Knots for Mountaineerinq, Camping, Climbins. Rescue, Etc, By: Phil D
A project of Volunteers in Asia Knots for Mountaineerinq, CamPinG, Climbins. Utilitv, Rescue, Etc, by: Phil D. Smith Pubiished by: Phil D. Smith This publication out of print in 1983. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any form is subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document. BY PHIL D. SMITH Copyright 1975 BY PHIL D. SMITH Drawings BY RODNEY H. SMITH Printed in U.S.A. BY CITROGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY Redlands, California Third Edition ~::;’ I ‘,,, 1;: BACK COVER ::,: ::, The ANCHOR HITCH is one of the STRONGEST ties that one car?, fas. ten to mountain hardware, for the tying end not only adds to the dimen- sion of the bearing but also cushions it. The DOUBLED hitch, tied by ,:,;,: taking a second exactly parallel turn with a longer end, is an IMPROVE- MENT and a good absorbant for a shock load such as a fall on the safety line. See description and Fig. 37. With or without a carabiner. the DOUBLED tie can also serve as a “STOPPER” in the end of a line that might escape-for instance, a low- ering line, al. ascending line, a rappel line, etc. It is even more efficient if a ring or washer is placed ahead of it. FRONT COVER ADJUSTABLE BOWLINE STIRRUP: This is the Standard Bowline tied with two ends leaving a bighted end for suitable hitch attachments such as the Prusik, Ring, Catspaw, etc. Length can be varied to suit the climber’s height, the loops adjusted singly or together, and when advis- able, the dangling ends may be square-knotted around the ankle to hold the foot well into the stirrup.
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