Close-to-Nature Management in Slovenia

FOREST MANAGEMENT BY MIMICKING NATURE How to conserve by using them About this book Preservation of Slovenian forests and their biological diversity should not be ascribed solely to diverse natural and climate conditions. It is the result of a centuries-old tradition of planned , which always used natural processes to achieve its objectives. Slovenian recognized close-to-forest management as a key to a successful economic exploitation of forests as well as their preservation, and conservation of their biological diversity. Well preserved and biologically diverse Slovenian forests are the pride of Slovenian forestry as well as a challenge to to continue a good work of their predecessors. Foresters, who introduced principles of close-to-nature management centuries ago, when nature was not considered endangered were indeed farsighted and brave in their pioneering efforts. This brochure is dedicated to all the experts, who helped preserving Slovenian forests in the past, and will hopefully inspire the present and future generations to follow their example.

Jošt Jakša, Director Slovenia Forest Service

front page photo Klemen Jakša 2 PREFACE Global consensus was reached at the Rio de Janeiro Environment Conference, with regard to the necessity of sustainable management of nature. This is further affirmed by environmental changes, which have become more pronounced in recent years. However, the issue of ensuring sustainable development remains unsolved. Whereas some promote the use of new technologies within only slight changes in the wasteful lifestyle of the developed world to solve the problems, others seek solution in moderate consumption and adapting to nature, requesting a striking break with ingrained habits. Forests, which are critically endangered at a global level and significantly influence natural processes, can be developed in accordance with different theoretical models, i.e. new forestry, the approach, sustainable management. The above mentioned divergencies of interpretation and different theoretical viewpoints present an obstacle in decision-making process related to future use of natural resources. It is therefore important to present the existing best practices of long-term forest management, which is the purpose of the brochure.

Close-to-nature forest management has developed in different parts of Europe, but has been widely used especially in vulnerable Alpine regions. This brochure presents the concept of close-to-nature forest management in relation with other approaches, its essential characteristics and the main obstacles to sustainable development. Close-to- nature forest management is, like holistic medicine and biological farming, criticized for using unscientific, inexpert approaches. There have been several reasons for this, from the lack of natural forests and research, complexity and sustainability of forests, to financial interests supporting conventional forest managements. A decisive breakthrough to impartial performance evaluation of close-to-nature forest management was a control method presented in this brochure as well as recent certification schemes. However, there is one important difference between certification and control methods: whereas the first specifies the minimum requirements, the second promotes sustainable improvement of management – meaning to the best practice.

Forestry faces increased demands on the resources of forests, such as the exploitation of renewable natural resources to the most possible extent and consequently increased in Europe, adaptation to climate change, growing recreational needs and preservation of biological diversity. Use of close-to-nature forest management to balance all needs proves that this is not an obsolete forest management practice but a flexible, continually developing approach. Because of its beneficial environmental impact and long-term economic sustainability, close-to-nature forest management is becoming more popular in Europe ( and makes an important contribution to improving the quality of life. Close-to-nature forest management, which was developed more than a century ago in endangered and degraded European regions, is considered as very likely to help solving environmental problems on a global scale and creating sustainable global society.

Prof. Dr. Jurij Diaci

3 »With a child-like enthusiasm, I write about how much I like a forest. The forest with birds singing, seeding, the forest where numerous sorts and their age can be observed, the forest that sheds its leaves only in autumn, the sort of forest abounding with wild bees and ants as well as wildlife, the highest form of its existence. ……….. The new era has produced new people, people wanting more than the earth can give, people forsaking the fertile legacy of their forefathers in pursuit of gain and wealth with less work and much more brutality. Picturesque fields have been replaced with uniform grassland and cornfields, thousand kilometres of wire have been erected; natural fertilizers have been replaced by chemistry: tones of chemistry for tones of meat and bread, milk and apples, diseases and deaths. Beehouses no longer adorn our backyards, little hatching and feeding houses for birds have rotten and tumbled down…

A multitude of chimneys spew clouds of thick black smoke into the sky which is later swallowed by this crazy new world.«

Nikolaj Lapuh Slovenija, 1987 photo Andažphoto Žnidaršič What is close- to-nature forest management and why it should »Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.« be used in Francis Bacon, Novum Organum managing forests? Forestry, which is in charge of one Characteristics of close-to-nature forest of the crucial on Earth, can management: significantly improve the state of the world. •• Preservation of natural environment and ecological balance of the CLOSE-TO-NATURE FORESTRY uses landscape; forest management methods that promote conservation of nature and forests, as its •• Sustainability of all forest functions; most complex creation, while deriving •• Integrated approach to a forest tangible and intangible benefits from a ecosystem; forest in a way to preserve it as a natural •• Imitation of natural processes and ecosystem of all its diverse life forms and forms; relations formed therein. •• Tree species suited to the site conditions; CLOSE-TO-NATURE FORESTRY is based • on forest management plans adapted to • Based on cognitive approach – individual site and stand conditions as well constant monitoring and learning; as forest functions, and considering natural •• Based on long-term economic processes and structures specific to natural efficiency; forest ecosystems. Natural processes are •• Plans designed at a broader and more altered as little as possible, while still detailed level. maintaining the financial profitability and social sustainability of forest management. Similarly to natural processes, CLOSE-TO- CLOSE-TO-NATURE FORESTRY, which is NATURE FORESTRY also contains inbuilt formally used in Slovenia for over 50 years, mechanisms for continual internal checks fully complies with the provisions of the (controls) providing timely response to ecosystem approach, as adopted in COP modify measures adapted in accordance 7 in Kuala Lumpur from 9 – 20 February with developmental characteristics of 2004. single forest stands and a forest as a whole.

5 Close-to- Close-to-nature forest management must protective functions of forest resources), nature forestry be defined within the context of two basic and the remaining three to the social and concepts central to the international dialogue economic aspects (productive functions of combines on forests and forest-related commitments: forest resources, socio-economic functions, sustainability sustainable forest management and the legal, policy and institutional framework). and the ecosystem approach. The above mentioned thematic areas can be used as criteria and indicators for ecosystem The concept of sustainable forest evaluating the effectiveness of forestry approach management was first used in political measures. context with the adopted at the United Nations Environment and The ecosystem approach adopted at the Development Conference in 1992 and later 7th Conference of the Parties (COP-7) of the developed by the Non-Legally Binding Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Instrument on all Types of Forest adopted previously mentioned at the COP-5, is in 2007 to promote sustainable forest based on twelve principles presenting the management and to set the following strategy for the integrated management global objectives on forests: of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and is therefore not limited only to forest 1. Reverse the loss of worldwide management. In comparison to sustainable through sustainable forest management, forest management based on balanced including protection, restoration, and sustainable achievement of economic, and , and environmental and social values of forests, increase efforts to prevent forest the priority target of the ecosystem approach degradation; is conservation of ecosystem structure and 2. Enhance forest-based economic, social functioning, in order to maintain ecosystem and environmental benefits including services (Principle 5). by improving the livelihoods of forest dependent people; To implement the ecosystem approach, 3. Increase significantly the area of the following five points were proposed as protected forests worldwide and other areas of sustainably managed forests, and increase the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests; 4. Reverse the decline in official development assistance for sustainable forest management and mobilize significantly increased new and additional financial resources from all sources for the implementation of sustainable forest management.

Among seven thematic areas of sustainable forest management (CICI 2003)1, four are

related to the environmental aspects (extent of forest resources, biological diversity, forest health and vitality, 1 Robertphoto Kruh 6 operational guidance: evolution under harsh conditions. 1. Focus on the functional relationships 2. Management of stable and healthy and processes within ecosystems forests, which regenerate naturally, 2. Enhance benefit-sharing if properly treated, in a way to mimic 3. Use adaptive management practices natural processes, is less expensive than 4. Carry out management actions at the cultivation of artificial stands which can scale appropriate for the issue being be quite productive on a short-term addressed, with decentralisation to basis, but are hard to preserve in a long lowest level, as appropriate term, due to their higher vulnerability in 5. Ensure intersectoral co-operation comparison to natural forests.

The comparative analysis of sustainable Whereas the importance of close-to- forest management and the ecosystem nature management to preserve biological approach, (FAO: 2003)2 established that the diversity was not widely recognised in the concepts were very similar and should be past, it has increased in the last decades, integrated and mutually supportive at all since the adoption of the Convention on levels. biological diversity.

The concepts of sustainable forest While the ecosystem approach is important management and the ecosystem approach also as a complement to sustainable forest implemented under international management within the framework of commitments should be compared global forest policy, the principles of close- and checked against the historical to-nature forest management represent development of forestry in Central Europe, an important added value to the principle especially the Alpine region, where the of sustainability on operational level. principles of sustainability and close-to- Close-to-nature forest management is, nature management have already been therefore, a forest management practice applied both in theory and in practice, and where the goals of sustainable and integrated in the legal framework of forest multifunctional forest management are management. achieved through preservation of natural forest and silvicultural approach mimicking The principle of sustainability as a long- natural disturbances and processes. In this established forest management practice sense, close-to-nature forest management in Central Europe, focusing initially on combines the principles of sustainable sustainable use, has in the framework of forest management and the ecosystem modern sustainable forest management approach. extended to all forest functions. In the Alpine region, where the forests are exposed to destructive natural forces and where multiple roles of forests are especially evident, the principle of sustainability was traditionally combined with close-to-nature management for two reasons:

1. Forests with protective functions should remain as stable and healthy as possible and such are naturally structured forests that have gone through millennial 2 media?mediaId=6417&langId=1 7 Short history With 58% of forests, Slovenia has one of • In 1724, Forest Regulation is of close-to- the highest percentages of forest cover introduced to ensure sustainable in Europe. People are strongly attached supply for the needs of mercury mine nature forest to forests and treat them with all respect. in Idria, marking the implementation of management in Slovenia has a long history of forest forest management. management, dating back to 1406 when Slovenia • In 1770, the first forest management the first regulation regarding forest plan is designed by Franc Flamek. management, namely Ortenburg Forest Order, was published. • In 19th century, the bare Karst is successfully afforested. Successful Karst An ecosystem approach to the forest afforestation receives a ‘’Grand prix’’ at management was also implemented in Paris World Exhibition in 1900. Today, Slovenian forestry long ago. Its beginnings forest covers about 52 % of the Karst date back to the 19th century when the selection forest management was developed in some parts of Slovenia as a response to the clear-cut system that produced monocultures of coniferous forests in most European countries.

The most important turning points of professional work with forests and implementation of an ecosystem approach to forest management in Slovenia are the

following: archive photo Afforestation of the bare Karst – 1895 region.

photo Andraž Žnidaršič Andraž photo Today, the Karst is predominantly overgrown with forest

8 • In the second half of the 19th • In 1989, ProSilva Europe, an century, many large forest properties international association for close-to- in Slovenia develop their own forest nature forest management, is established management plans. The most established in Robanov kot, Slovenia. experts in the field are Dr. Leopold Hufnagl, • This efforts related to close-to- employed in the Kočevje region, and nature management practice resulted in Heinrich Schollmayer, manager of forests inclusion of extensive part of Slovenian on the Snežnik plateau. areas in Natura 2000 in 2004 when the areas of Natura 2000 were formed in With the forest management plan from Slovenia. They capture as much as 35 % of 1892, Dr. Leopold Hufnagl establishes the total surface of Slovenia and as many a unique selection system of forest as 50 % of all Slovenian forests. management, which is later adopted also by Heinrich Schollmayer who is at In the last 130 years, forest area has been the time manager of Snežnik forests. In increasing in Slovenia as the percentage of 1906, Schollmayer’s Instructions on forest growing stock and increment has been in management introduce full callipering increase for more than 50 years. of forest stands, the measurement of the growth by means of increment cores, analysis of sample trees to measure specific tree volume, tree species composition and many other indicators. Shollmayer calculated total increment of forests using growing stock measurement and full records of tree fellings, and established efficient forest management with careful examination of existing forest management plans. Exact forest assessments and detailed records on felling have provided valuable data on development of forest, dating hundred years back. • In 1947, the first federal forest act in Slovenia within former Yugoslavia is adopted containing several important photo Edo Kozorog Edo photo provisions regarding preservation of forests and professional forest Prof. Dr. Dušan Mlinšek successfully combined management. It determined a compulsory theoretical knowledge and practical experi- making of forest management plans for all ence on forests to develop a modern approach the forests, it prohibited clear-cutting and to forest and environment management. He is goat pasturing. one of the pioneers of sustainable, multipur- pose and particularly close-to-nature man- • In 1950’s, Slovene forestry makes agement. Dr. Mlinšek introduced the practice significant headway towards close-to- of close-to-nature management in 1950’s, nature forest management with Dr. Dušan which has still been widely used for more than Mlinšek’s theoretical and practical work. fifty years in Slovenia.

9 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT in southern Sloveniain southern balance inthe management nature forest bear, wolf andlynx The forest area lies and isahabitat of landscape ecological conserves Close-to- populations. 10 Examples Explanation Characterisation provided nature. inpreserved be only can which landscape, the in benefits and features those all ensuring for essential often are reliefvisited by innature. peopleseeking and floods, and waters buildings storm landslides, other as and such extremities, weather protect against they and water, drinking healthy of source important affected or changed otherwise and environment. They are of many indigenous plant and animal species and the most facilities technical buildings, by occupied already country a in balance ecological of preservation the for used landscape the of component in away to maintain itsnaturalness andbeneficialeffectson broader environment. functional and visual role in the landscape and should therefore be preserved and managed co-financed. treated as living environments of wildlife. Works executed according to the instructions are and important be to considered areas populated outside groups tree forest and issues professional toinstructions forest owners regulating management of separate trees Appropriate share of forests or their remains in their most natural form and stand is stand and form natural most their in remains their or forests of share Appropriate essential and environment natural of pieces last the are forests of remains Forestsand important an plays ecosystems terrestrial preserved mostly the of one as forest A In accordance with provisions from a forest management plan, public forest service service forest public plan, management forest a from provisions with accordance In

photo Špela Habič A forest maintains ecological balance and gives the landscape more natural look. photo Hrvojephoto Oršanič

A landscape without forest is extremely functionally and visually bereft. In such landscape every single tree is precious. photo Matjaž Čater photo

Issues to be addressed: •• Pressures on forest areas in suburban and other areas already lacking forests; •• Land-owners wish to cut down forest patches to round up plots of land for agricultural purposes. photo Špela Habič photo 11 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT forest functions management is sustainable in preserving all preserving nature forest Close-to- 12 Examples request purchases that suchforest. theauthority is reached between the owner and grantingauthority the owner right to compensation or public of be to considered is interest, role a forest particular in private a ownership and is declared other a special each purpose forest, contradict and forest an agreement of roles the If problematic. not is functions forest various many of coordination the cases, most In also beconsidered inforest areas. management, and suburban especiallyinurban should need this therefore purposes, social other and relaxation for forests need People woodcycle. andbeneficialinfluence production onthecarbon as well as growingcomposition stock of forests ensures their and stability as species well as profitable and structure stand in Diversity functions. social and ecological their of need in environments in emphasised particularly be should preservation Forest managed inawayrole. to theirmultifunctional preserve as employment and well as means carbon profit of cycle, recreation and other cultural benefits forest, related to and forests. from Forests should be products other the water and in wood of of supply forests sustainable functions beneficial other water as and well surface as of sources protection biodiversity, through their only and forests achieved healthy be of can maintenance must This society. world the of in development sources sustainable renewable to crucial contribute the of one as forest the of Management Explanation main is functions forest ofclose-to-nature management.characteristics social and productive ecological, all its and forest the of Preservation Characterisation Wood isused asconstruction material, raw material and as fuel.

photo Andraž Žnidaršič drinking water.drinking A forest isasource ofhealthy

photo Janez Konečnik photo Janez Konečnik photo photo Špela Habič photo In Slovenia, people have free access into all forests and can gather forest products, mushrooms, plants and

hunt animals. Špela Habič photo

Slovenia Forest Service was involved in making the Rules concerning the methods and standards of bee pasture. Issues to be addressed: •• Partly unsuitable ratio of developmental phases of forest stands; •• Very fragmented forest property – difficult for sustainable forest management; •• Pressures to allow forest property for so far forbidden uses (snowmobiles, motorcycles and four-wheelers, etc.); •• Use of forest functions that exclude each other. The map of the Rules on bee pasture management 13 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT uses integrated nature forestry management ecosystem approach Close-to- to forest 14 Examples consequences for the forest ecosystem. introduction ofnewelements into theforest ecosystem canhave unforeseen, even grave space. Limited approach to aforest ofwood (suchas from or production) theaspect relationships are notcompletely explained; theyalsoconstantly changeintimeand ecosystem exists anddevelops asaunit. Functions ofsingleelements andtheircomplex created soilandlivingenvironments to asinglepiece offorest. particular The forest hydrologicalrock, ofanimate conditions andotherfactors andinanimate nature have Forest ecosystem isacomplex natural system ofananimate andinanimate world.- Bed Explanation dynamic balance offorest ecosystems. components aswell theirrelationships asdisturb intheleastpossibleway to maintain within eachoftheseworlds, shouldbemanagedinaway alltheir to andpreserve respect tionships between animate andinanimate worlds, aswell asby relationships occurring diverse andstructurally forestSpecies-rich ecosystems distinguishedby complex rela- Characterisation depends on ecological and social functions ofadevelopeddepends onecological forest. andsocial functions workssilvicultural in forests. and conservational Ashare ofinvested fundsinto forests ofhighsignificanceBecause of forest to environment andpeople, thestate co-finances mals. Slovenia, In themost considers spatial andtime restrictions regardingrestrictions for important restrictions are restrictions important est works to adaptto the Close-to-nature forestry forestry Close-to-nature biorhythm of forest ani- stipulated by law. -

photo Janez Konečnik plan. wildlife management management and common forest region determines Slovenia, In every

photo Edo Kozorog Dead wood in forest is very important for life in a forest.

Slovenia has a regulation which de- termines that wood debris should

be left in a forest after harvesting. Perušek Mirko photo

Forest’s naturalness is enriched with key habitats, which are left to develop completely naturally. photo Robertphoto Vidervol photo Rok Pisek photo

Management of Natura 2000 forest areas is included into forest management plans. Public forestry service and Institute for Nature Conservation are cooperating successfully on this area.

Issues to be addressed: •• Various partial LEGEND interests of SPA forest owners, stakeholders, pSCI investors, etc. 15 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT mimics natural nature forestry processes and in different sites Forests growing of different tree to form typical and consisting forest stands. species tend structures Close-to- 16 Examples selection system, (Femel stands forest in processes system). natural mimic and approaches close-to-nature promote to order an in selected carefully be should systems Silvicultural the in preserved, is site growing process ofyoung trees ofmassselection certain from sprouts to mature stands. a to species (sub) tree certain a of adaptation evolved sites, in growing thousand specific years, of is conditions preserved, to and adaptability trees’natural only stands, with with forest Only natural forest.of regenerationa afforestation, in thismatters evolutionary organic most the containing as well as forest a matters in organic most the produce they since ecosystem forest a of element crucial the ecosystem.forest a in stands tree areTrees the influence directly Forestcan management of forest initslarger ‘’unseen’’ part. functioning the ensure to possible as far as mimicked be should structures and processes ones are observed. When directing development of a forest ecosystem, recognized natural relations and processes as well as structures remain unknown, these only of Many crucial, development. further easily and detectable stability dynamic) (relatively their enable which years,relations,foreststhousand structures haveprocessesand typical During developed Explanation should imitate oftree mixture speciesandforest standsofnatural forests. of natural forest structures ecosystems as far as and possible. Forest processesstands should be renewed imitate naturally and should ecosystems forest of development Directed Characterisation Fir-beech forests tend to develop in selection structure. in selection

photo Špela Habič Even-aged beechstand.

photo Špela Habič In extreme In Slovenia, 95 % of climate forests are afforested conditions in a co-natural way. of the upper forest edge, trees grow in bunches. photo Špela Habič photo Špela Habič photo

The naturalness of Slovenian forests

Unnatural coniferous stands are transforming into more natural ones with reforestation with deciduous trees. Picture of the Pohorje forests.

Issues to be addressed: •• In places, disturbed balance between and vegetation in a forest environment; •• Decreased resistance of forests due to climate changes (increase of bark beetles, new diseases); •• Damages of forests due to bad weather and fires; •• Difficult professional forest management due to fragmented forest ownership. photo Matjaž Čater photo 17 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT Close-to-nature Close-to-nature forestry adapts to growing site characteristics altitude, relief and stands dependon and tree species composition of The structure exposure. 18 Examples forest management andcareful planning ofmeasures. of (method) system proper a of selection in flexibility great demands forestfunctions conditions,and stand and site individual to adapted stands forest of development Directed these preserve to want we If andforeststructures standsshouldbeused. distances. Site short country. in diversecharacteristics and benefit from their specifics to the maximumextent, suitable mixed very tree change a in normally territory characteristics Slovenian shaped have climate and Geology Explanation specific growing site basedonecological andeconomic needs. a of characteristics individual to adapt wayto a Forestin directed be developmentshould Characterisation Black alderstand in floodplain area.

photo Rok Čarman Julian Alps. Larch standin

photo Špela Habič Site characteristic s change over relatively short distances, which can be quickly noticed on tree stands in close-to- nature managed forests. photo Špela Habič photo

Frost localities characterized by the inversion of temperature are tipical for Dinaric mountain range. photo Špela Habič photo

Issues to be addressed: •• Need for site maps and thoroughly skilled district foresters; •• Tendency to manage forest uniformly in large areas to increase work efficiency. photo Rok Pisek photo 19 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT forestry is based Close-to-nature Close-to-nature monitoring and on cognitive – constant approach learning 20 Growing stock andincrement ismeasured onpermanentsampleplots. Average changeinpine Examples ten every for designed are years. trends management development previous future of of determination analysis and include activities that plans management forest Slovenia, In similar forest standsinsimilarsite conditions. obtained fromknowledge work in a forest and in development of silvicultural measures of Cognitive work with forests consists in developing specific forest stands based on practical Explanation response to silvicultural measures could notbespecifiedthoroughly. and development its Therefore predict. to difficult be may actions our to response forest A forest is a complex natural system. Consistently with the systems theory of management, inaforest. management activities shouldbeconsideredlearned andincludedinfurther the monitoring of its development and reactions to forest management measures. of The lessons work essential The theory. system is to management establish a framework for a long-term systemsforest development and to provide close complex the be with must development consistent Forest measures. our to unusually react aspects, often all therefore in can us and to familiar not characteristics with system, natural complex a is Forest Characterisation telemetry. GPS and analysis DNA sites, of monitoring permanent The populations on monitored are carnivores large methods. monitoring special demand of forest elements Specific growing stock (m (Aleš Poljanec, 2008). in the10-year period between 1970-2003 and forest management.’’ Schollmayer, (Heinrich 1912). and up-dated, generally as well as in details, to reflect modern trends in silviculture changed be should but final, and exhaustive not are plans management “Forest 3 /ha) LEGEND Records are the essential part of a follow-up of our work.

In local forest units, foresters write annual forest ledgers to include events and data from the previous year relevant and important in the light of forest management.

Consistency between population of herbivorous wild animals and forest environment is monitored on forest’s sample sites, where the degree of damage on young growth is determined periodically.

Issues to be addressed: •• Data cannot reflect all knowledge; •• Staff fluctuation, which does not enable a who planned and carried out the measure to analyze the To study natural response of development of forests, a forest and 172 total forest reserves effectiveness were determined with of the measure

total area of 9600 ha. Janez Konečnik photo taken. 21 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT Close-to-nature Close-to-nature to long-term committed forestry is economic efficiency 22 Examples and building harvesting, in maintenance offorest roads. used be should technologies sound environmentally Only and specificgoals we would like to achieve. characteristics their of basis the on individually selected be should cut for trees the seen, clearly are features individual their and thinned are stand forestforest stand. our in trees a target when Later, for conditions site beneficial creating means maintenance phase, Maintenance of forest stands is a basic tool in directed forest management. In regeneration which we merely development direct ofaforest standtowards ourgoals. tree species, can be achieved with minimal investments of energy precious even to us, with of composition changed slightly or wood quality of production as such ecosystem,forest organic of production considering when materials.accumulationwoodother matterits inand Specific in and requests relation a to management forest in goals production our and maintenance of matter and energy cycles. The goal of forest ecosystem vaguely reflects Theenergy thatgreen forestplantsderivea fromin used sunlightis ecosystem for growth and nature are managedinway to themasmuchpossible. preserve alwaysnegative natureserious has economy, on effects be can which avoided environment the if of destruction and pollution Environmental mankind. of good the for conserved be should and earth’s system the natural of part irreplaceable an are flora and fauna Wild Explanation and othergoalsthat are from expected aforest. production our towards processes other and production directing in invested be should should be considered in the light of economy, and only minimal amount of energy required necessary for its existence and development. Therefore all advantages of a forest ecosystem of a forest ecosystem to produce wood, regenerate itself and to provide all other processes management Close-to-nature measures are reasonable since they are based on the nature environment.benefits ofpreserved economic Long-term environment. efficiency, which the is objective of close-to-nature forestry, takes into for consideration economic consequences negative without capacities site of exploitation sustainable long-term a enables management forest Close-to-nature Characterisation Snežnik holding is one of the cradles of a planned close-to-nature forestof aplannedclose-to-nature (from 105.7m 1902-2006 incomparison to total felling multipliedby 5.2 between growing stock multiplied by 3.14 management in Slovenia where wood stock in1902, whilethe 3 /ha to 332.0m 3 /ha).

photo Špela Habič Indirect care for young growths in the shelter of old trees, the economic way to grow high-quality wood. photo Andraž Žnidaršič Andraž photo

Maintained forest stands provide valuable wood assortments.

Issues to be addressed: •• In places, disturbed balance between herbivores and photo Andraž Žnidaršič Andraž photo vegetation Stand renovation in a forest should be decided environment; on the basis of value •• Natural disasters increment culmina- and fires; tion and other indi- •• Fragmentation of cators (if necessary). forest property; •• Damages in forests (trees, ground) due to forest exploitation. 23 CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSE-TO-NATURE FOREST MANAGEMENT nature forestry more detailed measures at a needs to plan broader and Close-to- level 24 plan ofForest Unit(2,690ha) Management fromMap a10-year forest management In Slovenia,In forest management plansare madeontree levels: Forest management planshave beendesigned for more than200years inSlovenia. Examples for specific forest stands measuresforestoptimal systemof and managementoptimal the select to examined and stand and form manageable or clear site in arranged collected, is on functions forest as well data as conditions enough within planning, management forest detailed careful with only out carried be can functions forest on as well as conditions stand and site on measuresbased forestsystemand a management of Professionally selection demanding Explanation silvicultural suitable system. most the regarding decision-making esablished cognitively on as forspecific optimal wellas forest sites,gowingand functions of stands study enough detailed carefuland on and measures system asilvicultural of conditions, requires careful and at the same time flexible (adaptive) forest planning based selection flexible a with Adaptive forest management based on site and stand conditions as well as forest functions, Characterisation • • • • • • ein f eald ivclue ln wih r ipeetn pas f forest of plans implementing are management plansfor forest which management units(round 50haofforests). plans silviculture detailed of Design hunting 4,000 haofforests); and plans (round units management forestfor plans management forest10-year of management Design (forest plans regional management plans)(round 70,000haofforests); 10-year of Design h mp f ivclua pa fr h FMU 7(72.13ha) Compartment Mašun, the for plan silvicultural of map The Forest works require careful selection of technology. Terrain and stand conditions should be considered as well as com- mitment to minimal damage on forest stands and . photo Rok Pisek photo photo Mirko Perušek Mirko photo

Forest management plans are Issues to be coordinated within sectors and addressed:

photo Edo Kozorog Edo photo publicly available. •• Demanding coordination of contents of all the plans above to make efficient planning system; •• Due to fragmented forest properties it is difficult to organize participation of forest owners in design of forest Professional discusion on management and

silvicultural plan. Špela Habič photo silvicultural plans. 25 Main tasks and activities Forest management planning: of the Slovenia Forest •• elaboration of forest management plans; •• collecting data on the state and development of forests and keeping databases; Service •• monitoring biological balance in forests; •• giving consent for interventions in the forest and forest space; •• co-operation in open-space planning.

Silviculture and : •• elaboration of silvicultural plans and plans for forest fire protection; •• determination of necessary silvicultural and protection work in forests; •• marking trees for felling in co-operation with forest owners; •• realisation of sanitary projects; •• extension for forest owners in connection with financing work in forests from the state budget; •• extension for forest owners in performing silvicultural and protection work; •• providing seedlings and seeds of forest trees for forest regeneration; •• accepting realized works in forests, financed from the state budget or the EU funds.

photo Hrvojephoto Oršanič Forestry technique: •• directing and supervising construction and maintenance of forest roads; •• elaborating and keeping information system for forest roads; •• determination of traffic regime on forest roads in co-operation with forest owners and local communities; •• extension for forest owners for correct and safe work in forests; •• elaboration of technological parts of forest management and silvicultural plans; •• co-operation in introducing new technologies in felling, skidding and transporting wood from forests; •• control of felling sites in forests; •• advising on proper use of wood as an energy source.

Wildlife and hunting: •• elaboration of regional hunting management plans; photo Klemenphoto Jakša •• keeping records of kill and losses of wild animals; •• determination of measures to improve living conditions of wild animals; •• monitoring the state of large carnivore populations (brown bear, wolf, lynx); •• management of hunting reserves with a special purpose; •• assessment of damage done by protected animal species.

Public relations and education of forest owners: •• popularization of forests and forestry; •• informing the public about the importance of forests and nature preservation; •• education and training of forest owners; •• co-operation in activities aimed at countryside development; •• developing study circles in the Slovenia Forest Service; •• management and popularization of forest educational, tourist and other theme trails;

photo Jurij Beguš photo •• informing the public about forests, forestry and activities of the Slovenia Forest Service.

Other fields: •• expert orientation in letting out work in state forests, supervising the realisation of work and accepting performed works by procuration of the Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia; •• participating in research work; •• participating in international projects. 26 Issued by: Slovenia Forest Service Editorial board: Živan Veselič, M.Sc. (editor), Andrej Breznikar, M.Sc., Zoran Grecs, M.Sc., Špela Habič, M.Sc., Robert Hostnik Invited collaborators: Prof. Dr. Jurij Diaci, Aleksander Golob, M.Sc. Translation: Neža Kralj Design: Studio Abakos d.o.o., Cerknica Print: Utrip d.o.o, Brežice Edition: 2.500 copies Ljubljana, 2008

UDC 630*6(497.4)=111 FDC 611+90(497.4)=111

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana


FOREST management by mimicking nature : close-to-nature forest management in Slovenia : how to conserve forests by using them / [editorial board Živan Veselič (editor) ... [et al.] ; translation Neža Kralj]. - Ljubljana : Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, 2008

ISBN 978-961-6605-04-5 1. Veselič, Živan 238923520

last page photo Andraž Žnidaršič 27