Summer Issue 2013 West

What’s Inside This Issue: A Message from our Council President:

Council News 1-6 As our summer winds down, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on all the exciting activities you participated in and Districts/Exploring 7-10 begin planning for the fall. One of the most important tasks is making sure that your unit is prepared to accept new 11 members.

Scout Shop News 12 Join Night is a membership recruiting campaign that runs from September 10 to the 20th. Thousands of Eagle Scouts 13 boys will receive fliers at their school informing them on how they can join. Lets “be prepared” to welcome them! Tributes 14 On behalf of our board of directors, thank you for the Training Schedule 14 leadership you’re providing. It truly is appreciated. ~Thomas Stoner

Conditional Charter Update as of June 30, 2013

As you all know the Council has received a conditional charter for 2013 based on continued membership losses and operating deficits.

Throughout the year, the Council is being evaluated on the following goals set by National:

1. Attain District Friends of Scouting goal of $178,000 by June 30, 2013. July 9, 2013 actual FOS was $93,894 or 52.75% of the goal. An extension has been granted until December 31, 2013 to attain this goal. 2. Achieve budgeted Council Friends of Scouting goal of $382,000 by September 30, 2013. 3. Grow traditional membership (Boy , , Venturer) from 3,576 to 3,648 a 2% increase by June 30, 2013. Did not meet, in fact the Council experienced a loss compared to June 30, 2012. 4. Grow traditional membership from 4,537 youth to 4,800 youth while maintaining a net unit gain, by December 31, 2013. 5. Grow Explorers from 288 youth to 300 by December 31, 2013. 6. Achieve council net budgeted total direct support (Friends of Scouting, project sales, special events) goal of $447,000 by December 31, 2013. 7. Have a balanced Operating Budget without reducing current youth serving executive professional staff size. Audit completed, board approved and submitted to the National Council on or before June 30, 2013. Successfully completed – Audit completed and submitted by June 30, 2013. 8. Attain Silver level in Journey to Excellence moving the needle from 1,275 to 1,300 points.

The requirements to be met in the Conditional Charter were somewhat negotiable and were revised and finalized on March 14, 2013 at the Council’s Executive Committee Meeting. Every Council in America is expected to grow their membership and operate with a balanced budget, we’re not in alignment with those reasonable expectations.

There are two things that your unit can do to help meet the Conditional Charter terms: 1. Schedule a Family Friends of Scouting Presentation if you have not done so yet. 2. Be an active participant in the fall membership drive.

The Council Executive Board and District Volunteer Leadership are tackling all the other issues in the Conditional Charter. Not meeting all of these conditions in the time framed noted will bring to bear serious consequences; the possibility of being forced to merge with another Council which assuredly means the loss of one or both of our camps.

We greatly appreciate your leadership in our Council and ask for your cooperation.

Tom Stoner Eric Renker William Davis Council President Council Commissioner Scout Executive

11046 Johnson Boulevard Seminole, Florida 33772-4715 Office: 727-391-3800 Fax: 727-392-1080 Scout Shop: 727-391-5373

Council Annual Meeting Update

Council President, Tom Stoner appointed the following to serve as the Council’s Nominating Committee. The Executive Board approved the appointment during the June 20, 2013 meeting. Scott Payne will serve as the Nominating Committee Chairman and other members include; Rob Vincent, Flip Coleman and Mel Sams.

Recommendations to the Committee shall be made in writing at least 30 days prior to the meeting on December 19, 2013.

Please mail recommendations to: 2014 Council Nominations c/o West Central Florida Council, BSA 11046 Johnson Boulevard Seminole, FL 33772-4715

Maureen Donovan-Dobiesz Scholarship

Maureen Donovan-Dobiesz is a humanitarian with a deep-seeded passion for providing children and young adults with positive guidance, education and support. Having been a Cub and the proud mother of two Eagle Scouts, she fully understands the values of Scouting and the great impact it has on the Scout’s life. Further, Mrs. Donovan-Dobiesz understands the critical role that women play in Scouting. As a recipient of the West Central Florida Council’s Distinguished Citizens Award, Mrs. Donovan-Dobiesz decided to establish a scholarship fund to encourage, reward and recognize female contributions to Scouting. Mrs. Donovan-Dobiesz will select the recipient of this scholarship based on the candidate’s participation in Scouting and non-scouting activities, leadership abilities, and commitment to the ideals of Scouting. At this time we are accepting applications for this scholarship. Please got to for more information and details on this opportunity.

Camp Renovation Updates

Camp Soule “The Ed Schatzman Training Center at Conover Hall”, formerly known as the Dining Hall has undergone major renovations. A $100,000 gift from AAA Auto Club South and friends in memory of Ed Schatzman, a life-long Scouter and Senior VP of AAA made this much needed renovation a reality. Extensive work has been done to the exterior and interior of the building, including new restrooms. A kitchen upgrade was possible by a grant from Publix Super Markets Charities and the installation of an air conditioning system the dining hall is complete.

Former Council President, Southern Region Executive Board member, Scouter and dear friend, Johnny Aide chaired a campaign to raise additional funds needed to complete the renovations. These contributions went towards replacing the roof and installing the air-conditioning system. You can help continue supporting upgrades and improvements to Soule by purchasing your very own personalized brick that will become part of the outdoor deck at the Dining Hall.

$125-$249 4x8 brick 18 characters per line x 3 lines $250-$999 8x8 brick 18 characters per line x 6 lines $1,000-up 12x12 brick 23 characters per line x 10 lines

Sand Hill Scout Reservation The Shooting Sports range has been renovated with the assistance of the Hernando County Sheriff’s Department. The firing berm has been replaced and an air pistol range has also been built. Year-round Online Camp Reservations

Many of you now know about our new Camp Reservation System which is available at For those of you who unaware this system allows units the ability to logon and reserve campsites, equipment, program areas and much more for both Camp Soule and Sand Hill Scout Reservation.

We realize that a lot of you have a busy Scouting year ahead of you and we want to help ease the process of planning your camping trips as much as possible. Even if you don’t have an exact date in mind, logon to see what’s available. Once you have a definite date all you have to do is reserve, pay, get your receipt and have a GREAT trip!

Just a few reasons the new system is so awesome (and important things to keep in mind):

 Eliminates the process of calling ahead to see if something is available  Multiple buildings/locations/equipment can be added to your cart at one time  Going GREEN is always a plus especially this day in age, we are happy to eliminate camp usage forms, envelopes, postage, or even a trip into the office  The ability to navigate from one camp to the other during one transaction  Reservations are still made on a first come-first serve basis (reservations close two weeks prior to date)  Campsite reservations are done by weekends only. When checking availability, check by Friday's date as reservations are automatically made from Friday through Sunday.  All payments are collected at the time of reservation, even the $1.25/person/night (refunds to unit accounts are available in cases of over payment/less individuals attending)  If you have a special request i.e. equipment please contact Donna Felsh at the Council Service Center at (727) 391-3800 Ext. 212.  NEW!!! Big Foot Wilderness Camp is now also available online for reservations!!

We welcome your feedback on the new system and please let us know if you find any problems or bugs that we need to be aware of. Please email Donna Felsh ([email protected]) with your questions or comments.

Internet Advancements

What is Internet Advancement? It is an online portal for reporting Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and ranks; awards; and activity badges, belt loops, and merit badges. Simple and intuitive, it works best from a faster Internet connection using Internet Explorer 6 or higher.

What are the advantages of using Internet Advancement? Units can enter advancement at any time, print reports, obtain current rosters from the BSA system, and print order sheets for the Scout shop. This along with our councils “order ready” pick-up or free mailing of advancements will ensure a smooth and quick process.

Why should I use Internet Advancement? When Internet Advancement is used to comply with reporting responsibilities, it alleviates issues in documenting progress as Scouts submit Eagle applications or transfer from one unit to another. Submission of duplicate merit badges is eliminated and corrections can easily be made by the unit. The speed of input is increased as it is updated in the personal file in the data base immediately. Consistent and constant reporting also assures accurate records for use by commissioners, other district and council volunteers, and the National Council. These are critical in evaluating unit health, adjusting service delivery, and researching changes in programs and requirements.

Did you know? You can upload PackMaster and TroopMaster files to Internet Advancements. You can view past advancements that were submitted. You can see the dates your Leaders have taken Youth Protection. You can print current real-time rosters. You can correct incorrect dates.

How do I get started? To get started using Internet Advancement is easy. You will need to contact Jennifer DeCresie at the Council office (727-391-3800 ext 209) to obtain your unit ID# and to reset your unit account if necessary. Once you log in you will have access to tutorials and Internet Advancement.. WCFC Advancement (July-August 2013)

Recent Releases

It has arrived and is Official! - 2013 Edition of Guide To Advancement

It is really, really, official and effective immediately plus it may be downloaded from National's website ( There are 47 items with "significant updates", 12 new sections, and 12 additional pages. Our next Council Advancement Committee meeting in August will review these updates. You may find the changes within the merit badge program to be the most significant of all changes. Read carefully and remember this material is for immediate use and effective immediately.

Cooking Merit Badge Changes (Psst, this merit badge will become Eagle Required after Jan. 1, 2014!)

The changes to Cooking will first appear in a revised merit badge pamphlet expected to release around the Thanksgiving holiday. If released as planned, the new requirements become effective Jan. 1, 2014. Should the merit badge changes be delayed until after Jan. 1, 2014, the Scout may choose to complete the badge with the old requirements if he’s started the badge or wait for the release of the new requirements to begin.

Sustainability Merit Badge Requirements

The word “sustainability” may be new to some, but the concept is not. It builds on the common Scouting practices of being thrifty and conservation-minded - the BSA has taught many of the sus- tainability principles throughout its history. This means anyone with a strong Scouting background may be able to serve as a merit badge counselor, but those with knowledge of our environment, civil engineering or architecture may be especially strong candidates. The requirements have been released and are available on National’s website: The earliest date on which Sustainability could have been earned was Monday, July 15. As an alternate Eagle Required Merit Badge, a Scout may earn this merit badge in lieu of Environmental Science. Please note, the Eagle rank application (2013) has been updated to support this option.

Programming Merit Badge Requirements

The requirements for the new Programming Merit Badge were released July 16, 2013. The require- ments are available on line: AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/mb-PROG.aspx

New Eagle Scout Application

Because of the recent addition of the Sustainability Merit Badge as an Eagle Scout alternate, there has been a change to the Eagle Scout Application. You will find a link to the 2013 printing of this form in the Advancement section of our Council’s website or at

Lowe’s Eagle Scout Project Grants Renewed For 2013

The Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation will renew their support for Scouting by renewing the Eagle Scout Project Grant Program beginning in July 2013. The program is different from what it was in 2012. The National Ad- vancement Team will be sending the $100 Eagle Scout service project grants directly to Scouts that WCFC identifies. If you are associated with a unit, or if you’re an advancement committee member or chair, you may contact your district’s advancement chairman listed below for more information.

Summer Camp Merit Badges

Frequently upon returning from Summer Camp, unit leaders must address innumerable questions regarding Summer Camp advancements. The new 2013 edition of the Guide to Advancement has an addition to Section 7 answering many of the questions arising from merit badge partials, counselors, completions, etc. Of special significance is the sum- mary on page 53 of how to handle questionable merit badge completions.

WCFC Advancement (July-August 2013) continued:

New Merit Badge Counselor Information Sheet

A new Merit Badge Counselor Information sheet, No. 34405WEB, released earlier this year, is now available online at This user-friendly, fillable-PDF form will enhance the entire merit badge process for unit leaders, parents, and most of all, Scouts. Although at first glance it may appear similar to its predecessor, the new form affords more space for gathering vital information such as Youth Protection Training, email contact information, and up to three telephone numbers. There is also more room for individuals to list the specific qualifications they have to counsel a particular badge. The back of the form now provides both general and specific information on the program to counselors and unit leaders, with special emphasis on Youth Protection and useful references for additional information.

Journey to Excellence and Cub Scout Advancement

Cub Scout Advancement is a key metric in measuring the success of a pack’s program and therefore is a key objective of the Journey to Excellence (JTE) scorecard. The pack committee plays a critical role in this process as noted in the Guide to Advancement, topics and Each pack should have an Advancement Coordi- nator who—perhaps with assistance from other parents—will be responsible for handling advancement-oriented tasks. The Advancement Coordinator contributes to the pack’s JTE effort by using Internet Advancement on a regular basis to inform the pack committee of any advancement difficulties before they become problematic. To make sure everyone gets the word about progress on the JTE, packs should make recognition a key part of every pack meeting. Present patches, belt loops, and beads as soon as possible after they are earned. To learn more about how the pack committee can educate parents, guardians, unit leadership, and committee members in ways to stimulate and encourage advancement, consult the Cub Scout Leader Book, No. 33221, available for purchase at our WCFC Service Center.

District Advancement Contacts

ANCLOTE: Jim Royal (727) 735-1433 [email protected] MICCOSUKEE: Stacey Glogowski (727) 487-4122 [email protected] SKYWAY: Terry Shown (727) 521-4722 [email protected]

2013 Popcorn Sale!

The 2013 Popcorn sale is almost here! This year, there are new and exciting flavors like Buffalo Cheddar and Bacon Ranch (sure to be a new favorite)! There will be weekly drawings for iPads, a Go Pro Camera and a Jawbone Jambox! There will also be top seller incentives and of course prizes that include gift cards and scholarships. Why do we sell popcorn? The single word answer is "PROGRAM". People buy your Scouting PROGRAM with a package of popcorn as their investment in your Scouting unit. Selling Trail's End Popcorn can provide the Ideal Year of Scouting by: giving your unit more money to spend on programs for Scouts, reducing out of pocket expenses for parents, eliminating the need for multiple fundraisers each year-allowing more time for Scout programs, teaching Scouts communication and selling skills and helping them earn requirements for badges.

Here are important dates for the 2013 Popcorn campaign: August 17 Popcorn Kick-off at Camp Soule (9-11 AM) September 13 Show & Deliver orders due September 28 Popcorn picked up at Great Bay Distributors November 1 Show & Sell Settlement Due, Popcorn Take Order to Council November 16 Popcorn Distribution (Great Bay Distributors, Inc) December 1 Deadline for Council prize forms December 13 Popcorn Take Order Settlement Due to Council

For additional questions, please contact your District Popcorn Kernel or District Executive:

Anclote Rivers District Kernel: Robin VanScoy, 727-945-0851; [email protected] Miccosukee District Kernel: Delphine Nasr; 727-460-8689; [email protected] Skyway District Kernel: Renee Meyer; 727-510-9940; [email protected] WCFC Popcorn Kernel: Andrea Weaver; 727-492-2165; [email protected] College of Commissioners Science

August 2013 Friday & Saturday, August 9 & 10, 2013

Mease Dunedin Hospital 9-10 College of Commissioner 601 Main Street Science Dunedin, FL 34698

17 Popcorn Kick-Off Friday 6:30-9pm, Saturday 7:30am-6:30pm

19 Schools Begin $20 per person and open to all registered adult leaders. This advanced training 31 Camps Closed for is intended to educate the Commissioner staff for better Unit Service. Labor Day 2013 REUNION AND RECRUITMENT DINNER

Wednesday, September 18, 2013, registration at 6:30, program at 7:00 PM Camp Soule Dining Hall, 2201 Soule Road, Clearwater, Florida 33759-1426


Bring a dish to share complete with serving utensils.

If you are undecided as to what type of dish to bring, please use this guideline:

Antelopes—Meats Bears—Salads —Potatoes Bobwhites—Appetizers

Buffalos—Meats Eagles—Vegetables Foxes—Desserts Owls—Desserts

Drinks and cups will be provided.

Most important – As the popularity of the adult event continues, seating will be limited.

September 2013 Please wear your Scout uniform with your Wood Badge neckerchief, woggle, and beads, or your participant’s neckerchief and green woggle.

1-2 Council Service Center RSVP to Alice Cliff at (727) 799-8747 or [email protected] and Camps Closed for Labor Day 6-8 OA Fall Conclave Join us September 20-22, 2013 at Camp Soule for AquAcademy 2013! 10 School Night for Scouting 12 School Night for Scouting During this weekend experience you can earn 1 to 2 merit badges. Registration is ONLINE ONLY at 13 Popcorn Show & Deliver and closes on September 4, 2013 so Orders Due don’t wait make your reservation today! $20 per 13-15 NRA/BSA Range Youth Merit Badge Participant, $15 per Adult Leader Instructor Training #1 and $18 per Staff/Merit Badge Counselor. 17 School Night for Scouting 18 Wood Badge NRA/BSA Range Training Reunion Dinner September 13-15 and September 20-22, 2013 19 School Night for Scouting This two– weekend course will include all meals, cabins, ammunition, firearms, 20-22 AquAcademy 2013 range fees, class, program and supplies as part of the fee. 20-22 NRA/BSA Range Instructor Training #2 NRA Trainings Include: Basic Instructor Training 28 Cub Leader Training Range Safety Officer 28 Popcorn Show & Deliver Rifle Instructor Pick-Up Shotgun Instructor

Register online at Deadline is September 2, 2013.

Anclote District Join Scouting Night: School will be started before we know it and if you haven’t prepared for recruiting new members this fall, you are running out of time. Packs should have already gotten their recruitment dates from their assigned schools. Remember this year we are not going to recruit at Open Houses or Meet the Teacher nights—just promote our regular Join Scouting Night date at these events. It is too difficult to organize dens and recruit parents to be leaders otherwise. Also packs should have confirmed leadership for the fall and recruited their recruitment teams. If you have not done all of this and need help, please contact your unit commissioner who can assist you. Troops and crews should also be planning their fall recruitment now that the summer activities are behind them. There is no better recruitment tool than to publicize what your unit did over the summer months!

Roundtable: Roundtables are the second Wednesday each month. We have a new location for roundtables this year, so please make sure all your leaders know where it is. The roundtables will be meeting at the CARES Center at 4136 Barker Dr, New Port Richey, FL 34652. We have had some meetings there already this summer and it is working out well. Roundtables are a good place to learn what is happening in the dis- trict and Scouting—and an excellent networking opportunity. Every unit leader should make an effort to attend these key meetings. Be sure that all your new leaders are aware of this monthly training opportunity and are encouraged to attend.

Trail's End Popcorn Sales: It's getting to be that time again! POPCORN TIME! Trail's End Popcorn sales offers your unit and family the best opportunity to make Scouting as affordable as possible! Your unit can earn up to 35% of the total gross sales! Some Anclote units earned more than $4,000 profit last year! Boys can earn their entire Scouting year paid for through popcorn sales. No worries about affording Summer Cub Day Camp, summer camp at Sand Hill, etc. For more info, contact our District Popcorn Kernal Robin Vanscoy at [email protected] to sign your unit up for selling. And don’t forget to send your Unit Popcorn Kernal to the Popcorn Kick-off on August 17 at Camp Soule (9-11 AM)!

Oct. 18-20 is the date for this fall’s Webelos Survival-ree. All Webelos Scouts, leaders and parents will want to make sure they are part of this exciting program being put on for Anclote and Miccosukee Webelos Scouts at Camp Soule. The Survival-ree staff under the leadership of Todd Miller has been working for months planning events such as Wilderness Survival, Survival Nutrition, Parachute Cord Uses and Geocaching. Participants will also construct and learn to use Beads to help them travel safely in the wilderness without getting lost. If you are a Webelos Scout, you won’t want to miss this opportunity! Registration materials will be available in August.

A great big Anclote Thank You to Bill Haggard for chairing this summer’s Scout Night with the Dunedin Blue Jays! Almost 100 Scouts, leaders and parents enjoyed the ball game and great evening of entertainment. Be sure and watch for the date next summer!

Anclote District will be hosting Den Chief and Cub Scout Leader

Anclote District Calendar\ Specific training on Oct. 5, at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on Old SR 54 in New Port Richey. All new leaders are strongly encouraged 8/14 Roundtable to attend training as soon as they can so they can provide the best pro- 8/22 District Committee Meeting gram possible for their youth members. If your leaders can’t make this (Note date change) training, please encourage them to attend one of the other courses 8/28 District Commissioner Meeting offered in the council in September—or the on-line courses. Every Boy Deserves a Trained Leader! 9/4 Roundtable 9/25 District Commissioner Meeting Speaking of training, don’t forget that Youth Protection training needs to 9/26 District Committee Meeting be taken by every registered Scout leader at least every two years. If you took it before the 2012 recharter—it’s time to take it again. Don’t let your unit’s recharter get hung up because you neglected to renew your YPT! District Chairman District Commissioner District Executive

George Romangoli Rob Barbee Contact Asst. Scout Exec. John Baringer (727) 992-2755 (727) 534-3351 (727) 391-3800 ext 207 Miccosukee will be hosting two training courses this fall. On August 24th, Venturer Leader Specific training will be offered at Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, from 9-2 PM. Registration information is available on the council website. Then on Sept. 28, Cub Scout Leader Specifics training will be hosted by the district. Registration information will be available in August and in the Join Scout Night packets. All new leaders are strongly encouraged to attend training as soon as they can, so they can provide the best program possible for their youth members. If your leaders can’t make this training, please encourage them to attend one of the other courses offered in the council - or the on-line courses. Every Boy Deserves a Trained Leader!

Join Scouting Night: School will be starting before we know it and if you haven’t prepared to recruit new members this fall, you are running out of time. Packs should have already gotten their recruitment dates from their assigned schools. Remember to promote your Join Scouting Night date at Open House and other events where parents will be. Also packs should have confirmed leadership for the fall and recruited their recruitment teams. If you have not done all of this and need help, please contact your unit commissioner who can assist you. Troops and crews should also be planning their fall recruitment now that the summer activities are behind them. There is no better recruitment tool than to publicize what your unit did over the summer months!

Roundtable: Roundtables are the second Wednesday each month at First Lutheran Church, 1644 Nursery Road in Largo. Roundtable is the place to be each month to get up-to-date on all events, trainings and communications. Come meet others in our district, share and learn new ideas and techniques for use in your unit while enjoying socializing with other Scouters. Be sure that all your new leaders are aware of this monthly training opportunity and are encouraged to attend.

Trail's End Popcorn Sales: It's getting to be that time again! POPCORN TIME! Trail's End Popcorn sales offers your unit and family the best opportunity to make Scouting as affordable as possible! Your unit can earn up to 35% of the total gross sales! Some units earned more than $4,000 profit last year! Boys can earn their entire Scouting year paid for through popcorn sales. No worries about affording Summer Cub Day Camp, summer camp at Sand Hill, etc. For more info, contact our District Popcorn Kernal Delphine Nasr at [email protected] to sign your unit up for selling. And don’t forget to send your Unit Popcorn Kernal to the Popcorn Kick-off on August 17 at Camp Soule (9-11 AM)!

Boy Scout troops won’t want to miss this fall’s Boy Scout at Sand Hill Scout Reservation—Oct. 11-13! Competition and events on Saturday will have a Western theme leading up to a great BBQ dinner and campfire program in the evening. There will be tower building, Wild West Survival Skills and a Wagon Race! Registration information and details will be available in August. Chairman Chris Hurley and his committee have been preparing for this exciting event for months. You won’t want to miss it!!!

The following weekend (Oct. 18-20) will be this fall’s Webelos Survival-ree. All Webelos Scouts, leaders and parents will want to make sure they are part of this exciting program being put on for Anclote and Miccosukee Webelos Scouts at Camp Soule. The Survival-ree staff has been working for months under the leadership of chairman Todd Miller -planning events such as Wilderness Survival, Survival Nutrition, Parachute Cord Uses and Geocaching. Miccosukee District Calendar Participants will also construct and learn to use Ranger Beads to help them travel safely in the wilderness without getting lost. If you are a Webelos Scout, 8/7 District Committee Meeting you won’t want to miss this opportunity! Registration materials will be 8/14 Roundtable available in August. 8/21 District Commissioner Meeting

A great big Miccosukee District Thank You to Peggy Kirk for chairing this 9/4 District Committee Meeting summer’s Clearwater Threshers Scout Carnival! The weather looked 9/11 Roundtable threatening all afternoon, but cleared in time for the game where over 400 Scouts, leaders and parents enjoyed the evening of baseball and Scouting 9/25 Merit Badge Training activities. Be sure and watch for the date next summer!

District Chairman District Commissioner District Executive Contact Asst. Scout Exec. Ed Edstrand John Smith John Baringer (727) 465-8285 (727) 415-9967 (727) 391-3800 ext 207 The Skyway District has established a couple preferred method of communication that information will be distributed to units and leaders:

Council Website: and then go to Skyway District.

Skyway Scouts Yahoo Group: To sign up, go to: [email protected] Yahoo will put posts directly to your email inbox and allow for questions, etc. Yahoo groups email will be the PRIMARY method of emailing reminders to you, so PLEASE sign up today! Also remind your fellow Scouters to do the same!!!

Facebook: Log in to Facebook and search for “Skyway District of WCFC,

Family Friends of Scouting: Thank you to Skyway units and families for all your generous contributions. "Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege." Family Friends of Scouting is our annual fundraising effort at the units’ level. As you plan the 2014 calendar year, reserve a date, preferably December and January for Friends of Scouting Presentation. Unit leaders call us or email us with the dates of your Pack, Blue and Gold, Pinewood Derbies, Court of Honor, Troop and Venturing meetings. Planning for it ahead of time will give us the opportunity to better serve you.

Training: The future of Scouting depends on trained leaders. The District goal is to train all registered leaders within a reasonable amount of time. We are currently looking to fill the Skyway District Training Chair position, if interested email me at [email protected]. Remember most training can also be accessed online at

Roundtable: Our next Roundtable will be September 5th 2013 at 7:00PM. It will be a potluck so bring a delicious dish to share. The first Thursday of each month at 7PM is the leaders’ roundtable. You do not want miss this. The team has prepared some wonderful presentations for you. All Scouters, and parents are all invited to this informational meeting. If you are new to Scouting this will very instrumental for you. The meeting is at Clearview United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg Florida.

Fall Recruiting-Join Scouting Night: Every year children are not able to join Scouting due to lack of invitation. For Skyway district to be successful we must get organized now. Summer time is always a great time to recruit the next Tiger Den Leader. Our scheduled Join Scouting Night training is July 25th at 6:00PM Clearview United Methodist Church. Please save the date and get your committee together for this important training. The dates for JSN are September 10, 12, 17 and 19 the schools will be given the option to choose the best date that also works with your pack’s calendar. All Scouting programs will be recruiting this fall, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and all aspects of the Venturing. Cassie Riddick and her team are currently coordinating with the packs and setting dates. Please contact Cassie at 727-278-7078 or [email protected]

District Camporee: Save the Date - October 18-20, 2013 will be Skyway District Calendar our District Camporee weekend. It will be held at Sand Hill Scout Reservation in Brooksville, FL. Visit our Council website at 8/13 District Committee Meeting for more information as it becomes available. 8/13 District Commissioners Meeting

9/5 District Kick-Off 9/10 District Committee Meeting 9/19 District Commissioners Meeting

District Chairman District Commissioner Sr. District Executive Danny Wendt Candice Nyarkoh Position Available (727) 397-5641 (727) 576-2914 Contact Candice if Interested [email protected] [email protected] Exploring Vice President Health Career Exploring Posts

Tom Wellner Post 979 All Children’s Hospital Medical Explorers: (727) 898-6243 Brittany Nelms (727) 767-8671. 1st and 3rd Weds from 4- 5:30pm. [email protected]

Law Enforcement Explorer Posts Fire Exploring Posts Post 900 Pinellas County Sheriff Explorers: Deputy James Butterfield at [email protected]. Tues Post 911 Safety Harbor Fire Explorers: Chuck Russell 7-9pm at the Sheriff’s Administration Building on 10750 (727) 726-7100. Mon 7pm at Station 53 on McMullen- Ulmerton Rd. Booth Rd.

Post 912 Pinellas Park Police Explorers: Contact Post 919 Clearwater Fire Explorers: Contact Kyle Detective Marc Luginvill at [email protected] Mueller at [email protected]

Post 916 Pasco County Sheriff Explorers: Corporal Post 941 Largo Fire Explorers: Andrew Dixon (727) 587- Theodore (727) 277-7227. Weds 6-9:30pm at Safety Town 6714. Mon at 7pm at Station 38, 630 Ulmerton Rd. on SR 52. Post 952 St. Petersburg Fire Explorers: Randy Kahle, st rd Post 980 St Petersburg Police Explorers: Officer Janie [email protected] 1 and 3 Weds at 7pm main Staples (727) 892-5082. Mon night (except holidays) fire station in St. Pete.

6-8:30pm at 1301 First Ave. N (Training Building - across Post 969 North Pinellas County Fire Explorers: Kevin the street from the police department). Dept. Website - Scanlan (727) 487-4843. Weds at 7pm at Tarpon Fire Station 69.

Post 995 Gulfport Police Explorers: Contact Officer Post 945 Pinellas Park Fire Explorers: Contact Louis Jennifer Crowson at [email protected] Sclafani at [email protected] every other Thurs at 7pm.

Unit Friends of Scouting Gold Card Status as of July 31, 2013

Anclote Miccosukee Skyway

Troop 26—Sponsor Pack 313—Patron Pack 280—Patron Troop 86—Sponsor Pack 487—Patron Pack 305—Sponsor Troop 475— Patron Troop 43—Sponsor Crew—42 Gold Troop 313—Sponsor Crew—219 Sponsor

Troop 404—Sponsor Troop—261 Sponsor

Troop—263 Gold Troop—334 Gold What is the Gold Card? It is the Council’s recognition award for those units who participate in the Friends of Scouting Campaign. The FOS program is an important component of the Council’s annual budget.

To qualify for gold card status, there is a simple and easily attainable goal: Determine how many registered Scouts there were in your unit on June 30, 2012. Your District Executive can help you with that number. Now multiply that number by 25%. Next step: Multiply that number by $206 (that’s how much it costs to provide program services to one youth mem- ber for the year). That is the amount of money your unit needs to raise and have paid by October, 2013.

There are several levels in the Gold Card program, and their benefits to you are as follows:

•PATRON FOS level (# boys reg. as of 6/30 x 25% x $206) will receive:  A 5% rebate to the unit for each boy registered for WCFC Cub Day Camp or Summer Camp.  The Unit will receive a 5% discount on unit literature and advancements at the Scout Shop. •GUARDIAN FOS level (# boys reg. as of 6/30 x 27.5% x $206) will receive:  A 10% rebate to the unit for each boy registered for WCFC Cub Day Camp or Summer Camp.  The Unit will receive a 10% discount on unit literature and advancements at the Scout Shop. •SPONSOR FOS level (# boys reg. as of 6/30 x 30% x $206) will receive:  A 15% rebate to the unit for each boy registered for WCFC Cub Day Camp or Summer Camp.  The Unit will receive a 15% discount on unit literature and advancements at the Scout Shop.

(refunds are issued at the conclusion of the day camp and summer camp activities)

The Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society, provides troops an opportunity to recognize those Scouts who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is to develop camping traditions and promote Scout camping, and to crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life of cheerful service. The Order of the Arrow is designed to strengthen troops and challenge Scouts with leadership opportunities. The Order of the Arrow does not remove youth leaders from their troops. Once each charter year, a troop may hold an election to elect Scouts to the Order of the Arrow. In order to schedule an election, a Scoutmaster must contact Howard Anderson at [email protected] or (727) 577-7446. Please note this change in leadership!

Timuquan Lodge members must renew their dues annually. It is time for past and present members of the Order of the Arrow to renew their dues. Dues cost $15 which includes your National charter fee and a subscription to The Eagle, the official publication of Timuquan Lodge. Members inducted in other Lodges who are now registered in West Central Florida Council are welcome to join Timuquan Lodge. Simply pay your $15 dues and include a completed copy of the Membership Information Form found at: assets/files/forms/brotherhood_retention/Membership_Information_Request_Form.pdf. Please help retain our members. Encourage the Scouts and leaders in your troop to renew their dues. Don’t hesitate, renew your dues NOW!

Timuquan’s next event is the Fall Conclave at Camp Soule on September 6-8 2013. Please note the change in location. This change was made to help prepare Camp Soule for the Section S-4 Seminars being hosted by Timuquan. A list of service projects and registration information will be in the next edition of The Eagle.

Timuquan is honored to host the 2013 Section S-4 Seminars. Order of the Arrow members from throughout Florida will gather at Camp Soule on November 8-10 for a weekend of training and planning. The Order of the Arrow has not gathered at Camp Soule since 1986 when we hosted the Section Seminars. Seminars chairman, Nick Fatolitis, and Seminars adviser, Jim Royal, will be looking for enthusiastic Timuquan Brothers to help serve on the service corps. Contact them or better yet, come to the Fall Conclave to get signed up to support the 2013 Section Seminars.

Lodge Chief Lodge Adviser Lodge Staff Adviser

Nick Fatolitis Ken Knaebel John Baringer (727) 410-6207 (727) 547-4889 (727) 391-3800 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Timuquan Lodge 340

Annual Back to School Sale Monday, August 19 through Saturday, October 12, 2013

10% Off ALL Uniforming!!

The Scout Shop will be open every Saturday Au gust 2-4, 20 13 is during September from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Florida’s sales tax holiday. This tax free shopping applies to West Central Florida Council uniform purchases in the Scout Shop. 11046 Johnson Blvd. Seminole, FL 33772-4715 (727) 391-5373 (727) 392-1080 Fax [email protected]

Barbara Nichols– Shop Manager

Monday 9:00 am — 7:30 pm

Tuesday 9:00 am — 5:00 pm

Raingutter Regatta Kits Wednesday 9:00 am — 5:00 pm $3.99 each Thursday 9:00 am — 6:00 pm Trimaran Kits Friday 9:00 am — 5:00 pm $4.99 each Raingutter Raceway *Saturday 9:00 am — 1:00 pm *(1st & 2nd Sat. of the month $24.99 excluding holiday weekends)

The West Central Florida Council is proud to announce our newest Eagle Scouts:

Dustin Augustin, Troop 9 – St Ignatius Catholic Church Brennan Battagia, Troop 263 – Holy Family Catholic Church Jeffrey Beck, Troop 135 – Heritage United Methodist Church Zachary Benitez, Troop 177 – James P Gills Family YMCA Trevor Case, Troop 26 – Palm Harbor United Methodist Church Cody Chrzan, Troop 263 – Holy Family Catholic Church Anthony Copodonna, Troop 404 – St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Matthew Galiano, Troop 468 St Paul United Methodist Church Alexander Gawel, Troop 468 – St Paul United Methodist Church Sterling Graham, Troop 263 - Holy Family Catholic Church Jonathan Hart, Troop 340 - Men’s Club of Seminole United Methodist Church William Hicks, Troop 475 – Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Alexander Koutsos, Troop 86 – First United Methodist Church of Hudson David Levy, Troop 468 – St Paul United Methodist Church John Lumsden, Troop 313 – Church of Scientology Bryan McDonough, Troop 305 – Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Brian McKalip, Troop 263 – Holy Family Catholic Church Justin Morril, Troop 375 – Calvary Chapel St Petersburg Dane Nichols, Troop 261 – Riviera United Methodist Church Jacon Norton, Troop 263 – Holy Family Catholic Church Connor Oursler, Ship 956 – Episcopal Church of the Ascension Ian Sorrell, Troop 91 Shady Hills United Methodist Church Thomas Zopf, Troop 407 – East Lake United Methodist Church

To make a donation to the Boy Scouts of America, make your check payable to BSA and sent it to the address below. Be sure to include on the memo line of the check the following: \Ç `xÅÉÜç Éy‹ The name of the person for which the donation is being made and one of the following, in memory of, in recognition of, or in honor of. An acknowledgement will be sent indi-

Marion McDonald cating that a gift (not the amount) has been received.

by Mail your Gift to:

Alice & Jack Dinkins Allstar Financial Group TRIBUTE FUND Eugene McDonald Suzanne & Steve Protz West Central Florida Council, BSA 11046 Johnson Boulevard Richard Renaud Seminole, Florida 33772-4715


Members of Troop 301, BSA In Memory In Honor In Recognition Other (specify)

Gene Winland Please acknowledge: by

Mathew and Suzy Balasis Gift from:

Training Update

Your unit’s summer plans are already in full swing. Hopefully the Scouts and Scouter’s in our council are having a lot of fun, staying connected and getting energized for a full fall program. Do you know what the status of training is for your registered leaders?

Now is the time to take a moment and ensure your leaders are trained for their current registered positions. This link will take you to a view for easy identification of requirements to be trained for each BSA position. Look at your training history at and determine what you still need to complete.

The next step is to put together a plan to be trained before the end of the year. Why is that important? Here are 3 top reasons to be a trained leader:

1. Being a trained leader helps you deliver the BSA program in your unit as it is defined with proven success. 2. Being a trained leader adds to your unit’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) points. 3. Being a trained leader increases the council’s JTE points. 4. You have the choice to take some of the required training at your convenience on-line OR to build your Scouting network and take the course at a training location scheduled within the council.

Your council training team continues to provide opportunities for expanding learning. Here are some of the events scheduled through September. Check the council website for more details as they become available.

 August 24 – Venture Leader Specific Training  September 28 – Cub Leader Specific Training  October 5 – Den Chief Training  October 5 – Cub Leader Specific Training

If you need any assistance or have questions about training for your unit please reach out to any of the following training chairs:

Council Training Chairman Anclote Training Chairman Miccosukee Training Chairman Skyway Training Chairman

Natalie Coser Rick Llanas Mark Sharman Contact Natalie Coser (727) 785-9786 (727) 207-5985 (727) 342-0605 (727) 785-9786 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Scouters’ News Subscription Order Form

We have eliminated the printed issue of the Scouters’ News in our coun- cil’s effort to reduce resources and “Go Green”. Subscriptions are avail- able to those who wish to still have a printed copy mailed directly to them. Subscriptions will be $6.50 annually and will cover the printing and mailing costs. The Scouters’ News is a quarterly newsletter; to arrive the first of January, April, July and October of the each year.

To place your order please contact Donna Felsh at 737-391-3800 or email her at [email protected] or mail the form below to:

West Central Florida Council, BSA c/o Scouters’ News Subscription 11046 Johnson Boulevard Seminole, FL 33772-4715

Name:______Address:______City, State, Zip: ______Phone:______Payment method: Check Credit Card #______Expiration Date:___/___ 3-digit code on back:______
