Chapter 30 Cratonic basins

PHILIP A. ALLEN and JOHN J. ARMITAGE Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, South Kensington Campus, London, UK


Cratonic basins are sites of prolonged, broadly distributed but slow subsidence of the continental lithosphere, and are commonly filled with shallow water and terrestrial sedimentary rocks. They remain poorly understood geodynamically. A number of models have been proposed that fall into families involving cooling of stretched continental lithosphere, cooling related to mantle flow (dynamic topography), densification of the underlying lithosphere due to phase changes, the surface response to magmatism and/or plume activity, and long-wavelength buckling under in-plane stresses. The timing of initiation and spatial distribution of cratonic basin formation are linked to geodynamic phases within the overall framework of plate amalgamation and super- continental break-up and dispersal. Many cratonic basins initiated in the Neoproter- ozoic and Cambrian-Ordovician. Some suites of cratonic basins originated as broad ramp-like realms of subsidence tilting down to the adjacent passive margin, and were later “individualized” by secondary processes such as, for instance, reactivation of tectonic structures during intracontinental orogeny, and the emergence of intervening arches and domes. Several different mechanisms may therefore control the geological evolution and subsidence history of cratonic basins during their long life-times. We propose that a model of low strain rate extension accompanied and followed by cooling of the underlying lithosphere satisfactorily explains the long-term subsidence history of a range of cratonic basins. However, the precise role played by dynamic topography transmitted from large-scale mantle flow in initiating or modifying the elevation history of continental interiors remains an intriguing focus for further research. Keywords: continental lithosphere; stretching; strain rate; subsidence; stratigraphy

INTRODUCTION foldbelts and rift complexes. The important con- sideration is that the lithosphere behaves stably “Intracratonic basins,” “cratonic basins,” “interior (Sloss 1988). cratonic basins,” and “intracontinental sags” are Cratonic basins are characterized by prolonged, circular to oval-shaped crustal sags, located on predominantly shallow-water and terrestrial sed- stable, relatively thick continental lithosphere imentation and a gross layer-cake type of stratig- (Sloss and Speed 1974; Sloss 1988). We restrict raphy (Sloss and Speed 1974; Quinlan 1987; Sloss the use of the term “cratonic basin” to those basins 1990; Leighton et al., 1991). Their subsidence located some distance from stretched or conver- history is prolonged, occasionally marked by an gent continental margins, distinct from rifts where initial stage of relatively fast subsidence, followed a history of continental extension is unequivocal, by a period of decreasing subsidence rate (Nunn but located on a variety of crustal substrates, and Sleep 1984; Stel et al., 1993; Xie and Heller irrespective of whether they are crystalline shields 2009) (Fig. 30.1), somewhat similar to that of ocean sensu stricto, accreted terranes, or ancient basins (Sleep 1971). Cratonic basins generally lack

Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins: Recent Advances, First Edition. Edited by Cathy Busby and Antonio Azor. Ó 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

602 Cratonic Basins 603

Age (Ma) 500 400 300200 100 0 1 0 0 600 6 9 12 5 7 11 4 2 3 8

2 2 10

1 Ghadames/Berkine Basin, Algeria, (Yahi et al.) 7 Northeast German Basin (Scheck & Bayer 1999) 2 Illinois Basin, Farley Well (Bond & Kominz 1984) 8 Southwest Ordos Basin (Xie 2007) 3 Michigan Basin (Bond & Kominz 1984) 9 Paris Basin (Prijac et al. 2000) 4 4 Williston Basin, North Dakota (Bond & Kominz 1984) 10 West Siberian Basin, , Urengoy well (Saunders et al. 2005) 4 tectonic subsidence (km) 5 Williston Basin, Saskatchewan (Fowler & Nisbet 1985) 11 West Siberian Basin, Russia, Samotlar-39 well (Saunders et al. 2005) (water-loaded) Backstripped 6 Paraná Basin, Brazil, CB-3 well (Oliveira 1987) 12 Paraná Basin (Zalan et al. 1990)

Fig. 30.1. Compilation of intracratonic basin subsidence curves. Source: Extended From Xie and Heller (2009).

well-developed initial rift phases, marked by (2) In cross-section, cratonic basins are simple arrays of extensional faults and associated graben saucers, lacking major syn-tectonic faults and half-graben, though this may be due in part to (late post-sedimentary faulting during trans- the poor seismic imaging of the base of cratonic pression/transtension is more common), with basins preserved on land. Cratonic basins are sediment thicknesses typically less than ca. located on continental lithosphere, away from 5 km, and rarely <6–7 km (as in the West Siber- the plate margin, but in some cases connected by ian, Illinois, and Parana basins). However, in a rift or failed rift zone to the ocean, as in the some cases, the circular planform shape is a Neoproterozoic Centralian Superbasin of Australia result of later compartmentalization of a pre- (Walter et al., 1995; Lindsay 2002), the Lower viously more extensive platform or ramp, as in Paleozoic Illinois and Oklahoma basins of USA the cratonic basins of north Africa, such as Al (Braile et al., 1986; Kolata and Nelson 1990), and Khufra, Murzuk, and Ghadames (Selley, 1972, the Mesozoic phase of the Chad Basin of north- 1997; Boote et al., 1998). central Africa (Burke 1976). This geometry sug- (3) The duration of subsidence is very long, mea- gests that many cratonic basins lie at the tips of sured in hundreds of millions of years (e.g., failed rifts extending into the continental plate at a Aleinikov et al., 1980), and backstripped tec- high angle from the extensional plate margin, tonic subsidence histories are commonly sub- which may be the site of former triple junctions linear to gently negative exponential (Xie and (Burke and Dewey, 1973). Heller, 2009) (Fig. 30.1). These long lifetimes of Although cratonic basins have their own indi- subsidence commonly comprise several basin viduality, which is to be expected in such long- phases separated by unconformities, giving lived basins, there are a number of prominent superimposed megasequences reflecting features common to the majority of examples. At changing patterns of the governing plate- first order, these include the following: scale tectonics. Taking the depositional mega- sequences most safely attributable to cratonic (1) The surface area enclosed by the zero isopach of basin subsidence, and neglecting long periods the basin-fill is commonly circular or elliptical, of non-deposition at megasequence bound- and large, with surface areas ranging from the aries, the cratonic basins of North America relatively small Anglo-Paris Basin (105 km2), accumulated sediment at rates of 20 to 30 m through the large Hudson Bay (1.2 106 km2) Myr 1 (Sloss 1988), which is extremely slow and Parana basins (1.4 106 km2) to the giant compared to rifts, failed rifts, young passive Centralian Superbasin (2 106 km2) and West margins, foreland basins, and strike-slip basins Siberian Basin (3.5 106 km2) (Leighton and (Allen and Allen 2005), but relatively fast com- Kolata, 1990, p. 730; Sanford, 1987; Walter pared to the adjacent platforms. Laterally et al., 1995, p. 173; Vyssotski et al., 2006). equivalent platformal areas, such as the 604 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types

Transcontinental Arch of USA, accumulated remained as cratonic basins throughout their his- ca. 1 km if sediment between Cambrian and tory but have existed long enough to have been Permian, at a rate of 3–4 m Myr 1 (Sloss 1988). strongly affected by several tectonic mechanisms (4) Stratigraphy is predominantly terrestrial to of subsidence and uplift. Consequently, shallow-water, indicating that sedimentation there may be a primary mechanism for basin kept pace with tectonic subsidence through- formation, and different secondary mechanisms out. Cratonic basin megasequences commonly for later modification. start as a broad regional tilting of the continent, A large number of mechanisms have been as in the latest Proterozoic-Early Ordovician invoked to explain cratonic basins (see Hartley “Sauk” sequence of east-central North America and Allen, 1994, table 1; and review by Klein, (Sloss, 1963, 1988) (discussed below) and the 1995). Models, which are partly overlapping, Early Paleozoic (pre-Silurian) of north Africa include the following: (Selley, 1997). However, facies belts in bull’s- eye and teardrop patterns (exemplified by the . Thermal contraction following heating (Haxby Silurian carbonates and evaporites of the et al., 1976; Sleep and Sloss, 1980; Kaminski and Michigan Basin; Nurmi and Friedman, 1977) Jaupart, 2000) indicate that the circular outline of some . Localized extension related to magmatic upwell- cratonic basins is a primary, syndepositional ing that may be associated with plume activity feature and is not a result simply of post- (Klemme, 1980; Keen, 1987; Klein and Hsui, sedimentary tectonic deformation dissecting 1987; Ziegler and van Hoorn, 1989; Ziegler, 1990; a previously more extensive depocenter. Neumann et al., 1992; Zhao et al., 1994) Cratonic basins in low paleolatitudes are com- . Deep crustal phase changes (De Rito et al., 1983; monly dominated by chemical sediments, Fowler and Nesbit, 1985; Helwig, 1985; Artyushkov showing that particulate sediment supply and Bear, 1990; Artyushkov, 1992; Artyushkov was modest and that high topographic relief et al., 2008) was absent around basin marginsatthese times. . Reactivation of pre-existing sags under in-plane (5) Cratonic basins are commonly regularly stress or flexural loading (Quinlan and spaced with their centers located about Beaumont, 1984; Quinlan, 1987; Beaumont 103 km apart. In North America, they line up et al., 1987) a certain distance (hundreds of km) from the . Emplacement of basaltic underplates during Early Paleozoic edge of the North American anorgenic magmatism, and slow thermal con- plate, as, from south to north, the Illinois, traction in a non-extensional setting (Stel et al., Michigan and Hudson Bay basins (Leighton 1993) et al., 1991). . Subsidence due to negative “dynamic (6) Some cratonic basins are associated with wide- topography” – the topography resulting from spread magmatism, such as the eruption of the transmission to the Earth’s surface of stresses large volumes of basalts, as in the West Siber- caused by large-scale mantle flow – over a down- ian Basin and the Parana Basin (Thompson and welling or convective instability in the mantle Gibson, 1991; Saunders et al., 2007). However, (Liu, 1979; Middleton, 1989; Hartley and the precise causal links between basaltic Allen, 1994; Heine et al., 2008; Farringdon volcanism and basin development are unclear. et al., 2010) or related to the subduction of cold oceanic slabs (Mitrovica et al., 1989; Burgess Cratonic basins are very long-lived (Fig. 30.1), but et al., 1997) it is important to recognize that the basin-fill is . Subaerial erosion over a thermal uplift followed commonly composed of a number of different by sediment loading (Hsu, 1965; Le Pichon et al., megasequences (or sequences of Sloss, 1963), 1973; Sleep and Snell, 1976; Sahagian, 1993). some of which may be associated with entirely different mechanisms of formation, such as An association with continental stretching fol- strike-slip deformation, flexure and unequivocal lowed by flexural compensation of the thermal stretching. Consequently, it is important, wherever contraction load is explicit or implicit in many possible, to extract the cratonic basin megase- models (e.g., Sleep and Snell, 1976; Kaminski quence from the polyhistory basin-fill (Kingston and Jaupart, 2000) and classification schemes et al., 1983) for analysis. In other cases, basins have (e.g., Klemme, 1980; Kingston et al., 1983) of Cratonic Basins 605 cratonic basins. In the following section we briefly In South America, a number of basins can be review the geological context for cratonic basin confidently attributed to rifting in the Jurassic, formation in order to support this view of the whereas more typical cratonic basins initiated fundamental role played by the cooling of thermal predominantly in the Precambrian or Early Paleo- anomalies related to mechanical stretching sensu zoic. A major phase of cratonic basin formation stricto or related to plate configurations in started in the Ordovician, ca. 450–500 Ma, coin- which regional extension accompanies cratonic ciding with the development of passive margins basin initiation. along the trailing continental edges caused by the separation of South America-Laurentia from the Gondwanan superassembly. Note that the THE TIMING OF INITIATION AND timing of initiation in the Ordovician lags the GEOLOGICAL CONTEXT OF CRATONIC timing (Cambrian) in the conjugate plate of Africa BASINS (see below). In North America, basin initiation in the Cam- It is impossible to understand cratonic basins (and brian coincided with the break-up of the North sedimentary basins in general) without some refer- American plate and the formation of passive mar- ence to their previous geological history. Most fun- gins along its perimeter. The timing of initiation is damentally, the timing of initiation of cratonic identical to that of many cratonic basins in Africa. basins needs to be placed in the context of relative In Africa, there are many basins attributed to plate motion and the continent’s state of stress. As rifting or eventual passive margin development, previously recognized (Klein and Hsui, 1987) the mostly initiated in the Jurassic-Cretaceous. This initiation of cratonic basins is not uniformly or widespread suite of rift basins is related to the randomly distributed in geological time: instead, plate-wide tension during the formation of the they initiate at times of break-up of supercontinents Atlantic Ocean. A further set of rift-related basins (Rodinia, Gondwana, and Pangaea over the last bil- initiated in the late Precambrian-Cambrian. More lion years) (Fig. 30.2), particularly at 550–500 Ma. typical cratonic basins have ages of initiation The basins of Africa, North America and South traced principally to the Cambrian, coeval with America (Fig. 30.3) illustrate this well (Table 30.1) the fragmentation of the Gondwanan-Laurentian

Age (Ma) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

510 Ma WILLISTON 520 Ma MICHIGAN 450 Ma HUDSON BAY 515 Ma Miss. Embayment rift ILLINOIS 460 Ma 443 Ma Tres Lagoas 120 Ma Serra Geral PARANA 540 Ma failed rift MOSCOW Proterozoic rifting BALTIC 250 Ma Tunguska rift WEST SIBERIAN 300 Ma 235 Ma rifting PARIS Age (Ma) Fig. 30.2. Selected cratonic basins, show- 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ing timing of basin-fill megasequences in relation to the two great tectonic cycles of Break-up convergence Break-up convergence the Phanerozoic. Some cratonic basin megasequences are preceded by rifting, GONDWANA PANGAEA and some have important magmatic epi- Phanerozoic tectonic cycles sodes (blue bands). 606 at5 lt neirBsn n ai Types Basin and Basins Interior Plate 5: Part





North America UEB WIL Williston Basin MUR OKL Oklahoma Basin KUF TAO ILL Illinois Basin IUL MIC Michigan Basin CHD CIN Cincinnati Arch HUD Hudson Bay Basin VOL

South America PNB Parnaiba Basin SFR Sao Francisco Basin AMZ ZAI PAR Parana Basin SOL SOL Solimoes Basin PNB AMZ Amazonas Basin CHP Chaco-Parana Basin SFR Africa Europe OWA TAO Taoudeni Basin PRS Anglo-Paris Basin ZAI Zaire Basin DPM Danish-Polish Marginal Trough VOL Volta Basin BAL Baltic Depression NAM OWA Owambo Basin MOS Moscow Platform PAR Initiated in Precambrian NAM Nama-Kalahari Basin CHP IUL Iullemedden Basin Initiated in Cambrian CHD Chad Basin MUR Murzuk Basin KUF Kufra Basin Initiated in Ordovician UEB Upper Egyptian Basin TIM Timimoun Basin GHA Ghadames Basin

Fig. 30.3. Distribution of intracontinental basins on the continents surrounding the Atlantic Ocean, with typical cratonic basins highlighted. Other basins shown are commonly unequivocally associated with extensional tectonics. Selected basins are colour-coded according to the timing of initiation. Source: Base map and basin outlines provided by Trond Torsvik. Cratonic Basins 607

Table 30.1. Selection of basins on the North American, South American and African plates with their ages of initiation

Basin type Basin name (location) Age of initiation

South America Linked to rifting Reconcavo (Brazil), San Jorge (Argentina-Chile-South Jurassic Atlantic), Parecis-Alto Xingu (Brazil), Alto Tapajos (Brazil) Other cratonic Solimoes (Upper Amazon, Brazil), Amazonas (Brazil), Ordovician basins Parana (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina) Parnaiba (Brazil) Late Precambrian North America Cratonic basins Williston Basin (Canada, USA), Oklahoma Basin (USA), Cambrian Illinois Basin (USA), Michigan Basin (USA) Hudson Bay Basin (Canada) Ordovician Africa Linked to rifting Melrhir Trough (Algeria, Tunisia), Qattara Ridge (Egypt), Cambrian Cyrenaican Platform (Libya) Iullemedden Basin (Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Algeria, Benin) Cambrian Bida Trough (Nigeria), Gongola-Maiduguri Trough Cretaceous (Nigeria), Doba Trough (Chad, Cameroon), Bongor Trough (Chad), Doseo Trough (Chad, Central African Republic), Muglad Basin (Sudan), Melut (Sudan, Ethiopia) East African Rift System western branch, Salamat Basin Jurassic (Central African Republic, Chad) Other cratonic Tilrhemt Uplift (Algeria), Bechar Basin (Algeria- Cambrian basins Morocco), Mouydir Basin (Algeria), Ahnet Basin (Algeria), Timimoun Basin (Algeria), Murzuq Basin (Libya, Niger, Chad, Algeria), Al Kufra Basin(Chad, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Niger), Upper Egyptian Basin (Egypt, Sudan Libya), Chad Basin (Niger, Chad, Nigeria, Algeria, Cameroon) Taoudeni (Mali, Mauritania), Volta (Ghana, Togo), Zaire Precambrian (Congo), Owambo (Namibia, Angola), Nama-Kalahari (Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe)

superassembly, and, importantly, at the same time Amadeus and Georgina basins. The Centralian as a suite of rifts (Guiraud et al., 2005). During the Superbasin was connected to the ocean via the Cambro-Ordovician, the north African area was extensional corridor of the Adelaide Geosyncline one extensive ramp, which was subdivided in oriented at a high angle to the plate margin. the Silurian, and basins became further individu- The large-scale geodynamic context is therefore alized in phases of contractional tectonics in the strongly suggestive of cratonic basins forming ini- Late Carboniferous-Permian and Late Cretaceous- tially at times of plate-wide extensional stress, Early Tertiary (Boote et al., 1998). The cratonic with or without the involvement of mantle plumes. basins therefore originated essentially under the This is supported by the details of the geological same stress regime as the rifts. A subordinate num- history of selected basins. ber initiated in the Precambrian. In Australia, a similar long-term evolution can The West Siberian Basin be recognized. A large (2 106 km2 surface area) cratonic basin known as the Centralian Superbasin With a surface area of 3.5 million km2,thepost- formed at the time of break-up of Rodinia (ca. 800 Ma; Permian West Siberian Basin is the largest cratonic Korsch and Lindsay, 1989; Walter et al., 1995), but basin known. It overlies deeply eroded (during the became compartmentalized by phases of intraconti- Permo-Triassic), folded and metamorphosed oro- nental orogeny in the Petermann (570–530 Ma) and genic belts and platformal blocks stitched together Alice Springs (ca. 400–300 Ma) events (Hand and during the Late Paleozoic into the Pangaean super- Sandiford, 1999) to give the individualized Officer, assembly (Ziegler 1989; Sengor€ and Natal’in 1996). 608 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types

The Moho depth decreases from 50 km beneath areas Permian rifts south of -Taz (lat of 64N). fringing the basin (Urals, Altay-Sayan foldbelt and The post-basalt Triassic-Middle Jurassic is termed East Siberian Platform) to 38 km beneath the center “pre-basin evolution,” comprising continental sili- of the basin. There is more uncertainty in the regional ciclastics and volcanics deposited in low-relief sag mapping of the base of the lithosphere (Morozova basins, with rifts restricted to the north. From et al., 1999; Artemieva and Mooney 2001), but a Callovian times (Mid-Jurassic, beginning 159 Ma) depth of 200 km under the basin, decreasing toward basin-wide transgression took place, with sedi- the Altay is probable. Extensional rifts are found ments fed from a major supply in the southeast, particularly in the northeast part of the basin marking the start of the West Siberian Basin as a andintheKaraSea,butextendsouthwardsintwo distinct sag-type depocenter. During the Kimmer- arms – the Urengoy and Khudosey Rifts (Nikishin idgian-Barremian water depths reached 1200 m in et al., 2002; Saunders et al., 2005) (Fig. 30.4). the basin center, showing significant underfilling The basin-fill is underlain by the 250 Ma of the basin, with sediment supply from the Siber- Tunguska flood basalts, which cap Permian conti- ian Platform (none from the Urals). In the Turonian nental deposits basin-wide, and overlie a rift marine transgression reopened the West Siberian sequence in the northeast. The initial stretching Basin to the Arctic Ocean, making use of the cor- therefore predates the magmatism, which in turn ridor running above previously stretched litho- predates the main period of cratonic basin subsi- sphere. The basin filled again by the Oligocene dence. Rifting and the eruption of large volumes of and has remained subaerial since that time. basalts have been attributed to the emplacement of Jurassic-Tertiary subsidence is thought to be due a Permian plume (Nikishin et al., 2002). The to thermal re-equilibration of the lithosphere- basalts spread much wider than the extent of gra- aesthenosphere system following plume activity bens, so basalt occurrence is not closely or directly (Vyssotski et al., 2006). related to graben formation (Vyssotski et al., 2006). Pre-volcanism rifting is controversial, but is well The Parana Basin documented in the Pur-Taz region and : N-S rifts are imaged on seismic reflection profiles, The Parana Basin is thought to be a classical or and are presumably filled with Permian sedimen- “typical” intracratonic basin (Zalan et al., 1990) tary rocks. But there is no good evidence of pre- (Fig. 30.5). Mesozoic sedimentation along the

55º 65º 75º

(A) West Siberian Basin (B) Depth to Moho 34 3840 KARA SEA 42 SOUTH KARA BASIN 200 km Siliciclastic sediments BASIN 70º Outline of West 70º PYASINA-KHATANGA VERKHOYANSK Siberian basin BASIN 44 42 40 38 RIFT SYSTEM Passive margin 46 TIMAN-PECHORA EAST BASIN TIMAN-PECHORA SIBERIAN BASIN PLATFORM TUNGUSKA 500 km 38 FLOOD 40 42 U-414 SG-6 BASALTS Basalts 65º 65º Urals Foldbelt 38 40 OUNTAINS URENGOY RIFT 48 WEST SIBERIAN BASIN KHUDOSEY RIFT URAL M 44 Siberian 40 42 Craton 36 38 EAST URALIAN- 60º 40 60º 42 TURGAY RIFT 4446 SYSTEM Area in Part B Basic tuffs 48 50 NOVOSIBIRSK

38 36 34

65º 70º 75º 80º 85º

Fig. 30.4. The West Siberian Basin. (A) Location of basin in relation to the extensional plate margin and the Siberian craton. Present day extent of Tunguska flood basalts and basic tuffs shown, with remnants preserved in graben underlying the West Siberian Basin. Boreholes U-414 and SG-6 used in subsidence analysis are also shown in the northern part of the Urengoy Rift. (B) Depth to Moho (km) showing crust stretched to 34–36 km depth beneath the main rifts in the substrate of the basin, compared to >40 km on the basin flanks. Source: Modified from Vyssotski et al. (2006). Cratonic Basins 609

(A) Isopachs of total sedimentary (B) Basin outlines and volcanic fill

58o 54o 50o 58o 54o 50o

16o 16o


5 1 2 Sao Paolo Sao Paolo 24o 24o

Asuncion Asuncion Curitiba Curitiba

Florianopolis Florianopolis 28o 28o 3 200 km 200 km

Porto Allegre Porto Allegre ATLANTIC OCEAN BASIN OUTLINES 32o 32o Basement rocks - Brasiliano Silurian-Devonian 1 foldbelts and cratons Permian Jurassic-Cretaceous Buenos Outcrops of sedimentary Buenos Aires rocks: volcanics at top Aires Montevideo Montevideo

Fig. 30.5. The Parana Basin. (A) Isopachs of the total sedimentary and volcanic fill, reaching >5 km in the basin center, with a concentric pattern. (B) The Basin outlines at three different stages. The Early Paleozoic basin thickened toward the Asuncion Arch in the west, whereas the Permian and Mesozoic depocenters are concentric with an open corridor to the Atlantic. Source: Modified from Zalan et al. (1990).

Brazilian continental margin started with the In the future region of western Gondwana, a suite break-up of Pangaea in the Late Jurassic-Early of sedimentary rocks (Quartzite-Pelite-Carbonate Cretaceous. The rifting of the southernmost part suite of Brito Neves, 2002) formed on the conti- of the South American plate was heralded by the nental margins of the cratonic elements produced extrusion of flood basalts in the Parana, Campos by the break-up of Rodinia, including the Parana and Santos Basins (Cainelli and Mohriak, 1999), fragment. The ocean basins were closed during originating presumably from the Tristan plume Neoproterozoic deformation known as the Brasi- (Peate, 1997). As in the West Siberian Basin, the liano orogenic events, to produce the superconti- flood basalts (Serra Geral volcanics, 137–127 Ma, nent of Gondwana. These late orogenic to Turner et al., 1994) are much more extensive than postorgenic basins are termed the “transition the Parana Basin itself. They occur at the initia- stage” (Almeida et al., 2000), occupying a position tion of subsidence of a megasequence that is between Brasiliano orogenesis and the subsequent clearly related to continental stretching at the stage of extensive stable platforms in the “cratonic margin of the South American plate. In the coastal stage” of the Ordovician (Soares et al., 1978). West- basins, the syn-rift phase is up to Albian, followed ern Gondwana was covered by vast amounts of by a drift phase from Albian to Quaternary. This sedimentary cover in the Paleozoic, with succes- rift-drift phase is therefore only the latest mega- sions preserved in large basins extending from the sequence of the Parana Basin. The important Solimoes (upper Amazonia) in the north to the question is “When did the Parana Basin become Parana in the south. Brito Neves et al. (1984) sug- acratonicbasin?” gested these basins, and their equivalents in 610 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types

Africa, formed by thermal contraction of the con- extensional break-up as Laurentia was set adrift tinental lithosphere following the Brasiliano- from its Gondwanan mooring (Sloss 1988; Pan-African tectonic cycle. In basins such as the Bally 1989), leading to the expansion of the Iapetus Chaco-Parana and Solimoes basins, the cratonic Ocean. The majority of cratonic basins in North basin megasequence began in the Early and Middle America therefore initiated at a time of extension Ordovician, underwent contractional deformation on the adjacent continental margins, but their during the final accretion of Pangaea (ca. 230 Ma; characteristically circular planform shape was Veevers, 1989) and extensional deformation dur- defined later under a different stress regime. ing its break-up (225 to 100 Ma). The eruption of The history of Phanerozoic subduction can be the Serra Geral flood basalts in the Parana basin divided into two main stages: the subduction of therefore postdates the Ordovician to Early Trias- Iapetus oceanic crust along the eastern margin sic age of the cratonic basin megasequences in during the Paleozoic, and the subduction of Pacific South America, whereas the Tres Lagoas basalts and Farallon oceanic crust along the western mar- of the neo-Ordovician (44310Ma) suggests a rift gin from the late Paleozoic to the Cenozoic. Iapetus under the basin or at least the passage of melts subduction began at ca. 480 Ma and continued to through a fractured cratonic basement (Julia ca. 420 Ma (van der Pluijm et al., 1990; McKerrow et al., 2008). et al., 1991), within the Tippecanoe sequence of Sloss (1963) (Fig. 30.6b). Westward subduction of an Iapetus slab is supported by eastward tilting in The North American cratonic basins Middle Ordovician time of sedimentary rocks in The advantage offered by the North American the Michigan Basin (Coakley and Gurnis 1995) and basins is that a suite of examples subsided and was used in the numerical simulation of cratonic evolved in a coordinated fashion across the craton. sequences by Burgess et al. (1997). The Paleozoic Inspection of maps of basin development on the history of the Cordilleran margin of Laurentia is North American craton (Fig. 30.6) leaves no doubt well known but complex (Dickinson 2009), start- that cratonic basin mechanics are closely related to ing as a passive continental margin following rift- plate boundary processes. The Phanerozoic his- ing of Rodinia, but was strongly modified by tory of plate tectonics in the North American Mediterranean-style subduction zone roll-back region, from the break-up of Rodinia (ca. 800– and extensional back-arc formation during the 700 Ma) to the reassembly of the Pangaean super- Antler and Sonoma orogenies. The onset of sub- continent (ca. 300 Ma) and its subsequent dispersal duction of Pacific ocean floor is variously dated (Dalziel, 1991; Hoffman, 1991; Rogers, 1996) pro- at Precambrian (Scotese and Golonka 1992) vides an essential backdrop for the evolution of its and late Paleozoic (Burchfiel and Davis 1972; cratonic basins. Here we concentrate on the Paleo- Miller et al., 1992). Burgess et al. (1997, Fig. 4, zoic tectonic cycle. 1519) provided a model with subduction starting During the latest Proterozoic to Early Ordovician at 500 Ma (Cambrian-Ordovician boundary), (>543 Ma to 485 Ma), corresponding to the Sauk far from the present western edge of the North sequence of Sloss (1963), the North American cra- American craton. ton was extensively inundated, leaving a NE-SW Cratonic depocenters became individualized oriented Transcontinental Arch marked by con- during the time span from Ordovician to Missis- densed deposition (<5 m Myr 1) or non-deposi- sippian (Tippecanoe and Kaskaskia sequences, tion (Fig. 30.6A). Although there were elongate, Figure 30.6b–d) when the plate margins were linear regions of accelerated subsidence striking undergoing subduction of oceanic crust or conti- inland at high angles to the plate margin, such as nent-continent collision. Subduction of the Iape- the Central Montana Trough connecting the Will- tus ocean slab in the southeast changed the far-field iston Basin to the western plate margin, and both distribution of stress in the overlying plate, causing the Reelfoot Rift connecting the Michigan and widespread subaerial emergence and the forma- Illinois Basins, and the Southern Oklahoma rift tion of an incised unconformity surface between connecting the proto-Anadarko Basin to the Oua- the Sauk and Tippecanoe sequences (ca. 480 Ma). chita margin in the southeast, the widespread dis- This phase of uplift has been interpreted as the tribution of sediment accumulation suggests a early stages of orogeny (Taconic) in northeastern ramp-like tilting of the craton toward its margins. USA (Hatcher and Viele, 1982), but Burgess Such long-wavelength tilting took place at a time of et al. (1997) viewed the elevation changes of the (a) Latest Proterozoic-Early Ordovician (Sauk) (c) Mid-early Devonian to latest Devonian (Kaskaskia I) CANADA CANADA Alberta Basin

Central Montana E (Belt) Trough W EXTENSIONAL

M n CONTINENTAL i Catskill wedge g r M MARGIN a Edge of North m Cordilleran n American craton ra shelf basin le IO il d r o C TranscontinentalA Arch I Edge of North Reelfoot Rift Appalachian shelf American craton Southern Oklahoma Edge of North failed rift American craton CONTINENT-CONTINENT IAPETUS MEXI Ouachita Edge of North COLLISION ALONG CO margin EXTENSIONAL MEXICO T American craton APPALACHIAN TREND W Williston Basin CONTINENTAL OUACHITA T Tobosa Basin MARGIN A Proto-Anadarko Basin E Elk Point Basin M Michigan Basin Marathon margin I Illinois Basin IO Iowa Basin M Michigan Basin (b) Middle Ordovician to mid-Early Devonian (Tippecanoe) (d) Latest Devonian to latest Mississippian (Kaskaskia II) CANADA CANADA Edge of North American craton ? Edge of North American craton N E Central Montana W G W Trough POSSIBLE PACIFIC O R

SUBDUCTION WA O n M i M Queenston s AT ca. 500 Ma N a b n wedge si A d a KA n b a R l d e n E r a o l CA f e Cordilleran L r N elf n o h L a f E s I r shelf basin e n ll ia G D i h chian d c la r la O OD I R o pa C Ap R Appa O I O A C A Reelfoot Rift SUBDUCTION OF N ? ND IA IAPETUS OCEAN H Black Warrior C MEXICO Ouachita MEXICO A T Basin L Basins margin Edge of North A American craton P W Williston Basin W Williston Basin P Uplifts -A T Tobosa Basin A Anadarko Basin TA OD Ozark Dome HI A Anadarko basin Marathon I Reelfoot Rift-Illinois Basin AC ND Nashville Dome N-OU I Illinois Basin margin M Michigan Basin ATHO M Michigan basin CA Cincinnati Arc h MAR KA Kankakee Arch WA Wisconsin Arch

Fig. 30.6. The Paleozoic history of cratonic basins in the USA, modified from Sloss (1988). (a) Latest Proterozoic to Early Ordovician, corresponding to the Sauk Basins Cratonic sequence. Several cratonic basins were initiated at the tips of rifts striking at a high angle to the extensional plate margin, within a region of very broad tilting of the continent toward both margins. (b) Middle Ordovician to Mid-Early Devonian corresponding to the Tippecanoe Sequence. Cratonic basins become individualized by the growth of intervening arches and domes while subduction of oceanic crust takes place along the eastern plate margin. (c) Mid-Early Devonian to Latest Devonian, corresponding to Kaskaskia I Sequence. Continent-continent collision caused regional uplift of the eastern part of North America and the shedding of major coarse clastic wedges onto the northeastern part of the plate. (d) Latest Devonian to Latest Mississippian, corresponding to Kaskaskia II Sequence. Cratonic basins in the central eastern USA are connected to the Marathon-Ouachita-Appalachian orogen and foreland basin system, while the Williston Basin is connected to the Cordilleran foreland basin system in the northwest. 611 612 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types craton as due to dynamic topography driven by the instabilities, in-plane stress transmitted from a onset of subduction. Subsequently, the eastern convergent plate boundary, flexure caused by tec- margin of North America was subjected to pulses tonic loading in convergent orogens, and the of ocean-continent collision and accretion along spreading of siliciclastics from foreland basin sys- the Appalachian trend, leading to compressive tems into the plate interior. stresses in the craton. By the Late Silurian, conti- In the paragraphs that follow, we investigate the nent-continent suturing took place between the effects of stretching at low strain rate a relatively Baltica and Laurentian plates. At this stage, the thick continental lithosphere as the dominant Michigan Basin was individualized as a circular mechanism for cratonic basin inception and shaped depocenter and its history was yoked to long-term evolution. Other effects, such as that of the Appalachian orogen and its foreland those suggested in the paragraph above, are treated basin system (Coakley and Gurnis, 1995). In the as secondary. Early Devonian, the Transcontinental Arch, Ozark Dome, Cincinnati Arch and Nashville Dome were uplifted as the Caledonian orogenic trend became MODELING CRATONIC BASIN transcurrent and convergence took place between EVOLUTION Gondwana and the North American plate. A proto- Tethyan ocean plate subducted under its southern Simple instantaneous uniform extension leads to margin at the end of the Devonian to Early Carbon- fault-related subsidence as the lithosphere thins, iferous. Widespread uplift and erosion allowed the and further post-rift subsidence as the thinned sub-Kaskaskia II unconformity to be cut (368 Ma). lithosphere cools back to its initial state At this time, foredeeps developed along the west- (McKenzie, 1978). Cratonic basins may have ern margin of the North American craton formed due to extension by very small stretch (Bally, 1989), which caused the Williston Basin factors, for example 1.05 to 1.2 in the Hudson to be disconnected from the Alberta foreland Bay (Hanne et al., 2004) and <1.6 in the West basin system. Subsequently, by latest Mississip- Siberian Basin (Saunders et al., 2005). Assuming pian, major continent-continent collision between a normal initial lithospheric thickness of 125 km, Gondwana and the North American plate led to instantaneous extension to these stretch factors widespread uplift and erosion of the sub-Absaroka produces subsidence that is too rapid and does unconformity and the reactivation of old linea- not last long enough to reproduce typical cratonic ments. The Absaroka I sequence (beginning basin subsidence history (Fig. 30.7). However, 330 Ma) marks a change of style of sedimentation simple instantaneous extension of a 200 km- on the North American craton, due to a new cycle of thick lithosphere produces subsidence that con- extension, subduction, convergence and collision tinues for more than 250 Myr due to the effect on 2 2 concentrated in the south and west of the craton. the lithospheric time constant t ¼ z0 /p k The North American cratonic basins show (Fig. 30.7), where z0 is the initial lithospheric unequivocally that basin subsidence began as a thickness and k is the diffusivity. ramp-like tilting of the continent toward exten- The concept of instantaneous extension is useful sional, trailing-edge plate margins, with local rap- for simple modelling of sedimentary basins that idly subsiding troughs extending across weakly form due to extension at strain rates greater than subsiding continental platforms into the cratonic 10 15 s 1 (ca. 30 nannostrain yr 1) (Fig. 30.8). On interior at high angles to the plate margin. In this basis the assumption of instantaneous exten- eastern and southeastern North America, the sion is justified (Jarvis and McKenzie, 1980). We onset of subduction of oceanic crust caused a have modelled the uniform extension in 1D, change of state of stress, during which time region- assuming a constant strain rate, to understand ally correlated unconformities were formed and where this assumption of instantaneous extension basin stratigraphy tilted. Basins such as the Michi- breaks down and what the effect of low strain rates gan and Illinois basins became “individualized” as would be on subsidence (Armitage and Allen roughly circular depocenters fringed by uplifting 2010). Temperature is calculated down a 1D arches, domes and bulges. Consequently, the later depth profile. Extension in the horizontal plane evolution of cratonic basins is moderated by the leads to a proportional thinning in the vertical. various effects of dynamic topography set up by This assumes that the upper lithosphere deforms subduction of cold oceanic slabs or convective plastically and conserves volume. The thermal Cratonic Basins 613

Lithosphere 125 km, crust 30 km Lithosphere 200 km, crust 40 km composition of the upwelled aesthenosphere is Age of Tunguska/East assumed to be identical to that of the lithospheric Siberian basalts (250 Ma) Age (Ma) mantle it replaces so that there is no additional 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 downward-acting load due to a change in chemical Instantaneous Extension 200 composition and therefore density (cf. Kaminski 400 1.1 and Jaupart, 2000). 600 Subsidence is calculated assuming that the lith- 1.1 800 osphere is isostatically compensated locally (Airy) 1.2 1000 and that the initial configuration is at sea level. We 1200 assume that density remains constant within the 1.3 1.2 3 1400 crust at 2900 kg m , and varies linearly due to 2 1600 thermal expansion within the mantle lithosphere. 1.4 The density at the base of the lithosphere is 1.3 1800 West Siberian Basin 1 3 2000 assumed to be 3400 kg m , and the temperature 1 SG-6 2 Urengoy-414 2200 is assumed to be 1330 C. Within our model, the 1.4 2400 Water-loaded tectonic subsidence (m) subsidence is relatively insensitive to the aesthe- nospheric temperature. Fig. 30.7. Predicted tectonic water-loaded subsidence For very low rates of extension (strain rates of curves for instantaneous extension of the lithosphere for 16 1 initial lithosphere thickness of 125 and 200 km at stretch 10 s ) the heat conduction and upward advec- factors between 1.1 and 1.4. The predicted subsidence is tion of material become comparable. While the plotted together with the backstripped subsidence of bore- crust is mechanically stretched, warmer litho- holes SG-6 and Urengoy-414 (located on Figure 30.3) in the sphere advects upwards. If this upward advection West Siberian Basin (Saunders et al., 2005). The model is rapid, the surface is uplifted due to the less dense subsidence assumes that the temperature at the base of the lithosphere is 1330C and that density varies with warm mantle beneath the crust. When the strain temperature within the lithosphere and is constant within rates are sufficiently low, however, the upwelling the crust (McKenzie, 1978). mantle cools as it rises, causing the geotherm to increase less than in the situation where stretching is instantaneous or at a faster strain rate (Fig. 30.9). structure of the lithosphere is therefore subject to In this case the lithosphere does not become as heat conduction, upward advection due to the buoyant so as to counter the subsidence due to the lateral extension and internal heating due to radio- stretched crust. The result is syn-stretching subsi- active decay. The thermal structure of the litho- dence that is more prolonged and greater when the sphere, the geotherm, is then solved through time lithosphere is stretched to the same stretch factor as the lithosphere extends and cools. The at lower strain rates (Fig. 30.8). Subsequent

Fig. 30.8. Comparison of water loaded subsidence for instantaneous extension with finite extension at strain rates of 10 15 and 10 16 s 1. The base of the lithosphere is assumed to be at 200 km depth with a temperature of 1330 C. The crust is assumed to be 40 km thick. 614 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types

major tectonic lineaments (Perez-Gussiny e and Watts 2005). Lithospheric thickness is also sug- gested to be affected by the long-term secular cool- ing of the mantle (Pollack, 1997; Herzberg, 2004). In the case of the West Siberian Basin, the Russian platform has a present-day lithospheric thickness of 160–210 km, with thinner regions (125 km) beneath the Central Russian Rift system and thicker regions under the Siberian shield (>350 km) (Artemieva and Mooney 2001; Artemieva, 2003). In contrast, thin lithosphere but normal crust might be expected in regions of long-term accretion of arcs, subduction zones and backarc lithosphere (Murphy and Nance 1991). Constraining the initial thickness of the lithosphere at the time of the initiation of cratonic basins is therefore difficult. Subsidence results from changes in the density Fig. 30.9. Geotherms for extension at a stretch factor of 1.5. structure of the lithosphere during extension and Instantaneous assumes no internal heating due to radioac- once extension ends. It is normally assumed that tive decay. The models of extension at strain rates, G,of density is a function of temperature. For rift mar- 15 16 1 10 and 10 s assume internal heating. The tempera- gins, where melting is involved, there is an addi- ture at the base of the lithosphere is assumed to be 1330 C, and the initial lithospheric thickness is 200 km. tional buoyancy due to melt retained within the mantle (Scott, 1992). Solid-state phase changes also alter the density structure of the lithosphere. post-stretching subsidence due to the thermal For simple models of lithosphere extension, the relaxation of the lithosphere is not as great com- phase change from garnet- to plagioclase-lherzolite pared to when the lithosphere is extended at faster may reduce the lithosphere density by up to strain rates. The subsidence profile therefore has a 100 kg m 3 (Podladchikov et al., 1994, Kaus more constant slope, with a slight elbow when the et al., 2005). The bulk composition of continental stretching ceases and the lithosphere thermally lithosphere is characterised by the average com- relaxes (Fig. 30.9). position of peridotite xenoliths. For post Archaean lithosphere, we assume that the bulk composition DISCUSSION of the lithosphere is that of an average spinel peridotite (McDonough, 1990). Using this bulk There are a number of uncertainties that make the composition we calculated the density of the understanding of cratonic basins problematical. lithosphere using the thermodynamic code One is the thickness of the thermal lithosphere Perple_X (Connolly, 1990, 2005; Connolly and Ker- at the time of basin formation, another is the impact rick, 2002). For continental lithosphere there is a of densification due to mineralogical changes on slight alteration in the density due to the phase cratonic basin subsidence, and another is the state change from garnet- to plagioclase-lherzolite. How- of stress of the continental plate at the time of basin ever, the lithosphere would have to be extended by initiation. We review these topics briefly. a large amount for this phase change to have an We are able to explain the subsidence history of effect on subsidence, contrary to the evidence cratonic basins primarily by stretching of a thick afforded by cratonic basins. Consequently, we do continental lithosphere at low strain rates. But not expect any mineralogical changes that would evaluating the physical state of the continental significantly alter the density structure of the lithosphere at the time of formation of cratonic lithosphere during their formation. basins and during their long evolution is difficult. More complex phase changes within the litho- Lithospheric thickness, based on S wave veloci- sphere and crust have been put forward to explain ties, shows strong variations from plate to plate and subsidence within sedimentary basins. For exam- within large plates (Goes et al., 2000; Artemieva ple the gabbro-eclogite phase change might poten- and Mooney 2001; Goes and van der Lee 2002; tially cause subsidence (Joyner, 1967; Haxby McKenzie et al., 2005), with large gradients across et al., 1976; Stel et al., 1993), as this causes a Cratonic Basins 615

density increase of around 500 kg m 3. This phase Lithosphere Thickness: 200km Crust Thickness: 40 km change has been used to explain the formation of Finite extension at a strain rate of 10–16s–1 the Williston and Michigan Basins in North Amer- Age of Tunguska/East ica (Haxby et al., 1976, Baird et al., 1995) and the Siberian basalts (250 Ma) Age (Ma) 250 200 150 100 50 0 late-stage evolution of the Baltic Basin (Stel 0 et al., 1993). However, to generate this phase 200 2 change a source of heating such as a large upwell- 400 Stretch Factor ing of warmer material to the base of the crust is 1.1 600 required (Baird et al., 1995), for which no consis- 1 800 tent evidence is available. 1000 1.2 We propose that although there are secondary 1200 mechanisms for subsidence during the long time 1400 1.3 evolution of cratonic basins, the primary mecha- 1600 nism is stretching of the continental lithosphere at 1.4 1800 West Siberian Basin a low strain rate followed by cooling. The origin of 1.5 2000 1 SG-6 the far-field extensional stresses causing these low 2 Urengoy-414 2200 Water-loaded tectonic subsidence (m) strain rates of the continental lithosphere is debat- 2400 able, but the regional state of stress of a continent can be linked to its position relative to the geoid Fig. 30.10. Water loaded tectonic subsidence of the West and to the impact of plate boundary forces Siberian Basin (boreholes SG-6 and U-414 located in Figure 30.3, after Saunders et al., 2005) compared with (Coblentz and Sandiford, 1994; Coblentz extension of 200 km-thick lithosphere with 40 km-thick et al., 1998; Hillis and Reynolds, 2000). Sur- crust at a low strain rate of 10 16 s 1 until stretch factors rounded by mid-ocean ridges, like Africa today of 1.1 to 1.5 are reached. Different stretch factors are and Australia prior to 50 Ma, the continent should achieved by different durations of stretching at a constant experience weak extensional deviatoric stresses. strain rate. The break-up of supercontinents and their sub- sequent dispersal are likely driven by the migration Lithosphere Thickness: 200km of continents from geoid highs to geoid lows Crust Thickness: 40 km Extension for 50 Myrs (Gurnis, 1988). Numerical modelling has found Age (Ma) that a stationary continental plate insulates the 530 480 430 380 330 280 mantle below, generating an upwelling of mantle 0 SAUK 200 material as the warm mantle creeps laterally Extension TIPPECANOE 400 beneath the plate (Gurnis, 1988). Such an insulat- Subduction KASKASKIA I & II ing effect has been inferred from the stability of Collision 600 continental cores (McKenzie and Priestley, 2008). 800 Alternatively, plumes impinging on the base of the 1000 1x10-16s-1 supercontinental lithosphere would also cause 1200 1 topographic doming (Zhong et al., 1996). Both pro- 1400 cesses would place the overlying continental lith- 1600 2 osphere in a state of horizontal extensional stress. 1800 Tensional stresses would be relieved as the conti- North American Basins 1 Michigan Basin 2000 nent migrated to a region of geoid low and the state 2 Illinois Basin

2200 Water-loaded tectonic subsidence (m) 2x10–16s–1 of stress switched to compressional (Gurnis, 1988). 2400 The extensional stress driving the very low strain rates necessary to explain cratonic basins Fig. 30.11. Water loaded tectonic subsidence for boreholes representative of the Michigan and Illinois Basins (from Xie may therefore be part of the cycle of superconti- and Heller, 2009) with an envelope of model subsidence for nental break-up. Using an initial lithospheric strain rates of 10 16 s 1 and 2 10 16 s 1 imposed for thickness of 200 km and an extensional strain 50 Myr, followed by cooling. For the lower strain rate rate of 10 16 s 1, the subsidence history of two after 50 Myr the stretch factor is 1.17. For the higher strain boreholes in the West Siberian Basin can be rate after 50 Myr the stretch factor is 1.37. Different segments of the subsidence curve correspond to the Sauk, Tippecanoe matched with a stretch factor of 1.5 (Fig. 30.10). and Kaskaskia sequences. Secondary subsidence mechan- Further complexity is evident in the subsidence isms superimposed on cooling affect the Tippecanoe and histories of the Michigan and Illinois Basins Kaskaskia sequences. 616 Part 5: Plate Interior Basins and Basin Types

(Fig. 30.11). Extension is modelled from 530– One way in which typical subsidence histories 480 Ma (Sauk sequence) at strain rates of 10 16 of cratonic basins can be explained is by a model and 2 10 16 s 1, followed by cooling. The onset of protracted stretching at low strain rate of an of subduction of the Iapetus ocean (Tippecanoe), initially thick continental lithosphere. and the formation of a continental collision zone (Kaskaskia) (Fig. 30.6) can be recognized as depar- tures from the background curve for thermal subsi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dence. During these basin-modifying stages, we envisage that the observed subsidence history is We are most grateful to Trond Torsvik at the Nor- an amalgam of background subsidence due to wegian Geological Survey who provided a data- cooling, dynamic topography due to the subduction base on cratonic basins used in Figure 30.3 and to of a cold oceanic slab, flexural subsidence related Statoil who funded the work as part of a sediment to orogenic loading, and the transmission of routing system research programme. Peter Burgess in-plane stresses from the eastern convergent (Shell) and Peter DeCelles (Arizona) are thanked plate boundary. for their helpful reviews.


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