Title Author Date Signifigance Moved the North-South line a few degrees West. Helped establish Treaty of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal 1494 Portugal's claim of Brazil. Representative Government with Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Settlers of Hartford 1639 legislature Offered to keep interest and power in Halfway Covenant Clergymen 1660s the Puritan church Influential serman during the Great Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards Awakening Revised yearly. Contained witty Poor Richard's Almanack Ben Franklin 1732-1757 aphorisms and advice.

Argued parliament can't levy taxes Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania without colonies being represented

Urged various colonies tp petition Massachussets Circular Letter James Otis and Samuel Adams 1768 parliament to repeal

Government is supreme but bound to follow natural laws based on rights Two Treaties of Government John Locke people have by simply being human

Persuade colonists to revolt against Britain because it was for a land thousand of miles away to Common Sense 1776 govern itself.

Enacted in Massachusetts. Rejected the Intolerable Acts and called for their immediate repeal. Caused colonists to build up militaries and boycott British goods. Enacted by ~ ~ the First . A urging him to redress colonial grievances and restore colonial rights. Enacted by Declaration of Rights and Grievances ~ ~ the First Continental Congress. Called on colonists to provide troops. Declaration of the Causes and Necessities Enacted by the Second Continental For Taking Up Arms ~ ~ Congress. A petition to the king urging him to redress colonial grievances and restore colonial rights. Enacted by ~ ~ the First Continental Congress.

Argued that it was contrary to common sense for a large continent to be ruled by a small and distant island and for people to pledge allegiance to a king whose government was corrupt and whose Common Sense Thomas Paine ~ laws were unreasonable.

Listed grievances made by the king Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 and reasons justifying revolution. Peace Treaty during War. (1.) Britain would have to recognize US as an independent nation. (2.) The Mississippi River would be the US’s western border. (3.) Americans had fishing rights off the Canadian coast. (4.) Americans would pay debts owed to British merchants and honor Loyalist claims for property confiscated during the war.

Treaty of Paris ~ 1983

1st US constitution. 1 body in congress. Each state had one vote. 9 votes out of 13 were required to pass laws. Unanimous votes changed laws. The federal government could wage war, make treaties, send diplomatic representatives, and borrow money, but it could not regulate commerce, collect taxes, or Articles of Confederation John Dickinson ~ enforce laws.

Established policy for surveying and selling western lands. Sets aside land Land Ordinance of 1788 ~ 1788 in each township for public schooling of 1787 ~ 1787 Set rules for creating new states Bland argued that the colonies had An Inquiry Into the Rights of the British their own sovereignty distinct from Colonies 1766 that of Britain. First to express this. Response to Intolerable Acts by Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Considerations on the Nature and Extent of and James Wilson. Denied the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament’s claim to power while Parliament ~ ~ accepting the king’s He argued that Parliament had the ultimate legislative power for the Debate on the Repeal of the Stamp Act Lord Manifest ~ entire empire.

Discussed British/colonial relations. He thought colonies were a threat to Speech to Parliament October 1775 King George III ~ the existence of the British Empire. 85 essays. Presented reasons for , Alexander believing in each major provision of Federalist Papers , John Jay 1788 the constitution

Treaty between John Jay and British to try and stop British from seizing American ships and impressing the seamen. The treaty promised to remove British troops from the western frontier but did not solve the Jay Treaty ~ 1794 problem about the seizing of ships Between Thomas Pinckney and Spanish gov’t. Spain opened lower Mississippi River and gave New Orleans for use in American trade, and moved Florida’s boundary to the Pinckney Treaty ~ 1795 31 st parallel Warned America not to get involved in European affairs, not to form political parties, to avoid sectionalism, and to not form Washington’s Farewell Address ~ 1796 permanent alliances in foreign affairs

Declared that states had entered into a compact in forming the national government. If any act of the federal government broke the contract, a Kentucky Resolution Thomas Jefferson 1799 state could nullify the federal law

Declared that states had entered into a compact in forming the national government. If any act of the federal government broke the contract, a Resolution James Madison 1799 state could nullify the federal law Restores US trade with Britain of France, whoever would recognize Macon’s Bill # 2 ~ ~ American neutrality Treaty of Ghent ~ ~ Ended the War of 1812 This interprets the struggles of the late 18 th century as between Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Hamilton’s capitalist class and Democracy Charles Beard ~ Jefferson’s farmer class. US warning against Europeans coming to conquer in the Western Hemisphere. This document would prove to be very influential in coming Monroe Doctrine ~ ~ decades.

Admitted Missouri as a slave state. Maine was admitted as a free state. In the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36 degrees 30’, Missouri Compromise ~ ~ slavery was prohibited. Agreement between British and Americans to strictly limit naval Rush-Bagot Agreement ~ 1817 armament on the Great Lakes. Spain turned over Florida and its claims to the Oregon Territory. The US paid the Spanish five million Florida Purchase Treaty ~ ~ dollars

Argued that internal improvements should be a priority of the federal Speech to the US House of Representatives John C. Calhoun Feb. 4, 1817 government not the state government.

Focused on southern hierarchy. For whites it meant control and for slaves Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves it probdided the oppurtunity to Made Eugene Genovese ~ maintain their own culture. Godey's Lady's Book ~ ~ Equality between classes. Based on John C. Calhoun's Proclamtion of Nullification President Jackson 1832 nullification theroy. Effects of democracy on business, Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville 1835 government, and society.

Address to the People of the United States ~ 1832 More on the nullification issue. Jackson's Veto Message (Messages and Expresses Jackson's reasons to veto Papers of the Presidents) President Jackson 1896 the bank. Edward Everett (21st congress, 2nd Attacked Jackson's policy on Everett's Speech (Congressional Debates) session) 1831 removing Native Americans. Inaugural Address 1845 President James Polk 1845 Mexican Border Ended Mesican Cession. Mexican border at Rio Grande. U.S. takes California and New Mexico for $15 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Nicholas Trist 1848 million Forbade slavery in new territories from Mexico. House passed it but Wilmont Proviso David Wilmont 1846 Senate defeated it. Speech that urged Americans to not The American Scholar Ralph Waldo Emerson 1837 imitate European culture. Writings based on his experience when he lived two years by himself in Walden Henry David Thoreau 1854 the woods. Supported non-violent protest and to On Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau ~ not follow unjust laws. Florified the frontiersman as nature's Leatherstocking Tales James Fenimore Cooper 1824-1841 nobleman. Questioned intolerance and The Scarlet Letter Natheniel Hawthorne 1850 conformity in American life. Reflected the theological and cultural Moby Dick Herman Melville 1855 conflicts of the era. Letter on the Condition of Women and the Protest against male opposition to her Equality of the Sexes Sarah Grimke 1837 antislavery acitivites. Declares that all men and women are Declaration of Sentiments Seneca Falls Concention leaders 1848 created equally. An abolitionist newspaper; marked the beginning of the radical The Liberator William Lloyd Garrison 1831 abolitionist movement. The North Star Frederick Douglass 1847 Douglass' antislavery journal.

Made Massachusetts public school The Argument for Free Public Schools Horace Mann 1848 system into a model for the nation. Proposed to the convention to adopt a resolution calling upon all slaves to rise up in armed revolt. (was turned A Memorial Discourse Henry Highland Garnet 1843 down by one vote). prohibited slavery in the new Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot 1856 territories exposed slavery tactics and the Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe 1852 horrors of slavery Impending Crisis of the South Hinton R. Helper 1854 served to anger slaves Sociology for the South George Fitzhugh 1854 served to anger slaves.

Cannibals All! George Fitzhugh 1857 served (once more) to anger slaves Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln January 1, 1863 sets free slaves, but doesn’t happen inspired democracy, rallied Americans to the idea that all men Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln November 19, 1863 are created equal spoke against secession and of Message to Congress Abraham Lincoln July 4, 1861 state’s rights

self-explanatory (his last speech), it encourages northerners to accept Lincoln’s Last Speech Abraham Lincoln April 11, 1865 Louisiana as a reconstructed state. exposed corrupt government and Boss Tweed Cartoons Thomas Nast ~ brought about boss’s arrest It is an example of an argument from Speech in Congress Thaddeus Stevens May 8, 1866 a radical republican It’s the great orator’s look back on Speech of September 24, 1883 Frederick Douglass September 24, 1883 reconstruction Said that the frontier inspired creativity and made classes less important. He was concerned that the “The Significance of the Frontier in loss of the Frontier would lead to American History” Frederick Jackson Turner 1893 more class problems Made people for sorry for Native American and wanted to assimilate A Century of Dishonor Helen Hunt Jackson 1881 them into white society Editorials published called for laissez- faire capitalism and economic Atlanta “Constitution” (newspaper) Henry Grady late 1800s diversity segregated Black and White people in the South, also did not allow Black’s the rights that were supposed “Jim Crow Laws” ~ 1896 to be given to them

Ida B. Wells wrote editorials spoke “Free Speech” (black newspaper) Ida B. Wells late 1800s against lynching and segregation

Origin of Species Charles Darwin 1859 Presented the concept of evolution Major publisher of muckraking Cosmopolitan Paul Schlicht 1886 articles Major publisher of muckraking Collier's Magazine Peter Collier 1888 articles Showed the poor side of America How the Other Half Lives Jacob Riis 1890 through photojournalism Major publisher of muckraking McClure's Magazine Samuel McClure 1893 articles Exposed the corruption of the oil Wealth Against Commonwealth Henry Lloyd 1894 monopoly Said that women's suffrage would Arena Magazine Susan B. Anthony 1897 soon be granted Showed the tyrannical power of The Octopus Frank Norris 1901 railroads Exposed corruption in St. Louis Tweed Days in St. Louis Lincoln Steffens 1902 political systems Exposed the corruption of the The History of the Standard Oil Company Ida Tarbell 1902 Standard Oil Company The Pit Frank Norris 1903 Talked of Grain Speculation Described the corruptness in big city The Shame of the Cities Lincoln Steffens 1904 politics Said racial oppression was wrong and America would never stand justified ad long as racial oppression was still Principles of the Niagara Movement W.E.B. Du Bois 1905 happening Led to the beginning of consumer protection (Meat Inspection Act, The Jungle Upton Sinclair 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act) Portrayed the ruthlessness of an The Financier, The Titan Theodore Dreiser 1912 industrialist

Promised that Germany would not sink any merchant or passenger ships Sussex Pledge Germany 1916 without giving a fair warning Tried to convince Mexico to join Germany in the war and, in turn, Mexico would regian the territories it Zimmerman Telegram Germany 1917 lost to the U.S. Asked Congress to put the U.S. in a state of war with Germany and said that the "world must be made safe for Wilson's War Message Woodrow Wilson 1917 democracy." Reflected the idealism of troops and Over There (song) George M. Cohan 1917 the American public Presented Wilson's goals both during The Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson 1918 and after the war Helped make birth-control Women and the New Race Margaret Sanger 1920 information available to women Portrayed the materialism of American life and also showed organized crime that went against the The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925 18th Amendment

Justified the KKK by appealing to traditional values of American North American Review Hiram W. Evans 1926 patriotism and Protestant Christianity Evaluated the effectiveness of the Harlem Renaissance in showing that Harper's James Weldon Johnson 1928 blacks are equal to whites Portrayed the 1920's as a period of Only Yesterday Frederick Lewis Allen 1931 narrow-minded materialism Talked of the major role women Which Side Are You On? (song) Florence Reese 1931 played in the labor movement Showed the rough times of the Great Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? E.Y. Harburg 1931 Depression Promised a $5000 annual income for every American by taxing the Share Our Wealth Huey Long 1934 wealthy Told of the hardships that resulted The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 1939 from the Dust Bowl Explains how the First Lady approached the problem of speaking out independently from the White This I Remember Elanor Roosevelt 1949 House Analyzed the New Deal and said it was one of the most effective long- Age of Reform Richard Hofstadter 1955 term reform programs Said that traditional culture is The Perils of Prosperity William Leuchtenberg 1958 threatened by modern ideas

Said the New Deal was a "halfway revolution" that helped some and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal William Leuchtenberg 1963 ignored others(African Americans) Japanese planned an attack that was At Dawn We Slept Gordon W. Prague 1981 inconceivable at the time Roosevelt had knowledge about Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath John Tolland 1982 attack

Addressing congress the president delivered a speech that proposed lending money to Britain for the “Four Freedoms” Roosevelt 1941 purchase of war materials A Meeting with Roosevelt and Winston Churchill talked about Peace after World War II Atlantic Charter ~ ~ About dropping atomic bomb and message to Stalin to remove troops “The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb” ~ 1995 from Eastern Europe working for top 500 companies Fortune Magazine ~ ~ helped them be successful

The Organization Man William Whyte 1956 Wrote about the loss of individuality

Criticized the replacement of “inner- directed” individuals in society with The Lonely Crowd David Riesman 1958 “other-directed” conformists The failure of wealthy Americans to address need for increases social The Affluent Society John Kenneth Galbraith 1958 spending Portrayed dehumanizing corporate White Collar C. Wright Mills 1951 worlds The Power Elite ~ 1956 Threats to freedom

The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger 1951 “Phoniness” as viewed by a teenager Satirized stupidity of military and Catch 22 Joseph Heller 1961 war Unsafe At Any Speed Ralph Nader 1965 Dealt with automobile industry Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962 Expose of pesticides The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan 1963 Full employment for women Miss Magazine Gloria Steinham 1970s Woman’s magazine Foreign Affairs David Fromkin and James Chace 1985 Learned lessons from Vietnam The Other America Michael Harrington 1962 40 million Americans in poverty Dances with Wolves Michael Blake ~ Native American oppression “I Have a Dream” Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963 Dealt with civil rights “The Ballot or the Bullet” Malcolm X 1964 Forceful protest of rights “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Martin Luther King, Jr 1963 Nonviolent protests JFK’s inaugural address John F. Kennedy 1962 ~