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Test Your State of Knowledge mercury state of origin 6 TEST YOUR STATE OF KNOWLEDGE WithWith our challengingchallenging brainbrain teaser 1.1. WhatWhat waswas tthehe rresultese ult of tthehe 22012012 OrOriginigin makingmakingg a tackle?tackle? 35.35. In whichwhich yyearear dididd NeNNeww SoSouthuth WaWaleslles series?series? 19.19. In 2012,2012,2 wwhoho ddescribedese cribed tthehe lastlast winwiin thethe series?serries?s? 2.2. GregGreg DDowlingowling ooncence sasaidid tthathhat whwhichich QueenslandQueensnslanndd tteam’seamm’s ssportsmanshipportsmanship asa 36.36. WhoWho is thethe oonlynnly NeNeww SoSouthutu h WaWalesles QueenslandQueensland fforwardorwardd ‘‘‘looks‘looks llikeike TaTarzan,rzann, ‘‘smug‘‘smugg andand fake’’?faka e’’? coachcoach to bbee apappointedpoointed wiwwithoutthhoout hahavingving playspllays likelil ke Jane’’?Jane’’? 20.20. SamanthaSamanthaa LLynch,yny chh, thtthee papartnerrtner of wwhichhiich beenbeeene a fi rst-graderst-gradede ccoach?oachh? 3.3. NameName the ttwowo DDragonsragons ppickedicked foforr QueenslandQQueensland sstar,tat r,, iiss exexpectingpectini g a bbababyby iinn 37.37. WhoWhW o waswas thethe mmomostst rrecenteccene t (2(2005)2000 5) JOSH GameGame 1.1. thethe weekweek ofof GaGameme 11?? NewNeN w SouthSouuth WalesWWalles plplayerayayer ttoo wiwwinn tththehe WaWWallylly MORRIS 4. InI 2001,2001, wwhichhich cclublub sisignedgned oonn 21.21. A statuestatue ooff whwhichicch onone-matche-mmatch LewisLewis MedalMedal forffor playerplayyer ofof thethhe sseseries?eriess? JohnathanJohnatthhan ThurstonThurston for ‘‘nil‘‘nil playingplaayiy ng fee’’?feee’’? QueenslandQueensland llegendegene d wawass ununveiledvev illed aatt 38.38. Inn 2012,2012, whowho cclaimedlaaimedd hhee wawwasas drddroppedopped 5.5. WhoWho wawass rerecentlycently ddubbedubbbed ‘‘‘‘MrMr SuncorpSSuncorp StadiumStadium in 2012?2012? fromffromm thethe 20052005 NSNSWW tteteameamm wwhenheen hee wwasas Unhateable’’Unhateable’’ byby thethe QueenslandQueensland media?media? 22. TheThe namename ooff whichwhich elelectricalectrical ggoodsoods foundfound wanderingwandering araroundoundd tthehhee ppooloool att 6.6. In GameGame 1 ini 22012,0122, PPaulaul GaGallen,lll enn, retailerretatailer isis on thethhe StateState ofof OriginOrO iigin shield?shih eld? thethhe teteamamm hotelhotell aatt ninnightghg t drdressedrese sed oononlynly whilewhile arguingarrguing withwiith offioffi cialsciaals overover a crcrucialuccial 23.23. In 2010,20010, whichwhicch aassistantssistant ccoachoaacch inin a ttowelowo el afterafter uusingsiingn tthehee ccontroversialono trovo ersiala QueenslandQueensland ttry,ry, cacalledlled which oppoppositionossition encouragedencouraged a NNewew SouSouthth WWalesalles pplayerlaayer too sleepingsleeping ddrugruug StSStilnox?illnox?? backback a ‘‘f......‘‘f...... iidiot’’?diot’’? attackattack GregGreg Inglis,Inglis, rereferringferring to hhimim aass a 39.39. WhichWhichh QueenslanderQueueenslanddeer scscoredcoro edd tthehhe mmostosst 7. Of playersplayers iinn GaGameme 1, whwhoo hahass plpplayedayed ‘‘black‘‘black c.c...’’?..’’? (22)(22) pointspoints in thetheh 20122012 series?sseriess? thethe mostmost (29)(29) matches?matches? 24. ‘‘We‘‘We almostalmost lolostst hhimim – hhee wwasas ththatat 40.40. NameName thethe threethree rrookiesookkies iinn ththehe NNeNeww 8.8. WhichWhich QueenslandQueensland fforwardorward wwonon the closeclose to ffryingrying his kidnekidneys,’’ys,’’ said WaWayneyne SouthSouth WalesWales team forfor GameGamme 1.1 20122012 WallyWally LewisLewis MMedaledal fforor plaplayeryer of the BennettBennett aboutabout whwhichich QuQueenslandeensland fforwardorward 41. In 2012,2012, whowho playedplaayey d in GamGamee 3 foforr series?series? after an exhexhaustingausting woworkoutrkout at a ssummerummer QueenslandQueensland 1122 dadaysays aafterfter tthehe ddeatheath ooff 9.9. HowHow manymany drawndrawn mmatchesatches havhavee bebeenen camp iinn 20032003?? hishis mothermotherr Dianne?Diannne? played?played? (a)(a) two (b) fourfour (c)(c) sixsix 25.25. NameName thethe twitwinsns in ththee NeNeww SoSouthuth 42.42. WhoWho wereweere thethe oopposingppossing cacaptainsptaia nsn 10.10. WhoWhho areare ththee oppoopposingsing captacaptainsins foforr WalesWales teamteam for GameGame 1.1. inin thethe exhibitionexhibitioon mamatchtch at LLongong GameGame 1?1? 26.26. In 2012,2012, MichaelMichael JenniJenningsngs lalabelledbellled Beach,Beacch, California,California, inin 1987?1987? 11. WhoWho has playedplayed eveeveryry mmatchatch iinn whosewhose punchpunch to GreGregg BiBird’srd’s hheadead inn 43.43. In 2012,2012,, whichwhich bboxeroxo er ddescribedescrc ibede Queensland’sQuQ eensland’s sseveneven cconsecutiveonsecutive sserieseries GameGame 3 asas a ‘‘dog‘‘dog shot’’?shhot’’? ArthurArA thur BeetsonBeetson aandnd LLaurieaua rir e DaDaleyley asa wins?wins? 27.27. WhoWho wonwon thethe 220120122 BBradrad FiFittlerttler MeMedaledal ‘‘Uncle‘‘Uncle Toms’’?Tooms’’’ ? 12. NameName thethe RabbitohsRabbitohs winger-turned-winger-turned- forfor NewNew SouthSouth Wales playerplayer ofof thethe series?ses ries? 44. WhichWhici h threethrer e QuQueenslanderseenslanders wowonn backrowerbackrower rorookieokie in ththee QuQueenslandueee nsland tteameam 28.28. In 2012,2012, thethe AAustralianustralian MeMedicaldical thethe manman of thethe matchmatch awardsawards in 2010?2010? forfor GaGameme 11.. AssociationAsssocic atioon crcriticisediticised CChannelhhaannn ell NNineine foforr 45.45. WhichWhW ich winger,wingger, whwhoseose bibiologicalological 13.13. WhoWho kickedkik cked a sseries-decidingeeriiess-decidingg promotingpromoting StStateatte of OOriginriggin wiwiththt wwhichhiichh fatherffatht er llivesivese iinn ToTTownsville,wnsville, rerejectedejected aann fi eldeld goalgoal inin ththee 7575thth mminuteinute to ggiveive twotwo playersplayers drddressedessed in bboxingoxing rorobesbbes and approachapproach fromfrom MaMalal MeMMeninganin nga to ppledgeledgd e QueenslandQueensland a 221-201-20 vvictoryictory iinn GaGameme 3 in wearingwearing gloves?gloves? allegianceallegiance toto Queensland?Queenslaand? 2012?2012? 29.29. In GameGame 3 in 2002002,2, whiwhichch QQueenslandueensland 46.46. WhoWho hashas captainedcaptained hihhiss teteamam tthehe 14. NameName thethe NNewew SSouthouth WWalesales skipperskipper showedshowed hhisis ddisdainisdain for an mostmost times?times? supporters ggrouproup accaccusedused ooff hurlhurlinging offensiveoffensive sisigngn about hhisis mother by ggivingiving 47. WhichWhich QueenslanderQuQ eensslaanddeer wwasass oonenee racistracist cchantshants at PPeteroetero CiCCivonicevavoniicec va aandnd a one-fione-fi ngernger salutesalute to tthehe ccrowd?rowd? of CCleoleo mamagazine’sgazzine’ss 5500 momostst GregGreg InglisInglis in GameGame 2 in 22012.012. 30.30. WhichWhich QueenslanderQueenslandder ddidid MMalal MMeningaeninga eligibleeligible bachelorsbacheh lors forforo 2006?2006?? 15.15. WhichWhich venuevenue wiwillll hhostost GGameame 2 tthishis inadvertentlyinadvertently referrefer to asas SteveSteve McQueen?MccQueen? 48.48. WhoWho wowonn ththee 20201212 year?year? 31.31. In GameGame 3 in 22012,012, wwhoho wwonon hhisis ffourthoourth RonRon McAuliffeMcAuliffe MeMMedaldal 16.16. Who has scoredscored the mosmostt (1(14)4) OriOrigingin manman of thethe matchmatch award?award? forfor QueenslandQueensland pplayerlayer careercareer tries?tries? 32.32. Who willwill bbee ththee oldest (32(32)) plplayerayer in of thethe series?series? 17.17. WhichWhich formerformer NNewew SSouthouth WWalesales GameGame 1?1? 49.49. In 2009,2009, wwhichhich NNewew captaincaptain was forced to withwithdrawdraw from 33.33. WhoWho won his onlyonly gamegame as coach?coach? SouthSouth WaWalesales wiwwingernger wwasas GameGame 1 becbecauseause ooff a totornrn liligamentgament in his 34.34. In 2012,2012, PeteroPetero CiCivonicevavoniceva saisaidd ththatat awardedawarded an eeight-pointight-point rightright foot?foot? inin 20062006 he wwasas privateprivatelyly shashamedmed anandd try?try? 18.18. In GameGame 2 in 22012,012, wwhichhich QQueenslandueensland ‘‘humiliated’’‘‘humiliated’’ bbyy whwhichich TV comcommentatormentator 50.50. WhichWhich venuevenue wiwwillll hhostost twtwoo forwardforward receivedreceived a horrifihorrifi c woundwound ttoo hihiss and ex-Queenslandex-Queensland forwforward’sard’s ‘‘‘‘savagesavage matchesmatchees thisthis year?year? lowerlower llegeg whenwhen hhee tataggedgged hhimselfimself wwhilehile criticism’’?criticism’’? COMPILED BY ROY O’REILLY y) y) dne dne S (Sy ny h tho An An 43. 43 ny h tho An An An 37. 37. 37 h h ara F e e bbi bbi b Ro Ro Ro 7. 27. 27 r r rke rke Pa Pa rey rey rey Co Co Co 8 18. 18. o o o tw tw t (a) (a) (a) 9. 9 9 (Sydney) 43. Anthony Anthony 43. 37. Anthony Anthony 37. 27. Robbie Farah Robbie 27. 18. Corey Parker Corey 18. 9. (a) two (a) 9. ium tad S Z AN 0 50. ng terli S er Pet Pet y y y ale ale ale D D e e e e i ur a L 36. 36 36 te te Ta Ta nt ent ent Br Br 26. 26 26. 26 ey ey ley ley d Gid Gid Gid t rt rt Ku Ku Ku 17. 17. 17 s s yle y yle M M e e eM Nat Nat Nat 8. 8. 8 50. ANZ Stadium Stadium ANZ 50. Peter Sterling Peter 36. Laurie Daley Laurie 36. 26. Brent Tate Brent 26. 17. Kurt Gidley Kurt 17. 8. Nate Myles Nate 8. ams a lli Wi id v Da D 9 49. , s i ew L y ll a W . 2 4 05 05 0 20 20 35. 35. ris ris Mor Mor lis lis g Ing h h mit mi S n nS ero er am C 7. 49. David Williams David 49. 42. Wally Lewis, Lewis, Wally 42. 35. 2005 35. Morris Inglis 7. Cameron Smith Cameron 7. les My ate ate N N . 48 4 48 48 tt tt tt tt Sco Sco Sco Sco t tt tt Ma Ma 41. 41 in tin Vau Vau ul ul Pa Pa 34. 34. s osh J , , ett ett Br Br 25. 25. g g Gre Gre 6.
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