Table of Contents List ofTables iii List of Figures .iv 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Project Description 7 1.2 Scope ofWork 7 1.3 Methodology and Approach 8 • 1.4 Legislative and Regulatory Framework 8 2. Site Description 11 • 2.1 Physical Conditions 11 2.2 Land Use Patterns 12 • 3. Description ofBiophysical Conditions 16 3.1 Topography 16 • 3.2 Geology 17 3.3 Surficial Geology 17 • 3.4 Hydro-geological Considerations 18 3.5 Drainage and Hydrology 20 3.6 Baseline Storm Flow Analyses 22 • 3.7 Wetland Hydrological Analyses 24 3.8 Wetlands - Water Quality 25 • 3.9 Terrestrial Ecosystem Conditions 27 3.10 Marine Ecosystems 43 • 4. Description of Physical Marine Conditions 54 4.1 Operational (Daily) Wave Climate 54 • 4.2 Extreme (Hurricane) Wave Climate 67 4.3 Hydrodynamic Conditions 77 • 4.4 Sediment Properties and Transport Regime 89 5. Description of Socio-Cultural Conditions 99 • 5.1 Community Profile 99 5.2 Residents' Perceptions of the Existing Community 101 5.3 Residents' Perspectives on the Proposed Development... 103 • 5.4 Noise Characteristics 105 • 6. Description ofArchaeological Features 111 SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT II

6.1 Excavations and Artefacts 111 6.2 Location and Extent of the Settlement 113 7. References 114 • Appendix 1 Extreme Storm Floodlines and Wetlands Hydrological Modeling Results Appendix 2 Noise Sampling Points • Appendix 3 USEPA and WHO Noise Guidelines • • • • • • • • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsu; CONSULTING INC. MA.Y 2008 -

LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT III II List of Tables Table 3-1 BWA Development Control Zones 20 Table 3-2 Hydrological Analyses Results without Suckwells in Urban Areas 23 II Table 3-3 Hydrological Analyses Results with Suckwells in Urban Area 24 Table 3-4 Water Quality Data for Wedand Station at Chancery Lane 32 Table 3-5 Species of Observed During Baseline Field Survey, July 2007 34 II Table 3-6 Species of Birds Observed at the Chancery Lane Wedand, February 2008 34 Table 3-7 Documented Resident Species Observed at Long Beach 35 II Table 3-8 Migratory Bird Species Recorded at Long Beach 37 Table 3-9 Species of Dune Vegetation observed during the field survey at Chancery Lane 38 Table 3-10 Floral Species Observed at Chancery Lane during Field Survey ..42 • Table 3-11 Marine Habitats Observed along Transects Taken at Long Beach .45 II Table 3-12 Existing bacterial contamination at Long Beach 53 Table 4-1 Deep Water Operational Wave Climate Conditions used in Nearshore Modeling 63 II Table 4-2 Results of Statistical Hurricane Analysis 70 Table 4-3 Computed Water Level Values 71 Table 4-4 Sediment sample analysis results 90 Table 5-1 Employment Status of Persons in Households by Gender (n=686) 100 Table 5-2 Length of Residency in the Area 100 Table 5-3 Residents' Views of the Proposed Development at Chancery Lane 103 • Table 5-4 Daytime Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Thursday 26th July, 2007 107 Table 5-5 Day-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, • Saturday 28th July, 2007 107 Table 5-6 Night-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, • Sunday 29th July, 2007 108 Table 5-7 Night-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, • Friday 10th August, 2007 108 Table 5-8 Day-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, • Wednesday 29th August, 2007 108 • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED I~J ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •III • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT IV • List of Figures Figure 2.1 Location of project site 11 • Figure 2.2 View of Chancery Lane Swamp 13 Figure 2.3 Makeshift Housing on Site 13 • Figure 2.4 Tracks of Off-road Vehicles 13 Figure 2.5 Windsurfing and Long Beach 13 Figure 2.6 Dumping of Garbage on Site 14 • Figure 2.7 General Land Use within 2km of Project Site 15 Figure 3.1 Groundwater Zones in Vicinity of Site 19 • Figure 3.2 Map Showing Catchment Area of Site .21 Figure 3.3 Locations ofWa:ter Sampling 26 • Figure 3.4 Map of Chancery Lane Wedand System 29 Figure 3.5 Chancery Lane Wedands 30 • Figure 3.6 Dense Buttonwood Mangrove (Conocarpus erettus) Fringe 30 Figure 3.7 Partially Flooded Tray in Front of Buttonwood Fringe with Hundreds of Fiddler ...... 31 • Figure 3.8 Cave on West Side of Wedand 33 Figure 3.9 Another grass species with needle-shaped leaves, believed to be a type of Eleocharis (sedge), was found submerged within the trays 33 Figure 3.10 Barbados Moon Crabs on a sea grape tree at Chancery Lane 38 • Figure 3.11 Intact dunes at Long Beach 39 Figure 3.12 Compromised dune 39 Figure 3.13 Dune Breach Areas along Long Beach .40 • Figure 3.14 The Sourgrass Pasture and associated trees at the Chancery Lane Site .41 Figure 3.15 Approximate Location of Visual Transects .44 • Figure 3.16 Photographs at Location of Transects 3,4, and 5 .44 Figure 3.17 Moving Seaward from Sand Reserves ..46 • Figure 3.18 Transition Point from Sand to Algae ..47 Figure 3.19 Small Reef Fish under Ledge (4m) .47 Figure 3.20 Diver Pointing to Sea Eggs (Tripneustes ventricosus) in algal Beds (4m) .48 Figure 3.21 Shifting Sand in Sand Channel between Algal Beds (3.5m) .48 Figure 3.22 Low Profile Dip/oria sp. Colony in nearshore (7m) .49 Figure 3.23 Irregularly-shaped Siderastrea sidera Colony (7m) .49

SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT v • Figure 3.24 Largest Siderastrea sidera Colony Observed (7m) 50 Figure 3.25 Diadema antillamm Colonies in rubble Zone before Reef Crest... 51 Figure 3.26 Extensive Sea Fan Assemblage 51 • Figure 3.27 Termination Point of Framework. Note Adult Fish under Overhang (4m) 52 Figure 3.28 Barren Substrate outside Shallow Barrier Reef (9m) 52 • Figure 4.1 Wave measurements at Long Beach, Barbados from July 16 to August 25 2007 55 Figure 4.2 Wave Watch 3 Global Wave Model Output Locations with Barbados Node 73 • highlighted 56 Figure 4.3 Distribution ofWW3 offshore operational data at Barbados, from July 1999 to July 2007) ...... 58 • Figure 4.4 Probability of Exceedance Plot for Wave Heights from Directional Sectors 59 Figure 4.5 Computational grid area for SWAN wave modeling. Waves transformed from deep water • conditions to the nearshore 60 Figure 4.6 Comparison of measured and predicted wave heights, periods and directions 62 Figure 4.7 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 5% • exceedance waves from the north 64 Figure 4.8 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 10% • exceedance waves from the north east 65 Figure 4.9 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 10% exceedance waves from the east 66 Figure 4.10 Distribution of tropical storm and hurricane activity for Barbados from 1900-2006 ...... 67 Figure 4.11 Hurricane Tracks of all Category 4 Hurricanes that have passed within 400 km of • Barbados from 1900-2006 68 Figure 4.12 Temporal distribution of (a) Tropical storm and hurricane activity and (b) Hurricane activity for Barbados from 1900-2006 69 • Figure 4.13 Hurricane Wave Extremal Analysis for East Directional Sector 70 Figure 4.14 IBR versus Exceedance Probability 71 • Figure 4.15 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane waves from the east at Long Beach 73 Figure 4.16 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane • waves from the south-east at Long Beach 74 Figure 4.17 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane waves from the south at Long Beach 75 Figure 4.18 Maximum (a) wave heights and, (b) storm surge values for 50 year hurricane event at Long Beach, Barbados 76 • Figure 4.19 Location of AquaDopp wave/current/tide measurements, with photograph of • AquaDopp inset 77 SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT VI

Figure 4.20 Wind direction, sea level pressure, and wind speed measurements at Grandey Adams • International Airport in Barbados during the week of August 12, 2007 showing the passage of Hurricane Dean (from www.wunderground.com) 78 • Figure 4.21 Scatter plot of X and Y current velocities 79 Figure 4.22 (a) Tidal measurements and (b) X and Y-velocity component current data 80 • Figure 4.23 Entire finite element network 81 Figure 4.24 Detail of finite element network highlighting the Long Beach area, and the location of current measurements 82 • Figure 4.25 RMA model calibration results for Long Beach showing comparison of measured and predicted (a) Easting and (b) Northing current velocity components 83 Figure 4.26 Scatter plot of computed and measured current X and Y component velocities at the • current meter location from August 2 to August 7, 2007 84 Figure 4.27 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during rising spring tide 85 • Figure 4.28 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during falling spring tide 86 Figure 4.29 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during falling neap tide 87 • Figure 4.30 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during rising neap tide 88 Figure 4.31 Location and photographs of sand samples 89 Figure 4.32 Comparison of 2003 aerial photograph with 2006 satellite image 90 Figure 4.33 Profile measurement locations from Coastal Zone Management Unit 91 Figure 4.34 Comparison of beach width fluctuations 91 Figure 4.35 Historical beach profile data 92 Figure 4.36 LitPack sediment transport profile locations and input wave climates (Long Beach, Barbados) 95 Figure 4.37 Sediment transport plots for Profile A (northern) at Long Beach, Barbados 96 Figure 4.38 Sediment transport plots for Profile B (central) at Long Beach, Barbados 97 Figure 4.39 Sediment transport plots for Profile C (southern) at Long Beach, Barbados 98 Figure 5.1 Age Frequency of Population ofInterviewed Households 99 Figure 5.2 Highest Level of Education Attained per Members of 254 Households (N=595) 101 Figure 5.3 Levels of Dissatisfaction with Services and Utilities 102 Figure 6.1 Excavation Locations at Chancery Lane by Shilstone, Clarke-Holman, Bullen and Drewett (1987) 112


1. Introduction This report was prepared by Smith Warner International Ltd. in association with Ecoisle Consulting Inc. and is submitted as the first deliverable in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Long Beach Environmental Estate, as per the agreement between Smith Warner International (the Consultant) and Beachside Properties Inc. (the Client). The report documents the condition of the site in its existing state and information presented here forms the • baseline against which any anticipated impacts of the proposed development will be assessed. 1.1 Project Description • The development at Long Beach comprises the following five components: 1. 30 to 50 single lots of 930 - 1,400m2 (10,000 - 15,000f0 facing the wetlands. These lots are • envisaged to contain two types of structures: 1. light weight structures where site conditions will dictate the architecture used; and

ll. conventional structures on sturdier ground; 2. A 200-room 4/5 star hotel on approximately 12 acres of beach front; 3. Beachfront condominiums (215 contained in high rise [minimum 5 storeys] buildings); • 4. Community retail; and 5. Sewage treatment plant. • The underlying principle is to create a resort and residential development that is in harmony with the rich ecological setting, while enhancing the environmental and visual amenities of the area. The concept includes: • • Retaining approximately 15 acres of prime, mature wetlands along the base of the eastern ridge (existing wetlands further discussed in 3.9.2 and mapped in Figure 3.4, page 29). • Creating approximately 10 acres of new wetlands along the base of the western ridge. • Nurturing and protecting mature, intact dune areas to the fullest. • • Developing the areas of the compromised dune system with lightweight retail amenities, accesses to the beach, and view corridors. • Constructing a breakwater component running parallel to the beach to create relatively calm • bathing areas in the sea and defend areas of the site where the dunes have been compromised. • 1.2 Scope ofWork The EIA is divided into three broad tasks: • 1. Project Description 2. Description of Baseline Conditions • 3. Assessment of Impacts • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolst.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 8 l,1li ! This report presents the Description of Baseline Conditions, which is the product of Task 2 of the EIA. The description of baseline conditions is constituted as follows: II (a) Description ofbio-physical and socio-cultural conditions Biophysical baseline conditions includes a description of the existing topographic, geological, hydro-geological, drainage and hydrological characteristics of the site, as well as the terrestrial ecosystems or habitats including the wetlands, sand dunes and grassland • areas. It also provides a description of the habitats and species of flora and fauna in the nearshore marine area. The socio-cultural conditions (within a 2-kilometre radius of the site) includes a • description of the socioeconomic characteristics of the surrounding residential areas, cultural aspects such as the archaeological significance of the remnant Arawak settlement at the site, and noise levels in the area. • (b) Description of physical marine conditions This section relates to the physical oceanographic conditions, including both operational • and hurricane wave climates, sediment transport characteristics of the beach, and hydrodynamic conditions within the vicinity ofLong Beach.

1.3 Methodology andApproach The current baseline data presented in this report was collected partly from field surveys conducted • in July 2007, with follow-up bird observations on February 02, 2008. Other data was gathered from documented information on conditions at the project site; the records of the Town and Country .- Planning Development Office, and the Barbados Statistical Services Department. A full list of references is provided at the end of this report. The specific methods of social and scientific investigations used in recent field surveys are described at the start of each of the relevant sub­ .- sections that form this baseline report. 1.4 Legislative andRegulatoryFramework The development of this site must be compliant with all relevant local legislation. The main pieces of •• legislation that need to be taken into consideration in the development of the subject site are: • Town and Country Development Act Cap 240 • Coastal Zone Management Act 1998 Public Health Services Act • The Underground Water Control Act, CAP 283, 1953, and Barbados Water Authority Act CAP 274A, 1980 .­ The Town and Country Planning Act (Cap 240) makes provision for the use and regulation of all lands on the island. Under the jurisdiction of the Town and Country Development Planning Office, which is governed by this legislation, is the mandate for ensuring proper siting of all structures to maintain acceptable public health and environmental health standards as well as compliance with the • National Physical Development Plan 2003. • SMITH WARNER I~JTERNATIONALLIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 --


The site of the proposed Long Beach/Chancery Lane development is classified in the Physical • Development Plan (2003) as a Special Study Area, which is a sub-category of a system of Natural Heritage Conservation Areas. The area is so designated because of its natural beauty which, according to the Physical Development Plan (PDP), is of a unique physical condition which "has left • intact one of the most significant shoreline natural dune and beach systems on the island" pA-7). The Plan envisages some tourism potential for the site, specifically eco-tourism activity such as bird watching. Due to its designation as a Special Study Area, however, the PDP calls for the Chief • Town Planner to consider any new applications for this area within the context of a "Special Study Area" plan which would incorporate, among other things, "a review of all outstanding approvals within, and in proximity to, the Study Area to assess their potential cumulative impacts on the • natural heritage interest of the site. Within the area designated as a "Special Study Area" by the PDP it is noted that a part of the subject site is designated for tourism purposes. Given the peculiarities of this site, this designation is understood to be signalling some form of nature-based tourism • activity. Under the Town and Country Planning Act (Cap 240) there is protection for those properties comprising the "List of Buildings of Historical Significance and Special Architectural Interest". This • regard for the protection of the island's heritage has, in the past and where appropriate, been extended to include sites of archaeological significance. The subject site has, located within it, an area of archaeological significance, namely the remains of an Arawak settlement. This area needs • to be carefully incorporated into the proposed development and Chief Town Planner or Minister responsible for planning may impose: ''such conditions as heseesfit...without restriding thegenerality ofthefor;going ...conditions mqy be madefor • regulating the development or use of a'!Y land under the control of the applicant (whether or notit is landin respect of that the applii"Cltion was made) or requiring the i"Clrrying out of works on a'!Y sucb land, so far as appears to the ChiefTown Planner to be expedientfor the purposes of orin connection with the development • ... "(s. 16 (2)). The Physical Development Plan 2003 identifies the Chancery Lane-Long Beach area as a key site of archaeological and heritage resources and articulates a set of policies for the maintenance and • conservation of this heritage. However, it does point out that the purpose of the policies "is not to discourage or stop development in the vicinity of archaeological remains, but to ensure that • development impacts are minimized and the importance of the site remains fully documented." Coastal Zone Management Act, 1998-39 provides a comprehensive, statutory basis for coastal zone management and planning in Barbados. It seeks to coordinate and update the existing, • fragmented statutes relevant to coastal management, and makes provision for the protection of coral and other marine reserves, the creation of marine reserves and the identification of critical areas of concern not covered by current legislation. • The proposed development is taking place on a site regarded by the planning authorities to be a unique aquatic habitat and any development will therefore have to be guided by the requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Unit. The Act empowers the Director of the Coastal Zone • Management Unit to provide advice on the policy to be adapted in respect to coastal management; enforce the Coastal Zone Management Act and ensure the best use, conservation and protection of the coastal areas. Further, the several subsections of the Act allow for specific measures to be • developed to deal with issues related to designation of protected marine areas, coral reef protection, beach protection. The Act also makes provision for the development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for the island. The first of these was prepared in 1998 and awaits formal adoption -- SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsus CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 10

by the Government. However, the principles of this management plan have already been incorporated into the Physical Development Plan 2003. The Health Services Act (Cap 44) must also be complied with, as this Act relates to the • promotion and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of Barbados. With respect to the proposed development, there are significant portions of the Act that are administered by the Environmental Protection Department concerning restaurants and other kitchen facilities, pools, • ponds, waste disposal facilities, and noise. Therefore, the relevant regulations under the Health Act that need to be considered include the building regulations; the food hygiene regulations; the restaurant regulations; the swimming pool regulations and the nuisance regulations. • The Factories Act and the draft Health and Safety at Work Bill will also apply. These Acts make provisions for the safety of workers and will apply to both the construction and operations phases of the development. • The Underground Water Control Act, CAP 283, 1953, and Barbados Water Authority Act CAP 274A, 1980 - Through these two Acts, the Barbados Water Authority (BWA), a statutory body falling under the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, has been given the responsibility for water • resources management in Barbados. This responsibility includes the provision of water and sewerage services for the entire island as well as to make regulations, educate and advise the public on water-related issues and to manage, allocate and monitor the water resources of Barbados with a view to ensuring their best development, utilization, conservation and protection in the public interest. The BWA is also required to obtain and analyse information and maintain records of the total water resources of Barbados as well as to conduct research programmes and prepare statistics for its purposes. Given the core elements of the concept for the proposed development, namely tourism residential accommodation in concert with an extended wetlands area, the management of water resources will be a significant component of the development that will be guided by the • planning authorities. • • • • • • .. SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsus CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 -


2. Site Description

2.1 Physical Conditions • The project site, an area of approximately 92 acres, is located along Long Beach, Barbados. Long Beach is located on the south-west coast of Barbados (Figure 2.1) in the parish of Christ Church. The Long Beach coastline consists of a 20 to 30m wide carbonate beach, having a total length of • approximately 1.6 km. The site is bordered to the north and west by the Chancery Lane residential community, to the south by the Inch Marlowe community and to the east by the sea. The Long Beach hotel is located near • the north-eastern boundary of the site. A well defined cliff line extends along the western and northern boundaries. The communities to the north and west are located at cliff level; those properties to the south of the development are located on lands of similar elevation to those along • the site's southern boundary.

! •~

•~ I --I ..I Figure 2.1 Location of project site


The site is undeveloped and comprises a coastal ecosystem of wetlands, natural sand dunes, grassland and beach. Natural sand dunes 2 - 3m high exist to the immediate west of the beach, extending from the northern to the southern site boundaries. These dunes are compromised in some locations. A natural wetland, denoted as "Chancery Lane Swamps" on the 1:10,000 topographical map of Barbados is located within the north-western section of the site. The remainder of the land is natural grasslands. Various trees are growing in pockets throughout the site to the west of the sand dunes, with the highest concentration being buttonwood mangroves along the base of the cliff. Several decades ago clay was imported and placed within the southern portion of the wetland area. This clay was used to construct shallow trays ofwater used for the sport of bird shooting. Present access to the site is via an existing asphalt (Class 4) road along the south-western boundary. A network of unpaved roads exists within the site, providing access to different areas. The 1:10,000 map of Barbados shows an access route roughly midway along the western site boundary; this access route is now impassable. The map shows the road extending eastward into the site from the point where Seaview Road turns southwards. On the topographical survey, this route is identified as the I right-of-way access to the site. .

2.2 Land Use Patterns

2.2.1 Site Conditions The project site, the surrounding ridge lands, the adjoining beach lands and nearshore areas are accessed by the wider Barbadian community for a range of uses, both complementary and undesirable. These activities include: Aesthetics: The view from the ridge is quite spectacular and is something that the people who live there value on a personal and financial level (see Figure 2.2). Squatting: There are a number of make-shift homes located between the Casuarina trees along the dunes. In the absence of any formal development, some persons have made this area their home (see Figure 2.3). I Bird watching: The wetlands provide a natural habitat for many birds. People from in and out of the community do take advantage of this situation to do some recreational bird watching. I Nature walks: The relatively untouched landscape provides a wonderful backdrop for community members who wish to engross themselves in nature. Off-road recreation: Through observation, there is evidence that the site is used for off-road I recreation such as ATV's and 4x4 vehicles. This is evident by the tire tracks present on and off the established path. There is evidence that people who use the site for this type of recreation damage the environment and offset the delicate nature of the flora and fauna as well as damage I the sand dunes (see Figure 2.4). • Pir:nilking: Evidence shows that there is a long tradition of picnicking on the site, especially on I and around the shoreline. Kite .f!ying, Windsutfing etc: Through observation, there is evidence that people use the open grasslands and beaches to fly kites and other similar activities, and the Atlantic surf provides I good conditions for windsurfing (see Figure 2.5).


Reapinggrassforfodder: It should be noted that there is evidence that the vast grasslands are used as a resource to harvesting grass possibly for livestock or other agricultural purposes. Beach Access: Many members of the community use the site as a means to reach the beach and the • ocean. Littering: There is visual evidence that people who picnic on the site deposit bags full of garbage, bottles, plastic and other materials on the site. • This is one of the most disturbing aspects of misuse. There is a great deal ofdumping on Dumping: the site, especially along the asphalt road. Although this does not have an immediate impact on the wetlands and dunes, this should be taken quite seriously. Evidence of dumping ranges from cars • and stoves to rusted old metal and recyclable garbage ( • • Figure 2.6). • • • • Figure 2.2 View of Chancery Lane Swamp Figure 2.4 Tracks ofOff-road Vehicles • • •

• Figure 2.3 Makeshift Housing on Site • Figure 2.5 Windsurfing and Long Beach • SMITHWARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsu; CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 14 • • • Figure 2.6 Dumping of Garbage on Site

Aside from the obvious undesirable uses listed above, the site also possesses value to the community that cannot be measured in dollars. Without subtracting from the community enjoyment, however, there seems presently to be no material economic benefits being derived from the site in its current state

2.2.2 Surrounding Land Uses To the west and north of the site, a residential zone exists that comprises a growing area of what may be described as established upper, middle and low income residential communities. Building density is high within the residential developments to the north, west and south of the site, with property sizes ranging on average from 557m2 (6,000sq. ft) to around 1,858m2 (20,000 sq ft). The two most distinct residential communities are those of Chancery Land and Inch Marlow. To the north and north-east of the residential communities adjoining the subject lands and approximately lkm away from the site there are significant tracks of agricultural land. These agricultural lands, for the most part, fall within the Noise Effective Forecast (NEF) Zones of the Grantley Adams Airport, where current town planning enforces a no or low density development policy. With respect to other significant non-residential development in the area, it is noted that the airport, an industrial complex and the Regional Police Training Centre are all located approximately 2km to the north of the site (see Figure 2.7). There is also an older hotel, the Long Beach Hotel, to the north-east of the site. The proposed development site, therefore, lies in a well established mix of land uses comprising residential, hotel and tourism as well as undeveloped but well utilised beach lands for a range of social undertakings.



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~ • Figure 2.7 General Land Use within 2km of Project Site

SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsi.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 16 • 3. Description of Biophysical Conditions 3.1 Topography • The topographical plan of the site states that elevations and contours shown are referenced to the Barbados Datum, which is stated to be 0.3m below Mean Sea Level (MSL). The topography of the study area is described as follows: • (a) Along the western edge of the beach, surface elevations range from 3.5m towards the southern site boundary to 2031m towards the northern boundary. (b) Sand dune peak elevations west of the beach range from 7.0m towards the southern boundary to • around 5.5m nearer the northern boundary. (c) The wetland area has the lowest site elevations - average 1.0m or 0.7m (2'-6" approx) AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level). The lowest elevations within the wetland area are towards its south­ western corner where they are in the region of 0.54m or 0.24m (8")AMSL (d) A high point in the site's topography is located 144m to the north-east of the northern edge of • the wetland. South-west of this peak, in the region of 7.0m or 6.7m AMSL, the land slopes downward in the direction of the wetland. To the north and east of this high point, the land slopes downward (negative slope) to a depression - described in (e) below. • (e) A well defined depression exists 150m to the immediate north-east of the wetland boundary. The elevation of the base of the depression is in the region of 103m; the highest elevation along its perimeter is in the region of 4.5m. (t) Grasslands to the west and south of the wetland area slope downwards in easterly and northerly directions respectively, to the wetland area. Grassland surface elevations to the west of the wetland area range from 305m near the base of the cliff to 1.1.m by the wetlands - a slope of • 1.67%. Grassland surface elevations to the south of the wetland area range from an average of 6.0m from the southern site boundary to an average of 1.5m at the southern edge of the • wetlands (an average slope of 0.88%). (g) Surface elevations on top of the cliff line to the west of the site range from around 18m (towards the southern site boundary) to 10m (to the west of the wetland area) to around 13m at the northern boundary. (h) A well defined but narrow promontory exists along the cliff line roughly 100m from the southern boundary. (i) Cliff slopes from west to east are as follows: i) South of the promontory towards the south western boundary: 12 to 4%. • ii) North of the promontory, between the promontory and the defined right of way access: - 41 to 94%. iii) Along right ofway to Seaview road: 11% average. iv) North of right ofway access to northern site boundary: 35% to greater than 85%. G) Land slopes (within the residential areas) to the west and north of the cliff line are relatively flat. Average elevations in the residential areas range from 13 to 18m.



(k) Land to the south of the site's boundary is also relatively flat. Prior to the establishment of the residential area to the south of the site, land in that vicinity sloped in southerly and easterly 11 directions to the Inch Marlowe swamps. On the whole, the lands at the site have gende slopes to the lowest region of the site - the wetland area. The steepest land slopes are along the cliff face. Lands within the residential areas are relatively flat.

3.2 Geology The site is in the Coral Region of Barbados. In this region, the shallow earth structure consists of a soil layer resting on a limestone rock layer. The limestone rock layer is underlain by a dense impermeable clay sub-stratum called the Oceanics - known to be over 900m deep in areas. After a series of folding and faulting events, the island of Barbados rose out of the sea in stages. At each stage, a system of concentric coral limestone fringing reefs developed - the reefs of younger ages at lower elevations. The residential areas bordering the site to the north and west are located III on the Lower Coral (fringing) Reef (LCR) terrace, as shown on the Geology Map of Barbados. Residential properties along the northern site boundary are approximately 300m south of the coral fringing reef complex whose uplift gave rise to the "First High Cliff" {boundary of the Middle Coral Reef Terrace (MCR) and the LCR terrace as denoted on the Geology Map of Barbados}. The highest of the three terraces, the Upper Coral Reef (UCR), is located within the central region of Barbados. The geology of the site and the area surrounding the Inch Marlowe swamp is described as consisting of marine beach and modern dune deposits. The cliff line to the west actually forms the geological divide between the LCR formation and the marine beach and dune formation. The latter formation consists of sandy material washed and blown in from the sea, overtopped in areas by soil material washed from the upper terraces.

3.3 Surficial Geology • The soil and land use survey report 01ernon and Carroll, 1966) classifies the soils below the cliff and in the surrounding residential areas as "Coastal Association" soils. The soil map associated with this report indicates that soils west of the cliff line are of the shallow to very shallow associate. These soils atop the cliff are stated to consist of friable dark clays whose depths range from less than 250mm (10") to 450mm (18"). The shallow to very shallow associate soils are said to rest upon limestone rock. • The soil cover to the east of the cliff is termed the South Coast Associate 01ernon, Carroll, 1966). This soil cover is defined as "forming over terraces below the first high cliff, along the southern coast by South Point". The soil cover is stated to consist of a high proportion of calcareous grit and • stones; it is further stated that the parent material for this soil is of a marl formation. An examination of test pit data indicates the following: • Along the sand dunes and in areas immediately adjacent to them, the soil profile consists of dark sandy brown topsoil of depths in the region of 375mm (15") followed by rock. • Within the grassland areas south of the wetland, the soil profile consists of dark brown topsoil to • dark sandy brown topsoil followed by limestone rock; topsoil depths range from below 250mm • (10") to over 900mm (3ft). .. SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 18 II • Closer to the cliff line and the southern site boundary, topsoil depths are generally deeper - {600 - 1,200mm (2-4ft)}. Test pits within the wetland, close to its southern edge, had deeper soil. Dark brown topsoil of shallow depth is followed by blue-grey clay; coral rock is encountered beneath the clay. The deepest test pit within the wetland encountered rock after 1,800mm (6ft) of soil cover had been removed. The presence of this blue-grey clay and the deeper overburden soil depths are believed to be responsible for low soil permeability in this area and the ability of the wetland to retain water in that area. The blue-grey clay encountered may be the clay that was imported to I construct the bird shooting trays mentioned earlier. On the whole, the shallow geological profile of the site consists of a shallow "coastal association" topsoil layer upon a limestone rock sub-stratum. As mentioned earlier, limestone rock in the Coral I Region is underlain by the impermeable Oceanics layer.

3.4 Hydro-geological Considerations III The Geology map of Barbado~ displays contour elevations of the Oceanic sub-stratum mentioned earlier. Based on the Geology map of Barbados, the level of the Oceanics beneath the site is in the region of -40m AMSL. Thus the average depth of limestone beneath the site to the Oceanics layer III is 45m. The limestone rock layer has a very high effective porosity. This porosity, coupled with the extensively cracked and fissured nature of the rock, makes limestone an extremely permeable stratum. The permeable coral limestone and the underlying impermeable Oceanics sub-stratum collectively form an 'unconfined' aquifer, through which groundwater is transmitted. The level of the surface of the Oceanics layer with respect to mean sea level (MSL) indicates whether groundwater in the unconfined aquifer exists as 'streamwater' or 'sheetwater'. Oceanic elevations Below Mean Sea Level (BMSL) indicate that groundwater may exist as sheetwater, whilst levels above MSL indicate the possible existence of 'streamwater'. Streamwater, found in the higher land elevations of Barbados, is defined as groundwater flowing at the coral rock/Oceanics interface towards the sea, after having percolated through overlying coral rock and its fissures. Sheetwater, found at lower elevations, is a reservoir of groundwater resting above saline water in the coral rock medium at the interface with seawater. A sheet of freshwater, termed the freshwater lens, rests atop this saline layer owing to its lower density. A brackish water interface exists between the fresh and saline layers. Freshwater lenses can vary in thickness from II less than 4m in areas on the west coast, to depths greater than 50m in the region of the Hampton well in St. Philip. Ninety percent (90%) of potable water is abstracted from these sheetwater areas. Based on Oceanic contour data, groundwater beneath the site exists as sheetwater. The depth of the freshwater lens is expected to be shallow, considering the proximity of the site to the sea. Wells developed on the site may be better suited for the supply of brackish water rather than the supply of fresh water. The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) Act and the Underground Water Control Act authorise the BWA to make regulations and take actions necessary to conserve and protect the island's water supply. The BWA has consequently zoned the lands of Barbados based on potable water resource potentials. Zones range from one to five, Zone 1 having the highest degree of land use restriction. The site for development is located in a Zone 5 area (see Figure 3.1). The land use restrictions for Zone 5 areas are shown in Table 3-1 below.



Site Boundary roundwater Zone N W Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 0.5.250+ 0.5 1 1.5 2 1111111 Zone 4 Kilometers Zone 5 Highways Part Map of Barbados Showing Groundwater Zones

Figure 3.1 Groundwater Zones in Vicinity of Site


Table 3-1 BWA Development Control Zones

Definition of Soak-away II Zone Zone Pit Ma..x. Domestic Controls Industrial Controls Boundary depth

No new housing or water connections, 300 day travel No new industrial 1 None allowed No change to existing wastewater disposal I time development. except BW.Asecures improvements. All liquid industrial waste Septic Tank + soak-away pit required, to be disposed as 600 day travel I 2 6.5m No storm runoff to soak-away pit, specified by BWA. Max time No new petrol or fuel oil tanks. soak-away pit depths as for domestic waste. 5 - 6 Yrs As above for domestic wastewater, petrol or 3 13m As for Zone (2) above I travel time fuel oil tanks to approved leak proofdesign. No restrictions on domestic wastewater Extends to all 4 No limit disposal. Petrol or fuel oil tanks to approved As for Zone (2) above high land I leak proof design. No restrictions on domestic wastewater 5 Coastline No limit disposal. Siting of new fuel storage tanks As for Zone (2) above I subject to BW.AapprovaL I 3.5 Drainage andHydrology 3.5.1 Existing Drainage System Within watersheds in the Coral Region of Barbados, networks of watercourses convey runoff I resulting from rainfall on land to the sea or to depressions within the catchment. Sinkholes are commonly found at these depressions, which provide a shorter route for runoff to groundwater zones. In the absence of sinkholes, infiltration and percolation processes are responsible for the I removal of surface runoff from depressions. The rate at which stormwater leaves a sub-catchment area of a watershed and enters a main watercourse system is dependent on a number of factors: soil type, gradient, land use, rainfall intensity, losses and the geometry of drainage channels. 'Losses' reduce the amount of surface runoff from a rainfall event. These are primarily depression storage (water stored in localised surface depressions), interception (water trapped by tree leaves etc.), and infiltration (vertical flows I towards groundwater zones). As described in the section (3.1) above, lands within the site to the east of the cliff line are relatively flat. Lands to the south of the site and to the west of the cliff line are also relatively flat. Scrutiny of I the topographical plan of the site shows that there is no defined watercourse system. Drainage within the site and its environs is predominantly by overland flow. II Rainwater captured within the site's rainwater catchment (Figure 3.2) flows overland in all directions to the lowest region of the site - the wetland area. Depression storage and infiltration are the major processes promoting the drainage of runoff within the wetland area. Overland flow, and infiltration I and percolation are the main processes promoting drainage over grassland areas. Infiltration and percolation rates are extremely high in sandy areas, e.g. near the sand dunes and the beach. A system of roadside slipper drains and suckwells is used to drain runoff from the roadways within I the residential areas. Larger properties have suckwells for localized drainage; smaller properties


drain runoff to adjacent roads. The site receives runoff from the properties closest to the mentioned cliff line. There are low points along Seaview Road, where defined water paths extend eastward to the site; for example (1) along the right of way access from Seaview and (2) to the immediate north-west of the wetland area, adjacent to Long Bay House. Six suckwells were recorded as falling within the catchment area defined for the site. An interview was conducted with a Mr. Robert Massiah who lived on a property on the cliff line for many years. He stated that his family moved into the area during the early 1950's. He recalled that in all his years of residence in the area, he has never seen floodwaters breach the sand dunes and discharge to sea. He said however, that there have been times when floodwaters captured in the wetlands extended well beyond the boundary of the wetland. He stated that in 1958 a trench was dug from the vicinity of the shooting trays to the sea, along the base of the cliff line to the north­ II eastern corner of the site, to drain excess water from the wetland area. There is no indication of this trench on the topographical plan supplied and the trench was not found during a visit to the site. However, an inspection of the sand dune in the vicinity of the north-eastern corner of the site indicates that it was breached, some time in the past; the lowest dune/beach elevations are located in • this region. II N w~, • s • Legend -- Internal Roads -- Site Boundary WetlandArea Sand Dunes • -- DefinedStormwater Catchment 220 330

• ScaleBar • Figure 3.2 Map Showing Catchment Area of Site • 3.5.2 Hydrology 'Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Maps for Barbados' as published by the Caribbean • Meteorological Institute in 1972 (Lirious, 1972) provide excellent data on rainfall events of various SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 22

durations and return periods. Based on rainfall records for the period 1887-1986, the average annual rainfall that can be expected across the development area is less than 1270 rom/year. Generally, wind in the area blows from north-easterly to south-easterly directions. The dry season is from January to May; the wet season from June to December.

3.6 Baseline Storm FlowAnalyses The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (DB) method [Soil conservation • Service: Technical Release Number 55 erR-55), 1986] was used to estimate peak storm flow (Qp) through the site - from 1 in 25 year and 1 in 50 year storm events. The Time of Concentration T, ­ the time it takes for water from the furthest reaches of a catchment to appear at a watercourse's • mouth - is integral for the calculation of peak flows by the SCS UH method. The longest flow path was deemed to be from the south-western region of the site to the wetland area. The Upland and Curve Number (CN) Methods (HydroCAD Technical Reference) were • utilised in the calculation of T, - the average T, was utilized for hydrological analyses. Curve Numbers (CN's) indicate the fraction of the rainfall depth that may occur as runoff; they are a • function of the type of soil and ground cover. Consequently CN's are dependent on the percentage areas of permeable, semi-permeable and impermeable areas within a catchment. A composite CN value is calculated on the basis of the aforementioned percentage areas. The CN is also utilized in • the SCS UH method to determine peak runoff. Hydrological characteristics of determined areas follow: • Catchment area - 51.9ha • Dune area within catchment - 5.96ha Grassland area within catchment - 24ha • • Urban Residential area within catchment - 16.53ha Longest flow path - 667m • T, (via Upland Method) - O.72hrs (43mins) Average Land Slope (utilized in Curve Number Method) - 5.374% • CN (wetlands) - 89 • CN (urban area) -85 • CN (sand dunes) - 35 CN (grassland areas) - 61 • Composite CN number - 68.52 • T, (via Curve Number Method) - 0.59hrs (35.4 mins) • T, (via Upland Method) - O.72hrs (43mins) T, utilized in hydrological analyses - 0.657hrs (39 mins) • The computer software program - HydroCAD was used to model the hydrological and hydraulic aspects of this study. Rainfall data based on the 1 in 25 and 1 in 50 year events were obtained from • the report: 'Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Maps for Barbados' (Lirios, 1972). The • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 23 I wetland area was modeled as a pond structure within HydroCAD. Percolation from the wetland was modeled using an ex-filtration model within HydroCAD; the percolation rate used was 0.254mm per hour (O.Olin/hr) (source: HydroCAD manual). HYDROCAD is a tried and tested hydrological software used by hydrologists and drainage engineers in many design engineering practices around the world. The software is based on empirical formulae contained in the SCS and rational methods for estimating peak runoff. Ideally to confirm the accuracy of a model, one would correlate the model's output with the flood characteristics of a known hydrological event at the particular site. For instance, if the peak depth of flooding on site during- say - a known 1 in 20 year event is 10" and the HydroCAD model results indicate otherwise, then the factors describing the model would be tweaked to produce the 10" result for a 1:20 storm event. However such rainfall and depth data is not available for the site. In the absence of such data, I designers use the best available factors to describe the model scenario as accurately as possible; this is what was done. Engineering judgment - based on experience with modeling events. of a similar nature in the particular region - is used to assess the suitability of model results. To obtain data ­ that could be used to verify the results of the HYDROCAD models used - would involve data (rainfall depths/flood levels) collection over extensive time periods. Baseline hydrological analyses were executed twice - with and without the six suckwells within the II defined rainwater catchment. A flood elevation of 1.5m or 1.2m AMSL was set for the purpose of these analyses. The time period set for each simulation exercise was 96 hours (4 days). Table 3-2 and show the results of these analyses, and maps showing peak flood lines as tabulated above are I shown in Appendix 1.

Table 3-2 Hydrological Analyses Results without Suckwells in Urban Areas Peak Flood Elevation in Peak Flow Rainfall Events Wetland Vicinity and Remark (m3s-1) I Time of Occurrence 1 in 25yr - 2 hr duration 3.84 102mat 3.78 hours Flood level not exceeded 1 in 25yr - 6 hr duration 7.525 1.43m at 7.65hours Flood level not exceeded Flood level exceeded. Starts at II 1 in 25yr -12 hr duration 8.32 1052mat 13.51hours 11:10hours. Elevation falls to 1.507m by end of 96th hour. Flood level exceeded. Starts at I 1 in 25yr - 24 hr duration 9.66 1067mat 25 hours 12:29 hours. Elevation falls to 10661m by end of 96th hour. Flood level exceeded. Starts at I 1 in 50yr - 24 hr duration 12.23 108mat 25 hours 15:15 hours. Elevation falls to 1.798m by end of 96th hour. I I I

I SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II I II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 24 Table 3-3 Hydrological Analyses Results with Suckwells in Urban Area Peak Flood Elevation in Peak Flow I Rainfall Events Wetland Vicinity and Remark (m3s·1) Time of Occurrence 1 in 25yr - 2 hr duration 3.84 102mat 2.87 hours Flood level not exceeded I 1 in 25yr - 6 hr duration 7.525 104mat 6.69 hours Flood level not exceeded 1 in 25yr - 12 hr duration 8.32 1046m at 13.00hours Flood level not exceeded Flood level exceeded. Starts at 15:15 hours. Elevation falls to I 1 in 25yr - 24 hr duration 9.66 1.56m at 24.34 hours 1.49m (below flood level) by 32.90hr Flood level exceeded. Starts at I 13:05 hours. Elevation falls to 1 in 50yr - 24 hr duration 12.23 1.69m 1.8 at 24043hours 1.49m (below flood level) by I 49.15hr Though the presence of the six suckwells only results in a marginal reduction in peak flood levels(in the vicinity of wetlands), flood levels fall below the set threshold roughly 6 hours after the end of the I 1 in 25-yr 24 hour storm and roughly one day after the end of the 1 in 50-yr 24 hr storm. The results show that in the absence of the suckwells there is no significant change in flood levels three days after the completion of the 1 in 25-yr 24hr and 1 in 50-yr storms (see Table 3-2). The low I percolation rate ofwater from the wetland area is responsible for the latter result. Typically, suckwells are not properly maintained; they are often filled with grit and have poor water entry conditions due to blocked inlets. The six suckwells in the catchment may fall into the category just described. Thus, if the input of the suckwells is ignored, model results indicate that: • Peak flood elevations within the region of the wetlands may be in the vicinity of the 1.65m I contour due a 1 in 25-yr 24 hour storm Peak flood elevations within the region of the wetlands may be in the vicinity of the 1.8m contour due to a 1 in 50-yr 24 hour storm. It is important to note that the lowest elevation at the dune/beach interface at the north-east comer • of the site is 2.31m. The model results imply that flood waters would not overtop and discharge to I the sea at this point due to the most extreme storm modeled, i.e. the 1 in 50-yr 24 hr storm.

3.7 Wetland HydrologicalAnalyses A Microsoft Excel computer model was developed to simulate wetland hydrology during dry, • median and wet rainfall years. The model took into consideration--on a monthly basis­ evaporation effects, wetland percolation rates, and rainwater runoff inputs. Utilizing regression analyses, relationships were determined between wetland water elevation and its volume, and • wetland water elevation and its water surface area. The EXCEL wetland modeling programme is effectively a water balance model utilizing the • fundamental principles of the natural processes occurring throughout the modeling period. The model was used to aid in the estimation of a suitable wetland infiltration/percolation factor for flood • modeling exercises. The EXCEL programme was not used directly to determine wetland flood SMITH WARNER \NTERNATIONAllIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSlE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 25 levels. It is impossible - at this time - to state the level of accuracy of the model, as such a task would involve the correlation of the output of the programme with a time-series of wetland water depths versus rainfall over extensive time periods; such data is not available. It is our opinion that the utilization of the EXCEL programme in the study compliments the data and other models used to predict baseline and post-development hydrological characteristics. The volume of water that evaporates from a water body is directly proportional to its water surface area. The following parameters/assumptions were made: (i) Percolation rate through wetland clay - 0.254mm per hour (O.Olin/hr) (ii) Percolation rate stated in (D only applies to surface area of the wetland area (iii) Runoff Coefficient(C) (Rational Method) for wetland - 0.95 (iv) C (Urban Residential) - 0.5 (v) C (Grassland) - 0.17 (vi) C (Sand dunes) - 0.14 (vii) Rainfall contributions occur at the beginning of a month (viii) There is 300mm (12") depth ofwater in wetland at the beginning of a year (ix) Wetland average elevation (invert) at its base is 1.0m (or 0.7m AMSL) The model allows the adjustment of wetland percolation rates and runoff factors for the different ground covers. By adjusting these rates and factors, the model can be calibrated to simulate, as closely as possible, reported yearly water patterns (depths, water surface areas, etc) within the wetland area. Rates and factors determined as a result of this sort of calibration exercise can then be used with some amount of confidence in modeling the hydrology of the wetland system - proposed as part of the future development. Unfortunately, historical data on water depth patterns on a yearly basis for the wetland area were not found. In the absence of this information, best available rates and factors as listed above were used in the modeling exercise. The results of the modeling exercise indicate the following (with 300mm depth of water in the wetland at the beginning of a year): (a) During the driest year, the wetland area, though capturing some amounts of water during rainfall in the dry months, goes dry at times during the months of February to July. (b) During a 1143mm/45" rainfall year, the wetland area goes dry at times during the months of February to June. (c) During 1295mm/51", 1448mm/57", and 1651mm/65" rainfall years, the wetland area goes dry at times during the months of March to May. The results above appear to be valid, and the model is deemed to reasonably simulate the baseline hydrology of the wetland. Wetland hydrology modeling results are shown in Appendix 1.

3.8 Wedands - Water Quality Sampling and limited field testing of water quality was conducted on March 10,2008. The samples were collected from the western-most and lowest region of the wetland area (see Figure 3.3). Field testing of water samples was done, however some parameters such as salinity and Dissolved oxygen


concentrations were out of the range of the multi-parameter electronic meter used to take some measurements. Field equipment used was as follows: (i) YSI Model 85 DO & conductivity Meter • (ii) Orion Quikcheck pH meter (model 106) Both pieces of equipment were calibrated before readings were taken. • Field results at 4:10pm on March 10, 2008 were as follows: II pH - 6.0

II Temperature - 31.2 degrees C • II Specific conductivity - 183.7 mS (millisiemens) For the remaining parameters, samples were placed on ice and stored overnight and delivered on the • morning of March 11, 2008 to the Government Analytical Services for testing. •

• • • • • • Figure 3.3 Locations of Water Sampling SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecotsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 27 I 3.9 Terrestrial Ecosystem Conditions

I 3.9.1 Overview The Chancery Lane coastal area comprises wetland, buttonwood forest, beach, sand dune and grassland habitats. The 2 km long stretch of coastal sand dune on Long Bay is the only remaining dune system on the south coast (Murray et al., 1992) and the Chancery Lane wetland is one of the three most important wetlands in Barbados, the other two being the Graeme Hall swamp and Long • Pond (Scott and Carbonell, 1986). This section of the report provides a description of the existing wetlands and associated coastal • ecosystems of the area. To collect the required data the following actions were taken: A literature search was conducted to obtain information on the coastal ecosystems in Chancery Lane. Documentation was sought primarily from the library of the Coastal Zone Management • Unit and Gillespie and Steel Chartered Architects. • The site was visited on July 19th and surveyed at 5:30 am on July 20th 2007, and again a~ 5:30 am on February 02, 2008. Both were visual surveys conducted over a three (3) hour period. • During the July 2007 survey, observations were made of the floral and faunal communities and included the wetland, sand dune and grassland ecosystems. All species observed were recorded and photographs were taken. Salinity in the flooded ponds/ trays was measured with an • A366ATC hand-held refractometer (± 1). The February 2008 field survey was conducted over a three (3) hour period and also included the wetland, sand dune and grassland ecosystems • focusing on the bird population. The species observed were also recorded and photographed. The current extent of the wetland plant communities was mapped using 1991 aerial photography (1: 10,000), Google imagery (2007), the 1998 topographic map and ground surveys. The aerial • photographs were geo-referenced and the maps were prepared using AutoCAD software. It is important to note that the dune and swamp systems at Chancery Lane cannot be considered as separate units because they function together as one mutually supportive system. The dune • vegetation uses water from the swamp via the water table that connects the two, while the dune in turn protects the swamp from salt spray, wind and erosive forces of the ocean (Brewster, in Murray et at, 1992). The interdependency that may exist between the swamp and dune systems however, has • not been quantified. The findings of the baseline survey of the terrestrial ecosystem at the project site are presented below with specific discussion of the following ecological zones: • i) Wetland ecosystem ii) Sand dune ecosystem • iii) Grassland ecosystem iv) Turtle nesting area

• 3.9.2 Wetland Ecosystem The Ramsar Convention defines wetlands as "areas" of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or • salt, including areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. • Based on this internationally-recognised definition, the Chancery Lane Swamp, which lies within the • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 28

project site, has been defined as a coastal wetland in a number of national policy documents for Barbados. These include the Government of Barbados State of the Environment Report, 2002; the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Barbados, 2002; and the Physical Development Plan 2003. The Chancery Lane Swamp is the only area of brackish coastal marshland with open lagoons in Barbados that is suitable for migrating shorebirds and by virtue of this, it is a unique habitat and is regarded as being of critical importance to birds (Buckely et al, in press). The wetland is approximately 5.7 ha (14.1 acres) and comprises a narrow fringe of buttonwood • mangroves (Conocarpus ereetus) of about 0.4 ha (1 acre), and salt marshes within ponds called trays of about 5.3 ha (13.1 acres) (Figure 3.4 and photograph in Figure 3.5). The physical setting of this site suggests that the wetland area and its associated dune system was once an intertidal lagoon separated • from the ocean by a bar built beach (Dames and Moore, 1998). As the area behind the beach filled in from deposition of sediment, the lagoon receded. According to Dames and Moore 1998, prior to 1930's, the low lying north-eastern portion of the site was altered to create shallow ponds called • trays, used to attract birds for the purpose of shooting. The bottoms of the trays were lined with clay imported to the site, so as to reduce percolation (Dames and Moore, 1998) and embankments were built to impound the water. The trays are only flooded during the wet season auly to • November) by rainfall and runoff from the cliff. At this time they are used by migratory birds (Scott and Carbonell, 1986). Basin mangrove forest and salt marsh, such as those found in Chancery Lane, can trap and retain • sediments generated in upland areas by virtue of their position in the landscape. These systems act as sinks for nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus (Ewel at. ai, 1998), and can immobilize microbes and chemicals such as pesticides (Clough, Boto & Attiwill, 1983) because of • their soil biogeochemistry. Tropical carbonate soils have the ability to adsorb phosphorus (Corredor et al. 1999) and in such circumstances phosphorus become more limited than nitrogen in mangrove • forest. • • • • • • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsrs CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 29 • • • • • LOl1gEay


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SCALE 1,1000 • ... : : .'"'*-- • Figure 3.4 Map of Chancery Lane Wetland System The ButtonwoodMangrove During the field survey conducted in July 2007, the buttonwood fringe found on the north-eastern • end of the site was observed to be approximately 5-8 m in width. These mangroves line the bottom of a limestone cliff and extend west towards a cave in the north-western region of the cliff. The buttonwood fringe is very dense and therefore impassable, with a canopy height between 3-5m • (Figure 3.5). Between the cliff and the buttonwood is a narrow stand of Manchineel (Hippomane mandnella). During the field survey no water or watercourse was observed in the mangroves. The substrate was dried and the forest floor was covered with litter-fall. Buttonwood is a shrubby • mangrove usually found in upland transitional zones, brackish lagoons and bays, and on the edge of • salt flats. It is highly tolerant to full sun, sandy soils and salty conditions. • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 •II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 30 .. • • • • • Figure 3.5 Chancery Lane Wetlands • • • • • •



II Figure 3.7 Partially Flooded Tray in Front of Buttonwood Fringe with Hundreds of Fiddler Crabs

Clay-lined Trays Immediately south of the buttonwood mangrove forest is a saline lagoon separated into shallow • trays by old earth banks (Figure 3.7). During the field survey, these clay-lined trays were either completely or partially flooded. Salinity varied between 60 parts per thousand (ppt) in the tray to the north-east and 50 ppt in trays farther south. The water depth varied from about 5 to 12 cm. • The water within the trays is hypersaline-50-60 ppt (normal seawater = 35 ppt) and there is no surficial connection between the wetland and the sea. Although Dames and Moore (1998) mentioned that there was once a tidal connection through the dune that now exists as a gully, this • gullywas not located during the field visit. The water in the cave on the western side of the wetland (Figure 3.8) had a salinity of 35 ppt indicating freshwater inflow probably from off the limestone cliff. This cave water flowed into the • trays on the south side where the salinity was 50 ppt compared to 60 ppt farther to the north-east. The hypersaline environment that exists is not conducive to colonization by many plant species. During the July 2007 baseline filed surveys, only three grass species were observed growing in the • wetland area: the salt tolerant grass species Sesuvium portulascastmm and Paspalum distidnon ( grass). These species are resistant to very concentrated salt conditions, can grow in calcareous substrate and are able to survive with very little water. Another grass species with needle-shaped • leaves, believed to be a type of Eleocbaris (sedge), was found submerged within the trays (Figure 3.9). This grass had dried up in areas where it was not submerged. I Water quality data are provided for a station near the Conocarpus erectus mangrove stand in Chancery • Lane (Table 3-4). The sample was taken on March 10th 2008 during the dry season when there was little to no land-based runoff and the water level in the tray was very low. YSI Model 85 DO and conductivity meter and Orion Quickcheck pH meter (model 106) were used to measure physical • parameters such as temperature, conductivity and pH. Water samples were collected for analysis of • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsi.a CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 32

nutrients, total suspended solid (TSS), and chlorophyll and were stored on ice overnight and sent to • the Barbados Government Analytical Services laboratory for testing.

Table 3-4 Water Quality Data for Wetland Station at Chancery Lane

Parameter Value / concentration • Temperature °C 31 pH 6 Conductivity (mS) 183.7 • 0.57 1 Nitrites (mg r ) <0.01 1 Nitrates (mg r ) 0.34 • 1 Phosphates (mg r ) 1.67 Chlorophyll (mg/rrr') 552 1 • Total suspended solids (mg r ) 1,440

Temperature in the tray (31°C) exceeded the range (23.3° C - > 28° C) recorded for other Caribbean • coastal study locations (CARICOMP, 1997) and is due to solar heating of this shallow water body. High temperature and salinity (salinity exceeded 60 parts per thousand in the rainy season) would • limit the number and types of invertebrates inhabiting the area. Total suspended solid concentration (1,440 mgl-1) was high and may represent error in sampling; bottom sediment may have been re-suspended during sample collection, again because of the • shallowness of the tray. On the west coast of Barbados, TSS concentrations ranged from 7.1 mg 1-1 at a site subjected to sewage pollution to 4.6 mg 1-1 at another more pristine site (Tomascik & Saunder,1985). • The ammonia, nitrate and phosphate concentrations reported in the tray at Chancery Lane exceeded values reported for waters polluted by sewage on Barbados' west coast (Tomascik and Saunder, 1985). High nutrient concentration in the tray could be due to: organic matter build-up because of • little or no flushing; re-suspension of bottom sediments during sampling; nutrients from land-based runoff during the wet season are concentrated during the dry season as evaporation exceeds precipitation; and/or guano from birds as this wetland is a feeding area for waterbirds, especially • during the winter months. It should also be noted that phytoplankton biomass (as indicated by • chlorophyll-a concentration) is relatively high, although the tray is hyper-saline. • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsu; CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 33 • • • • • Figure 3.8 Cave on West Side ofWetland • • • •

• Figure 3.9 Another grass species with needle-shaped leaves, believed to be a type of Eleocharis (sedge), was found submerged within the trays

Fauna c Within the trays were hundreds of Fiddler crabs (Uca spp), the only aquatic fauna observed during the field survey (Figure 3.9). Fiddler crabs are hardy crabs that feed on dead and decaying plant • matter. They help aerate the salt flat through burrowing activity. Other fauna observed at the time • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAV2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 34

of the field survey were birds feeding in the early morning. Table 3-5 and Table 3-6 show the • species and numbers observed within the wetlands ecosystem. Table 3-5 Species of Birds Observed During Baseline Field Survey, July 2007 • Common Name Scientific Name No. Observed Heron Ardeidae 1 • Snowy Egrets Egretta tbula) 5 Cattle egrets Bubukusibis >10 Sl'olopaddae >10 • Plovers Charadriidae >10 • • Table 3-6 Species of Birds Observed at the Chancery Lane Wetland, February 2008

Common Name Scientific Name No. Observed Classification Great egret Casmerodius albus 1 Migrant, Winter Resident little egret Egretta garzetta 27 Resident • Snowy egret Egretta thula 2 Resident Greater yellow legs melanoleuca 30 Migrant, Winter Resident • Grey heron Ardea cinerea 1 Migrant, Winter Resident The wetland at Chancery Lane Swamp is a major habitat for many species of birds, including • residents, migrants and winter residents (Hutt, 1978; Horrocks, 1998; Kushlan et al., 2007; Buckley et al., in press). The species recorded during this July survey is not indicative of the number and diversity of birds that reside here or use this habitat .during the winter months to feed and rest • during their migration to South America. For example, the lagoons at the Chancery Lane Swamp are said to provide the single most important feeding areas for herons and egrets in Barbados other than the Graeme Hall Swamp. The resident and migratory bird species within the wetlands • ecosystem are discussed below. Resident Birds The resident bird population comprises 36 species (Watson 1993). Watson (1998) provides a • complete list of these species, and their distribution and abundance is noted in Horrocks (1998) and Simmons and Associates (1998). Although not specifically noted in the available literature, the area is known to be used by those species described in Horrocks (1998) as being very common and • distributed all over the island (e.g. the Lesser Antillean grackle, Quiscalis lugubris, and the Lesser Antillean bullfinch, Loxigilla nOdis). The Grey king bird (Tjrannus dominicensis) and cattle egrets (Bulbicus ibis) have also been observed at the site (A. Harewood, personal communication). Much of the information on the resident birds that use the Chancery Lane area, however, is published by bird watching organisations and focuses on the birds that utilize the wetland. For example, in the June 2007 issue of Bird Caribbean, the Graeme Hall and Chancery Lane Swamps were reported as being critical to the conservation of the little egret (Egretta garzetta) in the New World. Chancery Lane Swamp is an important feeding area for the little egret as well as for other birds. The birds feed on invertebrates such as the fiddler crab, which were plentiful at the site. A



review of the resident species that utilize the wetland area may be found in Buckley et al (in press), • and Table 3-7 provides a list of the bird species observed at the site, which has also been recorded in • the literature. Table 3-7 Documented Resident Bird Species Observed at Long Beach • HeronsIEgrets Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Great Egret Casmerodius albus • Little Egret Egrettagarzetta Snowy Egret Egrettathula • Green-backed Heron Butorides virescens Black-crowned Night Heron Nyaicorax syaicorax Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyaicorax violacea • Other Birds Barbados Golden Warbler Dendroica p. petechia • Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Caribbean Coot Fulica caribbaea • Source: Modified from Buckley et aI. (in press). Cattle egrets and the endangered nominate race of the yellow warbler iDendroica petechia petechia) are • reported to breed in this wetland (Scott and Carbonell, 1986) while common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) and white coot (Fulica caribaea) that once bred in the swamp have been extinct as breeding species for more than half a century (Hutt, 1978). • Migratory Birds The site at Chancery Lane is located in an area where the configuration of the coast brings about a concentration of the fly-lines travelled by birds flying southward over the island (Hutt 1991). It is, • therefore, a very important refuge for migrating and wintering shorebirds that visit the island briefly during their autumn migration from to breed and over-winter in South American habitats (Horrocks 1998). There is general agreement in the literature that the birds arrive in July • but there is some discrepancy regarding how long they stay. Hutt (1991) and the Ministry ofPhysical Development and Environment (2001) note that they may be found on the island from July to October, while Horrocks (1998) notes that they are present from July to November/December. • The number of birds landing on the island is influenced by weather conditions. During good weather, fewer birds alight (Dorst 1962; Horrocks 1998). However, during bad weather, the birds fly low over the islands and are attracted to suitable aquatic habitats (Horrocks 1998). • According to Buckely et al, (in press), the Chancery Lane swamp is the only area of the island used routinely by long-staying Willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatus and Hudsonian Whimbrel Numenius budsonicus, which feed on fiddler-crabs. Table 3-8 lists some of the migratory bird species recorded • in the literature at Chancery Lane wetland, However, Buckely et al (2007) lists thirty-five species • that visit the site regularly. He further notes that Chancery Lane swamp provides the only safe • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 36

haven for these globally protected shorebirds, since the only other potential rest areas are the shooting swamps in St. Philip and St. Lucy, where 20,000 - 30,000 are shot annually. • • •

• I



Common Name Scientific name

Greater yellow leg Tringa melanoleuca Lesser yellow leg TringaJlavzpes Ruddy Armaria interpres Sanderling alba • Pectoral Calidris melanotos Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus • Source: Scott and Carbonell (1986);Buckley (2007)

3.9.3 Sand Dune Ecosystem • Just east of the wedand at Chancery Lane is an extensive sand dune system. It is 1.3 km long and 140 m wide at it widest point, this being at the north-eastern end (see Figure 3.4). This is the only remaining dune system on the south coast. It has a constant supply of coral sand from the • continually eroding coral reef just offshore (Murray et al. 1992). Key physical processes in dune formation are wave action, erosion, sand accretion by winds and overwash, as well as the deposition • of salt spray (Stalter, 1976; Tyndall, 1985). Dune Vegetation Due to sometimes intense wave action, strong winds and the presence of sea water, most plants are not able to successfully colonize beach areas direcdy along the shoreline. However, several species • are able to become established in the upper beach zone, thus enabling sand stabilization and subsequent development of dune systems. At Chancery Lane, the vegetation communities observed • on the dune are the same as described by Murray et al. (1992) and Hutt (1978). The fore-dune, which is nearest to the sea, is vegetated mainly by seaside yam (Ipomoea pes i"aprae) and crab grass (Paspalum distii"hum), with some seaside spurge (Euphorbia mesembrianthekifolia), sand sedge • (Cyperus ligularis) and duckweed (Pei"tis humifusa). The dune crest is dominated by seagrape (Coccoloba uvzflra). Other species found on the crest include coconuts (COi"OS nudftra), mile tree (Casuarina equisetifolia), maypole (Agave barbadensis), seaside lavender (Mallotonia gnaphalodes), sourgrass GAndropogon intermedius uar addulus), white sage (Lantana involuifate) and vervain (Stad!Jtatpheta • jamaii"ensis). The back dune is also dominated by seagrapes associated with bread and cheese (Pithei"ellobium unguis illtt), whitewood (Tabebuia pallida), manchineel, french cotton (Calotropis proi"em) • and love vine (Cusmta americandy. These are listed in Table 3-9 for ease of reference. The most obvious sign of disturbance of the dune is the large stand of mile trees (Casuarina equiseifolia). These were introduced to Barbados about 1870 (Gooding et al. 1975) as a wind break. • They were planted at Chancery Lane in order to create an accessible and sheltered spot for picnickers at the beach (Murray et al. 1992). The needle-shaped leaves of this exotic tree litter the ground in thick layers preventing the growth of native plants. An extensive area of the dune crest was also planted with coconut trees prior to the 1950's. It is also evident that some of the • vegetation was cleared to allow vehicular access to the beach and there is some squatting as indicated by the presence of several wooden shacks made from a mix of previously discarded materials.

SMITH WARNER I~JTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATlm·j WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 38 Table 3-9 Species of Dune Vegetation observed during the field survey at Chancery Lane Common Name Scientific Name • seaside yam Ipomoea pes caprae crab grass Paspa/um distichum seaside spurges Euphorbia mesembriantheki(Olia • sedge Cyperus /igu/aris duckweed Pettishumi(usa seagrape Coccoloba uviBra • Coconuts Cocos nUd{era mile tree Casuarina equiseti(O/ia Maypole Agave barbadensis seaside lavender Mal/otonia gnapha/odes • sourgrass Andropogon intermedius uaraddu/us white sage Lantana invo/ucrate vervain Stachrtarpheta iamaicensis • bread and cheese Pithel:el/obium unguis cati whitewood Tabebuia pal/ida Manchineel, Hippomane mandnel/a French cotton Ca/otropis prol'Cra • love vine CUSl'/Jta americana • Dune Fauna life observed on the dunes was dominated by hundreds of Barbados moon crabs (Gmminus TUrko/a) which were found amongst the seagrape on the north-eastern end of the site (Figure 3.10). • A mongoose was seen and bird sounds were heard but the birds were not identified. • • •

Figure 3.10 Barbados Moon Crabs on a sea grape tree at Chancery Lane


Breaches in Dune System As previously mentioned, breaches in the dune system were observed along the coastline, likely a result of human activity clearing vegetation and creating pathways for vehicular traffic, such as ATV's and 4x4 vehicles, to access the beach. Figure 3.11 shows the dune systems intact, while Figure 3.12 shows an area where the dunes have been compromised and vehicular tracks are clearly visible.

Figure 3.11 Intact dunes at Long Beach Figure 3.12 Compromised dune

An attempt was made to identify the exact locations and to what extent the dunes have been compromised. This was completed in a two step approach; (1) during a field visit, a GPS was used to record the coordinates of the observed dune break locations; following which (2) the topography of the site was analyzed to determine potential locations of dune breach and matched back to the GPS coordinates recorded during the field visit. The topography was analyzed both by inspecting the contours of the entire project area, and by plotting seven cross-sections along the project site. The profile locations and cross-section results are plotted in Figure 3.13(a) and (b) on the following page. Note that the contours have been overlaid on top of the satellite imagery with the Sm contour line highlighted in red. Profiles 3, 4, and 6 corresponded to locations where dune breaches were observed and recorded with the GPS during the field visit (shown as dotted lines in Figure 3.13(b». In Figure 3.13(b), the plots of these cross sections confirm that the top elevation of the section is approximately 2 - 3 m lower than in locations where the dunes have not been breached. The dune breaches are not one­ dimensional, but weave and bend through the dune systems. Therefore general "dune breach areas" were identified, .rather than specific profile locations where the dunes have been compromised. These are shown in Figure 3.13(c).


Figure 3.13 Dune Breach Areas along Long Beach landward X(m) seaward


3.9.4 Grassland Ecosystems

Grassland Vegetation In past years, much of the native vegetation of the low lying inland area between the dunes and the wetland at Chancery Lane was cleared to facilitate the use of the wetland as a shooting swamp. However, the site still has a significant variety of terrestrial vegetation (Ministry of Physical Development and Environment, 2001). Past scientific studies of the flora of the project area have focused on the dunes and the wetland and make only passing reference to the plant species that have colonised the tract of land which separates these two areas. Gooding (1947), Hutt (1991), Murray et al (1995) and Carrington (OWl, personal communication, 2007) have all noted that the dunes at the southern end of the beach were backed by a region of sourgrass pasture (Andropogon pertusus), but other floral species associated with the sourgrass pasture were not recorded. Field observations revealed that the inland area towards the south of the site was indeed a sourgrass pasture, combined with many species of trees, shrubs and vines (Harewood, personal observation). Associations of these species were distributed throughout the sourgrass pasture (Figure 3.14) and species observed in the area of interest are listed in Table 3-10 on the following page.

Figure 3.14 The Sourgrass Pasture and associated trees at the Chancery Lane Site

• GrasslandFauna ~ While there is some published information on bird species that visit the Chancery Lane project area, accounts of other animal species are few. A review of the literature revealed no published information on mammalian species, although rats, mice and bats are likely to be present and a mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) has been observed at the site (A. Harewood personal observation). Similarly, no published information was found on the arthropod species in the project area but it is • general knowledge that several crab species inhabit the site. The red crab (Geocaran«: lateralis) can be • found in leaf litter and on sea grape shrubs in the wooded areas, particularly south of the abandoned SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 42

Long Beach hotel (A. Harewood personal observation). The hermit crab (Coenobita cfypeata) may also • be found in this area (c. Atherley, UWI, personal communcication, 2007). The distribution and abundance oflizard species in the area has not been studied, to date. However, • given that there is a suitable habitat, it is likely that the Barbados anole (Ano/is extremus) is present. The ground lizard (Kentropyx borkiana) was said to be once common at the site but has not been • reported in recent times (Horrocks 1998). Table 3-10 Floral Species Observed at Chancery Lane during Field Survey • Common Name Scientific Name Coconut Cocos nucifera Sea grape Cocoloba uvifera • Seaside almond Terminalia cattapa Manchineel Hippomane mancinella Whitewood / White cedar Tabebuia heteroplijlla Dunks Ziziphusmauritiana Wild tamarind/ Mimosa / Myamosee . Leacaenaleucocepbela Wild sage Lantana inuoiucrate; Lantana camara • Sour grass Andropogon intermedius var. acidulus Knot grass/ crab grass Paspalum distichum Finger grass / crab grass Chloris barbata • Crab grass Sporolobus virginicus Sea samphire/ purslane Sesuvium portulacastrum • Vervain Stachytarphetajamaio"ensis Cotton Gosrypium hirsutum Castor bean / Palma Christi Ricinus communis • Yellow sweet pea Crotolaria retusa Beach mulberry / noni / dog dumpling Morinda citrtJolia Giant Indian milkweed / Crown flower Calotropis procera • Sedge sp Rabbit thistle Tridaxprocumbens Bread and cheese PitheoYfllobium unguis-o-ati • Seaside spurge Cbamaesyce mesambrt'cJnthemifolia Morning glory Ipomoea pescaprae Blue vine Clitoria ternatea • Wild cucumber Cocania grandt's Love vine Cassytha ftliformis L • Source: (Harewood pers comm.,2007) 3.9.5 Turtle Nesting at Chancery Lane • Long Beach is an important nesting beach for marine turtles (Horrocks 1998) and has been designated as such by the Barbados Sea Turtle Project. Although it is not a preferred nesting beach • for the hawksbill (Eretmochefys imbricata), an estimated 20 - 30 nests are made each season (Horrocks, SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • II • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 43

2007, personal communication). There are occasional nests made by leatherback (Dermochefys coriacea) • and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) as well. Most of the nesting seems to occur on the south-western end of the beach, but Professor Horrocks cautions that it is difficult to address any significant • pattern of distribution when nesting occurs at low levels. The Long Beach location is considered important for turtle nesting for several reasons.

1. It provides a useable nesting habitat for hawks bills even if it is not the preferred habitat. • This is in light of the loss ofwest coast beaches to erosion and beach armouring, and the loss and alteration of south coast beaches due to boardwalks and renourishment projects. This makes Long Beach an important habitat even if nesting is not currently • occurring at high levels. 11. This is one of only a few beaches in Barbados where all three species of turtles nesting can be seen. This makes it unusual and valuable. • During the transect surveys, numerous adult and juvenile hawksbill turtles (EretmodJefys imbrot-"ota) were observed foraging on' the deep bank reef located approximately lkm offshore. The local nesting season had commenced while this assessment was ongoing, however there were no signs of • nesting at the time. In summary, the terrestrial ecosystems at Chancery Lane are relatively healthy systems with • considerable ecological significance. The wetland is especially important for wintering birds, while the sand dune provides coastal protection and sand for the beaches on the south coast. • 3.10 Marine Ecosystems The Long Beach bay area is defined by a typical offshore barrier reef located approximately 700m from shore, and sparse coral colonies located inshore of the barrier reef. Currents in this location move predominantly in an east to west direction outside the barrier reef and reflect towards shore inside of the barrier reef break. Approximate water depth varies from Om in the swash zone to a maximum of 8m approaching the barrier reef. Detailed bathymetric information is provided in later • sections. The existing conditions along the back beach and the offshore coral reefs were documented as a component of the baseline study. Research divers conducted several wide-scale qualitative • assessments seaward of the project site, which provided general information on benthic habitats, and will aid in establishing the permanent coral reef monitoring sites as the design stage continues. The first benthic surveys were conducted the week of July 16, 2007 during a period of uncharacteristically • calm sea conditions on the south-east coast. Research divers, aided by two vessels, conducted six photo-based transects at the Long Beach site. They documented the presence of all sensitive marine communities or the transitions between benthic habitats on slates or with digital u/w cameras. Each transect started in the swash zone and extended perpendicular from the shoreline (approximate 0 • - 135~ heading 125 through the surf, and across the entire basin until passing the offshore barrier reef that runs parallel to shore. Each transect ended at the outer section of the barrier reef (Figure • 3.15). The starting point of each transect was taken via GPS (Garmin GPS 72) in the swash zone prior to each dive, and the approximate distance between transects was 100m. An attempt was made to align • Transects 3,4 and 5 to the proposed location of each breakwater structure (Figure 3.16). It should also be noted that Tl, T2 and T3 (experimental sites directly in front of the project site) • were aligned with each of the proposed walkovers. Since the predominant current flow is from east SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 44

to west, two transects (T1 and T2), were established down-drift of the site whereas transect T6 • (control) was established up-drift of the project site. Table 3-11 summarises the habitats observed • along these six transect lines. • • • • • • • Figure 3.15 Approximate Location ofVisual Transects •: • II• I


Table 3-11 Marine Habitats Observed along Transects Taken at Long Beach Observed Habitat Distance Water Environmental from Shore Depth Fauna Flora Conditions Suspended sand; 20m 1-2.5m None Detached algae high turbidity. Reserves of coarse 100-150m <4m None None I coralline sand ..I Low-relief carbonate shelf Microalgae and 150-200m None interspersed with algal beds sand channels Outer breaker zone; A few fish species in fissures and small ledges and Red and 200-250m ledges; scattered clusters of sea­ fissures in substrate; calcareous algae eggs in sand channels sand channels Hard corals of low-profile phenotypes in isolated colonies >250m 4-<8m None only; no well established coral communities More robust colonies of hard Minimal surge <700m 8m corals (Diploria sp, Siderastrea None effects siderea and Porites asteroids) Reef crest; rubble Spiny sea urchins (Diadema 700m 1.5m None dominated zone antillarum) Dense population Ledges and small Adult reef fish under ledges and of sea fan 700-720m 2-6m caves beneath reef ill caves (Gorgoian sp.) - >6 crest colonies/sq.m. Steep drop; rubble >720m 6-10m Minimal fish life Very little biota covered habitat African pompanos, lobsters, nurse sharks, numerous juvenile and adult hawksbill turtles Miscellaneous I (Eretmothefys imbrotota). 40% hard lkm 20m Deep bank reef (green, red and coral cover. Fish and hard coral • brown) algae more abundant and diverse than on most west and south coast .­I reefs. •I ..I

II SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsi.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 46 • 3.10.1 Marine Habitats - Fauna and Flora From the start of the benthic assessment, the continuous onshore break kept large quantities of sand and detached algae suspended in the water column. Consequendy, visibility within the first 20m from shore dropped to zero on some days. The extent of this turbid zone depended on the wave • height and period. On calm days there was no turbid zone, whereas during high energy wave events the turbid zone extended beyond 50m from shore. There were no live corals or sensitive biota • observed in these shallow areas, and water depth ranged from 1- 205m. Beyond the turbid shallows and the impact zone of this shore break, visibility increased dramatically. The first habitat is the wide offshore sand reserves (Figure 3.17) made up of coarse coralline sand • that extended from shore. This coarse sand is in constant motion, as the surge from each passing wave causes the surface layers to shift and settle. This barren sandy area extends seaward until approximately 100-150m offshore, at a water depth not exceeding 4m. The second habitat is a low-relief carbonate shelf interspersed with sand channels (Figure 3.18). This shelf is covered with a thin veneer of macroalgae, and in areas the shifting sand has covered the algal beds. This observation, along with the high quantity of detached algae in the surf zone, implies • that the algal beds in the shallows of Long Beach are perennial. That is, they are constantly being recruited and naturally detached from the substrate. From approximately 200-250m offshore, or half way between shore and the outer reef crest (outer • breaker zone), the substrate becomes completely dominated by several species of red and calcareous algae (Figure 3.19). Due to the prevailing surge very few fish species were observed. Moreover, these small fish were only observed under small ledges or in the fissures in the substrate, and never • along the exposed flats. A few scattered clusters of sea eggs (Tripneustes ventricosus) were also observed in these algal beds • (Figure 3.20) and in the sand channels that had formed between the beds (Figure 3.21). • • • • • • • Figure 3.17 Moving Seaward from Sand Reserves • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS- BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 47 • • •I

Figure 3.18 Transition Point from Sand to Algae

Figure 3.19 Small Reef Fish under Ledge (4m)



Figure 3.20 Diver Pointing to Sea Eggs (Tripneustes ventricosus) in algal Beds (4m)

Figure 3.21 Shifting Sand in Sand Channel between Algal Beds (305m)

It is important to note that there were no well established coral reef communities observed within the Long Beach nearshore, and hard corals were generally observed in isolated colonies that were represented by the low-profile phenotypes. In the deeper sections of the bay (8 meters) where the effects of surge were minimal, the largest hard corals were observed. These more robust colonies were mainly Diploria sp, Siderastrea siderea and Porites asteroids. In other instances they had grown in irregular shapes due to the strong prevailing currents and harsh conditions (Figure 3.22 to Figure 3.24).


Figure 3.22 Low Profile Diploria sp. Colony in nearshore (7m)

Figure 3.23 Irregularly-shaped Siderastrea sidera Colony (7m)


Figure 3.24 Largest Siderastrea sidera Colony Observed (7m)

Approaching the offshore barrier reef there is another shift in habitat, and water depth decreases from a maximum of 8m (where hard corals reach their maximum) to as little as 105m at the top of the reef crest. The dense algal beds that dominate the substrate for the vast majority of all six transects gradually changes to a rubble dominated zone (Figure 3.2S), and the sea eggs (Tripneustes ventricosus) that were seen in loose clusters closer to shore were replaced by the spiny sea urchins (Diadema antiiiarum). This relatively barren area continues to the outer breaker zone where the breaking waves come into contact with the substrate and scour the bottom. It should be noted that the power of these crashing waves is intense, making it extremely difficult to cross over this shallow zone to reach the outer areas. However, beyond the reef crest there is a sudden increase in water depth as the substrate terminates in steep drops from approximately 2-6m in water depth. It was noted that some of the most densely populated sea fan (Gor;goian sp.) assemblages ever seen along the south-east coast were observed in these areas (Figure 3.26), and in areas there were more than six sea fan colonies per square meter. The sea fan dominated zone is relatively narrow and extends on average for lS-20m, and ends abruptly at the steep drop off on the seaward extremity (Figure 3.27). This is also the first habitat where adult reef fish were regularly observed and which found refuge under the ledges and small caves beneath the reef crest. Beyond the drop-off, the substrate returns to a rubble-covered habitat with very little biota and minimal fish life (Figure 3.28). There is no appreciable change in this habitat along this substrate out to the 10m isobar. Based on previous reconnaissance dives and anecdotal evidence, divers also conducted one dive on the deep bank reef more than 1 km from shore and in over 20m (66ft) of water. These reefs were


well beyond the projected impact zone of the proposed development; however it was considered important to geo-reference these remote reef areas. It appears that fish and hard coral abundance and diversity were higher on the Long Beach outer bank reef than on most west and south coasts reefs. Rare species such as African pompanos, lobsters and nurse sharks were observed and hard • coral cover was estimated to reach 40% in some areas. • • • , --i

• Figure 3.25 Diadema antillarum Colonies in rubble Zone before Reef Crest •

•, ~

.-I .­ Figure 3.26 Extensive Sea Fan Assemblage

..! II -- SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 52 • • • Figure 3.27 Termination Point of Framework. Note Adult Fish under Overhang (4m) • • •

• Figure 3.28 Barren Substrate outside Shallow Barrier Reef (9m) ~ 3.10.2 Nearshore Water Quality In Barbados, current water quality criteria for bacteria include the use of "indicator organisms," faecal coliform and enterococcus. Most disease-causing microbes exist at very low levels and are i • difficult and expensive to detect. Indicator organisms have been used for more than a century to help identify where faecal contamination has occurred and, therefore, where disease-causing microbes may be present. These organisms generally do not cause illness directly; however, they have characteristics that make them good indicators that faecal contamination has occurred and that •~ harmful pathogens may be in the water (USEPA, 1996). Table 3-12 presents the results of the first round (baseline in the context of this project) of bacterial monitoring. These results showed negligible bacterial contamination, with zero readings at sites 1 and 3, for both faecal coliform and enterococcus. These monitoring sites were located at the western and eastern extremities of the project site (i.e. Transect 3 and 1 respectively as shown in --i Figure 3.15). Conversely, the samples collected in the centre of the project site (Transect 2), presented detectable ~ levels of pollutants, with one parameter breaching the ambient water qualiry standards (.A.WQS)..


Specifically, faecal coliform levels of 16 cols/100ml were detected in the central surface sample, • which adhered to the AWQS of 200 cols/ml. The concentration of the enterococcus at site 2 was higher and peaked at 48 cols/100ml, whereas the legislated AWQS for coastal water quality is 35 cols/1OOml.

Table 3-12 Existing bacterial contamination at Long Beach • Faecal Coliforms Enterococcus (ENT) (FC) cols/100 ml Cols/lOOml • Transect 1 o o Transect 2 16 48 Transect 3 o o

These results clearly demonstrate that there is already some degree of bacterial contamination at the • project site. The source of this pollution is still unknown, and it is recommended that at least two more monitoring rounds be completed during varying weather conditions. Furthermore, as stated in the Marine Pollution Control Act (MPCA), both faecal coliforms and enterococcus should be • sampled five times and the geometric mean calculated to derive actual results. • • • • • •


• 4. Description of Physical Marine Conditions This section describes the existing coastal processes within the Long Beach area, including: Wave Climate o Prevailing Operational Wave Climate • o Extreme (Hurricane) Wave Climate • Beach Morphology and Sediment Transport Characteristics • • Hydrodynamic Conditions In coastal engineering, it is common practice to categorize waves into two types of wave climates; operational (daily) wave conditions and extreme (tropical storm and hurricane) events. The operational wave climate (Section 4.1) describes the annual (day to day) distribution of wave height, period and direction for the specified location. These wave conditions impact sediment movements within the system and are responsible for long term morphological changes. Therefore, as it relates to coastal engineering design, operational wave conditions are typically used to determine the most • appropriate design solution in terms of types and layout of coastal structures, as the structure/shoreline interactions are governed, in a long-term sense, by these conditions. • The extreme wave climate describes waves associated with tropical storms and hurricanes, which the Caribbean region is vulnerable to during the months ofJune to November. The most dramatic and abrupt changes in coastline are as a result these storms. In coastal engineering, coastal protection structures are designed to withstand wave attack from extreme storm events. For example, designing • the armour stone size required for armour stone structures, or determining design wave forces as a result of extreme waves. The severity of the storm event (i.e. return period) is chosen in view of the acceptable level of risk of damage or failure. Beach sediment transport characteristics and stability were investigated and are presented in Section 4.4. Sediment samples were collected to assess the sand characteristics, historical beach profile • measurements were analyzed and historical satellite and aerial images were compared. The sediment transport model, LITPACK, from DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute), was used to model alongshore movement of sediments. • The hydrodynamic conditions within Long Beach are presented in Section 4.3. The main objective was to determine the current patterns within Long Beach, providing a baseline of the existing conditions within the bay. Therefore, in further studies, the impacts of any proposed coastal • protection works on the hydrodynamic conditions could be predicted. The analysis was completed by measuring current and tidal data, and then using a hydrodynamic model, RMA 10, to simulate various current conditions within the bays. • 4.1 Operational (Daily) Wave Climate 4.1.1 Wave Measurements Wave data was collected within the Long Beach area for a period of six weeks (from July 16th to August 25, 2007). While a wave measurement period of one month is insufficient to complete long­ term wave analysis, this data is still very useful in observing typical wave heights and directions and, most importantly, the data can be used to verify model results when transforming offshore waves to the nearshore area. This is further discussed in Section 4.1.3, where the wave transformation model results are directly compared to the wave measurements.


The wave measurements completed at Long Beach are summarized in Figure 4.1, with the • instrument location shown as the red dot. The measurements were made in water depths of approximately 4.5m, 850m from the shore, in a location just seaward of the barrier reef. While it would have been preferable to measure waves inside the barrier reef, rough wave conditions inside • the reef made deployment within this area difficult. The figure shows that once the waves reach Long Beach, they are approaching most of the time • from the south-east and east-south-east directions. A very small fraction of the waves also approach from the south-south-east. Predominant wave conditions during this monitoring period were waves 0.6 to 0.8m and 0.8 to 100min height, approaching from the south-east. Wave measurements at this location did not exceed 104min height, and rarely exceeded 100m. The lowest wave heights measured • during the six week period was 0048m. It is also interesting to note that the largest wave heights th measured at the site (Hs=L33m) occurred on August 17 , corresponding to the passage of • Hurricane Dean, a Category 2 hurricane that passed approximately 150km north of Barbados. •

• • • • • Figure 4.1 Wave measurements at Long Beach, Barbados from July 16 to August 25 2007


4.1.2 Offshore Wave Data Base The day-to-day wave climate was examined using an offshore database of waves, and transforming these to the nearshore with a computer model in order to determine how the offshore conditions respond to the seabed topography as the waves travel from deep water towards the shore. The wave • measurements that were made within the nearshore region ofLong Beach were used to calibrate the wave model and to ensure accuracy in the wave modeling results. Nearshore wave conditions were then used to determine the most appropriate beach design, and to determine impacts of the • proposed coastal structures on the surrounding environment. To properly describe day-to-day wave conditions, it is ideal to have a long-term database of measurements at the site of interest. Just over one month of wave data was measured at the site, • however, this length of measurement period is too short to complete long-term wave analysis. The existing offshore wave data therefore includes either (1) waves hindcast from wind or (2) data collected from voluntary observing ships (VOS). For this study, the operational deep water wave • climate was established using the global wave model WAVE WATCH 3 developed by the USA's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, hereafter referred to as NOAA. The WW3 model consisted of a 6-hourly time series of wave conditions extracted for a node located east of Barbados, from a global wave model. Figure 4.2 shows the spatial extent of the WW3 wave model and the node where data were extracted for this study. This model has been extensively tested and evaluated using both satellite and buoy measurements. It is proven to be an excellent model for • work in the Northern Atlantic (Swail, et al2000).

.. it:: : : : :.: : ;: : : :: : : :: : : :: : : : : : : :: : : : :: : : :: .....•. e· ...·· .'::~ ..'... ! •••••••••••••••• .... :l"::~';~:~:"oe:::::: :::: ::::::: .••.• •••• •• ••+.•• l>...... •~t'" ...... • ~". •.•...... •.. • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r·~: ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.~~~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : . '; : : : : : • •• • • • • ~• 01 • • • fe~~I'JJII • • • 0"·• • • ·• · • · • · • • •• III!I!1111111 !!!!III! !I!II !!!I!III!I:1IIlIlIIW!! •• 1:1"\ • e6a. • • • • • • t1f\J •fa •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .1~...g • i~.~ ~! ~~! 1.IIIIII~Jl<,WJ,! .~ . • .,!:!.I!iJi:::! ," W! .. !.I!t • • • • • • Lr-..--..-...... • ~: :~ ;~: ~.~ ~ ••13 oeD· • . : : : : : : : : : : : a. : : : :;.: ..: : : : : : : A. . . 'I.e. r • • • ••61 • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • • r 62 • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • 003. • • • •• • • 4t • • • •••

• Figure 4.2 Wave Watch 3 Global Wave Model Output Locations with Barbados Node 73 highlighted • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 57

The offshore operational wave data obtained from the WW3 Global Wave Model includes descriptions of the wave height, period and direction as well as the wind speed and direction. Data was obtained for a period covering every six hours from July 01 1999 to July 31 2007, for a total of over 12,000 data points. The data was filtered into eight directional bins: Sector 1 - Waves from the north (337.5-22.5°) Sector 2 - Waves from the northeast (22.5-67.5°) Sector 3 - Waves from the east (67.5-112.5°) Sector 4 - Waves from the southeast (112.5-157.5°) Sector 5 - Waves from the south (157.5-202.5°) Sector 6 - Waves from the southwest (202.5-247.5°) Sector 7 - Waves from the west (247.5-292.5°) ­ Sector 8 - Waves from the northwest (292.5-337.5°) Figure 4.3 presents a graphical summary of the directional distribution of the WW3 wave and wind .. data off the east coast of Barbados. Direction is defined as the direction that waves are coming from (which is the same as the standard definition for wind direction). Each segment also shows the range of wave heights, periods and wind speeds. The figure indicates that the most common wave .. directions are east and north-east. Wave heights between 1.5 and 2m coming from the east are the most common wave condition, and occur approximately 25% of the time (about 90 days per year). Wave heights between 2 and 3m coming from the east occur approximately 20% of the time (about 73 days per year). Wave periods typically range from 7-8s, and wind speeds typically 6-10m/s. • For the directional sectors affecting the project shoreline, mainly the N, NE, E and SE directions, and for the combined data set, a probability of exceedance plot was computed, giving the observed .. wave heights. The results of the exceedance plot are shown in Figure 4.4. From these curves, a wave height with a specified level of probability of exceedance can be determined for each directional sector. Once a design wave height is selected from the probability of exceedance plot for a given : directional sector, the associated range of wave periods can be determined from the wave height • versus period plot. From this range, a representative wave period is selected as the associated design period. The wave direction and wind speed were computed in a similar manner. The figure II essentially provides a range ofdeep water wave conditions with varying frequencies, from which, when modeled to the nearshore region can provide insight on the existing wave patterns within the • project area. The transformation of these wave conditions is discussed in the following section. • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsus CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 58

wave Height (m) Wave Period (s)


• 270 270

• 180 180

• Wind Speed (m/s) 0>0-4 270 90 .>4-6 liliiii>6 - 8 liliiii>8-10 • .>10-25 •

180 • Figure 4.3 Distribution ofWW3 offshore operational data at Barbados, from July 1999 to July 2007)


! i Wave Watch 3 Operational Waves, Barbados (Node 73) .. Jul 1999 - Aug 2007 •

21 c: ttl • "0 C1l 21x UJ ::!< • 0 •

• LE8~5:s:~~;r:~233g~±~EE§§g~=-±±£~E~EJg:~ 100.00% • o 2 5 6 7 Figure 4.4 Probability of Exceedance Plot for Wave Heights from Directional Sectors

4.1.3 Nearshore Wave Climate The preceding section outlined the offshore (deep water) operational wave conditions. As the waves • propagate from deep water (greater than 100m depth) to the inshore regions (lO-20m deep) and II then to the nearshore zone (up to Sm depth from the shoreline), they shoal, refract and lose energy through the "whitecapping" process. The wave propagation process from deep water to the inshore area is very complex, due to the varying bathymetry created by the presence of adjacent reefs. In addition, waves undergo significant changes in formation when they approach shallow waters in the nearshore zone. As such, the propagation of waves from inshore to the nearshore zone is best • simulated in a 2-dimensional mode. The deep water conditions were transformed to the nearshore regions using SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore), a third-generation wave model that computes random, short-crested wind­ • generated waves in coastal regions and inland waters. The simulation method and a summary of the .- wave conditions in the nearshore and inshore zones are presented in this section. SWAN is a tested and very reliable wave model. One weakness of the model is that it sometimes slightly under-predicts the predicted storm surge values. As a result, other models such as SBeach, which slightly over-predicts storm surge, are sometimes used to calculate the upper limit of storm • surge values. This level of detail however, is best suited for the detailed design phase. • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsis CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 60

Model Set Up and Validadon The deep water wave conditions ('V1W3 data) outlined in the previous section were transformed to the nearshore regions using SWAN. Given that the predominant wave directions are from the NE and E directions and the proposed development is located on the south-eastern side of Barbados, the waves were modeled for an area extending from deep water on the eastern side of Barbados to the project site. A computational grid was created to represent the bathymetry of the site. The grid, with a grid spacing of 10m by 10m modeling an area 6.0km by 2.8km in size, was generated based • on bathymetric information collected from LIDAR surveys previously carried out for the government of Barbados and existing data from nautical charts, from existing site topography and from satellite imagery. The grid representation that was used in the modeling, defined by the • bathymetric contours, is shown in the figure below. • 7000 m

E o o o ..I I[)

II Water i Depth (m)

• Figure 4.5 Computational grid area for SWAN wave modeling. Waves transformed from deep water • conditions to the nearshore In order to verify the SWAN model, and to ensure accuracy in transforming waves from deep water r to the nearshore region, a time series ofWW3 data for the month ofJuly 2007 was modeled, and the • results compared with the wave measurements completed from July 16 to July 30, 2007. For purposes of saving computational time, the time series data was run using the same grid as in Figure ! 4.5, but with a grid spacing of SOm by SOm. Within the model domain, the location closest to the • current and wave recorder was determined and a times series of predicted wave heights, periods and ~ directions were extracted and compared with the measured data. It should be noted that the closest grid point to the wave recorder was approximately 20m from the instrument location. And while


this may not typically impact the model comparison with the predicted results, in this case it may, as the instrument was deployed adjacent to the barrier reef, in an area where water depths vary dramatically within short distances. • Figure 4.6 (a) to (c) presents the time-series of wave heights, wave periods and directions computed with SWAN compared to the measured values for a 2-week period from July 16 to 30, 2007. The measured and computed wave heights, periods, and directions compare reasonably well for the 2­ week period, however, the SWAN model does tend to over-predict the magnitudes of wave heights. • It is quite likely that this is, in part, a result of extracting the time series data from a grid node which does not coincide exactly with the measurement location (due to the SOm grid spacing). As previously mentioned, the barrier reef was located immediately adjacent to the instrument location. • Therefore, while the node was only located approximately 20m from the instrument location, the wave heights may vary dramatically within this close vicinity as the water depths change rapidly in the area. The wave periods and directions compare very well with the measurements. The SWAN predicted wave directions are slightly lower than the measured values, meaning that at the grid node where the model results were extracted, the waves have not refracted as much as at the measurement location. • This is very likely a result of the model grid resolution. • • , • ..-­ •


• 1.8 1.6 • 1.4 1.2 E 1.0

0.0 Jul-16-2007 Jul-19-2007 Jul-22-2007 Jul-25-2007 Jul-28-2007 Jul-31-2007 • 12 10

• 8 • 6 4

• 2 o • Jul-16-2007 Jul-19-2007 Jul-22-2007 Jul-25-2007 Jul-28-2007 Jul-31-2007 160 • 140 Vi" ~ 120 OJ

20 • o Jul-16-2007 Jul-19-2007 Jul-22-2007 Jul-25-2007 Jul-28-2007 Jul-31-2007 • Figure 4.6 Comparison of measured and predicted wave heights, periods and directions • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 63

Model Input Conditions andModeling Results • The purpose of modeling the deep water wave conditions to the nearshore areas is two-fold; (1) to ~ provide insight into typical wave conditions within the entire area ofLong Beach, and (2) to obtain a time-series of nearshore wave data that can be used as input into the sediment transport analysis. Nearshore wave and sediment transport conditions can then be used to determine appropriate beach design, and to determine impacts of the proposed coastal structures on the surrounding .. environment. In order to obtain the nearshore wave data time-series for the sediment transport analysis, the following steps were completed: • 1. The offshore wave data base r:v;w3) was directionally filtered so as to include only waves that would reach the project shoreline. For the site in question, this includes waves coming from the north to the south-west; • 2. Sediment transport profile locations were selected, and these nodal points within the SWAN II model were selected as output locations for the time-series data; 3. The SWAN model was run in a semi-stationary mode for the entire 8 years of offshore wave data, from July 1999 to July 2007, using a grid spacing of 50 by SOm (as opposed to the 10 by .. 10m grid) in order to decrease computational time. The resulting time-series data used as input for the sediment transport analysis is discussed later in the section dealing with sediment transport. Offshore waves were also transformed to the nearshore using SWAN in a stationary mode to model • typical wave conditions and to obtain insight into the wave patterns within the Long Beach area. All wave conditions modeled in this mode are summarized in Table 4-1. The plots showing the results of the nearshore transformation for all input conditions presented in the table are shown in Figure 4.7 to Figure 4.9. The wave modeling demonstrated that the northern headland provides substantial wave sheltering to the northern section of the beach, as this section of beach is exposed to smaller wave heights than the middle and southern sections. Further, the barrier reef provides a great deal of • wave sheltering for the project site. For a 1% exceedance wave condition (from all directions), wave heights at the project site reached 2.0 m, while for the 10% exceedance wave conditions, maximum • wave heights reached 1.6 m. .. Table 4-1 Deep Water Operational Wave Climate Conditions used in Nearshore Modeling

North Waves 1% 4 2.7 12.2 1.2 7.1 • 5% 18 1.9 11.4 2.3 5.5 .. North East Waves 1% 4 3.1 9.0 56 8.8 II 10% 37 2.0 8.8 51.6 6.6 East Waves 1% 4 3.3 8.5 77.2 9.7 .. 10% 37 2.6 7.8 80.5 8.6


LONG BEACH, BARBADOS LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 1% Exceedance Daily Waves from the North Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 5% Exceedance Daily Waves from the North

Investigation Details: lAVES Investigation Details: WAVES Hs= 2.7 m Hs= 1.9 m Tp= 12.2 s Tp=11.4s Wind Speed = 7.1 m/s Wind Speed = 5.5 m/s Wave Direction = North t Wave Direction = North (1.2 deg from N) (2.3 deg from N) t

Figure 4.7 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 5% exceedance waves from the north


LONG BEACH, BARBADOS LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 1% Exceedance Daily Waves from the North East Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 10% Exceedance Daily Waves from the North East

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

Hs=3.1 m Hs=2.0 m Tp= 9.0 s Tp= 8.8 s Wind Speed = 8.8 mls Wind Speed = 6.6 mls WAVES Wave Direction = North Wave Direction = North East East (58.0 deg from N) (51.6degfrom N) /

Figure 4.8 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 10% exceedance waves from the north east


LONG BEACH, BARBADOS LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 1% Exceedance Daily Waves from the East Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 10% Exceedance Daily Waves from the East

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

Hs = 3.3 m Hs=2.6m Tp = 8.5 s Tp=7.8s Wind Speed = 9.7 mls Wind Speed = 8.6 mls Wave Direction = East Wave Direction = East (77.2 deg from N) (80.5 deg from N)

Figure 4.9 Nearshore wave conditions (wave height and direction) for Long Beach with 1 and 10% exceedance waves from the east


4.2 Extreme (Hurricane) Wave Climate This section presents a historical review of hurricanes within the vicinity of Barbados. Following this, a two step approach is taken to determine storm hurricane surge values and wave activity at the • project shoreline. The first step involved the use of an in-house hurricane wave and statistical package, HurWave, to develop deep water wave heights for the design return period. The design return period represents the time during which a particular event is expected to occur at least once. • A 50-year return period is commonly used for the design of coastal structures on beaches in the Caribbean and will also be adopted here. The second step involved the use of the wave model SWAN to transform hurricane wave conditions in to the nearshore, to determine the wave heights • and storm surge levels at the project site. 4.2.1 Hurricanes and Barbados - A Historical Perspective Barbados is exposed to hurricane activity each year between the months of June and November. • Using the database of the National Hurricane Center (NHC), it was determined that 144 tropical storms and hurricanes have passed within 400km of Barbados since 1900. This number is broken down according to the categories described by the Saffu Simpson scale and as shown in Figure 4.10. • The number of occurrences within each category, as well as the wind speed classifications, are shown in the fIgure.

IIIl CAT 4 ,4 (210-249kmlhr) • IIIl CAT3,8 (178-209kmlhr)

l!!l CAT 2, 5 • (154-177kmlhr)

@] CAT 1,15 • (118-153kmlhr) ~

II ! '._.-> • , ~ Figure 4.10 Distribution of tropical storm and hurricane activity for Barbados from 1900-2006

While no Category 5 hurricanes have passed within 400km of Barbados since 1900, four Category 4 • storms passed within this radius during the past 106 years. These Category 4 hurricanes include • David (1979), Allen (1980), Georges (1988) and Hugo (1989). Hurricane tracks for these four storms • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 68

are plotted in Figure 4.11 on the following page. The temporal distributions of (a) tropical storms • and hurricanes and (b) only hurricanes, since 1900 are shown in Figure 4.12. Within a given 10 year period, the site is exposed to approximately three hurricanes. Tropical Storm activity, however, is more frequent and the site is exposed to these approximately 1 to 2 times per year, or 10 to 20 • within a 10 year period. The high winds from these hurricanes generate high waves which, along with the low pressure centres, generate high storm surges. • 4.2.2 Deep Water Wave Climate Several models are available to estimate the generated deep water wave conditions and water levels, given certain basic parameters of a hurricane, which can be obtained from historical data. The term • "parametric models" means that the models require the input of a few specific parameters. These parametric models, in most cases, rely on the simplification or the parameterization of numerical formulations related to wind-wave generation theories in combination with results of complex • spectral models. The high waves experienced during a hurricane are caused by the high wind speeds associated with the hurricane. The water level increase in deep or intermediate water depths comes about largely • from the phenomenon called Inverse Barometric Pressure Rise (IBR). This is caused by the low pressure system in the eye of the hurricane (the low pressure causes the water level to rise). The IBR • can also be computed using a parametric model. • • •

..\ • Figure 4.11 Hurricane Tracks of all Category 4 Hurricanes that have passed within 400 km of • Barbados from 1900-2006 • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 --


(a) Temporal Distribution of Storm Occurrence (Tropical Storms and Hurricanes) No of Events 5,------,.------...... ----, • 4 ------_.--­ i 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 201 0 2020 (b) Temporal Distribution of Storm Occurrence

(Hurricanes Cat 1 to Cat 5) ~ No ofEvents 2.0 II t5 to ------.-.--­ ------,------


0.0 • 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Figure 4.12 Temporal distribution of (a) Tropical storm and hurricane activity and (b) Hurricane activity for Barbados from 1900-2006

Wave Heights • The parametric model of Young' was used to calculate the deep water extreme wave conditions. The NOAA database of hurricane records, which dates back to 1900, was used in this analysis. All hurricanes passing within a 400 km radius of Long Beach, Barbados were selected from the larger database. Given the south-eastern location of the project site in relation to the island, hurricane storms approaching from the _east, south-east and south are likely to impact the coastline most severely. Therefore, a directional filter was applied to the historical data. The deep water wave conditions were filtered into the following 3 directional bins. Waves from the E (67.5-112.5°) Waves from the SE (112.5-157.5°) Waves from the S (157.5-202.5°)

1 Young, LR., 1988. A Parametric Model for Tropical ydone Waves. Research Report No. 28, University of new South Wales.


Using the parametric model and the historical hurricane data, a data series of deep water wave heights was computed for each of the directional bins. A statistical analysis was carried out according to the method of Yoshima Goda (1990). The data was fit to various statistical distributions, and the best fit distribution was determined from the correlation as well as the goodness of the fit to the • most extreme values in the distribution. Figure 4.13 shows a typical plot of the data fitted to the Weibull distribution for the E directional bin. The results of the hurricane analysis are shown in Table 4-2 giving the wave height (H,) and period • erp)' Values of wind that will be used in the modeling are also shown. Values are given for return periods of 10, 50, 100, and 150 years. For marine infrastructure in the Caribbean, a minimum 50­ year return period design condition is recommended, and as such was used in the nearshore wave • transformation.

• Table 4-2 Results of Statistical Hurricane Analysis 10YR 50YR 100YR 150YR

H. Tp Wind H. Tp Wind H. Tp Wind H. Tp Wind (m) (s) (m/s) (m) (s) (m/s) (m) (s) (m/s) (m) (s) (m/s)

• E 5.0 9.0 20.0 9.5 13.7 38.0 11.5 15.5 46.0 12.7 16.3 50.8 SE 4.1 8.0 16.4 7.7 11.9 30.8 9.3 13.4 37.2 10.2 14.2 40.8 • S 1.6 4.4 6.4 4.0 7.9 16.0 5.1 9.2 20.4 5.7 9.8 22.8 • Probability Plot(s)101 Wave Heights Excedence Probability • 0.1.,..-,...... ,---,----;-----,---,--,...-:--:-..,.....-..,.----,;--,-----,---,----,--,----,-,--,----,..,.--,--.,.--~ •-- i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • H(m) .. 1900 toPreslTS 8< HurlW6lb_lIPeal: Value SerieslMethod ofLeast SquateslHs_Youngl/D Anal: 68to113IHs> 0 I Figure 4.13 Hurricane Wave Extremal Analysis for East Directional Sector .. • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 71

Water Levels As with the wave heights, water level rise due to inverse barometric pressure was computed from each historical storm and the data fitted to various statistical distributions. Because of the non­ directionality of this phenomenon, the analysis was not carried out on a directional basis . Figure 4.14 shows the fit of the extremal distribution (Weibull) to the data series of IBR values. As with waves, the best-fit distribution was selected based on correlation and goodness of fit to the • most extreme values. The results for the 5 to 150 year IBR values are shown in Table 4-3. In addition to the extreme eventualities, it is important to consider the expected long-term trends on local and global water levels. The tidal variations must also be taken into account. Based on the tide • measurements made offshore Long Beach in July and August 2007, high tide above MSL is O.4m. , Experts have predicted that it is expected that there could be as much as 0.25m rise in global sea I levels (GSL) over the next 50 years. These effects were added to the IBR to produce final deep water levels for each return period, which are presented in Table 4-3.


10 - ..-..-----...------....------.-.----..--...-...-..--..-m·_·_ __._.... .m_...__ . ..•__ .. __._ 100lll!JII!IIII!II!!iIIt!Ii 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 H(m)

1900to Pre,/TS 8.HurlWeil,-llPeak Value Serie,IMethod ofLeast Square,/H,_ CoopIllH»=.1

Figure 4.14 IBR versus Exceedance Probability

Table 4-3 Computed Water Level Values

Return Period IBR GSL Tide Water Levels (years) (m) (m) (m) (m) 10 0.08 0.125 0.4 0.61 50 0.27 0.25 0.4 0.92 100 0.35 0.50 0.4 1.25 150 0.40 0.75 0.4 1.55


! 4.2.3 Nearshore Wave Climate The parametric models are limited to determining the conditions in deep water (greater than 200m III depth). Thus, as with the operational wave conditions, the 50 year hurricane deep water wave conditions were transformed to the nearshore area using SWAN. II When waves approach the shoreline, they increase in height until they reach a limiting steepness, at which point they break. During breaking, a portion of their kinetic energy is transformed to potential energy. This potential energy is manifested as an increase in water level and is known as wave set-up. This is one component of the static storm surge phenomenon. Other components of II static storm surge, discussed in the previous section, include inverse barometric pressure rise, high tide and global sea level rise. The same computational grid used for the transformation of operational waves was used to transform the hurricane wave conditions from deep water to the nearshore area. The deep water • wave and water level conditions (Table 4-2 and Table 4-3) were applied to the boundaries of the rectangular grid. SWAN created a JONSWAp 2 spectrum from the input wave. The three wave II directions were modeled; east, south-east and south, and the maximum values in wave height and storm surge for each grid node (worst case scenario) were extracted from all of the SWAN runs. The model was run in a stationary mode, with no time varying inputs. A constant wind field (magnitude II and direction) and static water level including IBR, high tide and global sea level rise (fable 4-3) were applied over the entire model domain. Including wind values in the computation enabled local wave generation to be modeled. The wind direction in a hurricane changes rapidly; therefore, the worst-case scenario for wind direction was used, with winds approaching from the same dominant • direction as the waves. The following plots show the results of the 2-D wave modeling, with Figure 4.15 to Figure 4.17 showing the variations in wave height and storm surge over the project area for the 50-year • hurricane conditions with waves approaching from the east, south-east and south. In Figure 4.18, the maximum wave heights and storm surge values for all wave directions are plotted. This figure should be used to determine the design conditions for the any coastal infrastructure. The design • conditions will depend on where the structures are located. Structures located further offshore will have to be designed to withstand higher wave forces. From the storm surge plot, it can be seen that the static water level reaches a maximum of approximately 1.6 metres above MSL for a 50-year • hurricane. Design wave heights in the vicinity of the project area reach up to approximately 2.5 m • for the 50-year storm. • • • • 2 Joint North Sea Wave Project • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 -~~I


(a) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS (b) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 50 Year Hunicane Waves from the East Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 50 Year Stonn Surge from the East

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

Hs =9.5 m Hs = 9.5 m Tp = 13.7 s Tp= 13.7 s Wind Speed = 38.0 m/s Wind Speed = 38.0 m/s Wave Direction = East Wave Direction = East Water Level = 0.92 m Water Level = 0.92 m (IBR,GSLR,high tide) (IBR,GSLR,high tide)

Figure 4.15 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane waves from the east at Long Beach


(a) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS (b) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWPJ-l Modelling Results - 50 Year Hurricane Waves from the South East Nearshore SWPJ-l Modelling Results - 50 Year Storm Surge from the South East

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

Hs= 7.7 m Hs = 7.7 m Tp= 11.9 s Tp=11.9s Wind Speed = 30.8 m/s Wind Speed = 30.8 m/s Wave Direction = South Wave Direction = South East East Water Level = 0.92 m Water Level = 0.92 m (IBR,GSLR,high tide) (IBR,GSLR,high tide)

Figure 4.16 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane waves from the south-east at Long Beach


(a) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS (b) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 50 Year Hurricane Waves from the South Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - 50 Year Stann Surge from the South

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

Hs= 4.0 m Hs =4.0 m Tp= 7.9 s Tp= 7.9s Wind Speed = 16.0 m/s Wind Speed = 16.0 m/s Wave Direction = South Wave Direction = South Water Level = 0.92 m Water Level = 0.92 m (IBR.GSLR,high tide) (IBR,GSLR,high tide)


Figure 4.17 Overview of (a) wave heights and direction, and (b) storm surge for 50 year hurricane waves from the south at Long Beach


LONG BEACH, BARBADOS LONG BEACH, BARBADOS Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results - Maximum 50 Year Wave Heights from All Directions Nearshore SWAN Modelling Results Maximum 50 Year Storm Surge from All Directions

Investigation Details: Investigation Details:

50 YR Hurricane Storm 50 YR Hurricane Storm Wave Directions = East Wave Directions = East South East South East South South Water Level = 0.92 m Water Level = 0.92 m (IBR,GSLR,high tide) (IBR,GSLR,high tide)

Figure 4.18 Maximum (a) wave heights and, (b) storm surge values for 50 year hurricane event at Long Beach, Barbados


4.3 Hydrodynamic Conditions The hydrodynamic conditions within Long Beach were investigated, with the main objective of determining the existing current patterns within the area and providing baseline conditions for which potential coastal beach works can be compared with. In order to complete this analysis, current and tidal data was measured and a hydrodynamic model, RMA-10, was used to simulate various current conditions within the bays. In this section, the tidal and current measurements are • presented, followed by a discussion of the existing hydrodynamic conditions. The impacts of any potential design solutions on the hydrodynamic conditions can then be compared with this baseline information.

• 4.3.1 Tidal and Current Measurements A Nortek Aquadopp bottom-mounted oceanographic current meter, which measures waves, currents and tide data was deployed on the seabed in the nearshore area of Long Beach, Barbados, • in approximately 4.5m water depth (see Figure 4.19). The current meter was deployed on July 16th 2007 and was retrieved August 26th 2007, collecting 6 weeks of data in total. The purpose of the measurement programme was to provide a rapid assessment of the current, wave and tidal patterns within the area. Note from the satellite image that the current meter was deployed in the central section of Long Beach, just seaward of the barrier reef located approximately 700m offshore. • • •

I i II• • •

Figure 4.19 Location of AquaDopp wave/current/tide measurements, with photograph of • AquaDopp inset • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolst.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 78

Historical metrological data, including wind data, was obtained for the duration of the wave and current measurement programme from www.wunderground.com. The data obtained for the week of August 12 to 19th 2007 is shown in Figure 4.20, showing evidence of the passage of Hurricane Dean, a Category 2 hurricane that passed approximately 1S0km north of Barbados.

• N

Wind Direction Change During • NW Passage of Hurricane Dean W c 0 13 s • ~ is '0 C S ~ • SE • E UUlun.IUIUIIU• NE •

12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug

30.0 A\ "MAA\ -. M¥~ ~ AI. ~ :J 29.8 rn Low Pressure rn l!! 29.7 during Hurricane Dean • o, Qi > 29.6 Ql ...J ell Ql (/J 60

Associated High Winds during Hurricane Dean

• 'C' • 40 ~ • • ~ •• • ...... '0 • • 1m 30 Ql • • • Ql • • .., ... • • • ...• • • a. • .... • • • ••••• • • • •• • • • • • ... (/J II . • • • • • .. "'" • • • • • • • 20 '0 . c .... • II• • II...... • • II ... • • •• • • II •• • • • ~ • II • II • 10 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug

Figure 4.20 Wind direction, sea level pressure, and wind speed measurements at Grantley Adams • International Airport in Barbados during the week of August 12, 2007 showing the passage of • Hurricane Dean (from \V\vw.wunderground.com) • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsus CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 79

A scatter plot of the measured current velocities is presented in Figure 4.21, with the current measurements shown as X-component and Y-component velocities. Positive values indicate north ~ or east and negative values indicate south or western movements. The tidal and current measurements are also presented in time series format in Figure 4.22 (a) and (b), respectively. The tidal range for the site is quite small, with values for spring tide of approximately O.8m and -. approximately OAm for neap tide The scatter plot and the time series plot show a high degree of randomness in the current measurements. The measured currents are quite small in magnitude, generally less than 10cm/s. There are some outlying points in the measured data with magnitudes closer to 20cm/s, however, these correspond with the passage of Hurricane Dean (refer to Figure 4.22) The measurements demonstrate that the currents are not predominantly driven by tides. When currents are predominantly tidally driven, the smaller and larger current measurements are in sync with the neap and spring tides, respectively. This does not apply to Long Beach, as the currents • often appear out of phase with the tides and show a high degree of variability not related to the tidal -. signal. There are periods of a few days where the tidal signal is quite strong and this is reflected in the current measurements. For these few days, (August 2 to August 5, for example) the currents are in sync with the tidal signal, and therefore, these periods should be used for model calibration. .. However, for the overall measurement period, it is clear that the currents are driven by many factors which, other than tides, may also include waves, wind, existing reef systems, and rainfall. It appears as if all of the above mentioned factors playa significant role in the current patterns found within the Long Beach area, and that the currents are not attributable to one single factor.


• 15 • I • • • 10 • •

l/) g> ­ 5 -20 -15 -10 15 o :c to • • Z •

• • • • = -15 • • • Eastings, Vx (cm/s) • Figure 4.21 Scatter plot of X and Y current velocities SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsi.e CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 II ------(W) ap!l ===------llOOc:-lc:-fJn'v








lOOC:-6t-fJn'v lOOC:-&t_fJn'v

lOOC:-lt_fJn'v lOOC:- 9t_fJn'v lOOC:-St_fJn'v



lOOc:-c:t-fJn'v lOOC:-tt_fJn'v -==.:~=====-======-+ lOOc:-ot_fJn'v

lOOC:-6-fJn'v lOOC:-&-fJn'v

lOOC:-l-fJn'v I • lOOc:-g-fJn'v o lOOC:-S-fJn'v z I lOOC:-t>-fJn'v \CJ z i= lOOc:-e-fJn'v ...J • :::J lOOC:-C:-fJn'v if) oZ lOOC:-t-fJn'v o W ...J lOOC:-te_,nr (f) • (5 lOOc:-oe_tnr u W lOOC:-6C:_ :c tnr l- lOOC:-&C:_tnr s: oZ l,OOC:-lC:_tnr ~ lOOC:- U 9C:_tnr o (f) E(-==:=:::=:::-=_ l Ooc:-SC:-tnr (f)« lOOC:-t>C:_tnr ~ m\:~=:~~=>;,/ o z W lOOc:-eC:_tnr I­ ~ lOOC:-C:C:_tnr .::J ...J lOOC:-tC:_tnr «z o lOOC:-OC:_tnr ~ Z lOOC:-6t- 0:: tnr W I­ lOOC:-&t_tnr Z 0:: lOOC:-l W t_tnr Z n:: M"'~o'dSiq '" lOOC:-9l-tnr d d '" c? ~ :c (w) apLL I­ ~ (j) LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 81

4.3.2 Hydrodynamic Modeling A hydrodynamic model (RMA-1O) was used to simulate the current patterns around the project site. RMA-lO is a 3-dllnensional finite element model that was run in a depth-averaged 2-dllnensional mode for this application. Initially, the model was set up to represent the existing bathymetry to better understand the circulation patterns within Long Beach. At a later stage, the model can be run with the proposed coastal structures in order to determine the impacts of the design on the • hydrodynamic conditions. The model was first calibrated with a strong tidally driven period of current measurements, and then for the entire duration of the measurement period. Tide level data obtained from the AquaDopp • current meter was used as the primary driving force for the model. Wind measurements made at the Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados (obtained from www.wunderground.com) was also included in the analysis. Other parameters that may influence currents, such as waves and • rainfall, were not included in the computation. RMA Hydrodynamic Moc!eJSet Up ~ A finite element network for the study area was constructed using the bathymetric data (both LIDAR and existing data from nautical charts), beach profile surveys, topographic information and the satellite imagery. From a hydrodynamic perspective, the network was constructed to cover an area encompassing the entire Long Beach area, and extending north and south from Long Beach a • distance of approximately 105km. The model domain was orientated in a north-east - south-west plane, so that the predominant current direction could be captured. The offshore fringing reefs were represented in the model. Figure 4.23 shows the overall network of the finite element mesh mapped onto a background of the local bathymetry and satellite image, while Figure 4.24 shows a more detailed image of the mesh within the Long Beach area ofinterest.


Figure 4.24 Detail of finite element network highlighting the Long Beach area, and the location of current measurements

Model Calibration For calibration purposes, RMA-10 was executed for a total of 5 days starting at midnight on August 1,2007 with a time step of 30 minutes. During this period, the tidal signal was quite strong, and thus was an appropriate period to calibrate the model. The results of the calibration, comparing the RMA predicted values to the measured values are shown in a time series format in Figure 4.25 and in a scatter plot format in Figure 4.26. The time series results show an excellent comparison between predicted model results and the measured values. The model captures the reversing of flow, as the tidal signal reversed, and also captures the magnitudes of the velocity components very well. It should be noted that during this period, the tidal signal was very strong and tides would have been the primary driving force for the current movements. This is likely not the case for the entire measurement period where, in some instances, the tidal signal was not very strong, and other factors • such as waves, may have been the primary driving force. SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolst.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 83

In the scatter plot (Figure 4.26), the band of calculated current values also compares well to the measured X and Y current velocity components. The range and orientation of the calculated currents are similar to the measured values. One difference between the measured and calculated currents is that the southern velocity component is underestimated by the model. This may be a • result of neglecting the waves or other factors in the model calculations. Overall, however, the model predicts the current velocities quite accurately. i (a) Easling Velocity Comparison • 12.0 0.5

10.0 .. 0.0 8.0 -0.5 6.0 -1.0 4.0 • VI E 2.0 -1.5 §: ~ ~ g> ~ ~ 0.0 -2.0 F w -2.0 -2.5 -4.0 -3.0 -6.0

-3.5 -8.0

-10.0 -4.0 Aug-2-2007 Aug-3-2007 Aug-4-2007 Aug-5-2007 Aug-6-2007

(b) Northing Velocity Comparison 12.0 0.5

10.0 0.0

8.0 -0.5 6.0 -1.0 4.0 VI E 2.0 -1.5 g ~ g> ~ :E 0.0 "8 -2.0 F z -2.0 -2.5 -4.0 -3.0 -6.0

-3.5 -8.0

-10.0 -4.0 Aug-2-2007 Aug-3-2007 AUg-4-2007 Aug-5-2007 Aug-6-2007

Figure 4.25 RMA model calibration results for Long Beach 'showing comparison of measured and predicted (a) Easting and (b) Northing current velocity components • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsus CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 84 -. Calibration, August 2 to August 7, 2007 • Measured ~ A RMA Calculated 5 . • A ~ ~ .!::.E ­5 -10 5 ~

Eastings, Vx (crn/s)

Figure 4.26 Scatter plot of computed and measured current X and Y component velocities at the current meter location from August 2 to August 7, 2007

Hydrodynamic Model Results The results of the hydrodynamic modeling are shown in Figure 4.27 to Figure 4.30. The strongest currents occur during spring tide, with values of up to 10cm/s, while during neap tide, the current typically reach values of 5-6cm/s. During rising tide, the currents flow towards the south-west, and as the tide reverses to falling tide, the currents also reverse and flow towards the north-east. The figures demonstrate quite clearly that during both falling and rising tide, the current values in the northern section of Long Beach tend to be lower in magnitude than the currents along the middle and southern sections of the beach. It is possible that debris being carried by the currents could settle out at the northern section of Long Beach. However, the accumulation of debris on the beach is more likely attributed to strong on-shore winds as opposed to the currents, given the low current velocities experienced at the site. These results will be used as baseline conditions in order to determine the impacts of potential beach design solutions on the hydrodynamic environment.


I Spring Tide - Rising I

abc 0.4 I I I A ...

0.2 g Q) 0.0 "0 i=


-0.4 I I I I I' "I"" I Aug-118:00 Aug-20:00 Aug-26:00 Aug-2 12:00 Aug-2 18:00

Figure 4.27 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during rising spring tide


Spring Tide - Falling

d e 0.4 I A ... , I I


§: Ql 0.0 i="


..Q.4 I ' 'I I" ,', ,I I' I Aug-1 18:00 Aug-20:00 Aug-26:00 Aug-2 12:00 Aug-2 18:00

Figure 4.28 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during falling spring tide


Neap Tide - Falling

a b c 0.4

0.2 g Q) 0.0 -c i=


-0.4 Jul-21 0:00 Jul-21 6:00 Jul-21 12:00 Jul-21 18:00 Jul-22 0:00

Figure 4.29 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during falling neap tide


Neap Tide - Rising

d e 004


§: Ql 0.0 "0 ;::


..Qo4 Jul-21 0:00 Jul-21 6:00 Jul-21 12:00 JUI-21 18:00 Jul-22 0:00

Figure 4.30 Hydrodynamic results for Long Beach during rising neap tide


4.4 Sediment Properties and Transport Regime As part of the assessment of baseline conditions, sediment properties and the sediment transport regime along Long Beach were investigated. It is important to understand the prevailing processes that are responsible for mobilization of sediments on and off the beach. As well as providing the baseline conditions at the site, this data will be useful for future investigations in order to design sustainable costal solutions to enhance the beach and swimming areas at the project site. • This section first discusses the characteristics of the existing sediments, followed by a review of

1 historical aerial photographs and beach profile data measured at Long Beach, and finally the wave and current regimes that initiate and aid sediment motion along the shoreline are investigated. The • results of a computer model simulation of the sediment transport are presented and discussed

r 4.4.1 Physical Properties of Sediments • Sediment samples were collected along the length of Long Beach, as shown in Figure 4.31. The sand samples were collected on-shore, close to the waterline. All sand samples were air dried and subjected to a standard dry sieve analysis to determine the grain size distribution as well as other • characteristic parameters. Table 4-4 summarizes the results of the sieve analysis. The results were quite consistent along the length of the beach, with all sand samples consisting of poorly graded sand with typically, less than 0.5% silt and 0% gravel. The sediment characteristics will be used as • input in the sediment transport models, described in Section 4.4.3. • • • • c


• Table 4-4 Sediment sample analysis results

Sample #1 Poorly Graded Sand 0.50 0.0 99.7 0.3 Sample #2 Poorly Graded Sand 0.55 0.0 99.6 004 Sample #3 Poorly Graded Sand 0.51 0.0 9904 0.6 • Sample #4 Poorly Graded Sand DAD 0.0 99.5 0.5 • 4.4.2 Analysis of Historical Data An aerial photograph (2003) and a satellite image (2006) of Long Beach were compared to try and identify how the shoreline position has fluctuated over time. These images are presented in Figure • 4.32. The comparison shows quite a contrast in beach widths along the length of Long Beach. In the 2003 image, the northern section of the beach is the narrowest, while the southern section is the widest; however in 2006, the northern section of the beach is the widest, and the southern section is the narrowest part of the beach. The central section of the beach does show some variation from • the 2003 image to the 2006 image, however, this section seems to fluctuate much less than the outer ends. While the sand has clearly been redistributed from the 2003 image to the 2006 image, there does not seem to be a significant net loss or gain in the amount of beach area. It appears that Long • Beach is very dynamic in nature, with significant seasonal fluctuations resulting in variations in beach width. • •i • • ..! • Figure 4.32 Comparison of 2003 aerial photograph with 2006 satellite image • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsrs CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 -


Long Beach has been monitored by the Coastal Zone Management Unit since 1996. The data was • made available for this study, and at the time of collection, profile data was available up until 2006, providing 10 years of historical beach profile data. Beach profiles were measured 2 - 4 times a year along two profile lines, one located on the northern end of Long Beach, and one located in the • central section (Figure 4.33). The historical beach profile data are plotted in Figure 4.35 on the following page. From this data, beach widths were extrapolated, so that trends in erosion/accretion could be observed. An arbitrary point located at the back of the beach was selected, and the distance • from this constant point to the waterline was calculated for each measurement date. The results are plotted in Figure 4.34. The data shows that within any given year, there are wide fluctuations in the beach width, • confirming the seasonal variations in the beach. The data also shows that the fluctuations in the northern profile were larger (±15m) than the fluctuations in the central section of the beach (±8m). The aerial photographs also confirmed this, as the beach widths on the northern and southern ends • varied significantly, while the central section of the beach appeared more constant in width. Due to wide natural fluctuations, 0,0 clear trends are apparent in the data, and while the data is only recorded for a short period of time, during this 10 years, no obvious trends of erosion or accretion • are evident. Rather, it appears as if the sand is simply re-distributed from one end of the beach to • the other as the approach direction of the waves changes. • • • Figure 4.33 Profile measurement locations from Coastal Zone Management Unit

• 60.0 .,------~ • 50.0 +----~1f_------_,___---~------~ 30.0 n--;----=~--~-t.--~r__\r-~_i''------==-=--_\~;:___::;:::;>"~-----

20.0 t--J<'------,------....,------1 --,!r- Long Beach - North Profile -a-Long Beach - Central Profile

0.0 +------,-----,----.---~--~---._--~--~---~--__j Nov-96 Nov-97 Nov-98 Nov-99 Nov-OO Nov-01 Nov-02 Nov-03 Nov-04 Nov-OS Nov-06 • Figure 4.34 Comparison of beach width fluctuations SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 .--- -.----- II II II II I LoNG BEACH, BARBADOS•.... - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT •• 92

g >­

-1.0 -1.5

Figure 4.35 Historical beach profile data


4.4.3 Sediment Transport Regime Waves commonly approach the coastline in a non-perpendicular direction, driving a longshore current that has the potential to transport sediment either in a downdrift or updrift direction. The alongshore sediment drift is a result of the daily wave action and their associated longshore currents driven by these waves. On most coastlines, waves reach the beach from different quadrants, producing day to day and seasonal fluctuations in transport magnitude and direction. • DHI's UtPack, a model that tracks the movement of sediment along a coastal profile and calculates the amount of deposition or erosion over the domain, was used to investigate potential alongshore sediment movement for the project shoreline. Using the bathymetric and beach profile data, three • profile lines, extending from approximately +4.0 m above MSL to a water depth of 5 m were created along the Long Beach coastline (Figure 4.36). All profiles were orientated perpendicular to • the shoreline, and for all cross sections, this resulted in a southeast-northwest orientation. Areas of reef provide additional resistance from erosion as compared to bare sand, and as such, it was necessary to include this feature in the sediment transport modelling. In order to model the increased resistance to erosion the sand characteristics were modified and considered as non­ • erodable areas with an infinite grain size. Erosion was therefore prevented in the reef areas, while deposition of sediments could still take place. Sediment characteristics for the erodable sections of the profile were obtained from the sediment samples taken in Long Beach. For each particular cross-section, the sediment characteristics of the closest sample to the profile location were used as representative values for that profile. Using the profiles and the previously calculated eight-year wave climate (Figure 4.36) as input, the sediment transport model, UtPack, was run for all of the cross-sections. The model was able to estimate the potential for yearly sediment transport along each profile. • The net sediment transport rate was calibrated to match values from previous studies in adjacent areas. It is expected that the distribution of alongshore transport across the profiles would have a .. high degree of accuracy. The actual magnitude of net transport per year however, may vary somewhat from what was predicted by the model. A larger or smaller magnitude of net sediment transport moving along the beach simply means that the beach shape would respond more or less II quickly; however, the overall change in the beach would be the same. As such, the distribution of sediment transport is a more important parameter than the net sediment transport. Nonetheless, the uncertainties in the sediment transport modeling are part of the reason why physical modeling has been recommended. • The plots in Figure 4.37 to Figure 4.39 show the model results for Profiles A to C. The distribution of transport along the cross section, the sediment transport as a function of time, and the cumulative transport as a function of wave direction (for the 8 year period) are plotted for each of the profiles. • The sediment transport values represent the potential alongshore sediment transport rates. Note that ~ positive transport is towards the southwest, and negative transport is towards the northeast. A number of conclusions can be drawn from the sediment transport modelling. These are listed following: • While sediment transport occurs in both directions at all profiles, the potential net transport for all profiles is in a southwest direction. Annual potential sediment transport values for each profile are as follows: 3/year f-· ~ Profile A (northern) 69,000 m ..I


~ Profile B (central) 81,000 m3/year ~ Profile C (southern) 62,000 m3/year .. The modelling indicated that the amount of sediment transport was higWy sensitive to the profile angle. A sensitivity analysis indicated that changing the profile angle by as little as • one degree could increase or decrease the potential sediment transport by up to 20,000 m3/year. Given this high level of sensitivity, the sediment transport gradients between profiles, as these results could drastically differ if the profile angle was changed by only one • degree. .. A sensitivity analysis varying the profile angles also indicated that the net direction of transport could reverse if the profile angle was changed by 5 degrees. This indicates a very dynamic sediment transport system that is higWy dependant on wave angle. It also indicates that as the beach orientation shifts, the transport directions may reverse. .. The sediment transport is not event driven. The three graphs of the cumulative transport show a constant gradual increase in sediment transport over the eight-year period, which is not significantly impacted by the higher waves. Therefore, while the bigger waves may cause I cross-shore movement of sand, leading to possible erosion of the beach, they do not result in increased levels of alongshore transport. .. The results show that the main sediment transport zone is within 100 m of the shoreline, II within the breaker zone. The breaker zone is the region where the waves transfer most of their energy, and therefore, one would expect most of the sediments to be moving in the ~ high energy zone. Approximately 80% of the sediment transport takes place within the first 50 m from the shoreline, and 90% of the sediment transport takes place within 100m from f shore. For profiles A and B, the sediment transport zone ends at 150m from shore, while for Profile C, it ends approximately 200m from shore. This will be of particular consequence in the design of any offshore coastal structures.



1::: 0 • 0- W c 80% ~ --Profile A -. f- "E Q) --Profile B .~ "0 60% Q) U) --ProfileC 0 • -

• 0% 0 50 100 150 200 250 • Distance from Shoreline (m) • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 f -.-.--~ --~I --l.---••• • LONG BEACH, BARB~OS _ BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT • 95

Figure 4.36 LitPack sediment transport profile locations and input wave climates (Long Beach, Barbados)


• Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Distribution 25000 -,------_--__,------__,----, 4.0

20000 1::: 2.0 :[ o • ~ c IF 15000 o c E ~ ~ 1::: 0.0 ': ~ 10000

a:i M- -2.0 ~ :g­E E 5000 .2l • ~ en 0 -4.0 '"

-5000 -I--'--_~-___,---'-_~-_~-___,---_---'_--___,-~-_----'--+ -6.0 -50 o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

--Pas. Sed. Drift --Neg. Sed. Drift --Net Sed. Drift --Bathymetry • -,------~Time Series of Sediment Transport and Wave Height 0.015 ~ 0.010 1.4 • 1­ 1::: 0.005 1.2 E 8. 0.000 1.0 E ~ ~ -0.0 05 OB'ill'. ::r: ~ -0.010 0.6 ~ • ~ ..0.015 0.4 ~ is ~ -0.020 0.2 -0.025 0.0 • Jan-99 Jan..QO Jan-Ot Jan-02 Jan..Q3 Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-06 Jan..Q7 --Sediment Transport --Wave Height

• Cummulative Sediment Transport and Wave Direction • •

• Jan..QO Jan-Ot Jan-02 Jan..Q3 Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-06 Jan-07 --Accumulated Sed. Transport • Wave Direction • Pre Profile: 1-::....:.::::.:.:,;:=.:r.~--=--7""~...... ,.;__-."....--_lNotes:Posltlve transport is I------.;...;.=.::.:.j-=::::::=::.:..:=+=~:OZ"';:::;:::::::;:.,:..J.:,:..::;,;_::.:....::.:.:..:::L---_ltowards the south and I--;;=:.=::~~.:..:::;::;:,:::.:,:.;==::.::;.~"....---_l'negative transport is • Wave Climate: towards the north • Figure 4.37 Sediment transport plots for Profile A (northern) at Long Beach, Barbados • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REPORT 97

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Distribution

60000 "'-~~~-""""------'---'------'---~---~""""--'---,------r 6.0 50000 4.0 :[ t 40000 g. ~ 30000 2.0 § c E ~ ffi 20000 ~ 0.0 W " ~ 10000 ~ ~E 0+----4 -2.0 ~ 'g -10000 <1l CJ) -4.0 en -20000 '" -30000 +-'-'---'--~--~_--~-'----'--~--'-"""'-'-~-~---'--"""'---'--'-'--r--''-'--'--r----+ -6.0 -50 o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

--Pos. Sed. Drift --Neg. Sed. Drift --Net Sed. Drift --Bathymetry

Time Series of Sediment Transport and Wave Height

0.03.,.------,-2.0 ~-:€ 0.02 1.8 • g~ 1~~ iQOO 1Ag 2 en 1 ~ § -0.01 1'0. :I: ~ -0.02 0.8 '" ~ ..Q.03 0.6 ~ ~ M Jl -0.04 0.2 400 M Jan-99 Jan..QO Jan-01 Jan..Q2 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-06 Jan-07

--Sediment Transport --Wave Height

• Cummulative Sediment Transport and Wave Direction

800000 ,------T 200 s> 700000 180 Z E 160 g • ~ 600000 140 -;, ~ 500000 120 ~ ~ 400000 100 s " 300000 80 'g • ~ 200000 60 8 - 40 ~ Jl 100000 20 ~ o 0 • Jan-99 Jan-DO Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan..Q3 Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-06 Jan-07 --Accumulated Sed. Transport • Wave Direction • Pre

Profile:I-:;-:.::~:=+=--~-=---:-~--:--:::-~~--iNoteS: Positive transport is I------;....:..;=:::.:.+-=:;;;::=:::.:..:;+;:.;:.:,::.-..:::;.::::..:;:.;..l.:::.=,;.:.:;=!..-----!towards the south and I-"'::;;:':::';'=:':+:'::::':::":::::::';:';:':':"::':;:~~~::- _inegative transport is • Wave Climate: towards the north • Figure 4.38 Sediment transport plots for Profile B (central) at Long Beach, Barbados


Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Distribution

30000 ,.------r 4.0 25000 t:: 2.0 :[ • o 20000 a. s "'c: ~E 15000 l!! 1:: 0.0 l I- <1l 10000 c:~ ~ QlM 5000 -2.0 EE Ql :.0­ 1ij • Ql o ~ (J) -4.0 -5000

-10000 +------r------,---'-----_--'---_r_'-----~c__'-----_+ -6.0 -50 o 50 100 150 200 250

--Pos. Sed. Drift --Neg. Sed. Drift --Net Sed. Drift --Bathymetry

• Time Series of Sediment Transport and Wave Height

0.03,.------,3.0 :§' 0.02 • 1. 0.01 2.5 15 0.00 20 :[ ~ . E ~ -0.01 Ol l!! 1.5 ~ I- -Q.02 53 -0.03 1.0 ~ ~4~ ~ 0.5 ~ -0.05 -Q.06 -I------.,..---~---_------_------_,_----'- 0.0 Jan-99 Jan-QO Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-Q3 Jan-04 Jan-Q5 Jan-Q6 Jan-07

--Sediment Transport --Wave Height

Cummulative Sediment Transport and Wave Direction

, 600000 .,..------T 180 160 Z • 1: 500000 140 ~ 8. 400000 120 g' "' 100 :::!. I~- 300000 c: .­ 80 g i 200000 60 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 100000 > II 1--­ 20 ~ o +---'--,.----c------,---~---~---_r_---_r_------"- 0 Jan-99 Jan-OO Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-Q3 Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-Q6 Jan-Q7 • --Accumulated Sed. Transport • Wave Direction Profile: 1-:;...;..;;~'"""+'---.",...--:- -_:_--_lNotes: Positive transport is t------.;...;.~""i---"~=.;.;.;.+.:~.....7._".;;;;.;;'7_'''7''~:.:....:::.:....:::.L...--__\towards the south and t-...;;,~~:'+-~'-"":~'::'_-.:.:.;.~~~::_---__;negative transport is Wave Climate: towards the north • Figure 4.39 Sediment transport plots for Profile C (southern) at Long Beach, Barbados • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 99

5. Description of Socio-Cultural Conditions This section of the baseline report presents the existing socio-economic and socio-cultural characteristics of the residential communities within a 2km radius of the proposed development site. Data for this section was compiled using direct observation, literature review and a social survey. For the survey, a 20% sample of the households within the 2km radius was taken and a total of 254 households interviewed. The findings from these research methods are presented below.

5.1 Community Profile

5.1.1 Demographics During the social survey a total of 254 households were interviewed and of these 133 (52.36%) of the respondents were females and 121 (47.64%) were males. Within the 254 households interviewed, there was a total of 686 people. It was reported that 125 persons were youth between 0 and 17 years of age, while 222 people were more than 50 years of age. The latter group represents one third of the sample population within a 2km radius of the proposed development site. Figure 5.1 shows the age distribution of the sample population.

Age Frequency of Population of lntervlewed Households

35 (; 30 ~ 25 11'20 cT~ 15 & 10 ~ 5 &. 0 .. 0-17 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 >55 Age Range (years)

-. Figure 5.1 Age Frequency of Population of Interviewed Households

-. Of the 686 people living within the 254 households, 113 males and 129 females were employed full time. Some 93 males and 93 females were reported to be retired. The unemployment rate of this sample was relatively low with 20 (2.91%) males and 9 (1.31%) of the females being unemployed ..r (see Table 5-1). The student population included 64 males and 71 females.


Table 5-1 Employment Status of Persons in Households by Gender (n=686)

Gender Employment Status Student Unemployed Self- Full-time Part-time Retired Total employed Males 64 20 35 113 17 93 342 Females 71 9 28 129 14 93 344

5.1.2 Land Tenure and Duration of Residency There is a high level of home ownership in the community with 73.23% (186) respondents • indicating that they owned the properties on which they live, while 24.01% (61) persons were renting, 1.57% (4) leasing the. properties and 1.18% (3) renting the land but owned the house. With respect to residency, 39.37% (100) of the 254 households interviewed have been living in the study • area for 10 years or less, 22.05% (56) have been living there for between 21 and 30 years, while only 5.12% (13) of the households have been living in the area for more than 50 years. This suggests that with 154 of the sample households being associated with the area for between 11 and 50 years, this is a well established residential area.

Table 5-2 Length of Residency in the Area

Respondents No. of Years in Residency • 0-10 11-20 21- 30 31- 40 41- 50 >50 Percentage Respondents 39.37 21.26 22.05 6.69 5.51 5.12 • Number of Respondents 100 54 56 17 14 13

• 5.1.3 Educational Attainment Level of educational attainment can be used as an indicator of the socio-economic circumstances within a community. From our survey of the surrounding communities, 45.88% (273) of the • residents represented by the sample households were recorded as having a secondary education as their highest level of educational attainment. A considerably smaller percentage had higher levels of attainment. For example, 7.73% (46) had an Associate Degree, 5.21% (31) had a Bachelors Degree, 3.36% (20) had attained the level of a Masters Degree while 0.17% (1) of the residents had a Ph.D. It was noted that 28.4% (169) of the residents had primary education as the highest level attained. Some of these persons fell in the over 55 year old age group. Figure 5.2 illustrates the distribution • of the residents in the sample across the various educational levels. Under other educational levels, some residents reported that they had attained various diplomas and certificates, including the City and Guilds certification as well as qualifications in tiling. Based on the foregoing, it may be • concluded that the surrounding community has a sound educational base. SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecotsi.e CONSULTING INC. MAY2008 III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 101

Highest Level of Education Attained per Members of 254 Households (N=595)

300 til s 250 ~ 200 • a. '0... 150 .8 100 § 50 z o '/)<::\ • «,<:-<$' Education Level • Figure 5.2 Highest Level of Education Attained per Members of 254 Households (N=595)

Another indicator of socio-economic status and quality of life in general is the type of dwellings • people live in. According to the Barbados 2000 Census, 60% of the dwellings in the enumeration districts to the immediate north-west of the site are of concrete. This statistic suggests a middle to low-income neighbourhood. This held up through field observation, except for the area along the • ridge that surrounds the development site. The homes along the ridge are larger and of a higher value, suggesting middle to upper-middle income residents enjoying a better quality of life. This is related to the perceived and actual prestige of cliff or ridge top housing locations together with the • views, breezes and light that these provide. The resulting premium cost of such land will attract higher income bracket residents. The same can be said of the area towards the south-west of the site, where about 80% of the dwellings are made of concrete. • The character of the communities within the 2km radius of the site suggests a predominantly middle-income area. What the Census statistics do not show, however, is that the area is still growing and what appears to be an upper-middle income community has begun to emerge and is • becoming more visible. This is more evident from the pattern of applications for residential • development documented in the records of the Town and Country Development Planning Office. 5.2 Residents'Perceptions ofthe Existing Community In order to investigate the likely effects of the proposed development on the surrounding • community, it is important to understand what the residents themselves think about the community as it currently exists, including the level of services and opportunities available to them, as well as the general ambience of the area. Community perceptions on these aspects as derived from the survey • are summarised below. .. 5.2.1 Services and Utilities (Levels of Satisfaction) I Residents expressed a relatively high level of satisfaction with such services as garbage collection, health services, security, housing and employment opportunities. Figure 5.3 shows the levels of dissatisfaction with services and utilities in the area. The main point of concern was the condition of • the roads, particularly the narrowness of roads in some areas, the fact that poor drainage became a problem during heavy rains and the fact that sidewalks were often overgrown with bush. There was • also some concern regarding public transportation. Approximately 22% of the respondents were SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 102 I dissatisfied with the access to public transportation. Some of them complained about the manner in which the ZR operators drove, while others stated that it would be useful for the Transport Board I buses to run more frequently to the area. 5.2.2 Other Community Concerns I A number of the respondents (22.44% - 57) expressed dissatisfaction on other issues. While some reiterated the concerns about poor drainage, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, added to this was the need for more street lights and for some areas to be de-bushed, especially vacant lots. They I associated these unkempt areas with a proliferation of rats, mosquitoes and other vermin. A few respondents (5) suggested the installation of speed humps to slow the rate at which some vehicles travelled through the area and a couple noted that they could benefit from the installation of a I natural gas line.

Levels of Dissatisfaction with Services and Utilities

• Other I Housing


Health Services

Bnployment Opportunities

Garbage Collection

Access to Public Transportation • Condition of Roads o 10 20 30 40 50 60 • Percentage Households Dissatisfied with Services (N=254) • Figure 5.3 Levels of Dissatisfaction with Services and Utilities

5.2.3 Likes and Dislikes about the Area • The one aspect of their community that most of the respondents valued is its quietness. When asked what they liked about the area in which they live (69.68% - 177) indicated that they liked the fact that the area was quiet. Some 4.72% (12) described the area as "good," 1.18% (3) described • their community as friendly, and 3.94% (10) noted that they liked everything about the area in which they live. These responses suggest that almost 80% of the sample like the area that they live in. Among some of the other things that they liked about it were:


• The view The wildlife of the swamp The sea breezes Proximity to Oistins Safety of the area • The nice homes in the area • The beach

The things they disliked about the community in which they live include the following:

l -- ..I The drug culture Absence of a supermarket Bad condition of roads .. Mosquitoes Untidy vacant lots .- Need for a good bus service The ZR drivers Fast cars coming through the district • Insufficient activities for youth Insufficient police patrols.

5.3 Residents'Perspectives on the ProposedDevelopment One purpose of the social survey was to ascertain whether residents were aware of the proposed development and how they think it might affect their lives. According to the response to the question of their level of awareness as recorded in Table 5-3 below, a large number of persons were not aware. The interviewers therefore described the proposed development to them before proceeding with the other related questions. Table 5-3 shows their responses to the questions posed.

Table 5-3 Residents' Views of the Proposed Development at Chancery Lane

Responses Question Yes No Don't know Are you aware of the proposed development at Long Beach? 83 171 Do you think this development can benefit you and your household 68 160 26 Do you think this development can bring hardship to you and your household 46 184 24 Do you think you or members of your household can become involved in the 58 166 30 proposed development?


Those respondents who thought that the proposed development could bring some benefits listed • the follow as some of the possible areas of benefit: Employment opportunities Taxi services Security services • Availability of retail store • Community enhancement Apartments available for rental • • Provision of entertainment Opportunity to meet people from different cultures • Sales for produce of farmers

Those who thought the development might bring hardship to the community identified the • following potential issues: Construction traffic • • Access to property might be temporary (like the Crane) Increased traffic and noise in the area • Beach access may be blocked • • Supermarket prices will increase Prefer the area to remain residential; this may reduce privacy Will destroy the ecosystem • Condos are only for the rich • Cannot pick sea grapes anymore More traffic and strangers in the area May increase crime especially if gambling is allowed More water will be used up in the area • Will increase property values • More break-ins and 'parros' • Will bring discontent Will not see beautiful birds anymore • Will cause segregation

• Finally, those residents who thought they could become involved in the proposed development identified the following as possible areas for their involvement: • Employment • Meetings to discuss development • Security dogs


• Medical knowledge Construction Carpentry • Electrician • Chef 5.4 Noise Characteristics • The purpose of the noise survey for ,this report was to determine "baseline sound pressure levels" within the project site. • 5.4.1 Methodology The investigations were conducted using the following methods:

i. The survey was exe~uted in accordance with the specifications of ISO Standards 1996/1, • 1996-2 and 1996-3. u. Sound Pressure Level (SPL) readings were recorded in decibels (dB) and taken using the "A" or "C" weighting scales at the "slow" or "fast" response setting as specified in the standards being referenced for the given parameters.

111. All readings were taken using either a QUEST Tethnologies Inc SoundPro DLX-2-1/ 3, 1Y.Pe 2 Real Time AnalYzer meter fitted with a Class 2 QE7052 high performance microphone or a • QUEST Technologies Inc Q400 Type 2 Noise Dosimeter fitted with an omni-directional high quality microphone mounted on a "Microphone Boom" and configured as 'environmental monitoring' in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. At the time of monitoring these meters had valid certificates of calibration in force.

IV. Calibrations of the above meters were verified at the appropriate reference values, immediately before and after each monitoring session using a QUEST QC-20 Calibrator, • wbic.b. W'3.'S de'Si.~ed to \?roduce \?ute tones of 250Hz or 1,OOOHz at 94dB or 114dB. This QC-20 calibrator itself had a valid certificate of calibration in force. • v. Sound Pressure Level (SPL) readings were taken within and around the residential areas and on the proposed project site, as well as at two remote "control" locations.

Vi. Where deemed necessary, "windscreens" of the type recommended by the equipment • manufacturer were placed over the microphones of the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meters for outdoor samples, in order to eliminate interference by the prevailing winds. • 5.4.2 Observations and Findings On the occasions of conducting noise monitoring, the following observations were noted: • The Chancery Lane Road and Sea View Road, which constituted the main 'arteries' through the residential areas within the environs of the proposed project, were noted not to be heavily trafficked and so only intermittent vehicular sounds contributed to the overall noise • readings which were recorded. • • The intermittent passage of aircraft added to the overall noise levels within the area . SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 106

• Additional distinct "roaring" noises, presumably associated "With 'takeoff and 'landing' of aircrafts, were often heard shortly before or after the passage of each aircraft. II The sound of wave action from the sea was often evident, especially while in location S5 on the proposed project site (wetlands). While conducting 'day-time' sampling the sounds of birds were very evident and no doubt contributed to the fluctuations in noise levels Similarly, during the 'night-time' sampling sessions the barking of dogs was evident at III various points within the wider residential area.

III The results of empirical monitoring are detailed in Table 5-4 to Table 5-8, which are based on the following Sample Locations (shown in Appendix 2): Sl: Ridge opposite "Ocean Ridge Apartments", overlooking proposed project site S2: "Old Chancery Lane Road" on open lot adjacent to "Chancery Lane House" • S3: Open lot along "Sea View Road" overlooking proposed project site S4: Opposite residence at junction of "Teal" and "Sea View Road" S5: West end of proposed project site (near Sea View Road) Cl: Residential area in Wilcox Hill (open lot on "Holboume Terrace") • C2: Residential area in Ealing Park (open lot on Parkside Drive)

The level of community interference from the foregoing readings is assessed using (i) the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines and (ii) the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for noise levels. These guidelines are further described in Appendix • 3. The USEPA and the WHO have determined that a tolerable level for outdoor community noise is 55dB(A). Based on this and on the readings made during the investigations, the following conclusions are drawn: • • The sound pressure levels (noise) recorded fluctuated gready over the course of any given monitoring session, as well as between monitoring sessions. • However, overall the noise levels can be deemed as 'acceptable' as evidenced by the several • SPL and LEQ values which were recorded at or below the EPA and WHO guideline value • of 55 dB(A) for outdoor living areas. • •



Table 5-4 Daytime Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Thursday 26th July, 2007

111 Noise Measurements Sampling Sample Time & SPL Lpk(peak) LEQ Location Duration (mins) Lmin Noise Measurements in dB(C) • S3* 1055-1115 hours (20 mins) 71.2 61.8 89.5 94.6 62.3 Noise Measurements in dB(A) • S1 1308-1328 hours (20 mins) 68.5 44.5 65.7 94.4 54.3 S2 1240-1257 hours (17 mins) 74.6 46.2 66.6 98.8 55.0 S3 1120-1140 hours (20 mins) 67.5 65.1 85.3 90.8 52.6 • S4 1145-1200 hours (15 mins) 75.1 42.4 68.5 104.3 54.7 S5 1210-1226 hours (16 mins) 47.2 43.9 68.7 93.6 50.5 • C1 1345-1401 hours (16 mins) 63.8 45.9 63.6 99.4 54.7 C2 1420-1435 hours (15 mins) 54.6 46.1 68.8 101.9 56.6 * Note: One sample at S3 conducted using "C" weighting in order to assess noise from lawn mowing equipment being operated in the distance SPL =sound pressure level; Lmm =minimum level; Lmax =maximum level; Lpk =peak level; LEQ =average level

• Table 5-5 Day-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Saturday 28th July, 2007

Noise Measurements in dB(A) • Sampling Sample Time & Duration SPL Lpk LEQ Lmin Lmax (peak) Location (mins) • S1 1656-1713 hours (17 mills) 45.2 41.8 64.9 91.4 45.2 S2 1625-1644 hours (19 mills) 64.4 45.6 72.7 94.6 64.4 S3 1554-1616 hours (22 mills) 59.7 42.8 66.8 110.5 48.3 • S4 1525-1540 hours (15 mills) 57.4 47.8 87.8 99.2 57.4 S5 1501-1518 hours (17 mills) 48.1 44.2 69.4 99.8 48.1 • C1 1729-1747 hours (18 mills) 52.9 48.0 68.5 99.4 52.9 • C2 1430-1445 hours (15 mills) 56.0 50.0 70.1 87.4 55.0 • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH Ecolsts CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 III LoNG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 108

Table 5-6 Night-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Sunday 29th July, 2007 Noise Measurements in dB(A) Sampling Sample Time & Duration SPL Lmin Lmax Lpk LEQ • (peak) Location (mins) Sl 2140-2156 hours (16 mins) 42.2 40.6 65.9 87.3 42.2 • S2 2206-2224 hours (18 mins) 55.2 40.3 66.9 84.6 54.7 S3 2235-2253 hours (18 mins) 41.8 44.2 70.1 89.5 57.8 • S4 2259-2315 hours (16 mins) 57.6 45.8 73.2 92.1 60.1 S5 NR NR NR NR NR NR Cl 2110-2126 hours (16 mins) 54.8 47.9 73.5 99.7 56.7 • C2 2326-2345 hours (19 mins) 52.8 50.2 78.3 84.2 53.0 Note: NR= Not Recorded • Table 5-7 Night-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Friday 10th August, 2007 Noise Measurements in dB(A) • Sampling Sample Time & Duration SPL Lmin Lmax Lpk LEQ Location (mins) (peak) Sl 1900-1916 hours (16 mins) 44.3 40.5 62.9 82.7 43.1 • S2 1923-1941 hours (18 mins) 54.5 43.6 70.6 80.7 53.4 S3 1950-2009 hours (19 mins) 57.8 42.6 68.9 84.5 45.7 S4 2015-2033 hours (18 mins) 56.2 45.8 75.9 87.6 55.6 S5 NR NR NR NR NR NR Cl 2045-2109 hours (24 mins) 82.5 58.5 88.9 102.5 58.7 • C2 2310-2325 hours (15 mins) 51.6 43.5 65.7 89.4 52.2 Note: NR= Not Recorded

• Table 5-8 Day-time Noise Measurements Conducted at Long Beach Project Site and Environs, Wednesday 29th August, 2007 • Noise Measurements in dB(A) Sampling Sample Time & Duration SPL Lmin Lmax Lpk LEQ Location (mins) (peak) • Sl 1320-1336 hours (16 mins) 66.6 42.0 71.9 101.7 56.1 S2 1345-1403 hours (18 mins) 55.1 49.0 73.2 99.7 65.0 S3 1410-1425 hours (15 mins) 83.8 43.9 89.0 99.8 67.8 • S4 1438-1459 hours (21 mins) 82.4 45.4 72.5 107.8 56.1 S5 1511-1528 hours (17 mins) 47.6 43.2 64.4 99.6 53.7 • Cl 1245-1305 hours (20 mins) 57.3 47.3 72.7 101.5 59.6 C2 1215-1232 hours (17mins) 58.7 43.5 66.7 100.6 57.3


5.4.3 Discussion General Considerations The recognition of noise as a serious health hazard as opposed to a nuisance is a relatively recent development and the health effects of the hazardous noise exposure are now considered to be an increasing important public health problem. The noise problems of the past are incomparable with those plaguing modern society: the roar of aircraft, the thunder of trucks and other vehicles, the thumps and whines of industry and the "merriment" of social events provide a noisy background to our lives. Excessive noise may cause hearing impairment and interfere with communication. The main social • consequence of hearing impairment is the inability to understand speech in normal conditions, which is considered a severe social handicap. Noise can also adversely affect performance for example in reading, attentiveness, problem solving and memory. Deficits in performance can lead to accidents. Prolonged or excessive exposure to noise can cause permanent medical conditions, such as hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Excessive noise may increase aggressive behaviour, disturb sleep, induce cardiovascular and psycho­ • physiological effects and provoke annoyance responses or changes in social behaviour. It is also believed that in certain circumstances the health effects of noise may cause a decreased electrical resistance in the skin, reduction in gastric activity and impaired circulation in the • extremities. The damage done by noise depends mainly on how loud it is (intensity), the length (duration) of exposure and on the pitch (frequency), since research has shown that high pitched • sounds are more damaging than low pitched ones. Barbados Regulations on Noise Notwithstanding any requirements issued by the office of the Chief Town Planner and the Environmental Protection Department (formerly the Environmental Engineering Division) no legally binding Exposure Limits, Environmental Standards or Regulations have to date been enacted by the Government of Barbados in respect of allowable Community or Environmental Noise levels. • Rather, noise is dealt with generally under the Health Services (Nuisances) Regulations ofBarbados. Thus in the absence of specific local noise controls or exposure limits, both Regional and • 'international standards' will be referenced for the purposes of this investigation. Republic ofTrinidad and Tobago • Within our Region, regulatory bodies are often faced with similar challenges as exist locally in respect of conserving the environment whilst fostering economic growth and National development. The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has responded to this • challenge by the categorizing of all lands within the twin island state into a series of 'zones' as indicated below: • a. Zone I - Industrial areas; b. Zone II - Environmentally sensitive areas; • c. Zone III - The general area.


In respect of "Zone II - Environmentally sensitive areas" the following noise rules apply: i) the sound pressure level when measured as the equivalent continuous sound pressure level shall not be more than 3 dBA above the background sound pressure level; and ii) the sound pressure level when measures as instantaneous unweighted peak sound pressure level shall not exceed 120 dB(peak) N.B. this is reduced to 115 dB(peak) during the period 8:00 pm to 8:00 am. Notwithstanding the above, no person shall emit or cause to be emitted any sound that causes the sound pressure level when measured as the equivalent continuous sound pressure level to exceed 60 dBA.

ACGIH (Occupational Noise) The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH), as well as other international standard setting bodies, currently regard 85 dB(A) as the maximum limit of safe occupational exposure. Since this value is primarily applicable to workplaces, this "safe exposure" standard is referenced over an eight hour period as this typifies an average work-day. Ifoccupational exposures are continuous over a longer period (i.e. longer than eight hours) then the "safe exposure" standard would accordingly need to be adjusted downward.

US-EPA In the past, the US Environmental Protection Department (EPA) coordinated all federal noise control activities through its Office of Noise Abatement and Control. However, in 1981, the Administration at that time concluded that noise issues were best handled at the state or local government level. As a result, the EPA phased out the office's funding in 1982 as part of a shift in federal noise control policy to transfer the primary responsibility of regulating noise to state and local governments. The Noise Control Act of 1972 and the Quiet Communities Act of 1978, however, were not rescinded by Congress and remain in effect today, although essentially unfunded. Note that all federal noise regulations remain in effect, and are enforced by either EPA or a designated federal agency. These regulations cover standards for transportation equipment, motor carriers, low-noise-emission products, and construction equipment. As part of its continued contribution to protecting the general public health and welfare, the EPA published a guidance document in 1974, which is still often referenced today.

World Health Organization (WHO) Given the inherent difficulties in defining, measuring and controlling community noise very few countries, including Barbados, have regulations on allowable ambient noise levels. Recognizing the absence and/or inadequacy of national guidelines and a scarcity of literature, especially for developing countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has responded in two main ways: by developing and promoting the concept of noise management, and by drawing up community noise guidelines. This initial work is the outcome of a WHO expert task force meeting in London in March 1999, which includes guideline values for community noise and also lists critical health effects ranging from annoyance to hearing impairment. The guidelines are included in Appendix 3.


6. Description of Archaeological Features There is a paucity of literature that directly addresses the significance of the remnant Island Arawak settlement at Chancery Lane. An assessment would have to be based on the information gleaned • from the numerous ceramic artefacts and other prehistoric finds from archaeological excavations conducted to date. The findings of these excavations are summarised here but a more detailed • archaeological history of the site may be found in Drewett (1991). • 6.1 Excavations andArtefacts Early excavations at the site focused on artefact recovery and were conducted by Mr. Clarke­ Holman and former Directors of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Mr. E.M. Shilstone, Mr. N. Connell and Mr. R.V. Taylor (Barton 1953; Drewett 1991). Both Shilstone and Clarke­ Holman discovered burials and numerous artefacts (Barton 1953; Drewett 1991). Shilstone's • findings also included lumps of charcoal, numerous pottery shards (fragments of pottery), carved figurines, tools and shells decorated with carved images, effigy bowls and personal ornaments such as charms and amulets carved in the form of (Barton 1953). • Later work in 1966 -1967 by Drs. Ripley Bullen and Adelaide Bullen of Florida State University uncovered a suspected midden (refuse deposit) as well as an activity area and recovered numerous artefacts including 9,033 prehistoric pottery shards (Drewett, 1991) and charcoal samples. Their study also obtained good stratigraphic samples which showed Suazey complex pottery in a clearly defined zone overlying pottery of Chancery Lane and Pearls period (King 1971). The Chancery Lane site was noted to be one of the few markedly stratified sites in the Antilles (ibid.). This is important • since well stratified samples facilitate more accurate chronological assessment of artefacts. The Bullens may also have conducted tests at the site that were inland from their main excavations, but exactly where these were done is unknown (Drewett, 1991). The Barbados Archaeological Survey, founded in 1984, led to more systematic excavation of the site with a view to reconstructing the prehistory of Barbados. These excavations were led by Dr. Stephen Hackenberger of the University of Wisconsin and Dr. Peter Drewett of the University of • London. Four trenches were excavated. The findings included four burials in trench 1 and a midden in trench 2. Trench 3 was shallow in comparison to the other trenches but revealed evidence of the sandrock platform on which the settlement was built. It also contained numerous • artefacts, prehistoric postholes and a contemporary pit which contained the bowl of an 18th century clay pipe (Drewett, 1991). Postholes represent the timber uprights of Amerindian houses. The number and arrangement of the postholes found at the site provided conclusive evidence of a round • house that was over 20m in diameter. The house appeared to be partitioned into different living areas (Gmelch & Gmelch, 1996). The midden contained domestic rubbish including pottery shards, plant and faunal remains and shell debris thought to be generated from the manufacture of tools • (Gmelch & Gmelch, 1996). The faunal remains were primarily molluscan shells, urchin spines, fish bones and parrotfish teeth and jaws (Drewett 1988; 1991, Gmelch & Gmelch 1996), indicative of the subsistence pattern of the aboriginal occupants. • Of particular interest was the identification of different ceramic styles from the numerous pottery shards found at the site. These indicated that the area was occupied by different cultural groups. For example, the over 6,000 shards excavated (Drewett 1988) were predominantly Suazoid in style. • Some of the ceramic artefacts were Saladoid - Barranacoid and Troumassoid (Gmelch & Gmelch 1996). Others gave clues to the lifestyle of the Arawaks - for example, decorative objects, tiny shell • beads, part of an incense burner and two clay spindle whorls. These whorls resembled parts of the SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATIO~I WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 112

tool typically used to spin cotton twine and may be direct evidence of cotton cultivation by the Arawaks in Barbados (Gmelch & Gmelch, 1996). A basalt adze and chips of chert, a sedimentary rock traditionally used in cassava graters, provided further clues to the Arawak diet as well as evidence of inter-island travel. These rock types are not found in Barbados but are known to occur • on neighbouring islands (Gmelch & Gmelch, 1996). More details on the shell and stone tools found during the 1980's excavations may be found in Drewett 1988 and Drewett 1991. The Context record and artefacts collected from the professional excavations of the Chancery Lane • site are housed in site archives at the Barbados Museum and Historical society (Tom Loftfield, BMHS. personal communication). These exclude some of the artefacts collected by Ripley and Adelaide Bullen which are housed in the Florida Museum of Natural History at Gainesville (Drewett • 1991). The locations of any artefacts collected by avocationalists are unknown. Figure 6.1 shows the locations of the areas excavated by Shilstone, Clarke-Holman, Bullen and Drewett.

• CHANCERY LANE /987 • • t • •

I I " • I " • 1987 trenches I , I 0Shilstone I, I I ®Clarke-Holman I l»Sullen ( , I I • , -l' I ~Seltlement - , }' 4 Caves / I / , I

/1 , / I , / / , / / I

Figure 6.1 Excavation Locations at Chancery Lane by Shilstone, Clarke-Holman, Bullen and Drewett (1987)

SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATlm·j WITH Ecolsi.s CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 113 • 6.2 Location andExtent ofthe Settlement The early findings collectively illustrate that the settlement at Chancery Lane played a major part in the prehistory of Barbados. The settlement was an extensive fishing village located on the second • dune inland from the sea (Barton 1953). Stratigraphic samples show that the settlement was located on a sandrock bench. This bench protected a marine inlet between it and a northern cliff until dune development and the accretion of beach material eventually blocked the inlet, forming a salt marsh. This settlement was therefore ideally located with access to multiple resources, land, sea and the • wetland (Drewett 1991). The precise dimensions of the Chancery Lane settlement are unknown. Barton (1953) estimated that • the site ran parallel to the shoreline and covered several acres. To date no field testing has been done to determine the extent of the settlement. However, it is currently estimated that less than 1% of the surviving cultural deposits have been professionally excavated (Drewett personal • communication). While the length of time that the site was settled is unclear, researchers (for example, Barton 1953; Drewett, 1988; Gmelch & Gmelch, 1996) estimate that it was occupied intermittently by groups of Amerindians from as early as 2000 BC to as late as the 15th century, with major ceramic age occupation from about AD 100 to European contact (Drewett, personal communication). In summary, the Chancery Lane settlement is considered to be the last surviving major coastal • prehistoric site in Barbados. Drewett notes that the site has extensive burials. Excavations have uncovered human remains that render it of high cultural significance, and more potentially exist. It is also rich in cultural deposits. Shards may be found all over the site (Drewett 1991) and in some • areas cultural deposits exceed 1m in depth (Drewett, personal communication). There is therefore • potential for further excavation and discovery at the site. • • • • • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •III LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 114

• 7. References Bacon, P. R. 1993. Mangroves in the Lesser Antilles, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. In L. D. Lacerda (project Co-ordinator)- Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Mangrove Forests in Latin America and Africa Regions. International Tropical Timber Organization/ International Society of Mangrove Ecosystems, Technical Reports Vol. 2: Part 1- Latin America 272pp. • Barbados Statistical Services 2000. Barbados 2000 Census. Barton G.T. 1953. Theprehistory ofBarbados. Barbados: Advocate Company Ltd.99pp • Beggs, J. 2006. Status ofhawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochefys imbricata) nesting in Barbados, WestIndies. MPhil. Thesis, Univ. of the West Indies. • Buckley, P.A., Massiah, E.B., Hutt, M.B., Buckley, F.G. and Hutt, F.G. in press. The birds of Barbados. British Cmitbologists'Unio« Checklist no. 24. British Ornithologists' Union, London

ractcrisauon of Coral Reef, Seagrass and 1b ~ f;l' ,~l' )\'c If ,1blL,\ nbbc.in. 1f1 Proceeding) 8 International Coral ReefSymposium Edited by Ii A Lessios and 1. G. ivlacl ntyrc. 1:657-662. Carrington, S. 1993. WildplantsofBarbados. Macmillan. 127pp

Chapman, V. J. 1976. Coastal Vegetation. 20d Edition. Oxford, Pergamon.

Clough, B. F, Boto, K. G. &Attiwill, P. M. 1983. Mangrove and sewage re-evaluation. Tasks for vegetation science 8 (ed. H.]. Teas), pp 151-161. Dr W Junk, The Hague. Coastal Zone Management Unit, 1998. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Southeast, East and Northwest Coasts of Barbados. Coastal Zone Management Unit, Bridgetown, • Barbados Corredor, ]. E. Howarth, R. W., Twilley, R. R. & Morell, ]. M. 1999. Nitrogen cycling and anthropogenic impact in the tropical interamerican sea. Biogeochemistry 46: 163-178. Kluwer • Academic Publishers Dames and Moore, 1998.- Report: Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Management Recommendations for Proposed Long Beach Traditional Neighbourhood, Christ Church Parish, • Barbados. Dorst. ].1962. The migration ofbirds. Surrey: Windmill Press Ltd. 476pp

• 0d Drewett P.L. 1988. Archaeological Survey of Barbados, 2 Interim Report. J. Bar. Mus. Hist. SOl: 2: 196-201.

• Drewett P.L. 1991. Prehistoric Barbados. London: Archetype Publications

Ewel, K. Twilley, R. R. & Ong,]. E. 1998. Different kinds of mangrove forests provide different • goods and services. Global Ecology and Biography Letters 7, 83-94 Blackwell Science Limited • Gmelch G. and Gmelch S.B. 1996. Barbados's Amerindian past. Anthropology Todqy 12 (1): 11-15. SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 •~ - II LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 115

Gooding E.G.B. 1947. Observations on the sand dunes of Barbados, British West Indies. Journal of • Ecology 34(1947):111-125

Gooding, E.G.B. 1974. Theplant communities ofBarbados. Ministry of Education, Barbados. 243pp

Gooding, E.G. B, Loveless, A. R. and Proctor, G. R. 1965. Flora of Barbados. Overseas Research • Publication #7 London Halcrow. 1998. Terrestrial Ecology: Barbados Coastal Conservation Programme, Phase 1.

Harewood. 2007. Impacts of coastal development on the nesting behaviour, nest success and hatchling viability of • hawksbill turtles (Eretmoche/ys imbricata) in Barbados, West Indies. MPhil. Thesis, Univ. of the West Indies.

Horrocks, J 1998. Terrestrial ecology - Fauna. Barbados Coastal Conservation Programme, Phase 1. Barbados.

Horrocks, JA. and Scott, N.M. 1991. Nest site location and nest success in the hawksbill turtle, • Eretmoche/ys imbricata in Barbados, West Indies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 69:1-8. Horrocks, J.A. and L.A. Vermeer. 1995. Environmental correlates between nesting and hatching • seasonality of hawksbill turtles (Eretmoche/ys imbricata) in Barbados. In Proc. 12'h Ann. Workshop onSea Turtle Biology and Conservation, compoJ1. Richardson and T.H. Richardson, 200-202. Miami, Florida: NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-361.

• Horrocks, JA., L.A. Vermeer, B. Krueger, M. Coyne, B.A. Schroeder and G.H. Balazs. 2001. Migration routes and destination characteristics of post-nesting hawksbill turtles satellite tracked from Barbados, West Indies. Chelonian Conservation andBiology 4 (1): 107-114.

Hutt. M. B. 1978. 'Window to the Sea' The Establishment of Coastal Facilities along the South and West Coast of Barbados from Grantley Adams Airport in Christ Church to Maycock's Bay in St • Lucy. Report to CADEC, 71pp. Hutt M. 1991. Shooting of migrating shorebirds in Barbados. 77-91 In Conserving Migratory birds. • T. Salathe (ed.). Cambridge: International Council for Bird Preservation. Publication No. 12. ISO 1996/1 (1982):Description and measurement of environmental noise - Part 1: Basic quantities • and procedures. ISO 1996-2 (Amendment 1, 1998): Description and measurement of environmental noise - Part 2: • Acquisition of data pertinent to land use. ISO 1996-3 (1987): Description and measurement of environmental noise - Part 3: Application to • noise limits. King, M. 1971. Current research. American Antiquity 36(2): 233-245. • Kushlan,]., Burke, W., Frost, M. and Massiah, E. 2007. Little Egret conservation in Barbados. Birds Caribbean (accessed.]uly 31st 2007).

SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL LIMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcolSLE CONSULTING INC. MAY, 2008 • I LONG BEACH, BARBADOS - BASELINE CONDITIONS REpORT 116 I Mead, C. 1983. Birdmigration. England:Courttry Life Books I Ministry of Physical Development and Environment. 2001. Barbados State of the Environment Report 2000.

Murray M., Stadel, A. and Wallace E. 1995. Sand dunes, dune vegetation andcoastal management at Chancery I Lane, Barbados. Barbados Field Excursion, McGill Univ.

Murray, M., Stadel, A. and Wallace, E. 1992. Sand Dune Vegetation and Coastal Management at I Chancery Lane, Barbados. Department of Geography- Barbados Field Excursion (183-496B) McGill University, Canada. I Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 2006.Migration of birds: Patterns of migration (accessed August 1st 2007) I Randall, R.E. 1970.Vegetation and Environment on the Barbados Coast. TheJournal ofEcology 58(1): 155-172.

Simmons and Associates. 1998. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Technical Report: I Species Management. Prepared for the Government of Barbados, Ministry of Health and the Environment.

I Simmons and Associates. 2000. First National Report to the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Prepared for the Government of Barbados, Ministry of Energy I Environment and Natural Resources. Scott, D. A and Carbonell, M. (Compilers) 1986. A Directory of Neotropical Wedands. IUCN I Cambridge and IWRB Slimbridge. Stalter, R. 1976. Factors Affecting Vegetational Zonation on Coastal Dunes, Georgetown County, Sc. In: R.R. Lewis, and D.P. Cole, eds. 3rd Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Restoring I Coastal Veg. Fla. Hillsborough Comm. Coll., Tampa, FL Tomascik, T. and Saunders, F. 1985. Effects of eutrophication on reef building corals. 1. Growth I rate of the reef-building Montastrea annularis. Marine BioloJ!) 87: 143-155 Townand Country Development Planning Office. 2002 - 2007. Statutory Register.

I Tyndall, R.W. 1985. Role of seed burial, salt spray, and soil moisture deficit in plant distribution on the North Carolina Outer Banks. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

I US Environmental Protection Department Office of Noise Abatement and Control: Summary of noise levels identified as requisite to protect public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety, March 1974

WatsOtl, K. 1993. 'The. te.s\.a.e.n.t 'o\.ta.s ot "Ba.t'oa.a.os·. a.mstO\:\a.n' s \?e.1:S\?e.c.t1ve.. J. Bar. Mus. Hist. Soc."XLl :16':>-11L\.


World Health Organization: Occupational and Community Noise, Fact Sheet No. 258, Feb 2001 • hap: I /\v\v\v.who.intlinf-ts/enlfact258.htmI • • • • • • • • • • • • • SMITH WARNER INTERNATIONAL liMITED IN ASSOCIATION WITH EcoisLE CONSULTING INC. MAY 2008 • 1 in 25 yr 6hr storm flood line Legend • - - 1in25yr6hr floodline - lntamal Roads - Sile Boundary ITI2QI Sard Dunes • Weiland Area •

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s: a EIlr,'CQIs: c:::::J ~.:::.Jwli;d Oltus;; "iiittfA±k,iJJ£SjfbYL' • • • Appendix 2 Long Beach Site Plan • showing Noise Sampling Points • • • • • • • • • •

• Approximate locationof OceanSpray Apartm.~iL~ -. ~:- '''51 ". Xi • • • (7 • II • I) • • • 1. Open lot in front of "Ocean Ridge Apartments" 2. Open lot beside "Chancery Lane House" • 3. Open lot on "Sea View Road" 4. Junction of"Sea View Road" and "Teal" .. 5. West end of proposed project site .. 6. East end of proposed project site

-I • ­ I -

- Appendix 3 - USEPA and WHO Noise Guidelines - I I lit ­ I I I I I I I I • .. • Definitions

L max • Maximum Level: the highest sound pressure level (SPL) logged by the instrument over a given time interval.

• i., Minimum Level: the lowest SPL logged by the instrument over a given time interval.

• Leq (LAVE) Equivalent Continuous Level (Average sound level): the average sound level calculated for an Exchange Rate of 3 dB.

Leq 24-hour .

The 24-hour Leq was obtained by assuming appropriate sound pressure levels for given • periods of time in the 24 hour period and then using the formula: Leq =10 log 10 ( tl * 10L 1 / 10+12*10L 2/ 10+ .....tn *10Ln /10 / T Where tl = time at L1 dB (A) etc. and T = total time over which the L is required. • eq ~k Peak Level: the highest instantaneous SPL which actually occurred over a given time interval.

• SEL: Sound Exposure Level It is the constant sound level which would deliver the same amount of acoustical energy as • that delivered by the various noises detected over the entire measurement period. SPL: Sound Pressure Level Logarithm of the ratio of two measurements of sound pressure, where the denominator of • the ratio, Pr, is the Reference Sound Pressure. j TWA: Time Weighted Average • This is the sound level that is accumulated for any time period but with its average level computed over an 8 hour time period. If the time period is less than 8 hours, the Time ! Weighted Average will always be less than the Average Sound Level (LAVG). If the time -- period is more than 8 hours, the Time Weighted Average will always be more than the Average Sound Level (LAVG). 1 • TWA (Prt): Projected Time Weighted Average It is used to determine the TWA by extrapolation, when the actual 'measurement time' is J, different from the required 'exposure time'. This parameter is most useful if the average • noise in the area is relatively constant. Weighting The human ear does not respond to all sound in the same way. Higher and lower sound •~ frequencies are attenuated so that normal hearing is confined to sound in the range of 20 Hz -. to 20,000 Hz (20 KHz). In addition, the frequency response depends to some degree on the sound pressure level as well. Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meters thus often include a • weighting parameter that allows the choice from among several weighting curves which provide varying corrections to the frequency components of the SPL measurements e.g. A­ weighting, C-weighting, C-A weighting, D-weighting or Z (un-weighted). A-weighting and • C-weighting have been found over the years to best adjust for the hearing response at moderate and low sound levels, respectively. A-weighting is commonly used for general purpose sound measurements, while C-weighting is applied when evaluating hearing • protectors or machinery. Windscreen • A covering for the measurement microphone designed to minimize distortions in the sound • signal by physical contact or wind turbulence. USEPA As part ofits continued contribution to protecting the general public health and welfare, the EPA has published a guidance document in 1974, which is still often referenced today. The suggested guideline noise levels indicated in this document are reproduced in Table 1.

TABLE 1: Summary of noise levels identified as requisite to protect public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety


Hearing Loss L eg(24) =< 70 dB All areas

Outdoor activity interference L dn =< 55 dB Outdoors in residential areas and annoyance and farms and other outdoor areas where people spend widely varying amounts of time and other places in which quiet is a basis for use Leq(24) =< 55 dB Outdoor areas where people spend limited amounts of time, such as school yards, playgrounds, etc.

Indoor activity interference L dn =< 45 dB Indoor residential areas and annoyance Leq(24) =< 45 dB Other indoor areas with human activities such as schools, etc. Explanation ofTable 1:

1. Detailed discussions of the terms Ldn and Leqappear later in the document. Briefly, Leq(24) represents the sound energy averaged over a 24-hour period while Ldn represents the Leqwith a 10 dB night time weighting. 2. The hearing loss level identified here represents annual averages of the daily level over a period of forty years. (These are energy averages, not to be confused with arithmetic averages.) 3. Relationship of an Lei24) of 70 dB to higher exposure levels. EPA has determined that for purposes of hearing conservation alone, a level which is • protective of that segment of the population at or below the 96th percentile will protect virtually the entire population. This level has been calculated to be an Leq of 70 dB over a • 24-hour day. NOTES ON US-EPA GUIDELIDE VALUES:

II It is possible to calculate levels which, when averaged over given durations shorter • than 24 hours, result in equivalent amounts of energy. For example, the energy contained in an 8-hour exposure to 75 dB is equivalent to the energy contained in a 24-hour exposure to 70 dB. For practical purposes, the former exposure is only equivalent to the latter when the average level of the remaining 16 hours per day is • negligible (i.e. no more than about 60 dB for this case).

II The 24-hour exposure level was derived from data on 8-hour daily exposures over a • 40-year working life. II World Health Organization (WHO) • II Given the inherent difficulties in defining, measuring and controlling neighbourhood/community noise very few countries, including Barbados, have regulations on allowable ambient noise levels. Recognizing the absence and/or inadequacy of national guidelines and a scarcity of literature, especially for • developing countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has responded in two main ways: by developing and promoting the concept of noise management, and by drawing up community noise guidelines (fable 2). This initial work is the outcome • of a WHO expert task force meeting in London in March 1999, which includes guideline values for community noise and also lists critical health effects ranging • from annoyance to hearing impairment. • • • I Table 2: World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline values for community noise in specific environments

Specific environment Critical health effect(s) LAeq Time ~nax, [dB] base fast • [hours] [dB]_ I Outdoor living area Serious annoyance, daytime and evening 55 16 Moderate annoyance, daytime and evening 50 16 Dwelling, indoors Speech intelligibility and moderate 35 16 Inside bedrooms annoyance, daytime and evening 30 8 45 Sleep disturbance, night-time • Outside bedrooms Sleep disturbance, window open (outdoor 45 8 60 values) I School class rooms and Speech intelligibility, disturbance of 35 during pre-schools, indoors information extraction, message class communication Pre-school, bedrooms, Sleep disturbance 30 sleeping- 45 • indoors time School, playground Annoyance (external source) 55 during outdoor play • Hospital, ward rooms, Sleep disturbance, night-time 30 8 40 indoors Sleep disturbance, daytime and evenings 30 16 I Hospitals, treatment Interference with rest and recovery #1 rooms, indoors Industrial, commercial, Hearing impairment 70 24 110 ~,. shopping and traffic • areas, indoors and outdoors Ceremonies, festivals Hearing impairment (patrons:<5 times/year) 100 4 110 and entertainment events Public addresses, Hearing impairment 85 1 110 indoors and outdoors Music through Hearing impairment (free-field value) 85 1 110 headphones/earphones #4 Impulse sounds from Hearing impairment (adults) 140 toys, fireworks and Hearing impairment (children) #2 firearms 120 #2 Outdoors in parkland Disruption of tranquillity #3 and conservation areas #1: as low as possible; #2: peak sound pressure (not LAma., fast), measured 100 mm from the ear; #3: existing quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the ratio of intruding noise to natural background sound should be kept low; #4: under headphones, adapted to free-field values '1.---1. ''1. ;. . '. I

Appendix 3: Long Beach Site Plan showing Noise Sampling Points

Approximate location of Ocean Spray Aparlm.l;rifs," --­ ,~ 51 ~ X\ l; t ,/ (4':'" (,ILLESI'IE & RTf':EL "-':'~t"'~'1J".q~ .J.'t:iU'r,(;rl.• '/'/ t~.~I

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~ rolQlo't)WCED-tdlEl UAn. ~~j,.) / _ /" \4UAU:GrrNJa._..) IUh:a:J; / fflJi't.l'fij IM~~) f! _(,OIl(lQt,tIl~~ t)1(tl'l~J // ~.u'l:~3:r.ifi ffUM. IA....<....'P".J) /,b!t~r-·-~~·"*·"I­ - / .5$·I~Ql,ti~ w.a.ti.'THo1li)V"" / / / /l 1. Open lot in front of "Ocean Ridge Apartments" 2. Open lot beside "Chancery Lane House" 3. Open lot on "Sea View Road" 4. Junction of "Sea View Road" and "Teal" 5. West end of proposed project site 6. East end of proposed project site