Conversations Study Resource

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Amos is one of the minor , so called because the books in their name are shorter than the major prophets of Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

Unlike many of the minor prophets, the text of Amos tells us a great deal about the . Amos lived in the first half of the eighth century B.C. The nation of had divided into two kingdoms following the death of King Solomon, with the northern Kingdom being known as Israel and the southern Kingdom as Judah. Amos lived during

THE INTRO the reigns of King Jeroboam II of Israel and King of Judah (:1). Under these two kings, the territory of Israel and Judah had expanded, almost recovering the boundaries of Israel under King Solomon (2 Kgs 14:25-27; 2 Chronicles 26:6-15). Political and military success brought great economic prosperity.

Amos, although from Tekoa in Judah, lived and prophesied in Israel. Amos was a shepherd and also tended sycamore trees. It was from this background that he was called to be a prophet (Amos 1:1; 7:14-15).

Amos begins with judgement on Israel’s neighbours, eight nations condemned by God for enslaving other nations, war crimes and atrocities against humanity. But then through Amos, God’s focus turns to his own people, Israel. Amidst a time of seeming success, God condemns his people for the social injustice that exists and for their failure to keep their covenant with Him. Amos pleads with God, but eventually God proclaims judgement on his own people. But Amos ends with hope: God’s judgement of his people gives way to a promise from God that He would restore them.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS

This series of studies covers the whole in twelve studies:

1. Amos 1:1-2:3 God’s judgement on the nations

2. :4-16 God’s judgement on his people

3. :1-15 The charges and the judgement

4. :1-13 Warnings ignored

5. Amos 5:1-17 Seek the Lord and live

6. Amos 5:18-27 The Day of the LORD

7. :1-14 Warnings to the complacent and the proud

OUTLINE OF STUDIES 8. :1-9 Pictures of judgement

9. Amos 7:10-17 Amos threatened

10. :1-14 Israel, ripe for judgement

11. :1-10 A vision of Israel’s destruction

12. Amos 9:11-15 A promise of restoration

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS

Each of the individual studies uses the Conversations style.

Conversations is a method of Bible study developed by the Scottish Bible Society and the Contextual Bible Study Group. Conversations seeks to encourage people to actively engage with the Bible and apply it to life. The questions are designed to stimulate conversation within groups where people may have varying backgrounds and knowledge of the Bible.

You will notice a similar pattern of questions used throughout the studies. All of the

THE METHOD questions are ‘open’ questions which don’t presume an answer but instead invite people to reflect personally on the text. The first question is always, “What jumps off the page at you?” – an opportunity for people to begin to share their thoughts on a passage. Then there are ‘listing’ questions that encourage a closer reading of the text, ‘theological’ questions that seek to understand the meaning, and finally ‘contextual’ questions that begin to apply the text to life. We hope you find this a refreshing and stimulating way to study the Bible.

More Bible study resources that utilise the Conversations method can be found on the Scottish Bible Society website:

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New International Version - UK (NIVUK) Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 1 God’s judgement on the nations

Amos 1:1 - 2:3

1 The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa—the vision he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam

READ son of Jehoash was king of Israel. 2 He said: “The LORD roars from Zion and thunders from ; the pastures of the shepherds dry up, and the top of Carmel withers.” 3 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of , even for four, I will not relent. Because she threshed Gilead with sledges having iron teeth, 4 I will send fire on the house of Hazael that will consume the fortresses of Ben-Hadad. 5 I will break down the gate of Damascus; I will destroy the king who is in the Valley of Aven and the one who holds the scepter in Beth Eden. The people of will go into exile to Kir,” says the LORD. 6 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Gaza, even for four, I will not relent. Because she took captive whole communities and sold them to , 7 I will send fire on the walls of Gaza that will consume her fortresses. 8 I will destroy the king[d] of and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon. I will turn my hand against Ekron, till the last of the are dead,”

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 1 God’s judgement on the nations

says the Sovereign LORD. 9 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Tyre, READ even for four, I will not relent. Because she sold whole communities of captives to Edom, disregarding a treaty of brotherhood, 10 I will send fire on the walls of Tyre that will consume her fortresses.” 11 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Edom, even for four, I will not relent. Because he pursued his brother with a sword and slaughtered the women of the land, because his anger raged continually and his fury flamed unchecked, 12 I will send fire on Teman that will consume the fortresses of Bozrah.” 13 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of , even for four, I will not relent. Because he ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead in order to extend his borders, 14 I will set fire to the walls of Rabbah that will consume her fortresses amid war cries on the day of battle, amid violent winds on a stormy day. 15 Her king will go into exile, he and his officials together,” says the LORD.

2 This is what the LORD says:

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 1 God’s judgement on the nations

“For three sins of Moab, even for four, I will not relent. Because he burned to ashes the bones of Edom’s king, 2 I will send fire on Moab that will consume the fortresses of Kerioth. Moab will go down in great tumult amid war cries and the blast of the trumpet. 3 I will destroy her ruler and kill all her officials with him,”

says the Lord.

1. What jumps off the page for you? FG

2. List God’s charge against these nations and hi judgement upon them. 3s/FB

3. What do these verses have to say about God’s view of people being mistreated? FGP

4. What does mistreatment of people look like in your own context? 3s/FB

QUESTIONS 5. How should the church respond to such mistreatment? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray for people who are being mistreated by others, particularly those impacted by war and conflict. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 2 God’s judgement on his people

Amos 2:4-16

4 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Judah, READ even for four, I will not relent. Because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept his decrees, because they have been led astray by false gods, the gods their ancestors followed, 5 I will send fire on Judah that will consume the fortresses of Jerusalem.” 6 This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Israel, even for four, I will not relent. They sell the innocent for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals. 7 They trample on the heads of the poor as on the dust of the ground and deny justice to the oppressed. Father and son use the same girl and so profane my holy name. 8 They lie down beside every altar on garments taken in pledge. In the house of their god they drink wine taken as fines. 9 “Yet I destroyed the before them, though they were tall as the cedars and strong as the oaks. I destroyed their fruit above and their roots below. 10 I brought you up out of Egypt and led you forty years in the wilderness to give you the land of the Amorites.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 2 God’s judgement on his people

11 “I also raised up prophets from among your children and from among your youths. Is this not true, people of Israel?” declares the LORD. 12 “But you made the Nazirites drink wine and commanded the prophets not to prophesy. 13 “Now then, I will crush you as a cart crushes when loaded with grain. 14 The swift will not escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life. 15 The archer will not stand his ground, the fleet-footed soldier will not get away, and the horseman will not save his life. 16 Even the bravest warriors will flee naked on that day,” declares the LORD.

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List God’s charge against his people and his judgement upon them. 3s/FB

3. How does Amos link worship and injustice? 3s/FB

4. What activities of God does Amos list that should have prevented injustice? FGP

QUESTIONS 5. What lessons from this passage can you apply to your own context? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 2 God’s judgement on his people

Take some time over the next week to pray for the church, the people of God: that the revelation of God’s character and activity in the world would act as a rebuke and a corrective where the church is involved in or complicit with injustice. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 3 The Charges and the Judgement

Amos 3:1-15

1 Hear this word, people of Israel, the word the LORD has spoken against you—against the whole family I brought up out of Egypt: READ 2 “You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.” 3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? 4 Does a lion roar in the thicket when it has no prey? Does it growl in its den when it has caught nothing? 5 Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground when no bait is there? Does a trap spring up from the ground if it has not caught anything? 6 When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it? 7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. 8 The lion has roared— who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken— who can but prophesy? 9 Proclaim to the fortresses of Ashdod and to the fortresses of Egypt: “Assemble yourselves on the mountains of ;

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 3 The Charges and the Judgement

see the great unrest within her and the oppression among her people.” 10 “They do not know how to do right,” declares the LORD, “who store up in their fortresses what they have plundered and looted.” 11 Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “An enemy will overrun your land, pull down your strongholds and plunder your fortresses.” 12 This is what the LORD says: “As a shepherd rescues from the lion’s mouth only two leg bones or a piece of an ear, so will the Israelites living in Samaria be rescued, with only the head of a bed and a piece of fabric from a couch.” 13 “Hear this and testify against the descendants of ,” declares the Lord, the LORD God Almighty. 14 “On the day I punish Israel for her sins, I will destroy the altars of ; the horns of the altar will be cut off and fall to the ground. 15 I will tear down the winter house along with the summer house; the houses adorned with ivory will be destroyed and the mansions will be demolished,” declares the LORD.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 3 The Charges and the Judgement

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List words and phrases from the passage that speak of God’s activity towards his people. 3s/FB

3. What do you make of Amos’ link between greed and injustice in v10? FGP

4. What does Amos say will be the consequences of God’s judgement on his


5. What lessons from this passage can you apply to your own context? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray against greed amongst God’s people, and that instead the church would be marked by generosity: Pray that God’s people would know how to “do what is right” (v10). ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 4 Warnings ignored

Amos 4:1-13

1 Hear this word, you cows of on Mount Samaria, you women who oppress the poor and crush the needy READ and say to your husbands, “Bring us some drinks!” 2 The Sovereign LORD has sworn by his holiness: “The time will surely come when you will be taken away with hooks, the last of you with fishhooks. 3 You will each go straight out through breaches in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon,” declares the LORD. 4 “Go to Bethel and sin; go to and sin yet more. Bring your sacrifices every morning, your tithes every three years. 5 Burn leavened bread as a thank offering and brag about your freewill offerings— boast about them, you Israelites, for this is what you love to do,” declares the Sovereign LORD. 6 “I gave you empty stomachs in every city and lack of bread in every town, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD. 7 “I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 4 Warnings ignored

8 People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD. 9 “Many times I struck your gardens and vineyards, destroying them with blight and mildew. Locusts devoured your fig and olive trees, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD. 10 “I sent plagues among you as I did to Egypt. I killed your young men with the sword, along with your captured horses. I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD. 11 “I overthrew some of you as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. You were like a burning stick snatched from the fire, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD. 12 “Therefore this is what I will do to you, Israel, and because I will do this to you, Israel, prepare to meet your God.” 13 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth— the LORD God Almighty is his name.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 4 Warnings ignored

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. What link does Amos make between injustice and worship? 3s/FB

3. List the things God did so that Israel might return to him. FGP

4. How has God used difficult circumstances to cause you to return to him? s/FB

5. What does the presence of injustice in our context say about the quality of our

QUESTIONS worship? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray against false worship amongst God’s people: pray that God’s people would pay attention to God’s actions and words amongst them, that they might be a source of justice rather than injustice; that where God’s people have gone astray, they would return to Him. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 5 Seek the Lord and live

Amos 5:1-17

1 Hear this word, Israel, this lament I take up concerning you: 2 “Fallen is Virgin Israel, READ never to rise again, deserted in her own land, with no one to lift her up.” 3 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to Israel: “Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left.” 4 This is what the LORD says to Israel: “Seek me and live; 5 do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to . For Gilgal will surely go into exile, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing.” 6 Seek the LORD and live, or he will sweep through the tribes of like a fire; it will devour them, and Bethel will have no one to quench it. 7 There are those who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground. 8 He who made the Pleiades and , who turns midnight into dawn and darkens day into night, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name. 9 With a blinding flash he destroys the stronghold

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 5 Seek the Lord and live

and brings the fortified city to ruin. 10 There are those who hate the one who upholds justice in court and detest the one who tells the truth. 11 You levy a straw tax on the poor and impose a tax on their grain. Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine. 12 For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts. 13 Therefore the prudent keep quiet in such times, for the times are evil. 14 Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. 15 Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph. 16 Therefore this is what the Lord, the LORD God Almighty, says: “There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish in every public square. The farmers will be summoned to weep and the mourners to wail. 17 There will be wailing in all the vineyards, for I will pass through your midst,” says the LORD.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 5 Seek the Lord and live

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the activities in this passage of those who seek evil and what happens to them. 3s/FB

3. List the activities in this passage of those who seek the Lord and what happens to them. 3s/FB

QUESTIONS 4. In what ways does our experience challenge the belief that those who seek evil are punished and those who seek the Lord live? FGP

5. Where, in your context, do you long to see justice? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray against injustice: pray that people will not seek evil and that God will bring justice for those who are wronged; that people might seek God and live. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 6 The Day of the Lord

Amos 5:18-27

18 Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! READ Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light. 19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him. 20 Will not the day of the LORD be darkness, not light— pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness? 21 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. 22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. 23 Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. 24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! 25 “Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? 26 You have lifted up the shrine of your king, the pedestal of your idols, the star of your god— which you made for yourselves. 27 Therefore I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,” says the LORD, whose name is God Almighty.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 6 The Day of the Lord

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the religious activities of God’s people in this passage. 3s/FB

3. Why do you think God does not accept their worship? FGP

4. How much do righteousness and justice characterise God’s people today? 3s/FB

5. Reflect on your own life and worship: does your life and conduct reflect the God

QUESTIONS who you worship? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray about the worship and activity of God’s people: pray that the righteousness and justice of the God we worship might be reflected in all our day to day activities. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 7 Warnings to the Complacent and the Proud

Amos 6:1-14

1 Woe to you who are complacent in Zion, and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria, READ you notable men of the foremost nation, to whom the people of Israel come! 2 Go to Kalneh and look at it; go from there to great Hamath, and then go down to in Philistia. Are they better off than your two kingdoms? Is their land larger than yours? 3 You put off the day of disaster and bring near a reign of terror. 4 You lie on beds adorned with ivory and lounge on your couches. You dine on choice lambs and fattened calves. 5 You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments. 6 You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest lotions, but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph. 7 Therefore you will be among the first to go into exile; your feasting and lounging will end. 8 The Sovereign LORD has sworn by himself—the LORD God Almighty declares: “I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses; I will deliver up the city and everything in it.” 9 If ten people are left in one house, they too will die. 10 And if the relative who comes to carry the bodies out of the house to burn them asks anyone who might be hiding there, “Is anyone else with you?” and he says, “No,” then he will go on to say, “Hush! We must not mention the name of the LORD.”

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 7 Warnings to the Complacent and the Proud

11 For the LORD has given the command, and he will smash the great house into pieces and the small house into bits. 12 Do horses run on the rocky crags? Does one plow the sea with oxen? But you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into bitterness— 13 you who rejoice in the conquest of Lo Debar and say, “Did we not take Karnaim by our own strength?” 14 For the LORD God Almighty declares, “I will stir up a nation against you, Israel, that will oppress you all the way from Lebo Hamath to the valley of the Arabah.”

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the words and phrases in this passage that Amos uses to describe the leaders of the nation. 3s/FB

3. What, according to Amos, is God’s response? FGP

4. How do complacency and pride damage our relationship with God? 3s/FB

QUESTIONS 5. Where do you see complacency and pride of leaders causing damage in your context? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray for leaders – local and national political leaders and for church leaders – that they might be neither complacent nor proud, but instead would seek righteousness and justice. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 8 Pictures of judgement

Amos 7:1-9

1 This is what the Sovereign LORD showed me: He was preparing swarms of locusts

READ after the king’s share had been harvested and just as the late crops were coming up. 2 When they had stripped the land clean, I cried out, “Sovereign LORD, forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!”

3 So the LORD relented.

“This will not happen,” the LORD said.

4 This is what the Sovereign LORD showed me: The Sovereign LORD was calling for judgment by fire; it dried up the great deep and devoured the land. 5 Then I cried out, “Sovereign LORD, I beg you, stop! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!”

6 So the LORD relented.

“This will not happen either,” the Sovereign LORD said.

7 This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb, with a plumb line in his hand. 8 And the LORD asked me, “What do you see, Amos?”

“A plumb line,” I replied.

Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.

9 “The high places of Isaac will be destroyed

and the sanctuaries of Israel will be ruined;

with my sword I will rise against the house of Jeroboam.”

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 8 Pictures of judgement

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the imilarities and the differences between the three visions of judgement (locusts, fire and plumb line). 3s/FB

3. Why do you think God relents from judgement and spares people despite their injustice? FGP

QUESTIONS 4. What do you make of Amos’ role in interceding for the people? 3s/FB

5. Think of places of injustice in your context: how can we balance our longing for justice with Amos’ example of asking God to relent from judgement? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray about injustice in your context: pray for justice to be done but also pray that God would relent from bringing destruction on those who commit injustice. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 9 Amos threatened

Amos 7:10-17

10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel: “Amos

READ is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words. 11 For this is what Amos is saying:

“‘Jeroboam will die by the sword,

and Israel will surely go into exile,

away from their native land.’”

12 Then Amaziah said to Amos, “Get out, you seer! Go back to the land of Judah. Earn your bread there and do your prophesying there. 13 Don’t prophesy anymore at Bethel, because this is the king’s sanctuary and the temple of the kingdom.”

14 Amos answered Amaziah, “I was neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I was a shepherd, and I also took care of sycamore-fig trees. 15 But the LORD took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’ 16 Now then, hear the word of the LORD. You say,

“‘Do not prophesy against Israel,

and stop preaching against the descendants of Isaac.’

17 “Therefore this is what the LORD says:

“‘Your wife will become a prostitute in the city,

and your sons and daughters will fall by the sword.

Your land will be measured and divided up,

and you yourself will die in a pagan country.

And Israel will surely go into exile,

away from their native land.’”

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 9 Amos threatened

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the differences between how Amaziah sees Amos’ activity and how Amos views his role. 3s/FB

3. What does Amaziah’s description of Amos’ words and the temple say about his view of God? FGP

QUESTIONS 4. How difficult is it to accept that God is speaking, when God’s word is not what we want to hear? 3s/FB

5. Think of your own context: is there a danger that we are unwilling to recognise God speaking because we do not like what He is saying? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray about recognising and listening to God’s voice: pray that all people (including ourselves!) would hear God speaking through his word and through his people, recognise God’s voice, and respond in obedience. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 10 Israel, ripe for judgement

Amos 8:1-14

1 This is what the Sovereign LORD showed me: a basket of ripe fruit. 2 “What do you see, Amos?” he asked. READ “A basket of ripe fruit,” I answered. Then the LORD said to me, “The time is ripe for my people Israel; I will spare them no longer. 3 “In that day,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “the songs in the temple will turn to wailing. Many, many bodies—flung everywhere! Silence!” 4 Hear this, you who trample the needy and do away with the poor of the land, 5 saying, “When will the New Moon be over that we may sell grain, and the Sabbath be ended that we may market wheat?”— skimping on the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales, 6 buying the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, selling even the sweepings with the wheat. 7 The LORD has sworn by himself, the Pride of Jacob: “I will never forget anything they have done. 8 “Will not the land tremble for this, and all who live in it mourn? The whole land will rise like the Nile; it will be stirred up and then sink like the river of Egypt. 9 “In that day,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight. 10 I will turn your religious festivals into mourning

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 10 Israel, ripe for judgement

and all your singing into weeping. I will make all of you wear sackcloth and shave your heads. I will make that time like mourning for an only son and the end of it like a bitter day. 11 “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. 12 People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the LORD, but they will not find it. 13 “In that day “the lovely young women and strong young men will faint because of thirst. 14 Those who swear by the sin of Samaria— who say, ‘As surely as your god lives, ,’ or, ‘As surely as the god of Beersheba lives’— they will fall, never to rise again.”

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 10 Israel, ripe for judgement

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the attitudes and activities of the people in the passage. 3s/FB

3. List what God says He will do in response. 3s/FB

4. What do you make of all creation (the land, the people, the sun) being impacted by injustice? FGP

QUESTIONS 5. Where, in your context, can you trace the wider impact of injustice on all creation? 3s/FB

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to pray about the wider impact of injustice: pray that weekly worship would be a place of encounter with God, that injustices may be stopped; pray for the alleviation of suffering of all creation, which is damaged by injustice; pray that people would heed God’s word, lest God send a famine of his word on our nation. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 11 A Vision of Israel’s Destruction

Amos 9:1-10

1 I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and he said: “Strike the tops of the pillars READ so that the thresholds shake. Bring them down on the heads of all the people; those who are left I will kill with the sword. Not one will get away, none will escape. 2 Though they dig down to the depths below, from there my hand will take them. Though they climb up to the heavens above, from there I will bring them down. 3 Though they hide themselves on the top of Carmel, there I will hunt them down and seize them. Though they hide from my eyes at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them. 4 Though they are driven into exile by their enemies, there I will command the sword to slay them. “I will keep my eye on them for harm and not for good.” 5 The Lord, the LORD Almighty— he touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mourn; the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egypt; 6 he builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the earth; he calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land— the LORD is his name. 7 “Are not you Israelites

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 11 A Vision of Israel’s Destruction

the same to me as the Cushites?” declares the LORD. “Did I not bring Israel up from Egypt, the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir? 8 “Surely the eyes of the Sovereign LORD are on the sinful kingdom. I will destroy it from the face of the earth. Yet I will not totally destroy the descendants of Jacob,” declares the LORD. 9 “For I will give the command, and I will shake the people of Israel among all the nations as grain is shaken in a sieve, and not a pebble will reach the ground. 10 All the sinners among my people will die by the sword, all those who say, ‘Disaster will not overtake or meet us.’

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 11 A Vision of Israel’s Destruction

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List God’s activities in the passage. 3s/FB

3. What do you make of God’s judgement on his temple and his people? FGP

4. Where does hope come from in the passage? 3s/FB

5. In what ways do you think the Church and God’s people are udner threat of

QUESTIONS judgement in your own context, and where might hope be found?? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to write a prayer to God for the Church in your nation. Pray for particular areas of the life and witness of the Church that grieve God, and ask for God’s mercy. ACTIVITY

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 12 A Promise of Restoration

Amos 9:11-15

11 “In that day “I will restore David’s fallen shelter— READ I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins— and will rebuild it as it used to be, 12 so that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear my name,” declares the LORD, who will do these things. 13 “The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills, 14 and I will bring my people Israel back from exile. “They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. 15 I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,” says the LORD your God.

Download Bible study resources: CONVERSATIONS • AMOS STUDY 12 A Promise of Restoration

1. What jumps off the page for you? FGP

2. List the promised activities of God and of the people in the passage. 3s/FB

3. What do you make of the promise of restoration, given the judgement that Amos has spoken about in previous chapters? FGP

4. Where does our nation need rebuilding and restored? 3s/FB

QUESTIONS 5. What evidence do you see in your context of God rebuilding and restoring broken places? FGP

Study Key

3s / FB - Groups of 3 with feedback to whole group

FGP - Full Group

GPS - Larger groups of 6 (if desired)

Take some time over the next week to write a prayer thanking God that he is a God of restoration and rebuilding. Ask God, and discuss with others, where your church needs experience rebuilding and restoration, and what parts of your community need God to rebuild and restore them. ACTIVITY

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Th e Word of God is full of living power. HEBREWS 4:12 (NLT)

JONAH 1ST TIMOTHY 1 SAMUEL CONVERSATIONS STUDY MANUSCRIPT STUDY TALK THE WORD STUDY Running away, thinking you In the midst of all of the teaching Th e book of Samuel marks the know better, wanting enemies and exhortation in 1 Timothy, end of the Judges, when “Israel punished, in a place of no hope the focus of Paul and Timothy’s had no king, and everyone did as - all these situations are dealt eff orts should not be missed: the they saw fi t” (Judges 17:6) but with in our Jonah Conversations work of God in and through the through it all we see God drawing study. Lord Jesus Christ. his people back to him.

GENESIS MATTHEW MIRACLES JOURNEY TO MANUSCRIPT STUDY TALK THE WORD STUDY JERUSALEM Th e book of Genesis is foun- Th is study covers fourteen passag- CONVERSATIONS STUDY dational to understanding the es in Matthew’s Gospel in which A new Bible study resource that rest of the Bible. It answers the Jesus displays miraculous power. leads you through the events of fundamental questions of life, and Th rough this study, we can enter Holy Week. Includes a short pas- through it all, God is guiding his into the experience of those who sage commentary, refl ective ques- people. ecountered Jesus’ miracles. tions and activities for children.


Resources published by the Scottish Bible Society • Scottish Charity No. SC010767 Registered Offi ce: 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5XU, United Kingdom

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