GRAND ROUNDS in Environmental Medicine

CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION AND UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Bioaerosol Lung Damage in a Worker with Repeated Exposure to Fungi in a Water-Damaged Building Douglas Trout,1 Jonathan Bernstein,2 Kenneth Martinez,1 Raymond Biagini,3 and Kenneth Wallingford1 1Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluation and Field Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; 2Division of Immunology, Allergy Section, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; 3Division of Applied Research and Technology, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

second of exhalation (FEV1), and total lung There has been increased concern over health effects related to potential exposure of building capacity (TLC). The diffusing capacity cor- occupants to bioaerosols. We report the case of a worker with a respiratory illness related to rected for alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) was bioaerosol exposure in a water-damaged building with extensive fungal contamination. We per- normal. formed environmental tests to evaluate potential exposure to fungi, and we used mycotoxin-spe- Occupational history revealed that the cific IgG antibody in serologic studies in the attempt to evaluate exposure to mycotoxins. patient had been a hotel manager at one hotel Extensive fungal contamination was documented in many areas of the building. Penicillium, for the previous 14 years. Two months before Aspergillus, and species were the most predominant fungi found in air sampling. Our initial presentation, he and a co-worker began serologic test was not useful in differentiating workers who were probably occupationally exposed assessing the extent of water damage and fun- to mycotoxins from those who were not; however, it did yield evidence that individuals may make gal growth in hotel rooms after hotel guests specific IgG antibodies to macrocyclic tricothecene mycotoxins. Further research is needed con- complained of water leakage and odors cerning health effects related to bioaerosol exposures, particularly regarding markers of exposure (Figure 1). These assessments included strip- to specific fungi that may produce mycotoxins. In the absence of clinical tools specific for evalua- ping wallpaper and making holes in walls; no tion of mycotoxin-related illness, a systematic clinical approach for evaluating persons with sus- respiratory protection was worn. Shortly pected building-related respiratory illness is warranted. Key words: bioaerosol, building-related thereafter, the patient reported the onset of a illness, fungi, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, mycotoxin, Stachybotrys, water damage. Environ nonproductive cough. The patient performed Health Perspect 109:641–644 (2001). [Online 15 June 2001] these types of duties until the hotel was closed in October 1998, 5 months after the initial assessment for water damage. However, as the primary supervisor for remediation of the Physicians are increasingly being asked to which appeared to be the result of frequent damaged areas, the patient continued to enter evaluate persons who report symptoms and severe water damage. Our subsequent all parts of the hotel. The patient had no prior thought to be associated with indoor (nonin- activities included an environmental survey history of exposure to farms or other environ- dustrial) environments where various types of to assess potential fungal exposure and a ments where he would have been exposed to environmental problems have been identi- pilot serologic survey to assess exposure of excessive amounts of fungi. fied. Although occupants of moisture-dam- workers to mycotoxins. During the same Seven months after his initial presenta- aged buildings may experience increased period, clinical evaluation of a worker who tion, the patient was referred for further eval- respiratory symptoms (1), the clinical impor- developed chronic restrictive lung disease uation. Dyspnea and cough were noted to be tance of moisture damage remains unclear in related to work duties in the hotel was per- temporally related to his presence in the situations where occupants report nonspecific formed by physicians not directly related to hotel. His white blood cell count and ery- building-related illnesses (2). There has been the NIOSH evaluation. throcyte sedimentation rate were normal. His particular concern over potential health total IgE level was 346 IU/mL (normal range effects from exposure to fungi that produce Case Presentation 0–99 IU/mL). Precipitating antibodies were mycotoxins (3). This concern has received Clinical evaluation. A 48-year-old white positive only to Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. much public attention (4) and has led to rec- male, without a prior history of pulmonary Specific IgG and IgE antibody responses to ommendations for the remediation of build- disease or tobacco use, presented to his pri- Stachybotrys sp. were not elevated. A repeat ings based in part on the reported association mary care physician in July 1998 with a 2- chest X ray was unremarkable, as was high- of various health effects with exposure to month history of dry cough and a 1-week resolution computed tomography (HRCT) mycotoxins (5). history of fever and dyspnea. A chest exam of the chest. A methacholine challenge test In October 1998, the National Institute revealed scattered rhonchi and crackles on for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) the right side; an initial chest X ray was unre- Address correspondence to D. Trout, NIOSH, 676 received a request from a local health depart- markable. Over a period of several months, Columbia Parkway, R-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 ment to assist in the evaluation of potential the patient was treated with several courses of USA. Telephone: (513) 841-4558. Fax (513) 458- 7105. E-mail: [email protected] occupational exposure to fungi among work- azithromycin for a pneumonitis of uncertain We thank W. Rath for assistance in the clinical ers at a hotel. A preliminary visual inspection etiology. Pulmonary function testing (Table evaluation. of the hotel revealed that many areas of the 1) revealed a reduced forced vital capacity, Received 18 December 2000; accepted 5 building had widespread fungal growth, (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first February 2001.

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 109 | NUMBER 6 | June 2001 641 Grand Rounds in Environmental Medicine • Trout et al. was performed and was equivocal [the cumu- but that had not yet been remediated were mycotoxins. Mycotoxins produced by lative dose of methacholine (in milligrams) chosen for sampling; the objective was to (or Memnoniella echi- that causes a 20% fall in FEV1 = 25 mg/mL sample from a representative group of nata) were identified in 8 of 18 samples. The methacholine]. A repeat HRCT of the chest affected rooms. We collected 14 bulk sam- complex trichothecenes, satratoxin and ror- performed several weeks later with inspiratory ples of materials that appeared to be contami- idin, produced by Stachybotrys chartarum, and expiratory views was suggestive of an nated with fungi for analysis with culture were found in minute quantities. Atranones, interstitial mosaic pattern consistent with techniques (all fungal samples were analyzed spirocyclic compounds (phenylspirodri- bronchiolitis. Spirometry remained notable by P & K Microbiology Services, Inc., manes) produced by Stachybotrys chartarum for a moderate restrictive defect (Table 1). Cherry Hill, NJ) (6). Using previously and M. echinata, and epidechlorogriseoful- Based on the patient’s history and laboratory described methods (6,7), we collected 18 vin, produced by M. echinata, were also findings, he was advised to completely avoid samples to be analyzed for mycotoxins identified. all exposure to his workplace (11 months after (specifically trichothecenes, atranones, griseo- Results of the culturable air samples are the initial investigations for water damage). fulvins, and phenylspirodrimanes), which can presented in Table 2. Two of the samples The patient was subsequently referred be produced by Stachybotrys chartarum (syn- were overloaded with fungal growth so for bronchoscopy. Transbronchial biopsy onyms atra or alternans) and other fungi. colonies could not be counted; results in was unremarkable. Bronchoalveolar lavage We collected air samples over a 2-day Table 2 reflect the 12 samples that could be (BAL) initially was not performed. The period using culturable and nonculturable counted. In water-damaged areas, Penicillium patient was given a provisional diagnosis of methods. Concentrations of culturable air- sp. and Aspergillus sp. were the predominant restrictive lung disease consistent with a borne fungi were determined for 14 interior genera detected. Stachybotrys was identified chronic form of hypersensitivity pneumoni- building locations and 1 outdoor location from 5 of 12 sampling locations. Results of tis, and treatment was begun with high-dose using the Andersen single-stage viable cas- the nonculturable techniques were consistent prednisone (120 mg/day). Repeat bron- cade impactor (Andersen Instruments, with those obtained by culturable sampling, choscopy (4.5 months after the initial bron- Smyrna, GA) at a calibrated flow rate of with Stachybotrys identified from 13 of 14 choscopy) revealed 12% lymphocytes in the 28.3 L/min. We used the Air–O–Cell sample locations. BAL fluid (normal < 20%) and a CD4/CD8 (Zefon Analytical Accessories, St. Petersburg, Laboratory evaluation. Because there are ratio of 0.8 (laboratory reference > 1). On FL) at a calibrated flow rate of 15 L/min (6) currently no useful biological monitoring the basis of continuing symptoms, evidence to determine airborne concentrations of total techniques to assess exposure to mycotoxins, of advancing restrictive lung disease (despite (nonculturable method) at 13 loca- we conducted a pilot serologic evaluation removal from the workplace), and concern tions throughout the building at the same using a test under development to identify over the side effects of prednisone, treatment locations as the culturable samples and at an specific IgG and IgM antibodies to roridin (a with methotrexate was initiated at 10 outdoor location. tricothecene mycotoxin known to be pro- mg/week and was subsequently increased to Fungal concentrations from the bulk duced by several different fungi including 7.5 mg twice weekly as the prednisone was material samples ranged from 8.8 × 104 to 5.2 Stachybotrys species). Tricothecene mycotox- gradually decreased. A repeat HRCT of the × 107 colony forming units (CFU) per gram ins are potent irritants and may act as hap- chest was normal. The patient’s symptoms of material. The predominant fungi identi- tens, which bind constitutive proteins gradually improved, while his lung function fied included Acremonium sp., sp., exerting an immune response similar to what remained stable (Table 1). Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sydowii, Mucor has been described for other xenobiotics. De Environmental evaluation. Beginning in sp., Penicillium sp., Phoma sp., Stachybotrys November 1998, we conducted environmen- chartarum, chartarum, and yeasts. tal surveys (including bulk and air sampling) Among the identified fungi, Aspergillus sp., in a total of 19 rooms of the 10-story hotel. Penicillium sp., and Stachybotrys chartarum Rooms that had experienced water damage are known to be capable of producing Table 1. Pulmonary function testing of case patient (height 74 in; weight 226 lb). Date Dec 1998 Feb 1999 Aug 1999 Dec 1999 Feb 2000 FVC (L) 3.60 (66%) 3.48 (64) 3.31 (59) 3.19 (57) 3.17 (57) FEV1 (L) 2.91 (66%) 2.86 (65) 2.76 (63) 2.55 (58) 2.59 (59) FEV1/FVC 0.81 (100%) 0.81 (99) 0.83 (106) 0.80 (102) 0.82 (104) DLCO/VA (L/min/mmHg) 5.98 (139) 5.66 (131) ND ND ND TLC (L) 5.0 (66) 4.8 (63) ND ND ND Figure 1. Water damage and fungal growth in a ND, not done. Values in parentheses are observed values expressed as a percentage of predicted values. room with wallpaper stripped from walls.

Table 2. Results of air sampling for culturable fungi (n = 12). Median indoor Outdoor Predominantc Predominantc Agar mediaa concentration (CFU/m3)b concentration (CFU/m3) genera/species indoors genera outdoors Cornmeal agar 1,200 (294–2,690) 380 Penicillium sp. (100)d Cladosporium sp. Aspergillus sp. (83) Cladosporium sp. (100) Stachybotrys chartarum (42) Dichloran glycerol 1,350 (319–2,745) 419 Penicillium sp. (100) Cladosporium sp. Aspergillus sp. (100) Cladosporium sp. (100) aCornmeal agar is a selective nutrient medium to promote the growth of Stachybotrys species; dichloran glycerol is a selective nutrient medium to promote the growth of low–moisture tolerating fungi (i.e., xerophiles). bValues in parentheses indicate range. cGenera most frequently found across all samples. dValues in parentheses indicate the percentage of samples in which each was found.

642 VOLUME 109 | NUMBER 6 | June 2001 • Environmental Health Perspectives Grand Rounds in Environmental Medicine • Bioaerosol lung damage in a worker novo biosynthesis of antibodies from myco- added. After 10–15 min, the reactions were IgG antibodies to roridin, the source of the toxin exposure has been shown for related read on an automated ELISA plate reader. exposure that led to this response cannot be mycotoxins such as aflatoxins found in food Each serum was tested in triplicate. We used determined from our data. Further studies (8). In addition, cows exposed to mycotoxins seven stored sera obtained from unrelated are needed to determine the validity and in their feed have been shown to produce NIOSH studies (from persons living in the specificity of this antibody testing in humans. anti-mycotoxin antibodies (9). Roridin-A IgG same geographic area as the hotel but with This case report emphasizes the impor- antibodies, generated in animals, have been no known contact to this hotel or excessively tance of a careful occupational and environ- shown to be specific for macrocyclic tri- moldy environments) as assay controls. A mental history because earlier recognition and cothecenes (roridin is a type of macrocyclic response was defined as positive if a subject’s avoidance of exposure to the suspected causal tricothecene) (10). serum optical density (OD) was greater than antigens may have reduced the degree of the In a study approved by the NIOSH the assay control sera’s mean OD + 3 SD. patient’s pulmonary disease. Furthermore, Human Subjects Review Board, personnel The participants in the survey included this case illustrates the complexity of establish- lists of former hotel employees (total of 90 three males and five females. The median ing a definitive relationship between a specific full- or part-time employees) were reviewed length of employment at the hotel was 4 illness and exposure to bioaerosols in general, with hotel management to determine years (range: 1–14 years). Persons considered or to any specific component of a bioaerosol exposed (persons who had routinely worked exposed worked in housekeeping, mainte- (such as a mycotoxin). in the fungi-contaminated areas) and unex- nance, or supervisory jobs, whereas the two In this case, the worker who developed posed (persons who had worked in areas unexposed persons worked in the bar/restau- chronic lung disease was likely exposed to an found not to be grossly contaminated with rant area. Among the eight sera samples, two unusually high concentration of airborne fungi) workers. Employee recruitment was had elevated IgG antibody titers to RH- fungi while investigating water incursion into difficult because the hotel was closed at the HSA. The two individuals with elevated lev- the building. Although a specific diagnosis or time of our evaluation and employees were els included one who was considered exposed cause of his pulmonary disease could not be no longer employed at the hotel. Eight and one who was considered unexposed. The confirmed, environmental sampling revealed employees agreed to participate in the sur- hotel manager (case patient) did not have an heavy growth and airborne dissemination of vey, including six exposed and two unex- elevated antibody level. No exposed or unex- many fungi, including several known to cause posed employees. The two hotel employees posed individuals gave evidence of specific hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) (17,18). who participated in the discovery and initial IgM antibodies to RH-HSA. This worker fulfilled several of the major cri- mitigation of the water problem (including Although exposed workers reported a teria required for the diagnosis of HP (19), the hotel manager), and who were the per- spectrum of symptoms, some of which were including chronic respiratory symptoms com- sons most highly exposed to the fungal cont- reported to improve away from work, none patible with HP, prolonged exposure to a amination, were included among the six of the workers were identified during our putative antigen, and recurrence of symptoms exposed employees. After informed consent interview as having a clinical illness similar upon reentry into the contaminated work- was obtained, a serum sample was collected to that of the case patient. We did not per- place. Although there was no absolute lym- from each participant. A brief questionnaire form systematic clinical evaluations of survey phocytosis on BAL, the CD4/CD8 ratio was to assess job duties, medical history, and cur- participants. decreased, which is consistent with HP. rent symptoms was also administered to par- The difficulty in making a definitive ticipants. We did not perform clinical Discussion diagnosis of HP is due in part to the incom- examinations of study participants. Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment, plete understanding of the pathogenesis of We performed enzyme-linked immuno- and most individuals are exposed to them on this disorder (20). A diagnosis of HP is fur- sorbent assays (ELISA) for roridin-hemisuc- a daily basis. Many fungi are capable of pro- ther complicated because HP can present in cinate–human serum albumin (RH-HSA)- ducing mycotoxins, which suggests that acute, subacute, or chronic forms (21,22). specific IgG antibodies on each serum sam- most people have some level of regular expo- Prolonged, low-dose exposure to inciting ple. Fifty microliters of a 50 µg/mL solution sure to mycotoxins. An important aspect of agents has been thought to predispose to a of RH-HSA was placed in each well and evaluating whether health effects may be more chronic presentation (21). The clinical incubated overnight at 4°C. Each well was related to mycotoxin exposure is documenta- manifestations of the chronic form of HP, then washed three times with phosphate- tion of exposure (11). This is difficult which often include cough and dyspnea buffered saline (0.02 M phosphate buffer, because there are currently no reliable expo- without the systemic manifestations more pH 7.4) containing 0.91 M sodium chloride sure indicators for mycotoxins. The standard commonly seen in the acute form (20,21), and Tween; a similar wash was repeated used to associate health effects to mycotoxin are compatible with the case patient’s between all subsequent steps. Aliquots (200 exposure is the measurement of mycotoxins presentation. µL) of each diluted serum sample (1:10 in in bulk samples obtained from materials Figure 2 provides an algorithmic approach 5% bovine serum albumin–deionized water) such as walls, ceiling tiles, and air ducts that can be helpful in the clinical evaluation were added to the wells and allowed to incu- (12,13). Although the identification and of a person who, based on a history and bate at room temperature for 2 hr. After quantification of several mycotoxins has physical examination, is suspected of having washing, 100 µL of goat anti-human IgG or been recently accomplished using mono- an illness associated with bioaerosol expo- IgM (whole molecule) alkaline phosphatase clonal antibodies and enzyme immunoas- sure. After infectious processes are appropri- conjugate (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, says, these methods have had limited use in ately evaluated and found to be unlikely, MO) was added to each well and incubated field evaluations (10,14–16). The pilot sero- then further evaluation is warranted. for 2 hr at room temperature. The plates logic survey of this investigation was not able Hypersensitivity illnesses that must be con- were again washed and 100 µL of 0.6 mM to distinguish between exposed and unex- sidered in such an evaluation can be catego- disodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate (Sigma posed workers in a building heavily contami- rized broadly as having asthmatic or Chemical Co.) substrate solution, diluted in nated with mycotoxin-producing fungi. pneumonitis features, although there may be alkaline glycine buffer (0.05 M glycine and Although this laboratory testing did yield considerable overlap between the two. 0.5 mM magnesium chloride, pH 10.4), was evidence that individuals may make specific Although inhalation fevers (e.g., humidifier

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 109 | NUMBER 6 | June 2001 643 Grand Rounds in Environmental Medicine • Trout et al.

3. ACGIH. Bioaerosols: assessment and control. Cincinnati, Rule out infectious causes a CXR, sputum cultures/smear, CBC with differential OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; 1999. Environmental 4. Mann A. : A Health Alert. USA Weekend Online b If infectious process unlikely assessment Special Reports (serial online), 5 December 1999. Skin prick testinge d Available: HRCTc chest PFT with DLCO Precipitating Ab Methacholine challenge test Total IgE 991205/991205mold.html [cited February 2000]. ESR 5. New York City Department of Health. Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments. Available: html/epi/moldrpt1.html [cited 17 April 2001]. Restrictive pattern Obstructive pattern and/or Interstitial infiltrate 6. Martinez K, Wallingford K. Unpublished data. Decreased DLCO hyperreactive airways 7. Jarvis BB. Macrocyclic tricothecenes. In: Mycotoxins and Phytoalexins (Sharma RP, Salunkhe DK, eds). Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press, 1991;361–421. 8. Autrup H, Seremet T, Wakhisi J. Evidence for human Supportive findings Supportive findings antibodies that recognize an aflatoxin epitope in groups with high and low exposure to aflatoxins. Arch Environ Specific hypersensitivity Precipitating Ab Pneumonitis Asthmatic Elevated total IgE Health 45(1):31–34 (1990). Elevated ESR 9. Gelev I, Dimitrov K, Tomova A. Immunological activity of the blood sera from cattle with chronic mycotoxicosis. Vet Med Nauki 23(4):16–24 (1986). 10. Martlbauer E, Gareis M, Terplan G. Enzyme immunoas- say for the macrocyclic trichothecene roridin A: produc- tion, properties, and use of rabbit antibodies. Appl Environ Microbiol 54:225–230 (1988). Bronchoscopy with Peak expiratory flow testing 11. Fung F, Clark R, Williams S. Stachybotrys, a mycotoxin- g bronchoalveolor lavage and biopsy at work and away from work producing fungi of increasing toxicologic importance. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 36(1–2):79–86 (1998). Figure 2. Approach to patients with suspected building-related illness from bioaerosol exposure: compo- 12. Johanning E, Biagini R, Hull D, Morey P, Jarvis B, nents of clinical evaluation when history and physical examination is suggestive of respiratory illness. Landsbergis P. Health and immunology study following Abbreviations: Ab, antibody; CBC, complete blood count; CXR, chest X ray; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation exposure to toxigenic fungi (Stachybotrys chartarum) in rate; PFT, pulmonary function test. a water-damaged office environment. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 68:207–218 (1996). a Serology for histoplasmosis and Lp1 antigen (urine) to evaluate for Legionella infection should also be considered. 13. CDC. Update: Pulmonary hemorrhage/hemosiderosis b c Extent of environmental assessment will depend on multiple factors. HRCT should be performed even with normal CXR. among infants—Cleveland, Ohio, 1993-1996. 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Production and char- acterization of monoclonal antibodies to the macro- related to the diagnosis of these illnesses are building design, construction, indoor envi- cyclic tricothecene roridin A. Appl Environ Microbiol available to supplement the broad algorithm ronmental controls, and maintenance to 54(9):2328–2330 (1988). presented here (23). prevent or reduce exposure to potential etio- 17. Solley GO, Hyatt RE. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis induced by Penicillium species. J Allergy Clin Immunol In the last several years, reports have logic agents are implemented. The clinical 65(1):65–70 (1980). implicated exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum and environmental evaluations we have pre- 18. Yoshida K, Ueda A, Yamasaki H, Sato K, Uchida K, Ando as being associated with acute pulmonary sented emphasize the need for further M. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis resulting from Aspergillus fumigatus in a greenhouse. 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