The is at the South West corner of Bristo Squareand behind the McEwan Ha1l, Teviot Place.St Cecilia'sHall is in the Cowgateat thejunction with Niddry Street.

r'Theuniversity GEORGE STREET IANDREWI A lunrh-hour :

roncertseries }1 is a treasurett oo, N-Fr


I sr cecura'snall ! nerocorcenr Hlll ! oenanrueruroruusrc ! ueorclr-scnool SPRIIIG I u"ewrnrtllt- (fAN-MAY)

The informationin this bookletwas correctat the time of printing but rrraybe subjectto changeduring the year.

ConcertSecretary: The University of NathalieCaron Musrc including Alison House TelephoneOl3I 650 2123 12Nicolson Square 22lseelunch-hour Email: [email protected] Edinburgh concelts URL: EH8 gDF

Cozter Design: Sophie Caron CONCERTS IN THE UMI'ERSITY OF EDINBURGH 2OO}4 He has given lectures and master classes (several of them broadcast) in Nor-wegnn, Lunch-hour recital English and welsh at many universities. He has made regurar radio and teriision Reid Concert Hall, , Teviot Place broadcasls, on rhe Nor,egian channel NkK, as well as on Hw, s4c and BBC - most recently B B C I's televised Christmas ser-vice. FRIDAY 16 JANUARY at l.10pm He made a number (admission free) ,has of soro recordings, as weil as recordings with Ared Jones, simon Roberts and others. He is cunently recording a cD ofltalia; Baroque music, a ilouble TIM RISIITON orgcn CD of Bach's Art of Fugue, and preparing a CD of Norwegian organ music, including two major wor|

Trio Sonata No. 1 in E Ilat, B\l'\r' 525 FORTHCOMING CONCERTS (r) [Allegro] (ir) Adagio Tuesday 20 January - l. I Opm - Reid Concerr Hall (iii) Allegro MATTIIEW STUDDERT-KENNEDY (flute) WILLIAM CONWAy (cetto) Hall grimsson, Cresswell '18 Nun komm, der Heiden lleiland, BWV 659 (from the Leipzig Chorales) Fiday 23 January - l. lopm - Reid Concert Hall Concerto in A minor (after Vivaldi), BWY 593 MATTIIEW OWENS (organ) (D [Allegro] Pachelbel (ii) Adagio (iii) AIIegro Tuesday 27 January- l. I 0 - Reid Concert Hall PETER EVANS (piano) ULRIKE FENNER (violin) Brahms. Dorward Since his acclaimed City of London debut at age 18, Dr TIM RISHTON has enjoyed a Friday 30 January - l.lopm - McEwan dislinguished international career as concert organkt, broadcaster, author and lecturer, Hall CHRISTOPIIER CROMAR (organ) also holding posts at Norwegian and British universities. Langlais, Franck, Bingham, Toumemire, Cochereau He studied with Susi Jeans and at the universities ofReading (winning all organ-playing prizes), Manchester and Wales, where he took a doclorate in l8th-century music and Monday 2 February to Saturday 7 February - ?.30pm (Saturday matinee 2.30pm) _ later lectured. Churchill Theatre, Momingside EDII{BURGH TINTT/ERSITY SAVOY OPERA GROUP Although best ktown for the German Baroque repertoire, his petformances have ranged Gilbert and Sullivan: The Pirates ofPeruance fron Poulenc's organ concerto antl lSth-century British concertos to Bach's complete Tickets: f8.00 (f5.00 concessions). Matinee: f7.00 (f.4.50 concessions) organ works, andfrom Franz Schmidt at the Royal College oforganists to Scandinavian Tickets lnformation: 0l3l 6620 l83t (Elina);0131 228 tl55 (credit cardbooking) music at the Nordlands Festival. Ihis year he is playing in Spain, Italy, Norway, www.eusog.orq/current_show; e-mail: [email protected] Germany, Sweden and France, as u)ell as in England, and Wales. Later this year he will be returning to Scotland to give a master class at Aberdeen University and a Tuesday 3 February - l.lOpm - Reid Concert Hall recital on the new organ at Aberdeen Cathedral. POLLY MAY (voice) LUCY WALKER (piano) Haydn, Ravel, Berio 2005 includes concert tours in SE Australia and in the USA.