Stirling Council Agenda Item No.6

Date of Environment & Housing Meeting: 12 September 2019 Committee Not Exempt A811 Petition Update

Purpose & Summary

The purpose of this report is to update elected members on the road improvement works that have been undertaken on the A811 since the original petition was presented in February 2018.


Committee is asked to: 1. note the level of road improvements undertaken on the A811 (Gargunnock) since February 2018; and 2. to close the petition.

Resource Implications


Legal & Risk Implications and Mitigation


1. Background

1.1. A petition was presented to the Environment & Housing Committee on 8 February 2018 highlighting road safety concerns on the A811 close to Gargunnock village. The Committee received a further update on progress in addressing the issues raised, on 7 June 2018 with a further update to members added to the Information Bulletin in November 2018. 1.2. The A811 forms the main arterial route serving the west and southern rural communities, including: , Gargunnock, Arnprior and . 1.3. The petitioner identified a number of concerns within the submitted petition relating to road safety issues between the junction of the B8075 and Kippen Station Roundabout. The petitioner requested that a number of improvements should be considered to address perceived road safety issues on this stretch of road to improve access and egress for drivers to Gargunnock village. 1.4. The identified road assets included; road signage, road markings, road studs (cats eyes) and the reduction of speed limits within this section of road.

2. Considerations

2.1. Over the last 18 months, two main phases of road improvement works have been undertaken along the stretch of the A811 from Touch Home Farm to Kippen Station roundabout (Appendix 1). 2.2. Significant surface patching along the road edge and centre lines was undertaken followed by the installation of surface dressing beds in both 2018 and 2019. In May 2019 a new road surface was laid on the slip road leading off the A811 to the B8075 (Kirk Lane). 2.3. On completion of the newly laid surface dressing beds, new road studs (cats eyes) and road markings have been installed along this road length, providing clear and visible road markings to safely direct and inform road users (Appendix 2). One newly laid surface dressing bed has had its road edge markings laid however the centre lines are outstanding and will be laid in the next few weeks. 2.4. Existing road signs have been reviewed in line with national guidance and any damaged or missing signs have been replaced. These include three new directional Gargunnock village signs at each of the three main points of access to Gargunnock off the A811. 2.5. The section of A811 adjacent to Gargunnock was assessed in accordance with Council’s adopted Speed Limit Policy. The outcome was that the national speed limits for single carriageways, applicable for various classes of vehicles, were appropriate for this stretch of road. 2.6. The road improvements undertaken between Touch Home Farm to Kippen Station roundabout over the last 18 months have made a significant improvement to the road condition and also to improve road safety as requested by the petitioner.

3. Implications

Equalities Impact 3.1. The contents of this report were assessed under the Council’s Equality Impact Assessment process. It was determined that an Equality Impact Assessment was not required as this proposal has improved the condition of the road asset for all road users. Fairer Duty 3.2. The contents of this report were considered in terms of the Fairer Scotland Duty and were determined not to be of strategic importance.

Sustainability and Environmental 3.3. None. Other Policy Implications 3.4. None. Consultations 3.5. None.

4. Background Papers

4.1. EqIA Relevance Check. 4.2. Petitions Form – 12 January 2018.

5. Appendices

5.1. Appendix 1 - Location Plan - A811 (Gargunnock). 5.2. Appendix 2 – Petition Traffic Management Remedial Works

Author of Report: Contact Details: David Crighton [email protected] 01786 237993

Approved by: Signature: Bruce Reekie Senior Manager – Environment & Place Date: 29th August 2019

Details of Convener(s), Vice Convener(s), Councillor Thomson, Convenor Portfolio Holder and Depute Portfolio Holder Councillor Gibson, Vice Convenor consulted on this report:

Wards affected: Ward 2

Key Priorities: E - We will create & implement environment and infrastructure improvements; deliver new ownership & delivery methods around energy generation, public transport & internet access, ensuring profits & services work to community, not commercial priorities

Key Priority Considerations:

Stirling Plan Priority Outcomes: Resilient - People are part of safe and caring (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) communities within an attractive and sustainable environment