Received 29 Apr 2014 | Accepted 8 Sep 2014 | Published 14 Oct 2014 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 Emulating weak localization using a solid-state

Yu Chen1,w, P. Roushan1,w, D. Sank1,w, C. Neill1, Erik Lucero1,w, Matteo Mariantoni1,2,w, R. Barends1, B. Chiaro1, J. Kelly1, A. Megrant1,3, J.Y. Mutus1, P.J.J. O’Malley1, A. Vainsencher1, J. Wenner1, T.C. White1,YiYin1,w, A.N. Cleland1,2 & John M. Martinis1,2,w

Quantum interference is one of the most fundamental physical effects found in nature. Recent advances in now employ interference as a fundamental resource for computation and control. Quantum interference also lies at the heart of sophisticated con- densed matter phenomena such as Anderson localization, phenomena that are difficult to reproduce in numerical simulations. Here, employing a multiple-element superconducting quantum circuit, with which we manipulate a single microwave photon, we demonstrate that we can emulate the basic effects of weak localization. By engineering the control sequence, we are able to reproduce the well-known negative magnetoresistance of weak localization as well as its temperature dependence. Furthermore, we can use our circuit to continuously tune the level of disorder, a parameter that is not readily accessible in mesoscopic systems. Demonstrating a high level of control, our experiment shows the potential for employing superconducting quantum circuits as emulators for complex quantum phenomena.

1 Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530, USA. 2 California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-6105, USA. 3 Department of Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-5050, USA. w Present addresses: Google Inc., Santa Barbara, California, 93117, USA (Y.C., P.R., D.S., J.M.M.); HRL Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, California 90265, USA (E.L.); Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 (M.M.); Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China (Y.Y.); Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530, USA and California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, 93106-6105, USA (J.M.M.). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.C. (email: [email protected]) or to J.M.M. (email: [email protected]).

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:5184 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 | 1 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184

uperconducting now demonstrate coherence times different pair of scattering trajectories in the mesoscopic system. roughly one thousand times the single- and two- gate Using an intuitive correspondence between the quantum circuit Stimes1, achieved using planar lithographically patterned parameters and the mesoscopic system, we are able to map the circuits that can easily be scaled up to large numbers of qubits. spatial complexity of the mesoscopic system onto a set of complex As a result, this platform holds great promise for building a yet manageable quantum control sequences in the time domain. large-scale quantum computer2,3. These advantages also apply In this way, we are able to illustrate the basics of the weak to the construction of quantum simulators4–11, for which localization, using a few-element quantum circuit. demonstrations have been made on different problems12–14. Here, we use a multi-qubit circuit to demonstrate quantum Results emulation of weak localization, one of the most surprising Mapping electronic systems onto quantum circuits. The manifestations of quantum interference in disordered mesoscopic quantum circuit used in this experiment comprises three phase systems. qubits, a readout qubit Q1 and two control qubits Q2 and Q3, Weak localization results from the enhanced backscattering of symmetrically coupled to a bus resonator Re, as shown in Fig. 1b travelling in a weakly disordered medium15. Given the (ref. 24). In this configuration, the quantum circuit can be reasonably long coherence distances for electrons in such media, described by the Tavis–Cummings model25 an can simultaneously follow multiple trajectories that X3 X3 can interfere constructively or destructively, depending on the ‘ þ ‘ þ À ‘ þ À þ H ¼ ora a þ oisi si þ gða si þ asi Þ; ð2Þ details of the scattering path as well as external parameters such i¼1 i¼1 as magnetic field. The probability for the electron to reach a where o are the frequencies of the qubits i ¼ 1to3,o the certain point is given by i r X X X resonator and g is the qubit–resonator coupling strength. 2 P ¼ An þ AnAmcosðfn À fmÞ; ð1Þ The emulation was implemented by distributing the microwave n m 6¼ n n photon into physically distinct circuit elements. In contrast with previous demonstrations using only a single qubit, multiple where the first term sums over classical probabilities and the quantum elements allow us to separate backscattering from second represents quantum interference. The random scattering forward scattering. Despite small deviations in the qubit proper- events an electron undergoes randomize its wavevector, so that ties such as coherence, this technique may be readily applied to the second term typically averages to zero, leaving the classically more complex quantum circuits, and thus provides a scalable determined probability for an electron to reach a certain point. method to emulate the effects of weak localization. A dominant exception to this is due to closed trajectories, where As shown in Fig. 1c, we start the experiment by generating the electron returns to its starting point, as in the absence of and then splitting a microwave photon in a superposition energy loss, these trajectories always have a time-reversed state between the two control qubits, analogous to an incoming counterpart with identical accumulated phase. As a result, electron simultaneously traversing two trajectories (see direct and time-reversed paths interfere constructively with one Supplementary Fig. 1). This was done by first initializing Q1in another, yielding a probability for a closed path that is twice the |eS with a microwave pulse and swapping the excitation into Re.By classically expected value, increasing the electrical resistance (see bringing Q2ÀÁ andpffiffiffiQ3 simultaneously on resonance with Re for a Fig. 1a). This constructive interference can, however, be reduced time t ¼ p= 2 2g , we execute a simultaneous iSWAP gate24,26 by applying an external magnetic field, so the measured electrical that transfers the excitation from Re equally to the two control resistance is a maximum at zero applied field and falls to the qubits through their three-body interaction, resulting in the classical resistance value as the magnetic field is increased—a desired state jci ¼ jQ2Q3Rei¼p1ffiffi ðÞjeg0iþjge0i . Compared hallmark of weak localization. Weak localization also has a 1 2 with the product state 2 j0i ðÞjeiþjgi ðÞjeiþjgi , the very characteristic temperature dependence, as elevating the entangled state confines the emulation process within the temperature increases the inelastic scattering rate, thereby single-excitation subspace, and therefore maximizes the signal- suppressing the constructive interference and reducing the weak 15,16 to-noise ratio of the experimental results. localization resistance peak . To emulate the diffusion process of an electron in a random Given that quantum interference lies at the heart of weak medium, including the presence of a magnetic field, we use the localization, it is natural to use wave-like systems to emulate this mapping between mesoscopic transport and quantum circuit effect. Demonstrations have been made in optical systems, where parameters delineated in Table 1. The motion of the electron is both coherent backscattering and transition to Anderson emulated using a time-domain control sequence applied to each localization have been observed for optical photons travelling in 17–22 of the control qubits. To mimic the random scattering, we use a disorder media . In contrast to the optical counterpart, i series of random frequency detunings dR, each lasting for a individual microwave photons in superconducting quantum i circuits can be manipulated with a high degree of precision. random duration tR (see the extended pulseP sequence in Fig. 1c). i i Arbitrary control over the scattering processes allows for the This results in a dynamic phase jR ¼ i dR Á tR, resembling the P ! ! investigation of more profound aspects of weak localization. random scattering phase f ¼ j kj Á lj of an electron with Direct emulation is still a significant challenge, as the electrical ~ ! resistance arises from the interference of many scattering wavevector k following a trajectory lj . Qubit Q2 undergoes one trajectories15, thus requiring a very large superconducting set of random detunings, simulating a trajectory, while Q3is emulator. The only notable demonstration to date was carried driven by the time-reversed sequence applied to Q2, thereby out with a single flux qubit, where a universal conductance simulating the time-reversed electron trajectory. In addition, fluctuation peak was emulated by asymmetrically driving the we apply a static detuning d throughout the entire process, qubit through an avoided level crossing23. resulting in a static phase fS ¼ d Á ttotal between the two qubits. In the experiment reported here, we find that we can This resemblesÀÁ the magnetic field-induced phase shift ~ ~ ~ ~ implement a controllable emulation of weak localization, using fS ¼ 22pB Á S =F0, with d and ttotal corresponding to B and S, a small physical in a time-domain ensemble respectively. approach. We sequentially run through many different parameter To emulate the temperature dependence of weak localization, sets for our quantum system, with each set representing a where changing the temperatures modifies the electron transport

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:5184 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 | & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 ARTICLE


Re Q1 Q2 B

Initialization Control Measurement Q1 -pulse 01 iSWAP iSWAP Measure Re Q2 Simult. Simult. iSWAP iSWAP Q3 Control pulse

Random detuning

 R Static  detuning R   R  R   Random detuning (time-reversed)  Frequency Time total

Figure 1 | Emulation of weak localization using superconducting quantum circuit. (a) Schematic illustrating the basic physics of weak localization. The weak localization contribution to the electrical resistance is dominated by the interference between closed trajectories traversed in opposite directions, which in the small decoherence limit give an increase in the resistance; here we show one such pair of trajectories. (b) Micrograph of the superconducting quantum circuit used to emulate weak localization. A single microwave excitation is generated in qubit Q1, distributed between Q2 and Q3 and the coupling resonator Re, then manipulated in the simulation. Scale bar, 500 mm(c) Pulse sequence used to emulate weak localization, decomposed into three steps: Initialization: A p-pulse creates an excitation in Q1 that is then swapped into resonator Re through an iSWAP gate. A second simultaneous iSWAP gate then transfers the excitation from Re equally to Q2 and Q3 through their three-body interaction, creating the entangled state c Q2Q3Re p1ffiffi eg0 ge0 . Control: We apply to Q2 a relative static detuning d, as well as a sequence of random detunings d each lasting for a j i¼j i¼ 2 ðÞj iþj i R random time tR, interspersed with a refocusing p-pulse delayed in time by tp to vary the effective coherence time Tjeff . We apply the time-reversed sequence to Q3. Measurement: A simultaneous iSWAP interferes the states of Q2 and Q3inRe, and a second iSWAP returns the excitation to Q1; the probability for Q1 to be in the excited state |eS is then measured.

Following the application of this control sequence, we then Table 1 | Mapping between parameters for electrons in interfere the microwave photon with itself and measure the mesoscopic systems to control parameters of quantum outcome. To do this, we apply a second simultaneous iSWAP circuits. gate, which recombines and interferes the excitations in Q2 and Q3inRe. Following this, an iSWAP brings the interference result Electron in mesoscopic system Photon in quantum circuit from Re back to Q1, with the probability of finding Q1in|eS Magnetic field B Static detuning d corresponding to the return probability of the electron in the Path area S Total detuning pulse time ttotal direct and reversed trajectories. To obtain statistically significant ~ Wavevector k Random detuning dR results, we sequentially run through 100 different control ~ Displacement l Pulse duration t sequences, with different static and random detuning configura- Coherence length Lf (Temperature) Effective coherence time Tjeff tions, and average the qubit measurement outcomes to arrive at Level of disorder Width of ttotal distribution s Electrical resistance R Photon return probability P the average return probability Preturn, which in the emulation return corresponds to the electrical resistance in mesoscopic transport. coherence length, we use the Table 1 mapping between the the Emulating fundamentals of weak localization. In Fig. 2a, we electron phase coherence length Lj and the qubit effective show the experimental Preturn versus static detuning d for six coherence time Tjeff ; we vary the effective coherence time by different Tjeff , corresponding to magnetoresistance measurements inserting a refocusing p-pulse into the qubit control sequence at six different temperatures. For all data sets, the probability described above. Instead of the conventional Hahn-echo Preturn has its maximum at d ¼ 0, where time-reversal symmetry is 27 sequence , with the refocusing pulse placed at tp/ttotal ¼ 1/2, protected. As d moves away from zero, Preturn rapidly decreases we vary the timing of the refocusing pulse, such that the effective until it reaches an average value of B0.35, about which it fluc- B phase coherence time can be continuously varied from 100 ns tuates randomly. The reduction in Preturn with increasing |d|is to 4200 ns (measured by Ramsey-type experiments—see consistent with the well-known negative magnetoresistance in the Supplementary Fig. 2). mesoscopic system.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:5184 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 | 3 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184

300 T 0.5 117 ns Weak localization experiment 0.5 144 ns T 168 ns 201 ns return 0.4 213 ns P Ramsey-type experiment 220 ns 0.3

return –8 –4 0 4 8

P 0.4 Experiment  (MHz) (ns) 0.3 200  T T  0.5 117 ns 0.5 144 ns T

168 ns return 0.4 201 ns P 213 ns 220 ns 0.3 return 0.4

P –8 –4 0 4 8  Numerical simulation (MHz)

0.3 100 –100 –50 0 50 100 0.0 0.25 0.5   / Static detuning (MHz)  total

Figure 2 | Emulating the temperature dependence of weak localization. (a) Measured photon return probability Preturn as a function of the static detuning d (simulating a magnetic field), for six different effective coherence times Tjeff .ThePreturn peak at zero detuning is analogous to the magnetoresistance peak associated with weak localization. Inset shows a magnified view of Preturn near d ¼ 0, where we can observe the growth of the Preturn peak. This emulates the growth of the magnetoresistance peak when lowering the temperature. (b) The photon return probability Preturn as a function of d obtained through numerical calculations, at the same six different effective coherence time Tjeff as the experiment. (c) The effective coherence time Tjeff extracted from the experiments, in comparison with Tjeff directly measured by Ramsey-type experiments, as a function of tp/ttotal. Increasing disorder 0.6  (ns) 25 50 0.6 100 Counts (#) =0) 

return 0.45

P  total (ns) return ( P


0.3 –100 –500 50 100 0 50 100 Static detuning  (MHZ)  (ns)

Figure 3 | Emulating the disorder dependence of weak localization. (a) Inset: Three distributions used for ttotal values, with standard deviations s ¼ 100, 50 and 20 ns. Main panel: Preturn as a function of d for the distributions shown in the inset. (b) Preturn at zero detuning as a function of the distribution width, showing the return probability increasing as the distribution is reduced.

1 2 With the basic phenomena established, we focus on the small 2 expðÀðhit =Tjeff Þ ÞexpðÞÀ hit =T1 (see Supplementary Note 1). detuning region to investigate the role of quantum coherence, The result is shown in Fig. 2c, compared with Tjeff determined through variations in Tjeff (Fig. 2a inset). While the overall using conventional Ramsey-type measurements. As tp/ttotal structure remains unchanged, the peak in Preturn grows as Tjeff is increases from 0 to 0.5, Tjeff increases as expected due to the B B increased; the peak rises from 0.46 for Tjeff ¼ 117 ns to 0.53 cancellation of the qubit frequency drifts. We find reasonable for Tjeff ¼ 220 ns, consistent with the temperature dependence of agreement between the values of Tjeff as measured with the two weak localization, where lower temperatures and thus longer techniques, with deviations possibly caused by the finite number phase coherence lengths increase the magnitude of the negative of ensembles in the emulation. In Supplementary Fig. 3, we magnetoresistance peak28. demonstrate we can also emulate the temperature dependence of As they are performed on a highly controlled quantum system, weak antilocalization. our experimental results can be understood within the Tavis– Cummings model (see Supplementary Note 1). As shown in Emulating disorder effects on weak localization. The impor- Fig. 2b, we numerically evaluated Preturn versus d, using the same tance of the weak localization effect is not only because it reveals six Tjeff as in the experiment. In the calculations we have also quantum coherence in transport, but also because it is a precursor B 29 included the energy dissipation time for each qubit, T1 500 ns. to strong localization, also known as Anderson localization .In Except for details in the aperiodic structures, the numerical the diffusive regime where weak localization manifests, the results agree remarkably well with our experimental observations. electron displacement at a given time has a Gaussian distribution Just as the phase coherence length Lf can be extracted from whose width depends on the level of disorder. With an increasing magnetoresistance measurements displaying weak localization, disorder, the electron encounters more frequent scattering, we can extract the effective coherence time Tjeff from our resulting in a narrower distribution of its displacement. In the measured Preturn(d). We measured Preturn(d ¼ 0) for various strong disorder limit, quantum interference completely halts tp/ttotal, and subsequently extracted Tjeff from the height of carrier transmission, producing a disorder-driven metal-to- the Preturn peak, based on the relationship DPreturn / insulator transition.

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:5184 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 | & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 ARTICLE

To measure the return probability Preturn as a function of The flux-biased phase qubit includes a 1pF parallel plate capacitor and a 700pH disorder, we average 100 random detuning pulse sequences with double-coiled inductor shunted with a Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junction. The phase different distributions of t , where t is randomly generated qubit can be modelled as a nonlinear LC oscillator, whose nonlinearity arises from total total the Josephson junction. Adjusting the flux applied to the qubit loop, we can from a Gaussian distribution with width s. Correlating the modulate the phase across the junction and consequently tune the qubit frequency. disorder with s, we simulate weak localization at increasing We are thus able to tune the qubit frequency over more than several hundred MHz disorder levels by reducing s from 100 to 50 to 25 ns. In this way, without introducing any significant variation in the qubit phase coherence. 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6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:5184 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6184 | & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.