Matthew W Laue

Robbinsdale, MN 55422

C 612‐701‐9771 [email protected] [email protected]

I am unsure how many years I have been a ABSF member

I am self‐employed. I own Landscaping Plus‐‐ a Landscape & Irrigation design, construction, and management company.

I would like to join the ABSF board of directors to help foster growth and success of the foundation. I would like to see the numbers of participants and members in the foundation and its events rise while also helping to manage the growth and offerings of the foundation. There is a balance and responsibility to make sure this is done with fiduciary responsibility all the while maintaining environmentally sound practices. I’m ecstatic to see the new bridge construction again happening the Birkie trail; this is a tangible and substantial addition to the Birkie trail. Not all improvements will be so substantial, although, some may have just as much impact on insuring success of the Birkie and other ABSF events for generations to come. I believe I will be a great addition to the board as I have an extensive history in many different aspects of Nordic skiing would be a positive addition to the ABSF Board of Directors.

I have been involved in skiing nearly all my life at many different levels. I started skiing at the age of 3, I went on to be on the US Team for Nordic Combined and was named to two Olympic Teams in 1992 & 1994. I coached High School Cross‐Country Skiing as well as Track & Field for nearly 20 years. I was a tech rep and sales rep for , Madshus, and many other brands for nearly 10 years. I have been involved in CXC since it was first formed. I am currently a FIS Technical Delegate and have had the opportunity to serve at several events around the world including the Birkie. I have two young boys who both love winter sports… hockey, snowboarding and alpine skiing and an occasional cross‐country ski! I myself love to run, ski, mountain bike and pretty much anything that takes me outdoors. I am blessed to have a wonderful wife who also enjoys the outdoors and all the activities we can do together, even though I am not as stable as her in a Kayak! I have skied (sometimes competed) in 22 Birkies and 3 Kortes and I have also ran in 2 Birkie Ultra’s. In my free time I am self‐employed owning a landscape and irrigation installation/management company.