Bimonthly Magazine for the Association of British Scrabble Players ABSP Wedding page 4 Mikki wins in style page 12 Prize Puzzle page 21 Issue 135 - December 2010 from the editor Overall, I’ve been pleased with the feedback from the first issue of Onboard, particularly the emailed pdf version which went down really well. A bit of colour makes all the difference. If any member would prefer to receive their copy of OnBoard as an emailed pdf file, please contact membership secretary, Anne Ramsay at
[email protected] Emailed pdfs should arrive a little earlier than the mailed booklets. They will be indexed and in full colour throughout. In general, the colour cover on the magazine also drew approving comments and this magazine again has a colour cover, but it does cost more to print, so I will revert to a black and white cover on editions where I do not have anything worthy of the more costly option. I hope you agree that this issue is worthy. I am very grateful to all the people who have contributed some content to this issue. I really am getting to know who OnBoard’s friends are. Nevertheless, I have again written an unsustainably large proportion of the material myself. I continue to strive to make this a membership magazine as much as a Scrabble one. Please make it your New Year’s resolution: to write something for OnBoard in 2011. Have a great Christmas holiday and New Year. Alec Youth Scrabble Coaching On Saturday and Sunday 15th and 16th January, Alastair and Karen Richards are running a coaching clinic and tournament for young players, in the Girl Guide club room in Coventry.