Am. uheukh.—md. (c—«.) am UNFURN.—VA. (Cead.l 1| Am WWW VA. m (war WOUIB UMWJtH. (C—»¦) bui pforruNtnn (C—.) THS KVKNING STAR ra., N«t km* Wish InEton. D. C. ARL. N.—l and 2 bedrms.: Ut. voq'ii Bt srrriNo coot —h u. v. FLOWER AVE. PARK sew dinette, walk 4M.: Arl Hall: AIR-CONDITIONED Tvasiiiii*iou, B-11 > 1 blk. Heebt'a store, good transp . I SATURDAY. JULY S. 19SS laundry parkins. ; NEW N. facQs.: off-st. POMAR APTS. IN ARL. sin ava. a w. lot. • axa -S sat. SBO and Mbmo. Md. utfla See i —adulta only HOUSES fee SALE. ICM.I i mar.. MR GUZSBFORD. Apt. 6. . —walk to shopping center «AB» OFFOBm mired couple, ale* N.W. 622 N. Thomas st- off-parkins lot..: —t» block to bue to D C. 3- 2-bath cottage oa pri- fcjfeaVqf ¦ JA. 2-714*. —kitchen, garbage disposal, vate estate; ref.; eonalder gala —ll ; de luxe I m ih sink DUPLEX. Just completed, larte liv. refrigerator, double Box 498-K. Star. *• ARL.—s’Ldra, .' semldet.. It., rm.. kit., I TIM 9th »T. N.W.—B rat.. 14 jg , rm . dm. rm.. equlpoed ! din. ra . brat, fenced yd.; eeov HYATTSVILLE, lull.';| POMPONIO hatha: to he rodccorated: 1x26 per shape. f M 7 i rm.. 1% baths. S bedrms. 7 closets: 3- FeoUtoc. 2712 S. DRY CLEANDfO-SaOB REPAIR— kitchra; 1 sll6 mo. 414 Ardmore Fair- ‘. JA. 7-6660 2*22 Wilson Blvd.. Art. ao Call HE. 7-6224 or EM [ g toy. Fint shopping *2d 'flooL4 %edißa—¦ fax. Ve. nl.. location in Md can- 2 katha; 3rd Saar. 1 fin Mud room; ATT^C^^tWIPgWTIALARtA. ¦ CR. 3-0057. —3 6678. —2 9 tor; tec loose: priced right at garafft. 1* MIN. TO DOWNTOWN: one of MUg NEW RAMPS RIBS' AVI—3- decorated coed ~foT°UuaSj hvtn* l full basaiitant. detached ap- ants., t! COLUMBIA GARDENS ¦ Inspection price and term* by the better liv. RD bedrm built-in Meaty couple; * mum. rm. 6300 9th R. ARL. brtek. tap. din. ra.. i or or room far *l5O ' point ment. dinette, bedrm- kit- den. both: no > JA. 8-62«7 gar., fenced yd.; shopping; 2125. . mo. lor 2 yr. lease Call CHATEL ume over cash weakly; col- Exclusive pets: ¦ 86.000 children or $76. 15ov N . Flrat fl.. 1 and 2 bedrm. apts.: mod- Call RA. 6-2875. —lB DI 2-11*7. —3 ored trade; excellent buy for ex- Rhodes st. Ant. 1 JA. 8-6854. —3:lj era throughout: large rooms; .N. AIL—3-bedrm Colonial with opera tar: reasonable cash S.°- through I4M CHAPIN ST. N.W—lst-floor game*: per Derlenced 1 OGLETHORPE BEVERLY PLAZA—Shopplns end i ventilation: room-size dt- apt.. . sqn porch and *165 olenty space; 5 rms.. kit. and bath: cellar: utils.; transportation one blk.. lane 1- nette. closet play- porch; only mo. plus suburban location: APARTMENTS bedrm. *65. —4 ¦ facilities: nicest rear rent 268.60. RA. Conv. to shopplnt. and bus- SSFt. Immaculate, semldet brk.; 8 rat* unit. OV. 3-2093. \ ground; laundry 6-1101. RE. 7-2537 —2 school* i bath, bUtt. powder apts. Teas, ft £^77B<£“^7-0^ ra. and 1805 N. across Key in vicinity; rents: utils • line. M. T. BROYHILL SONS ra« 42nd and Oglethorpe Sts. QUINN ST- Just r RMS.. 2 apt*.. 2 entrances: 1 blk. Va. ‘ BECAUSE OP OTHER INTERESTS lit fl.; Colonial perch: many Bridge—Larte, modern, 1 -bedrm lncl. ator*. Art.; park- CORF.. 4624 Lea hwy.. Arl.. 1 front One block from pike 6 Hecht’s eff-street ' 4-1300. —6 will saerfflea far quick sale going feature*, bust-la garage, oil , apt- 8(15. JA. 8-4137. —4 Columbia on ing. pa. JA grocery store 8-rm 1 immediate Ml*. h-wJS. ; 6723 N. latk RD.—Recently re- Greenbrier at. Look for our Rental Call KE. 7-1271 attar 7 AIL. N—Brick Colonial: S ige with adjoining Priced for 1 BEDROOM $73 Call CORNER. —3 din. baths. modern house. Apt. over store for m .] decorated 1-bedrm. apt- SOO. 1 Office on LIFT bedrma, ige. rm. S income; large grounds: censor of !! JA. —4 3M7 CIRCLE BILL RD.. Beverly' attic, lawns, trees: ,A.i:^ o 2 BEDRMS. 5-8283. bamt.. aar.. small thriving Md. town. DOHn^hY^ FROM-. 582 Alex., Va.—Newly July i TR* INCLUDED A r Hill*. decorated; : *150: avail. 9. ABK-U8! t f^t UTILITIES IT'S BEAUTY PARKINOTON din., 4-4008. COMMUNlTY—Beautiful one-bed- ARLINGTON Uv.. kit. 2 bedrms.. bath, sun l REALTY CO . JB. 6-1262. FOE 6AI.E BT OWNER Tavern OPSH SUNDAY 2 TO 5 PM. be call parlor.garage. oU h.-w.h. 2100 mo. . MuARTHUB BLVD., nr. Map Serv- store and ST. room ants, you'll proud to >. BUTLER. K>. 9- ice—Six bath, grocery sat station with , . 3302 BROWN N.W. at your Spacious dining area, GLADSTONE rms.. gar.. a.m.L; bath; good , Juat west of 16th and Newton. Boh Bus Door home. ! 6871. *IOO per OL. 2-3439. 4* , fivt rooms and location de luxe kit. with full-size eauip- PARKGLEN ano. ’ on main U. s highway. 3 miles I brk.: 6 rat. and bath, gat h.-w.h.; Schools Nearby disposal; *lls MO.—State Department area, cond. quick ment. lncl. tarbage mas- FOR BENT, brick: 2 bedrms . bath, 2206 Va. Suitable from Winchester, Va.; doing good I new-bouse Priced for ter TV antenna and complete laun- Uviaa. dlatng and kitchen: fulli ave. n-w. for business; priced for quick sale; Shopping dry APARTMENTS garage, 3 adulta: new. 2-bedrm. town J and storage facilities; S9O. lncl. bsmt.. ree. rm.. sun porch: Yount, ! *16.000: for information call i .LEB DONNELLY ft SOW all utils. An excellent location at Additional closet added, rd.. Palls 1 house. Mr. with FRANK NA. 8-3316 Evea., (auto'—Out ire. t spare spa- 137 East Westmoreland 8 PHILLIPS. EV WO. Dir.! Rhode Island 508 N. Pollard st., Vs cious rooms, complete maintenance Church: $125 per ml. Call MR. 3-2279. 6-*|6» 8. 1 to 5800 i Arlintton. COBB. : RD. l with inve^inbust- p.*.. eenunue on Oalethorp*U. , iThe Lomar Apts i Just oil Glebe * and janitor service. Plrst bus «one Dunkirk 5-7000. during day: FOXHALL AREA. 4801 Dexter sensational patent sound block. left on at. 2 Apt. Crescent 3-0154, eves, and j terrace n.w.—Beautiful. 4-bedrm.. • potential. JE. —3 (Bui)—Capita! j rd. See Mrs. Neesman. 1. JA to Pentagon and Navy Annex. Sun. —3 ness 2-1867. blocki. Transit. 0-8 ! 7-521!) SHANNON ft MD.; 3-bath brick house. Dream kiteb- DRUGSTORE—SI7S day: mixed BATHS bui from Mt Rainier terminal direct or LUCHS i HYATTSVILLE. from Peace • en. spacious lawn: mo. 14 bedrmO $360 Mr. - neighborhood; low Net- apartments. ¦ CO- 724 14th Bt. n.w.. NA. 8-2345.1 Cross out Defense Hwy. to Ed- with overhead. to Virginia Square . 1-Bedroom Apts,, $81.5C monston rd., 6 blocks to Ches- • Yount, FRANK 8. PHILLIPS. ' ting *IO.OOO or more a yr. Full FARKINGTON. near (With Sun Deck) left ’ 3-*>079 $21,950 - , retail prices. yrs. 7 8185 pvt. borne, 2nd floor; 2 bedrms- Uv. I apeake rd.. right to 5328—Fu1l l EM Same owner 23 : Storage 1 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY TASK. ' wants to 3831 ALBEMARLEST. N W. rm.. kit, and bath attic.::! basement, 2 bedrooms. both, pl. . retire. *16.000. about spent “"S S^^V 2-Bedroom Apts., $91.50 kitchen, ¦ 4623 Alton n.w.—Threc-bcdrm ' *B,OOO inventory. 34-M, Ctver *9.000 was in remodeling Feta and children. JA. 2-6007. —3 All Utilltiea Included living room: large, incom- 24-bath, white brick Colonial; Box star. this home, the bedrooms home, i \b\\. plete second to la are ecor- VA.: “Hey, Tweedy, I had my property floor use aa $175 Mr. Yount, the living H. O. SMITHY COMPANY ALEXANDRIA. 3-bedrm. surveyed and center. mo. with FRANK : FOUNTAIN, stools, fully, moua. roofn and dining playground. Individual basement. Near schools shopping ; 8. PHILLIPS, EM. 3-2279. SODA 14 7-9226, , room large with 9>vft. ceiling*. 811 18th Bt. N.W. BT. 3-3300 i dryer, RENTAL OFFICE Key at 5325, across street, or nice , equipped, for rent. CaU NO. true Westlnghouse washer and while you were out of town and guess what!” phono OWNER, NIAI FALLS CHURCH—Threa center hall in a neighborhood refrigerator, tarbage disposer and BM. 2-1334. —3 > rm., flrepl. and f 3 LORD CALVERT APTS. garden: [ 5050 COLUMBIA PIKE bedrms.. lte. liv. cori«r !lcncbtf.o\ ette and carry ' 9 ??* s?®“’ on!* blocks from bus. shopping, schools ’ ARL—(New eond.). 3 den. bookshelves, area, equip, kit., I out tor 2326 i st. No. fashionable Conn. and every close by: 0 minutes to Pentsson. 24 batha, bedrma.. din. ’ L n.w. ave. APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. screened porch, stairway to 2 itor. rata. ; cash. Justrent. completed instaUatlon. »nvenlence. CaU COLLEGE PARK, MD. Open 0 to dally, Sundays. flTepl.; stairway rec. rm. fln. lie. - MR. RAVENB- 0 lncl. with to fl. ator- - fl.; school and shopping : Eves., RA. 3-6843. 3* LA. —3 and apts.: rm.. Harry Cragin, Mgr. 3rd on 2nd nr. 6-9853. ' 1 2-bedrm. Ut. C center; gvalL lmmed.; $126 per mo. dinette, kitchen; excellent transpor- : Mt. Vernon Choice N. Arl. Location MODERN S-BAY SERVICE STATION Warwick Village, and -o*EO!WE’*&*]tor* —4 i JE. 2-2663. —4 tor at hlxbway loca- ! AMER. UNIV. PARK tatlon; nr. Univ. ofMd.. shopping 1 Kennedy ats. TE. 0-0912. ! DOMINION lease ideal center and schools. Apply at LORD Phone JA. 8-6630 CALVERT APARTMENTS ARLINGTON—2-bedrm. det brick; ; IST. VERNON BLVD. AREA-—Sev- tion In Merrtfleld. Va. CaU JA. . Newcomers to Washington will want T 7200 ARMS Uv- rm flrah. 14 bath*; ground- ¦ era! 3-bedrm. brick rambler*, eonv. . 8-6055. —4 to see this perfectly magnificent « gflfr Baltimore! Presidential Gardens leval. livable ree. rm. to D. and Fort S-BAY SERVICE STATION for lease Colonial home in this moat deair- Adjacent to shopping center and . Only 8 min. to Key Bridge. Calvert sat. and C. Belvoir. avail. family Apts., off Lee hwy.. affords residen- 333 SOUTH GLEBE ROAD Beautiful grounds: 5 mini. Penta- lmmed. or later; sll6-$136, mo. on U. S. Rte. 1, north tide of : able area. Beautiful Uv. ra- schools, lovely lawns, trees and ALEXANDRIA gon D. C.; 2020 N.¦ rental, CaU JA. —4. din.rm., nock, FAN MAR APTS. rain, to tial living with direct transp. to and *125 mo. If you are lookingfor a call l Alexandria. 6-6086. formalporch. breakfast iatl flowers. 5 downtown. 3 AIR-CONDITIONED Spac. Cleveland at.. JA. 2-9668. —3 3 bedrma.. den. 2'4 hatha, Oglethorpe min. to Pentagon. 5 bus lines at | D. C. rooms with de luxe ARLINGTON’S FIRST AND ONLY us. BERNICE CARTER DAVIS.—3 GROCERY STORE loads of closet apace. Rec. rm. 4107 St. plus office kit. All these luxuries, only ELEVATOR APARTMENT CHEVY CHABE CIRCLE—Vae. Near Realtor. SO. 6-5844 ; VA. front dr., ample pk.. SB7 WHICH schools; powder r in, Fantagon. MANASSAS. , Lovely yard Garate. GI or FHA HYATTSVILLE. MD. service, laundries and storage in; mo. MAKES EVERYDAYLIVING A VA- 7 rm*.. rm.. I ARL., beet area, cloae Weekly bueineta approx. $1,200: low Well below Attrae, apt., avail, lmmed. In sulet. BROOKVILLE CATION—7O’ ra.. bath; gar.; maid’s . Navy Annex—Three-bedrm.. 2-»tory Uving quarters. financing. thirty. Mra. apt. your bldg. New refrigerators with i SWIMMING FOOL. *lB6. MRS. rent with Excel- thowby appt. wen-kept bids.; bedrms.. apa- and 3 POMPONIO AIR CONDITION- CLYDE C. 2-. Colonial; 15 by 20 ilv. m.. full din. opportunity. Selling because Chatterton will only. cious liv. dinette, kit: and freezer tops: 2 exposures: COMFORTABLE DUNNINGTON. OL porch, full lent : rm.. bstb. from $76. Con- JA. 7-6660 2222 Wilson Blvd., Arl. ING. TOURNAMENT-SIZE TENNIS 1 2635: EM. 2-8383. —7 rm.. 14 bath*, screened 1 of iU health. Sea at 26 S Palrview JAMES L. DIXON St CO. Like-new eond.. rent $87.50 per mo 1 and 2 bedrms.: DUPLEX APTS. AND SUN bamt.: nr. Patrick Henry. Thomas call 14-J Manassas. utils. Excel, residential area: venient for Array. Navy and Air COURTB SPACIOUS KENSINGTON—7-rm. older house: More school*; 1 ave. or ET. 3-7200 AD. 4-661 • ucl. school, Force oersonnel Located Mt. 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS DECK. ahops, transp.. , Jefferson, St. Ttaos. t» blk from near shopping. on r near school: large wooded and cool: $l6O. 129 8. CHINCHILLAS Be*_Mr. Buckley In Apt. *O2. UN. Vernon ave and Russell rd. in' for children; tarage. 4 MALES. 6 FEMALES Alex. Phone TE. Office! ;| 1% BATHS THE MOST Several choice Styles Available JauL.'UeaJEstablished, Irving at,. JA. 8-0173. —8 7-2665, CHEVY CHASE open 6-4400. In On* and Two Bedroom Apts. refined community; AVAILABLETODAY—2-bedrm. (Set PHONE DU. EVENING* H < rrHir *&. 'til midnight. With or Without Basement t Enjoyable Summer Living *lls. LO. 4-0813. —lO brick, 4815 Alton at , off Southern i 3f_ OPEN SUN., MON., 2-* gii i»th at V™ s-1300 Walter Reed Gardens FAIRFAX COUNTRY CLUB AREA • ave., *IOO mo.; 2-bedrm. semldet. OIL 1 SWIMMING POOL JA. 5-3500 New. beautifully conatr.. all-brk.. . brick, off U. 8. 50, toward An- A MAJOR CO. 5345 29th ST. N.W. OUTSIDE PATIOS 4- ranch atyl* home. Large ! napolts. $95 M. SMILEY, , Ha* for ltaat to desirable parties CONN.. FURNISHED OR Uv. and sep. mo. DOUG —3 several new service station outlets (EAST OF OFF MILITARY! WOODSIDE 1 and 2 Bedrms., Unfurn. Yacht Harbor—Sun Deck CROSS MEMORIAL BRIDGE. FOL- rm. din. rm. with Ige. . INC. UN. 4-8260. I $27,000, GI trane- LOW ARLINGTON BLVD. (U. 8. covered patio off din. rm; N. ARL.—3-bedrm. det. home, with ! in Winchester. Va. These location* 1 app.; owner UNFURNISHED 50) carpeting w-w r ferred—Brick colonial. 3 bedrma., $79.50 AND $95 TO OLEBE RD . THERE LIFT throughout: dgyltght flrepl.. larte din. 2 screened I are situated so as to attract local -1 Spacious Lawns 3 BLOCKS bamt.; beaut, fln. full heat,rm.. full bsmt.. as well an transient trade; rentals 2 bath*, powder rm.. rec. rm.. It INCLUDING UTILITIES TO DOMINION ARMS. rec. ran.; 2 fuU 1 porches, h.-w. oil small Investment fine , bath, 24-ft. Ilv.rm., ultramod. kit. MANOR FROM UP baths; OE all-elec. kit., garb. Dlsp 2-car garage; newly redee.; $125. reasonable: in 10102 OA. AVE.. SIL. BPO. $102.50 dlshw., —4 opportunity for engaging in a busi- ESTELLE PEARCE. EM. 3-8884 Less than 2 miles from Pentagon. & etc.: basebd. h.-w.h.; *2OO I KE. 6-4431. your - SHANNON LUCHS appt.. large bedrooms. ness of own. If Interested ¦ ~~~0 CHOICE EXTRA-LARGE Arlington Hell and Ft. Myer; laun- Open Dally 9 Til d HUNTING MANAGEMENT mo. 705 Plnehurst av*. For , AURORA HILLS—3 call MR. M. J. at Winches- dry facilities and storage rooms; call CR. ;) 2 baths, basement, screened I GROW CHEVY CHASE 1 and 2-Bedrm. Apt., SBS and Up i 3-2694. porch: fullJ. F. CUNNINGHAM. ter 7124 or 0611, or write Box Utilities Included close to shopping. FOR FRBE BROCHURB BENT WITH OPPOR. TO BUY— *175. 41-L. Star. —fl DO SCHOOLS Occupancy ’ OT. 4-6716. or JB. 2-0324. COUNT? duly and Auxust KI. 8-8181 TOWERS APARTMENTS WANTED Staining white .i-bedrm. home.: Mt. 1 Here Is a 3-bedroom brick within JA. 8-4226: JA. 6-0077. 6. EFFICIENCIES FROM SBO ! Rainier; no Md. fare; ige. lot; Ige. 1 OR 2 FAMILY BRICK. 1082 4th EXCELLENT INVESTMENT walking distance of the finest Vacant, rooms, rm., public Pa- JO. 8-21*8 —8 , BEDRMS. FROM sllO VIRGINIA PROPERTIES wanted to rm«7 * porches; equipped kit. SP. at. n.e. 8 rec. operstlns day nursery rochial and schools DIR.: Acroaa 14th St. Bridge tc service, 1 through- Bueesssful powder in th# hwy. 1 Utils, lncl., secretarial shop- manate. Excellent rental service 3- 4 eerered front porch; redee. school. Business be city; den. room, modern FT Shirley hwy. Follow Shirley .• center, restaurant, park- given to apartment eon increased. good MYER AREA Seminary ping free owners. Fhona out; sll6 mo. on lute. house, 2V, beau- kitchen: storage and to rd. exit. Turn lelt and mg lots, TE TE. N. ARL.—6-rm. brick Capo Cod: ree. Larte 10-ra. acres apace: clotel TONG BRANCH 108 N. Brookslde dr.—Large 1-bed- follow aigna to model i garages, buses direct to 6-7244. 6-7344. or KL 9- ra.; clooo to bus and schools; *l4O tiful around; land very valuable very low S2O *. Open Sun- rm. apts. In garden-type develop- BrookriUo 1 Pentagon and Navy Annex. Express 6044 . Bungalow, nearby Md. Nice condi- open Sat. and Sun. For day and Monday from 1. From convenient to apt. buses 20 min. A Furni- AL BAKER ft mo. KI. 6-8868. —4 vaunt. 6 rooms, with Office Chevy Chase ment; everything; s rur yard, paved strut; *92.60 mo. special appointment. Newly Decorated Apartments dining L, OR To inspect, call 916 EUaworth Dr. JU. Sanaoney. caU Mra. ¦asy-to-Clean AND IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY CO-OP. APTS. fOR SALE equip, kit. (dtah- on lnae. 6-6^oo rat. 3-1162. —8 Tile Floors Air Conditioned VIC. GLEBE RD. LEE HWT. SHOWING 9 ‘TIL 9 washer. Dispoeall, washing ma- ROGER MOSS, HO. 2-6020 Cross Ventilation In Every Apt. NORTH ARLINGTON ON MT. VERNON BLVD. IN ALEX. chine, elec, atove. relgr. Very large FOR LEASE MERRYFIELD Si WOODS . 1-BEDROOM APT SBS S.E.—l bedrm., screened porch, shad* trass. Close Evm. and Sun., LA. 6-8926 Beautiful Pomar Apts., lo- 5 KI. 8-8484 1 east south exposures; day Monday 1. per and $67.26 school*, shopping and tranap. *l4O. and from EU. x-BEDRM. APTS. .------_***DT shopping , 2-BEDROOM APT 105 mo. lncl. all utils.; nr. 2 bus- Avail. July 7. 6409 21at at., north. MAJOR*OIL CO. 2-2216. Bor special appointment. cated bet. 2 cen- —B__ lines. LU. 1-6011. —s KE. Houses 3-bay aervica call Mra. Banaoucy, KM 3-H62. INCLUDING UTILS. EXCEPT ELEC. ? NAYLOR 6-8640. —a Recommended A atatlon. located on a RESMOR- JIL7-6731 ters—Parkington and Vir- ’ One block to shopping and bua; GARDEN’S—Attrae. 2-bed- 700 BLK. BOXBORO FL. N.W.—6- A. U. Park. Fessenden ft. n.w.—4 prominent highway in St. Marys MON-BAT. 0-8: BUN, l*-» kitchen with rm. apts., conv. to shops, schools oil heat: bedrms., 1 bath, liv. rm., rm.. County. aqulpment ap- . equipped garbage dis- and to buyer. rm. semldet.. conv. every- din. Stock and ginia Square—off Washing- posal; storage and laundry fa- ! bua: terms auit LU. thing. SBO mo. WO. —4 kit.; convenient to shopping and I proxlmateiy $4,000. Available im- MASON HALL 1-6283. —s 6-1339. trangp. AvaU. lmmtd.; *l6O per mediately. Please caU weekdays. $19,950 CHEVY CHASE LAKE ton blvd. at Fairfax dr.; live i cUltiea. 1420 Abingdon Dr., Alex., Va. 1 COLORED—ATTRAC. CO-OF APT BEVERLY HILLS, VA.—Daslrgbla 2- mo. BT. 3-1672. —lO Four Bedrooms 2 bedrms , liv. rm.. kit. and bath: bedrm. and den: excel, equip.; gar.; : Sumner. 4902 Brookway dr.—4 bed- APARTMENTS in homey residential at- M: T. Broyhill & , $75 monthly note Includes heat, 8150. Available July 7. Appt. rma., 3 baths. rm.. din. rm . Drugless Drug Store One block from wonderful Heart! Sons 5 janitorial service and JA. and Uv. bamt. playground A , 4624 Lee Hwy JA. 4-J3OO ) maintenance. only. 4-0209. High woodsy. kit., den. tide screened porch, and school. really S-Bedrm., *-bath Unit. mosphere; quiet adult only. Open from 2 ’t|l 6 p.m. Sun. Nr. —-4 garage. lmmed.; $250 pleasant detached home in a vary * Unite, and*180... 457 Manor pi.p.m. Apt. 4. Ptntaion. and AvaU. 1 With soda fountain. Oood location fine neighborhood 1 and Bedim. 80S *ll4 2-Bedrm. Apt., SBS, lncl. Gas I Completely redecorated effi- n.w.. TA. AND per mo. in nearby eaUbllthed; on a lovely large * 3 ANN ALE AREA—3-bedrm. Va. Well Center-hall 9-2797. ramb., fireplace. brick ‘ Sumner. 4912 Brookway dr.—2 bed- doing good, profitable lot living room with COOLING POMPONIO apt. OB kit. with Dis- business. fireplace, adj. porch, din- NIGHT FANS 1-BEDRM. APT., $74 ciency with dinette, ¦ posal and rm*.; rambler; 1 bath, large ilv. Owner sacrificing. Small pay- eeoarat* dishwasher, full bsmt.; flrepl.. dining kit.; down ing room and nice kitchen. 2nd BT QUAINT ACRE* Arlington-Rosslyn. Conv. to bus. . full kitchen, dressing room, _ APARTMENTS WANTED swimming pool prlvlls.; *126. JR. rm.. irn. OE ment will handle. This it your op- ' floor has end bath. LANDSCAPING REALTY CO. •hopping. JA. N. Oak. 4- 2-car garage. Avail, lmmed.; Sli6 portunity. See it todayl basement..bedrooms Tli# ' 6-7270. 1800 —s per CaU MR. full it at garden level and BROCHURE MAILED ON REQUEST JA. 7-0080 —2 ; tile bath. The best value in ’ N.W. SECTION, D. C—2 or S-bed- 5 ROOMS; Ige. lot: 1 blk. from atoree mo. BROWN with can be ueed for recreation. ground For information call De- 8719 Chevy Chase Lake Dr. Virginia. rm. unfurn. apt., floor; pvt. and bus. Call JU. 6-0022. —4 YEONAS REALTY tached garage. entr., front and rear, with Inclosed COLUMBIA PINES—I-bedrm. brick ; W. C. & A. N. MILLER 3525 St. N.W. Chevy Chase. Md. OL. 4-4100 FOR THOSE WHO CARE rear yd. Or house; avail, now or rambler, breakfast bar. full bamt., CO. JA. 8-2100 JA. Quebec elec, kit., Ige. yard patio DEVELOPMENT OPEN SUN. Aux. 1. —3 with and _ AND MON.. $74.50 DE. 2-7234. ‘ Rental Dept. EM. 2-4464 retch; 1-6 ARLINGTON A 1 rm. plus bedrm.'. kit. and barbecue. $146 per mo. JE. 4-4916. —3 To Wls. ave. to Quebec al- COUNTRY CLUB UTILITIES INCLUDED fT--bath, all well-furnished, to rent 0532 Terrace pl., Falla Church. —3 ¦ MOTELS FOR SALE right. buy co-op AVE. Advice and consultation by JAMES or on basis, by bachelor, 1513 PENNSYLVANIA S.E.— CHEVY CHASE, MD. exclu- ... E. SCHWAB Section of Bethesda Consider such features as: age preferably 6- and bath brick, sive full-time motel and Conn. Ave. 44: area American *BS per mo. NEW. 4 34 bath*, liv. broker I 5522 EM. 2-6800 LUXURY 2-BEDRM. APTS. Newly completed sun deck, U- or Wash. Cathedral. Box 137- Call LI. 3-4843. —3 bedrma.. luxe travel specialist, offering recom- M. star. 4. ON DISTRICT convenient to rm., ten. din. rm.. oa kit ; mendations on best buys in motel* Frederick Courts LINE, 2-ear garage, screened porch, rec. ! FROM carpeted halls, attractive Bolling Field. Navr Air Station, rm.; 2- and sites. Large motels with cash GEORGETOWN AREA $l2O transp. and 4 $276 mo. OWNER. OL. payments of $16,000 and up; a lobby, MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE NRL. shopping; a or —3 bought for 2034 TUNLAW RD. INCLUDING UTILITIES 3 Incinerators, 3 ele- [ bedrm. home, Ige. shady lot. LO. 1987. small motel can be dishwasher, 7- —3 $6,000 cash, balance easy pay- OPEN SUNDAY. 1 TO 6 Feature! include garbage AVAILABLEIMMEDIATELY vators, laundry and storage STREET JUST MT. North Story- ments. Row house, disposal, master TV antenna, re- APARTMENTS i MOVING ACROSS THE or OFF VERNON BLVD.—4 ArUngton 2 ahort blocks across ths country: storage in and atone; 3 cottmgc: suit, for cplg. west of Wis. ave.; attractively ceiving eloset and air-conditioning facilities, parking. separate safe packing. bedrm. brick baths; book w/flrepl., JOE THOMPSON modernized, . off-street rooms: expert $l6O mo. lease. Will furnish. CaU I Bedrm.. liv. rm. car- H. screened porch , delightfully facilities. of wood- i Phone NO. 7-0104. UNION STOR- A. EDGE, port. etc. Ref.: $8(1. KE. and cool patio, 2 Situated In midst ¦ beautiful ) Only minutes from AGE H. SO. 6-4006. 8-4769, mornings only. 232 WOODWARD BLDG. bedroom* and 1 setting bordering Rock 2-BEDROOM APTS. $92.50 TO $97.50 NatlcpaJ CO.. INC. Established 1900 N. ARL, nr. Waah. Goll and Coun- bath on. land Creek * try floor, studio Park. 1 ml. north of Naval Hos- - Airport, Pentagon and LIGHT HAULING, local moving; Club—3 bedrms.. full bsmt., EM. 3-1220, Day or Night 2nd rm. and 1 v i beaches a specialty. gas heat; excel, location good ! bath with separate entrance vital and NIH. APTS. 80.00 82.50 8. L. MORRIS. lot. ROCKVlLLE—Attractive! 3-bedrm. in Mra. 1-BEDROOM TO ’ dovmtown Washington. In- TU. 2-1150 or U. 6-2889 Willfurnish. CaU H. A. EDGE, SO. rambler, avail. July 17; *IOO. basement. Newfeld. AND SCHAFER, REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCH. 6-1733. on premises. today. MOVING HAULING, day or 5- HOWARD R. OL. 2-5441 ir.: Out Wig. pl.. INCLUDED spec night; expert handling; KENSINGTON—3-bedrm. rambler, SO. ave. to W ALL UTILITIES reasonable rm.; yard; left on W pl. to Tunlaw rd., PARKSIDE rates. DU. 7-9687. bsmt. rec. fenced $125 j SOUTHEAST 24-bath, aeralde- . BUILDERS AND AGENTS Attention. MOVING AND mo. LO. 6-2800. HUOGINS ft-1 3 bedrm.; yard fenced; Wish to trade clear D. C. home cn COLUMBIA PIKE Office premises open EDEI.MAN STORAGE INC. tached rear 3 b.r., 2. b. nearby APARTMENTS RENTAL OFFICE, 5050 on dally, 9 —Will accept surplus furnituie at HARRISON. *125. , . house Va. or a.m.-0 p.m., or call OV. 3-2704, part part, your storage. GLASSMANOR—SemIdet. 2-bedrm. 1 Md.. balanca cash. SP. 4-4778 ers- on moving, baths, with j Three-bedrm. rambler: eicel. ahaded DIRECTIONS: Bouth on Mount Ver- Reas. TA. 9-2937; eves.. RA. 3-1416., 14 rec. rm. U OL. 7-9370 Harry Cragin, Manager non blvd. to 2d traffic light on 8‘ fenced yard, patio, garden. E.' CAMPBELL. Call for WOULD LIKE TO TRADE EQUITY entering Alex., turn right small, Prefer couple Feta al- ¦ C??ARLM —* in 30 mi. from D. C . GEORGETOWN 8 and fol- CHESTER MOVERB. lgs. or with child. ’ appt., JO. 3-6400. 38-acre farm. Phone JA. 8-6630 low sign. we do them careful lowed. $lO7 mo. LO. 7-3745. in Va., for waterfront property. KI. OPEN SUN., 2-5 all: clean and 1301 C ST. N.E.—6 He. gas 0-1898. —fl . Legum & Gerber Realty Co. , ST. 3-8570, TA. 9-0115. eves. rms.. IN AND D. C.’* MOST COMPLETE BEST MOVERS IN TOWN Low auto. heat. Inclosed rear porch. 1 CHOICE LOCATIONS COME COOL OFF rates: exper. men: 24 hr.; S7O. Call RA. 3-0739. —3 FALLS CHURCH AREA 2724 OLIVE AVE. SUBURBAN COMMUNITY apt., s2o; 1-bedrm. BUNGALOW—6 rms.. conven. lo- . s96—Modern, 2-bedrm.. ranch- HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. FULLY closed vans: Ins. LU. 1- cated; type rambler, newly deco- AIR-CONDITIONED 0500. SBS mo.: shaded lot. fruit atoraga Beautfiully . trees; MR. rited; radiant heat; ' AMERICAN UNIVERSITY decorated with n.e. Waah. ROBEY. PARK. - - ARLINGTON DI. 7-6620. 3* attic: sodded lot. 4518 Albemarle st. n.w.—3-bedrm.. wall to wall carpeting HOUSES FURNISHED yard, sl36—Poplar Heights. The choice bsth-and-a-htlf large liv- throughout. Charming Uv. LANGLEY CLAREMONT WHEATON—2 bedrms.. fenced community with Colonial: flrepl.. 2 bedrma., 2 ing spaciou* rm with full bsmt.; nr. school and bus; Falls Church room with fireplace, study. alum, storm windows its swimming pool and 3 bedrms., baths and Huae stor- TOWERS MacARTHIR BLVD—O rms.. fur- and doors. own kitchen, dining rm.. ige. age Excel, nished. for summer months Reas. AvaU. July 15. LO. 4-7639. recreation center; 3-bedrm. full basement. Open Sat.. Sun. space financiwt. Arlington, Va. utils, furn.; or brick rambler; OE and Mon D. ORUVBR. NA. Priced in *2O« for immediate PARK 2733 S. Walter Reed Dr. longer; priced very range,all-eleetrtc C. tale. THE WASHINGTON LARG- reas. KE. 7-0228 or EM. 2-2395. ARL.. Country Club Manor, near kitchen with garbage 8-1737; eva*.. OL. 3-5046. —4 AREA’S and Country Club—2- DisposaU. dishwasher and AMERICAN PARK, by owner, APARTMENTS EST ELEVATOR-TYPE AIR-CON- Wash. Golf country,if. agents—Corner Simmons Properties $89.50 DITIONED DEVELOPMENT. JUST 1 —B complete apts.; story brlck-and-frame Colonial. 3 Bendlx washer. Large picture leaving no Eves,. 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, avail, bsmt., windows: storage Colonial, 4 bedrms., 2 Vi baths, DE. 2-0730 OV. 3-028 T NEW HAMPSHIRE AVI. EXTENDED EXCEPT ELECTRICITY ACROSS FROM IWO JIMA MEMO- newly decor.; lmmed: in- bedrma., flrepl.. full screened wooded tolot:Pentagon. brick AT UNIVERSITY LANE (INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES I come $206; porch. Owner on premises, 4935 attic: 15 min. superior construction; spacious Uv. 34th N. House with basement illgntly den. powder rm.. —Through —Laundry rd. Arl. *l4O per mo. and din. rms., laundry equip.; ’kalorama Rd., 20th St Area" Ventilation Faellltiaa t CHASE. MD.—Largs FaLLS CHURCH, VA.—3-bedroom gas h.-w.h.. elec, 1 BEDROOM $73.50 —Private Entrance —Storage Lockers c»pletely com-i Fines. Beautiful garage: from bus; priced A large. 12-room, exceptionally furnished house; spacious de luxe rambler; large yard, feneed sl6o—Columbia brick block tound constructed —Modern Equipped Kitchens —Fireproof _ Efficiencies, fully auto, subdivision, near Annandale. low. --4 house, but la —Shopping Center from SBO.OO until Aug. 80. OL. rear yard, kitchen: WO. 6-5824. need of throughout 2 BEDROOMS 83.00 —Parquet Floors . New. 3-bedrm. brick PARK— .ation ana flpaea Playgrounds swimming pool prims. JB. 2-5603. rambler; AMERICAN UNIVERSITY astoundlngly ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED —Uneoualled Closet —Fenced Bedrm. Apts., from 102.50 , ARLINGTON—2-bedrm. brick; "bamt. large picture windows, full Immediate occupancy; 3-bedrn. therefore priced low. —Radiant Heat —Efficient Maintenance Servlet Near school and basement, pulldown stairway brick; lat-fioor powder rm., re. Terms. Call Wm. Harrington. —Bus Through Devslopment Penthouses, from 245.00 bus: sll6. 2608 i FALLS CHURCH. *I4D-3 bedrm*., Hi. —Master TV Antenna *¦ Trgx «t. Long-term bells. F. 14 baths, Uv. rm., to attic; tarbage disposal, rm.; *22,750. Phone WO. 6-5274. 8-9300: avas. and week ends. EM. Most Reasonable j. McFarland,. ja. 7-6290. LUCILLE COOK, 35x14: bsmt.. dishwasher, electric range and -CHEVY CHASE 3-7448. —3 JR. 2-3272. —8 —Brand-new home Rents in Area and Elementary; the New Shopping MERIDIAN HILL PABK—Unique 2- ARL., 2550 N. Granada—Redwood refrigerator. Largo, spacious quality brick BOSS & PHELPS, Claremont Abingdon center, garagea, 1 atory brk. Georgetown-type, rambler: 3 bedrms., lot. in a choice location near Lafayette INC. ¦paalous ante., all double exposure aun dccka. play area, ampl* con- flrepl.. feneed School and canter, vantllatlon. large Wakefield Junior and Senior High Schools parking, every verted, eoach house; 2 bedrma.. liv. yard, patio, garage: deed end cir- recreation wide and treat Two convenience din kit cle. center large ilv. ra., tremen- “ shopping eenters and grada school and only mlnutea from down- rm.. rm.. . bath, laundry. , $136. EM. 3-9084. Larchmont Realty, Inc. taaU. Adjacent Key oil heat, floors, well 608 rms., dous din. rm.. super de luxe elec- adjacent to project. town over Memorial or hardwood VAC’. Htmllton st. n.w.—6 tric kitchen with 1215 FERN ST. N.W. laqulrt About ths Attractive Furnished Apartment Flan Bridges Arlington furn.; avail.; for discriminating btth. refer., auto, ht., eonv. loc., JB. 4-8900 JE. S-7219 plenty of egtlnx Overlooking on bird. bsmt., gar., spate. beautiful Walter Reed bachelor or eouplo. AD. 2-0610. yd., SIOO. RA. 8-0179. TWIN-SIZED BEDROOM rounds. Newly painted exterior. OPEN AND FULL BATH on Ist fl.: 2 im- hall, JA. 2-5003 Day and Evening Inspection OFF 16th PARK bedrms. and bath 2nd E ante entrance living rm. wltli ¦at., • s.m.-7 p.m.; Sun.. 1-7 p.m.; t N.W., Lament et.. at%- ALEX., 8 mins, to Pentagon—3 bed- “MICHIGAN mense on fireplace, dining with bay weekdays. to 7 p.m. DAILT. * TO 9; SUNDAY. 10 TO S brary—Nicely furn.. new eond.: room brk., 14 baths, full bsmt.: 6002 12th at. n.a.—3-bedrm., aemi- fl.; beautiful, big. out-of-ground ra. win- 8 a m. 3 brick home; kitchen; dow. attractive kitchen; oil burner, (Open July 4, Noon TUI 7 P.M.) JA. 5-5500 bedrma.. Ilv. rm . din. rm.. Ice. gas heat; 1 blk. from elementary det.. mod. basement, and overilted built-in cellar. 8-7039, kit. school, kindergarten, full bamt.; 1H baths: disposal unit. garage. lot; hot-water heat, attic, W* Our Rental Office Will Be Closed on the 4th WH. ra. 6-6321. —3 shopping cen- 8-ft. Nice shaded 828.060. Invite you to inspect it New Hampshire avt.. COLLEGE PARK—Summer rental, ter. direct bus service: fenced refrr. Only $lO6 monthly; FRANK S. PHILLIPS, OL. 2-7008 and make Office*: S2Ol 3 bedrms., quiet rear 1-fare bus zone. Weekdays by ap- offer. Eve. Mr. Schults. RE. 7-0775. AND 140* UNIVERSITY LANE. SHANNON &LUCHS 1 Its baths; Immediate yard; neighborhood, excel, eve*. KE. 7-1380. —3 Drive out 16th at. right to Fwa, MANAGEMENT posseasion: $125 mo. TO. 0-8499. lent for children; conv. to O. W. pointment. CHEVY CHASE BUFEB RAMBLER—- right to High School; TE. STEUART BROS.. INC. brick rambler with heavy house. CALL RESIDENT MANAOER CONN. *125. 6-8138. 7-2434 7-8005 larte Uv 4-3200 ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF AVE. AND —4 DI. DI. slate roof: wide center hall. OPEN SUN., 2:30-6 HE. summer rent: 4 bedrms., 3 baths; , nr. State Dept—- rm. 15x26V,; aep. din. ran., huge LUXURY APARTMENTS « ARLINGTON’S NEWEST FORT BENNETT Stein way Bendlx: yd. Reas. KE. 7- rms.; new elegant; fireplace, kit, 3 bedrms., 2 bath*, screened L. T. GRAVATTE H. G. SMITHY CO. 1 patio. Reasonable. OL. 6-8230. porch, flagstone patto. rec. rm. and 1518 K St. Realtor NA. 8-07 M *ll 18th Bt. N.W. BT. 8-3300 INGRAHAM BT. N.W.—Clean.~cool. —3 Vi bath. 2-car built-in garage; BENNETT, 3 bedrms., acr. porch, garage, ANNANDALE COLORED—SB9 priced at $39,500 FRANK 8 FORT SOUTH APARTMENTS 1 bsmt.; transp.: AREA—2-bedrm. ram- DETACHED COR., 18th E N.E. AT *l6O. LA. 6-14_55. bler on fenced 'a acre: 14 baths; and PHILLIPS, DI. 7-1411; evea.. WO. IS UNLIKE ANY APARTMENT YOU'VE SEEN THESE Beautiful View in sep. OTHER HOUSES AND APTS. AVAIL. 3231-3227 45th ST. N.W. RENTALS YOU'LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE—AND rec. rm. full bsmt.: din. rm.. 6-4754. —36880 OPEN SAT.. SUN., MON.. 1-5 ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY CLUB HlLLS—Modern’ 2- screened, porch. flrepl:; 12-ft. Ist NATL. REALTY CHEVY CHASE. Hawthorne, NEW brick Colonial*. Riggs Manor LOVE IT AT FIRST SIGHT. With High Elevation bedroom brick, library, 1 baths, Avail. Aug. Oregon ave. n.w.; new brick and 2 Your cholea large screened porch, freerer. 1 for 10 mos. 2 Thomas Circle N.W. RE. 7-3534 rambler; center hall. of a 3 or 4 bedrm. eustom-biult, Corner Riggs and bullt-ln ga- *125. JE. 4-4422. —3 stone 24x13 compl. Overlooking Potomac rage: washer, lltb $65 living room, separate dining room, equip. NEW home in this automatic drier, falls chubch-annandale ares. COLORED—3I7 BT. S.E.I excel, residential in . . . ironer; completely Two mo.—Good cond.: 6-rm., brk. de luxe electric kitchen. 3 twin- are*. Priced Ager SEE THESE LUXURY FEATURES furnished: beau- 3-bedrm. brk houses; elec, kit.; bath. Mass, Rds. And Washington u yard; year bsmt.; mins, gat Owner, sired and bath*, upper 30a. Out ave., ]tf{ l*f ' $lB5. lease. Ken- 15 to Pentagon; swim, New h.-a.h. OL. 2-0026. bedroom* 2 colored at., more 14* pool large acreened porch, basement on Cathedral ave. to 46th rum WEST HYATTSVILLE FOYERS . . . EXTRA-LARO* ROOMS In Virginia 8-7124. prlvlls.; 36-ft. rambler: $125. fullgame 2 to open sign. —3 ENTRANCE MT. VERNON BLVD. AREA—Beau- 45-ft. rambler; $l6O. JE. COLORED—33O6 NEW HAMP.~AVE. with spacious daylliht room blks. SEPARATE DINING ROOM . . . BALCONIES . . . BUILT-IN tifully furn. 2-2783. N.W.—B rooms, 2 kits. Colonial and bath, laundry room and double CLOSET . . . PASTEL-COLORED WALLS . . . LARGE. ARLINGTON’S in 3-bedrm. brk. rambler situated LARGE DE LUXE APTS. CHINA desirable community: conv. to ALEXANDRIA, Braddock Heights—- front; $126 per mo. AD. 4-2976 garage: this home is on COMPLETELY EQUIPPED KITCHEN. MOST schools, shops, churches; $125 per -3 bedrooms, CO. 5-5178. —4 beautiful corner lot factna Rock WOOD ACRES APTS. FEATURE LOE. ROOMS , CONVENIENT APTS. month. brick detached; excel- or WO. THROUGHOUT: TREMENDOUS BERNICE CARTER DAVIS. lent condition; screened porch COLORED —6025 ILLINOIS AVE. Creek Park. Owner-builder. DISPOSALS, PLUS BU. 5-5844. a autcmatic washer drier, N.W.—Rent and buy. brick, S CLOSETS. GARBAGE One Block From Key Bridge , and fin- 20-lt. at. 5900 GLOSTER RD. FANS AND INDIV. LOCKERS. LAUNDRY SE Am-BAS* AREA—Cape Cod. 3 ished recreation room, brick ga- compl. redee.; 6 Ig*. rm*. bsmt.. cSiilvr CHASE, 0444 Slat n.w.— KIT. EXHAUST MASTER TV ANTENNA. 6TORAOE New fireproof apartments, large liv- bedrooms, gat 1 Open all day today—Det. brick Co- BINS FOR TENANTS. FACILITIES. AIR CONDITIONING POWER OUTLET AND A ing rooms, plenty of closets parking; rea«. rage; S2OO moifth. CaU after 6 h.-w.h. ST. 3-4415. OPEN SAT. STORAPE FOR YOUR LARGE and L>U. 3* pm. TA. 9-0651. —2 fsrage.A. 9-8749. —3 lonial; 5 bedrma.. 2 baths. Ice. AND SUN.. 1-DARK RECREATION ROOM PARTIES. storage space, master TV antenna, i BEAUTIFULLY LOG and bath, study, breakfast rm.; dish washer Equipped kitchen with garbage dis- room house, FURNISHED 8-bed- CABIN—h rms. st- COLORED —434 Bth ST. B.W. and disposal; rec. rm.; lovely neigh- PICTURE-BOOK ROM!” 1 BEDROOM, $83.50 landry choice Issetlon. to | rage. 2 porches, full basement; on PER MO. Near Agr. ¦ Distinguished Apartments posal and exhaust fan; fa- Refs, required. I *70.50 Dept. borhood; $25,000. Directions; Bast Three-Bedroom parking, 1- Call Wu. 2 acres: In shade: 3/10 ml. from Mod. kit. cilities. off-street fenced-! 6-554. after Morday. Immaculate. 6-rm. brick. on Nebraska ave. to Utah, left to ' Homes in this desirable area are talk in for the Camp Springs School. 7361 Brink- and bath. New. aas. h.-w.h. BT. log almost 2 BEDRMS., From $92.50 equipped playgrounds ] BETHESDA—fI-rm. rambler; 2 ley 8-4700. —3 3-4416; TA. 9-8749. —3 fllst st.. right to 6444. OWNER. as toon at advertisedl $165 MONTHLY kiddies; close to schools and shop- rms., 2 baths, bed- rd. Central BM. 2-6161. —fl For your convenience, this charm- 5-min. drive to 2 d-m. porch, bsmt., 1 COOL, 3-YR.-OLD RAMBLER, sub- COLORED—1311 UNION ST. S.W.— ing home be OPEN 3 BEDROOMS, $lO5 (INCLUDES UTILITIES. EXCEPT ELECTRICITY) ping; Pentagon. garage; dishwasher, disposal, wash, urban Mont. County—3 6 and bath, oil heat; MT. PLEASANT Bpacioua. 22-ft.- will over tha UTILITIESINCLUDED min. to bus. 5 min. to streetcar machine, drier, deep bedrms.. rms. com- ¦ wide row brick home, in excellent holidays. frees. Avail. tiled bath, din are*. Ige. Ilv.rm., pletely redecorated; SBO mo. Call condition; downtown. Aug. 1. *750 OL. din. full TU. —7 4 bedrooms. 2 finished AN ADDRESS OF PRESTIGE mo. Call 4-5640. equip, kit. with space, 2-9200. in basement; priced IMMACULATEINTERlOß—Spacloua- Transportation, schools and 2 Bedrooms SIIO.OO dry bsmt.. Ige. fenced yd . drlye- COLORED CHANNING BT. N.E.. rooms and bath ¦ porch, beautifully BRENTWOOD. floor,'* 2 way: from Rh. low at $14,360, GI approved; can neae. secluded IN NORTH ARLINGTON, VA. bedrooms MD.—lst 4 block from school; good acrosa Island Plaza—Det. be with landscaped shopping adjacent proj- 1 Bedroom 90.00; , and basement: *Bll neighborhood, available *ll6 brick, nice by bought as little as $760 around*. to 1 heat mo now; vard. surrounded Call SHANNON . Convenient to Key Bridge Included. WA. 7-5888. —3 per 4-6447 8. —2 beautiful homes: 3 bedrooms, gas down. ft LUCHS For 1- sum.-apt... 125.00 < CAPITOL rms.; ] mo. HE after heat, $l4O. Aug, CO.,Ctll 9). KE. 7-1800. further Information, over holi- ect. store,HEIGHTS. MD.—5 FALLS CHURCH. VA 3-bedroom Available in To days and nlahtt, call OL. 4-7629- Two Blocks From Busline and Shopping Center school, bus. conv.; lmmed. rec. rm.. gar.: 2 flre- see now, call V. D. JOHNSTON. 10- SHEPHERD PARK,, slß.9so—An in- 2- furn. apt... 150.00 occur.; no objec. child. JO. brk.: 2-car 4. HU. 3-4616. credible vtlue for the handy mtnl 8-6613. pl*.; cor. lot. 1 blk. from stores baths, EXCLUBIVB RESIDENT MANAGER realdent at Ft. INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES and also 4-bedrm. stone BT. N.W fl Ice. bedrms.. 2 small den. Shown by appt only. Contact mar. Bennett. N. bus; house. COLORED—46O7 13th tiled powder rm.. through-center Mra. Cumberland, 1921 N. 21at St., Apt. 1. JA. 5-4044. ATTRACTIVELY FURN. semldet. C. W. CROSSMAN, JE. 2-1246. MODERN. 4-BEDROOM, BRICK METZLER -REALTOR-BUILDER 6803 RIGGS RD. SOME WITH BALCONIES corner home. Three bedrms., HOME: FINISHED REC. RM.; hall. Ige. liv. and din. rmt.. de- , (at Nebraska) baths, . m : 3* $l6O tached gar. excellent lot. House 5022 Conn. Ave. EM. SOME WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE full din. rm kit. with NEARBY VA.—B-bedrm. rambler MO. LOU 18 RUDDKN, EX. 3-6707. on 1 2-7400. HA. 2-7851 BROYHILL A CORP. breakfast nook, screened porch. ' —2 needs extensive redee.. but would - M. T. SONS with exp. attic; fln* kitchen; $lO5 •ell for $25,000 good OPEN DAILYTILL S P.M. FREE BROCHURE AVAILABLE saraec. autn. washer. 5707 3rd mo.; lmmed over in cond. AND 7 ON REQUEBT pl. n-w. Open Sat. Sun,. 2 possession. MANNAS FRANK 8. PHILLIPS. OL. 2-700 d; Custom-Built Ramblers ¦AT. SUN. TILL P.M. 4624 Lee Highway, Arl. JA. 4-1300 reach: and REALTY, 2118 Wilson blvd., JA. 4-5709. —3 (OPEN JULY 4, 12-7 P.M.) To Over Key Brtdge. west on g HOUSIS TO SHARK eves.. OL. - Lee hwy. 1 blk. to Oak at., right to 1 LARGE 8-BEDRM. HOUSE 8- SPRING VALLEY—One of Wash- , suitable NR. WAftH. GOLF AND COUNTRY ' OPEN DAILY AND 1 t» H. G. SMITHY CO. Pierce at. left on Pierce to oorner. for diplomats Excellent location. ARE YOU LOOKING for cool. real., lnston's most patatltl homes; DARK; SUNDAY. •11 15th Bt. N.W. IT. 8-3300 Call EM. 2-9290. JAMES L. CLUB. Arl.—4 bedrmf.. 2 b»th*. In Arl. to custom built 4 years ago and actu- 3 floor plant to choot* Rea. Mir., Mra. ft DIXON sleepinc porch; partly furn. If beautifully situated bouse ally brand-new; lovely from: split levels, etc.; completely —3 Cumberland CO.. BT. 3-7200 desired; tarage; acre; share with man (25)? KE. 8-4976. better than 1021 N. 21at. 1 WEST OF BT. AND RD 2-car X —2 Georgian plan with air conditioned. Out 16th et. to CDLOBED —'BIGHT ACBOSB THE COME ONE, COME ALL APT. i 16th COL. $l6O. Call OWNER. JA. 6-6306. eenter-hall large field office, turn left at drel* to DISTRICT LINE—2 rms. end bath, JA. 6-4044 3 bedrm.. end. sleeping porch, circular stairway; Nice cool BP. 8-7006. —4 OR CALL breakfast porch, liv. rm.. din. rm., —6 Kneefulrary with fireplace and powder North Portal dr.. 2 blocks to apt. kit., bsmt., garage. Adults. ARLINGTON—O blks. vest of HOUSIS WANTIP TO room on flr.: 4 bedrms., dr., right on Sprues dr. to ' SONS full Ist THREE Sprue* Sycamora M. T. BROYHILLSt Rent >156. EM. 2-5355. EM. Hechts. 3 bedrms., baths. 2 baths on 2nd fir.; 2 bedrms. and pruee Dr. and at. to GRAND OPENING SATURDAY 2-4613 story, full bsmt.. rec. rm.. garbage open slant Am UNFURNISHED—VA. 4624 Lee Hwy., Arl.. Va.. JA. 4-1800 auto, VIRGINIA properties wanted to btth on 3rd floor: attractive club- IT. disposal, washer. New. never manage. rental servlet in basement, huge tcreened f5811 4*nd N.W 2-atorr~'det. been occupied. JE. —3 Excellent room Jolles & Sennett Co. A 818 N. Kenmora—Six Not Live brick house; 8 bedrms.. 2-0608. given to TE. porch and patio, over-site built-in , EL.. roome. Why In" din. rm., kit.,lVk beths. 6003 llth ST. N.E.—3-bedrm.. seml- home owners. Phone garage; gorgeous setting Realtor. DI. first floor: large rear lawn, tarage: CONDITIONED COUNTRY ESTATE Ilv. rm , seresned full To take 6-7244. TE. 6-7844. or KI. 9-6644. woodland 7-4j«B welcome. shops ALL AIR ¦ STYLE at porch, oil heat, 1-car garage. det. brick; bsmt. AL BAKER ft SON. INC. 116 in the heart of the eity'e most - children Conv. A. SMITH CO., *166 over unexfilred portion of lease. St. Asaph Alex., S. distinguished residential and tranap - *126 month. Inal, heat DONNA LEE APTS. mo FRED Hl3 4 yrs. well , st.. Va. —3 area. utils, —3 King-size I7th it. n.w., EX. 3-2480. —X House old. modern, FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. T-1411. and fcl4. *-3310. rooms ARL. (nr. Myer)—l-bedrm. equip. Only $lO6 monthly; 1-fare Eves., WO. $13,950 ARL.—Bedrm.. ilv. rm.. dlnett*. kit- Choice of 2 floor plana J Ft. du- bus zone. Phone MR BROWN. LA. BUSINESS 6-4764. —4 bath; above-avg.. conv loc.j mod., Spacious rolling grounds yd., SBS lncl. utils. JA. 6- DI. OPPORTUNITIES- TAKOMA FARE. 6604 2nd n.w.—6- bldg.; Built-in chests of drawers . or 7-2434. —3 ra. bunaglow, basement recre- 170. JA. 8-4885. JA. 2-1890. HAWTHORNE. 0812 32nd st. n.w —- STATION, with MASS. AVE. EXT.—Contemporary OAB Sinclair, shower bath, ln- * SHIRLINGTON Cross ventilation throughout r New, located on ation rm. and bath, PARK white-brick Colonial: busy corner; by 8 bedrma.. lot. ARLINGTON, over- corner Columbia pike at Fred- Donna Lee Playschool 4 bedrms.. 3 baths, maid's rm.: ex- good for mechanic. spectlon appointment only. Eve basement, st.; Our own looking Rock Creek Pk.; Ist fl. con- full tac * -c. heat, erick Magnolia Gardens— Avail, pensively furn. from S«on HIFl to tains liv. rm., din. rm., Small Investment required. RA. LO. 4-0147. L. T. GRAVATTI. and spacious Uvlng- POMPONIO SI,OOO range. All kitchen, 6-9826. —3 ll UNDERWOOD ST. N.W. now. Beautiful stslnless-steel powder rm. and side screened WALTER LOW dinlng room combinations: S large Garden Apartment Development Mgr. conveniences. Fenced ygrd. besut. porch; 2nd RESTAURANT-SANDWICH SHOP, in ’ REfcO*~AEEA, 6420 Luton TAXES bedrooms latest In kitchen equip- JE. 3-8573. Mra. Williams, Rea. landscaped; natlo. terrace, barbe- fl. contains 3 bedrms. Georgetown; corner location; apt. avt. n.w.—Exceptionally well built, CALL MR. HOLDREN. LO. 6-1770 Ideal for and 2 baths. Built-in garage. Lot. Included. Terms and rent all-brick 3 twln-tlied bedrms., ment: parquet fie.. Venetian blinds: cue. entertaining. Near 70 by 220 ft BART- reason- det., 3 exposures: utils, turn. SP(! a mo High off Shirley Highway, in Arlington, Va. schools. *350. OL. 4-1492. 3 ft. HARPER able. Near schools and college. Lo- 2 tiled baths, 7 closets upstairs; Z. A Co. CHASE 8 LETT. INC., EM. 2-0827; LA. cation, st. . Sidney Mensh On* bedroom, $82.60. For Info- CHEVY RAMBLERI rm*.. 6-1886. —3 1301 36th n.w.. HO. It*. Ilv. rm., dtn. rm., kit., fln. 1613 Eye N.W. NA. 8-6440 call JA. 8-3070. BELLE < 2 baths playrm.. dish wash.,- dis- , 2-9467 or HO. 2-0843. —4 rm., lovely pvt. yard; $14,000 ' St. VIEW Post], BEVERLY twin-sized bed- rec. (DEL RAY) Corner apt. In Blvd. *425. MRS. CLYDE C HILLS—3 CAMERA SHOP, beautiful, modern, Ist trust, small town payment; ALEX. bldgs.. On Mount Vernon DUN- 1 rms., ground-level rec. rm. with alr-condlttoned. profitable, wants —8 Colonial-type brtek 8 units 1, 2 3 NINOTON. OL. 2-2635: EM. 2- baths, estab- owner has moved and lmmed. ¦ r overlooking AND BEDROOMS pstio, sep. din. rm., 2 bsmt. busy main Suburban eale drastically price. each, beautiful lawn 20 min. from entrance, garage: lished. road. at reduced Open Bun., 2 to 8 tree*; gar.: 1 bus, 1 mile south Alex. i EMBASSY SECTION, 3629 with outside nice location. For owner-operator. Avail- EM. 2-8714. —3 and shad* blk. downtown. D. C., Pentagon, main st. Mass, Fulton yd. and neighborhood; $176 per with and fixtures. HOME AND shopping, post office: 1 bedrm.. FROM $114.50 Navy 10 min. Port nw. (nr. av*.)—Avail. drive, Alex., able CLEAN etock 1 INCOME—* complete DETACHED CORNER BRICK $00.60-100.50: * $74.60. and to Belvoir. July 1: 4 bedrms., liv. rm., mo. 721 N. Overlook Call MR. MARTIN bet. 10 and 6, apts.. clean and nicely furnlaned; bedrm.- din. Vs. —8 apt. 4417 46th St. N.W. Adults. RAYMOND APfs., TE. rm.. kit., lie. library, garage; *275 , SEMIDET. 8 bedrms., Mon.-Frl.. DU. 7-1307. —5 1 rented, the other owner- , University Park, conven- 0-3100. —2 (All utilities and services included at no NEW mo., furnished. Call Mr. Layers with BUNGALOW. DRESS SHOP, recently remodeled, oocupled; nice quiet neighborhood, American1 ENJOY OUR BIG, ideal for children; SIOO month, atock; ient to the Sprint Vallay-Maaa av*. LOE. STUDIO AFT. with Pullman JOHN H. MILLER. Jr.. NA. 8-2557. utils. JA. after 4 p.m. air cond.; approx. 816.000 In close to (hopping, churches and cotr. foyer, dreeslng and extra charge.) ——3 plus 7-0111 In lga. center In Va.; transp. required. Shopping center. Center hall, seven kit- rm. SWIMMING POOL shopplns sub- Substantia! cash rooms. ( bedrooms). 2 baths, den or bath. Laundry and storatt facili- Available to our tenants at no extra CHEVY CHASE, stantial cash. CULMORE REALTY Navy MD. 3 NR. MELFAR. INC.* Fairfax. vT—4 approved; library and powder rm. on Ist fl., ties. Close to shopping, buses. cost; look forward to glorious days : BT., avail, CO., JE 4-6650. —2 *?»b%.1 bath, JA. relaxation for 107 HEBKETH 4 blk.. from bedrms.. Ufa baths; lmmed.; AUTOMATIC *20,400; bedrooms, recreation rm. and maid’s rm.. Annex and Pentagon. 8-2766. of health and you circle—4 bedrms.. 3 baths, powder agents. CR. 3-1224. LAUNDRY. 20 washing 7 3 baths: 2 porches: garate. Price. *28.600. Rooms, your family; carefree suburban room, no —4 dryers. 2 extra.; doing garage: corner. All front rooms. Largest Anywhere Around and screened porch, garage, oil i OWNER TRANSFERRED, exceptional machines. 3 home includes *3.000 worth of new furni- 1 AND • BEDROOM APARTMENTS. living, combined with every con- heat: now trail. value. Edgemoor lane. Be- approx. 8250 per week; reae. terms For and income. Carpets ture and carpet*. mini, 4820 and included. Price, wall-to-wall Eva.. 5 from Washincton Ar- I . ... JB. soma furniture venience. Furnished *2OO thesda. near NJ.H. and Naval CULMORE REALTY. 4-6650. ft CO., TE 6-1768 Mata av*. to 46th. lington boulevard. Call J. FULLER LARGE BHOPPINO CENTER AND EDW, H. JONES Medical Center: 6 baths, —2 *22,000. STORY Mr. Pll- right to house GROOM . 7-7604; CO.. INC. rooms. 2*4 son. ME. 8-4100( ALL 4-8648. —2 REALTY CO JA. THE VERY BEST LOCATION SCHOOLS ON PREMISES. BUSES l 5520 CONN. AVE. N.W. WO. 8-2300 finished recreation room, gas heat. RESTAURANT, located in Northern , HARVARD JA. 2-0721. —3 fenced yard, on busy U. S. Hwy. Esso 16571 BTREET—Massive L. T. GRAVATTE CLOSE-IN highly de- AT YOUR DOOR. —2 screened porches, Va 11. 4-bedroom row brick town house. , ARL.—Ue ?lagstone patio, attached garage; sat and oil franchise. Now doing modern In 1618 K St. Realtor NA. 6-0768 sirable lst-fl. apt. with 2 king-sire apts ; 'WHITEHALL MANOR—Rambler. 3 and bus; good business. Beautiful Ivy-cov- thoroughly and perfectly , 1. 2. 9 bedroom s*s-$95-$99- bedrms.. 2 Itv. . din. convenient to stores $176 beautiful condition; huge bedrms. $96, with all uttla. Btores 5112.60: all utilities paid. baths. rm rm.. $226 furnished. OL. ered stone bldg, with spacious liv- rooms PUTJ YOUR ROOTS DOWN and transp. nearby. JA. FREE SWIMMING POOL kit., bsmt., garage. *260 per mo. unfurnished. ing must sell and high ceilints: garage, gas 7-1876. August . otrs. upstairs. Owner location; Rentsl office. 601 Belle View blvd . Available 1. ROrKVfLLE, Forest because of heelth. Good lease avail h-w.h : fine, convenient 1814 PARK ROAD N.W. NAVY ANNEX—CIean. Open 33rd AND OUESADA NW 211 ave.~2-1 10 minute* downtown Priced PENTAGON. DIRECTIONS TO MODEL APT.: Dally Through Fri., P-9 ST. —4 1 story brick; quiet residential sec- Priced reas. Box 353-M. Star. 4* from SUN., 1-bedrm. apt.; new cond.; • Sst... p-5; Sun. Noon ’til R P.M. bedrms.. 2 baths, liv. rm.. din. rm. RESTAURANT and night club.: e.e. at *17.960. FRANK 8. PHILLIFB OPEN 1 TO 6 P.M. lncl. utils N South Shirley hwy. bear right at fllrat overhead traffic kit., redecorated. $265 per tion: 3 Ige. bedrms., mod. kit., it* DI. OL. 2-4834. —4 76. Apt. 104. 1900 circle on chopping center, at B. 1 blk. to PHONE SO. 8-8000 AND 8-8001 mo baths; gas h.-w.h.; bsmt.; location; Class C license Setts 7-1411. eves , < lerce st., JA. —4 to Shlrllngton left JELLEFP Avail, lmmed For information call full in- easy TO ffEAVEN. Cleveland Park. > $495 DOWN PAYMENT jool,W 2-0710 entrance and follow aigna to 4510 31at at. sulated; storm windows; gar.: shade 200. Low down payment, *STEPS —Lovely. 7- DE LUXE 2-fIKDBOOM duplex trees: 1 to elementary term. 7-3728. 3* off Connecticut ave NNiceat home of this type we have bldg.; Ige. OE kit . dishwasher, "CONVg&IENCir W. C. & A. N. MILLER blk. new Phone LI. room. 2 V,-bath brick home; center- been privileged to offer In a long For apt. living at school and transp ; $l4O. PO. POOLROOM. 7 table*. Oood bu«lne*« disp.: din. rm.. bsmt.; nr. rour comfortable DEVELOPMENT CO. WO, Bscel. location hall plan, freshly redecorated; many time: Uv. rm.. reception hall. din. PHONE OR WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE and N. THOMAS APTS Rental Dept. EM. $-4464 2-3794 or 6-7900. —3 j 1 Cs*h or term*. extras; farb.entagon and airport: SIOO mo. . st. —3 bullt-ln kitchen wltn table rm . kit., modern tile bath on Ist utils. Otis 006 22nd Ktted off N. Gleb. rd. near 1342 H n.e. _ space; heat: rm . kit., modern tile bath fl ; Plus 4-0660. SLEBE center, 1 AM FORCED TO SELL good Income hot-water tree-sheded on let rl KI. 8-1900 4510 31st St., Arlington, Va.. Hecht'i. ahoPDing end St. . DISTRICT NW.. nearby Md. and « Jumble answer: builnei*. Well-eitabliahed and not settlns overlooking park; detsched 4 extra large private bedrma and »-BEDRM. ' AFT.; nr. Thomas More See theae apacloue accept brick garage; bargain at *20.600 modern on walk- Arlington i Va—Several available. 3 to 8 bed- too confining. Will reas attic,til* bath 2nd flr.: Hechts: garden type, in modern JPH "IN THE HEART OP AR- rooms. 1 to 6 bftths; price range cHore, Upper, WO. 8-01217 —4 up front and rear porchea, bldg : $76. OV. 8-4080. —3 LINGTON.” Rental! from $79. UPPER SHEPHERD FARE, off 16th full Boe it today, Ut. Lam- .set, * MODEL APARTMENT OPEN: with $l5O to $460 club mint* bait. ARLINGTON: rooms, kitchen and me. aMity, BudgeT RMTAuSant—lrlvtteconcessionaire Low overhead. No I st.—Det. 7-rm. brick. t'M baths, apartment: private 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. dsn. ige porch, BBASELjfo bath entrance ELIJAH G. ARNOLD acr da 1. elec kit.. “ REALTY 00. DI 7-?22t Dl ' | Col. USA. Bat. —THUMB & £» e m‘ 01 (Continued on neat page) JA. 7-6660 s2*2 Wllaqa Blvd.. Art. IHM. *-4386 JB. *-7165 • w.. tfrurg.? I %