un record opposing the distri­ Otto D. Pipo, 354 Stuyveaant ceiving about luoar dug.. T hr anim al, arr Leash Your Dog bution of campaign material A v e . wa* honored guest at a prrm ittrd to ra rr through garden, and by posting on utility poles and family gathering, in celebra Commercial leader Thoie are ihr day. wlirn tbr gar.lcn* utrr lawn, duing trnnrnduu. damagr. trees John M Bailey, chair­ tion of hia birthday at the man. Democratic National Com- home of his son and daughter AND THE 801TH BEKCiEN REVIEW ovrr which local folk laliorrd fur many In thrir hot day. dog. .hould br tn Mr* n t i m i re no one in law, Mr and Mrs Otto J. E s ta b lish e d 1921 # a long .print day arr .bowing off sumr Ira.hrd and .trictly supervised. It is not is in favor of placing political (Jack) Pipo, 108 Harrington The Commercial leader Is the ofllrial newspaper of thrir finr«t. Despite ihr drought llir fair lo thoM- who havr workrd hard to posters in places where they Ave.. Allwood, and their chil­ constitute a safety hazard or dren. Leslie and Scott Other law n. »rrni to br in pood shape, too. m akr thrir honir. look brttrr to havr thr LYNDHURST HOME OF CHAMPIONS where they would mar the ap­ sell Pipo and sons. Donald and Howrvrr. wr arr di.turbrd ovrr ihr prt of unthinking nrighbor. undo all thr pearance of the community. guests were Mr and Mrs Kus- Published every Thuieday by Thr Coauncrrial Leader Priming Company n t i m b r r of complaint* wr havr brrn re­ good. Certainly 1 arft opposed to any Kussell. Jr., of Rutherford, and al 251 Ride** Road. Lyndhur.t, N. J. Telrph—« (iKnrva 8-8700-8701 IMNfc Mr and Mrs Walter Klucziuk | And so now we must wait foi The Republican chairman of‘of Hackettstown the National Committed. W il­ | next year, even though the need liam E Miller, satd ~We at See It In N ew Jersey is totally obvious. We on the It is not trvie to say "We JOHN SAVING the Republican National Com­ fc«litor have tried everything**, un Attendance at New Jerseys State forests and parks is grow- 5?nate. C o m m itte e on A g in g mittee headquarters are op­ Krnrst J. Dabinett leas you’ve utilised modern ing by leaps and bounds this year Conservation ” ave ***" collecting facta on posed to the distribution of chiropratic services. official, report. <•»» need years. >"<* »<■ »»- campaign material when it ui SfromMJiMi postage paiil a l Kutherford, N. J. Recent 0lures ju« relraard by the Department of Conner- Ji ^ luuntivr 0^ lv“ «.}£nuuiuii Lefsixt take placwl , on uUli,» P"1*"- ‘ vation and Economic Development indicate a 7 per cent rise in Dr. L Ackerm an Ten Onta Per Copy look at a few of tho*. fact.: f,c r*u,m« “ ha«rd Subscription Per ^ ear attendance compared with the flre-year average, and a 21 per-j* *«*» ^ to utility employees and mo Chiropractor cent rise over a comparable period in 1*51 High temperature*| Tlie^medtum i |»e torists alike.’ I.yndhurat. N. J.. \iigu»l 2, 1962 early in the season and the long drought probably have been ftnfl <44 Ridge Rd. OR t 2401 o n ly $1,050. important factors, drawing visitors tg the la k e s , streams and cool Rutherford. N. J. — More than three-flfths of the shade of New Jersey woodlands. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frey By Appointment Daly in international trade. More job oppor­ women over 65 have no hus­ An Indian Dies Commissioner H Mat Adams said. “Some of our many visit­ mu I ler and children. Robert tunities and improvement in some areas bands to depend on. ors even take time to write us about how much they enjoy and Linda, of Pine Street, i “ CONSULT A — More than two-flfths of the 6 of Nen Jersey's economy are p o s s ib le as their stay A letter from a Hunterdoi County woman who turned on Sunday from their Michael J McDonald. 21. of WH Park beneficiary couples and roughly CHIROPRACTOR” spent a week of family camping at Bus* River State Forest Vacation at Lake Rogerine A v e n u e . % A*t N* h ^ o r k . w a s tli** n a m e our State increases its participation in three-flfths of the single or noted the effective spraying carried on there as well as the lifted in tlie arrident column* after two foreign trade. I am confident that New widowed beneficiaries who were forest s general condition. Another letter, from a Pennsylvania a >t a| jn ig5? d|(| men were Imrln! to llieir death from a Jer-ey's economic climate will lie even visitor, described Hacklebarney as the most beautiful park he ^not # meetnio>1i _„nloo«h‘d Mohawk Indian. grants and loans for general develop­ city by noon almost every day Nearly ! 500 cars are recorded > ^ h>

LO S T & F0 U H 0

I Directory For Service Requirements

Rug Cleaning

LAMP* ANO IHAOKS RCPAIR 9 x 12 Dam ntir, (R M: storaie, • NO. RCFINISHING. WIRING ALL TVP** OF LAMPS CHANOKL first month frre. .VI rrnU month HRS, PRCClOUS PiCCCS. LAMP thereafter. rpnoKlrreta furni­ Complete Remodeling Work MOUNTINGS. ANTIQUES. SHADES STOCK OR CUSTOM SELLING ture cleaned, onr sofa, two Alterations and R e pa i r t ■ N TIRI STOCK, UP TO SO*. OFF chain. |22 50. New Items carpet FOR SAL* SHOW CASKS WALL and Linoleum sold and in- Attica - Dormer* Oartfoa CABIKKTS. CARO CAHNITI. Perches - Additions Finished EMPIRE LAMP COMPANY sU lle rl M rad s M ille r C o .. 143 Basrmrnt* ■ Aluminum Siding 20H IIARHISON AVENUE franklin Avrnur, Nutlrv. •*® Tlir Ka.l End l>rmorraUr and Roofing Aluminum ( om LODI. NEW JERSEY N O rth 7 1305. 1 9 sro-rvCluli Aiixiii.ii v who havr plan fclaation Window* and Doer* P R 7 4*43 LAB Wiiter* to t», 6*5 nrd .i dinnrr theater party for 414 Forest Ave. Lyadfcnrat Partial Listing Octoh«i 4th ;»l Ih r M ead o w - o p e n brook. C’« iai Cirove. have now GEneva 8-3661 INDUSTRIAL DIVISION learned tl.r show they w ill COMPLETE SERVICE lt»9 Prosp ect Stre e t Iss srr i- Annie, Get Your Gun" Al I W0»*<1 I ! ^ 1 ’ ■ •f*,''Cpli S ta w ic k i is r*r- *j* reiving i«" now. S lM tr MajMtn C w r in H it f Sagging walls floor., parti­ Fire Place, Patio. Flagstone T h r M is ten E d ith C u rc io of tion., front porchra, garage, Valley Brook Avenue and Eve­ After ti P.M. lyn l>e Luca of Second Ave- and o v e rh a n g in g roof., T*67 • 5699 nur. arr off on a jet trip for JarLrd up lo proper level. three weeks, first to Califor­ Underpinning of 'manonry T V R E N T A L S nia. then on to Hawaii, back M aslc Instruction r WcaW . Month DEE OF KEARNY lo San Francisco. Calif., then wall., al*o general eonUact- ,ail Afi/tim a to La* Vegas and back home. ing. Millwright A Rigging. Piano - Organ FRISTIK i DEGERDON All Work Oaaraatcad * laaarad A c c o r c R a n N Arlington H a r r y C o r n e r m a n Enjoy your lessons with Don’t M l* That Late Late W Y 1-4492 • HU 2-5899 Show—Call is —We Welcome HELP - WANTED FEMALE NIGHT CALLS VELTRE T-V REPAIRS T h e o r y In clud ed Composer and Arranger for the Tube* Tested Free Century - Schuberth and 10 BFRtiKN AVRNUR FRANK J. CRUPt, INC. Heritage Music Co. of NORTH ARLINGTON All kinds of Masonry Now York City WYman 8-4267 INSTRUMENTS O p e r a t o r s W ork. Extontions and Alterations Piano, Organ tk Accordion JOHNS F o r h a le W a n t e d For eatimate call Lessons at Your Home or Radio TV Service GEneva 8-0258 ln My Studio GE 8-9120 >51 Fern Ave., Lvndhurat JOHN BONANNO Call WE 9-0644 Oil Burners STANLEY SAYS

Phone WYman 1-S627 Kami Top Soil - Fill Dirt - D IA L WE *J 0'.00 TODAY** Wholesale - Retail W elt* Fuel Oil 1 YSTMTTRST L y n d h u r s t stuyveaant *»• - Prompt Delivery Bfich and cinder block store *i‘i tiding on mam drag. excellent O H BURNERS FUF.I. OU ><>l K BEST HI VS | location. Only SS.000 00 Ceosplete Automatic O il II a J LANDSCAPES Furniture Heating Invitations V A L L E Y b r o o k Brick two family Call CE 8-2347 with modern* room apart­ Oil Bnrner Pfftrirnry ment on first floor. U rM lour Oar Specialty rooma on sscond floor, eitl haat. Reupholstering E X C E L L E N T S to r a g e So.» e to r 1-Fam ily colonial cape cod. fire comb SfS A Screen*, low taiee. 221 Proapect Awe.. No Arlington rent OrNntal PI., Lyndhurst About place, wall to wall rugs, fin On!/ $15.900 00. UPHOLSTERING *00 sq f t *60 a month inquire vwvwwwwwwwvv Feld. 231 Stuyvesant Avr Lynd basement, garage 60x100 lot. THOMAS AVE L -I rgr two and Slip Covers hurst Phone WC 3-2440 or PR many extras. half family consisting of S on tat P a in t in g 9 -043a. 0 2 PROGRESSIVE floor, 4 and enclose porch on 2nd R id g e and two room apartment on Sr#. Drapes A I T W A N T E D I Family 3 bedrooms with fami­ Gas, hot water system. two car Upholstery Co. ly size dining room, garage garage. nice location. Asking only C O U P L E D E S I R E S 3 o- Very clean home, ask to see of an rxprrteneetl North Arlington or Kea' °Cs'i All Work Dona On 47 Ridgr Rd.. No. Arlingtoa E 3-0634 or OE 2 *462 0 2 KINGSLAND AVE St Michael* ’ainter ami Piperita ngcr? pensh, attractively well kept *1* room house with enclpeed porch. O ur Premises By WYman 1-1767 1-F a m ily ti1-.- r(X), I Under 20 yrs old. beautiful can- [ dition both 601 Ridge Road appointment W Electrical Supplies Lyndhurst, New Jersey B R A N D N E W d e* u » e «« 'neN Drive Carefully Sinks Halil Tubs Toilet*, Caatro convertible *ofa wth new WEbster 9-0700 •lip cover. Also automatic vVe«tin»- Ha-ill-. Ga. Range*, & Klee- house Oehumidif>er Cell W E 3-11*0 •59 9B OLDS MOBILE convertible, before 1 p.m. and after 5. " trical Supplies Bathroom black, factory air-conditioned, com­ plete power, on* owner. 20.000. Call aAOaiLL »aT: SOO Ib s e t in - Vanilio uiade to order. WY 1-2353 % tf eludes 6 dumbells and 2 b a rb e ll* . Original co*t 150. Will seM for *30 HOME OW NERS SPECIAL P ip e * Cut & Threaded 19M JAGUAR Roadster, c a l l w v a oao* a 2 lent condition. Low mileage T o O rder b e a t e r , w W.. beat offer. C 4067. DRIVEW AYS - SIDEW ALKS i»4* BUICK Super Sedan, straight S. Any demonatration given. Qood tire* and paint. Standard shift, beat1 Improve and raise the value of your home by o f f e r w y a-0001. a-a LC BRETON Nuracry School. • rtifled period Cfcildran two ta |l» 1*63 PONTIAC 'Sedan good °laj»had ftrograih. Hot Lunche*. Half installing an asphalt driveway. This special ning condition. Call G* 6-6170. i » y a all day soaaion*. Transport* WR 3-143#.l-4 •on. TalapMona NOeth 7 -6*11, 2*6 We Specialise fa Nutiey Avenue. Nutiey, N J. tf 100 Amp. Service saves you up to 35% ; - New lawns. - Sod and TRA IN for a good position a* a Cell Anytime For . secretary, typiet, clerical worker, or Seed. Resurfacing old driveways at low cost. comptometer operator at iow co*f FREE ESTIMATE and in the shortest possible time Furniture Refinishing and at RUTHCRFORD SC c. RET ARI AL SCHOOL — a rranhlln Place. Ruth A ll Work Guaranteed N 0 7 -a m Antique Restoration. erford. Phone W C *-7147.______t‘ Phone: WY 8-3397 Bl’SINESS SERVICE Free Estim ates - Term s SAWS — TOOLS LAWN MOWERS Fully Insured

NO OBLIGATION DEL SKIDMORE wcekly papcr aov wanaljE Muet live on one of tha follewm* traata: Cerrle fid., aerntce Wd.. Geraldine nd.. ar »ylvia Place. Call WY 1.6061. ______PH O TO C TA T* while you •»»*« Landscaping & Paving, Inc MAN W ITH TECH N ICA L and ynwood Photographer*. 224 Ridge noduction background wanted, a* oad. Lyndhurst. H LYNDHURST FLOOR working supervisor In small teat manufacturing company in Rutner. ' s'rh lA T IO N WANTED ~~ COVERING ford. Ooed opportunity far etMd^f Wf 1 - 7740 MIS-M67 ...pon.ibl. M .itlwi »>*>« ■POvpol waarooa si ground, eaparience and MUl^y GE 8-0*44 KKJSTEN THE CUWWCTCIAL LEADER Am) SOUTH BEBCEN REVIEW THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1*82

of tha customary 6:30 p.m. Eight K n laaing Elk’s Clab Win starting time. Amriems Ranted (Continued from Pag* T) In between the championship (Continued from Page 7) (Continued from page g) second on a passed ball an. no other Little »«.* series the fourth, third and sec­ ond place finishers in the re the state will play August • came through on an error foi has done in the thirteen years ■pective leagues are meeting in 11 a t C a r ls ta d t. ■ the Rutherford squad’* on)> of the existence of Little Lea a one-game arrangement. On s.iddle Brook <1N> A B f t N run of thc game. gue in the town, that is the Monday night* tha lire De­ Fhilipa, cf 4 1 2 Abate ftruck out ten and winning of three township title s If th e E lk s d o fUCSSSd partment rallied to overcome McGcinty, cf 1 H IM thn». Ot Hit four hit* a first inning deficit to W ilaon, 3 he gave up, three were strok­ In copping the series from the 8-0 best the National League's Les- C a ra so , 2b 2 ed by Hasbrouck. Rutherford'* Carucci Company they will re­ S ch m als, 1 clean-up hitter tire the beautiful William K lie Company 12 to 9 in a fourth place battle. Last night the Ki- M ila r, c ' U Lyndhurst h a d defeated Gallagher Trophy. The trophy, p u t u p in 1950 by the papular wanis Chib and Vigor Rad H ansen, p 2 N o rth A r lin g to n A m e ric a n 15- township official, must be won Wings mat and tonight the 8 . Durkovic. 3b 4 l*fore their series of game? Hclmstetter. If with Rutherford. three times to gain permanent B. Penick Company w ill op ­ p o s s e s s io n pose the Circle Club in a *rc R e id , If The win by Reach was re- ond place play-off. 1»« < K r f vango for a defeat handed him The Elks hopped on Ted The Bos-Score: Gottachalk, rf laat year to a semi-final gam* Shoebridge fo r tw o r u n s In th e A B R H MtClennan. lb by District 5 winner Lyndhurst f ir s t inning. Joey Abate opened Elks dab (9) Goodwin, lb American. The righthander, the game with a single and A b a te . 2t> 4 2 2 then eleven years old. was moved around to third on a V u ono , ss 4 2 3 3 2 0 T o ta ls 31 18 13 Iks ted by Rich* Ruggiero 2 to pair of passed balls. After K e n In g lis , p 1 last seaaon. Inglis drew a walk. Doug H olz- Holzherr, lb 2 1 I Lyndhurat (t> A B R H 2 0 0 TW boa are re*: h e r r In die d a sin g le to rig h t Muhleisen. c R iz /u to . 2 b ss Lyndhurst (I) AB R H center to score A b ate a n d send Lowery, cf 3 1 1 lk>rgia, rf A b ate , p 3 2 2 Inglis to third. In g lis sc o re d as Sparta. 3b 3 1 O.Sibilio, rf Vuono, as 1 2 Tommy Muhleisen w as g ro u n d Shillatani. rf 2 0 0 John GuAstello, 2b Inglis, lb 1 0 tog out to second. With two! Lem b o , If 3 0 0 Shoebridge, sa-p Radleigh, rf 0 outs in the bottom of the first, ------Barratta, c Ottlein. cf 0 the Carucci Company got a run T o ta ls 2t; 9 7 Jo e G u a ste llo , p lb Holzherr, 3b 0 b a c k w h e n Shoebridge singled ( a r u r c l C a . t l ) A B K II Flndung. lb cf off the first base bag and fled Basinski. If 1 DeFressine. cf 0 Costa, If Servideo. c 1 to third as the rightfielder had Pogoda, ss -c 0, Oddo, if M u rra y . 2b 2 difficulty recovering the ball. Shoebridge. p 1 Villanova, cf a -L in d s a y . 2b 0 Shoebridge then scored when Sibilio, c-lf 1 Nasta, rf-ss Bobby Sibilio dropped a single C o sta, 3b 0 Shnbunia. p T o ta ls 21 8 7 into center field. P a u l, lb 0 S co tti. 3 b 0 Rutherford (1) A B K H After the Elks went out in Carscadden. If rf Helmers, ss-2b order in the second they pick Estes. rf-2b 0 , T o ta ls 23 2 4 Rabertazza. cf ed up a run in the third when Marrone. 2b-ss 8 1 Saddle Brook 801 180— 18 Htlltard, p-ss Ralph Vuono singled and lo ir L y n d h u rst 010 001— 2 Hasbrouck. c ad around to tally as a result T o ta l* ------*1 I 2 Snapp. rf-p of three passed balls. A pair E lk s C lu b 201 132— 9 Hoffman, p-lb of walks, a single by Mark Carucci Co. 100 ooo—1 Learn While You Sleep Krangipunt*. 3b Lowery and a wild pitch mov Umpires: Hurley (platef) a n d j r Praterola, 3b ed the Elks ahead 4 to 1 ir Sarnoski and Mitchell (bases) Im p ro v e m in d. l>ody and p e r­ McKenna 2b-rf the fourth. sonality while asleep with Hudentki, lb-p 0 AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE ALL-STARS: Sports Photogra row from left to right, John Guastello, Bobby Borgia, John In the fifth, singles by Abate amazing new university-tasted Letsche. If 0 pher uffeied his 2 nd loss as a- Inglis, who gave up two hits 134 Students who are on the 5 m LaUrPl Ave., Lyndhurst, N.J. L y n d h u rs t N- 130 040x— 8 gainst 3 in the win column. in the first inning, proceeded D e a n s Last for February to, Umpires. Piela (plate)-Cas­ San Carlos Romp To an Easy Victory Nick landoli connected for to pitch hitless ball over the Ju n e . 1962. according to Dean tellano (bases). final five innings. Inglis, H e rb e rt P. W oo dw ard. bill Messing, with nothing on was credited with 3 strikeouts.; issued a half dozen passes and his 4th homer, tops in that de­ Rutherford Amer. (I) AB R H southpaw, mowed down eleven the ball but the cover, gave up Jim "The Toe” Nazare and fanned 5 Park hitters. partment and Tim Marrone al­ T h e y w e re : K a n d a , lb Button Boys on strikeouts, did 15 runs in 3 innings as Sari Rab Kraft both hit tremendous Richie Paluzzi’s big stick so hit for the circuit with a F r a n k J C u rc io of 132 S a n ­ W e b er, ss not walk a batter and hit one Carlos romped to a 17 to il; drives to deep center with a proved the deciding factor as runner scoring ahead of him fo rd vaen u e, L y n d h u rs t. a '64 Lattoracca, c batsman with a wayward pitch. triumph over teller dwelling runner scoring ahead of them he drove in 3 runs on 3 sin­ to give Tim 16 RBI's for the Psychology major, and James Sheridan. 2b-3b Vuono with three hits and J. R. Polito Agency Tuesday j while Billie Monisera dropped gles. Al Kempton with 2 for lead in that category. Tony M. Maitland of 62 Prospect Ruelbach. cf Abate with two led the win­ Messing was the victim of his 4 ply smash in right field 2 tallied 3 times while Eddie Rubertone had a foul tip back­ avenue. North Arlington, a ’64 R esch , p ners at bat. 12 hit attack, as he also issued j as Paulie Primerano’s Build- Rogers picked up a pair of fire and struck him in the eye. pre-medical student S c h a k . rf In the second series tilt to­ a pair of walks and hit a bat- ers set a new record with 3 base knocks. Lou Shifano was forcing him to retire. Manager The honor list includes stu­ Kelly. If . morrow, Abate is slated to ter before Jim Downey re- homers in one inning. Richie the only Polito sticker to col­ Paulic Marino took over, and dents who have completed one F o x . If pitch for the Elks with Man-! , lieved him in the 4th Downey I Gunther collected 3 for 3 to lect a pair of hits off Scacchet- promptly showed his boys Pierce, 3b ager Jerry Carucci expected to University held the Melone Brother’s boost his BA to an even .400 ti's slants. what he expects from them by Newark unit and have a term LOOK SMOOTH! Now Tan M u rp h y , 2b go with Sibilio on the mound jcrew to 2 runs on 4 hits in the Billie Monisera connected 2 The win puts Park in the collecting 3 for 3 to give him sch o la stic averag e of 1 80 Can Have UNWANTED 5 for H on the season. Lefty Game time is 6:15 p.m. instead j 4 innings he worked Mike hits and Primerano’s new key- driver’s seat in their battle b e tte r. HAIR REMOVED. T o ta ls 23 8 8 Caputo drove in 3 runs with AB R H'*r*on* keld Lou Ciardella's Po- stone sack guardian. Richie Pc- with San Carlos for that 3rd Instantly ■ Saf«ly • Lyndhurst (•) a double and singles and 3 0 o A g en cy to 6 hits and gave zolla stuck around long enough place finish and a crack at the 2 by the Itn u tlo iM l A b a te , 2b Johnson, SB 46 ADVERTISEMENT play-offs. Both clubs have 8 in now has 8 hits in his last 10 19 413 Radi am a tic Electrolysis V u o n o , ss 3 0 0 up 5 bases on balls as he to pick-up 2 in as many at- Gunther, PB - 1 chalked up his 3rd win in easy tempts. Fred Gallagher fur- the win column with San Car official times at bat. Nick Ian- 35 14 400 by Gina ef In g lis, p 1 0 3 Divine, SB 40 FLOORS SANDED, Re/iN i fashion. ! nished most of the offense for los charged with 9 defeats to doli also chipped in with 15 375 Agata Beauty Sales Radleigh, rf 1 0 hits with Tim Marrone, Don Sailer. SC 41 15 ISHED and waxed, American -1 a u . u.k.rinr., the Lyn-Cliff Home Improvers 8 losses for Park 366 OUlokn,

Listings wanted! If yon want to sell, let us multiple list yowr home. Expose your property to the greatest NINOS PIZZERIA HAVE number of buyers. A quick sale Is the inevitable result.

FOR SALE BEEN Italian & Am erican Food liv e ly Brand New Ranch - 3 bedrooms gorgeous tile bath, modern science kitchen - auto heat, 2 car garage, FOUNDED terrific at $21,500. Excellent bungalow in quiet residential section. First floor has two bedrooms, modern kitchen, bath, log burning O ur Specialty. fireplace with andirons, oak floors, chestnut trim, sun- p o rch; second floor contains two lovely large bedrooms Finished basement, new gas heating system, garage, black­ top dnvewsy. A wonderful value at $21,900 GRADE “A" RICOTTA - MOZZARELLE Two family in convenient section - five rooms on •each floor, third floor framed out tar extra four room apartment. 2 car garage, summer kitchen in basement. Oil heat - ftrst floor h a s wall to wall carpeting, new bath, HOME MADE SAUSAGES & GRAVIES Just as a youngster, who is totally de­ new kitchen with wall oven, exhaust fan. Ask to see it pendent upon parents, can grow into a to d ay. -*■ responsible adult, a president, or a scien­ NINO’S PIZZERIA I I NINO'sTizzifilA ”1 Vacant land - 60 x 175 - Zoned for one or two family F tist, so a modestly begun savings account and possible four family ln hfff^ n f town, all improve­ THIS COUPON I . THIS COUPON i can grow into a secure and substantial ments are in. Just waiting for your beautiful new home. I WORTH t I w o r t h f future. We know this to be a fact - our savers arc proving it every da?. PER FOR RENT I I I ANNUM Factory space, 15 hundred feet-parking, was used for 25< , 10* Off , QU ARTERLY DIVIDENDS machine shop and also auto repair. i On Large Another space on the second floor has 2,500 square- 1 LARGE PIZZAS faet, was used for small precision parts manufacturing. | Good Till Augnat 4 [ | _ Jersey Kgga ^ • ' A-'-.-1 Four room apartment, heat, hot water supplied. $95 00 Available July 1st, 1962 EQUITY Coane in and look over our picture gallery of over one FREE DELIVERY m o - hundred choic* hornet in the South Bergen Area. SAVINGS SAVINO AGENCY C A L L 4 3 8 - 8 4 1 1 251 Ridge Road, LynHhur.t, N. J. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION GEnrva 8-3)21 223 STUYVESANT AVENUE Avenue (Corner Midland Ave.) Kearny. New Jerw j frank Cartes* LYNDHURST, HEW JERSEY HOURS: Dally - • to 3; Thursdays to T P.M. DM Tarantino i p a b u n o o n r u w i a § d r i v e i n t k l l u w i n d o w THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1962 THE COMMERCIAL LEADFR AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW r P AGE WINE

lin's birthday. and M r and M rs A d am C za r la w , Mr. and Mr*. Harold Mig (rom a motor trip to and ter. Mr and Mr* Gennaro Cor- |/ llA a»|iA aiiM A ie4A e A m M A 4lim r Irm n H o l d P a r t y Guests were their daughters necki, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Waltei lin , could not attend because around Florida They visited saro and son. Gennaro. with l\U C C JIC n ill 6 IST 6 r A lffl U TnO r A lC O and their families: Mr and cia and Annette Stampone, oi they are vacationing by trailer Mr Alonzo's father. Dominick For Miglins Mrs Frank Dow ani children. Janowski and daughter, Mar- in Colorado and Montana and Alonzo, in North Miami. brought him home He went by Residents Having A Tim e In Berfln Karen. Susan and Frank, Jr.. Ly ndhurst. on to the World’* Fair in Se- —------Lrikes-to-Sea B un by himself. Thc home of Mr. and Mrs. of Little Falls and Mr. and Mr Miglin is supervising en a ttle . • Edward W Waldeck, I Interesting side light in theienmeister a d d e d , w e lia, M fltn of Ten Eyck Ave­ Mrs. John Ambrosio and chil* gineer for the Allied Chcmica uenanan of Third Street, spent Mr. and Mrs Lewis Aldridge Berlin tour of the Fact Finding quite cautious in view of thd n u e w in Ih e s c en e of a family dren. Linda and John. Jr., of'Corporation of Rector Street Mr. and Mr* Jerome J. Alon the past week with friends in and family of Jay Avenue Group consisting of Carlstadt sub-machine gun* carried b f p a rty given on Wednesday eve Jlifton; with Mr and M i m . 'N ew Y o rk . t o and daughter, Jacqueline 4au:hchunk and Allentown, spent last week at Mayetta. Borough Council President the check point guards and the.; n in g in celebration of Mt Mig Adam Czarnecki of Bloomfield.) Their son and daughter-in 241 Van Buren St., are back Pa His son-in-law and .{laugh- near flMpbottom Frederick W Kuechenmeister. many machine g&h to w e r* In ------Richard Demarest of Dumont, the vicinity of the border The BBP99KL v, * John Schuttler o f Hillsdale, heavily guarded border ared w as the m a n n e r tn .w h ic h th ey m ade e sc a p e by East Germans returned to West Germany quite remote It would be J?o*-' A SHOPPER’S DREAM COME TRUE—PLAID STAMPS AND... from Berlin. sible only by great ri*k to The only authorized route in their lives and out of Berlin through Eat" Mr Kuechenmeister started Germany is the Auto Bahn that from his observation*. CMl. leading east from Marlenbom East Germans are v e ry m u c h This is the route the Fact Find opposed to the Com m unltt rule ing Group used in gaining en Wlth its economic fa ilu re . trance to Berlin However. ever. there are 20 R u ssio n d * n k Councilman Kuechenmeister. vision* in East G e r m a n y ‘ FULL O F Mr Demarest and Mr Schut make sure ,hc East G e r m a n s tier returned using the Auto / DREAM w h e n m Kuochenmeister m Return From Europe formed United States Embassy r ' .r You’ll rub your eyes lo make aure all tho«e values you »ee officials at the Ambassadors Mr and Mrs James J Far- reception in the Hague, of then reil J r 441 K m g sla n d A v e at A&P are “ for real” ! What a va»t selection o( famouvliraml return route, they expressed have just returned from a 15 fcMnl* , . . all low, low priced to fill your pockets v. ith CASH surprise that the group was day tour of Europe where th e y OOO able to return through an un spent 2 days in Rome. 2 J a y * SAVINGS! On top of ihit, you get to save PLAID STAMPS (authorized part of East Get in Paris and visited their niece . . . Tlie # 1 Stamp in the New York Area . . . IK Far! 1 many Marylyn Shine, and Lt Jo a e p h Councilman Kuechenmeister Shine in Frakfort, G e rm a n y 'stated that the only difficulty for 2 days They also s p e n t § J Ithe group encountered was at Jays i_n London and p a id a Vil- I the border. They were detained it to Mr and Mrs. H a r r y B a a l Chuck — B a a s la 1 for approximately one hour Worthington. Mrs. F a rre ll'* * ia - . CALIFORNIA P I while the Russian office^ in ter in Nottingham. T h e ir Spry charge checked with higher i:«u»jhter. Vivian, now M rs >1* Shortening authorities Finally the group Vincent Geneavese flew w ith Ic ©W lebel tc oH i*b« CO c was permitted to proceed into her husband and baby E d w a rd West Germany to California to visit V in c e n t's I Ifc c i « ** J Ib c m W Mr Kuechenmeister stated sister. Mrs Kenneth R e a v e s of P O T R O A S T 4 9 : | that the people along the Auto El Monte. California. Specially selected from fine quality grain-fed beef, AfrP's "Super-Riflht'' Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! I Bahn in East Germany show- - ....— ...... - . — led considerable surprise and California Roast is perfect for Pot Roast, priced for Value — try i t ! Realemon trom New Jersey Farms I curiosity at our presence there Bachmanns Return p in t Cultivated In the entire return trip along M r anJ Mrs George Bach- Lemon Juice k . 2 9 c j the unauthorized Auto Bahn in Blueberries 227 .Page A ven u e, a re Reconstituted “ SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY VEAL SALE ? Vino-Ripened East Germany we did not see hack (rum , !K)(H) ml,e p "■ JJc « - 'file Large Sise each trip to the West Coast. They b o * b o t Cantaloupe 1 9 ° German vehicle*. visited Mt Rushmore. Bad I * % ■ « D I I M D Selected Milk-Fid Vial They had to *01 through three Lands o( the Dakotas. Yellow, Sweet. Juicy check points before they ar-istone Nat,onal Park Salt Lake L E l l O b IfU IV Ir F,„i.r 49 rived at the border check,c,ty Modest., California, Underwood : point Peaches . b 2 9 e where they spent a week. San Fine Eating Needles! say. Mr Kuech- Francisco. Marine Land. Bryce Deviled Ham Canyon. Grand Canyon of the SHOULDER ROAST— 69 lb. Seedless Grapes 2 5 e Lemonowici's Back Colorado. Boulder Dam. Al­ buquerque. New Mexico, where »'/*.■ I I * * ' ! « J f l c Mr and Mrs. Charles Le- tin c«ft Calitcrn:a— Smet Juicy they were guests of Mr. and m anow icz, 355 Le w a n d o w sk i Mrs Jack Wilkerson, formerly St.. are back from a vacation Rib Veal Chops 79* Loin Veal Chops 89‘ of North Arlington. Painted Bar* let i Pears - 3 5 c stay at Detroit. Mich. where Desert. Tulsa. Okla., where From Nearby Farms they were guests at the home j ^ , week u , Ve*.». Shredded Wheat of Mr and Mrs Frank Bronv - I, , 7 c Denver. Colo, and Nebnco bond » lb. 199 Green Peppers irski. parents of MrsMrs. ULeman a...)^ - ; Tton!! owicz. and her brother and sis way can They were gOM five S p o o n f i t ARMOUR CANNED HAMS 4 From Nearby Farms ter-in-law. Dr and Mrs. A. J w eeks. S ite B ro m irs k i D A T B A A C T boneless chuck New Green Cabbage 4e One of the big events of thel ■ W I H U H J I "Super-Right" Quality Reel 59 stay w as a garden p arty •for ■ Judith Servideo relatives of the area, in cele- H einz P u r r B e ef Ju d ith A nn Chuck Fillet l E X ’ 59? Ground Beef Pr#«%»f»roend 49? B aky Food ed her birthday on July 20th.ivldeo- Copeland Avenue, was Strained Chopped irflWLTMii, M.,Z. ' ! Mrs Lcmanowici. Julv 25. and, 14 >ear* l,ld on - ue*iay. Th. Dr Mitchell Jabczenski, July!evcnt was celebrated w ith a party at her home. Guest* in­ 1 I--W " I**!! liquid 26 cluded Mr and Mrs. Joseph A. M. or P. M. Quart WITH THE PURCHASE OF JA N f PARKIR Mr and Mrs James E. O’* Vitiello. Mr and Mrs. Joseph MOTT’ S Fruit Iriik can 25 Neill and children. Kevin, Peg- Cantelleri and Mr and Mrs gy. Timothy and Erin. 318 Ton Angelo Cafone. all with their Scotkins CHERRY PIE 45< tine Ave., have returned from ch*ldren. of Belleville; Mr and 1 Ib. two weeks ot Ortley Beach Mrs Theodore Servideo, Mr Lvncbeon Nepk WITH THE PURCHASE OF JA N i P A R K IR cans and Mrs Angelo Servideo and W W » w Colored p k g t. GRAPEFRUIT ^ ‘3 49 Mr and Mrs Ralph Wetzel M r and Mrs George Hardy, 33' 2 p ly o* SO Golden Loaf 43< and Mr and Mrs L M Car all with their children. Ju- of Chase Avenue, spi nt the dl,h " grandmother. Mr* Jen D i r i f I E C F A N N IN G 'S IS oz. me Servideo, John C o c k e a n d WITH THE PURCHASE OF JANK P A R K IR weekend at Monterey Beach. I I V I t L E v Iread and Sutter 2 jars Mr and Mrs Robert L u b e r ta z - 45 zo of Lyndhurst Homestyle Donuts Linda Nolte. daughter of Mr M r. Clean 1 Ib. and Mrs William Nolte. of For­ PLAID Mr and Mrs Edward De­ All Pvrpote Liquid C U iw 4 02. IT1MPS GOLDEN or SUGARED est Avenue, has as her guest 6~35< laney and children. Karen and for the week. Wendy Lynn w *S I Ot I p t. fluid oi C Q c 2 bottles Edward. 640 Rutherford Ave 12 HEINZ KETCHUP 65 Kuyat. of Pittsburgh. Pa She are back from a week's vaca­ e f f U b e l b o ttl e * * made the trip east by plane Danish Prune Horn 45< tion at Wildwood S’ i oz. Mr and Mrs. Robert Messing cans STAR-KIST JE L 3 89 Sandwich Month Buys! I and children. Elaine. Laurie The good and welfare com­ Ivo ry I and Robert, of F’age Avenue. mittee of J Morgan R ead : spent the past week at Cape C o u n cil. No 44. D aug hters of Liquid Detergent Faicy 2 Ib. m ° o i Whole Wheat Bread 23* Cod. M ass evening at the home of Mrs L iH Gram pkg. ''/»os } Q C America, met on Wednesday Jane Parker Celina Sauer, of Ten Eyck Ave­ I p t f lu .d CAROLINA RICE 35 Sandwich Bread l o a f W Kathleen Donovan, daughter lifted JC , 6 of Mr and Mrs Francis Don nue On the committee are ec bo».“ • L b o t. HAMBURGER or FRANKFURTER P>9 D (o, OC c Mmes Claire Thalman. Mu Rolls J ane Parker—Sliced of ® • • ovan, 25 Stuyvesant Ave. en Nabisco— Salted sr Unsalted AftP Brand— Freack Stylo 1007. I lb 7 Q C tertained at a pajama party on, riel Near. Mabel Johnson, Nor- 14 o s. Ann Page Margarine c„„0i,C o r n O il pl, M Thursday night Her guests McEachern. John Donten. Lux p k g . were Donna Bog I M ary Ann Premium Crackers 29* String Beans 2 ' ~ ~ 2 5 e A n n I o i 4 C g .. .Dorothy Hoff and Charlotte Vo- Sandwich Spread P a g e W15* ^37# Chile. Pamela Censullo an M e Grape Jelly P u r e ja r je r *** FleiscHmem I pt. F ...O T , 2 N argarine Corn Oil (Gold Package) pkg. No-Cal Beverages b o t* . 29c r..i..M • 97« Victory Cream Cheese p k g . " * U ..L BROADCAST 15'/,II'/, o«Ol I Ik. »'/« oi. j y e 4 o s. B lue Cheer A1P Brand Be n a s n CORNED lEEF cee W c a n NIm Lives Cat Food 2 29c N.w w.J. d.y wdt Sliced Swiss Cheese D o m e s tic X 39' Armstrong Floor Care ^ pW<< „„ Fols Liquid Detergent 1 62c I Ik. I K oi H ( j ik iv, o. 77* Bologna or Liverwurst 59* Pi , . * * Frozen Foods.' ------F / » e Dairy V a l u e s ! ■ Top Mast Sardines “ * Jl? « c But, Chicken. Turkey 11 n. pk| C .I.n d i r W Uta— Mild White Tuna Fish ^ Z l [ . M * D u Detergent Swanson I.V. Dinner 55* Mel-o-Bit American 55c Pink Salmon ct * r V.b.6 9 e Premium Pack French Fries,"I.e.. 5 99‘ Whipped Butter ™ 42° Luncheon Meat i-et suMe*^ 'tJ“ 43# Cream ftta«t» ..... t * « l i e 'V; 1 57* - 1 J 3 Sweet Peas Patteunsed • bers R&R Boned Chicken tSfJS* ‘ “ 5S' Saow Crop Oroage Juice 2 39* Imported Italian Romano » 95c Corned Beef .!"47' BANANA LEMON. M-JQC Morton's Pies CHOCOLATE CREAM r t ,. Domestic B lu Cheese »> 71e Heinz Sweet Gherkins 2 , 0 0 0 REASONS WHY B in s B lue

Per tbe f emily wesk Milady Apple Biiotzes Wisooasin Mild Cheddar 55* t» M 'k Quality— All F la rm Should we ever be required to prove our interact Sc off lebel 10c off label Sharp Cheddar Cheese "g y »»69* Red L Flounder Dinner “ 55* Crestmont lea Cream 79e in community health, we could cite 2.000 z* good reasons. Our prescription department stocks H Eitra ttw p i with rirakie. ri SS (lira staafi wltk p n H m ri V r*7' upwards of 2.000 medicinal ingredients. I DRY MILK SOLIDS ^ 8 5 * IICED TEA PITCHER “ : 3 9 c T h e y co m e from every point of the com pees. Some are prescribed daily, others only rarely. Dash Detergent ‘ , w ! ______THC CttAT ATUNtlC s E40WC Tf* CO*»AWT. QT Theae drugs are brought together Price* effective tKrough Saturday, August 4th in our prescription department in Super Markets and Self-Service stores only. Regular Price 13c W M I k I Ik. J'/i oi to help us render competent profeaaional service r f M pkl " *A P S uPer M ar^ets All Tobatro Product*. Fluid Milk aini Alcoholic for the protection of your health. »»i*k» v fooc »l»iN*ai iiau Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp offer.

475 RIDCE ROAD, NORTH ARLINGTON, N. J. L e v y S pwuum cy.juq. Open Tue*. and Thur*. Till 9 p.m. Friday Till 10 p.m. Large Free Parking Area 299 STUYVESANT AVE. SE 8-1026 TH ttR SD A t. A W H W t 2. 1*M5 PACE EIGHT T t* COMtaERHAT. LEADER AND SOtmT BERGEN REVIEW

'.Wdve. By noon Ih* dtom w»« gone T l redly Ihc pertv brooch' TOmalavape. p Shabunia got the last out of ark Ihc hooks and sank into '< hair-rirs. They were silent as th ej iyndhursf Americans Rotated, the inning and ended SaJdlc Itrook's scoring f i u M Cor B rie lle T o ta ls SPORT-WISE T h e lM in August and .September should Ih- tqp htHaxhei |» xiuun. roamed the pilehim ■filth h w h iik when Saddle Brook atta. . ^ ------•UA* boafcetball center w h o is now ;i so p h o m o re tar. of th« no tch, judging by catcher in June and J u ly Mullancs p tod The lefty tailed to finiah scored eight more runs. . ..ood-RiJge won the Dis- K i i t T C o lle g e . T re n to n , tea m I I V Division Of Mlh and in the Department of Con Jcacchct't, i> ne first inning aa Saddle Thc (irit ,wo hitters reached .tricl1 * ,i,,c Saturday afternoon Messmer set the course cf th< Magdalena for the \Aateis on e rv a tio n and Economic Development notes that thc fish usually ------j Irook scored eight times. t)agc on B hll unlamrncd a four bagger for lour ^ged Lyndhurst Nationals 8- The double‘leader was play­ tw . i 1' °°* promising, said Meesmer. who ha* taken ovei with a i*ane pole. using spearing or silversides for bait. Small p itch er T v d Shwbrklgc got the | more runs J " K am w ’d under ihieatcning skies and the vessel from his father, onc of the best known »port boat urcf ji*, cU 1 ^e used with a flv rod or bait casting outfit. final out. —- Thc winners - got a- Wood-Ridge will begin sec- ? » « • , * ut ° " 1 k n o w s We had a gooc Surf casting for adult b lu es is done with cut bait or lures. the preliminary go^off to^. ^ ryn m ^ (op of lhr However the scoring was not lkma| , Tonight ta Living- ate start when the t S U T S .!£ .?. T?-day lhc day bcfort‘ Huw can y°u lcl1 Most b lu ettsh are taken at off-shore ledges Many charter sccond frame on a walk. hit : z r r l Afcl.“ * S : J 2 ? -C O Hoboken Southern Who ever talks to a Ash Diatnon.l lost their way com and two hit batsmen scored A boats and open party boats are available i batsman, and a single. I'llie four remaining • teams mg out from Long Island f four runs to make thc score A f t r r > thrr-<- Shrewsbury Rocks is a well-known “hot spot" for trolling The New York lassies pre-j Lyndhurst cut Saddle Brook'■ before relief pitcher Mike (Continued on Page 10) shoreline within m . v «twht v ! rU° * . T 1 .ll* Hranch Karther out. boato use chum ground from oily Ash to attract shorelme.w^hmjasy^ight. Messmer cut hack the engines. l,,loct. b , ™ ^ Rld|e. th? famous light, and rive-Fathom •cnted a strong cast headed by ,cad |o 9 . x |n th c ir o t £ c i______manager and ace hOrler Mau- on a series of walks to . - _ .. The mate, a wonderful lad with a hi* smile, sure hand, an,!1 °T ^ ***5’1 •* ,W“ ^ .l" P''rCS, •nn G alm and had little dif- llol) Kladung. Ernie Costa, Rick i sharp aanse of humo., .slit the butt, rr, I. mt,. tn. s Me> rei ° 1 th# °"Cf P*rtv boat fo‘ *** ^ P - ficulty ul dueim: the Castle Kizzuto. and Bob Sihilio offthe handed out short nnt with .-oin.-.itn.nai nd s . id 40 u, ,rui‘ 1 Fed ,n * N iT ****** Outdoor» *rtir,c “Chum Hungry Blues ’ o.ane C" Ktls of North Bergen, homesters starting pitcher, ItOn monatilamei.: lines. Milton Rosko, Jr. He describes the techniques, the excit?- winning by *n 8 to 2 count in Hansen “Just let them drift," he directed mw,t an<* cveh th# tangles Reprints are available 1 conte 1 that was called at ^ lwo |MlSc. |ait. a single, and Plumbing & Heating The mate hooked the bait and all the lines were ««n over from ,hc Dep«r and gave up 4 hiu Dop Ed*s twirler was the victim of.”" Prrixire !\ow t or ISvxt Winter “I’ve got him," he said He pulled in a two-pound blueflsh, lg.2 .hit* a? t?*1*1! AI1Jf Rcs'. Mullaney followed and held * 14 hil a,tack as lhc Diamond George Van Dunk of Ruthcr silvery, powerful, beautiful. taino s crack Duro-Test Corp. o i iX iro .X e ^ t tG 2 hits in 2 WMth moundsmn limited the Jerseyfford. who. with his wife Mar- Cull For Free Uniting Survey "lUep going." exulted the mate as hc separated the fish NortJh BerBen captured a 5 to scacchctti holding the «irls 10 6 h,ts Maureen Gal- ian. manages the Castle Lane from tha hook 2 decision under lights at vWtors t0 a |onc sin„ic in thc vin. a versatile athlete beyond Co-Eds. reports that his 2 ace County Park Wednesday. To- (question,---- picked-up 3 base hits hurlcrs were in Trenton par­ k i : l l y a g a i n . .. last 2 innings. G*a> Is ( ' I r a n & F .r o n n m ir a l Kelly put his hook back in the water ~ , . ma lavage, a veteran of nation- to pace the New Yorkers of- ticipating in the State tourna- leapod again l ' 1 c'al championship competition Duro-Test Corp AB R Hlfense Ann Farrell. Marie ment. George through Steve Slop Sec or Call “Grab It,” yelled thc happy mate. and rated tops in New Jersey shave, 2b 2“ Schrimpc/ ‘ ‘ pr an and Dolores Ostrow- Cagnacci has carried out all ar Softball circles, had the game Zukowski. cf Kelly pulled. Tin* time he had onc that 1 ski all collected 2 base knocks. rangements for these outstand­ pounds. 1 an 0VC1 under control, striking out 9 Hudako, rf lb 1 Pacing the Castle Lane Co-Eds ing girl soft-bail nines to show All-Star swingers during tht Maresca. lb Then it was the doc's turn. He pulled in a two-pounder. 2 were a pan of favorites. Joyce their wares in Lyndhurst an­ , course of the evening. Lally. rf 0 Wiegand and Tam McKenzie Then Dunn yelled he had been hit. Then it was the editor. n u a lly . R. Wilsnn WY 1 - 5969 Charlie Scrivanich was hit Considine. If t M ik e Wogash. the 0 with 2 hits apiece. N. Y D iam o nds 150 02— 8 most experienced fisherman aboard, by pitch in the bottom of Turner, calmly smoked his pipe 1 O n defense A n n F a r r e ll be- Castle Lane Co-EJs Oil 00—2 116 Ridgr Rnut] ' North Arlington the 1st. Nick landoli sacrificed Wares. 3b 0 hind the plate, throwing out a Galvin. Sitzier and Farrell. ^W hLM.hC,«yKUed lhC r * .\ ^ hcn ^ 'wU ^ gin , J 'l>*m to 2nd. Charlie then stoicXucarello. c 0 pair of would-be base stealers,|Dietzmann and LeGrand. T h e J t ,C A C M,Ik c *a,d ,,u '*"* 3rd and tallied on a wild pitch i T”"*.'*” a ,W,rl of *,lv*r In h" 'hr H-h. U) K,.t Lyndhurst off in front! " a l l y see-sawing in an effort to break loose, was beme Turner singled lo open the i!^ e 1. . . 2nd, advanced oil a sacrifice U n h o o k him. Mike said calmly as he lifted a three-Kunt, SCOring from 2nd with a p o u n d e r into the boat. burst of speed on an inficldi And that was the way it went. Hit. yank, into thc boat with ,ut to knot the count. Duro-1 a f e a th e r of spray und the look of pure silver obout them. \ rest pushed 3 more bctoss ini Blueflsh are game and tough. They strike hard and they J the 3rd on Chave s double. Ma-: b a ttle Aercely. The carnage that day was brutal. The Iwiys rekca’s single 2 walks and a pulled in until theirarms ached pair of throwing errors. Henry; THE CHI’M DOKS IT ; Johnson reached on a dropped | It ia the chum that attracts the fish. Some fishermen deplore'throw with 2 out in the 4th | [TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPCI that atyla ol fishing. Some say they won't eat fish that have ind Captain John Crarneckl - _ 1 rame through with the 1st hit i S S S S m ^ ■b e t t e r g i f t s . .. f a s t e r m A s fO r the eating, there are many witnesses in South Bergen1 tQ left center, scoring Johnson.! who will testify that the chum-caught fish of that party were A dropped fly in left. Mares- delectable Jca's 2nd hit and a throwing t J B k M\ T h e d e e d was committed between the hours of seven and1 error accounted for Duro- • H a H CRAN0] i w n m w i WISHING FOR A NEW CAR? LM0NAM APMISAUCI siiMiimw[mui I SUPtllMAIIKUS |

q« Y i r W 3 ^ 4 9 1 i « 4 0 m a m . ^ 3 0 ^ ! ^ S T A M P S I

I this a i l I wopvchjst IIstam JJ N w ps! SHENANDOAH VAIUY MT U.S. 60V7 INSFKTfO HENS*■?69 ^ ^ FOWL X 3 3 i im. < ue TO 4-is Ud ^ U«k h r llw Bonut Sticker I0A SIM CNKKEHt J y TUtKETS — ™ . 3 9 ‘ lcHicKEN IKS . 4 5 ‘ •n Hemi lilted below you ng rm w a M p o v ta 4 4 W l No Coupons Needed -lay a you woal1 TRY SAVING! DUCKUNCS •..TM n « f H i u o» ROASTING CHICKEN 49ic5kr«»«t*sTs - 5 5 ‘ SO TWO 11 . OI mn.1 • o n v i n e s ENRICO PIZZA MIX . WITH rutCXAM Of “ f r y e r s r a a a *. YOUNC-TVNOCt 3 1 ' SQUAB $i8ii«*His .n8’ 5 0 . IT’S MUCH FASTER! • UK W tM f ' \ PARO DOC FOOO ONANOUMON W Sawng can make wi&hcs come true. I sw sh h i 50 Sait saving today systematically and FRANKS mSv S.. 5 9 ‘ 6 9 ou will find your detains soon be 50 M 11-01 CAW realizations. ■ IUI STAMPS SOOA y 5 0 EARN • IUI STAMPS FtlSHfAKCOfffi 50 Stu< STAMPS ' WRNKN S P tlM __

50 MAM m » •« . • ikM llAWfS [ CNCiSE LOAF _ ’ Wounta Openeil 11} l'hc lOth W.TH MJKNASI O* 5 0 Kuril From The I-l 10^39* I CUCUMBERS W 5^.25* j LETTUCE J B L 2 ^ 15 aiui -.Tiii j Lmm6m Sm -NANCT irMM

*Arcnuiil* liiM irrd AS-UiUD VfOI IAOIS—SOC OCNlK QUALITY MAO 50 P= I |> To $10,1)00 SEA BROOK FARMS 5 99' IVORY FLAKES 3 5 c • lO i STAMPS W H ITI BCGSI KUSH CRAPE DRINK J .1 3 0 DEVILED KAM 39 I- ► MAYFAHI WKsifVIS QUARTERLY TO, TA»!‘ IS ORADI"A MEDIUM g IR IIS il [ wbtmnamm* - ■4oi 3 9 B 30 i MAMCT I VMM ON YOI R SAVINGS BUFFERIN ’23/ OXYDOL r 35 - R.iif ST AMPS THI WA'.MDAV Mt#A< il IIY II 10&A1 U m m P *— JVORY SOAP 25 2 r . 3 l e TIDE DETERGENT -7 7 BLUE CHEER s 3 2 c •iui MAmri H i CRUST MU OPEN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY! I AWT IVORY SOAP NAPKINS 25 Tht OlJcil Financial hnhtution In Town — S i n c e 1 9 1 4 3 = 29c _ 4 ___ 4 9SALVO ‘ DETERGENT a 43c • IU! STAMPS WASHISWHiTfP " ’ ••• TfVlTTgeAr JOY DETERGENT 3S IVORY SNOW t 35‘ PREMIUM DUZ V S9- 2 0 ( h u V n V m . a m y/t • tm STAMPS. m y iK sqoARi D tM *a Kearny Federal Savings IVORY SOAP 4 r 25- IVORY LIQUID k 62 DASH DETERGENT - 67' lAVAr iOAP M i WM UMCMNOH ~1 ■ vi*ic»onttu2Sa»- z iiT iOAp 2 S 2 * 5 I T sonr S 35‘ Cmaay lOAT 3 « 31* ^1-ENTY o r PRUNE JUICE 3 9 < | p OTATO SALAD 29 IsENECA DRINK 3 79 r » « i P ANN INO s« r s 35> 31* AT BOTH orncca II1NN N I Brand Union, 579 Ridge Road, Nortb Arlington H/iRIfRfD and SUPERVISED by the UNIliO ST A ' t S ' I. C N ’.U N T “Instant Redemption Service” MoonrfieM N. J. 22 Washkigton Street

- i THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1%2 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PAGE SEVEN Elks Club Wins First (kmw In Best Of Five Series In L L Playoffs Your’t For G ood Sporttm anthip ' , , Thr klk« Cluli went onr game up on lhr Canard I Company in lhr hr*t of five aeriea for lhr Townahip Liltlr Lrapur i-haiiipion»Mp. On Tursday evening at thr i William K (lallu^hrr Field thr Elka Club, lhr National League titleholder*. downrd lhr American League champ inn-. thr (larurri (Company by a 9 to I arorr. The aeriea reauntee tomorrow night with thr third game alatrd Id Ml.llll,H r\ . ning It lhr fourth anil fifth gamea arr Meraaary ihry will hr playrd nr*l Thursday and on Augii.l 13. wcutive National Laagua pan- Monday, pMln* la lta tM Annual R. J. tehaafar M t Waaer il M miimki*i C a rl McDonald and ] nant with a IS anad 2 racorJ l«l CaaMU. Hia H m a spaeiaa eligible la Hia laaMM i C o a c h Tom Carney who nicn- will br out to accomplish what atripad base, a»ar I* Iba.- MvaMak. aver 4 Iba.—a to rrd t h r Elka tn ita third con-1 (Continued on P a g r 10) weak fish, ever 4 lbs. ______trains a*** Hawk's Corner Surface pepping er swim* natural bolts such es live her­ B y W a lle r MH s « k ” K o w e ring do well. 9es« months ere June, September ond Octo­ Thr phase of thr Liltlr League devoted to tournament play ber Fish ot day brook, dost prov idea fo r a normal and uniform climax to the season’s play ond night. Try the chonge ef lt is a re w ard in g and educational experience for the young­ ster w ho, innnost instances is rounding out his Anal year as a L it tle L e a g u rr In approaching tournament season it must br rrcognized Chum with ground menhaden that the proprr conduct reposes a large measure of responsi (bunker) and see if you get j, bility on all concerned. It Is eaaential that basic platform of any, use a light te medium rod * with 30-40 Ib. monofilament, ideal*. sportsmanship and honor inherent in the local league lost months ora August ond l-i og iam , br piojectrd in tournament play. Leagues which exer September. Fer the big ones u s e th r option to participate, must do so in full compliance try between daybreak and w ith th r ru le s , and in scrupulous regard for those concepts 2 P.M., at dusk and at w h n h are the strength of Littke League It must br accepted by those volunteering their time to WIAKFISM c a rry out the ideals of Little League that therr will br griprs L ik r in th r Spring whrn thr auction is conducted following thc For bay flshlaf uso light try-outs there h a s to be a certain prrcrntagr who voicr objec­ tackle. Sand worms, shrimp tion* to some of thr selections. Thr same is also trur whrn thr ond sheddor crab or small underw ater plugs sliewld All-Star> arr chosm by thr managers toward thr lattrr part oft work. May, Juno and July Junr. This has brrn so for thr 13 year* thr program has been, ore tops in the bays. Theea sponsorrd by thr Dcpartmrnt of Parks and Public Proprrty and will continue for many morr years to come. N A T IO N A L LITTLE LEAGUE ALL-STARS: Representing the K idgr nipped Rutherford Americans 1 to • in an extra inning time. Schoofer growing Co, But what irkrd thia writer, who also serves the Little .N ational League All Star* in the annual Little league Interna lilt A s th r boys po*ed for Sports Photographer (Hear Pastore's wishes you lack with Ike League program as thr Playrr Agrnt, while thr National Lragur tio n a l Tournament are player* from the six teams in the league. camera they were in the front row. from left to right. Prank "tig Ones." % A ll- S ta rs were celebrating a 15 to 4 victory over North Arling The All-Stars romped over North Arlington Americans 15 I in Nardiello, Frank Servideo, Mike Murray and Joe Abate. In thr 'nond row, Ralph Vuono, (ieorgr Ottlein. Ken Basinski, Ray ton and the A m e ric a n L e a g u e All-Stars were on their way to a Ih e first round of the District V p lay and eliminated Ruthrrtord N a tio n a ls 9 to 1. In the *emi-final round at Saddle Brook last Kadlrigh and Joe Ruvso. and in the rear are ('o a c h Tom Carney, 17 to 3 triu m p h over W allington, w as a letter received in the 1 w e e k the Rutherford Americans sc o re d eight times in thr fifth H obby Banks, Ken Ingli.s, Frank Orefice, Douglas Holzherr and mail by a Little League m a n a g e r in n in g to break a scoreless duel a n d e lim in ate th e locals bv an Manager Carl McDonald. T h e unsigned letter read. “What ip heaven's name is going; 5 • to 9 sco re. In the fin al championship game on S a tu rd a y Wood o n w ith the Little League this year1* It seems as though, whethei j F R E E THIS COUPON GOOD FOR FREE or not a boy is eligible make* no difference, as long as certain) men want certain boy* We are referring solely to the All-Stars score 4-0. 100 BONUS TRIPLE S BLUE STAMPS Do you realizr thrrr arr some boys that are already thirteen** i Eight-Run Inning Elim inates Nationals Loopers Lyndhurst wrapprd thr game I? Don't rules apply to all boys, oi do only some have to live by up in thr fourth frame by scor PLUS YOUR REGULAR STAMPS thr book and others get on b> who they know. The. Littlr An rigid run inning eliminated the Lviwllitir ,1 feme to pul Rutherford ahead ing four times Four walk* whan pntanM d to I! Lrague rules state clearly that >nly boys between the ages of 4 , brought in a Tun and two more Nationul Little, league all—Ltr* in h District 5 11 and 12 are eligible to play ir* the All-Stars, so check a little c , i is i i i i i> t r i fireworks were not over came m on a double by Rad is bit and you will find some thirteen year olds. After all. rules are final* game la-1 weslneMlay m^lit apainst tlie K utnerlonl h-.u-h Dav* Weber and Bob |t.|Rh ^ ground out by Holz PARK AMOCO rules and they should apply U) all.” A m e r ic a n * . Lattoracca singled and Farrell ^err score

SETTER DRIVEWAYS Every day, hundreds of Public Service linemen Asphalt Blacktop climb utility poles to help PAR KIN G LOTS. CURBS.& CEMENT WORK keep yoif electric service Here’s What We do . . . Pravar Plaaalaf, Camel P»»a«s«— aad AS Malaatata at its best. But many Haa. RaaaM la a Pariaat Drtra. ( T ) B R A K E S poles have become so • Pull Front Wheels tnTO Tjuw rn • Inspect Linings covered with metal nails • Inspect Wheel Cylinders, basis po* n u • Check Pedal Pressura and staples that it has • Add Fluid, if needed N O rth 7-8977 - 8842 created a safety hazard. • Check, inspect emergency brake

Linemen depend on their 1) A L I G N M E N T VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. "spurs" cutting into the wooden pole • Check Caster. Camber ! S = * • Adjust .Toe-in, Toe-out to provide sure-footed climbing. But if • Inspect Steering Mechanism | S H O C K S there are nails and staples in the pole, • Chack for wear Do we insure steel & Iron stored • Chack recovery factor there's a chance that a lineman's spurs will • Check for weak spots, leaks, not dig into the wood. A serious damage under water lo r Hie perils of accident can result. LET YOUR FINGERS ^ T I R E S • Rotate s tiraa DO THE WALKING • Inspect tieadi, tidawallt tor It'S a lot easier than chasing injury Are? all ovar town. Leading brands • Inflate to propaf pressure • Replace misting or leaky ara listed by brand name . * * PACE SIX ~ THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. AUGUST a, 1$62

*: nettled in their co r- M n t l M WBDIMJCH I’M,ARM ACT. IRC. S e c r e ta r y / .ifon** M Mtrahella, ISS Whlttl* Alfonae M Mlr_. Irrminal capable of -tnring .12 0 .1 »0 *ti.irri-l. of petroleuai JJJTJ *' lH* Friilav evening on the Town »«nted A ne net 3> IMS A» r . Woom field, V J tent*. By 8 o'clock a blazing J,' MM ISS Whittle A va. ___ products. a 7 ..KM* mj. fl. office building of »triking ion- ^ bulldmj wlll (*, equip- *oae MlrehelU ISS Whittle H<«e Mlraltella. Hecty Hall Park property. Thia ia eampftre' was in evidence and A r- Hloomrtelrt N J IS? Whittle Ave Bloom8aM N O T I C f temporil^ desipn and a I Ti.IKKl m j . fl. warehouse and prd with the latest in heating — i >L L i-1. „ children and counselor! aet t o ------I Vred Maybaunt. U Kim Cesrt. So I*»ted July » Aua I. IMS part of Ihe townahip a aum- work toesnn* manihmallowa ^ ^ '^ ^ ^ A a ^ h .a rJ O rante. N J maintenance -hop area, will \*r conflicted al llie f«MH and washed air conditioning I l S . t l •nd singing around th e A re , v . job. surrogate of Bergen. of East Broadway in Harkrnvark li> Keinaner Brother*, 0flnGordon Rate- 10:30 p.m . found the cam p er* )' June SS. iM i upon | 25th Reunion petroleum distributor- in .Northern New Jersey and auer. Vice President in charge fo r the e v e n in g and _ Southern New York Stale. Announcement of the pro- °f the company s ^i r e a d y fo r an outdoor aloopowi | w j# s si ftlw a sjalaat hia^atatetie e s t a t e vision The structure has been For 37 Class Reveille was at 8 30 a.m. a n d ?hova da'te w,tWn ,r "mi ject • the first of hn kind in thi* area • wa* made today ‘designed for expansion. ■eakfnst w as se rv e d at 7. U| »9attkJ. Tally, Kaq Viola Brothers, Inc Hit dui of IW7 p liu iB y o u w e r e passing T o w n H a ll a t | N>w>|.|l Nvy by B. F. Keinaiier. president of llie Reinauer orpaniza- The bulk terminal installa­ 25th anniversary reunion to that time you would have Attorn*? tion will be the latest in de- be held on October 27th at the s m e lle d the fragranee of ham! m " >,tBwd“nowlc* 11 a" 7 acre tract with 650 ft U3 sign with loading racks for I B^rns Country Inn. 955 Valley 180 WASHINGTON AVENUE. NUTLEY. N. J. and e g g s and fresh coffee for Lyadharat. H. I. 1 Of frontage on the Hackensack The move marks a giant tank trucks and trailers to pro Road Clifton River has already hern ac vtrirte forward for the Hein- vide for loading 8 trucks at one *n,e committee of arrange th e grownups The children e n - , j r a , . . « s ism joyed a breakfast ot cerealJt ^ T Phone NOrth 7-7000 quired for the project Thc tuer oi sanitation, which was time. The special racks will be ments ^as difficulty in find- ju ic e , h a m . eggs, milk and buns.| , ,— ______property was purchased from,tMablishod in I'.i24 The firm equipped with high speed the whereabouts of »ome of George Brewster and Son thru nas grow n steadily into one of pumps to assure quick service, members of the class. Any Thirty two children and 15 cra^Blars of jamaa R.s te f l a y • Ciancio and Herold. Real E* ihe largest distributors of p«‘ and fast delivery Refined po of>e knowing how to contact counselors and jr counselors de> - application of Marie , R s e r u t r t a Cacolone J i premlaea known fated July S*. Au* S-S fla il. will be moved to the new head if ice t<> Hackenack The main offices, and a soundproof con- rothy (Hernandez) Eyzaquire. I F e e a 1 1 6 .M -.Hice building will be circular trol center for radio-dispatched Lawrence Meyer. Walter Nel- lact 3& In IH.-S» 17S ae ahown on quarters upon its completion, the Ia.vndhu'»i Aaeeaement Map expected in the Sp i in*: of 19t>3_____ in design, measuring approxi- tank trucks and heating serv-1 son. Howard Sarrelly, Harriet Approval • variance to ere< t a NOTICK being mately 125 ft in diameter The ice division vehicles I Savage. Edith Fritz. Jack Bos- front addit t n^ d i Itedrnom Take notice that apiJi.-ailon The new te rm in a l a n d o n e a Pharm a-v. speedier service and distnbu tenor surfaces of white river ab in Ridgewood. Mahwah and White and daughters. Cheryl R e V a r la i appMcation of Al- In. for premia** at ?#* Itidge Road, Sand Corp* ,tion. tinder contracttract to I.yndhurat N J O Jtnw No D-S. Agriculture Line - Driveway Stone tion of the com pany's p rod urtv ston«*s M<»dular precast cu rve d F o rt Le e and C a rle n e , 379 Roo sevelt t*uy f r o m < 'I irl*f llayer theI owner ORFICBVia to its widening market The and tapered panels will p r o ------Ave.. are back from a vacation c f U > | k, I: I m k ae ahown Alfonae M MlralA>il». President. River Street site provides vide the roof structure The Mr and Mrs John Caffrey tour to Niagara Falls and Tor- tha lajrndW ,t Aawamnent Map I!*2 Whittle Ave. I infield. N J. A p p ro v a l lifting reetrlctlon of Kr.-d Mayhaum. Treaaurcr. 2i Kim Imitation Tile Board auick accessibility to Routes 4 outdoor theme in contemporary and daughter. Jean, of Wilson , ohto. Ontario. Canada, then to •Section 'p' \rtide XII. aa amend- t'ourt, Soith orxaaS-. N. J. ■nd 48 the new Bergen Kx architecture will be accented Avenue, are hack from their Lake Paupach. Pa. where they ed, of Zoni'iik i irdinance to permit Ro**.- Mirabel la. Secretary, 1*J the erectloii 'ii « one family dwil- W hittle Ave. Hl«** »• n field. N J pressway and Routes 3 17 and by a courtyard with trees, vacation In the Poconos. - »were guests of relatives. llrva o n a plr» having lea* than o m t c i o a s The Voice Of Stuyvesant Avenue Merchants LYNDHURST SPORTS SHOP South Bergen's Leadinq Jew eler VEbater 91076-7 SAFAR'S 219 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurat S. POLLINA, JEW ELER The Bogle A qency Inc. Ilaniilton • Gruen - Bulova Watrbea PARK CLEANIN6 COMPANY GE M903 Jewelt Ry Trifari and Coro REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE Same Day D ry Cleaning Service W E B U Y A SELL VSED BOATS A OUTBOARD BUDGET and TIME PAYMENT PLAN EXPERT REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES (INCLUDING SATURDAY) MSeri»ice All-Wayt" MOTORS—WE BUY ft SELL USED GUNS 238 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurat 215 Stuyvcsant Avenue, Lyndhurst. N. J. GE 8-9421 300 Stuyve^anl Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J. W E DO OUR OW N CLEANING W I N E S - B E E S ? SALE MENTS F a s t KODAK D e a le r Im liw ill Rio.d I kltvayi aa M ani” ' SAN CARLO RESTAURANT Authorized C O LO R S e r v i c e M0 MIK ICOOUti ftN HIND r*oM*r f/rte o w w f S W I M S U I T S FACILITIES FOR BANQUETS SAME DAY FILM DEVELOPING AND PARTIES EXCEPT SATURDAYS ___ IW to.9-8121 I $1.99 reg. to $5.00 ' / ' 1EF0RK 9 JO—READY 4 30 P.M. rtlOTOSTATS LYNDHURST MEN'S SHOP Frmturxng Sizzling Stroks 298 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst CAM ERA HOUSE whi,e you w,il iia *ruy*C»iiNT *vt arnam uOT 213 Stuyvexant Ave. WEb.ter 9-4260 300 Copeland Ave. (cor of Stuyvesant) WE 9-9083 W eddings ft Birthday Cakct SA V E M ON BY

Get lu ll Finu^e Pow er! (..ill fur a Free Estimate SPINA S FLORIST on a New 220 Volt-3 Win* Service T oday. JER R Y ’ S BAKE SHOP A. Chasar & Son 242 Stuyvesant Avenue Freih Cut Flower* 237 Stuvvexanl Avenue vn


H a v e DRIVE IN AND aaaaaa

SAVE 2 Q O / o

VISIT oca NEW MODERN STORE CASH A CARRY m a s s w a n k — l u x i t b — b a r b i z o n TORTUNA A Hour Service on Requett Official Girl Scouts Headquarters ttt Itejvisut Avenue GEneva » 7114 163 Stuyveaant Ava. GE. 8-0879 v -n t— tm m Happy Vacation It's a Pleasure to WILLIAMS’ DEPT. STORE

HOUSE OP IM I ITEMS t w ear doH ies cleaned at Larceat Selection^ af Drive Safely C a t^ Decorations FELDMAN CLEANERS Toy* and W rappings LUtfc.- mSfv " - I n T o w n USE OUR LAYAW AT PLAN Plant and Main Store at 2 0 0 Stuyveaant Avenue A v a ^ a m Prescriptions Plumbing Supplies — Pipe Cut To Sise F o o t s t e p s F IN E S H O E S CHILDREN Pluabing R e i d Heating TEEN-AGERS BOYS Showroom Yard SHOP D«*fme4 to iM f S / t 0 4 i LIUle reet Nerval Oea»l«te Line of Slekraom Sappllea 124 Stuyveaant Ave. 136 Park Ave. — m e DELIVERY — Me* a Women GE 8-7898 W E > -U M m STrrVESANT AVENUE N. PALAZZO Open 9 Till 9 LOCALLY Ava. Beet* BMf GEneva 8-1026 Docter's rreaeripUons Filled Remodeling Bathroom — Jobbing - Electric Sewer Cleaning 3M IH SPA T , AUGUST 2, 1%2 TnF OBM KRd \L LKADKR AND SOTTTH RENr.K* RFVTHT PACE FIVE

Mr and Mrs William Al- and daughters. Gail a n d Lori,. Mr and Mrs Robert J.E i^ brecht, of Fair Lawn, son andIOriental Place, spent the past; ler and children, R o b e r t and daughter-in-law of Mr and week camping near Delaware'Patricia, #71 C h a s e A v e ., a r * Mrs Edwin Albrecht of 312 Water Gap. On their return back fr o m u v a c a tio n spent »t Forest Ave . are the parents of trip on Monday they stopped Miami Beach. 0 , it; W LeClon [Parade a daughter. Jeannette, born on at the Presbyterian Youth! ------July 16th They have two sons Camp at Johnaonburg, and |£r an>OS! promptly at 6 30 and will Ham Toles arid three of his be back In Lyndhurst by 9:30' >tsff. Barry Toles, David Toles If more convenient you can and Jack Ryan Jr All mem meet the group on the third beri of the Sons are invited floor of the hospital at 7:00 to attend together w ith th«-\r • • • • • parents Take ^ G ard en State Chutrmen Edward Maher, of Parkway to exit 100B which 1S lhe n0minatin* committee, will an Asbury 1 ark exchange make his report at the next Signs will be posted to show mteUng Tuesday. August 7 the^ way to Harveys C»rove Further nominations may be / l / r . ~ ~ - m B " ~ ' ***** made from the floor at any mSm Commander James Fernero meeting prior to election. again cautions those going on' ______rnmmmm * " - ...... the bus ride to Yankee Stu- Michael Roderick bf X)rient ON ***** ■«*«. "»«*• «!«» manager of General Tire, of New Jeraey, Is shown being dlum, Frlday, August 10 t„ l„. Way and Frank M+ronXof presented with a 15-year pin by Herb Jordan, left, president of General Tire* of New Jersey at the post no later th a n li IT, Second Avenue are/spendu Tom WelK. general territorial ules manager, looks on. Happy oeraalon. held at faughey's fine ,, m The bus will not wail f.n two weeks at Cam^Don Bos Roo m . K»«t Rutherford, wan announcement General Tires of New Jenev is the largest lire lyte-comers All are familw«i I to "N fcw to iw ' dealer In the stale. Photo bv Ted Galka with the traffic pfoblcn I game nights so an e a rly >tait Mr and Mrs. Salvatore Bar- MISK AS A SHOOK. .. conviction Letcher cautioned I'teri of Tontine Avenue, cele- ~p*M>f v r m t m u u / s n n ' C ourt Session him to oliey the traffic law LeRoy W aqstaff p r“ ve• • • • • I hrated their 44th wedding an-' DELIGHTFUL AS A DALI! 1* MAI from now on ' #» n .. U .MA Ait Feitzinger is asking for inversary on Thursday evening' DIllGHTFUUr BRISK Produces Much HUIT FLAVORS Ei win Breitkopf of 708 3rd W O m ifig n O IT ie a fvw more volunteers t„ hdp'hy visiting relatives at Red A ction Tuesday $5 hi(5 and Specialist 4 c Le Huy Wag- at the ward party in the hast Bank SROOKDALC BEVERAGE CO. BLOOMFIELD, N. J. CD.1 -5 7 3 7 charge He said he was bleed-!1U"- " m 01 * • ' “ <♦ M r * - * * One charge was dismissed mg so badly Irom a cut chin W»g,t»ff of Kingsland Avenue, one license /evoked, one licensc jfter an early morning accl* '*FiJI leave Europe tu come held and $30 in fines from six lent June Id that he did not home next Monday, August 6th. perso ns ct»l]»>tti*d during ih« top when he struck a parked1 after two full yeais in Gel one hour session Tuesday ''‘Kh’ 1 vehicle, but went home'to s»i many with the Advance Wea in Judge Joseph K Letchei hudly he wao cut. An of , P°n Support Command . | lic e t w as at h is house before , g W jt, , 1-l(f „ , e , v A charge of deseila.n and '."' Specialist Wagstaff received he got inside, so he could not)hls fuivan„ tra,nil a, M Ul non Huppoit brought hy Kloi • |>oi t th«- incident ence MiielU-n ot 4!tU Itidge K I .. Ga.. Military Police tram O eo rge W M ctlu g h a n of 2 1 ^ jl>|( „ F ( Gordon. G a . and th en, ag ain st J«t Court Clerk Arthur Hermann Road on July 5 On July 17lwho made the Dean’s List to notify the Stale Motor Ve .he pleaded not guilty and was Heinemann won his letter fori hide Dilation that Maiioy had loid to reappear Tuesday when k»*t h is drivlr^ privilege- in the Officer Muldoon could testify.| f^otbaJJ FLEISHMANNS state of New Jersey, and t h e ------^ — case is closed here Mr and Mrs Raymond Mor MRS. DANGKFN _ g««h. 501 F e rn A v e . enter tarn- M A R G A R IN E Seventeen-year-old Thomas ed on Wednesday evening in Guest liome for the Aged I alaschak. 608 New Jersey celebration of the first birth- MALI! and FEMALE Avenue. Lyndhursi. pleaded of their daughter Lisa Mi- Stat* Approved A L cfnw d TOILET TISSUES Sullty to Illegal use ol a red ,helle Guests included her flasher and of passing a traf- t,K|-paren!«, Mr and Mrs W Y 1 -<>282 fic sign on July 1 He was Frank Ottlein and their chili- M trw b e r W«il Humon Chambtr FACIAL TISSUES charged by Oflicer Thomas ren, Robert and George, also of Commirc* Geary He told Lctchcr he had Mr and Mrs Charles Gian- 2% No. Midland Avt. Kearny received his license in April . ,-ardella and daughter. R ilaJrTT' Thc judge fined him $10 and and Joseph Catania and daugh- SIMON IZ VISTA »5 costs on the stop sign charge ters Kar<.„ and all o( and $6 and $5 on the “flasher" Lyndhurst. Financing O r REX DOG FOOD In s u r in g ? ROASTING LANCASTER StANO R e m e m b e r DAZZLE BLEACH B EEF LIV E R It Is your privilege to select MRfSlOf SlICEO D A w e r w p f your own Insurance agent, BAKIRY VALUES PMaSdlfSia BACON 2 p*y> 1.00 or bNkw to write your in­ Cktrry tr CtMrry S ln t t t l CHICKENS surance on that new car—or, Cream i «. LANCASTER BRAND SMOKED In fact, on any property, real PIES or personal, whether you Cheese M 1 0 BEEF TONGUES ^ 53* BONUS LANCASTER BRAND MIDGET finance it or not. ftimOtie 2 - 1 . 0 0 4 9 Th* I-mu of V fir ]er*r> n .from; | Dividends I Finance Com prnv's Agent or JUMBO SWEET-EATING Company, you may refute to tign it unless the dealer or finance 10 0 S & H mZ rapretentalue agrees to cross •Kk 4 9 c U ta yowr ro^wlar M ari H 0 N EYD EW S Fluid Mift 0 SAH GREEN STAMPS ee placed thru your own ia addntor x> ro a r ra % « U r M ta uAlifk)" ta yout -m y.' With pu'thoM al bom at 1 |M«n iMffc $2 00 fMtrvftMM ol I la adftfe% te ',e«lo. *«mp. Insurance agent. m*H> pMfthM* 91 a VIRGINIA IH WOMtN S j »a» M rd .m .1 I VIROIHIA tH PRODUCE BOASTING CHICKEN NYLON HOUBRY Its purchase through a lo ca l DOUGHNUTS S O U T H 1 ERSEN SAVINGS hank ahd Insuring it through your Insurance agent. Bank and Loan A

Movies Are Greater Than Ever - > - See One This Weekend

W here To Go — W h a t T o D o — W h a t To See In South B ergen > »

Hat*: 2.019.113 common Boystown Drum It Bogle Corps On A Journey I in focal I9«2 and !.m.TS 0 | I.yndhurat Summer i < immon shares during fiscal1 Gil Gothaa Turn* TN Early this morning, apprnxi Joseph Wheelan Both M r R od- derer March." My Impossible [ ] Musir School C.mcrrt mately 42 membera o t the mond and Mt. Wheelan are ex- L o v e ,” It's A Grand Old Flag." ______“Scarlet T uvm^men” Prum and WgwHiornP OtoTterrw • If. J t»wre My Hrgards *«►), Will He heW Thnraday In a - Bugle Corps of New Jersey s State anf* National American Broadway Record Toll O f $5.5 Ing. August 2nd. IM r.M U Boystown, Kearny, left with Legion senior champions Drumi The B'iwiown em Ike l.yndhurst High Spotlight on Your Stare two teachers for a long trip to1 major i» Charles Stanek Color mi,re than pleaserl to “."."pVa bi,,ion p«'d by M oforitff Ameshury. Mass. The journey Guard Captain is Howard Bres 1 parade closer than 2tH> m ile s; American motorists paid Auditorium. ______miles will he ac- ley. [away. II anv group, organisation I rat>*4 high $3 5 billion In state m v n i i v r . t „> U . 1— .compiatodusing the services of j T h e corps will be travelinc or aaao, latmn reading this ar- highway-user (axes laat year, Ailmisaion free K M h i r , , 7 "TV anyone as fine a s . chartered bo*. The purpnw North witb a nine man drum tide minht Ih- in need of a musi ihut nt)l a|| o( ,hc money was Nutlo has sent in a much ap- Julie Harris has to be used to I the trtl| win ^ 10 have a: section, twenty man bugle sec- cal unii sonic parade or UJM| (or highways, preeiated letter on a rerim I col- promote a Piece of nothing like lour 4ay vacation in Amesbury’tion, ten man rotor guard, and event, information may be ob- oj| _ nuhhsherl bv the umn of ours. &< with thanks A Shot in tbe Dark and tha Greater Boston Area Iwo banner hoys As highlight- tained and arrangements made r>»rmlei,m Ihaiitute LINCOLN to Dan and gratitude from .all ------|gmf in the "Jim -lof their musical rcpertiore the by writing Rev Robert P Egan. American Petroleum Inatitute, of you out there in reader-|#»^ --._—14 | - m y in Newbury- corps will play "When the at 4*9 Belcrove Drive. Kearny. .otes that certain states divert- AIR CONDITIONEB land. will Intake ourselves1 port. Mass. The parade in the Saints Go Marching In ";‘Thun N J oi calling WY 1-3770. rd about $400 million to non iota Collins meets Boh Hope Matinees Daily at 1:30 p to the swimming pool and let; — _____I highway uses » . , w-ummmmwM clim a tic e v e n t to the week-long — on The Rnai l<» Hone Kmi* over AlC MileU Now Playing Thni Danf # , m r * n | W M "Yankee Homecoming Festival.” The publication a d d s th at utest of the fa.*nous I was much interested in{ _ ~______i i« . k ;. 0 f — Matinee and Evening — much interested in B ----- 'an annual event in this part the federal government itself! through Cnlted Artists youi recent column on Bren Ooorrey mm in pr* 1 ,a r Jane Wyman Hostage.’ lor a rather curious »'ion. announced this week 33:'“ ' .' “" ia . .« the that t year into the General Fund Now |»laying at Ihe new W a ll D is n e y 's reawn ” wrote Dan By com- appointments lo live of the or- *« '" •"£ * 1“ * Thc total collections report- alr-raMIUoned R iv o li cidenee 1 happened to see The ganiiations standing commit J U* Sf ,h, i t led by the states to thc V. &.| Hostage- on on., mght and A tee. Mr Budin is alao senior * “ ™ * «" ‘ V- * Bureau of Public R o ad s in ­ Shot in the Dark' the next ' ice president. Peoples Trust,^ * t '.mi The Hostage' is. of course, off- Company of Bergen County, clude taxes on 60 billion gal anniversary year of Ions of motor fuel, adding up Broadway. A Shot in. .the Dark'Teaneck. Coast Guard's founding. to $3.9 b illio n , plus motor-ve is Broadway and something of: He selected Angelo Dispcn- n m hide registration ftet n d oth­ a sizzling hit t rere, Hackensack Trust Com- The Boystown drim corps wa* er carrier fees AIR CONDITIONED •Honestly. if oW, were it, pany, as chairman of thc mort- invited to participate in this cornpare off-Broadway and Rage committee and Cassius H. parade in an unusual manner, California led the states in Now Thru Tuesday Broadway on thc basis of those 5?a,y- Jr.. National Community] It all started last summer ^allonage taxed (9.9 billion B in g C ro sb v • B*»b Hope two pJays one w ould h ave to, Bank. Itidgefield. as vice chair- when a "Name the Corps" con- gallons) and in number of reg­ "R O A D T O confirm that off-Broadway rnan Also appointed to this test was held among the boys istered vehicles (8.1 m illio n ) far the greater, the more validI committee were John Jun. Uni-'at the New Jersey Boystown . Other states near the top of HONti KONG** "Plus 2nd New theater of the two ted National Bank. ClifTside Instiution. Out of over a hun- I the list include Texas. New Park; John H Jacobsen. Peoples dred entries the name “Scarlet i York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Technicolor H it' ■ n The night I saw *The Hos­ tage’ there wax a fine aduience Trust Company of Bergen Townsmen" was selected as tht Illinois. The total collected was Jim Hutton * Paula Prentiss P lu s in the ISO available seats ThejCounty. Hackensack. H Fred best and has been the dram | up 3.6 per cent fro m 1960 • HORIZONTAL W alt D is n e y 's three-quarter areana stage put Mittler Citizens National Bank, corps' name ever since Shortly i Oil Facts points out that 27 LIEt’TENANT" "NOAH’S ARK" the cast practically in the laps Englewood and Howard G. thereafter, the "Scarlet Towns- states have constitutional Sat Mat only. August 4th In Technicolor of thc audience This intimacy Cooper County Trust Company men" corps received writeups I amendments which protect gave rathov than detracted,Tenafly with"TTtctures in Drum Corps 1 highway funds against diver­ “HOUSE or ISHER’ Commencing Wed Thru from the play It was one of) Three past presidents of the,World Magazine in Chicago and sion. “I WAS A TEENAGE Sat. Matinee - Aug. 1-11 the most enjoyablg nights I association were named to the Drum Corps News printed in FRAN KEN STEIN “J STOOGES IN ORBIT have ever spent in the theater nominating committee. They Mass. As a result of these white- Mr and Mrs Henry Jacques, Technicolor Cartoon Carnival "MOTHRA- There was not an off-key note were Kenneth H Dickson, First ups. Boystown was contacted by .517 Weart Ave . entertained at in the entire production When National Bank. Westwood, who St. Joseph’s "Townsmen” Drum Now playing thr? Tuesday at The Lincoln Theatre. Arlington J bllrhecue parly at their home the performance was over I'w ill serve as chairman; Jesse A. and Bugle Corps of Amesbury. Walt Disney'S -Bon Voyage" in Technicolor, featuring Fred ,,n Sunday evemng. Guest. 3 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ felt that I had knonw the cast'Turner. Citizens Nationul B a n k . Mass MacMurray and Jane W yman. | w e re M r and Mrs Mario Spina!| forever and I also felt that I Englewood; and Edward H. A weekly _ correspondence _ _ „ period the company earned $1. and , children,_ M .r and . _M rs. Leo S LUM BER and never wanted to break my I Mowr The National Ban* of,grew up between the two cotpa Becton. Dickinson Co. 432.B5I ... 73c per common "»'d Baron “nd daughter, a n d * friendship with them lt seems1 Palisades Park ;duc to the 8imiiarity Gf names, Report High Earnings share, o n n e t sales of $32,752. P "“- of , LSr"?h“” t; ■ to be that is th e test of a play William P Sheridan. Peoples As a result of the letter writing ant^ anc* *"rs Jo»«ph Pedd,^— the believeability it creates Trust Co. of Bergen County, a strong friendship grew be- Becton, Dickinson and Com F o r the q u a rte r ended June an<* c h ild re n of Bayo nne. B i r r **A S H O T IN T H E D A R K ” Hackensack, was appointed as j tw in the two groups. Then in pany. leading manufacturer of 30, 1962 net sales w ere $13. " But how different was A chairman of the Bergen County one of the letters from Mass. medical instruments, today re- 358.957 compared with $11.- 4m n.rk • I t» ... a _____ . * : . . * . Shot in the Dark ’ I bow to no Fiduciaries Association commit was an invitation to come toi ported sales and earnings for ■ 905,994 # for the 1961 quarter NEW AND USED man—or woman—in my admi- tee. assisted by Raymond J Amesbury. Mass for a week’s the rune months ended June! Net income^for the 1962 period lumber - Doers - Windows ration for the star. Julie Har Garrison. Citizens First National vacation as guests in thc homes 30 at the highest levels in the amounted to $703,071. or 34c ns. I think she is one of our Bank, Ridgewood, and William of the corps members of St. company's history. j per Oomrfion share, compared Mouldings - Plywood - Hardware finest women actors today. For L. Pink. Hackensack Trust Co Joseph's ‘Townsmen.’* After For the first nine months,,with a profit of $568,628. or29cj Masons' Materials - Sand - Cement • Plaster all 1 know she may be our fi­ Twelve appointments were much discussion, it was decided Bection. Dickinson and Com- per common share, a year ago .j nest There it> a luminosity a- made to the public relations to accept the invitation for a pany had net sales of $39,571 j Earnings per share are based bout her which is so compel I committee which will have Wil- long four day weekend, August 461, on which it earned $2,-'on the average number ofcom-l ing. ham J Eck. Citizens First Na-,2-3. 234,736. or 91 11 per common mon shares outstanding dur-j H U 4 -1 4 0 0 But in the theater when the tional Bank. Ridgewood, as its The "Scarlet Townsmen ’ share For thc comparable 1961 ing the respective years to PROMPT DELIVERY curtain wem^ up I almost gasp- chairman, and Frank A Weber, Drum and Bugle Corps was be­ ed Only the night before J r Garden State National Bank. gun at New Jersey’s Boystown had seen The Hostage' The Teaneck, as the vice chairman. I.OSK-COIJPLKI) in 1954. T h e co rp s is one of thc I single pftlin set did the job ef­ The other members of this whatever in the activities at the institution fectively But for ‘A S h o t’ there committee include Ernest Kolar- was an ornate stage, a whole Cik, National Community Bank, w h ich w a s founded in 1872 by world you're museum loaded with every bit the Catholic Archdiocese of TANK & BOWL of trash a tired designer could N orth'jer^Trurt o T w d |£ £<-"*rk Th* rorp* ^rer,"r£*d looking for th in k of. wood Oeoree H r ^ k T . .business manager ia Rev Robert And the play itself was so Citizens National Bank. Bergen- ^ **«" 'Director of Boystown) much glassware Outside of Held c F r ~ i U . £ Assistant corps director is Jo- Julie Harris the c a stin g w as sack Trust C o'. Lodi: Peter La .wPh Mrjderator and pub- 2 3 painful: the acting brittle, the Barba. National Community representative is Thomas play extremely thin iBank, Rutherford; R i c h a r dIHertl- ^ bu*'e to !~; ? r’ f "Not every play has to be Beekman. Citizens First Nation-i” " * " ^ you'll find v great drama But it should!»« Bank, Ridgewood; James r.!- ructor t have Ivclieveability And AjTighe. United National Bank;|Drurn d <,rin ln!!truc*or 11 Shot in the Dark’ merely was1 David E. Graham, F a ir L a w n - j it faster in the VANKEUREN a series of caricatures strung Radburn Trust Co.. a n d Jack Bank. Garfield; Howard W Van I A CORPORATION together to p ro vid e u vehicle E. Jensen. Pascack Valley Bank W yrk, Heoples Trust Company 1 WRECKING CONTRACTORS for Julie Harriz. and Trust Co.. Hillside iof B e rg e n County. Hackensack. "I might add that there are Henry J Sweeney, North Jer­ Wells H. Smith, Citizens First 500 Passaic Ave. (River R«l.) Hast Newark. N.^ J. other off Broadway plays that sey Trust Co.. Ridgewood, ______waa____ National Bank. Ridgewood. Mis* WANT ADS; DRtVI -tN THI /Ml ummmmmmmmmmm are of greater content and im-j designated chairman of fhc re- Jean Mowmger, City National 1 pact ‘Oh Dad. Poor Dad,’ forlct,Pt*on committee, and Edward Bank and Trust Comany. Laittle instance, is a far worthier piece, Lambert. Community Bank of Ferry; Mrs. Welcome Murphy. of theater So is A Portrait of Bergen County. Maywood, vice North Jersey Trust Company, the Artist As a Young Man' I chairman Also members of the j Kidge wood, and W illiam C.Ap- would recommend Anything!committee are Frank Gannon i pcnzcller. Jersey State Bank, (Joes’ over it Bogota National Bank. Anthony!Emerson n o w in progress "It just seems a doggone Imparato. National Community I

Dr. Howard S. FOXTROT - WALTZ 52nd ANNIVERSARY W aiter JITTERBUG FREE ESTIMATE! CHA-CHA - MAMBO C hiropractor TANGO - MERENGUE 839 Kearny Ave. PEABODY - RHUMBA Kearny, N. J. PACHANGA LET Hmiw CalU Mad* DORIS OPDYKE W Y . 8-2456 w t l Ktee wr i show you how little It costs to modernize your SUE bathroom or heating system with the finest— Savinipi in every department with Remark­ able Reduction* on our regular Kturk uf CALL US ABOUT A m ERicAN-^t an d ard famoua make . . . "THE GOLDEN 65" Medical Insurance for thote over MEN’ S WEAR No fcxmu*. - Guaranteed Renewable BOY’ S WEAR THS CAMERON CO. 3S Union Place North Arlington, N. J. WOMEN’ S WEAR WYman 1-3676

W• W w all the known Brandt of Liquort, ITifM* I Thi* gm boiler CO*ti only Thb Bathroom and been. We serve hot lunches. Ladies Invited. 3 25 p?-. *!8: Nothing down—easy terms ^ ”nlT **" ■ !m m e r m a n / 74 Park Avanua, Rut tort ard •tr first (tor tr Castom designed Double Barrel's Tavern bittmsnt installation PLUMBING Hat Im p and all Uadi *f CeW Cat*. Sandwkkta ftai «U ktnda * Bvranfw , Coflee aad (Mto. j Open daily tn 6 • Monday and Friday to 9. t o e DoraowoLsu. m e, C E . 8 - RElDCO_>34#|M g«M Member of CCP Charge P la n , and our own convenient charge plaiu. TTFhrtrr 9-9081 ms uvanow m m nr, linm vir. u . j . 7600 HEATING Lyndlw rst ^ ------THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1%2 THF COMMERCIAL LEADKR AMI S O U T H HFRGEN REVTFW PACE THREE

Top Honors W on Return From Tour In Dog E xhibit M r. a n d l^ rs Vincent Gene ove*e and tntir 8 months old Top honor* were given to son Rdward of *444 Thomas L y n d h u r s t resident* .nd then j A v e . have ju s t returned from , do»s in the Newton Annual a jet flight to California. TnenP* Speciality Obedience Show they visited Mr Geneo*4*#V!T h«U in Newton. ! sifte r - Mrs. C la ra R e a v e s in C l* • Mario III (French!.) handled j M o rte. C a lifo rn ia T h e y a lso by Justin Rybecki of the Lynd visiteJ Catalina Island. They hunt- Do* Training School .traveled on the plane with Na- com peted a g a in s t 18 doits and * tale Wood who hefd thetr son 1 came out 1st. with . icore of .Edward They returned to H ( h r US out ot a possible perfect Y o rk b y jet July 21. M r*.*'- score of 200 in c la s s o f Novice (leijeove^e is the daughter of "A". In competing in the Staten Mr and Mrs James J F ur- Island Show Mario 111 pl.ced land A ve. 1st afca.n w ith ' a sco re o f 198 out of 200. Rich rd j Kinde!bergev/>^dfi<' liunnar of Old Rifle Camp Puiir Avenue spent the week Road handled by Al Nero a ls o end with their daughter. Mr*. j| L O T S, obtained . score o f Melvin I* Wilkins o t H y a tts - 177 in N o vice " A " . v ille . Md ,a Spreewald's O l*. handled by Charles Andolena directoi of L. D T 8 cam. out 2nd in Nov ice "B" competing .gainst 12 do| I jet last minute instructions from trainers obtained a companion doi< line belli re graduation commencements of be* inner dogs last Thursday ni|ht at the V FW Hall, in which 3 conaeculive shows Valiev Krimk Ave. New beginner classes will start tonight , August ind), 7:15 p.m. For infor has received a qualifying score ■nation. Call WF. 9-7SM. Shawm left to right. Mr. Ricadella. MY Miller. Jr., Mrs (.rnss, Charles j in each. Andolena, l)r. Miller, Miss Varana and Louis l.ipnn.

Donna Morelia lee W eiscoff Parents Of Daughter DRIVE SAFELY G iven A Party Mr and Mrs. Robert Krantf- Named Winner ipam. t>15 Chase Ave. are the Mr and Mr*. S. Morelia. of parents of a daughter. Sandra. 1 W*m st-off. 3'.13 Jaunct-y 424 Lake avenu#, entrit • n<‘< »*oin <>n July 24th at Clara .i\ enue. Lym lbum . won an Em­ Wednesday night, at a par’v M aass Memorial Hospital Mrs mons jewelry ensemble in an Riven for their daughter, donn;. Prangipane is the former Mis PREMIUM COAL mu.-tial rontest conducted by in honor of her sixteenth huth Marie I’alumbo. daughter of iL.dio Station WJRZ. Newark day. Tbe guests Were: M i a nd M rs. Samuel Palumbo, BUY N O W A N D SAVE i Nancy Matuszewski. Bobb\ Listener* guessed where in 232 Milton Ave Her husband tn 1A. t olonrl Nit haul M. A r i t and Chief IM iii n congratulate Vincent , Dennis Ja, Pri/ex included $2^ and $T>0 man ort show of former Ruth tional Community Hank nical College at Randolph Cen Since then, there has been a mrft± A MllfK ...... uJonatta, Elaine Henry. Bobb gjf? r c itific ate.v from th<* H o m e­ F s t 1913 d i . i j 4 erfofcd High School student* Mr Monetta works in the ' _ . _ __ . ter. Vt . when a cousin of Mrs l»s» ,n Colorado who are continu|ng their ,tud. Lvndhu,.„ Office of th* b^ikJCoy. S .n d ,D e Marco Jimmy stead Lumber Company an 1 Hickey's was among the grad E n co.otume je w e lry 615 ESSEX ST. Springs. Colo, and now a Round „ Hnd art school. ! loe.ted on Ridge Road He ha* 5Pudu,°' Kare" Hottoughn r uates. HU 3-2132 HARRISON Th»- io ntest was conducted in __up at . Button ...» Bay. — \t , Th.. Th,.^, ■art Wll| held! Icompleted MIIIUII M <1 numerousIIUIIH 1 VIU- coursesV WUI Tommy Faigan. Ida Marfesr. « t I Joe Roundup. Mrs Culmer *aid. IS the ,ummer months|w,th the American Institute of!Plam*- Maur«‘n Jackalea, h, connection with thc opening of the best one yet and we Mil. wtvl, tht, students are on va-j Banking' after graduating from!Bobby Kado. Laura Mellakin. a ne* Station WJH7< Studio on look forward to many many ratlon Belleville High School in Belle- ■>er r y Ramoth, Mary Martew. H- 4 in Paramus, Bergen ■"»** , Loren Bloom. the first artist j v. lie ;Charlie Borem. Phyllis LaP'a. a, Whether or not scouting today to exhibit his pointings thisj Monetta resides with his pa-i nni* ° *• P° 11 ls what Juliette Low bad in summer, is eighteen years old, rents at 272 Division Avenue) mind flft> years ago when she and recently complete1 his in Belleville T w o birthdays were c started hef triNip is quest tunable freshman year at the Lmver-i ■ - 1 brated at a family barU 10 V c 1 M but. as Mi> CuInter expressed *>ty of Cincinnati where he Mr und Mrs E d w a rd O - he,d on Saturday evening ar it, “Scouting today consists of majored in fine arts and art j^ara amj children, Pamela and home of Mi and Mi Ai G owns an exciting program for all girls teaching I^.ren rra^o-.terj^'likhael. of Saddle River arejthur L Feitzinger. 472 Weart which someday might 1** ex- •roim Rutherford High School Dover Shores for two weeks’ Ave.; Mr Feitzinger's birthday p *nded st) m uch that w e w ill ‘n 1961 with Mr and M.s Walter Hol-!,*nd ,hal ° t th*>.r »on Aithur be camping on ihe moon *’ l-ast year he exhthitwl at the iy „f Green Avenue. J Feit/inger. 524 Summe Ave bridw«fcl . ,M af y Kofbling Exhibit at Bam j ------J Included in the 2ii. or more., In the course of the Interview. the Woman’s Club of Mrs Samuel Parker and son, guests was Mrs Arthur J rutin of ti* bfiffe/ ^iM V M i s C ulmer explained that tin* Hutherford anti People; Trust Richard. 123 Jay Avenue. h«ve| P^ltzin|*r, their children, other • o*mrv a • icorganiiation of girl scout (”.,n»pany of Hergen County returned from a vacation trip1 members of the family and troops will be don** "to provide Mr Munno, Art Instructor of to Coopernlown and Albany. | friends. better quality programs fof alt Rutherford IfiKh Sthnot en X. Y and then to Quanset girls ani! -b> give the help to couraged and guided the stu I‘oinf, Rhode Island, to see an- M ark Lo p ard o . 44H I ’ost A v e . l i t MAHOOM AVI MAMlSOM leaders which will make a bet- dents in showing their work at >ther .son. A irm a n Ja m e s P a rk - is at Camp Hloud. Rain sey. to Niaioi tun in to i m imm i i im t> i ter program possible” She fur* these exhibits t r. I SN stay until August lbth ther explained that even th*> The art exhibit in the hank;- Roundup is out of the reach of lobby includes abstract paint- girls in small councils which are mgs in striking black and! not able to give them the necc' white designs and one piece ofj aary camping experience. Split- sculpture which may l>e seen ing into four new groups will ,n lh«* bank umdow t Paterson, N J Jean Inference jn recog- with nitk»n of the service of the girl Mr and Mrs. George Mor- acouts in that city Kansas City rejj .,nd children. William. Rob- Ice-Cold Cash! also awarded a key to Mrs.jert. Richard and I*aura. 333 W hat if you have an Culmer. making her an honor- Post Ave.. are back from their ary citizen, of thaLmty vacation spent-at Ocean Beach Eight now . . . what would you give for an air conditioner? accident a thousand $50? |100? $200? You would! Then hurry down to your nearest National Community Bank office and tell the man in the Personal Loan Department m iles from hom e? tu lend you acme money right away.

W ill you know w here to tu rn l o r ^ h e l p ? Look at these ice-cold “below-normal” costa for personal You trill know, if you’ve bought your ,‘ur insurance through an loans, then call your nearest NCB "Ready-Money” o ffic e . A u to m a tic The numbers are W fbster 9-4000, GRegory 2-90 OO, independent agent in your c o m m u n ity -a man you know and WHitney 5*5000, and WYman 1-6100. D e liv e ry trust. Just as you would get in touch w ith him if you had an a c c i­ dent in your own block, you can get in touch with one of his , We'll keep your fuel tank filled. fellow agents anywhere in the country. figured on the “Degree Day” ay stem Totol You Repay t ipsy Monthly Mo t " Y o u *11 have no more worn**. There are over 100.000 tndei*iident agents in the Cnited States Amount who display the seal below. So. even 1 two miles from home, you ef Lean for IS M«ntKs M 11 I know there's an experienced independent agent as near as the 24 Ur. Oil burner .Service nearest phone. You know that he can be at your side without $ 2 0 0 $12.15 $ 1 7 .7 4 Besides selling Oil — we also Service Oil Burner* delay, day or night, to protect your interest*. 15.19 Here, also, we believe in doing the job rig h t. We 2 2 .1 7 service around the d o c k (Sundays and holidays e d ) 14 04 18.23 2 6 .6 0 Our trucks arrive at your borne equipped lo oervioa h u n d r e d s o i m4kea and models el eii burner*. 16 .3 8 21.26 3 1 .0 3

18 .7 2 24.30 3 5 .4 7 Complete Service Contract* 2 1 .0 6 2 7.W 3 9 .9 0 These contracts cover Repair* and Replacement* well as Annual Cleaning . . . all at one low. low price 2 3 .4 0 30.37 4 4 .3 3

KELLER NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK ENGINEERING CO. I Fuel Oil — Oil Burner* — Heating I RUTHERFORD e RIDGEFIELD e GARFIELD M * m b tr | EAST PATERSON e EAST RUTHERFORD Lyndhurst, N *w Jersey t'n U r a l I Deposit J CARLSTADT • NORTH ARLINGTON • WEbsler.9-0060 . in su ra n ce | LYNDHURST • C orp. | Stuyveaant ami Park A v ts. • i*a» r\**•*«» r u r


Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday And H oly Days

I land Avenu*. Lyndhurat. Prat itdwelleth in God. and God in Mrt. Mari* Naviello 1 h im /• lleading c * the Feast, there will be high mass Sunday. August A citation to bo read from Mra. Maria Antonia Franco Item s O f Interest ""Science and Health with Key at 10:30 a.m. at the M ount Naviello. i». of 220 La /a ye tte day last week her son. George, j to the Scriptures*' by Mary Mias Marion Saft, who tpent Carmel Church on Copeland SACRED HEART R. C. days. Bakgr Eddy states (p. 4): Thi. Sunday will find y jg*SL."!Sgfl! the past few weeks with her of Bethel Park, Pa., who was Avenue. CHI RCH CHOIRS: Every Thnraday - Jf. “What we moat need ia the congregation, of Methodi.t and **■ «*«■ "** mother. Mrs. Henry Saft, of in his w ay to England, where Feetivities will include many W e . t m i n . t e r P r e .b y w r la n short illne..* Page Avenu**. has left for Hol­ M rs. Himaal and their children, games and rides and ioada of BU ft Rd. 6 Ntw Jeraey Ate Choir. 14S p.m. -.Sr. Chair. prty«.r ©f fervent desire for Born in Italy, Mrs Naviello Churches worshipping at West lywood, Calif., where she ia vfartin and Caroline, had go Italian candies and delicaciea aQb Bernard Moore. Pastor I« p.m. growth In grace. expressed in came to this country In 1*07, ninater at the corner of Ridge em ployed. three weeks previous to viait There will alao be e parade M u n t:M, 7:J», »■«•. I*'** Y.P.F. Every Sund.Y it 7 p m p.tienre m «knn!, love. and settling first in Portchester toad and Page Avenue at ten elatives and friends The through the streets with the 1I:M. 12:*# in (batch Jr. Y.P.F. • fv w j Si-turAay al KOod deed.." N. Y. She Ihen moved lo Jer* I:M in school ?:M p.m. j . ■■■■ — clock. Welcome to the Rev. Mr and Mrs Sherwood Ber whole family will be bee Statue ef St Anthony .vithtn the next three weeks. MOUNT CARMEI. (HAPIX , _ . . . . , WESTMINSTER d£ Rodger A Hawn and his ongregatlon. Mr Hawn will ('oprland Avrnur. lyndh.irst Sunday Services ! PRESBYTERIAN CHCRCH huaband. Joseph Naviello. died u their f *u,wt Mrs n * rw lcK onduct the aervice* for four m o th e r , Mrs. Vernon Daniels of Mrs. Frank Chim ento, 471 Doq Training Sunday IM. S:M. I# 3« 5 *nd J* „ Itf. R. S. E a g e lk e in 1M 7. unday* in August and the firat \rapahoe, N. C. Thomas Ave.. had as gueats at — ------, M “ “ , m ,nd 1,* c su KMS* ' 4l M n Surviving are two daugh luncheon on Wednesday Mmes „ l*,m *•**• Suoday , tlS»TwiS*ll Mias unday in September./ He will O ffar Is Mode ST. M irfM ELS R C. I August 24 so carry on duties of a visit- ie rs. Mrs. Thomas (Ann) Pi Mmes. Arthur Weismann J fame- Bungiomn Jorph Lon CWUlkCH | feast of St Bartholemew S undayt, August J, I t . It, M > * ig pastor tor families of both cardo of Neptune and Mrs. An Ruth Stauble. Lloyd Riley and go and A lfre d Som m a Do you know that there is i terrific organization in town Ktdge Road and Page Avenue uoly Communion at 10 00 a m , S*H*mh*r t: jngregations while Pastor En thony (Mary) Trotta. with Charles Vogel visited Mrs. Har whom she lived; four sons. An- hat will train your dog? In- ' f t . * * ‘ J. WUrrewaM Holy Communion every Wed Welcome I* the Method!-. ..elke and his family are a w ay old Wells at Paramus on Wed Diane Kostan. daughter of hony, Benny and Angelo Na ormation relative to this serv- Pastor inesdcy at 10 00 a m. ti eonereettlan. Sermoo •n vacation. lesd ay. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Ko» viello, all of Lyndhurst, and ce may be had by calling Char- Mata es a n al 7. I . 9. I t « M Hector's Vacetlon-Auguit «lh »l M * .m . hy th* ***. Rodger Un. Itl Willow Av*., wat 1! Brockway B. Brown added Andolena, Director at W l to September 7th. A. >MI o l the MethodKt tarry of Jersey City ; 16 grand Mr and Mrt Frank Van Vol- years old on Priday. Guest. • , _ IMP** .nuch to last Sunday's worship children and one great-grand V 1 ■ There will be no organita- Om M i a Lyalhartt. kom, 748 Fifth St., have as at dinner in celebration of the 1>®n' *ith his beautiful so lo. We are ,, REED MEMORIAL tion meetings thit month. I ta aayone teektag a chureh ch ild heir guests Mr Van Volkom’a1 occaalon. Included Mra. C a r l at W E 8-86M or you may v It It rateful to Gail Keenen too for UNITED PRESBYTERIAN “ home, a cordial welcome la n Relatives and friends are in­ x)usin. Frank Van Vaikom and Natherlands of Kearny, and VFW H.I1 on V alley B ro o k ier contributions of song dur- Cr H C R C H vited to attend the funeral Mrs. Van Volkom, of Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Alliton Avenue. Lyndhurst on any KIKST CHCRCH O f CHRIST »eea«a. ng the sojourn at the Metho- t«>»r It near Valley Brook from the Nazare Memorial Texas and children. Lois and Dean, of Thuraday evening at 7:11. Si SCIENTIST iist Church. A r m lie Hom e, In c.. 403 Ridge R o ad ,: Pompton Lakes. Bring in your pet dog and LYNDHURST The Women’s Association of ' F.*T. Edward I. George E. Plerrepoat A I tacala Ave*. Lyndhurst on Wednesday, Au-| Mrs Frank Pollara and chil- the boys will take over from METHODIST CHCRCH Westminster h planning a Serv PlMMa: Church - GE I ’tt’ Rutherford, N . ) . The Rev ftetger W. Hawn r . . - ...... r^ALmm ***** lst ■* 9 * m- thence to'dren. 319 Livingston Ave., have Mrs. Joseph Heintjes of La­ there Anyone who loves th*ir “ Partoa-ge • US l;ll« ar«n«hJr ___ of th« Motfear Church,M a i m TMi m Lady uf Mount Carmel R returned from SaaaUt Heights, fayette Place is vacationing dog certainly wants that dog ret Church •» C*>*at. aelertOet, t> will make articles lor sale at' c churih jersey City where where they var-tl-w l *->e ‘ ‘ i, M a W l Tontine A venae with relatives at Windsor. On to be a minimum of the September 11 SnleUj be - f - Solemn High Mass thr** w**kt Mr. PoUara lo ta - tario. Canada. sjnday. August 5 and 12 I a.*»•», Servlw* tt*i?i«l a.N GEneva M U I to neighbor, and a perfect pel Mt am Bible School clt«s-| ' 1 w " n t ., f*fj» for themjelve. Thai ia the ul­ es for all ag< *« S u n d a y. A u g u st 5 Muons r s is s s «•=* •» °n‘nd in ** ,h« n ,w n oo a m - i , 3 M P « t B 5 V Mlicited from the congregatk>n| V ‘ m t Cemetery, Jersey Mr. and Mn. William Car- timate aim of thit dog training M orning W orsh ip G u est Christian Scienaa htMUnf ar* j “*!:• 915 a.m.-Bible Study in th«- Mrt. Frederick Blum of Del- ment. 310 T h o m as A v e . have itervice. A well-trained, obedi­ at large. Mrs. Anthony Bender p eaker. T h e K«*v Jo h n La - thA»u«h*'aa^ura’5 V 7 "^ |P rim a ry Room . 19m « m a fie ld Avenu# h a t returned had at their guest Mrs C»r- ent dog It a happy dog and Mrs Wiliam Kearns are F lH e . fa s a.—. tn o •«iPrear tw.^... Union service at the Westmin tru m a stay of tour days at mrnl't mother. Mrs. Oscar This aervice 1. rendered free i <m fro m 7 90 to o'tloch Clok co-chairmen of the Sale. | ster Presbyterian Church. Rid^t Vacation Schadula Hartford, Conn. I Hoeninghauten of Brooklyn, •*d U9ai holiaajr*. Barbara and David Denning S T T H O M A S .praviaaa •«""! Hoad and Page Avenue I MinSty aarviea. have returned from a three A t I tt Pretbyterian N . Y . Parent* Of Son EPISCOPAL CHCRCH Hawn, preacher Mr. and Mrs John Luito. Jr.,I week honeymoon and are at vtnyvesant and Forest Avenue* Mankind’s need for prayer M t m f t y , A ug ust 6 Sund.y I nion Worship Serv-;and children, Geraldine I home at 5ii Monona Avenue, . . . .. - --- . Patricia Mitchell, daughter of j Mr and Mrs Edward Munc Cfcweh Oflkra: C hun h S< hool l ased on heartfelt gratitude to Official Board meeting at the conducted Lawrence, 7« Kingsland Ave , Mr , nd M„ Hob,,, Mitchell ,Unski of Butler, both former Rutherford. Bedding, Forest Avenue God will be brought out at C h u rch From the ends of the world at th* WestmiMter Presbyle' are back from Cambridge,'of Freeman Street, was honor- |y of Lyndhurst. are the pa- ffeone: GEneva KSMt j Christian Science church serv Rev. Rodger W H aw n lan Church on Ridge Road The Mass . where they visited r A - U ,t , r.m ily gathering at h.r 4 ntt u , , w n , E d w a rd Scott v'ome greetings fro m m issio n ­ R*v*r*nd Kodg*r W Hawn o*,tiv*s and places historical on in celebration born on July Uth at the Chil- TRc » ev . Thom as M . Foster »<** S u n d a y pastor, and Mrt. H e w n , have ary friends-from Barrow. Alas- ot Rector , Highlighting the Lesson-Ser- returned from their vacation at th e Lyndhurst Methodist interest. This week they have Qf her jgth birthday On Tues Iton n MemorialU uni/krnil Hospitallliitm They ka-the North Arctic Slope Mis­ Church is preaching for the had as their guest Miss Mary phene: WEbster 9-6154 |mon on the subject of "Love* .Ocean G rove and Mr H a w n Ls sion * Utkeevik Presbyterian day evening there was a larg er have a daughter. Donna Louise Dally Morning and Evening is the Golden Text from the] now on call for any p astoral month of August, while the Gerbino of Union City. celebration of relatives with .hunt, thr K» v and Mrs John Pretbyterian Pasor, the Re ver] ------^ ______Mrs Munczinski is the for­ f t a y e t at A.M and 7:S« Bible (I John 4): "G od is lo v e , needs fo r both tbe Methodist Chambers, and Lois. Sara, and M r and M rs. A. E Vuotto of mer Miss Marie Schwarz, P.M. respective!v, except Fri- 1 and he that dwelleth In lo ve and the Westminster P resb y end Robert Engelke U on va-, Mrs. Marie Wurst of Ridge Mk y^ d at SommenT Polia Ann send word of a safe re­ •a ”* Was . . .. , ., .1 V k L a _ _ _ . . . daughter of Mr and Mrs Her terian -congregations through cation. Each of theee Services Road has moved to Lake turn following several months near Ocean City The Mitchell man Schwarz. 321 Stuyvesant the month of August and Sep begins at 10 a ml Worth. Fla She has as ner (>m,ly w m tlj lhe„ vacation from Alaskan duties- Avenue Mr Munczinski is the tember 2nd. In Pastor Engelke’s absence, guests until Labor Day two of | . tn d from Bangkok. Thailand, son of Mrs Leo Munczinski of it was announced that Mr. .he Norman Roudarmels advise Mn '^ y Ca"; Mr, Ciron*. 44* Al New Jersey Avenue, and the Hawn will provide pastoral ST. MATTHEWS of arrival in New York the service:- lor tx>th parishes The Wayne Rausenberger of New d«r 8«- * '* l**n t»te Mr Munczinski EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN first week of August, after tegular schedule of Sunday Milford |P*rty on afternoon CHI’RCH leavin g T h a ila n d Ju n e 15. T h e y for the benefit of the Ro**ry Services and Chureh School Comer Valley Brook Ave., and made visits in India-to Nor- Mr and Mr, Walter F Kel- 'gj*1*** of «*»/> Church nan’s missionary parents there- will be resumed by each There were 20 guests. Travers Place, Lyndhurst ly. 121 Rhoda Ave., Nutiey, for CONSIDERATE SERVICE ind the Cameroun en route. Church the week after Labor Rev. George Muller. Pastor merly of Page Avenue, are the B r e a k f a s t Hicy will say with their four D a/- 295 Travers Place, Lyndfturt' parents of a son, David Mi­ Mr and Mrs. Elm er Still- Careful compliance * itli the wi*lic* of tho*** children at Sloane House, waggon and their son and The Rosary Society of Sa­ WEbster 9 S1S4 chael. born on July 23rd at atony Point, till May of H . CARD OF THANKS daughter, Clifford and Nancy cred Heart R C. Church will Tuhkk We wish to Uke this Clara Maass Hospital. Belle­ Mr have l»c«*n privileged to nerve has estah* S u n d a y, A ug ust 5 Stillwaggon, of Park Avenue, hold its snnual Communion means of expressing our sin ville. The couple have a daugh­ 9:15 a.m-Divine Worship spent the weekend through Breakfast on October 7th. iifhed family friendships which we hold in cere and heartfelt thanks to all ter, Beth Ann. Celebration of Holy Commu­ Monday, at their summer home T h e ir j t uest speaker w ill be Mrt. George Sheary onr relatives, friends and the Very Rev Msgr Henry G nion. "God is Waiting for Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams at Hamlin, Pa. high regard. neighbors for their words of J. Beck, tor over 20 years in- Y o u ". of Fern Avenue and Mr and Mrs Elizabeth Seibert Shea- conaolation, beautiful floral Mr. and Mrs. Al Olkowski. structor in History at the Im- y. U4U Fourth St., died on Fri tribute and many spiritual Mrs. George Alberding of LATTER DAY SAINTS 451 Roosevelt A v e , and their, maculate Conception Semin iay night at the West Hudson bouquet at the funeral of our Ridg. Hoad vs ere guests on OP JESUS CHRIST son and daughter. Michael and ary at Darlington. N. J. Msgr A. E. Stark*, Paster Diane, have returned from a Beck was the winner of the Uness. She was born in Jer- chael J. Turso Jr, week at Sunrise Beach, Fork Holy Father's Medal in Church \ A 7. A R E Services I.very Sunday st the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John R. s*y »nJ had Lived in Lynd W *np*cially with to thank ed River. Their daughter. Mon Ht.stuiy W EM ^IAI;H O »«Iae. Adoniram Masonic Temple Adams. Jr.,, in North Arlington, hurst tine* 1823 * I ihe cMrgy of Saci ed Heart R ica, spent nhe same week with Tickets for the breakfast will IZ1 Second Ave., Lyndhnrat on the occasion of celebrating She wa, a memher of Court;c . Church for th*ir comforting the Girl Scouts in Vermont. be on sale latoi this month. Church School* 19 a.m. the first birthday of their son, 403 RIDGE ROAD - LYMDHURST. N. J. Lyndhurst. No. 875, Catholic words, ihe Rutherford Police Mrs Walter Wagner of Page P re a ch in g S e rv ic e , 11 a .m . Scott Adams. Phone Gfneva 8-7272 Daughters of America. |Department and Emergency M r? Jacob Wahlers of Post Avenue is chairman. A ir fa»JIH a««< tor V»«r *« Survivors are h*r huaband, Corps tnd the staff of th* Na- A venue Is home from a w eek s George; three sons, George, of i4r* Memorial Home, Inc. for Mis Pelagia Sieradzka of RUTHERFORD BAPTIST Willow Avenue, has had as vacation spent at Lake Erskine Neptune, Robert, of Lyndhurst. ,i,*„ kind and sympathetic with her son and daughter-in- CHCRCH guests the sunshine committee ind Richard of Wood-Ridge; services la w , M r. and Mrs. H a rr y W a h ­ t i W. Paaaalc Are., Rutherford of Group 697. Polish Women of our daughters. Mrs. John Bereaved Parents. le rs and family of Bloomfield Rev. George Smith, Pastor America, of Jersey City Mrs St Woodward Av*., Rathcrford (Rita) Wagstaff of Lyndhurst. Brother and Sister Mr.. Harold (Elizabeth) Blume John Koziol, formerly of Lynd­ Phone: GEneva t-«t« hurst, was among them. SINCERITY DI6 NITY REVERENCE >f Colorado Springs. Col., Mrs. C A R D OF THANKS Annual Featt Larry (Margaret' Ly'-- of D* Nltc*—Deeming it impot- For St. Anthony Rendered In A Homelike Atmosphere l.YNDH URST Hackensack, and Mrs. W. .. illiam ...... Jiuwr .,ble to IU thank ItlMlin all Mil in person III UTI9UII we Mr. Wr and . . Mrs. . , Joseph . r*, ____ Longo, ___, bingr & heating HEBREW CENTER Claire)------Raymond of rtixou: with*to take thi, mean, of ex- V** R°n*ld, of <'°lf£ nd The Society of St. Anthony Rabbi Abraham H. Album wo brothers, George Seibert of p, easing our sincere and heart- A '[*n" *Pf.n De Padua will hold Its Thir Lyndhurst, N. J. JJ3 Valley Brook Avenue ler»y City and Louis Seibert ;(«|, thanks to all our relatives,1 ■,ld* H' lghts______teenth annual featt on August WE 9-7115 WALDO J. IPPOLITO of Philadelphia, Pa.; a sitter, friend, and neighbor, for their, u 4, S, t and 7th at 309 Cope Study: GEneva l-M U drs. Cornelia Maher of Jersey comforting words. beautiful -*?'* WEbatar t-Sttl .'ity: and M grandchildren. floral expressions and many J4’ “ *Ple FUNERAL HOME The luneral was held Tues.pirilual bouquets at the fu- Saturday evening Mr tnd Mr. lay tt * am. from tlie Waldo -leral of our beloved wife and af0^ 'if anT Mr and M m THE UNITARIAN CHURCH I. Ippolito Funeral Horn*. 425 Jevoted mother Helen E De „ We , ,n“. Mr, , Cold Beer Wine & Liquors 425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST. N. J. OF RCTHERFURD tidge Road, to Sacred Heart n' £ o George Lovesky of Lyndhurti "A Free and Modern Faith” I C Church, where at 10 a _ lhaj>k5 th* »nd1,M" Ir 'ln« L*vin GEneva 8-4464 7t Home At*, opp. Ante. A n n t Solemn High Mas. of Re-L® ^ o ffered Heart R. C i°' H^brouck Heights aihtrftrd, N. f, Parking Facilities On P r e f l l / t e t Rev. B atat •M*rn7_ ’ 3 ! „ . 0 ,5 r ! ? - Church for their comoling Mr ,nd ^ william Vavrik Free Delivery f l V N * me woris our doctors V 3 Jersey City of Page Avenue and Mr and AIR CONDITIONED YEAR BOUND and M. Loretti; the Lyndhurst Mrs. J. M. Ferrara ot L a k e Police Department and First Avenue, are back from a Sat­ Conplete Catering Service Aid Corps; present and former urday at Lake Neepaulin. OVER M YEARS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS •mployees of Bedford Under­ W EDDINGS — BANQUETS garment Co. and the staff of brother-in-law of Mr' Ton* L O U I S M I O N the Nazare Memorial Home, and their children, Gail and PARTIES - ETC. Inc. for their kind and efficient David, of North Haledon, for­ TILE CONTRACTOR services. merly of Lyndhurst. e REAL CERAMIC TILE Bereaved Husband and Children Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winans and H O M E M A D E QUALITY PRODUCED BT MASTER MECHANICS Mrs. Winans’ mother, Mrs. Har­ Cola Slaw Baked Beans GEnm 1-6045 ■ - Mrs Mary Timnermann. who ry Loew. who lives with them, lives with her son and daugh­ 22* Webster Ave., and their Sbewroom * oaice: M KEAJINY ST., LYNDHURST. N. J. Potato Salad Macaroni Salad ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- son and daughter-in-law, Mr. tel Reisel and their son, Dan- and Mrs. Donald Winans and Clam Chowder iel, 268 Livingston Ave., had as children, Bruce and Cathy, of her guests on Wednesday Mrs. Piscataway Township are back O Margert Heintz and daughter! from a stay of three weeks at r-1 »»nio- r*»tv --'t -n panorama in Su^st-x NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS Stand U f /it Jrsns Thursday her sister and broth------SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Mrs. George Himsel of Post Stand up, Stand up for Jesuj. Le h m a n o t Point Pleasant. (Avenue, had as a guest for a IV soldiers of the cross; Horn* M ade LiH high Hi.< r*p4l Aanner. tl must not T»jfer 4w/ INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORP. W m n i KIELM8Y bro>n fry unlit virf ry His army shall He lead. Till ei'ery toe is vanquished. Industrial W aste Removal Hours Dally: S A M . to 11 P.M. Burk Funeral Mom And Christ is Lord indeed. Directors Dudley Tvng. a voting Philadelphia 2I8 WASHINGTON AVENUE SUNDAY - * JoLn L. Burk — Paul Konartki minister, w it watching a new corn shelling machine when he was fataOv NUTLEY, N. J. 8 ». M. tl I P. H. 52 Ridge Road, Lyndhurti T E kittr 9-0496 hurt. Al hit life ebbed, he cent one tut message to hi* friends - “TeB them to (Cor. 5th Ave.) * sUrtd up for Jesus!* Mr DttAeld. a friend ind minister, fek these words N O rth 7-8080 Air Conditioned w#r* too greit to be lost He wrote tht above verse which set to stkring mn GARDEN , SINCE OUR W ORK I K u w i oi ow most efcattengln* b.vmnl it one of tri-vic* to til. we endrivor te he helpful in Louis Viola Co Delicatessen cvrry w»y. 411 H IE AVE. (Cir. Cktse) ? 1 P WASHINGTON AVE rlUTLEY. K J LYRBHIIBST, I . I 469-71 Palisade. Ave., Jersey City ■ OLdfield 9-4578 Hanl SoH CoM Gimlets Burk Service - Since 1996 w m s s m, 7 8 0 8 0 - 1 W f 9 - 2 9 3 0 Lyndhurat l*oblic Library, Y tlla y Brook Ave., Mliat-il . N. J. Tb* wgy to gel t th r ad i, t„ i«rt now. If you

•tart now, you w ill know ■ lot n n t yrar that you 1 0 «lon t know now and that you would not havr *1 known next yrar if you had watted. Hti.l SOUTH BERC.F.N RF.V1EW Im perinl Type Magaxinjr (Im i pottage paid TtLlfH O N I OKNtVA • ST0S STft Vol. 43 No. — 4 LYN D H I'RST, N. J.. AK.I ST 2. I%2 A Scout On Big Round-Up Adventure Tree- PruningTo Add Beauty To Town

Public \!’ork» Comm i*-J In Vermont Tells Her Story For Leader Miner tPelrr J. R u »m » h o p e * to preserve the beauty of l.%n hand y, i formed into various shapes and a wealth of information on color* of day They formed as tree care He recommended i wet clay around an obstacle two books in particular for the which later disappeared leaving home owner interested in the a hardened residue in the shape care of his ow'n trees Both are t of old-fashioned buttons. Thia Golden Nature Series paper inspecting work of Shade Tree Division clearing Ridge Road lot between Forest and Faat la how the area received the backs, at $1 each Titles arc Avenue, are: Public Works Commissioner PeterJ , Russo. Chief Forester W illia m G a n n o n , § • - n a m e ' B u tto n B a y '1 'Trees" anJ "Insects” ®°th perintendent Harry Gutheil. Bob Sauer, Jimmv Nowel, Frank Jaskulski, Mike Carroll, The girls also spent many available on order at Williams ^ oughlin Lynwood I’hotograpbefr hoars swapping a token with on Stuyvesant Avenue a talc well spoken". This in­ G annon, a slim , w ir y m a n of, volved trading a small object 33, a native of Staten Island.’'Tent Caterpillars Thousands of and tree trunks in minutes. Tm- Russo admires Gannon's representative in soma way o t has been in the Public Works Treehoppers are chewing away mediately, dead wood, branches method of working He nevtr the area from which the scout Department five years He tty* °n the leaves of our Norway and brush arc fed into a chute iuses a ladder, only rope and a came. Theae "swaps'* were usu­ always been fond of plants and Maples, of which they are es- at thc rear of the chipper and special ‘saddle’* which enables ally prominently displayed on gardening He worked several pecially fond. This year the fall into the truck as small him to swing, "like Tarzan" the girls' Roundup hats years (or a tree surgeon in Tent Caterpillar ia scarce i chips of wood Gutheil says) Russo says, from limb to lim b Each patrol at thc Koundup Orange He attends lec- Earwigs, nocturnal bugs, love formerly removal of a trne re- of huge trees Gannon says the waa requested to give s demon­ tures at Botanical Gardens in damp places and tree cavities, quired three days labor, but! dangers to tree workers are stration for the rest of its sac* j New York, where he is a mem- and eat both flower and foli- w ith the new equipment, it is (bees, w asps and high tensian tion of the camp to aaa. Tha i ber. and classes held by thc age Gannon says. "We haven’t done in about half a day Dis-j w ires He has been s tru ck by West Hudson girls made and Bergen County Agricultural got io eliminating them yet" iposal r of — wood — and brush used wires three times paased out samples of Scotch agent. He plan* to attend; Gannon', dedication to his1® mean ( round trip, tn the Th.' W L« w _ a _ y t short brood, because of the I school this Fall at the Rutgers! job WM shflwn by his m .wer dumps. Use o( thes gaged m ttam nt out Scotch heritage of our section 1 Agricultural station ^to the Question ‘'What., do >. you!I rtitnni>rdipper mnkMmakes Kut but n«i>one trimtrip trees Gannon says tnisthis lessow uV of New Jersey Then, the group 4- Oanrwm reports that Dutctr1*1^& Inyo™.?. 25r ^ no loogei to I f c i demonstrated the "Highland lElm Disease has attained our;■ plied. "Planting and gsrden treated contain soil nour-lstrect< * & lighting. Iprevent, T injury J ^ Fling" Thia demonstration was |elm tree, He say. the State 1 " g " * l a ^ L^ ,den'1 tshment At present they arel to people and cars from fallil* Department of Agriculture rec- A m iran Leg.on and_president ,tored P,n thp County-dead wood, allow, grass, to and. consequently, the patrol ;ommends removal of such of De anc.,, Chummers Club, « extensive! grow under trees and affor* was invited to do the dance at trees, a, the disease is pract, a fishing group . (or m’|rh „nd lnr m. kln(., better circulation of air about an international campfire on cally incurable It is spread by The chief Forester would pathways Many such paths are! homes m the area July 2) As the culmination of beetles which carry fungus, ,jke to surt a small nurseryjt0 bc found in ,he sterling For Besides Clannon and Gutheil, weeks of practice. tha girls from tree to tree Trees flam „( ,rcos on some piece of town | est Gardens Gutheil says that trcemcn aie R«ib Sauer. Frank were then choeen to dance at aged by cars succumb easily to property He states a shade besides cutting down consider Jaskulski a veteran of 26 the mam arena on July 36 for this disease. tree ahout two and a haff ably on labor, the Chipper re- years service with thc Depart- the entire encampment to ___ oivrr- A common pest is the Bag- inches in diameter costs from duces the bill for gas. oil and ment, and a group of young The Roundup officially closed Tha "good scouta* above enjoyed the cooking almost as much as the eating at the ftMh anaiver on July 28. with an arena event wry ^ ______held .1 the Senior **G irl ' " Seoul * “Roundup. “ In the naual ariar tfcey ar,: ( athv worm which strips the tree of l lr ” Summer helper,. Mike Carrot entitled “Sarv* the ruture' OTammmr. rf ar ta *amrwy; ,, Omv uaaaor taM am n. K enearay; a rm y ; J.yee layer MaUyson. naiayson, BogoU, Bogota, N. j.;J.; nBarh.r, a n u r ., i Inip hip- T n O ^ , Vemoved■" hundred, of shade trees "as funds are" £avail- £ A small auxiliary truck out- . , ^ This program featured a reply North Ariiaftaa; Warehouseman Lauren Johnson. Freeport. IU.; Karen Obercian. K*tota; i*»nnon rcm.ued hundreds ot fit(ed w„h supp|iei< need.-d hir to President Kennedy's chal-.N< am Lange., Lyndhurst Ann Borys Kearny; and JoAnn Penn. Harrison Bagworm eggs from tree. on -»lc work accompanies the Schulyer ar.d Rutherford Ave- Harry Gutheil. Street Dc Ch,PPer It was devised and A u g u s t X l D O S lenge to Round uppers to develop) Five Lyndhurst Senior Girl ten G irl Scout Laws and for Bond Registration nues. Orient Way. Lewandow- p a rt m ent Superintendent,loutfijted hy Peter Mesmer, I their abiliUas w that they may Seouts WCTp , ,he m g ,,., th e 50 ye a rs of G ir l Sco u tin g d e^!*yr,,?T,<^n *k' S''cel "nd. Tcnth s,reet works closely with Gannon’s public" Works foreman, and Pdrtv Planned play a iweful role in their coun- >nd ,pn >dultI (rom ,g in this country. This was a lied By PublicService Thi, Spring the trees were crew He welcomed the depart Lco N„lcJ,nl It carries safety try * future The responae to thia ,own. of Bergen County, not scene never to be forgotten by sprayed against Bagworm. and men,’, new Chipper and a s e t,^ Jp|k„_ ^ rope andi L„ m;,rd Rosa. Exalted challenge was dolivered by Jane . fflluted wjth Bergen County those who were a part of it. Public Service El«*< tin and aphids of saws, one of which has Edwards of the Stiver Waters Qirl Scout Council, who spent Gas Company has film a Keg- Other insects which spoil our,self-contained motor poweredd) rainwear, as well as all neces-1 Ruler announces that on Sun- Friday morning they broke day. August 5th, Lyndhurst Girl Scout CouncU. At the con­ five days in camp at Lake istration Statement with. theSe- trees are Tree Hoppers and by gasoline The saw cuts limbs sary tools, camp to return home. On the Lodge w i l l again hold their clusion of the message, each of Dunmore. near Middlebury. Vt. curities and Exchange Commis­ return trip they stopped at Fort “Christmas I n August" party th e 10,000 campers lit a match and returned on Friday sio n fo r th e re g istratio n >f $40 - William Henry on llake George, for approximately 12f> orphans to show how one spark can m ul­ Those from Lyndhurst w e re 000.000 principal ani'unt o f and arrived at the Garden on their grounds at Park Ave­ tiply to light the way for the Monica Olkowski. who w as pa First and Refunding Mortgagei Stae Plaza about 9 pm . where nue Chairman of the affair is entire group. trol leader. Maryann and Su- Bonds. The securities will be, their parents met them. R a l p h L i >c io T h e ch ild re n w^ll Half of the Roundup campers, zanne Carrig. Carol Mezanko dated A u g u st 1, 1962 ; r i are to Plans are under way for a I k * t r e a t e d to a d in n e r 0lQS Including the West Hudson girls, and Mary Scalpeflo. and M rs. mature August 1. JS»X’ Com-, reunion of this group in the many games and prizes Poy left for home on July 30 and Bernard Blohm. chaperon p e titiv e bids fo r th* | in-hase fa ll. rides a n d mechanical rides w i|l the rest left on the Jlst. I The girls left by chartered of the Bonds are t»' f e sub­ also b e provided I was very fortunate to be buses from Garden State Pla- Delegate to World Camp mitted# on or about A .u t 21, among those who interviewed **- under direction of Mrs Da- Noreen Langan. daughter of 1962. Last Sunday a most success­ Mr and Mrs. John Langan, 438 ful "Clam Bake" was held un­ Mrs. Charles Culmer. the Girl vld M*rt,n of Rlv*r on The net proceeds ' *m the Third Ave., who was Lynd- der the supervision of Jim Neu- Sunday evening, July 22nd «ale will be add«xl to ' e gen­ 6 cout National President, at a hurst's delegate to the World boldt There was food aplenty They had breakfast in Bran eral funds of the Comp -ny and press conference held on July For diversion there was Horsa- d o n , Vt., next morning, and Round-Up. also returned home will be used by it foj ts gen­ 25. at the Roundup early this week We sail hear Shoe p it c h i n g and Bo«ti Ball L then pitched tent as soon as e ra l corpo rate purpo->*s, in ­ from her later. Assisting Jim Neuboldt were Mrs. Culmer. who has been reached their camp site. cluding payment of .< portion In scouting for 40 years, first Next ^ ty they visited the P ER Pat Melillo. Lou Melil­ of the cost of its curt ent con­ bacame interested in the pro- Worid Serfer Girl Scout Round- lo, John Totten. Carmen Vaa- Story Hour Held struction program. gram in 1*22, in Diluth, Minn. Up at Button Bay on Lake to. Bill Grubb, Charlie She attributes her continued in-Jchamplain They had supper at A t Public Library Pat Carrino. Nick D*Allasso. in scouting to the influ-'« church in Middlebury and C arriers To and P E R Frank Van Volko» ence of her parents and what then had a bus ride around the The story hour on Thursday _ . A full program is arrangsd •he calls “luck" in having many campus of Middlebury College. at the Public Library, in asso PlCniC fo r the month of August wHt> ciation with the playground di if leaders rather than just one. She Wednesday they spent most of a g rill p arty each Satur^HQT attended the National Training the day at the Round-Up. rectors, was attend*! by 33 The Nllllonll, Asson.ition of night and a special G rill P a r ty Center and became a leader One of their delights at the girls, ages seven and eight Le„er Carriers, B r a - h 2S9. by the Emblem Club on Ite Then, after she attended Edith Round-Up was to exchange years Miss Edith Jennings, U- Rutherford, and their L a d ie s’ 18th. On Sunday. August j | | i Macey Training School, she be­ “swaps" with girls in the ’ ^ told •Caps for | Auxiliary, No. 4«0 committee the Supreme Emblem C*g> Sale", "The Cat and the Par-' United States and some fore on a family picnic, m e t on President Bra Granano is hav­ came a professional, and later rot", “Gunniwolf" and other Thursday evening at the home ing h e r com m ittee rm e jin g


la w , M r. and Mr*- Harold Mik from a motor trip to and ter. Mr. and Mrs Gennaro Cor- Un’* birthday. and Mr and Mrs Adam Czar­ lin ,' c o u ld not attend because,around Florida They visitej saro and son. Gennaro. with Kuechenmeister And Other A rea H e M P a r t y Guest* were their daughters necki. Jr. Mr and Mr*. Waltei th e y a r e vacationing by trailer Mi Alonzo's father. Donjinick and their families: Mr and cia and Annette Stampone. ol whmn he i.v.* wen. .here .m R e s ic|e n t s H a v in g A Tim e In BerBn in Colorado and Montana and Alonzo, in North Miami, brought him home. He went by ' Mrs Frank Dow and children. Janowski and daughter, Mar- F e r M ig H n s Lakes-to-Sea-Bus by himself. Karen. Susan and Frank, Jr.. Lyndhumt. • on to the World's Fair in S . E d w ard W _____ Interesting side light in the;enmeister added, we w e r e T h e h o m e of Mi and Mr* of Little Fall* and Mr and Mr Miglin is Rupervising en ottle. ^ ‘ I Edward W. Waldeck, octo- genarian of Third Street, spent Mr and Mrs Lewis Aldridge Berlin tour of the Fact Finding quite cautious in view of IM Be n M ig lin of T e n E y c k A v e Mrs John Ambrohio and chil­ gin«*er for the Allied Chemica - .. the past week with .friends in and family of Jay Avenue Group consisting of Carlstadt sub-machine gun* *** nue w ii the scen e of a family dren. Linda and John. Jr.. of Corporation ot Hector Street Mr nnd Mrs Jerome J A o President thc check point guards and the New York l*o and daughter. Jaaquelme , 4aui hehunk and Allentown. spent lost week at Mayetta, Borough Council parly given on Wadncaday eve Jllfton; with Mr and Mr*. Frederick W Kuechenmeister. many machine * u h to w e re »h Their son and daughter-in >241 Van Buren 1 . r n back Pa His son in-law and daugh near Shipbottom. n in g in celebration of Mr Mig Adam Czarnecki of Bloomfield. Richard Demarest of Dumont, the vicinity of the border The John Schuttler of Hillsdale, heavily guarded border area was the manner in which they made escape by FJast German* returned to West Germany quite rqmote It woufd be pee-> * SHOPPER’S DRBAM COME TRUE—PLAID S T A M P S AND.. from Berlin. sibie only by great ri* k The only authorized route in their lives and out of Berlin through East Mr. Kuechenmeister s ta te d Germany is the Auto Rahn that from his observation*. tbO,( leading east from Marlenbom gust German* are very m u c h I This is the route the Fact Find opposed to the Communist rule , A B O O K 'ing Group used in gaining.en with its economic failure. HO^- I trance to Rerlin However ever, there are 2U Russion ,dl-k Councilman Kuechenmeister. visions in East G e r m a n y ‘ ' Mr Demarest and Mr Schut make sure the Flast German* FULL O F t tier returned using the Auto do not overthrow the Cotn-.f Bahn that proceeds south tw munjst regime. Leip/.ig and then west to W a r ------. -a. I tha which ii. located near th, j ameJ parre||s , ^ S a rin s ! .fro n tie r When M Kuechenmeister ir, Return From Europ© D R E A M | 'formed L’mted States Embassy ! officials at the Ambassadors Mi and Mrs James J . F a r - You’ll rub your eyes to make aure all «ho«c value, you m j reception in the Hague, of then reil Jr 441 Kingsland A ve. at A4P are "for real"! What a vant aelection of lam Iiraml return route, they expressed have just returned from a 15 surprise that the group wa- day tour of Europe where th e y f.HMU . . . all low, low priced to fill your p o c k e ts vs ill. C\ Kar! Councilman Kuechenmeister Shine in Frakfort, G e r m a n y stated that the only difficulty f«»r 2 days They also s p e n t 9 the group encountered was at lays in London and paid a vi»- the l>order. They were detained it to Mr and Mr*. H o c ry I for approximately one hour Worthington. Mrs Farroir**ia- * CALIFORNIA Beaf Chuck — Bona la I whfle the Russian officer in ter in Nottingham. T h e ir Spry charge checked with higher J-iuRht’er. Vivian, now M r*, authorities Finally the group Vincent Geneavese fle w w i t h Pur* VaQataba Shorton-nq was permitted to proceed into her husband and baby E d w a r d Ic l«b*l M l 4c oH lobol C 0 f West Germany to California to visit V in c e n t’a Mr Kuechenmeister stated sister Mrs. Kenneth R e a v e s o f I Ib CO* J Ib cob P O T R O A S T that the p<»ople along the Auto El Monte, California. Fresh Fruits 6 Vegetables! 1 Bahn in East Germany show ------1 ■— Specially •elected from fin* quality grain fed beef, A frP'i "Super-****'* led considerable surprise and Bachm ann* Retum California Hoatt h perfect for Pot Roatt, priced for Value — try it! trom New Jersey Farms 1 curiosity at our presence there ..' Realemon jln the entire return trip along Mr anj Mrs George Bach- Lemon Juice Blueberries ..... -2 9 e | the unauthorized Auto Bahn in miinn 227 ^ajje Avenuav Are Vma-Riptned East Germany wt- did not see. back from a 9000 mile motor Reconstituted “SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY VIAL SALE! any other vehicle except East;trip to the Wesl Coaat They p."* M g quor* German vehicles visited Mt Ruahmora, Bad b f W bot 61* CanJcioupe tk19e They had to ko throuch three Lands of the Dakotaa. Yellow. Selected Milk - Fad Vial. . . Swtd. Juicy !check points before they ar-istone National Park. Salt Lake Fiai for Raittiig! rived at the border check c ,ty Modenta. California, LEG ar RUMP 49 bi 2 9 c Petsches - ' point .... where they spent a week. San Uaderwood Needless to say, M r K u e eh - Francisco. Marine Land, Bryce Fino Eating Canyon. Grand Canyon of the Deviled Ham Colorado, Fioulder Dam. Al­ Lem onowici's Back SHOULDER ROAST 69 Seedless Grapes A2 ^5 ib e . buquerque. New Mexico, where Mi and Mrs Charles Le i/. J1 e */>« Me Calikrn a— Swjet Ju cy they were guests of Mr. and tin c«n m anow icz. 355 L e w a n d o w sk i Mrs Jack Wilkerson. formerly Rib Veal Chops 79: Loin Veal Chops 8 9 c - 3 5 e St.. are back from a vacation of North Arlington. Painted Bgrfleli Pears stay at Detroit. Mich., where Desert. Tulsa. Okla. where From Nearby Farms they were guests at the home they spent a week. Las Vegas. Shredded Wheat of M r and Mr< F ra n k B ro m - Nev . Denver, Colo, and many 4 Ib. 199 Green Peppers 1 7 e irski. parents of Mrs. Leman other places of interest along Nabnco l«ot*d a owicz. and her brother and sis- the way. They were gone five can From Nearby Farms ter-in-law. Dr and Mrs. A. J Spoon ARMOUR CANNED HAMS w eeks. " o* B ro m irs k i S»*0 P‘ 9 4 1 New Green Cabbage 4 e One of the l>iu events of the BONELESS CHUCK stay was a garden party for Judith Servideo SuHr-RigM" Qulity I m I POT ROAST 59 relatives of the area in <-ele-| Judj,h Ann Servideo. daugh- Pwre Ba.f Heinz 49c ' T ra n k * t t ^ ^ ^ r k **, »nd Mr, Fr^kSer- Chuck Fillat Quo11ty Baa< 59v Ground Beef ed he, birthday on July 20th. I v'd«>- Copeland Avenue waa Baby Food Mrs Lemanowia. July 25. and 14 >far5 Sti «mod Ooppod Dr Mitchell Jabczenski. July «'ent was celebrated w U h a 1>(J party at her home G u e sts m - 1 0 -9 9 * 6 *89* ______eluded Mr and Mrs. J o s e p h A . M a P . M . Mr and Mrs James E O'­ Vitietfo. Mr and Mrs. JaiM fc: o r WITH THE PURCHASE OF J A N t PARKER Cantelleri and Mr and M rs. Fruit Driak Neill and children. Kevin. Peg­ MOTT'S gy. Timothy and Erin. 318 Ton­ Angelo Cafone. all with their CHERRY PIE 65* tine Ave have returned from children, of Belleville. Mr and Mrs Theodore Servideo. Mr Scotkins two weeks at Ortley Beach and Mrs Angelo Servideo and LuncKoon Nopkmt I D WITH THE PURCHASE OF JA N I P A R K IR GRAPEFRUIT 3 Mr and Mrs. Ralph Wetzel, Mr and Mrs George Hardy, WK.t# or Colored Pk9t. m m and Mr and Mrs L M C ar- al1 w ,th th e ir ch ild re n . J u - •HO 33* FLAID [ Golden Loaf 43< lo*y ITAM?S | ini. of Chase Avenue, sper■nt the dith’s grandmother. Mrs Jen­ FANNING'S nie Servideo. John Cocke and WITH THE PURCHASE OF JAN E F A R K IR weekend at Monterey Beach Srtad aid fHttar Mr and Mrs Robert Lubertaz- PICKLES zo of Ly n d h u rst Linda Nolte. daughter of Mi Homestyle Donuts and Mrs William Nolte. of For HMD Mr and Mrs Edward De­ Mr. Clean est A ven u e, has as her gu«*st | IT1MFS [ GOLDEN or SUGARED o? 6 - 3 5 ^ laney and children. Karen and II Pwrpoto Liquid Ctoonof for the week. Wendy Lynn Edward. 640 Rutherford Ave. HEINZ KETCHUP Kuyat. of Pittsburgh. Pa She Witb 10c I pt. 12 fluid oi CQC ar»- back from a week’s vaca­ made the trip east by plane eW labol kaHia Danish Prune Horn «“< 45c tion at Wildwood. Mr and Mrs Robert Messing’, STAR-KIST JB> S andw ich M onth Buys! and children. Elaine. Laurie good and welfare com- I and Robert, of PaKe Avenue, """ee of J Morgan Read Ivory spent- the past week at C a p e C o uncil. No 44. D au g h ters of Faicy 100% Whole Wheat B r e a d . 23* Cod Mass evening at the home of Mrs Liquid Detergent America! met on W'ednesday CAROLINA RICE L n | Grail Sandwich Bread ;‘.°'29* Kathleen Donovan, daughter Celina Sauer, of Ten Eyck Ave- of Mr and Mrs. Francis Don nue On the committee are i2 «„id « c e i pt 6 C 0 c n i l HAMIUR&tK F*ANKFU«t£« p ., | (|>, ovan.l 25 Stuyvesant Ave . en M mes Claire Thalm an. Mu o ib o t .* * Ol. bot f l O I I S Jan* P«rk«r—S -cad of tcrtained at a pajama party on nel Near. Mattel Johnson, Nor- Nabisco— Salted or UaMltod AAP Brand— Froach Style too*/. Ann Page Margarine Corn Oil :;:29« 1 Thursday night llei guest*! man M( Eachern. John Donten. A n n I o i. PiM r j c were Donna Bogle. Mary Ann |1(lf( lllu) Charlotte Vo- Lux Premium Crackers UT29‘ String Beans Sandwich Spread P*9. - ** i#f Chilc. Pamela Censullo and ___ I Ik. i ... « Q c •ATHROOM TISSUE Beth Dempsey of Lyndhurst **' w "h Mrs Marion Wood- n P«go p in t Liquid Detergent Cookies 0«lm««l or CocMut pkg. W Mereal S00-2 ply Mayonnaise 37* 59° and Mary Doyle of Kutherfoi I ruff, councilor I V */, =. M e 12 12 fUid « C « I pt 4 fluid Dole Sliced Pineapple con ™ Nary JaaaCaady • t ; 25e Peanut Butter 37* os. b o t.* * Ol bot. W '*'/> “ J O c Awn Pa go l2o« C *'/* 'b 1Q C Ragu Spaghetti Sauce i« Papa Tomatoes ^ ''i« ' 25c Grape Jelly iar iar ^ Flot*ch«*om i v 4 1 . Nargarine Corn Oil (Gold Pocio?*) pkq No-Cal Beverages ■- 2 M c Victory Cream Cheese :;;2 7 * Blue Cheer U „ L MOADCAST IS»/iII I **1100* U e ' ^ */« #* 5 7 * 29‘ nasn rmumCORNED SEEF ...con W coo Niao Livaa Cat Food 2 Sliced Swiss Cheese D.m*ili( pl| 39* Now wotfc doy Midi Fala Liquid Detergent '£ £ £ 62* Bologna or Liverwurst I V I K oi M e l * l ' / i » Armstrong Floor Care v„°w.. « 1-W pW- P^f- -Frozen F oodt! F l o o Dairy Valuta! — Top Mast Sardines 'Z2\4 2 ‘I ? 45* k e f , tk ie k a i. Tarkay 11 M l- White Tuna Fish ^ 33* Duz Beter|oat Swanson T«V. Dinner 55c Mel-o-Bit American 55e Pink Salmon cT ;/m " b49« W k i a a a J R a e M a r i-«nyfio*d Ir^kd 2 Ib Premium Pock rroNAh F ri At AWIf^ 5 14 M Luncheon Meat «—»■*♦»»< con” 4J‘ rrB N M r r iP |i,9MUf0fc,„ii,Cki» ?*«•. 9 9 W R ^ P I ■ ■ IB M SA'tod or UfH«H0d CUP ** IOcoH lobol 4 os. K A o I Ik. 7 o. J J | S Ib*. 10*/, a t R I R Boned Chicken Solid Pock coo 9 9 pk*- pkf- Sweet Peas ^ 45* Cream Oheeae I t l 47* Supor-BifM 12 oi Saow Crop Oraage Juice 2 » • Imported Kalian Romano * 95* Corned Beef •rood M arinn'e Piet b a n a n a , l e m o n <4<» f O c Beweetla Blue Cheese k 71c Heinz Sweet Bherkina ^ H ' 2 , 0 0 0 R E A S O N S WHY R in a Blue U n H • r i P c h o c o l a t e c r e a m p4f . • • For tbo family wo*h Milady Apple Bliatzes 35c Wiaeoasia Mild Cheddar * 55* Quality—All Ha*»r» Should we ever be required to prove mir interoat Sc off Ubol 10c off lobol Sharp Cheddar Cheese N;;.r 69* Crestmont Ice Crosai 7t* in community heolth. we could cite 2.00§ f t Rad L Flounder Dinner p°;; 55* g»M*d reasons Our prescript ion dep«rtmeatotoel» SO litra Itaapi witk pirakasa el H Utra llaapi wttk patakaa* el ■upwards »»f 2.000 medicinal ingredients. IKED TEA PITCHER 1 3 9 * They come from every p o in t of th e compass. I DRY MILK S0UDS ^ S 5 e Some are prescribed daily. ?thers only rerely. * WIh*o Homo 0«m»4—Mokos 12 «H » Thesc'drugs are brought together , ♦ f * Baeh Beterf eat THf GtCAT ATLANTIC A POCMC HA CO«#AMV. OT in our prescription department » “ * for ewfwuatic wotkoet Prices effective throufk Saturday, ^ugust 4th Regular M ce m Super M arkets oe^ Self Service stores oeUy. to help us render . ompetent profeaeional service Witk Ids I Ik. uper JrJarkcts fo r the protection of your health. •ffla M All T o h atro Product*. HuiH MilL an«l Alroh<»lie T k l t Wook * Sp o clo l^ S : 5 9 * Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. 475 RIDGE ROAD, NORTH ARLINGTON, N. J. L e v y ' s pharmacy, inc.

a t o a __j_____ =, ; v p cn TUBr. ana,-rl Tl»..n inurs. Tilltttt Ot m CrMau ciiy Tillrm 4iv A p.m. «n L ^® F* two r s s p* A r k in c i Are 299 STUYVESANT AVE. GE 8-1024 PAGE EIGHT T l t t COMMERCIAT. I.EADER AND SOUTH BERCEN REVIEW THttlKmT. AWttWt £ 1

w t iv c Bt s gone ‘ T'omalav.irc p' .1 0 11 iM I^ Ir nn« B U S ill Shabunia ,ot lhe last out of •ack Uw hooks and sank Into c h a in «y were silent as thej lyndH ursf A m ericans R otated, Ihe itining and ended S a J d lc SPORT-WISE v ix w a tofor Bridle. T o ta ls B ro o k 's scoring. Fltthiithing is a tremendous sport: how popular it has l ♦yndhuist A ll-S ta rs Lose Q u arter dem e Final 18-2 Thc locals scored their sec- U w u a b alm y July morning when thc twin-screw M*i;ctr • an be seen off the Ashing batiks. Tlicre are boats by the hund unich If ond run of the game when leiu, a sturdy little vessel ol indeterminate o*e. pulled cul ol tods: party boats, charter boats, private boats. Hie it. cf IVft-inling D i-lriii 5 climti|iioui> Lyndhurst Am rri- with two outs in the last of u u u u s d o i k in l~ .«ue, skippered by hoy Muse'tier of Tlie Department of Conservation hia a real problem in con j j & m L ^b tin . w en riiuti-d out uf thi* year's tourney 18 lu 2 lait *ixlh ‘n"ln* Bywlaw Woods. Aboard was a goodly com; j n y (rum SoyOt trolling the sport. Controlled it m u st h i -Junther if _ . . . . . ’ r i i i . WQlkrd *nd Ri«uto dou- I tie-.lav mglit in a ihntnrl i(iiarttar-linal pnnr played at |>lcri Berfen. includii.i; Joe Kelly, the Noith Arlington l»wytivH5r. “A lot of us who make our living out of thus are worried," ic rro , 11 u WodoOtowskl o l Lyndhurst: Mike Wogash . ...— of llasbroiKkHasbri **M Messmer “But the hundreds of thousands of sportsmen fo h n so n , c ijSuddel Rmuk. ITir loss came after a IM victory by Hansen went all the way fo r 'zarnccki. a n e i* n ts -- n e w owner of the Sollas Court ai’aitments in L>nd ^ho derive so much pleasure out of fishing have a m uch b iggei ijManap-r Hill Bello’. A f rican 1 ^ all-star, over hurst Ed Dunn, operator of the biggest wrecking rigs in Nr* take. It Is not somethlnf to fool about It is serious W c cai. iX v ln e, 2b T u « “ohn ■Savuul y* editor dfMete oar M lttf m U t just a* w* ran the buffalos uff th e Vlbnnesf OjVlfllMHni. (Struck out seven and walked . wer* tbc t*"!rt Carefully packed aboard were plains." ______^•a Ru sso lb 0 Joe Guastello. a lefthander third inning gave Saddle Brook six The Lvndhurst hits were three tins of chum—chewcd up moss b u n k e r s -a salad of butte. I i MOW Jftnfrs rVOM THK BRINY feller. cf 0 who performed for thc Fire another tally. The game turned registered by Rizzuto. Scotti, stM e h.^kMh^'!' ^ an L,rule"- “ lormer Point Pleasant all Kishing [or blues in August and Scptcmtxr should bt- top RubertoiM . If °! !X*partment during thc reg u lar into a complete rout in the .!**•• Guastello, and Nick Bar- stale basketball center who m now a sophomore star of the ! notch, It-1-*n -- g by'------catches*-*y- in Jun« and July. • ^allaghei p 0, cason. retuived the pitching fifth Inning when Saddle Brook atta. Rider College. Trenton, team. M u ll aiw . p islon of M*h and Ga*ne in thc Department of Con o! tod. The lefty failed to finftfh scored eight more runs. j ..ood-Ridge won the Dis- JcacchctM. p Messmer set the course of tbi- Magdalena for thc waters off' crvMUtti andd Economic Dc\ elopmcnt note* that thc fish usually 0| lie first inning as Saddle Thc first two hitters reached }r ic i A tlt!r Saturday afternoon —1 Irook scored eight times. ja c k e ts ", !!'P V " ' , Uli,t, ,hc uu“'r '"'appear for a month after an early flurry in late May base on a hit and a base on; ^ Rutherford Amcr- 'Totab 2.1 2 wr^ed Oi^or » “ " comfortable, indeed But thc sun year, however, good catches were reported nght through June 51 Tlie first three batters of thc balls After a pop out pitcher j” *1*, J ® in seven innings o n 0001 s p a rk le d out of a clear sky. Thc water rose in easy swells "buM iir tETf. D un»-Te i single .1 nnd then tlfo H ansen w a lk e d to load the „ dwTn^ 2 aSnddle h a rdI ly a white-cap visible anywhereany* here ' L, W ' U lhc 5'car i,r?,aVaM#b^ L y n d h u i t 100 .-o -* ,5 3 £ and four other slnglc- bases, ^teve Durkovic then and Rutherford 'Thingsin g s look promising, said Messmer who w ho has taken overove, Lr 'V "* Ml >».>■.. US. f . l t __ < .1 < " ^ _ spearing or silversides for bait. Small H ie double header was play , were knockcd out l>cfore relief* slammed a four bagger for four ‘Ad««d .^ndhurst Nationals 8- the vesael from his father, one of the best known sport boat! - - ^ ' u ,i-n* 0 in semi-final games ures also can be used wifiUn a fly rod or bait casting outfit. •d uikIci threatening skies and 'P itc h e r Ted Shoebndge got thi* m ore runs. s k ip p e rs on thc coast but one never knows Wc had a goou Wood-Ridge will begin sec- ra ilin g f th e p re lim in a ry got o ff to a 1final out Thc winners got a However the scoring was not * day yesterday and a bad day thc day before How can you tell*’ casting for adult blues is done with rut bait or lures. , A t i tional play tonight in Living- Who ever talks to a fish** Most blueftsh are taken at off-shore ledges M any c h a rte r ate stiwt when the New York1*1"*1* in ,he top of the Diamond lost their way com- •sccon° frame on a walk, a hit md" hi. "hiu rt err°^i «ton again,, llohoken Southern THE FUN BEGINS boats and open party boats arc a vailab le and, two hit batsmcrt , .. scored , i ne iour remaining .mn s . inimk ing out from Long Island. j batsman, and a single. four runs to make thc score * After a three-quarter hour run and with thc Iym* Branch A w w lw ry Rocks is a well-known "hot spot" for trolling. shoreline within easy sight, Messmer cut back thc engines F a rth e r out. boats use chum ground from oily fish to attract The New York iBssics prc-| [.yndhur t cut Saddle Brook 18'1 bt,orf' rclicf pitcher Mike (Continued on Page 10) cn te d a strong cast headed by |cad tn Ulcir „ a | f of th , ______‘•Let's g o ." he said. blues. Bamegat Ridge, near thc famous light, and Kive-Fathom .nanaget and -jc^ ftrler Mau- serond on „ scrlcs l>f walks ______Thc mate, a wonderful lad w ith a big smile, sure hands and B a n k , off C a p e M ay. arc two popular places i sp arp #*ns4- „f humoi lit the butt, rii h into strips Mes.sinei Much of the co lo r o f perty-boet fishing for blues w as ca p ­ w n OaKiti and had little dif- llol) fladung. Ernie Costa, Kick ,lru 'ty,. >>Jjb sihi||o off handed out *hort boat io** “nd Tippy Sitzier finished!heV'unc^ flcidinr Gas Boilers and Water Heaters "Hook him,” called t h e m a le . j M atty Tomalax.ige held Tat 1 „ Prerl Gallagher went 3 inn 1 “P Carol Dletzmann. the Co- JJT Kelly yanked C aru ccP s LyndhurstLvndhurst All Stan a|)d u|> 4 ^ E d s tw irle r was the victim ol and 5,r0nR ,hro* l"'! a rm " I ’v e got h im .’’ he .said He p.ullcd in a two-pound bluefish ^ l Is C lean A K ronnniiral leaped again. al championship competition Duro-Test Corp AB R Hjfense. Ann Farrell. Mane ment George through Steve "Grab it/* yelled thc happy mate ,,nd ra,eJ toP* in N*“w Shave, 2b 4 1 2 Schrimpe and Dolores Ostrow- Cagnacci has carried out all ar- Slop See or Call Kelly pulled. This time he had one that ran over two Sof1tbaM circles, had the game Zukowski. cf 3 1 1 ski all collected 2 base knocks rangemcnts for these outstand p o u a d s . under control, striking out 9 Hudako, if. lb 4 1 1 Pacing the Castle Lane Co-Eds ing girl soft-ball nines to show Then it was the docs turn He pulled in a two-pounder A,1*S(ar s«in*ers during tlu Maresca. lb 3 1 2 were a pair of favorites. Joyce their wares in Lyndhurst an­ Then Dunn yelled he had been hit Then it was the editor. | “ S™*. .of V**"* . J r t 0 0 0 WiegaiKi and Tam McKenzie n u a lly . i R. Wilson WY 1 - 5969 M ik e Wogash. the most experienced fisherman aboard, Charlie Scrivanich was hit Considine, If 3 0 0 with 2 hits apiece N Y Diam onds 150 02— 8 '>y a pitch in the bottom of Turner, s.s calmly smoked his pipe 4 1 1 On defense Ann Farrell bc- C a stle La n e C o -Ed s 011 00— 2 the 1st. Nick Iandoli sacrificed Wares. 3b 116 Ridge Ruud North Arlington **Mey. Mike.” yelled thc mote, "when do you begin." 0 hind the plate, throwing out a Galvin. Sitzier and Farrell. “W h e n the ftsh are ready," Mike said His line yanked. 1 him to 2nd. Charlie then stoic Lucarello. c lrd and tallied on^a wild pitch Th*** was a swirl of s ilv e r and fire. In the water thc great fish, to get Lyndhurst "off in front. fr«t»k:ally sce-sawing in an effort to break loose, was being furn'e’r .in.led to open thc pulled toward the boat w L i l t w . a. . . 2nd- advanced sa crifice ! said calmly as he lifted a three- p o u m ™ r ; , r c "*,u ,,,,ea a ,nrp°- t i l i t 0" 2nd a ja y jg ^ lT k y“rk ,m° ,hehLo‘ t “ ,h : Jot'.o°kn^ C the “count. Duro- a feather of spray and the look ol pure silver about them. 1 fest nir hed 3 more acro«« ini ^ •ttte fterc,lv'CTh!m' “nd 'Th*1 Th‘ y ,,rikK ha:d “,Kf ,h0> lh e 3rd on Chaves double. Ma P * “J™**8 day wus hrulal Tl‘c '«»•»; resca's single. 2 walks and a * " Un“ ' IT »«"• u( throwing error,. Henry | . . . C H I m D O K S I T I Johnson reached on a dropped It ia the chum that attracts the fish. Some fishermen deplore throw with 2 out in *1'- th a t sty le of fishing. Some say they won t cat fish that have md Captain John -hL-cln‘",ij v i I, nm, Tim I, i As for thc eating, there are many witnesses in South Bergen io left center, scoring who will testify that thc chum-caught fish of that party were A dropped fly in left. Mares- j ca’s 2nd h it and a th ro w in g The deed was committed between the hours of seven and‘error accounted for Duro-1

SHfNANDOAH VAUiY ^ h e n s 6 9 c ^ F O W I US TO 4.1S Uff SHTSVIUJ U ali I n llw Bonui Stkhar ROASTHK CHICKEN. 3 9 TURN EYS SCAOY■ TO COOS 3 % 9 H M Hems lilted beta* TOUNC TINOSS M P , OVlS 4-fc. USS # I MUMf TIMflll No (ottpont Nettled luy oil you ■tmi1 TRY SAVING! DUCKUNCS >45 •"X O* ROASTING CHICKEN*. 49 CHKKEN BREASTS ‘ TWO a v e MM oscssao wmou ^ M. 50 S f 89 ,V,SCWAT,° • UN MA1A»V ENRICO PIZZA MIX f r y e r s r a a a » J | SQUAB TOUNC TfNOVt WITH »JKhAM Ot IT’S MUCH FASTER! 1 I PHEASANTS 50 . MX HOI UM BUM ST AMPS PARO DOC FOOD IMAU-UAN CSANOUMON Saving can make wishes comc true. HOO»ADO I.« QUALITY SPAKHIBS FRANKS MAY 50 ■ 3»e|M M o A • mawumon Sart saving today systematically and 59 ‘ SUCiO BACON BlIM STAMPS r DELUXE CAKI MIXES you will find your dreams soon he {-wnrmmmsvai------realizations. 50 k maw ii-oj cam IIUI S TAMPS J PCNCUW SOSA - VINE RIPENEDNED EARN 50 “•mT c- BlUl STAMPS RttSMPAK COffH & * 0*1 Crop* « *■«< 9 WILMCK S BCSM •m* m (mau o* 50 I PIC QWAUTf MAS Pa* * Accounts 0|ienei] Ily I I,c lotli e y d e w s 4 9 h SlJt SI«WP^ CNKSI LOAF Darn I rum T he 1st 50 : mi wa sta* s 10^39* | CUCUMBERS sr 5_25‘ | LETTUCE j s . 2 . 15 m m i i a B A t s _

— n — b—'n i ' a 1 'i i i i iipp * \ c c o iiiiU IiiMtrcil HAS- NMUO VfOI» ASKS- SUCCOf A SH OUALITY AAAID [ .GfNTlC \ t P N M T . I |. I n flO.IMK) SEABROOK FARMS 5 99^ 50 w m n m s IVORY FLAKES s 35c BlOt S T amps GRAPE DRINK 3 7 9 ' 3 0 SlUl S’AMPS QUARTERLY 0,ADI^ A MfOIUM ■ d e v iie d h a m 3 9 I i n i f t n S m u ON Y o i k s a v i n g s BUFFERIN A *23; OXYDOl - '« -35' IVORY SOAP 2 r. 3le TlDEDETERGENT^r77' BIUE CHEER 2 5 OPEN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT TOBAY! MlPtt s 32' Bl Ul > I AMPS IVORY SOAP T lx O lJnt Financial Institution In Town — Since 1114 3 s 29- NAPKINS SKES SAIVO DETERGENT a 43' VVAjHtS Mft IT tOMY JOY DETERGENT IMSOfeAi VZI i- 351 IVORY SNOW 35' PREMIUM DUZ otmtiCNr „ IVORY SOAP ia. a jc*p 2 >2 2S* Kearny Federal Savings 4 - “25 IVORY LIQUID 62 DASH DETERGENT ’T 67 'Vfl, ■'ItONfP' ^ _ VCPAPI :|MriN 7 S 7 + PLrNTY or 0ZT SOAP SM- ‘k-M iOtf 3 m. 31* PRUNE JU IC I 39-Ipotato salad 29 Iseneca drink 3 7 9 ‘ rn c c f a h k in o . . f i ' H i i - ;ama t ? - 3 i * at both or nets • l« «|AtN« AVI IIAKMI N i Grand Union, 579 Ridge Road, North Arlington CHARIfRfD and SUPERVISED by the UNHID STfl'lS '-OV;»NM[NT “Instant Redemption Service” Bloomfield N. J. 22 Washington street *

THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, ]%2 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PACE J E 2 ? Elks Club Wins First Gam* In Best Of Five Series In L L Playoffs lhr Hk» Club went onr game ii|> on ibr Carwei Company in lhr beat of fivr aeriea f o r lhr Townahip Littlr l^rafciir rhampionahip. On Turaday evening al the William F. (>«llaghrr Firld the Klka Club, tbe National League lillelml.len-. downed ibe American League rhampion>. tin- (larurei Company by a 9 lo I afore. The aerie* reaumea lomorrow night with the third game .laird lor Muiidit\ rxrning. If lhe fourth and fifth gamea are Here are seme fkhlng tips—feed from s#w swHI th m en d ■Mraaary ihe\ mill hr played nr*l Tburaday and on ’ ef November. During these months ever 400 M Mon.|«>. Augual 13. ]«cUtiv. N..,on.i Laa«ua pan- seven stefes from Rhode Island fe Delew ere wfM bo son* pet in? in tfce I*** Anneal «. J. »< hoofer Self W ater Wsh- Mane^ei Carl McDonald and j n a n t w ith a 13 a n a d 2 reco i J in g Contest. The rttree species eligible in Iks contest aro C o a c h Tom Carney who men- will be out to accomplish what stripstriped ed boss, ever IS Ibe. — Moeflsh, ever 4 lbs. —ond toied th* Elk* to its third con-1 (Continued on Page 10) weak fish, ever 4 lbs. 1 Surface pepping or swlaed Hawk's Corner ming plwfts, big spoons ,**1 notwrol bolts se * ideals, i.oi tsm anship and honor inherent in the local league with 30-40 lb. menofllement. c- ftest months ore August ond _ |. i ogram . Im* p ro je c te d in tournament play. Leagues which exer- September. For the big ones ! c u r lhe option to participate, must do so in full compliance try between deybreek ond w ith the rules, a n d in scrupulous regard for those concepts 2 P.M., et dusk end et night. i w h u h are Ihe s tr e n g th of Little League It m ust be accepted by those volunteering their time to, 1 tarry out the id e a ls of Little League that there will be gnpet- e* Like in the Spring when the auction is conducted following the I try-outs there has to bt* a certain percentage who voice objec­ tions to siime of the selections The same is also true when the i All Stars are chosen by the managers toward the latter part of underwater plugs work. May# Jane and M y Ju n e T h is has been so for th e 13 years the program has been are taps in tha bays. THaeo 9 sponsored by the Department of Parks and Public Property and can be casskt * ** ~ will continue foi many more years to come NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGI'E ALL-STARS: Repreaentiiu the Itidgr nipped Rutherford Americans 1 to 0 in an extra inning rime. Schaefer b ut w hat irked this writer, who also serves the Little I National League All Star* in the annual Little league In tern a lilt A s the boys posed for Sports Photographer CHrar Pastore's wishes yea luck with it League program as the Player Agent, while the National League tional Tournament are players from the six teams in the leasue. tamer* thry were in the front row, from left to right, Frank »glg Ones” All-Stars were celebrating a IS to 4 victory over North Arling­ Tbe All-Stan romped over North Arlington American* 15 4 in Virdiello, Frank Servideo, Mike Murray and Joe Abate. In the I ton and the American league All-Stars were on their way to a tbe first round of the District V play and eliminated Kuthrriord second row. Ralph Vuono. (ieorge Ottlein. Ken Basinski, R ay 17 to 3 triu m p h over Wellington, w as a letter received in the Nationals 9 to 1. In the semi-final round at Saddle Brook la-.l K.idlngh and Joe Russo, and in the rear are Coach Tom Carney, - * - 1 m ail by a Little League manager week tbe Rutherford American* scored eight time* in Uir tilth Bobby Banks. Km Inglis. Frank Orellce, Douglas Holzherr and inning to break a seoreteaa duel and eliminate the locals h\ Manager Carl McDonald. The unsigned letter read. “What ip heaven’s name is going an I to • score In the final championship game on Saturday Wood on w ith the Little League this year’ It seems as though, whether F R E E THIS COUPON GOOD FO« FREE o r not a boy is eligible makes no difference, as long as c e rta in m en w ant c e rta in boys We are referring solely to the All-Stars score 4-0. 100 BONUS TRIPLE-S BLUE STJUVS Do you realize th c^ e a re some boys that are already thirteen’ Eight-Run Inning Elim inates Nationals Loopers 1 Lyndhurst wrapped the game] ]: Don't rules apply to all boys, or do only some have to live by up in the fourth frame byscor-, PLUS YOUR RBOUIAS STAMPS th e book and o th e r s get on by who they know The Little | An eight run inning eliminated the Lymllln ir * l to put Rutherford ahead ing four times * Four walks League rules state clearly that only boys between the ages of brought in a run and two more whan * 1.title I rague \n the (Continued on Page 10) and poiaonous. same Lyndhurst team dumped'third base line After a stnke- Ottlein’s bunt w’as the ortlyi, GE. 8 - 9619 Below we are publishing the names of the players and their Rutherford National 8 to 1 in out Ken Basinski forced H. hit collected off Resch The PROVIDED A PURCHASE OP $3.00 OR MOM a til t played at Lyndhurst jleight at third on a groom TRY US TODAY date of birth as listed in the local Littlv League records, as righthander struck out nine and g IS M AD AM S AT THE SAM SAME E TIME » i i F ire balling righthander John js b o r t. listed o n th e ir birth certificate* and a* listed on the Tournament walked fuur Inglis fanned four FOR LOW REASONABIJ: I umit. t couton f m M a iR T ■ Team Eligibility Affidavit for 1962 Resch fared stylish lefty Ken The third baseman atte1 \ • i iinrl issued two bases on balls PRICES ON flEW C M C AMERICAN LEAGUE In g lis of the locals in theRuUi-jto double Basinski at tli ' but Joey Abate received the TRUCKS A PARTS 1 . J o h n O d d o M a rc h 1ft, 1M 0 e rf o r d American-Lyndhurst Na-,threw the ball past firs The.pitching nod from Manager Ihu ami pwwbw eenfiens expire August Bib lionet game With tw o out in ; ightfiOdur p4eyetle righty 4. Robert Fladung November 10, 1848 Lyndhurst. N. J. ft. Ri.herl Sihilto July 7, 1850 Roach for walks But the Ruth-'score from first. responded with a beautiful four 6 Lionel Shoebridge August 24, 1950 e r f o r d hurler got out of th« The score remained dead M 7 Rrnest Costa December 3, 1950 '■me by fanning George Ott-.locked until the fift'i inning The home team scored in the 8 Richard Rizzuto September 29. 1949 With one out Ray Sehak w>-lfirst mniAfc on an error and a 9 Allan Nasta J u n e 9. 1950 Meanwhile Inglis retired the gled. John Kelly waU« J. and double by Ralph Vuono The 10 Joaeph Guastello September 14, 1949 first six batters to face him Pierce singled to :■ d tn. locals came back with three In the last of the third inning bases With a three ..nd two runs in Ihe second frame Sin- 1 1 John Guastello October 29. 1950 I-W A Y A U T O Ihe ninth batter in the. win-j count first baseman Masaki gles by Doug Holzherr. Basin- 4 - 12 Victor Villanova J u ly 19, 1950 ners line-up Ed Pierce singled Kanda slammed a gr.>nd slam ski Abate, and Vuono account- 13 Nicholas Baratta O c to b e r 8. 1949 for the first hit of the game home run over th»- '«‘t field ed for the runs and made the 14 Michael Shabunia December 31. 1949 NATIONAL LEAGI’E 1 Ralph Vuono M ay 3, 1950 2 Joseph Abate A u g u st 15. 1949 Safety Service 3 Douglas Holzherr F e b r u a r y 9. 1950 4 Kenneth Inglis A u g u st 18. 1949 5 Robert Banks September 20. 1949 8 Raymond Radleigh J a n u a r y 18. 1950 7 Frank Nardiello O c to b e r 18, 1949 8 Thomas Lindsay A p ril 17 1950 M Kenneth Basinski J u ly 4. 1950 10 Michael Murray September 20. 1949 1 1 George Ottlein A u g u st 18, 1949 Tuesday thru Thursday 12 Frank Servideo O c to b e r 14. 1950 13 Frank Orefice M ay 12. 1950 WHO : e M 95 M OST CARS 14 Joseph Russo A u g u st 2. 1949 SELLS Little League regulations on age of players is that a boy w ith the Little League age of twelve years, ia one born between THE BRAND ONLY * 4 ...... A ug ust 1. 1JM9 and July 31. 1950. As you can see the date of b irth s of the entire two All-Star squads are all within the I WANT? ; W a ...... rules Anyone, with proof of any dishonesty of the age of any boy chosen on the All-Stars will do the successful Little League pro g ram throughout the country, Justice by reporting the inct dent to Little League Baseball, Inc., Williamsport. Pa •‘C r * * o :

BETTER DRIVEWAYS Every day, hundreds of Asphalt Macktop Public Service linemen climb utility poles to help PARKING LOTS, CURBS ft CEM ENT W ORK keep your electric service Here’s W hat We do . . . at its best. But many rim Kflk-lmt aad Tialaa* poles have become so ( ? ) B R A K E S WE TRY TO MAKE • Pull Front Wheels covered with metal nails • Inspect Linings BEST AND • Inspect Wheel Cylinders, beats and staples that it has • Check Pedal Pressure • Add Fluid, if needed created a safety hazard. • Check, inspect emergency brake NO rfh 7-8977 • 8842 Hnkaf* Linemen depend on their VIOLA CONTRACTING CO

f##t II rtqulrtd be IK* ▲If# • ia# M Mirel>#lle M lral>#lla IS] W hlltl# Tent Pitching At Town Hall Park Zoning Ordinance nnd Av# WoawiftaK, N j to» l ‘# o » l# ‘a Reinauer Moving Lyndhurst Terminal To » M ira It*-lln l i W h ittle I.H-at#d nt I Tl** determination of Ih# Board A v # HhmmA#l4. N J fTyndhurat, N of Adjuetn.ent ie eve I In hi# for In Thr Lyndhurst D iy m rr rerrralion program. Fr* H Mayfcaum. S& Rim Court. Ro <»h)e« tlona. If any. abouid b# mad# Hackensack Location On 7-Acre Tract "P#cttnn al Ihe oflh# of Ih# H#«r# Omi ri*. N J Itim.edlalelv In writing to Kr#d O. Camp began^it* *n-ir» of Children l*B»n nrrivin* at '•ry. \lftnhlpal Building, I,yndhur#t. at f.. It holder* hrldtng one or more Tauh. Municipal Clani of Lyad- N # » J# r# # > , ' „ • iTV . i . 8:1* pm »nft immediately *ei p#r <-#ntum of th# atoefc of eald huret. !*C#w Jera#y. A new million dollar fietroleum distribution Inilk four all night rampouts last to wo7K „ ,tled in their liOl’18 M TIHHIKKK w »ora t ton PMOPLICH PHARMACY. IMC. shrubs and benches at the cen­ S e . t r l n H / .if on a# M Mlrah#lla. I»S W Mtll# Alfona# M Mlrab#Ra. Free terminal capable of -luring 120.INKI barrel* of jM*lrf»lcum ter of the building Friday evening on the Town tent* B y 9 o'clock a h la iin x n » t # « A u c u it X. IM S A\ r., Bloomfield. N. J . ■ III Whltll# Ava. i~‘------~ “ rt« e : l i N goa# Mlraholla. 191 Whittle Run# Mlrahella* Mncty prndixlx. a 7..*>00 m j . fl. o f f i r r building of striking con­ The building wnl be equip­ Hall Park property. Thin ii r*mpfiro *«.< in evidence and A B lo o m fie ld . N J IS? W hittle Av*. Blool ped with the latest in heating . , ...... children and counselor* net to NOTICB ' r«t Mayltaum. » Kim Court. Ho I >ated July M Aug I. IM! temporary dfMjtn anil a I.VOtMl m|. ft. warrhoune ami part of thr township e wum- w o r |< toastins marshmallows Credit era of Anthony J Bofdano- - H. J. r### iu si maintenance shop area, n ill Im* eomtrueted al llie fool and washed air conditioning 'T.’f*.* *•*•••**• ate by #rd#r oi systems to be installed under and singing around the Are • ILL P, JOB. Hurrogat# of B m w 10:30 pm. found the campers • 'ounty. dei^d Jun# SS. IMS «pon of EmI Broadnj) in H.ick«*n-acL b\ Reinauer Hrnllters the direction of Gordon Reuf- •i* lone „f th# au b«cr I bar »oti auer. Vice President in charge 25th Reunion settled for the evening and i#d lo bring l« tbelr dahta. . v f e - petroleuhi distributor- in Northern Neu Jer**e> ami ready for an outdoor sleepout "and* and rlalma agalnat hla «e e t a l e of the company’s Heating Di­ T ully, K#q Viola Brothers, Inc ject - lhe firat of iU km.I in llti- area • wa- made lodny designed for expansion. breakfast was served at 7. If T h e class of 1BB7 is p lan n in g 14 WUaon’Ilaon Ava.Av#. by B. F. Reinauer. president of lh e Reinauer organiza­ The bulk terminal installa­ you were passing Town Hall at ■ram ft. t t J . 25th anniversary reunion to A tto r n e y _ tion will N; the latest in de­ that time you would have be held on October.27th at the smelled the fragrance of ham Wanda Bogdanowln tion. sign with loading racks for rtratat IR. 180 W ASH ING TO N AVENUE, NUTLEY, N. J. A 7 acre tract with rtSO fl Burns Country Inn, 955 Valley I tank trucks an.l trailers to pro and eggs and fresh coffee for Lyndhurat, N 1. of frontage on the Hackensack The move mark* « giant Road. Clifton the grownups The children en MRMMI ''rl* vide foi loading I) trucks at one River has already heen ar Jude forward for the Rein- The committee of arrange joyed a breakfast of c.real.!P2r,5» I. *. t«M: - Phone NO rth 7-7000 time The special racks will be quired for the project. The mer 0 1gamzation. which was ments has difficulty in find juice, ham. eggs, milk and buns property was purchased from established m 11124 The firm equipped with high speed ing the whereabouts of some of pumps to assure quick service the members of the class Any­ T h ir t y tw o ch ild re n and 15! „ tNO™ . * „ Qcoric Brewster and Son thru has grown steadily into one of co u nselo rs and j r cou nselors d#. #na#d. nr# by ord#r cf O il } t c . and fast delivery Refined pe­ one knowing how to contact Ciancio and Herold. K ftie largest distributors of pa­ under the direction of Mia.iff* ii..1*™ ? troleum products will be de­ any of the following list will late Broker of Bogota. Repre troleum products in this arra Mildred M Renehan took part tion of ______tenting Reinauer Brothers in The office and warehouse livered to the terminal via favor the class if they will no­ COMPLETE LINE O F, barges tify Mrs Frank (Helen Carel­ m the avenin*. .Civi.ies AllCatT'JCJ the transaction was John W have heen designed hy tl boys parth ipated A third structure - a mason­ la) Pollara. at 319 Livingston in th is w eek > oath, within Mi month* froiu. nbov# Griggs, of Morrison. Lloyd and Kranklin Reinauer, II. Vice affair Next week 40 girls from »*at# BUILDING MATERIALS Griggs of Hackensack Helle President «»f the company I)on ry warehouse - will be used Jor Ave Phone GE 8-2083 Nug#nl A Ruaao. Kaqa the d ay cam p w ill h ave th e ir ;,2I H#raen a" the storage of motor oils, lu ­ Those not located thus far gran and Pellegrin of Newark t|(f Kisrher, AIA, Architect of night out in the town park J#r##y City. N J. i were the attorneys foi the vV’imhI* I if f Lake developed bricants. automotive accessor­ are Edythe Gilpin. John Mey A tto r n e y / Insulation WOOL and BOARD ies and heating equipment er. Lucille Cook. Alton Tucker. Mildred Stanley I Brewster Company plan> and specifications Arc T # w n 171 K y iv a n 8 t r # # t. ' The main Reinauer term inal.. hitecturally. the office will add This building will also include Helen Hixson. Clemens Krupa. PU BLIC Rutherford. N J ' Anna Brooks, Anne Stolte, Do­ B O A R D O f ADJUSTMENT SHEET ROCK — ROCK LATH , presently located in Lyndhurst • n unusual and imaginative ed a maintenance shop, auxiliary R# Vartan • rothy (Hernandez) Eyzaquire. will be moved to the neu head lice to Hackenack The main offices, and a soundproof con­ cint-elon# f ' ssir*: '***- * * « <»*> trol center for radio-dispatched Lawrence Meyer. Walter Nel­ Ix t 3& In I ii ... -hown on _ quarters upon its completion .1 j ice building will be circular th e L .v tid h ti' - n t M ap son. Howard Sarrelly. Harriet arlame to #r#ct ai NOTICB • ' j r expected in the Spring of l!Mi3 n design, measuring approxi- tank trucks and heating serv­ A p p ro v a l 'i ice division vehicles Savage. Edith Fritz. Jack Bos front addlt i‘.r one tl> l>#drooml Take notlc# that apt#lratlon haa The new terminal b« mg inately 125 ft in diameter The a n d o n e 1 1 > ii itiK nmm. with an In- h##n mad# to th# Roi.'d of t*om chen and Ida Bravakis. erected, according t< exterior walls will consist of In addition to its present fa­ «ufft«-|#nt r* -r \ttrd »nd IriKuffh lent ttilaalon#ra of Ih# 'f»»nihlfc o cilities in Lyndhurst. Reinauer ■•Id# y a r d h - t ..|t i l r e d h y th e Z< n - j l.yndhurat, N’ J . tn tranafeT ti officials, in order to provide .• modular units of glass and pie- ln« Ordinal ■ of Ihe Townahlp o of i i l*»ople'a e o p ie h rnarmacy. l'hariiia>> It*. . «M c'orporc'orpor- Flintkote Asphalt Roof Shingles more centralized location f--t cast masonry panels, with ex Brothers has auxiliary termin­ M r and Mrs Frederick l.> n d h u r a t I:atl«tn a t Ion tradltiK tradlna aa Poo»li*'a F*eop»^ a FharmY*\ ary. It# Varlai • (|>p!lr#mlaea at ?#* Itldg# Road speedtei service and distiibu tenor surface jjX. white river als in Ridgewood. Mahwah and White and daughters. Cheryl Hand Corpot • mn. under tonlrarl to l.yndhurat N J Ij jena# No I>-J. Agriculture Line - Driveway Stone tion of the company a. lift * to ' 'tones Modular precast curved F o rt Le e and Carlene. 379 Roosevelt l»uy frtmi • i rha Bayer th# own#r ornctns r-fc t*r* mt nhmrn tm to its widening marke t The and tapered panels w ill pro Ave.. are back from a vacation r f tjnx ft. t*tj A tfo n n # m Mtr«ra«nM. Pr##td#nt. Mr and Mrs John Caffrey tour to Niagara Falls and Tor- th# l.yndh' A«ae«i>in#nt Map iv: W hltth Av# . IfncmaoM. N J. River Street site provides vide the roof structure. The_ A p p ro v a l liftlnc reatrlrtion of r r« d M ay h a u n t. T r e a a u r e r . 2 i K im laitatioR Tile Boar* quick accessibility to Routes 4 outdoor theme in contemporary and daughter. Jean, of Wilson ohto. Ontario. Canada, then to Soctlon 'p' Mule XII. aa amend Court. Hcuth Orangg*. N. J. Avenue, are back from their Lake Paupach. Pa., where they ed, of Zon, n i irdlnanc# to permit Ro*o * Mira hei la S#.retary, and 4ti th- new Bergen Kx architecture will be accented th# #rewth>t f h one family dwet- W hlttl# Av# . Bt*»y a courtyard with trees. vacation in the Poconos were guests of relatives. lin g o n a ha\In g[ i#aa th a n O l f t l C T O W The Voice Of Stuyvesant Avenue Merchants LYNDHURST SPORTS SHOP South Bergen's Leadinq Jeweler WEbatrr 91076-7 SAFARS 219 Stujrveaint Avenue Lyndhurat S. POLLINA, JEWELER The Bogle Aqency Inc. Hamilton - Gruen • Butova Watches PARK CLEANING COMPANY GE 8-8903 Jeweli By Trifari and Coro Same Day Dry Cleaning Service REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE WE BUY & SELL VSED BOATS A OUTBOARD BUDGET and TIME PAYMENT PLAN EXPERT REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES MOTORS—WE BUY A SELL USED GUNS (INCLUDING SATURDAY) “ Service Ail-K ays* 238 Stuyvrsant Avrnur Lyndhurat 215 Stuyveaant Avenue, Lyndhurat. N. J. GE 8-9421 300 Stuyvesanl A v e . Lyndhurat, N. J. WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING WINES* B E E R SALE M E r S KODAK Fast Dealer j'twf f»«*.it« Kiosdt llwaill Marti'” ' SAN CARLO RESTAURANT Authorized C OLOR Service Mb Ml* IN M»N0 rxoM pr f/ta D (iive*y S W I M S U I T S FACILITIES FOR BANQUETS SAME DAY FILM DEVKI.OPINC; AND PARTIES IW E ssrt^-gl^l 1 EXCEIH SATURDAYS punTOSTATS $ 1.99 reg. to $5.00 / ' IEFORE 9:30 -KEADY 4:30 P.M. ™ U iu s iA n LYNDHURST MEN'S SHOP Featunnf Sixxlinf Sleakt / ’f a t * * * . 298 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst CAMERA HOUSE whiU you w,i' XI* iruyitviMT »* f •'uim iuOT 213 Stnyvrnant Ave. 300 ('opelaml Ave. (cor of Stuyveaant) WE 9-9003 WEbater 91260 Wedding» & Birthday Caki’S • A V I M O N IY • » mm NCa Get Full flou*»e Power! Hall for a Free Fatimafe A U T O LO A N SPINA S FLORIST on o New 2 2 0 Y'olt-3 Wire Service Today. JER R Y’S BAKE SHOP A. Chasar & Son 242 Stuyve»ant Avenue Fresh Cut Flower• 237 Stuyvesant Avenue vmlhurst, N. J. GE 8-4684 I'ottcd Plants Funeral Design Our SpacimUy GEneva 8-4505 Open all day Sunday, Closed MnniUrvt "W e do all types of electrical work" 221 Stuyreaant Avenue GEneva 8-1234 RELIGIOUS GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS


\ SAVE 2 0 %

▼BIT o m NEW MODERN STORE CASH A CARRY I C S S SWANK — LTIXIT1 _ BARBIZON F O R T U N A A Hour Smrvicm on Request O ffic ial Girl Scouts Headquarters IBB Btayvcoant A venae GEneva 8-77 U 163 Stuyveaant Ave. GE. 8-0879 i« m n uraca Happy Vacation It's a Pleasure to WILLIAMS’ DOT. STORE

H OU SE o r 1 BB1 ITEM S ft " f w ear clothes cleaned at Largest Selection^ of Drive Safely C ards - D ecorations Toys and W rappings FELDMAN CLEANERS I n T o w n USE OVK LAYAWAY Ft.AN Pleat and Main Store at 2 0 0 Stuyveaant Avenue A v a u a W Prescriptions Plumbing Sup|>liea — Pipe Cut To Si*e Footsteps • Baby Needs F IN E S H O E S a Ceametlcs CHILDREN a Sandrlea Plumbing R e i d Heating 6 k * J b * TEEN-AGERS SHOP BOYS Showroom Yard Deatrned ta Kaae S t o i Little Feet Normal Liao af Slekraom SappUea 124 Stuyveaant Ave. 136 Perk Ave. m i DELIVERY — Mt Valley Brook Men a Wanes w e i - u a T ' GE 8-7896 STUYVESANT AVENUE Open 9 Till 9 LOCALLY A ve, Bacle Bid* N . PALAZZO GEneva 8-1026 Remodeling Bathroom — Jobbing Doctor’s Prescriptions FUM ' Electric Sewer Cleaning T5RIIHSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1%2 t o p : o o m k r c i a l L E A H S a n d s o t t h m c R f re vteW

M r and Mrs William Al- and daughters, Gail and Lori,. M r „ a n d M rs R o b e r t Jf. E l o g b re c h t, of Fair Lawn, son and! Oriental Place, spent the past I lor and children, Robert and A V daughter-in-law of Mr and week camping near Delaware'Patricia, 671 Chaaa Ava., ara M rs E d w in A lb r e c h t of 3121 W ater G ap . On their retumjback from a vacation spent at Forest Ave. aj-e the parents of trip on Monday they stopped Miami Beach LeClona iParade daughter. Jeannette, born on at the Presbyterian Youth J u ly 16th They have two sons Camp at Johnsonburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ana* a n d another d a u g h te r . I brought iheir daughter. Su- trudi, 461 Jauncey Ave, are |san. who had heen there a back from a vacation at Dowr Barringer » Walker Squad- O ra n g e VA H o sp ital, F rid a y , M r. a n d M rs Anton Renz week, home with them S h o res. ron 13#, Son* of the American A u g u st 10. The ward in w h ic h Legion, will be represents] at bingo will be played has a| the first annual convention ofi number of incapacitated pa- the department organization to tients who require assistance' Do be aura you have, v anough of these be held this Saturday after- such as holding tha board* o i noon. August 4 at H a rv e y’s m oving the numbers. The hos-j Grove, Hamilton Road, New pital party will leave from the! “REAL FRUIT"! ' F L A V O R IT E S Shrewsbury, by Captain Wil- Post promptly at 6:30 and j v i l l j liam Toles and three of his he back in Lyndhurst by ™ 30 itaff, Barry Toles, David Toles If more convenient you can a n d Ja c k R y a n J r All mem- meet the g ro u p on th e th ird ! ber* of th e Son* are invited floor of the hospital at 7:00 to attend together with their • • • • • parents. Take the Garden S la te chairman Edward Maher, of P a rk w a y to exit 100B w hich is t he 15 Second A v e n u e a re spending Tom Wells, general territorial *aies manager, look* on. Happy occasion, held at Caughey’s Pine pm The bus will not wait Im iwo weeks at Camp Don Bos East Rutherford, wa* announcement General TlreS of New Jersey is the largest tire late comers. All are familiar| co, Newton. dealer in the state. Photo bv T ed G a lk a with the traffic problem game nights so an early :-tait Mr and Mr*. Salvatore Bar aalSK AS A BROOK . . , im p e rative bieri of Tontine Avenue, cele- conviction. Letcher cautioned DILIOHTFUL AS A D ALII Court Session him to obey the traffic law LeRoy W agstaff • ] hrated their 44th wedding an- d e l i g h t f u l l y b r i s k from now on Art Feitzinger is asking for inversary on Thursday evening Produces Much E tw in B re itk o p f o f 708 3rd Coming Home a few more volunteers t o h e l p \,y v isitin g relatives at Red S R O O K D A L E BEVERAGE CO. I Street, was fineJ $25 and paid at the ward party in the F a s t Bank. Action Tuesday $5 costs on a hit and run, Specialist 4-c Ix- Roy Wag- ♦ ch a rge He saw* hv waa blood*I and Mrs John One charge was dismissed. ; eng so badly from a cut chin Wagstaff of Kingsland Avenue one license i evoked, one licenst jfter_____ an earlyr morning ...... ^ acci-|**[* ^ leave Euiop<'Europe t** come I held and $30 in fines from six June 10 that he did"m>t|hon,e •»*! Monday August 6th. persons collected during tht j ,|op when he *lruck _ parked1______after two full yeais in Gei | one hour session Tuesday night vt.hicle. but went home to see mMny lhf Advund We Judge Joaeph K Letcher^ k ow lAdjy he was cut An of-|M°n *>up$oi t Command court | wax at hi* house before, SpefjaUst W agtail reieived! A charge of desertion aiul I he *oi inside, so he loukt no»jhjs training at Kt B. n ; non support brought l y Floi I.eport the incident. #olanin* • Military Police tram etice Muellen of 4.'i0 Itidge R I George W McClughan of 219| in|( #t Ft Gordon, Ga . and then, against Joseph Muellen. was dismissed on a l.fhnirality1 pielded guilty to officer1 naion 'PL lust hebfore he I when Muellen’, lawyer. W.l; ch!,,,, of July 10. of ^ “ ^ ^ o ^ rn ^ iv liam Bivona. said the law read Jrivinu without a license 111 his B E S T BUYS a husband aiid father must | possession He said lie had lost He js a graduate of Queen support a wife with minoi J |m wallet. He showed the of Peace High School. Before! children, but since the couple, judge his license, having found entering the service he was MIRACLE WHIP had no children, the law dtdjthe w allet, and was assessed, with the Bigelow Sanford Com-j not hold. $3 and $2 c o sts.. , pany in H ackensack. Bernard U Strunz, 414 Greg- Carmen Tirone of 237 Wil- =------CAMPBELL'S^. ory Avenue. Weehawken. con- ^ Avenue, changed hi* not Mr and Mrs Charles Wood, victed J u ly 24 of d r iv in g 50 gUjJty pjca o f last week to 533 Fifth Ave, are h o m e fr o m , miles in a 30 mile zone, r aPj I guilty of a parking violation a two weeks motor trip to Nor-■ CHICKEN of SEA w ^ 3 peared but without proof of, and paid ten dollars for his folk. , Va., where they were I having been issued automobile Change of heart guests at the., home of Mr | \ n | H V C W ales's WelcKadd, Fiesta insurance His license was held J Th<- caw of J>mes Wood's parents, Mr and Mrs U IK IIV II9 PuncS. Apple Grape until proof is shown, not laterl^ tm Augusl 14 J R Colley, then to to Lex-, than two weeks htncc (when sentence on a disorderly ington. S C . where they visit­ Jerry Mallor, 510 Walnut St , p^rson conviction is due. ed at the home of Mr and; Elizabeth, charged July 8 w ith Mrs Jesse Gates HEARTS DELIGHT permitting an unlicensed driver | James F Dozier of 213 East- to operate his car, was pro em Way Rutherford, paid Werner Heinemann of 611 nounced beyond the jurisdic-! fine of $10 and $5 cost* of ;Ridge Road. Lyndhurst. an ed- RED CHEEK — . 5 *1 tion of the court, having "ab- court on a charge by officer ucation major student at Drake SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE sconded” Letcher icported. to Charles MuUioon of improper University, was one of six North Carolina. He instructed passing on the right on Ridge Drake University lettermen pil l sb u r y ;;i0 c Court Clerk Arthur Hermann Road on July 5 On July 17* who made the Dean's List r MW 1 tu notify lhe State Motor Ve he pleaded not guilty and wasj „ einen,am, wtll, hi, |,,te, for hide Division that Malloy had told lo reappear Tuesday when FLEISHMANN'S — 35e C k*t his drfvir* privilege in the Officer Muldoon could testify.jlw wlli • state of New Jersey, and t h e ------B M case is closed her? Mr and Mrs Raymond Mor MBS. DANGREN 1 gosh. 501 Fern Ave, entertain MARGARINE ^ 2 “; 33« h * Seventeen-year-old Thoma* pd on Wednesday evening in Guest Home fo r th r A ged IIL# Palaschak. t>0K New Jersey celebration of the first birth- MALE and FEMALE Avenue. Lyndhurst pleaded day 0( ,hCir daughter. Lisa Mi- State Approved A L ctnitd TOILET TISSUES ttr 4 5 39c guilty to illegal use of a red chelle Guests included her flasher and of passing a traf god-parents. Mr and Mis U Y I -'>282 LANCASTER SCAND TOT er SOTTOM fic sign- on July 1 He was Frank Ottlein and their chilJ- Member West Hi/deon Chamber ’ W h ile Of P.nk # o* 400 * FREE! 50 S&H GREEN STAMPS charged by Officer Thomas ren Robert and George, also of Commerce ROUND ROAST -99. Geary He told Letcher he had Nji and Mrs Charles Gian- ?• No. Midland Ave. Kearny q u a r t ( w.a* pwrcKoM e f eny roogtmg F lo o r LANCASTtS SCAND roceived his license in April Kardella and daughter. Rita, SIM0NIZ VISTA Cksnof 8 9 c The judge fined him $10 and an(j Joseph Catania and daugh- TOP SIRLOIN > n 99c $5 costs on the stop sign charge ters Karen and Paula, all of LARGE FANCY Financing O r LANCASTER H a n d a n d $5 and $5 on the "fla s h e r" L y n d h u rst. REX DOG FOOD i r .: 4 9 c In s u r in g ? E T E RO AS T 1.0 9 LANCASTER M AND * ’ t 2 9 c ROASTING R e m e m b e r DAZZLE BLEACH B EEF LIV ER ^ 4 9 . FltlSIO C sue EO It Is your privilege to select D AIRY DIPT BAKERY V A L U E S your own insurance agent, CHICKENS BACON 2 »«■«»' 1 . 0 0 Cktrry N Cktrry Strassel o r broker to write yotiT In­ LANCASTER SftANO SMOKED surance on that new car—-or, Cream 3 oi. in fact, on any property, real 1 0 c PIES BEEF TONGUES -53* or personal, whether you Cheese LANCASTER M AND MIDGET BONUS finance it or not. fvmOMe *- 4 9 * 2 - 1 . 0 0 LIVERWURST - “*35« T h e L a w o f A W J e r s e y now Ice H g a CMOCOlATt KfO p r o h i b i t % a n % o n e financing pur- cartos FROZtN FOODS chute* of m il or personal prop- Cream 59< CHIFFON CAKE - 59< MAGIC! a r t y or lending money on s e c u r- ity of such property from re­ VALUABLE AC HU COUPON "I ORANGE JUICE 8 >1 FULL RATF quiring, a% a condition of such lo a n u r /in < im e u greement, thut Clip Therm-0 -Tumbler | NO WAIT a policy of insurance ur renewal PIES MORTON'S—APPLE or PEACH 2 ^ 49c thereof insuring such property T h is Reg $1 00 And r»rdt«M he negotiated through a particu­ For O n ly 4 f C o« S3 or - o .. lar insurance agent or broker. Coupon m w SEABROOK PEAS 7- »1 SAVE BY AUG. 10th T h e I makes a t u datum a misdemeanor and prondet a % S^brook V«A p e n a lty . N o w ! OM*r Kaptree S s u id o ; Awg««* 4. 19*2IM? P I Z Z A 4 ' s ^ 39c BEANS C**l O r»M I 1 . 0 0 I IMI I t U*epee per foMtly - TSm weefci color Chapter **-PU—■, , EAfxroe S o t. A op. 4. Interest rates are only 94.66 1 Lipwoe Sot 4 ! Kopkee s«e-, Aop 4. 1 «*d Looa Association L M t 1 Cowfton i m i co o p o « i limit I Ceepao fT lfy fS F « Skopp«n« Family. r w rmmrnrf 1 Por Shopping ForoPjr tM VALLEY BLVD. • WOOD RIDGE, N. M. Savino Agency i O p e n M onday E v e n in g s 7:00 to 1:30 P.M. WEbster 9-3400 251 RIDGE ROAD

"Where You Save Does Make A Difference!" LYNDHURST. N. J. GEneva 8-3121 256 - 60 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J. T A G E r o r * 7 THE COMMERCIAL LEADER ANT) SOUTH BERGEN REVTEIf • n W ’RW AT. AUGUST 2. 1902

Movies Are Greater Than Ever S e e O n e This Weekend

W here To Go — W h a t T o D o — W h a t To See In South B ergen

d ate: 2,019.113 common share* Boystown Drum & Bugle Corps O it A J o u r n e y in fiscal 1902 and 1.903,780 lyndhurst Summer common shares durtng fiscal Gil Gothaa Turn* TN Early (his morning, approxi- J n tc p h Wheelan Roth Mr. Red- derer M«reh,M My Impossible m ately — • 4 OBI: Music S c h o o l Concert "S carlettel Townlmen” Drum and Hawthorne Cate Hero* • N Jf | and ”t. R egard s to Hill be hcld Thursday even Bugle Corps of New Jersey’s‘St at r* and National American Br«>adw Record Toll O f $5.5 Int. Au«usl Jnd. • M r M In Boystown. Kearny, left with Legion senior champions Drum, The B'»> st»M n corps would lir Spotlight on Your Start two teachers for a long trip to1 major is Charles Stanek Color mure than pleased to accept a billion Paid by M otorists tbe l.yMUMrxt High Sc be Awnfcary. Maes The journey Guard Captain is Howard Bres- parade < l'»n than 2«H> m iles A m e r i c a n motorists paid a Auditor* tun. ______eorcrlnf eat miles will be ae- ley. laway l! anv - mop. organization record h ig h $5 5 billion in state , nm, , (k . , . n v n ~ „ „!«>mpWi*d using Ihe s*rvlces n tj Thc corps will be travclifts or um iatm n reading thin’ar-J. ______A«lmi»ftion free NEW YORK—Dan Jones of highway-user taxes last year. Nutlu tle lev y hhas sent m * much^ap- Julie Ham* has io be uaed tnl*..c^*rt*ff^ ^ f m r p o s e North with a nine man drum ticle mi^ti' »>«• m need of o musi hut not all of the money was • J I i ??? \ - - 7 ,. . ’0 of the trip will be to have a section, twenty man bugle see- cal unit (•>■ some parade or llHCtl far hichwavs predatedpreciated letter on a recentrcccnt col- promote a piece of nothing Hta (our d. y m Amesburvtlon. ten man eolor guard, .nd w n“ Information may he ob- "" K y umn of ours S<». with thanks A Shot in the Dark' land thc G r a t e r Boston Areatwo banner hoys. A* highlight;, lained and arrangements made, ____ to Dan and gratitude from all ■ - LINCOLN land to parttrtpste In the "Jim -,of their musical rcpertiore the by wrilm f Rev Robert P Egan. of you out there in reader ^ n g n in U A A A t m y T t w f P » r« d e tn Wewbory- corps will play When the at 499 Ifclsiuve Drive, Kearny. 'ote* lhal ccruiir states divert AIR CONDITIONES land. v\e will Itetake ourselves! W v iIS M f IT T port. Mass The parade is thc Saints Go Marching In”; “Thun N J oi t ailing WY 1-3770 ,ed about $400 million to non- Joan Coffins Matinees Daily at 130 p .m . to the swimming pool and let meets Rob Hop* {climatic event to the week-long :------—— ------—— I highway uses. on "The Ru^i t«* Hone K«»nc. Dan take over A r e R il e d Now Playing Thru Tuesday [“Yankee Homecoming Festival." The publication adds that of thr fiinoiis road — Matinee and Evening - I was much interested ut, . n, an annual event in this part of the federal government itself youi recent column on Bren imoirey miam. pr« sKieni. h- through I’nited Artists. At The Lincoln Theatre ‘diverts some $1.0 billion in fed­ Fred MacMurray dan Behan and his play The Bergen County Bankers Associ- tH! ^ A!^ Bing Crosby, of course, isn't far eral highway-user taxes per JLane W ym an Hostage.' for a rathercr tcu m rio,. of course, off- Company of Bergen County.! funded in Newburyport IW is .elude taxes on $0 billion gal Broadway 'A Shot in the Dm k' -Teaneck anniversary year o( thc loos of motor fuel, adding up is Broadway and something of Me selected Angelo Dispcn Coast Guard’s founding h o $3 5 b illio n , plus motor-ve­ M i i r n i l i f a sibling hit zerc Hackensack Trust Com The Boystown drum corps was hicle registration fees an d oth*' Honestly, if one were to pany. as chairman of thc mort- invited to participate in this er carrier fees AIR CONDITIONED compare Off Broadway and committee and Cassius H. P«rade in an unusual manner California led the states in Broadway on the basis of those Daly. Jr.. National Community! ft all started last summer Kallonage taxed (5.9 billion Now Thru Tuesday i two p lays onc would have to Bank. Ridgefield, as vice chair- when a “Name the Corps” con- gallons) and in number of reg* Bing Crosby • Bob Hope confirm that off-Broadway man Also appointed to this test was held among the boys istered vehicles (8.1 million) “ R O A D T O far the greater, the more validI committee were John Jun. Uni at the New Jersey Boystown Other states near the top of HONG KONG" theater of the two (ed National Bank Cliffside Instiution Out of over a hun- the list include Texas. New “Plus 2nd New The night I saw ‘The Hos­ Park, John H Jacobsen. Peoples dred entries the name “Scarlet York. Pennsylvania, Ohio and Technicolor Hit" tage* there was a fine aduience T ru s t C o m p a n y o t Bergen Townsmen" was selected as the Illinois. The total collected was Jim Hutton * Paula Prentiss P lu s in thc 150 available seats ThejCounty. Hackensack; H Fred {best and has been the dram | up 3.6 p er cant fro m 1960 “HORIZOSTAI. Walt Disney’s three-quartei areana stage put Mittler. Citizens National Bank, corps' name ever since Shortly O il F a cts points out that 27 LIEUTENANT** N OAH’S ARK** thc cast practically in the laps Englewood. and Howard G. thereafter, the “9carlet Towns- states have constitutional Sat Mat only. August 4th In Technicolor of thc audience This intimacy Cooper, County Trust Company, men" corps r e c e iv e d w rite u p s i amendments which protect gave rather than detracted,Tenafly with pictures in Drum Corps ■ highway funds against diver­ “HOUSE o r USHER” Commencing Wed Thru from the piny lt wax one off Three past presidents of the World Magazine in Chicago and sion. “I WAS A TEENAGE Sat. Matinee Aug. S-U the most enjoyable nights I association were named to the Drum Corps News printed in FRANKENSTEIN* ” 3 STOOGES IN ORBIT’’ have e ve r sp e n t in the theater nominating committee They Mass. As a result of these white- Mr and Mrs Henry Jacques. Technicolor Cartoon Carnival “MO T H R A ” There was not an off-key note were Kenneth H Dickson. First ups. Boystown was contacted by 517 Weart Ave. entertained at in tbe entire production When National Bank. Westwood, who St. Joseph’s 'Townsmen” Drum N«w playing thru Tuesday at The Lincoln Theatre. Arllngt.iv ., barhecue p,rty at their ho™, _ the performance was over I! will serve as chairman; Jesse A. and Bugle Corps of Amesbury. Wall Disney s "Bon Voyage" in Technicolor, featuring Fred | on ,in Sunday evening., Venin*. Guests J felt that I had knonw the cast Turner. Citizens National Bank, Mass MacMurray and Jane Wyman. ______were Mr and Mrs. Mario Spina forever and I also felt that I Englewood; and Edward„ H A weekly correspondence period the company earned $1,- end children, Mr. and Mrs. l^o- ■ LUMBER And I never wanted to break my M m , The National Ban* of *rew up between the two corps Becton. Dickinson Co. 432.651 3c pur common n#rd J ° Baron------and^ daughter,------and I friendship with them It s e e m s Palisades Park |duc ,Q ,hc iimlUri(y of naroes ■ Report High Earnings share. m t sales of $32 752. George Paris, of Lyndhurst. I [[[ , of 8 1>lay'! w >lli*m P Sheridan. Peoples! As a result of the letter writing 362 and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Pedd a rn«rB»s«" Ber*en County, a strong friendship grew be- Becton. Dickinson and Com­ For the quarter ended June and children of Bayonne. ■ T IN THE “ AR* HacVensack. was appointed as'tween the two groups Then in pany, leading manufacturer of 30. 1962 net sales w e re $13.- d S ) MATERIALS But how different was A ichairman of the Bergen County | one of the letters from Mass. medical instrument};, today re­ nil tn lh<- I lark I luiui rtn ► t i-»i-____ s. 358.957. compared with $11,- ■ Shot in thc Dark ' 1 bow to no fiduciaries Association commit- was an invitation to come to ported sales and earnings for 905,994 for the 1961 quarter NEW AND USED m an— or woman—in my adml- tee, assisted by Raymond J Amesbury. Mass. for a week's the nine. months ended June Net incom e fo r th e 1962 period Itimbtr - Doers - Windows ration for the star. Julie Har-lGarrison. Citizens First National vacation as guctts in thc homes 30 at the highest levels in the amounted to $703,071. or 34c ■ ns. I think she is one ot our Bank. Ridgewood, and William of the corps members of St. company's history. J per common share, compared Mouldings - Plywood • Hardware finest women actor, today For L. Pink, Hackensack Trust Co Jo*'ph's''''Townim cn!';' "Aft"er For the first nine months,, with a profit of $568,628. or 29c Masons' Materials • Sand - Content • Plaster all I know she may be our fl- Twelve appointments were much discussion, it waa decided Bcction. Dickinson and Com- per common share, a year ago ■ nest There is a luminosity a made to the public relations to accept the invitation for a pany had net sales of $39,571.-! Earnings per share are based bout her which is so compelMcommittee which will have Wil-'long four day weekend August 401. on w h ich it earned $ 2 .-'on the average number of com ■ l ‘am J. t c k. Citizens First Na-'2-5. *. 234.736. or $111 per common mon shares outstanding dur- H U 4 -1 4 0 0 "But in the theater when the tional Bank, Ridgewood, a s its sharc Fur ihc comparable 1961 ing the respective years to PROMPT DELIVERY curtain went up I almost gasp- chairman, and FrBnk A Weber L _ , „*r , 1 „ TovT o w n sm e n " I w as be­ ed O n ly Ihc night before I J r . Garden State National Bank.Bank Drum a"tl Ru«lc c “rP* gun at New Jersey's Boystown had seen The Hostage.’ The Teaneck. as the vice chairman. rl.OSM ' and pub- 2 3 : painful: the acting brittle. thelBarba. National Community1 £ l,y representative is Thomas play extremely thin. Bank, Rutherford: R i ch a r dlHertl Th* b*"f,e "'5,ru''">r- ?r‘' "Not every play has to be Beekman. Citizens First Nation-|rf n*^r 01 m S ! ic' you'll find -v great drama But il should *\ Bank, Ridgewood; James F ^tructor is Edward Redmond have hclieveubility And *A'3],aho* United National Bank; DruTn an<* dri'* Instructor is Shot in thc Dark' merely was1 David E. Graham, Fair Lawn-j ■ it faster in the VANKEUREN a series nf caricatures strung R adburn T ru s t Co.. and Ja<-k B a n k , G a rfie ld ; H o w ard W V an A CC R POR ATION « together to provide a vehicle Paw’»'*k Valley Bank Wyrk, Peoples Trust Company WRKC’KINCi CONTRACTORS for Julie Harris. and Trust Co.. Hillside iof Bergen County. Hackensack; “I might add that there are Henry J Sweeney, North Jer- Wells 11. Smith, Citizens First/ 1 500 Passaic Ave. (River H«f.) East Newark, N. J. I othei off Broadway plays that •ltey Trust Co.. Ridigowood. w as1 National Bank. Ridgewood, Miss WANT Ate; D P I V I * I N T H I f . T are of greater content and im-1 designated chairman of fhe re- Jean Monmger. City National BIB ■■■■■■■■■■■» pact ‘Oh Dad. Poor Dad,' /or Jeep tion committee, and Edward Bank and Trust Comany, Little instance, is a far worthier piece Lambert. Community Bank of Ferry; Mrs. Welcome Murpbv. of theater So is A Portrait of Bergen County. Maywood, vice North Jersey Trust Company, thc Artist As a Younc Man' I chairman Also members ot the \ Ridgewood, and W illiam C. Ap- u ould r c c o m m e n d ‘Anything I committee are Frank Gannon! penzcller, Jersey State Bank Goes' over it j ”Bogota **National “Bank. Anthony ~ Emerson n o w in progress i t ju st si doggone Im parato, National Community [ ~~~~~~~ ’

Dr. Howard S. FOXTROT • WALTZ 52nd ANNIVERSARY W etter JITTERBUG FREE ESTIMATE! CHA-CHA - MAMBO Chiropractor TANGO • MERENGUE 839 Kearny Ave. PEABODY - RHUMBA Kearny, N. J. PACHANGA LET House Calls Madt DORIS OPDYKE WY. 8-2456 wt l-neo wt i show you how little it costs to modernize your SAXE bathroom or heating system with the finest— Snvings in rvrry drpartmriit with RrnmrL- aklr Rrdurtions on our regular slock of * CALL US ABOUT famous make , , "THE GOLDEN 65 A m e r i c a n -S t a n d a r d M edical Insurance for those over 65 MEN’S WEAR No E M U . • Guaranteed Renewable THS CAMERON CO. BOY’ S WEAR 3S Union Place North Arlington, N. J. HEATING WOMEN’S WEAR WYman 1-3676 PLU M BIN G . . v -

W e have all th* known brands of L i q u o r s , IPines This Bathroom roa(i only S5.15 and beers. W e s e r v e hoi l u n c h e s . Ladies Invited. Nothing dow n-eo*/ forms ^ w£\£ a u * im m e r m a n 7/

Cm « k < * t « s Idnf 7 4 Park A**b m , RutlMrfwd Iw h fll IkXK or Double Barrel's Tavern I iMWHtw.. PLUMBING IW Soup snd all Uadi •( CoW Cats, gudwlehaa j Oprn d a il y lo 6 ■ Monday and Friday to 9. iw D onom ud, rr** cr ot CCP Charge P la n , and our own convenient charge plans. WEbater 9-9W1 . CE. 8- 3 4 B M d g e M . W UCWAMDOWW1 STRUT, LYNM UkSX, M. J- 7600 HEATING L y n d l w o t THURSn\Y. AUGUST 2. 1%2 TTTF COMMERCIAL LEADER AM) SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW PAGE THREE

Top Honors Won Return From Tour In D0 9 Exhibit Mr. and Mrs Vincent Gene- ovese and tnetr 8 months old To p ho n o rn w e re g ive n to son Rdward «»f 444 Thomas Lyndhurst resident* and their, Av« have just returned Cro|n dug* in Uie Newton Annual a jet flight to California. Irsm ^ Speciality Obedience Sho.v they visited Mr. Geneoees^nT* hei J in Newton. i siste r M rs c ia r ;. Reaves in ll* J Mario IU (Frenchie) handled ‘Monte. California. They alao by Justin Rybecki o f the Lyn d visited Catalina Island T h e y - hu st Dog Training School j traveled on th e plsne with Na- competed against 18 d o g s and |tnle Wm»d who held thetr * | cam e out 1st w ith a score of Edu ard They returned to New 1*8 out of a possible perfect York hy jet July 21 MN,f M?ore of 200 in class o t Novice j Gejjeovese is the daughter of i"A ”. In competing in the Stati n Mr and Mr« James J Far Island Show Mario III placed f*e !f nt 141 K jn jrsia n d A v e . -*~ ^ r lis t again w ith a sco re of I'.iB 'out of 200. n irh ■ ’rt j Kmdelherger^ of 1 isunnar of Old Rifle Camp Page Avenue spent tlie week Hoad handled by A l N ero a iso end with the-r d.iUghter, Mrs uf L U T S obtained a score -of Melvin L. Wilkins of Hyatts- 177 in N o vice “ A ” . ville. Md a Spreewald’s Olga handled hy Charles Andolena director ol IL.D.T S. came out 2nd in Nov­ ice "B" competing against 12 (dogs and received a acute of IJWj and a h a lf out of a pos sible 200 Spreewald’s Olga has Stu tents of the Lyn Ihurst l>o« Training Scho il get last minute instructions from trainers obtained a companion do* titie before gradu.itlon remmencemcntx of beginner dogs last Thitradav night at the VFW llall. in which 3 consecutive shows V a lle y Brook Ave. Nes her inner e lasses will start tonight , August indi. 7:15 p.m. for infor has received a qualifying scon •nation. Call Wh 9-7f»HK. Sh.twn left to right. Mr. Kicadella, Mr. Miller. Jr., Mrs f.ross, ( h a rle s i in each. Andolena. I>r. Miller, Miss Varana and l^iuis l.ipon.

Donna Morelia lee W eiscoff Parents Ot Daughter DRIVE SAFELY Given A Party Mi and Mrs Robert Frang- Named Winner <;!'» Chase Ave. are lhe M r a n d M rs. S . M orelia. o l i . ««...»• P arents of a d aug hter, San dra. W eisco ff. 333 JdUIH I » , . , , .. . , 424 I-ike avenue, tm tn on J u ly 24th at Clara ie. Lyndhurst. won an Eni Wednesday night, at a pai'> Maass Memorial Hospital Mrs jewelry enspmWe in an given for their daughter, dom,. F r.m g ip an e *.«. The fo r m e r Miss- PREMIUM COAL ial contest conducted by in honor of her sixteenth huth Marie PalumUi, daughter of » Station W JRZ. Newark d ay The guests were. Mi nod Mrs Samuel Palumbo. BUY N O W A N D SAVE | N ancy Matuszewski, • Bohh\ 1.,'li'iici- guessed where in 232 Milton Ave Her husband is 14. Colonel Kiehar-«* the son of Mr anJ Mrs Mi NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE aw ardrl the Military l.ttn >em > Award of the Week at the Valley Forge> Academy Sum- Settembrino. Rosemarie C.iv.i Ai nold was bioadcasting.^Plaees chael Frangipane. 277 Chase mer C amps, Wayne, pa \ im ent is the son of l>r. Vincent <». F ie tti of I l k Ridge Road Tommy Na*-!c, Kathy Je n se n uuluded the llackensark Moto: Ave. The baby is the first Ton T e a C h u ck Ro'ide. h^mona Thorv V> tiide Inspection Station. Erie'* grandchild for the Palumbos George Ksnter, Laurfct Schmidt Lai kaw anna Terminal. Garden and the 10th for 4he Frangi Nut or stove $21.00 Buckwheat $17.00 One Man Art Show At Michael A. Monetta l,ouie Jacooatta, Joanie T e tin . St .ite Plaza underground truck pane Round • Up Jel ramp Ford M a h w a h ------Pea Coal $18.00 Stoker Rice $16.00 Rjtherford High School Starts Banking Career Jim m y Basil. Linda Howill (Continued (rom Pat;.' 1) Ja c k ie Bolona. Paula Cu o ti*. IT T Paramus . plant, Mr and Mrs John F Hickey Ulewood Hospital maternjty of Second Avenue, are vaca Vice Starting his banking career J«hnny Edwards. Joann Agii- GUARANTEED SATISFACTION ation for all girls but. fortun- rd, G eorge Washington turning with relatives at Lud f Peo- m Ju ly ot 1947. M ichael A Mo- fo ,,a - D o nnie D i P asq u ale JJa i tely t o r u s . the board of dim idge. and Palisades Amuse- 1,m Vt. On Sunday they at have I h r 0 man crt show of former Ruth- tional Community Rank meal College at Randolph Cen Since then, there has been a eitifieates from the Home- erford High School students Mr Monetta wurks to t h e 'on* " a * ^ ,a in e H e n ry , Bobh\ uit ter. V’t . when a cousin of Mrs E H . 1913 Roundup in 19^9 in Colorado Lumher Company and who are continuing their stud Lyndhurst Office of the b a n k . I Jl”\nN H ic k e y ’s was among the grad Springs. Colo and now .t Hound K m ■>r.s co-tume lewelry. M 5 ESSEX ST. es in colleges and art school*, located on Ridge Road He ha? 2puduto’ Holbought< i nates HU 3-2(32 HARRISON up at Button Bay. Vt This These art exhibits will l»e held completed numerous courses Tommy Faigan. Ida Martes/ lo«- tontest wa* «(inducted in Roundup. Mrs Culmer said, is luring the summer months with the American Institute of Maureen Jachaleach • tion with thc opening of the best one yet and we wil! ^hde^h-le the students are on va- Hanking after graduating from B°bby Kado Laura Meliakin ^ Station W JRZ Studio on lookforward to manym any many m any ratlon.. Belleville High School in Belle-,Jerry R«moth. Mary Martes? i : 4 m Paramus. Bergen Loren Binom. the first artist ville ;Charlie Borelli. Phyllis LaPlaca Whether or not scouting today to exhibit his paintings this! Monetta resides with his pa-1 onn,e o a. an p«yiti is what Juliette t»w had in summer, is eighteen year* old rents at 272 Division Avenue _ . mind fifty years.ago when she and recently complete 1 his ,n Belleville | Two birthdays were cele started hei tr>ver Shores for two weeks’ Ave.; Mr FeiUinger s birthday pandrd so much that we will n 1961 with Mr and Mis Walter Hoi-1 *nd thal o( lheV son Aithur be cainpin» on the moon " Last venr hr exhibited at the jy „f Green Avenu^ J Feitzinger. .‘>24 Summe Ave bridiwfllil i s j f / . 'i i Mar.v Rofbling Exhibit at Bam ______I Included in the 25. or m ore. In the court of ’he interview. Heito rs, the Woman's Club of Mrs Samuel Parker and son. guests was Mrs Arthur J o( \te briie ^ ’i Mis Culmer explained that the Kutherford and Peoples Trust Richard. 123 Jay Avenue, have I Feitzinger, their'child i r-n. other ‘ reorganization of k *r 1 .Co ti pany of Bergen County, returned from a vacation trip! members of the family and troops wrll hr dom* "to provide Mr Munm>. Art liibtiucttir of to Cooperstown and Albany, | friends. better quality plug:an,s lor all Kutherford High School en N. Y ami then to Quanset girls and to grce the hf*ip Ht rmtrared gtrnW the *4u- Pemi. Rh«*de Is Und. to see ai; : M ark Lo p ard o , 44K Post A ve 11* HOnON A VS. H A Mlt KM leaders whi.h will make .■ bet- dents in showing their work at >th«-t s i ter p rogiam p o ssib le " She fu r thes«- in h ib its I’SN (stay until August 1 Ht I ther explained that even the The art exhibit in the bank! Roundup i' out of the reach of lobby includes abstract pjiint-j girls in small councils which .ire mgs in striking black and; not able to gi\e them the ne.w hite designs and one piece of saiy camp ing’experience. Split- sculpture which may Ix* seen ing into four new groups will ‘n the hank window o n P a rk also be done because it will Im- Avenue Loren has titled the a much sounder program geared s< ulpture Distraught -more to- tlie girls' rate de-! % velopmcnl and, therefor,■, ,1 will i,n,i Mrs ,v”-r cl"s- 239 y Brinik Ave U better for the have had as . then guest lor week. Miss] The city if Paterson. N. J I*a C ro ix I W estfie ld , a w ar ded a. C u lm e r at the press (inference in recog — 1- nitton of the* service of the tirl: Mr and Mrs r.eotee Mor- •routs in that city Kansas C ity'rd i dnd childien. William. Kob- also awarded a key to Mrs jeri. Richard and Laura, 333 W hat if you have an Culmer. making her an honor-'pnst Ave. are back from their ary c it I /en of that city. | vacation at Ocean Fieach R ig h t no w . . . what would you give for an air conditioner? accident a thousand $50? S100? $200? You would! Then hurry down to your nearest Nati^ial Community Bank office and tell the man in the Personal Loan Department m iles from hom e? to lead you some money right away.

Will you know w h tri to turn tor help ? Look at these tce-cold “below-normal” costa for personal loans, then call your nearest NOB “Reatiy-Money" o ffic e . A u t o m a t i c Vou u'ili know, if you’ve bought your car insurance through an 0 independent agent in your Community -a man you know and The numbers are WEbster 9-4000, GRegory 2-9000, D e liv e ry trust. Ju s t as you would get in touch with him if you had an acci­ WHltney 5-5000, ond WYman 1-6100. dent jn your own block, you can get in touch with one of his Well keep your fuel tank filled, fellow agent* anywhere in the country. Y ou R e p a y Y ou I s p a y figured on the "Degree Day” ay stem i . i .I T .- « w M o n th ly M o n th ly M onthly 1 ou'U have no more worriea. There are over 100.000 imdtpendnit agents in the United States A m o u n t nho display the seal below. So, even ) (MK) miles from home, you for 24 Months for IS Mootli* o r U I know there s an experienced independent agent as near as the 24 Ur. Oil burner- Service nearest phone. Vou know that he can lie at your side without > 2 0 0 $9.36 $12.15 $ 1 7 .7 4 Besides selling Oil — we also Service OiJ Burners delay, day or night, to protect your interests. 11.70 1 5 .1 9 Here, alao, we believe In doing the )ob right W« render 22.17 s e rv ic e around the clock (Sundays and h o lid a ys in c lu d ­ tW i seal Um W U i « m 100,000 M tstndaaf 14.04 18 .2 3 2 6 .6 0 ed) ■lists sm u Mm u nify. Any m Our tmcka arrive at your hotne equipped to servios SI b* |M t* ■••fat »•** hi any way, hundreds of makes and models of oil burners. p rm p t repair' •• S lh f • claim. Complete Service Contract* Theae co n tra cts cover Repairs and Replacement* os well aa Annual Cleaning . . . all at one low. low price Oafy an lnd*p*nd»nt I n t u r a n c a A g t n l Can Oteptey Th h Sami

KELLER n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y b a n k ENGINEERING CO.

Fuel Oil — OO Rumen — RUTHERFORD e RIDGEFIELD e GARFIELD b e r | EAST PATERSON e E A S T RUTHERFORD Lyndhurst, N tw J»r**y F ' d e r a t I U w o u it C A R L S T A D T e NORTH ARLINGTON e W ALLIN <3TON WEbster,9-0060 lnauruH ce L Y N D H U R S T • L V N D H U R S T StuywMmt and Park Ave*. Rm/j« R d .«nd I alley Br— k 4ssw h i e -f^ 'tln f* r . —»»>>! M-I h k . H e le , n # ? PAGE TWO TBE COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1*0 ' »». . . 7 Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday Arid Holy Days

ifdwelieth in God. and God in Mr*. Maria Naviallo (land Avenue. Lyndhurat. Pre* h im .'' W utahstir leading the Feast, there w ill be A citation to be read from Mr*. Maria Antonia Franco Items O f Interest high maas Sunday, August “Science and Health with Key Winnowiagt iNaviello, 79. of 226 Lafayette V at 10:30 a.m. at the Mount UmurdtJKMKC Miss Marion Saft. who spent day last week her son. George, to thc Scripture*” by Mary Carmel Church on Copeland IA C IE D HEART R. C. day*. «... Baker Eddy states (p. 4): Th,. Sunday will find t J * v?V ^ the past few weeks with her of Bethel Park. Pa., who was |Afwi> * CHt'RCH ( HOIKS: E v e ry Thursday - Jr - What wc most need is the congregations of Methodist S * ? IUck»"Mck Ho‘Plul *,Wr * mother, Mrs. Henry Saft, of >n his way to England, where Festivities will includt many B M fe Rd. A J e r**y Av®. Choir, 6:45 p.m. . Sr. Chair, prayer of fervent desire for W estminster Presbyterian P J" m.n“ ’ . „ .. . „ Page Avenue, has left for Hol­ Mrs. Himsel and their children. games aad rides and loads of Church.-, worshipping itW « t m U ,ly . Mr,. Navlello Bernard Moore. Pastor g oo p growth in grace, expressed in lywood, Calif., where she is Martin and Caroline, had gone Italian candies and delicacies. M anrv 6:36. 7:St, 9 0 $ , 10 M Y.p.F. Every Sunday at 7 pm patience, meekness, love, and nlnster .1 the comer of Ridge *° «“* coun,rpy J"h . !° ' employed. three weeks previous to visit There will also be a 11 00. lt:OS in cfcurth Jr. Y.P.F. Every Saturday a> toad and l>u«e Avenue a lte n l"*"1''* f‘” > m Hortchester. elatives and friends The good deeds.” N. Y. She ih*n moved to Jer through the streets with the 9:(M) in school ? 00 p.m. 'clock. Welcome to the Rev. whole family will be hack '*ey C it y in 1914 ond cam e to Mr and Mrs Sherwood Ber Statue of St Anthony A r Rodger A Hawn and his v ith in the next three weeks. MOINT OARMIL CHAPEL WESTMINSTER LyndhurM teven yesrf ago. Hei wick of Page Avenue havn had Copeland Avenue, l.yndhurst Sunday Services ongregation Mr Hawn will PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH husband. Joseph Naviello, died as their guest Mrs. B e r w ic k 's Sunday Masses * 00, H o«. lo 30 August 5 12. VJ and 26 Rev. K j Engelke onduct the services fo r fo ur m other, Mrs. Vernon Daniels of Mrs. Frank Chimento. 471 Dog Training . L_ 7:30 a.m.. # 00 a m and 11:0C •n 1957. Ml Ridge Road l.yndh«r« unday:* in August and the first \rspahoe. N. C. Thomas Ave.. had as gueats at a.m. each Sunday unday in September. He will Surviving are two daugh unchei in on W ednesday M ines O ffer Is Made Phone WEMter 9 W •ers. Mrs. Thomas (Ann) Pi MICHAEL'S R C. A ugust 24 so .carry on duties of a visit- Mmes. Arthur Weismann James Bong tor no, Joseph Lon cardo of Neptune and Mrs. An­ CHt'RCH I Feast of St. Bartholemew Sunday*. An fast ft, 1*. If, 26 an. ig pastor for families of both Ruth Stauble. Lloyd Riley and go and A lfre d Som m a. Do you know that there is thony (Mary) Trotta. with Road and Page Avenue Holy Communion at 10:00 a m , Septem ber I: yngregations while Pastor En Charles Vogel visited Mi-*. Har t terrific organisation in town U d is U u s j WUcsewsfct Holy Communion every Wed Welcome to the Methodls, elke and his family are awa> whom she lived; four sons. An- old Wells at Paramus on Wed ihat will train your dog? In- T hony, Benny and Angelo Na­ Diane Kostan, daughter of Pastor Inesdcy at 10 00 a.m. fTir*rT^rlurW itlai». Sermons •n vacation leaday. or mat ion relative to this serv­ viallo. all of Lyndhurst. and Mr and Mrs Harold P Kos tan. 281 W illo w A v e .. w a s ll er may be had by calling Char­ lerry of Jersey City; 16 grand­ ar.i f “ ’•1 * “ ■“ „'s&£rsr~*“ “ s “js " ‘V' •*“ Mr and Mrs Frank Van------Volyears old on Friday. Guest* 1 les Andolena,, Director at WE children and one great-grand­ kom. 74# Fifth St., have as ,t dinner in celebration of the « ^°u T r u n « r . « » * - . w 3r;£Jr*K 'aa ch ild . REEI) MEMOKI \ l tion meetings this month heir guests Mr Van Volkom'i I occasion, included Mn. C»rl •' WE “•8W* or S'0*1 vtail UNITED PRESBYTERIAN a cordial wekeme Is es ! --'c fu l to Oa.I Keenen loo for Relatives and friends are in­ ■ouain. Frank Van Volkom and fatherlands of Kearny, and ,h* VFW Hall on Valley Brook CHt'RCH ier contributions of song dur- h o r ng the sojourn at the Metho- vited to attend the funeral Mrs Van Volkom. of H ouston,! Mr. >nd Mr*. Malcolm Allison Avenue. Lyndhurst on any Stay vesant near Valley Brook s c i e NT1ST: from the Nazare Memorial Texas. and children. Lois and Dean, of Thursday evening at 7:15. A venae Jist Church LYNDHLBST The Women’s Association of Hom e. In c., 403 R id g e R o ad ,: - Pompton Lakes. j Bring in your pet dog and P.ev. Edward I. George * Lincoln Ave*. METHODIST CHURCH Lyndhurat on Wednesday. Au- Mrs. Frank Pollara and chil ^ — jthe boys will take over /rum Pknnes: Church - G E S ? fJ7 Rutherford. N. I •Vestminster is planning a Serv- The Rev. Badger W. Hawn ce Day for August 21. Ladies gust 1st at 9 a.m . thence to d ren. 319 Liv in g sto n A v e ., h ave Mrs. Joseph Heintjes of La- there. Anyone who loves their Parsonage - G E 1-1455 *can«h »f IM Motttar Church. TM *lrat Church of Chet«t. Scientist. •* w ill make articles io. sale a l l ? " k u(, Mount Carmel R returned from Seaside Heights. fayette Place is vacationing dog certainly wants that dog gnto n, Mas* 307 Tontine A vena a C. Church. Jersey City where where they vac*♦‘''nnd ______SiM M , August 5 and 12 the September 11 Sale to be with relatives at Windsor. On to be a minimum of annoyance* • un*ay Sarvtcaa *t HiOO A.M. at 10 a.m. a Solemn High Mass three weeks Mr. Pollara >otn- tir k>, Canada £45 a.m.-Bible School class­ 11:00 A.M ., 8uh#*y School GEneva t - H U ,eid on the church grounds Do- ... to neighbors and a perfect pet be offered Wednesday Kvanlng Meeting at nationslauuus ui of saleableMi>auir article*■< nun are*l^ - Interment . in ed them for weekends. for themselves That is the ul­ es for all ages»«« 1100 am . _ — ------^ —_ Ma* Freeman Street, wa, honor |y of Lyndhurst, are the pa- some greetings from mission­ The Rev. Thomas M Foster Sunday Ipastor. and Mrt. Hawn, have Rev«»nd Rodeer W L ", * «* »• * lathering at her of a son. Edward Scott. ary fnends-from Barrow, Alas- Reverend M e W Hawn of ,v „ and places of historical hum, on 3und m raM>ration ...... k ...... Rector . Highlighting the Lesson-Ser- returned from their vacation at born on July 16th at the Chil­ ka-the North Arctic Slope Mis- Church .hi ^ P"' * ~ * l*th birihday On Tues ton Memorial Hospital They Phone: WEbster 9-6154 |mon on the subject of "Love”.Ocean Grove and Mr Hawn Ls Church u preaching for the had as tbelr guest Miss Mary iion - Utkeavik Presbyterian day evening there was a larget have a daughter. Donna Louise Dally Morning and Evening is the Golden text from the now on call for any pastoral month of August, while the Gerbino of Union City. I Church the Rev. and Mrs. John telebrat ion of relatives with «hU r at l« A M and 7:J0 IV,ble ,1 John 4): 'God I. love, need, for both the Method,*,,r^ X rr.n d ' L -T T ^ ' Pr«bytenan Pasor. the Rever- ______Mrs. Munczinski is the for­ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vuotto of mer Miss Marie Schwarz, Km . re^ectlvrlv. except Fri »nd h. that dwelleth In love and the Westminster Prohy , * re end Robert Engelke Is on va- Mr, Marie Wurst of Maywood at Sommers Point. cation. Each of these Service, Road ha, moved to daughter of Mr and Mrs Her ------I S * " follow,ng several months ‘*akp near Ocean City The M.uhe,. the month of August and Sep b e g in , at 10 a m : m an S ch w a rz . 321 Stu yv e san t vacation from Alaskan duties- Worth, Fla She ha, as her (,mil w m th w , tember 2nd. In Pastor Engelke', absence, guests until Labor Day two ofj _____ Avenue Mr Munczinski is the land■••S" fromaa v a n Bangkok. . Thailand.a i .aiisiiu, , ^ ^ son of Mrs Leo Munczinski of he Norman Roadarmels advise .. was aiuiouncad that Mr her grandchildren. Melody Car­ Mrs. William Cirone, 445 Al New Jersey_____ Avenue,_____ and the ST. MATTHEWS of arrival in New York the Hawn will provide pastoral penter of Ridge Road, and EVANGEI.ICAL Ll'THERAN services lor both parishes. The Wayne R .us'iXrgeTTf New d*r, 8> - l,wn '*•' Mr Munczmsk, tirst week of August, after M ilfo rd j party on Wednesday afternoon CHCRCH •caving T h a ila n d Ju n e 15. T h e y regular schedula of Sunday Services and Church School for the benefit * Oie R 0 *arian S T o Corner V.lley Brook A»e. and l vi'*,s in India to Nor- will be resumed by each Mr and Mr, Walter F Kel.'Sod«y of Sacred Heart Church Travers Place, Lyndhurst I n“n ! miwlonary parents there- There were ^ U . CONSIDERATE SERVICE •ind thc Cameroun en route, Church the week after Labor ly. 121 Rhoda Ave., Nutley, for­ Rev. George Mailer, Pastor D ay. merly of Page Avenue, are the rhcy will say with their four Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Still-1 Careful ci-ni|iliiince w illi tlie wiahm of thoar Travers Place, Lyndhur* parents of a son, David Mi­ children at Sloane House, waggon and their son and , The Rosary Society of Sa- WEbster 9-2134 chael, born on July 23rd at Jtony Point, till May of ’63. CARD OF THANKS dsughter, Clifford and Nancy'cred Heart R C. Church will we lia\c licrn |irivileyed to ►er>r Im- e«tal>- Taraa—We wish to take this Clara Maass Hospital. Belle­ Sunday, August 5 Stillwaggon. of Park Avenue, bold its annual Communion means of expressing our sin­ ville. The couple have a daugh 9.15 a.m.-Divine Worship s p e n t Jie weekend through Breakfast on October 7th lashetl fainil> fri*-n.NIii|<» w liicll we liol.l in cere and heartfelt thank, to all ter, Beth Ann. Celebration of Holy Commu­ Monday, at their summer home Their guest speaker will be nion. '‘God is Waiting foi Mr*. George Shaary our relatives, friend, and the Very Rev Msgr Henry G. liifli r.-iidril. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Adams at Hamlin. Pa. Y o u ” . neighbors for their word, of J. Beck, for over 20 years in- Mrs Elizabeth Seibert Shea- consolation, beautiful floral of Fern Avenue and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ai Olkowski. structor in History at the 1m- y, 64u Fourth St., died unFri- tributes and many spiritual Mrs. George Alberdlng of LATTER OAV SAINTS 451 Roosevelt Ave . and their maculate Conception Semin- lay night at the West Hudson bouquet' at the funeral uf our Ridge Road were guests on OF JESUS CHRIST son and daughter. Michael and ary at Darlington. N J Msgr Hospital Kearny, after a longlbeloved Mn and brother Mi .Monday evening at the home A. E Starks. Pastor Diane, have returned from u Beck was the winner of the illness. She was born in Jer Ichaei J. Turso Jr. {of their i?spective * son and Services Every Siw hr'al Ike week at Sunrise Beach, Fork Holy Father's Medal in Church N A Z A R E sey and had Lived daughter, Mr. and Mrs John R. Adoniram Masonic Temple Lynd Wa-eapecially wish to thank ed River. Their daughter, Mon­ H isto ry . h u rst sin ce 1923. m Adams, Jr.,. in North Arlington, KI Second Ave., LyadhaHt the clergy of Sacreo Heart R ica. spent lhe same week wfth Tickets for the breakfast will She was a member of Cour»|<»'(iur3 on the occasion of celebrating Church fo r their comforting the Girl Scouts In Vermont. be on sale latai this month. .0 ) RIME ROAD - LYKDHURST H I. ( hurrh Srhool, 111 a m. the first birthday of their son. F rear blag Service. )1 a.m. LyndhurM No. 875. Catholic words. Ihe Rutherford Police * - * — - - Mrs Walter Wagner of Page PSona Gfnava 1 - 7 7 7 2 Scott Adams Daughter, of America. Depaitmenl and Emergency Mrs. Jacob Wahlers of Post Avenue is chairman. ,%lr I a n 4l f i » e 4 far l*ar Iw lw l Survivor, are her husband. Corps and the staff of the Na- Avenue is home from a week’s RUTHERFORD BAPTIST Georse; three sons, George, of Memorial Home, Inc for Mrs. Pelagia Sicradzka of Wilkm Avenue, has had as vacation spent at Lake Erskine CHURCH Neptune. Robert, of Lyndhurst. their kind and sympathetic with her son and daughter-in- ind R ich a rd o t guests the sunshine committee 21 W. Paaaaic Ava, Rutherford Wood-Hidge; services. law. Mr and Mrs. H a rr y W a h ­ our daughters, M rs. Jo h n o f G roup 697. P o lis h W om en of Rev. Georga Smith. Paatar Bereaved Parents, lers and family of Bloomfield S* Woodward Ava.. Rutherford (Rita) Wagstaff of Lyndhurst, Brother and Sister America, of Jersey City. Mrs. SINCERITY DIGNITY REVERENCE Phone: GEneva i r7*6 Mrs. Harold (Elizabeth) Blumej John Koziol. formerly of Lynd­ i f Colorado Springs, Col., Mrs. CARD OF THANKS hurst, was among them. Annual Feast Larry„ . (Margaret* . ... Ly^”' off De Nlseo—Deeming it impos . , . For St. A nthony Rendered In A Homelike Atmosphere LYNDHUB8 T Hackensack, and Mrs. William ;jble to thank ail in person we Mr ani Mrs Jo*ePh Longo plumbing & heating nEBREW CENTER Claire) Raymond of rtixo.i: wish’to take this means of ex* antl son> Ronald °* Copeland The Society of St Anthony Rabbi Abraham H. Album wo brothers. George Seibert of pressing our sincere and heart- Avenue sp€nt last week at Sea* De Padua will hold its Thir­ Lyndhurst, N. J. WALDO J. IPPOLITO 333 Valley Brook Avenue ‘T S , 0 '4’: *n Ave.) slind up for Jesus'" Mr Dufield, s if f friend *n»l minister, (eh these w ord, N O rth 7-3080 Air ConditionM f were too giest to be lost He wrote tht GARDEN above verte wbkh let to itunn| ma- < am- SINCE OUR WORK ik It or.* of e u meat c h stttn g tn l bynnt ’ v «sf.'*asaa*£ il one u f gttvlM lu til. wr endeavor te he helpful in Louis Viol^ Co Delicatessen every w«y. 411 PUE AVE. (Cw. eiou) 21 P W ASHINGTON AVE O U TLET. N. J LYUinRST, I. 1. 469-71 Palisade, A ve., Jersey G ty - OLd&eld 9-4578 Hard and Soft O q M C i i n l ^ r s tu rk Serv/ce - Sin ca I t 96 ’« r - NO. Ut 7 8080 -1 W E 9-2950 Lyndhurst Public L t $ r * r y , V allay Brook A v«.. Miiat-H -yndhurst. N. J . C e n t s The way to g e l ahead j„ j0 atart now. If you atari now, you wil) know a lot neat year that you don t know now and that you would not have 10 i \ i r known next year if you bad waited. Imperial Type Magasinjf

Vol. 43 No. — 4 1/VNOHHRST, N. J .. AI M ST 2. 1962 U N M Oat* pottage paid at HutharforS. N J. TILIPMONI QCNKVA S-STQS-gftl A Scout On Big Round-Up Adventure Tree - Pruning To Add Beauty To Town

Public W ork. Commit* In Vermont Tells Her Story For Leader ionrr Prtrr J. Ru**o hopr* to preacne lhe beauty of saartaalali of two I a n''r,'n'' work *• Sl“d' T™* DlvWon rlearins RiJge Knari lot between Fore*! The girls also spent many ‘T r e e s " ani ■ In„.<-i.' H,, h Avrnu'' ,r,; Wartw < nmmlsr.loner Peter J K m . C hlef Forester William GaaiMO, 8a hours '‘swapping a token with a v a ila b le n n order al Williams |,f'r,n''Bdrn' H irrJf Gulhall, Boh Sauer. Jlmm y Newel, Frank J.skulski, Mike Carroll. Bob tale well spoken". This in- on Stuyvesant Avenue t oujhiin Lynwood fholncrapbam VO j V >|ved trading a small object Gannon, a slim, wiry man of, “ ’ ...... “ repnpreaentative in some way of 33, a native of Staten IslandJTent Caterpillars Thousands of;and tree trunks in minute* 1m- the area from which the scout Russo admires Gannon's ha* Itven in the Public Works Treehoppers are chcwing away mediately, dead wood,method branches of working Hc never came These "swaps" were usu­ Department five years Hc has on the leaves of our Norway and brush arc fed into a chute uses a laddci. only rope and a ally prominently displayed on always Ik*on fond of plants and M aples, o f which they are es- at thc rear of the chipper and special "saddle” which enables the girls' Roundup hats gardening He worked several penally fond. This year the fall into the truck as small him to swing, "like Taman" Each patrol at the Roundup, years for a tree surgeon mi Tent Caterpillar is sca rce I chips of wood Gutheil say* Russo says, fro m lim b to lim b waa requested to give a demon- ' clast Orange He attends lec- Earwigs, nocturnal bugs, love \ formerly-removal of a tree re- of huge trees Gannon says the stration for the rest of its -eec-! lures at Botanical Gardens in damp places and tree cavities,' quired three days labor, but dangers lo' tree workers are Uon of the camp to see. Thai New York, where he is amem and eat both flower and foli-|with the new equipment, it is bees, wasp* and high tension Waat Hudson girls made and ber. and classes held by the age Gannon says. "We haven't j done in about half a day Du*-) wires He has been struck by paaaed out samples of Scotch Bergen County Agricultural got to eliminating them yet.”. posal of wood and brush used wires three times shortbread, because of the J r w 'S ” ? u ° “ tten »n your kpare Ume?" He re. | necessary. and no longer to tf* anger of t'torm i image to Fling” This demonstration w as 1 Elm Disease has attacked our plied, "Planting and garden-1 dump sffe. The wood ch^js’service wire*, provide* he*tar a. ease the beat enaa elm trees He say* the State ing.M He la a member of the when Seated contain soil nour- 'street lighting prevents injury and. consequently the patrol Department of Agriculture rec- American Legion and president «*bment At present they are] to people and cars from falling was invited to do the dance at ommends removal of such °f Delaney’s Chummers Club,'be*n* stored in the County dead wood allow* gras* to an international camp/ire on ■ tree*, as the disease is practi a fishing group .Park They'are used extensive-!grow under trees and affords July 21 As the culmination of cally incurable It is spread by Ti,„ . u Iy for mufch and for making f better circulation of air about weeks of practice, the girls beetle* which carYCP7ungJ* 1 ° ^ Pathways Many such paths are|homes ,n the area were then chosen to dance at from tree to tree Trees dam n t on nf__. f t_w^ to be found in the Sterling For Besides Cannon nnd Gutheil. the main arena on July 26 fo r; aged by cars succumb easily to ..mnertv Hr states a eSt G{lrrfens Gutheil says that treemcn aie IV.b Sauer, Frank the entire encampment to see. this disease (P^ '^ 1H\ «:at" a. ^ brides cutting down colder- Jaskulsk,. a veteran of 28 The Roundup officially closed The Mi_ _ as the eating ______at Ihe 5#th anoiver A common pest .. lhe Ba*. inches m diameter costs from1 Jndn^ ""'T'" ""',D'p*r‘- on July 28. with an arena event sary barbecue Senior Girl Scout Roundup, la the tanial order they arc C athy worm. which strips the tree of!SIS to $25 Russo has stressed tjres « n ,‘> ! success­ The net proceed • Third Ave., who was Lynd­ fu l "C la m B a k e w as ht Id u n ­ 6cout National President, at a 8und»>' evening. July 22nd. sale will be added ti. press conference held on July I11* * h a d breakfast in Bran- hurst ’* delegate to the World der the supei vision of Jnn Neu eral fund* of the Comj d o n . Vt.. next morning, and Round-Up. also returned home boldt There was food aplenty 25. at the Roundup. will be used by it foi :1 then pitched tent as soon as pa r ly this week We sail hear For diversion there was Horst- Mrs. Culmer, 'who haa been eral corporate purp • • they reached their camp site, from her later Shoe pitching and Bocci Ball ta scouting l o r «0 years, first ^ eluding payment of . N e x t d a y thcy viaited the. Assisting Jim Neuboldt were of the coat of its cur PE R Pat Melillo Lou Melil­ struct ion program. ^rrn^r^D iru^M ^: ^ H eld lo, John Totten. Carmen Vaa- She attnbutea her conUnued ta-jcham plain They had supper at A t Public Library tp, Bill Grubb. Charlie HocUel. tereat in scouting to th* i»nu.l. church UMIebury „ndl _ 7 Pat Carrino. Nick D'Allesso. ance of her paranu and what then had a bus ride around the The story hour on Thursday Carriers To and P ER Frank Van Volkom at thc Public Library, in asso ah* calls 'luck" in having many'campus of Middlebury College A fu ll program it arranged ciation with the playground di­ Stage Picnic leaders rather than juat on* She Wednesday they spent most of for the month of August wi^i attended the National Training!the day at the Round-Up rectors was attended by 33 i tk« w .i i a • eirls a0«a« nrarl li-SaTi*1"* Asso< h>Unn of grill party each Saturday Center and became a leader. One of their delights at the * r , ' u 'tter Carriers. Bran, h 2K9, night and a special Grill Party Then, after ahe attended Edith;Round-Up was to exchange brarv d“ ^ t o ^ told "cans"''^Ulher,urd- th™ by the Emblem Club on this Macey Training School, she be “awapa" with girls in the 18th On Sunday. August 120! came a professional, and later United States and some fore­ Sale”. “The Cat and the Par I on’ a^fim 4*°' the Supreme Emblem Club ror^Cunm woir and retired. Now, aaa ign countries Each girl Pres id* nt Boa Granano is hav­ finds that she uses the law a large broad-brimmed nat and of Mr*. Jack Dempsey, in Page ing her eommittee merjtn§*t|t which she studied in college in trimmed the hat with the Today. Thursday, Auguat Avenue, Lyndhurst B th^ Locfltfv many phases of her wortt and swapa she got from others, cre­ 2nd. there will be a similar The picnic is planned for tha At the second meeting in atreases that H ia important that ating quite * picturesque scene atory hour for boys, ages seven North Ajea of the Bergen Couna September a class is being in ­ any girl anticipaUng a aa they wandered around camp. and eight. ty Park in Lyndhurst and will itiated in honor of our' ta girl srouting study a variety The inspiration received thru be held sometime in Septeml State President. Dennis Lyons of courses ta college. thla viait to tha encampment Son Born To Mr. And bar. o f P assaic Mrs Cumer feels that the will never be forgotten There will be games w itn M rt. Joseph Curtis prize* for both children and greatest achievement of tha paat On Thursday evening the Entertainment At SO years is thc fact that we Bergen girls had a campfire ad u lts, a baseball game, pitch-j M r a n d Mrs. Joseph C u r tis have grown from an organiza­ following their supper 'Hiere ing horyeahoes, and community Carment Home a n n o u n c e d lh e b irth o f a tion of II scouts to one of 3- o v e r 100 at the campfire. singing Slides of post »ffioa Dante Joaeph C u rtis , a t th e so cial eve n ts w ill be shown. I and a half million. This ah* tueats of Senior Mrs William Carment «* American Legion Hospital in T hom as La Russo is ch air­ feels, shows that ours la a pro­ Middlebury i Thomas Ave, entertained Brandon. Vt.. Weat Nassau. L. Newark on July 25th Both m an of th e committee, w ith Tuesday evening at gram of both quality and worth. I., and some from Bergen Coun­ mother and child are doini Warren Pabst. Albert Win! shower for Mrs Gerald B u rn ­ The Roundup idea originated ty who were camping nearby w ell. and Mmes R A. Asscnheimtr, ham of Chase Avenue. • from the ideas of M ra Dunham At the campfire each patrol Mn. Curtis is the former Ju J M Mahlbacker. A J- Love who waa camp chairman of the There were many fm e g ifts put on a skit, aa did the guests dith DePamphilis. daughter of and1 Jack Dempsey Olrl Scouts of America. Her for the guest of honor a t th e Leaders present and the two Mr. and Mrs Dante DePa surprise event ideaa corresponded, to some ex­ bus driven also put on a skit. of Second Avenue H’alter Steever, president of tent. to the program of the Boy They sang songs and all were K iw a n is C lu b . O th e r guests were Mmes. Scout lambor**. Many p*opl*. r*-dedicated to th* Oirl Scout today Ulat James E. Sihnetdar, Robert Furman, William Port­ M n. Joaeph Leone. 460 Page including M n. Culmar. oppoaed Laws aa acvialoned by Field Representative of tha er. Larry Redner. Donald Be- "l a barbecue party on cor. William Streppone, Arthur tha Idea at flrat, feeling that founder, Juliette Low SlaterW*S[* Kcaay raaadatioa. a d Mpe^eoutlve SetiaJT^^’lS^'iSdy evening for th* Lad- Wessell and Louis Ferric of camping waa not tha ideal aitu- T h e r a w a t m h u g * and their children. Lyndhurst. and Mrs, Oscar «) with tan candles for th* as “ ** »*»*■» Wawaaday, *•- FreaMapt af Lyadharat Kiwanis. Seated. Sehaalder and Amy Divine, raktte — nr-is director g -a « M k U l»OS p.-. lAhaaat ar* th* E*v. Th«aa, Faatar, Kayar Jaha C. OartU, aal m j . Hoenmghausen of Brooklyn n . y .