HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK The warlord-turned-president was found diamonds before going to prison,’’ one read. OF guilty on Thursday of 11 counts of war Prosecuting Taylor proved how hard it is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crimes and crimes against humanity for to bring leaders to justice. He fled into exile arming Sierra Leone rebels in exchange for in Nigeria after being indicted in 2003 and Friday, April 27, 2012 ‘‘blood diamonds’’ mined by slave laborers wasn’t arrested for three years. And while and smuggled across the border. the Sierra Leone court is based in that coun- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Judges at the Special Court for Sierra try’s capital, Taylor’s trial was staged in the honor the memory of the father of bio- Leone said Taylor played a crucial role in al- Netherlands for fear it could destabilize the lowing the rebels to continue a bloody ram- technology. On Sunday, April 22, 2012 region. page during that West African nation’s 11- George B. Rathmann passed away due to There was no clear paper trail linking Tay- year civil war, which ended in 2002 with more complications from pneumonia at the age of lor to rebels, and the three-judge panel than 50,000 dead. Ten years after the war 84. He is survived by his wife, Joy, of 61 wound up convicting him of aiding and abet- ended, Sierra Leone is still struggling to re- ting the fighters. He was cleared of direct years, his five children, and thirteen grand- build. command responsibility over the rebels. children. Dr. Rathmann had the vision to see The rebels gained international notoriety how biotechnology could revolutionize the for hacking off the limbs of their victims and In their verdict, reached after 13 months of carving their groups’ initials into opponents deliberations, the judges said Taylor regu- practice of medicine and he brought that vi- and even children they kidnapped, drugged larly received diamonds from rebels. But sion to life. and turned into killers. The rebels developed they made no mention of the most famous Dr. Rathmann and I were both born in Mil- gruesome terms for the mutilations that be- witness to testify about the gems— waukee, . Growing up, George was came their chilling trademark: They would supermodel Naomi Campbell, who recalled being given a bag of ‘‘very small, dirty-look- drawn to science by his older brother, who offer their victims the choice of ‘‘long was also a chemist. He received his doctorate sleeves’’ or ‘‘short sleeves’’—having their ing stones’’ at a 1997 dinner at Nelson hands hacked off or their arms sliced off Mandela’s official mansion in South Africa. in physical chemistry from Princeton University above the elbow. Taylor attended the dinner, and prosecu- and went on to work for several pharma- The 64-year-old Taylor will be sentenced tors had hoped Campbell would testify that ceutical firms before venturing into the fledging next month after a separate hearing. he gave her the diamonds. But Campbell did field of biotechnology. Dr. Rathmann co-found- The court has no death penalty and no life not, and Taylor’s lawyer, Courtenay Grif- ed Amgen in 1980 working out of makeshift fiths, dismissed the testimony on Thursday sentence. Judges have given eight other trailers, in Thousand Oaks, California. Today, rebels as much as 52 years in prison. as ‘‘a large, fat zero.’’ The verdict was hailed by prosecutors, vic- Taylor, impeccably dressed as usual in suit Amgen works to discover, develop, manufac- tims and rights activists as a watershed mo- and tie, said nothing in court and showed no ture and deliver innovative human thera- ment in efforts to end impunity for leaders emotion as the verdict was read. peutics. Under Dr. Rathmann’s leadership, responsible for atrocities. There was emotion enough during the five- Amgen was one of the first companies to real- The ruling ‘‘permanently locks in and so- year trial as 91 prosecution witnesses out- ize biotechnology’s promise by bringing safe, lidifies the idea that heads of state are now lined the horrors of Sierra Leone’s war, effective medicine from the lab to the manu- many of them describing murders, mutila- accountable for what they do to their own facturing plant and, finally, to the patient. people,’’ said David Crane, the former pros- tions, torture and acts of cannibalism by ecutor who indicted Taylor in 2003 and is now rebels and the children they turned into mer- In 1990, Dr. Rathmann retired from Amgen. a professor of international law at Syracuse ciless killers. He quickly became bored with sedentary life. University. ‘‘This is a bell that has been rung Taylor insisted he was an innocent victim He returned to the biotech industry the fol- and clearly rings throughout the world. If of neocolonialism and a political process lowing year, when he founded Seattle based you are a head of state and you are killing aimed at preventing him from returning to ICOS Corporation. In addition to his success- your own people, you could be next.’’ power in Liberia. In seven months of testi- ful career, George was a philanthropist. He U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon mony in his own defense, he cast himself as hailed the judgment as ‘‘a significant mile- a peacemaker and statesman in West Africa. created the Rathmann Foundation, which do- stone for international criminal justice’’ Crane—a vocal supporter of efforts to hold nates to worthy causes in the health, edu- that ‘‘sends a strong signal to all leaders leaders accountable—concedes that while cation, arts, and environmental arenas. that they are and will be held accountable war crimes tribunals are independent, they I invite my colleagues to join me in remem- for their actions,’’ said U.N. deputy spokes- are hard to separate from geopolitical reali- bering a man who dedicated his life to science man Eduardo del Buey. ties. and discovery. Dr. Rathmann was a brilliant U.S. State Department spokeswoman Vic- Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime is toria Nuland said Taylor’s prosecution ‘‘de- widely accused of atrocities as it battles to man whose work in biotechnology revolution- livers a strong message to all perpetrators of put down a popular revolt, and yet the pros- ized the industry, produced countless scientific atrocities, including those in the highest po- pect that he or any of his generals will be in- breakthroughs, and saved many lives. He has sitions of power, that they will be held ac- dicted anytime soon appears remote. Syria rightfully earned the title of the Father of Bio- countable.’’ does not recognize the International Crimi- technology.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Apr 28, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP8.015 E27APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 27, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E687 HONORING MRS. GEORGIA 35 students—and since 1970, over 2,000 stu- The best way to ensure that there’s no pos- MCGLORY OF COMPTON, CALI- dents from kindergarten through twelfth grade sibility of a new, deadlier holocaust is to make FORNIA ON THE OCCASION OF have received an education at Pensacola sure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons. HER 90TH BIRTHDAY Christian School. With over 93,000 Christian I support efforts in Congress and by this ad- school principals and teachers attending clin- ministration to implement strong sanctions to HON. ics in Pensacola, the work President Horton force Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions. OF CALIFORNIA and his wife began paved the way for genera- But above all, has an absolute right IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions of students, teachers and leaders. and sole discretion to take whatever steps Years later, Dr. Horton’s influence expanded may be necessary to defend itself and its citi- Friday, April 27, 2012 from the Christian School to a broad network zens. Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I am of Christian radio stations all across the coun- A nuclear Iran is a threat to the entire world happy to announce that one of my constitu- try. He also began publishing unique curricu- and we all have a responsibility to act. ents, Mrs. Georgia McGlory of Compton, Cali- lums for Christian Schools, which revolution- We cannot afford to stand by in silence. fornia, celebrated her 90th birthday this past ized Christian education in America. Today, f Monday, April 23. Mrs. McGlory was born in over 10,000 Christian schools and daycares in 1922. She moved to California in use their books. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE AU- 1956. Like so many other families during that Most notably though, in 1974, Dr. Horton TISM UNDERSTANDING AND time, including mine, Mrs. McGlory was at- founded Pensacola Christian College, from TRAINING IN SCHOOL METH- tracted to the promise of a better life offered which I was honored to receive my Bachelor’s ODOLOGIES FOR EDUCATORS by the Golden State. She settled in Compton Degree in 1990. Beginning with only 100 stu- ACT (AUTISM EDUCATORS ACT) and has resided in the same home for the last dents in the fall of 1974, Pensacola Christian 56 years. College now recognizes over 16,600 alumni all HON. JAMES P. MORAN Mrs. McGlory labored at Paramount Clean- over the world. To say that his influence was OF VIRGINIA ers for many years, but her desire to further incalculable is an understatement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So today I join Dr. Arlin and Beka Horton in her education was unstoppable. She went Friday, April 27, 2012 back to school to learn Office Administration celebrating a long life of dedication to edu- and enjoyed a productive career in the field. cation, devotion to Christ, and commitment to Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- But her hard work and accomplishments did making a difference in the lives of others. troduce the Autism Understanding and Train- not end there. She saw the importance, and While Dr. Horton’s retirement is sad for the ing In School Methodologies for Educators Act had the need, to be of service to community. PCC community, we will all—PCC students (AUTISM Educators Act) of 2012. This legisla- So Mrs. McGlory volunteered at Compton and alumni alike—continue to carry his legacy tion would create a demonstration program to High school, and has been an active member with us forever. He taught us: ‘‘To God be the train mainstream teachers in effective commu- of Avalon Church in Compton for over 40 Glory!’’—and this we will most certainly re- nications skills and in turn improve the learn- years. member. ing experience for children on the autism Mr. Speaker, Mrs. McGlory has achieved all f spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in of this while raising ten wonderful children, IN HONOR OF YOM HA-SHOAH and she shows no signs of slowing down as the United States. she moves gracefully into her nineties. Mrs. The Centers for Disease Control and Pre- McGlory has already held several elected of- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY vention (CDC) recently announced updated OF fices at the Friendship Club at the Dollarhide statistics on the incidence of Autism Spectrum IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Senior Center, and is continuously working to Disorder in the U.S. They are staggering. One make the Senior Center a fun and inviting Friday, April 27, 2012 in 88 children is diagnosed on the autism place to be. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, on Holocaust spectrum by age 8, and boys are five times So on her 90th birthday, I say to Mrs. Remembrance Day—we remember the 6 mil- more likely to have an ASD. These findings McGlory, my dear friend Georgia: Happy Birth- lion Jews who were brutally murdered by the are based on 2008 data and reflect a 78 per- day! Keep going strong for many years to Nazis and their allies. cent increase from the 2002 data. Although come. The world stood silent while Jews were we are better at diagnosing ASD, the increase cannot be wholly attributed to better and ear- f rounded up and shot, while families were taken from their homes while entire commu- lier diagnosis. PENSACOLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE nities were ‘‘liquidated’’—and Jews were trans- We do not know the causes of ASD, but COMMUNITY HONORS RETIRING ported to concentration camps or murdered. many in the field of research suggest environ- PRESIDENT DR. ARLIN HORTON While millions perished in the gas cham- mental factors are at play. bers. There was no outrage. There were no While scientists work on the causes of and HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS protests. treatments for ASD, children on the spectrum OF WASHINGTON And the world stood by while one-third of deserve the best possible education. Many of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Jewish community was murdered. The these children are placed in special classes numbers are almost incomprehensible. And with trained special education instructors, but Friday, April 27, 2012 perhaps the world stayed silent because the a number of ‘‘high functioning’’ children on the Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, threat was simply unbelievable. Who could be- spectrum are enrolled in mainstream class- I rise today to recognize the exemplary career lieve that civilized Germany, with its musicians rooms. of a great leader, scholar and mentor, Pensa- and philosophers, could possibly mean to mur- Unfortunately due to the rapid growth in cola Christian College’s Founder and Presi- der so many? ASD, many teachers have not had the oppor- dent, Dr. Arlin Horton. After 38 years of excep- But now we know better—we know that tunity to receive training in communicating with tional leadership at Pensacola Christian Col- when a dictator rises up—when he swears autistic children. Teachers want this training. lege and nearly 60 years at Pensacola Chris- that he will destroy Israel—when he denies And the AUTISM Educators Act will facilitate tian Academy, we celebrate Dr. Horton’s re- that the Holocaust ever took place—when he and implement qualified training programs in tirement and reflect back on a career of distin- murders his own people and suppresses de- school settings. guished accomplishments. mocracy—should not be allowed to develop There is a large demand for this legislation. As the Founder of my alma mater, Pensa- the capability to murder millions of people with I know this because the issue first came to me cola Christian College, Dr. Horton created one a single bomb. from families in my district who desperately of the finest institutions of higher learning in We know that we have an obligation to need the public education system to work bet- America—and a ministry serving God’s work stand up—we know we have an obligation to ter for their children’s special needs. These with leadership, responsibility and faith. After act. We know that a nuclear Iran can black- committed parents know that communications he and his wife Beka graduated from college mail the world, threaten oil supplies and carry skills are paramount in working with children in 1951, they came to Pensacola to start this out its threat to wipe Israel off the face of the on the spectrum. The AUTISM Educators Act ministry. And their success was extraordinary. map. If Iran develops nuclear bombs, it will establishes a demonstration grant to a local In 1954, they opened the doors to Pensa- have the ability to do in a matter of minutes education agency (LEA) in partnership with a cola Christian School—which began with only what it took the Nazis six years to do. university school of education to develop and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Apr 28, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27AP8.017 E27APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS