www .lhenewsenlerprise.com EWS- E "', Let darkness fall on 'Dark Shadows' New face by the Kristina Co~ngtnn named Central Hardin girls' basketball coach Read tl1e re~ew PUlSE, 110 Sporl., B1 MAY 11, 2012 • SERVING MARDI N COUNTY SINCE 1974 • REACH SUBSCRIBE R SE RYI CES AT (210) 5D5-177G 56 Iintl Ban jettisons branches Less The sale of four Jefferson announced sate of its Indiana agreements close laler this year, First Federal sells CoUllty branches will help First branches, the deals provide $44 the company will retain 1310ca SEEK, Fedeml Savings Bank's parent million in equity for the tions in five adjacent counties. four Jefferson company meet financial assur Elizabethtown-based bank, The hank still will have $875 • which has failed to record an allces required by its consent million in total assets ilnd de decree with the Federal Deposit annual profit since 2008. County locations posits of more than $761 mil nOratSeS Insurance Corp., the corporate The sales also renlm First By BEN SHEROAN president said. Federal's concentration to its lion. b!.htro;
[email protected] .......nleTpn.. .cum Coupled with a previously historic core markets. When the Tum La BANK. All inHCS Radcliff's CLOSING MULORAUCH ElEMENTARY SCHOOL budget Dawley Park School system's vandalized tentative expense twotnnes• plan shows depleted general fund Windows broken at By KEUY CANTRAU, home on property, k<anlRll @th<~ ..rpri " .<Dm Hardin County Schools faces soccer nets slashed less money in ill general fund as administrators complete the sec By MARTY FINLEY ond phase of the budgeting mflnley@the".....,nterpri"'.com proc:ess.