Diocesan Resource Library Books available from the Diocese of Eastern Oregon

To request materials from the Resource Library, call 541-298-4477 or email [email protected]. Books are usually loaned for one month unless other arrangements are made.

Achtmeier, Paul J., editor; Harper's Bible Dictionary. Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1985

Alling, Roger & David J Sclafer, ed; Preaching from Psalms, Oracles, and Parables. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2006 Sermons that work XIV

Archbishop's Council, ; Mission-shaped Church. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 church planting and fress expressions in a changing context

Arnold, Kenneth; Night Fishing in Galilee. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 The journey toward spiritual wisdom

Avery, William O; Revitalizing Congregations. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 2002

Avis, Paul; and the Christian Church. T & T Clark, London, 2002 Theological Resources in Historical Perspective

Barker, Lorna; Vocal Descants for 101 noteworthy hymns. Church Publishing, New York, 2010

Bass, Dorothy C.; Practicing Our Faith. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1997 A way of life for a searching people

Battle, Michael; Ubuntu: I in You and You in Me. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 An African way of seeing the world through relationships; only knowing ourselves as our life is woven with others.

Bayes, Paul; Mission-shaped Parish. Seabury Books, New York, 2010 traditional church in a changing world

Berard, Wayne-Daniel; When Christians were Jews (That Is, Now). Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2006 Recovering the lost Jewishness of Christianity with the Gospel of Mark

Berryman, Jerome W.; Children and the theologians. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Readable survey of 25 theologians grouped according to historical periods around thems that have shaped church attitudes about children.

11/9/2010 1

Berryman, Jerome W.; Teaching Godly Play. Morehouse Education Resources, Denver CO, 2009 how to mentor the spiritual development of children. Revised and expanded

Black, Vicki K.; Speaking to the soul. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Daily readings for the Christian year

Blaine-Wallace, William; Water in the Wastelands. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 The sacrament of shared suffering

Bock, Susan K.; Liturgy for the Whole Church. Church Publishing, New York, 2008 Multigenerational resources for worship

Bolt, Peter, Mark Thompson, Robert Tong, ed.; The Lord's Supper in Human Hands; Who Should Administer?. Australian Church Record, Camperdown, NSW, 2008 Discussion of removing the prohibition against lay and diaconal adminsitration of the Lord's Supper.

Booty, John; Reflections on the Theology of Richard Hooker. The University of the South Press, Sewanee, TN, 1998 An Elizabethan addresses modern Anglicanism

Booty, John E.; An Apology of the Church of England by John Jewel. Church Publishing, New York, 2002

Borg, Marcus; Jesus, a New Vision. Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1987 Spirit, Culture, and the Life of Discipleship

Borg, Marcus J.; Conversations with scripture: the Gospel of Mark. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009

Borgeson, Josephine & Lynn Wilson, editors; Reshaping Ministry. Jethro Publications, Arvada, CO, 1990 Essays in memory of Wesley Frensdorff - essays on Total/Mutual Ministry.

Borsch, Frederick Houk, editor; The Bible's Authority in Today's Church. Trinity Press International, Valley Forge, PA, 1993

Borsch, Frederick; Introducing the lessons of the church year, 3rd edition. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009

Boyett, Joseph H and Henry P. Conn; Workplace 2000. Penguin Books, New York, 1991 The Revolution reshaping American business

11/9/2010 2 Bozzuti-Jones, Mark Francisco; The Miter Fits Just Fine!. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2003 The Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris, first woman in the

Brown, Terry, editor; Other Voices, Other Worlds. Church Publishing, New York, 2006 The global church speaks out on homosexuality

Brown, Rosalind and Christopher Cocksworth; On being a Priest today. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002

Brueggemann, Walter; Hope within history. John Knox Press, Atlanta, 1987

Brueggemann, Placher, Blount, Walter; Struggling with Scripture. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 2002

Bryan, Christopher; And God Spoke. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 The Authority of the Bible for the church today

Bullitt-Jonas, Margaret; Christ's Passion, Our Passions. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 Reflections on the seven last words from the Cross

Bunch, David and Angus Ritchie, ed.; Prayer and Prophecy: the essential Kenneth Leech. Seabury Books, New York, 2009

Chandler, Paul-Gordon; Songs in Waiting. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2009 Spiritual reflections on Christ's birth; a celebration of Middle Eastern canticles

Chew, Carol; Abwenzi Means Friends; Leader's Guide. Morehouse Education Resources, Denver CO, 2009

Chew, Carol & Peter Sipple; Abwenzi Means Friends. Morehouse Education Resources, Denver CO, 2009 A child's exploration of the Millennium Development Goals. With Leader's Guide.

Chilcote, Paul Wesley; The song forever new. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Lent and Easter with Charles Wesley

Chittester, Joan; In Search of Belief. Liguori/Triumph, Liguori, Missouri, 1999

Chittester, Joan; The Rule of Benedict. Crossroad, New York, 1992

Clark, Linda J., Joanne Swenson & Mark Stamm; How we seek God together. Alban Institute, Bethesda, MD, 2001 Exploring worship style

11/9/2010 3 Clark, Ken and Charlie Steen; Making Sense of the Episcopal Church. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1996 An introduction to the history of the Episcopal Church

Clemens, James E & David Wright; A field of voices. Church Publishing, New York, 2010 Hymns for worship

Coburn, John; Anne and the Sand Dobbies. The Seabury Press, New York, 1964 A story about death for children and their parents.

Collins, John N; and the Church. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2002

Cooper, Stephen A.; Augustine for Armchair Theologians. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 2002

Cormier, Jay; Not by Bread Alone. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Daily reflections for Lent 2010

Cornwell, Hilarie and James; Saints, Signs, and Symbols, 3rd edition. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 The symbolic language of Christian art

Countryman, L. William; Lovesongs & Reproaches. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2010 Passionate conversations with God

Craddock, Jr., William S., ed.; All shall be well. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 An approach to wellness

Crafton, Barbara Cawthorne; Mass in time of war. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Meditation on the complex questions and inward struggles since 9/11/01

Croft, Steven, Ian Mobsby, Stephanie Spellers, eds.; Ancient Faith, Future Mission. Seabury Books, New York, 2010 Fresh expressions in the sacramental tradition. Foreword by the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori

Croft, Steven, editor; Mission-Shaped Questions. Seabury Books, New York, 2008 defining issues for today's church

Crossan, John Dominic; The Birth of Christianity. HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 1998 Discovering what happened in the years immediately after the execution of Jesus

11/9/2010 4 Dator, James; Many Parts, One Body: How the Episcopal Church Works. Church Publishing, New York, 2010

Daw, Carl P., Jr. and Kevin R. Hackett; A HymnTune Psalter, Book One. Church Publishing, New York, 2007 Gradual Psalms: Advent through the Day of Pentecost

Denton, Jean, ed; Good is the Flesh; Body, Soul, and Christian Faith. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2005 Essays and poetry explore the theological roots of health.

dePaola, Tomi; The Parables of Jesus. Holiday House, New York, 1987 for children

dePaola, Tomi; The Miracles of Jesus. Holiday House, New York, 1987 for children

deWaal, Esther; A life-giving way. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1995 A commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict

Dorsett, Lyle W., editor; The essential C.S.Lewis. Macmillan Publishing, New York, 1988 Includes excerpts from most of his work; complete Perelandra; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; and The Abolition of Man

Douglas, Ian T & Paul F.M. Zahl; Understanding the Windsor Report. Church Publishing, New York, 2005 Two leaders in the American Church speak across the divide

Earle, Mary C; Days of Grace. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Meditations and practices for living with illness

Eck, Diana L.; A New Religious America. HarperSanFrancisco, , 2001 How a Christian country has become the World's most religiously diverse nation

Enriching our Music 1, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2003 Canticles and Settings for the Eucharist

Enriching our Music 2, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2003 More Canticles and Settings for the Eucharist

Enriching our Worship 1, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 1998 Morning and Evening Prayer; the Great Litany; the Holy Eucharist

Enriching our Worship 2, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2000 Ministry with the Sick or Dying; Burial of a Child

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Enriching our Worship 3, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2007 Burial Rites

Enriching our Worship 5, ; Liturgies and prayers related to childbearing, childbirth, and loss. Church Publishing, New York, 2009 Supplemental liturgical materials

Farnham, Suzanne et al; Listening Hearts. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1991 Discerning Call in community

Farnham, Suzanne et al; Listening Hearts:Manual for Discussion Leaders. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1993

Farnham, Suzanne et al; Grounded in God. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1999 Listening Hearts discernment for group deliberations

Farrington, Debra K.; Hearing with the Heart. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2003 A gentle guide to discerning God's will for your life

Feldmeier, Peter; Not by Bread Alone. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, 2002 Daily reflections for Lent 2003

Fiedler, Maureen, ed; Breaking through the Stained Glass Ceiling. Seabury Books, New York, 201 Women religious leaders in their own words

Ford-Grabowsky, Mary; Sacred Voices. HarperSanFrancisco, , 2002 Essential Women's wisdom through the ages

Francis, Peter, editor; Rebuilding Communion: Who pays the price?. Monad Press, Flintshire, UK, 2008 From the Lambeth Conference 1998 to the Lambeth Conference 2008 and beyond

Galbraith, Craig S. & Oliver Galbraith, III; Benedictine Rule of Leadership, The. Adams Media, Avon, , 2004 Classic management secrets you can use today.

Garrison, Becky; Starting from Zero with $0. Seabury Books, New York, 2010 Building Mission-shaped ministries on a shoestring

Gatta, Julia; The Nearness of God. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2010 Parish ministry as spiritual practice

11/9/2010 6 Gaustad, Edwin & Leigh Schmidt; The Religious History of America. HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 2002 From Colonial Times to the 2000s

Giles, Richard; Times and Seasons. Church Publishing, New York, 2008 Creating transformative worship throughout the year

Glaser, Chris; The Final Deadline. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2010 What death has taught about life

Glaser, Chris; As my own soul. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 The blessing of same-gender marriage

Goldman, Caren; Healing words for the body, mind and spirit. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2001 Words to inspire and affirm

Gortner, David; Transforming Evangelism. Church Publishing, New York, 2008 Transformations: The Episcopal Church of the 21st Century

Gould, Meredith; Why is there a Menorah on the altar?. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 Jewish Roots of Christian Worship

Grenz, Linda L. & J Fletcher Lowe, Jr., editors; Ministry in Daily Life. Episcopal Church Center, New York, 1996 A guide to living the Baptismal Covenant; in collaboration with the ELCA.

Grieves, Brian J.; No Outcasts. Forward Movement, Cincinnati, OH, 1997 The public witness of Edmond L. Browning, XXIV Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

Griffiss, James E.; The Anglican Vision. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 1997 The New Church's Teaching Series, Vol 1

Hamilton, Reid and Stephen Rush; Better Get It In Your Soul. Church Publishing, New York, 2008 What liturgists can learn from jazz

Hammond, Sue Annis; The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry. Thin Book Publishing, Bend, OR, 1998

Harris, Barbara C.; Parting Words. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2003 A farewell discourse; sermon collection

Haskel, Marilyn L. and Lisa Neufeld Thomas; Voices Found. Church Publishing, New York, 2004

11/9/2010 7 hymn book; leader's guide

Hatchett, Marion J.; A Scriptural Index to The Hymnal 1982. Church Publishing, New York, 1988

Hawthorne, Robert A.; The Portland Psalter. Church Publishing, New York, 2002 81 responsorial psalms

Heischman, Daniel R; Good Influence. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 teaching the wisdom of adulthood

Henry, Patrick; Benedict's Dharma, Buddhists reflect on the Rule of Saint Benedict. Riverhead Books, New York, 2001 Includes a new modern translation of Saint Benedict's Rule

Hick, John; Who or what is God?. Seabury Books, New York, 2009

Hoffacker, Charles; A matter of life and death. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 Preaching at funerals

Holder, Timothy, ed.; The Hip Hop Prayer Book. Seabury Books, New York, 2006

Holladay, William; Unbound by Time, Isaiah Still Speaks. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002

Holmgren, Stephen; Ethics after Easter. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2000 The New Church's Teaching Series, Vol 9

Hooker, John L.; Wonder, Love, and Praise. Church Publishing, New York, 1997 Supplement to The Hymnal 1982; Leader's Guide

Hooker, Ruthanna B.; Transforming Preaching. Church Publishing, New York, 2010 Transformations: The Episcopal Church of the 21st Century

Hope, Susan; Mission-shaped Spirituality. Seabury Books, New York, 2010 transforming power of mission

House, H. Wayne; Chronological and Background Charts of the New Testament. Academie Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1981

Hudson, Michael; Songs for the Cycle. Church Publishing, New York, 2004 Fresh Hymn texts

Hughes, Amanda Millay; Lost and Found. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 Adolescence, parenting, and the formation of faith

11/9/2010 8 I have called you friends, ; . Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2006 Reflections on reconciliation. In honor of Frank T. Griswold.

Jefferts Schori, Katharine; Gospel in the global village; seeking God's dream of Shalom. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009

Johnston, Michael; Engaging the word. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 1998 The New Church's Teaching Series, Vol 3

Jones, Richard J & J. Barney Hawkins IV, ed.; Staying One, Remaining Open. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2010 Educating leaders for a 21st-century church

Judy, Dwight H.; Discerning Life Transitions. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2010 listening together in spiritual direction

Keiser, Marilyn J.; Teaching Music in Small Churches. Church Pension Group, New York, 1983 Hymnal Studies 3

Ketcham, Bunty; So you're on the Search Committee. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 2005

Kidd, Sue Monk; The Dance of the Dissident Daughter. HarperSanFrancisco, , 1996 A woman's journey from Christian Tradition to the sacred feminine

Kilby, Clyde S., editor; A Mind Awake. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc, New York, 1968 An anthology of C.S. Lewis

Lee, Jeffrey; Opening the Prayer Book. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 1999 The New Church's Teaching Series, Vol 7

Lemler, James; Transforming Congregations. Church Publishing, New York, 2008 Transformations: The Episcopal Church of the 21st Century

Leo, Jason; We shall all be changed. Forward Movement, Cincinnati, OH, 2010 Advent meditations 2010 based on post Hurricane Katrina experiences

Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2006

Levoy, Gregg; Callings; Finding and Following an Authentic Life. Three Rivers Press, New York, 1997 Examination of the many kinds of calls we receive and the channels through which they come to us.

11/9/2010 9 Lewis, Harold T.; Christian Social Witness. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2001 The New Church's Teaching Series, Vol 10

Lift Every Voice and Sing II, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 1993 An African-American hymnal; accompaniment edition

Lord, Open Our Lips, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 1999 Musical help for leaders of the liturgy with complete music and CDs.

Luscombe, Edward; Hands Across the Sea. Meadowside Publications, Dundee, Scotland, 2006 The Scots contribution to the Church of England in America during the colonial period

Lutheran Book of Worship, ; . Augsburg Publishing, Minneapolis, 1978 2005 edition

Lyons, Patricia; The Soul of Adolescense. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2010

Martinson, Paul Varo; Families of Faith. Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1999 An introduction to world religions for Christians

Mathisen, Robert R.; Critical Issues in American Religious History. Baylor University Press, Waco, TX, 2001

McNeal, Reggie; Missional Renaissance. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2009 Changing the scorecard for the church

Mead, Loren B.; A Change of Pastors. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 2005 …and how it affects change in the congregation

Mercadante, Linda; Bloomfield Avenue. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2006 A Jewish-Catholic Jersey girl's spiritual journey

Meyer, Marvin and Charles Hughes; Jesus then and now. Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, PA, 2001 Images of Jesus in history and Christology

Meyers, Ruth A.; A Prayer Book for the 21st Century; Liturgical Studies Three. The Church Hymnal Corp., New York, 1996

Meyers, Ruth & Paul Gibson, eds.; Worship-shaped life. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2010 Liturgical formation and the people of God

Michno, Dennis G.; Manual for Acolytes. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1981

11/9/2010 10 Miller, Keith & Bruce Larson; The Edge of Adventure & Leader's Guide. Formation Press, Austin, TX, 2005 Finding what's real while looking for God

Moravian Book of Worship, ; . Moravian Church in America, Bethlehem,PA, 1995

Moreneau, Robert F; Waiting in Joyful Hope. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Daily reflections for Advent & Christmas 2009-2010

Music by Heart, ; . Church Publishing, New York, 2008 Paperless songs for Evening Worship

Nelson, Gertrude Mueller; To Dance With God. Paulist Press, New York, 1986 Family ritual and community celebration

New Zealand Prayer Book, ; . HarperCollins, New York, 1989 1997 edition

Nicholson, Roger S; Temporary Shepherds. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 1998 A congregational handbook for Interim ministry

Norris, Richard A; Business of all believers. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 Reflections on leadership

Nunnally, J. Ellen; Deep Peace, healing in our lives. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2003 The redemptive power of prayer, forgiveness and reconciliation

Oswald, Roy M; New Beginnings: A pastorate start up workbook. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 1989

Oswald, Roy M; Running through the thistles. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 1978 Terminating a ministerial relationship with a parish

Paintner, Christine Valters and Betsey Beckman; Awakening the Creative Spirit. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2010 Bringing the arts to spiritual direction

Paulsell, Stephanie; Honoring the Body, Meditations on a Christian Practice. Jossey- Bass, San Francisco, 2002

Pearson, Peter; Another brush with God. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 conversations about icons

Peluso-Verdend, Gary E; Paying Attention: focusing your congregations on what matters. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 2005

11/9/2010 11 Percy, Martyn and Ian Markham; Christ and Culture. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2010 Communion after Lambeth; Canterbury Studies in Anglicanism

Perry, David W, editor; Homegrown Christian Education. The Seabury Press, New York, 1979 Planning and programming for Christian Education in the local congregation

Plater, Ormonde; Deacons in the liturgy, 2nd edition. Church Publishing, New York, 2009

Pollina, Roy G.; To Bless a Child. Morehouse Education Resources, Denver CO, 2009 One simple act that parents can do each and every day that reminds a child that he/she is a beloved child of God.

Portaro, Sam; Conflict and a Christian Life. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2003 Study guide included

Primate's Theological Commission, The, ; Longing For God. ABC Publishing, Toronto, 2001 Wrestling with God, Book 1; Revelation, Nature, Culture and Authority

Primate's Theological Commission, The, ; Turning to God. ABC Publishing, Toronto, 2002 Wrestling with God, Book 2; Sin, Grace and the Christian

Regele, Mike; Death of the Church. Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995 The Church has a choice: to die as a result of its resistance to change or to die in order to live

Roberts, William Bradley; Music and vital congregations. Church Publishing, New York, 2009 practical guide for clergy

Robertson, C.K.; Conversations with scripture: the Acts of the Apostles. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2010

Roth, Timothy Dean; The week that changed the world. Seabury Books, New York, 2009 The complete Easter story based on the TNIV Bible

Roth, Nancy; Invitation to Christian Yoga. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2001

Roth, Robert N. and Nancy L.; We Sing of God. Church Publishing, New York, 1989 A hymnal for children; Teacher's Guide

11/9/2010 12 Rowthorn, Anne; The Liberation of the Laity. Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, 1986

Russell, Joseph P.; The New Prayer Book Guide to Christian Education. Cowley, , 1996

Sachs, William and Thomas Holland; Restoring the ties that bind. Church Publishing, New York, 2003 The grassroots transformation of the Episcopal Church

Scanlan, Audrey & Linda Snyder; Rhythms of Grace. Morehouse Education Resources, Denver CO, 2010 Worship and faith formation for children and families with special needs

Schalk, Christoph; The Silent Transformation. ChurchSmart, St. Charles, IL, 2006 How churches have experienced the power of NCD

Schaper, Donna; Mature Grief. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 When a parent dies; a guide through the process of grieving a parent's death

Schmidt, Frederick W.; Conversations with scripture: the Gospel of Luke. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009

Schmidt, Richard H.; Glorious Companions, Five Centuries of Anglican spirituality. William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002

Schut, Michael, ed.; Simpler living, compassionate life; a Christian perspective. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 1999 includes study guide for groups and individuals

Schut, Michael, ed.; Food & Faith. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 Learn to recognize and celebrate food as secramental. Study guide included.

Schwarz, Christian A; The 3 Colors of Ministry. Church Smart Resources, St. Charles, IL, 2001 A trinitarian approach to identifying and developing your spiritual gifts

Schwarz, Christian A; Paradigm shift in the church. Church Smart Resources, St. Charles, IL, 1999 How Natural Church Development can transform theological thinking

Schwarz, Christian A; Natural Church Development. Church Smart Resources, St. Charles, IL, 1996 A guide to eight essential qualities of healthy churches

11/9/2010 13 Scott, Katherine Tyler Scott; Transforming Leadership. Church Publishing, New York, 2010 Transformations: The Episcopal Church of the 21st Century

Seal, Dean J.; Church & Stage. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2005 Producing theater for education, praxis, outreach and fundraising

Sellner, Edward C.; Mentoring, the Ministry of Spiritual Kinship. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002

Shakespeare, Steven; Prayers for an inclusive church. Church Publishing, New York, 2009

Shriver, Donald W., Jr; On Second Thought. Seabury Books, New York, 2010 The socially involved ethicist and former president of Union Theological Seminary revewls some of the challenging experiences and ideas that have infomred his work.

Slocum, Robert Boak, editor; New Conversation. Church Publishing, New York, 1991 Essays on the future of theology and the Episcopal Church

Smith, Molly Dale, ed.; Transitional Ministry; a time of opportunity. Church Publishing, New York, 2009

Steinke, Peter L; Healthy Congregations, a systems approach. Alban Institute, Bethesda, MD, 1996

Steinke, Peter L; How Your Church Family Works. Alban Institute, New York, 1993 Understanding congregations as emotional systems

Swan, Sandra S.; The New Outreach. Church Publishing, New York, 2010 Doing good the better way: an ABC planning guide

Sweeney, Jon M.; Beauty awakening belief. Morehouse Publishing, New York, 2009 How the medieval worldview inspires faith today

Taylor, Brian C.; Becoming Christ, Transformation through contemplation. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002

Taylor, B. Don; The Complete Training Course for Altar Guilds. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 1993

Tickle, Phyllis; The Great Emergence. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2008 How Christianity is changing and why

11/9/2010 14 Tobin, Maurine & Robert, editors; How Long O Lord?. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2002 Christian, Jewish and Muslim voices from the ground and visions for the future in Israel/Palestine

Urion, David K.; Compassion as a Subversive Activity. Cowley, Cambridge, MA, 2006 Illness, community and the Gospel of Mark

Vestry Resource Guide V.I, ; . Cornerstone, Davis, CA, 2005 Overview of roles & responsibilities

Vestry Resource Guide V.II, ; . Cornerstone, Davis, CA, 2005 Spritual leadership, Stewardship, Conflict, Calling a new rector

Vestry Resource Guide V.III, ; . Cornerstone, Davis, CA, 2005 Now that you're on the Vestry . . .

Vidal-White, Fiona, ed.; My Heart Sings Out. Church Publishing, New York, 2006 Children's hymns; Teacher's guide

Wallis, Jim; God's Politics. HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 2005 A new vision for faith and politics in America

Watkins, Keith; Faithful and fair. Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1981 Transcending sexist language in worship

Webber, Christopher L.; Love Came Down. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2002 Anglican Readings for Advent and Christmas

Webber, Christopher L.; Welcome to Sunday. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2003 An introduction to worship in the Episcopal Church

Webb-Mitchell, Brett; Beyond Accessibility. Church Publishing, New York, 2010 Toward full inclusion of people with disabilities in faith communities

Westerhoff, John H., III and William H. Willimon; Liturgy and learning through the life cycle. OSL Publications, Akron, Ohio, 1994

White, Edward A; Saying Goodbye: A time of growth for congregations and pastors. Alban Institute, Herndon, VA, 1990

Williams, Rowan; Lost Icons. Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, PA, 2000 Reflections on cultural bereavement

Willimon, William H.; Pastor, a Reader for Ordained Ministry. Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2002

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Wright, J. Robert, ed; They Still Speak. Church Hymnal Corporation, New York, 1993 Readings for the Lesser Feasts

Zahl, Paul F.M.; A Short Systematic Theology. William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2000 A concentrated summary of the Christian faith in three concise, biblically correct chapters.

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