
Personal Cultural

Research shows us that awareness, knowledge and understanding of one's own promotes culturally competent teaching and learning. This assignment will allow you the opportunity to reflect on your earliest and most significant experiences of culture and difference. You will also make connections between your own experiences and those of the other participants taking this module.

1. Think about the eight factors of diversity.  Race/Ethnicity  Age  Religion  Region  Socio-economic status  Disability   Language

2. Select 2 or 3 of the factors that you feel best describe your .

3. Next you will create a 3 slide power point presentation.

4. The first slide should represent your cultural identity based on the factors you selected in step 2.

5. The second slide should represent your earliest recollection of observing someone being excluded from your cultural identity group.

6. The last slide should represent your earliest recollection of being different or excluded based on your cultural identity, from those around you.

7. All slides must use symbols, graphics, and colors to represent your responses.

8. For each slide you will need to add one statement describing your pictorial story.

When you have completed your slide presentation:

9. Post your presentation on the "My Personal Cultural History" discussion board.

10. View at least 3 of the other posted presentations.

11. Respond to the following questions on the "Cultural History Reflection" discussion board.

• What similarities and differences did you notice in everyone’s responses? • What were some of the major forces (family, community, historical time period) that shaped each person’s experiences? • How have your personal experiences shaped your conceptions of yourself as an educator? • How have your experiences shaped your views of your students?

Adapted from: Lee, E., Menkart,D., Okazawa-Rey, M. Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural and Staff Development. 1998, Network of Educators on the Americas, Washington DC.