Strathmartine Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 28th September at 7.30 pm in Strathmartine School

Attendance & Apologies

Douglas Hume Rod Ingram

John Irvine Kevin McGrath

Lynn Ingram Fiona Webster

Clara Smith Gail Beattie

Jean Dykes

Peggy Barty

Cllr Sheila Hands & Sandra Black

1. Minutes of 31st August 2017 Meeting – these were read & accepted as a true reflection of discussions

2. Walter Scott Of Angus Council Walter attended with his colleague Steve our September meeting and gave us a further advice on flooding. This included a recommendation that we prepare a Strathmartine Community Flood Plan. We were given a copy of that prepared by and Walter will send us an electronic copy which we could modify to suit Strathmartine. Since the meeting the Council / Contractors have been to the village and cleared the silt / soil by the bridge. They are going to repair the bank(s) with some sort of packing (still to be done)

3. Matters Arising not covered in agenda a. VA Weekly Bulletins and What’s New Lists for the month have been distributed by email – If you or anyone you know wish to be added to the email list please inform John Irvine b. We were invited to consider a project called Angus Soup – not suitable for Bridgefoot c. Angus Local Draft Plan – completed questionnaire on behalf of the Parish d. Invitation to 2 reps to attend a meeting with councillors in Douglas Hume and John Irvine to attend on 9th November e. Received Angus Carers Centre newsletter – website

4. Local Council / Councillor Updates a. None this month.

5. Correspondence /Secretary’s Report

a. Our Newsletter - The next issue is now in preparation so any news you wish to have included please let me know. (Especially Bygone Bridgefoot) b. A new bus contract has been negotiated and revised timetables issued. I have spare copies. Apparently a new – Bridgefoot 22a bus will start running soon leaving Dundee 23.10 – ideal for those on a night out!

c. We have also erected 3 community notice boards around the village i. By the school gates ii. By the bus stop iii. At the end of Rosemill Road at the start of the nature path These are now in use – Any village messages you want put up let me know.

We have been given permission to erect out 4th one on the wall outside Craigmill House - JI to arrange

6. Police Matters a. Police Report – received and distributed A monthly surgery has been set up in the Muirhead & Birkhill Bowling Club, Birkhill Dates as follows Tuesday 14/11 Thursday 14/12

It will be at 11 o'clock each day..

Local grass fires reported

Community contacts are Sergeant Grace Morrison – Constable Steve Wilson – [email protected]

7. Planning Applications

a. Re visit by R Parry AC firstly to inspect unapproved window opening into 3 Grants Wynd garden. And secondly new business started in BFH with signage erected and vehicles accessing up until midnight – A letter has been received from Robert Parry informing us that the window will taken out and the wall restored. An enforcement order has been issued. Robert Parry visited and is now progressing. b. Nothing else to report

8. Treasurers Report

a. Bank balance as at 31st August was £2745.61 including balance of grant for flood relief. Further disbursements still to be made re the sand store. Awaiting advice on snakes and self inflating bags. John Irvine now has prices and needs to discuss.


a. The Parish council had a cake & coffee (or tea!) evening in support of MacMillan Cancer after the meeting on the 28th September. A good social evening which raised about £100 .

10. Dates of Next Meetings

26th October 2017 30th November 2017 25th January 2018 22nd February 2018 29th March 2018 26th April 2018 31st May 2018

Please put these in your diaries. All welcome