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A meeting of Hessett Parish Council was held on Monday 7th November 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.

In the Chair: Cllr Poulter

Present: Cllrs Linda Dixey, Graham Bauly, Andrew Pearson, Colin Hawes, Lynn Heymoz & Marcus Sanders.

In Attendance: County Cllr Penny Otton, District Cllr Derrick Haley, Clerk, David Dixey (RFO), Footpath Officer, Peter Newlands, Neville Wignall (Speedwatch).

1. OPENING - The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.30 pm and thanked all for attending. A statement was read out indicating that, in accordance with the changes to legislation, the public and councillors were permitted to film, photograph or use social media in order to report on the proceedings of the meeting. There was no DECLARATION OF INTEREST (PECUNIARY/NON-PECUNIARY)

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – There were no apologies.

3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th September 2016; Chairman proposed we agree these as true & accurate records with an added amendment to traffic calming, seconded by Cllr Bauly – all in favour. The Chairman duly signed the minutes as such along with the last page of the Risk Assessment (appendix H-September meeting).

4. Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Drainage works to be carried out at Hubbards Lane - Steven Halls, the Flood & Water Engineer at SCC advises that the new landowners, Mr & Mrs Crack were unaware of the enforcement case against Mr Kemplay and it seems he did not convey all information to them when they bought the land off him and thus they are currently gaining legal advice in view of taking action against Mr Kemplay. Steven Halls awaits to hear further from Mr Crack. Clerk is chasing.

Village Hall signs – Looking for alternative positions for these, Cllr L Dixey was pleased to report from a discussion at the Village Hall Committee meeting on 21st September that a sign had been erected on the fence outside the village hall.

Overgrown hedge in Hubbards Lane – Neville Wignall reported on a superb job having been carried out by SCC Highways.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 88

S106 Monies – Basketball Post, Net & Backboard. Chairman proposed with councillors unanimously accepting the quote provided by Podium 4 Sport @ £729.90 with Robert Carlton Walker installing @ £395.00. Application and enclosures have been completed and sent to MSDC Grants Team. We are still awaiting a decision from the S106 team at MSDC. Chairman proposed we have a site meeting when MSDC agree the funding.

SALC Training Modules – Update & Costings – With this procedure unanimously agreed, Chairman has collated a document of preference to the Parish Councillors and to invite other parish councils to this exercise. SALC have advised that it is for us to organise and they will come back to us in the new year. The RFO to chase this.

The Five Bells Public House – Chairman advised that the pub was closed with the tenants moving out on the 5th December.

Staff Contracts – Clerk has received and signed her contract. Chairman advised that we are still dealing with the RFO’s contract with discussions taking place.

Broken 30mph Sign on the Village Green – Cllr Pearson advised that this sign has been taken away.

Topping of The Heath – Quotations aren’t necessary for this procedure as Cllr Bauly has advised that this work is not required this year. He believes the PC should look at this again in approximately one year’s time after Mike Phillips has carried out the summer cut.

Safety Railings in the Village beside the Water Course – Having received advice that there is lead content in the paintwork, Stuart Hearsum, Structural Maintenance Manager at SCC cannot consent for a volunteer organisation like ourselves to undertake this work. This issue was brought to County Councillor, Penny Otton’s attention who agreed that this needs further investigation.

Mower Lease – Cllr Pearson advised that he couldn’t see anything happening in the near future.

(8) County Councillor Penny Otton’s Report – Mrs Otton was invited to submit her report which had been circulated to all and reprinted below:

HIGHWAYS; the cabinet and leader of the council have agreed to extend the highways contract with Keir for an extra 5 years. At the meeting Cllr Finch cabinet member for highways was questioned in depth on this and what the advantages were. I have included the final recommendation;

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 89

(a) that the Director of Resource Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Heritage, shall (on an annual basis) thereby determine any time deductions that should be made from the overall contract period (and notify Kier accordingly) until such time as two years remain of the contract, at which point it shall naturally expire.

I have passed onto to all my clerks the consultation on the new HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE OPERATIONAL PLAN which any of you can comment on!! I have also AGAIN contacted Mark Stevens about your request to do work in the village. VAS SIGN AND SPEED GUN; I have put in a locality bid of £2,000 to help with the costs. The cost of any installation could possibly come from the small highways budget. She will leave it with us and our discussions. BUSES; I have asked that David Gibb at SCC to investigate the problems with the bus service in the Thurston area but I can confirm that there are plans to have a bus shelter at the Sainsbury stop in Morton Hall. SCHOOLS; the government has pulled back on insisting all schools becoming academies but has introduced a Green Paper on education which includes the idea of new Grammar schools. SAFE AND SEEN IN . 12,000 reflector badges given to primary school children as part of a campaign with Radio Suffolk to help keep walkers and cyclists safer as the days become darker.

District Councillor – Derrick Haley was invited to submit his report –

Mr Haley gave his apologies at not being available to attend our September meeting.

He initially displayed the new recycling leaflet and hoped these had reached all residents of Hessett.

Mr Haley pointed out that Babergh & District Councils are transforming the way in which they deliver their services, through integrating their staffing structures across both Councils, whilst remaining as two separate entities.

“We have now begun the internal recruitment process for our Joint Integrated Management Team. Interviews to fill the Strategic Directors posts took place earlier this month, the successful candidates and the positions which they will fill are :- Joint Strategic Director- Corporate is Andrew Hunkin and the Interim Director of Transformation is Mike Hammond”.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 90

Political leaders from Babergh & Mid Suffolk have said their authorities should move into Suffolk County Council’s Endeavour House in to house their joint administration, which could be complete before Christmas.

Mr Haley said they are in the process of changing their website.

With regard to the Devolution, talks continue between Norfolk and Suffolk with Suffolk going ahead even if Norfolk does not.

Shared legal services by Mid Suffolk/Babergh/Forest Heath/St Edmundsbury are to become a single team, housed at West Suffolk House, , that will be resourceful, sharing their own individual expertise to help support the new ways that councils will need to work in the future.

Mr Haley reported that Snoasis is being revived.

The Parish Liaison Meeting will take place at Horam at 10am and at 6pm on Thursday, 10th November.

Chairman thanked both Mrs Otton and Mr Haley for their reports.


Bank Reconciliation – RFO read out the amounts of receipts and expenses and asked that the reconciliation be audited and signed- Cllr Pearson to signed.

Regular Payments – The RFO explained that within the finance regulations this is a way of dealing with regular payments without the requirements of presenting them to each meeting. The RFO listed the payments that were being proposed to be placed on this list. This is in accordance with Section 5.6 of the Financial Regulations. The RFO also requested under regulation 6.8 the salaries for the Clerk and RFO be paid via standing order through on line banking. The payments are then post authorised under regulation 4.1 at subsequent meetings. The Chairman proposed that in future these payments be made using this method and for the RFO to be able to use on-line banking. This was seconded by Cllrs Pearson & Heymoz with all Cllrs in favour.

Asset Register – RFO has updated the register and requested the parish council to sign and agree the register as a true record. Chairman proposed that these are a true record, seconded by Cllr Bauly with all Cllrs in agreement. Chairman duly signed. (see attached appendices K)

Transparency Code Claim – Shona Bendix at SALC advised the RFO areas of the refunds we can claim. The RFO outlined what is available and what we are able to claim. RFO stated we can claim £350 for computer equipment, £200 for software and £100 for a scanning device. The RFO has proposed we claim £291 for a computer, £200 for software and £50 for a scanning device making a claim of just under £600. This needs to be authorised and submitted before December 5th deadline. The RFO proposed we apply, seconded by Cllr Sanders with all Cllrs in agreement. (see attached appendices L) So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 91

Budget Report 2017/18 – The RFO read out the Budget Report explaining the economic factors that could cause an adverse effect on the budget and where the parish council had incurred extra expenses and where some items had previously been omitted from earlier budgets. It was also stressed that the figures for the Precept and RPA are forecast figures and will change. The RFO mentioned that the auditor for NALC recommends that councils have between 3-9 months of reserves equal to the parish council’s monthly expenditure. The RFO also reminded the parish council the budget should be recalculated and checked at the end of December and regularly every quarter. (see attached appendices M)

Chairman proposed the parish council agree the budget second by Cllr Sanders with all Cllrs in favour.

Autumn Statement 23/11 – Chairman and RFO outlined the changes that may apply to the Precept calculations in the Autumn Statement.

Community Balance £10986.42 Receipts (Precept ii) £ 4250.00 Sub £15236.42

Less Unpresented For council authorisation

SALC Payroll (6mths) £ 27.00 Phone Box Paint (J Gibson) £ 9.48 Village Sign/Seat (C Hawes) £ 17.99 Salary Clerk £ 961.71 Salary RFO £ 313.88 HMRC (PAYE) Clerk £ 5.40 HMRC (PAYE) RFO £ 83.80 Playground Inspection £ 55.64 Village Hall Hire £ 36.00 ICO DPA Registration £ 35.00 Clerk Expenses £ 141.33 RFO Expenses £ 13.89 Sub £13547.80 Transferred to Savings £ 6000.00

Community Balance £ 7547.80 Book Balance £ 7547.80

Variance NIL

RPA Funding – The RFO explained we have a copy of the agreement but it is a standard tenant agreement for agriculture and does not detail the RPA funding. The RFO thanked Cllr Bauly for supplying a copy of the agreement and for advice with the RPA figures.

ICO Requirements Protection Register – Clerk has registered Hessett PC. RFO proposed to forward cost the fee of £35 annually, seconded by Cllrs Heymoz & Bauly.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 92

External Audit – RFO has reported good news from the external auditor (BDO Stoy Hayward), just two issues found, one of which has already been dealt with ie Risk Assessment and internal audit findings with no charging for the audit qualifications. This result has been published.

6. RFO Hours/Salary Review

It is proposed that the hours of the RFO post be increased from the current 4 hrs a week originally agreed to 6 hours a week. It is also proposed that the hourly rate be increased from the current £7.64 already agreed to the same as the Clerk’s post of £9.29. Both these changes are to reflect the amount of work that the RFO post entails and the responsibility required. The original hours and salary was initially agreed so that the amount of work could be ascertained. Both these changes should commence from the 1st October 2016 which is the start of a new quarter and has been budgeted for. Cllr Pearson reiterated his views that the RFO be given a contract to be reviewed along with looking at how the RFO would affect the workload of the Clerk. As the Clerk had stated that she does far more hours than she is currently paid for, Cllr Pearson proposed her hours stay the same ie 8 hrs per week as well as the increases in the RFO hours and rate. The Chairman proposed the changes seconded by Cllrs Pearson & Heymoz - all in favour.

7. PLANNING – a) Normal Planning Application No. 3119/16 Five Bells Cottage – Removal of existing roof to garage, Erect new roof. No objections by Parish Council. Permission granted by MSDC. b) Listed Building Planning Application No. 3120/16 for above. No objections by Parish Council. It was agreed to submit the same comments as that given for the first application.

9. Website Hosting After a discussion, Chairman proposed we go with CAS for the next year and see how it goes. This would require a yearly fee of £50. seconded by Cllr Dixey with all Cllrs in favour.

10. Play Area Repairs – Cllr Heymoz went through the various findings from the site meeting held on 6th July together with The Play Inspection Company Report and reported no action is required and no replacements needed in any of the equipment. The findings from the PC site meeting and the Play Inspection Company Report did, however, show that certain areas of fencing and gravel boards need addressing/replacing. Also, additional signage is required: replacement “no kite flying” sign and a new sign at the entrance detailing Emergency contact numbers. A decision to be made at our January meeting with further discussions on the signs as indicated. Cllr Heymoz to produce a detailed list of works required to enable Cllrs to liaise. Quotations to be obtained for the work required according to Cllr Heymoz’s specification. Cllr Hawes reported the sighting of dog faeces inside the play area.

11. Signs for the Play Area, Heath Gate and Allotments - After a discussion, Chairman said he would propose the wording for these signs and forward to Councillors for agreement. These would then be sent to contractors by the Clerk for quotations. Cllr Sanders offered to help with names of contractors.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 93

12. Traffic Calming/Community Speedwatch Scheme – Neville Wignall reported at having given his broad views on the suggested new equipment with Hessett deciding to explore the possibility of a VAS system of our own along with other possible traffic calming measures. He highlighted the VAS system located at Norton on the 1088 (Woolpit/Ixworth). A lengthy discussion took place as various organisations are involved in setting up this system. Clerk to liaise with SCC in obtaining information on recognised suppliers etc.

With emphasis on traffic calming, Cllr Hawes suggested the Clerk contacts the Police Safety Officer at and SCC Highways to suggest a site meeting.

13. Ditches Through The Village – As highlighted by Cllr Sanders, there is concern about flooding in the village especially where the watercourse runs under the road and along the backs of very old and low level properties. On a typical wet winter’s day the water has been some 600mm deep. Mr Peter Newlands, our Footpath Officer has also raised the issue of keeping the ditches clear together with his observation that the banks are suffering erosion along with the fact that Water Voles have moved in and are present in the ditch beside The Street. Mr Newlands pointed out that Natural may now have to be involved with any proposed clear out.

After a lengthy discussion, Chairman proposed we send a covering letter along with leaflets through residents doors that front the ditch on Management Options on Watercourses and background of Water Voles, together with a supporting letter. Cllr Heymoz offered to post these letters and leaflets.

14. Report from Tree Officer (Cllr Bauly) He has agreed to do an inventory on the trees in Hessett.

Report from Footpath Officer (Mr Peter Newlands) The footpaths are pretty clear with thanks to Cllr Pearson. The hedge behind the church has been cut and trimmed. The nettles and ferns by Hessett House are tricky to get through.

15. Lime Tree Green Tree- removal of suckers around the base. Having a TPO on this tree, the Arboricultural Officer at MSDC advised that these suckers can be removed without an application. After a discussion, Cllr Bauly kindly offered to remove them with all Cllrs in agreement.

Chairman thanked Cllr Bauly and Mr Newlands.

16. Parking on the Village Green – Complaints have been received concerning a vehicle parking on the east side of The Street outside No. 1, which is too close to the junction. In the meantime Cllr Hawes did research on line what offence had been made only to find that there was a fee of £38 to obtain an answer. He suggested the parish council contacts Highways regarding traffic calming and suggested he would meet or speak to them if need be. Chairman proposed we ‘keep an eye’ on this situation and bring it up at our January meeting.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017 P a g e | 94

17. Disposal of Dog Waste – A discussion took place concerning complaints of dog waste being left at the entrance of the footpaths in Drinkstone Road. Chairman asked Mr Newlands to ‘keep an eye’ on the situation and report back in January.

18. Heathland Hedges – Cllr Bauly has obtained a quotation from Rougham Estates @ £29.50 plus VAT per hourly rate. Chairman proposed we accept this, seconded by Cllr Pearson with all Cllrs in agreement. It was agreed that Cllr Bauly should liaise with Rougham Estate as soon as possible to get this work done. The RFO requested that the invoice should be sent direct to him.

19. Heathland Gate – After a discussion it was unanimously agreed to accept Stuart Cracknell’s quotation to replace this @ £350.00 with Cllr Bauly being quoted a gate price of £57.82 + VAT. It was agreed that Cllr Bauly should obtain the gate and liaise with the contractor and agree a timescale for when the work is to be done.

20. AOB – 2017 Meeting Dates - These were agreed but with an amendment to the September date.(see attached appendices N)

There being no other business to discuss, the meeting was concluded at 10.30 pm.

So signed by the Chairman at the Meeting of 9th January 2017