March 22, 2013 Vol. 53, No. 6 Spaceport News John F. Kennedy Space Center - America’s gateway to the universe

NASA, energy group team to pursue space, energy opportunities

By Bob Granath positive impact this agreement will Spaceport News have,” said Kennedy Director Bob Cabana. fficials with NASA and the Mike Aller, executive director of Space Coast Energy Con- the consortium, joined Cabana in sortium recently signed O signing the agreement at Kennedy a five-year Space Act Agreement on March 11. to help transition the Kennedy A major goal of the agreement Space Center from a historically is to jointly develop the Space and NASA/Frankie Martin government-only launch facility Energy Regional Innovation Center Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana visits with a team of high school students taking part to a multiuser spaceport. The part- in the FIRST Robotics Competition's 2013 Orlando Regional on March 8 in the University of Central (RIC) that will sponsor, support arena. nership defines how Kennedy will and accelerate the commercializa- serve government and commercial tion of emerging energy products. renewable energy initiatives. RIC also hopes to leverage Ken- The Cape Canaveral-based con- nedy's technical expertise and FIRST robotic teams sortium is an industry-led nonprofit facilities to develop sustainable association founded to identify and energy products and services. create innovative energy oppor- “The Kennedy Space Center is a overcome accident tunities for the Space Coast and world-class institution for mak- By Steven Siceloff taken months to build the originals, the state. The organization was ing complex technologies work Spaceport News rebuilt the pieces into a pair of new formed by community and industry reliably under extreme conditions,” robots. leaders to assist with the post- Aller said. “The skills necessary he road to this year's FIRST "Some of the students and one transition by building to maintain and launch a high- robotics competition proved of the mentors stayed up all night," networks among local businesses pressure turbo pump used on unusually rough for a pair of said mentor Paul Remmel. "(They) with resources across the country. rocket engines are skills similar T teams when their robots were cobbled together two robots out of The objective is to help Florida to those necessary for developing severely damaged in a car accident those parts and built other parts we diversify its economy with energy- and testing new turbine systems for on the way to the University of didn't have." related engineering, manufacturing energy.” Central Florida arena. The squads, called Horsepower and service activities. Scott Lewit, chairman of the The high school students and their and Bionic Tigers, competed in all “The Kennedy Space Center consortium’s board, continued with engineering mentors spent overnight their scheduled matches, using the appreciates our relationship with that theme. hours salvaging usable pieces and the Space Coast Energy Consor- the working components of the bro- tium and looks forward to the To SAA, Page 5 ken machines. The teams that had To FIRST, Page 4

Intern research Blast media Launch Abort System KSC Run Inside this issue...

Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Pages 6-7 Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013 Interns research ecology along Space Coast By Bob Granath National Wetlands Condi- Spaceport News tion Assessment Project. The interns are studying group of interns mangrove trees and salt from NASA's God- marsh leaf areas to validate Adard Space Flight data received from NASA's Center in Maryland recently STS-99 Shuttle Radar To- visited Florida to conduct pography Mission, Landsat environmental research as 5 and Earth Observing-1 part of the agency's DE- Mission satellites, as well as VELOP Program. The effort NASA/U.S. Geological Survey the Japan Aerospace Explo- is sponsored by NASA's ration Agency's Advanced Applied Sciences Program As part of NASA's DEVELOP program, the agency interns used imagery such Land Observing spacecraft. and is designed to foster as this photograph taken by Landsat 7 Melanie Rosenberg, a interdisciplinary research on Nov. 10, 2011, to study environmen- student at the University tal changes. opportunities for young pro- of Maryland, noted that fessionals. They work under to students from the high imagery from space, such as the guidance of NASA and infrared photography, shows partner science advisors on school level up to Ph.D. candidates." that mangrove forests in research projects focusing on Florida are moving north- the practical applications of Since its establishment in 1998 at NASA's Langley ward, something that is not Earth observations. common for these trees. The Goddard team Research Center in Virginia, "We believe our studies conducted its fieldwork in the DEVELOP Program has here on the coast will help the Merritt Island National grown to include 13 loca- us understand why this is Wildlife Refuge, the Thou- tions in North America and happening," she said. "Since sand Islands area of Cocoa supported over 2,400 intern- climate change continues Beach and the Pine Island ship opportunities across to contribute to increases Conservation Area on the nation. in temperatures and other Merritt Island. The team is On March 14, the group factors, mangrove forests in collecting ground-level data discussed its work in Florida are a great place to to compare with imagery re- ecological forecasting with study these impacts." turned from Earth-orbiting Kennedy Space Center Mangrove forests only NASA spacecraft. employees in a presentation grow at tropical and sub- NASA DEVELOP program interns Melissa Oguamanam, left, and Katrina Laygo "DEVELOP allows at the center's Headquar- tropical latitudes near the record data during their research at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge on interns to lead research ters building. The team is equator because they cannot March 12. projects that focus on using working in partnership with withstand freezing tempera- tion north may continue," the trees to handle the daily NASA Earth observa- the Smithsonian Environ- tures. There are about 80 said Brock Blevins, also rise and fall of tides, which tions to study community mental Research Center, the different species of man- studying at the University means that most mangroves concerns and issues," said U.S. Geological Survey's grove trees all growing in of Maryland. are flooded at least twice Katrina Laygo, a student at National Wetlands Research areas with low-oxygen soil, Findings in this study per day. The roots also George Washington Univer- Center and the Environ- where slow-moving waters could assist local land man- slow the movement of tidal sity. "The program is open mental Protection Agency's allow fine sediments to ac- agers in future decision- waters, causing sediments cumulate. making and policy devel- to settle out of the water and The DEVELOP team's opment. Mangrove forests build up the fertile muddy fieldwork consisted of are important because they bottom. obtaining photographic stabilize the coastline, re- Other students participat- samples, as well as soil and ducing erosion from storm ing on the DEVELOP team water salinity measure- surges, currents, waves are Melissa Oguamanam ments, to be compared and tides. The intricate and Kristopher Lasko, both with satellite imagery. The root system of mangroves students at the University data collected can then be also makes these forests of Maryland. Serving as incorporated into mangrove attractive to fish and other advisors to the team are ecological forecasting mod- organisms seeking food and Dr. Lola Fatoyinbo of els to contrast with climate shelter from predators. Goddard's Earth Sciences variables associated with Mangrove forests can Remote Sensing Directorate mangrove and salt marsh be recognized by their and Frederick Policelli of NASA/Jim Grossmann migration northward. dense tangle of roots that Goddard's Office of Applied A group of NASA interns from the Goddard Space Flight Center visited Florida in "It's our hope that this re- make the trees appear to Sciences, as well as Dr. early March to conduct environmental research as part of the agency's DEVELOP program. They are, left to right, Melanie Rosenberg, Kristopher Lasko, Katrina search will help us forecast be standing on stilts above Beth Middleton of the U.S. Laygo, Brock Blevins and Melissa Oguamanam. how the mangrove migra- the water. The roots allow Geological Survey. March 22, 2013 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 3

Sandblast debris finds concrete purpose

NASA/Kim Shiflett Workers pour a concrete mix that utilizes spent material from sandblasting projects at Kennedy Space Center on March 14. The experimental formula is being tested at the Propellants North facility at Kennedy and will undergo structural and other evaluations as part of a pilot project. Spent blast media (SBM) makes up much of the debris deposited at the center's landfill. Engineers are trying to develop ways to put the material to use in other ways instead.

By Steven Siceloff with the powdered sand, the media Spaceport News includes a tiny amount -- less than 1 percent -- of the paint chips or other onstruction engineers at material cleaned by the blasting. So Kennedy Space Center only blast media deemed non-haz- mixed a small amount of C ardous was used in these concrete used sandblasting material into con- mixes. crete to find out whether the debris The amount of sandblasting resi- can go into driveways and sidewalks instead of the landfill. due created at Kennedy varies each Workers mixed almost three year, Barth said. tons of the sandblasting material, The process has been used by the known in the industry as spent blast NASA/Kim Shiflett Defense Department and by some A concrete mix that utilizes spent material from sandblasting projects at Kennedy Space Center is state departments of transportation, media, into the concrete and used it poured to create a ramp as part of a pilot project March 14. to make a driveway and ramp near but not at Kennedy or other NASA the Propellants North facility near The pilot project is intended to with contractor ITB Inc. and project facilities. the Vehicle Assembly Building. The show whether the concrete with manager at the NASA Technology "I like the idea of limiting or sandblasting material, basically sand spent blast material is a suitable Evaluation for Environmental Risk eliminating waste streams," Barth pulverized into dust, replaced about replacement in some instances for Mitigation Principal Center office, or said. "The challenge is in making it 42 percent of ordinary sand in a typi- traditional concrete. At this point, TEERM. cost less or at least not making it cost cal concrete formula. it doesn't look like it would cost The alternative concrete would be more. I don't think we're there yet." Though formal testing will not less, at least in small-scale cases, a candidate for use in foundations, Barth said the center and NASA be completed until mid-April, the but it would help the center meet a driveways and sidewalks, Barth said, overall have grown increasingly early signs are promising, said Mick presidential goal of cutting the waste but may not meet the demands of a receptive to creative ideas to recycle Barth, Construction of Facilities that goes into landfills by 50 percent, runway or taxiway. materials. For example, concrete design engineer. Barth said. The spent media comes from chunks from demolition projects "The concern is the final product "We want to see if this is going to large-scale refurbishments such as have been used to reinforce seawalls. wouldn't be as structurally sound as be viable in a lot of different uses, the cleaning of the water tower at "It's more acceptable to do it now regular concrete, but I don't think not just at Kennedy, but across the Launch Complex 39B to the material than even five years ago," Barth said. that's a concern anymore," Barth agency for different applications," used by specialized machines to cut "Now it's not a new thing anymore, said. said Jahn Dussich, a senior engineer metal precisely, Dussich said. Along so it's easier." Page 4 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013

From FIRST, Page 1 time between sessions to refine their rebuilt machines. "None of them even thought, 'We're not going to be able to get it back to- gether,'" said Paul Ranyek, a Team Horsepower mentor. Students from other teams also joined in the effort to salvage the damaged robots. "They had about a day to rebuild six weeks' worth of work," said Deanna NASA/Frankie Martin D'Alessandro of the Bi- The Pit Area set up in the University of Central Florida arena is abuzz with teams of high school students preparing their robots for competition in the FIRST Robotics Competition's 2013 Orlando Regional on March 8. onic Bears. "We all came together and right now those participant who also hosted faces before cheering loudly Program, based at Kennedy. Many of the same skills you two robots are working. It the VIP luncheon during the as their robots went head- "You're a piece of a bigger use in developing your ro- was a great sense of pride event. to-head. The robots worked puzzle. That's really how we bots are the same skills that for everyone when we saw The students receive inside a 54-foot by 27-foot succeed is teamwork." go into Curiosity. They're those two robots actually support from mentors, court for 2 minutes and 15 Mango, the keynote just a little more refined than working." including some who work seconds. The match unfold- speaker for the event's what we're using on the floor The repaired robot squads at NASA. Kennedy Space ed on video monitors around luncheon, told his audience today." were teamed up and made it Center worked closely with the arena hall and there that exploration historically More than 60 teams took to the quarterfinals. The Pink Team, NASA's was even a booth where an serves great civilizations part in the Orlando com- As with all the teams, the Launch Services Program online show was recorded to well, allows them to prosper. petition, including squads robots had to do more than advised the Bionic Ti- showcase the competition. It's up to each generation from high schools in Brazil, just function -- they had to gers, and NASA partnered FIRST is a privately to make the discoveries Germany and the Domini- be able to accurately fling with Horsepower in their funded competition that calls that build on the success of can Republic. The finalists Frisbees or climb up a steep development. Numerous on high school teams to de- earlier work. will compete in the national pyramid, and be able to engineering and technical sign and build machines that "The talent in this room is tournament later this year in play a little defense against companies worked with the can accomplish complicated unbelievable," Mango said. St. Louis. another robot trying to do teams, too. tasks. The research, design "You're going to make these "Every year when we the same thing. The Pink Team finished and construction are techni- vehicles better. Together, come here we have a lot of Students faced many the competition in second cal, but there is a heavy we're going to figure out good robots," said Daiane challenges, including devis- place. emphasis on teamwork. how to make space acces- Rodrigues of The Brazil ing machines that not only Inside the arena, the Students largely specialize sible to the entire planet." Trailblazers. "It's a good ex- worked by remote control, atmosphere took on the feel in specific areas of devel- Bob Cabana, Kennedy's perience because you make but on their own as well. of a basketball game. Flag- opment whether mechani- director and a veteran your robot, and you see how "There's a lot of angles carrying students ran around cal, electrical, software or of four space the other robots are different and speeds you have to take the floor to lead their squad control. shuttle missions, found and you can learn how they into consideration, so it was onto the court, teams dressed "It's really shown me this himself signing autographs do this, how the other teams a little more difficult," said in their colors, some spiked whole process of designing and posing for pictures with think." Abby Hall, a Pink Team their hair and painted their and building as a team," said the students as he walked Albert Halbing of The Pink through the pit area where For the foreign teams, Team. "I've done science fair the students were fine-tuning the event is a way to make projects but that's a more their machines. Attend- friends and find out unusual individual process. Here, it's ing his fourth competition, things. a team." Cabana told the participants "At all the regionals, we The team-building and at a luncheon that NASA's make team friends and we leadership aspects of the robotic explorers will con- have a good relationship event stood out to NASA tinue to advance as the stu- with them," Rodrigues said. leaders from Kennedy who dents move from school and "We can learn American toured the event and the pit university to employ their culture." area before speaking to the considerable knowledge in Regardless of rankings students. future missions. at the end of the four-day "When you go to engi- "This is really something event, the students came neering school you learn special, this is what NASA away smiling with pride. how to be an engineer, does," Cabana said. "If you "They say it's the best when you get into industry, look at where we're going as real-life example of engi- NASA/Frankie Martin everything is about team," we explore into the future, neering that you can get," Robots scramble to score during the FIRST Robotics Competition's said Ed Mango, manager of what do we do first? We D'Alessandro said, "and I 2013 Orlando Regional on March 8. NASA's Commercial Crew send robots as precursors. agree with that." March 22, 2013 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 5 Safety component arrives for Orion test flight By Linda Herridge Spaceport News "In the future, crews critical segment of Orion’s aboard the spacecraft Launch Abort System, the are going to feel very Alaunch abort motor, recently comfortable with the arrived at Kennedy Space Center abort motor and the for Exploration Flight Test (EFT)- entire abort system." 1. Built by Alliant Techsystems (ATK), the abort motor will be used Brian Duffy, to pull the crew to safety and posi- vice president and program tion the module for a safe landing in manager of Exploration Systems for ATK Aerospace Group case of an emergency during future missions. The other segments of the heat shield facing down. Launch Abort System are the fair- Duffy said if the motor was fired ing, the jettison motor and the at the launch pad to escape a bad attitude control motor. They will situation, it would actually be assembled together horizontally extract Orion and move it about a in the Launch Abort System Facil- mile in the air and a mile down- ity (LASF) beginning in April. To range so that it could reorient before prepare for EFT-1, the system will CLICK ON PHOTO NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis its parachutes deploy. be attached to the top of the Orion Brian Duffy, ATK Aerospace Systems' vice president and manager of Exploration Systems, talks with “The crew would have the crew module in the Astrotech pro- members of the media during a viewing of ATK’s launch abort motor inside the Launch Abort System means to reach the ground safely cessing facility in Titusville for the Facility at Kennedy Space Center. The abort motor is one of the components of Orion’s Launch Abort from the time they get in the space- flight test, scheduled for September System, which will be used for Exploration Flight Test-1. For more on Orion, click on the photo. craft,” Duffy said. “It’s a very smart 2014. and capable system.” During a media viewing of the tem will provide aerodynamics and required it will be jettisoned and For EFT-1, NASA will collect launch abort motor, Brian Duffy, environmental loads data. won’t be reused.” the data on the environment that vice president and program manager “In the future, crews aboard the According to Duffy, the abort the spacecraft, including the abort for Exploration Systems with ATK spacecraft are going to feel very motor is designed to ignite at the top system, will experience during its Aerospace Group, said it is a one- comfortable with the abort motor end, away from where it is attached ascent. It will be instrumented for of-a-kind piece of hardware that is and the entire abort system,” said to Orion for thermal and acoustic data, Duffy said, even though there uniquely engineered. The motor is Duffy, who is a four-time space reasons and to protect the integrity will be no humans aboard. loaded with inert solid fuel because shuttle mission crew member. of the crew module. The unique EFT-1 will be launched on a EFT-1 will be an uncrewed flight “From the time the crew is on design of the attitude control sys- United Launch Alliance test. the launch pad, until they’re in part tem features a reverse flow and the Delta IV Heavy rocket. NASA’s While only the jettison motor of the flight profile, and they no half-million pounds of thrust would Space Launch System, currently will be active during the 2014 test to longer need an abort system, they’ll turn the 28,000-pound crew module in development, will launch future enable the entire system to detach have this system on board,” Duffy about 180 degrees so that it would Orion spacecraft with an active from Orion during ascent, the sys- said. “And when it’s no longer re-enter Earth’s atmosphere with the launch abort motor and system atop.

From SAA, Page 1 able energy technologies taken with this new that can lead to commercial agreement is the loan of a “Space and energy are applications. RIC presents deployable solar-powered closely connected," said an opportunity for NASA to truss adapted by Kennedy Lewit, who also is president apply Kennedy’s roadmap engineers. of Structural Composites strategies using its expertise The consortium and Inc. in West Melbourne, and resources along with several local partners will Fla. "A rocket is a self- that of industry to pursue help complete and test the contained energy system. energy solutions. The de- prototype and return it to NASA’s development of velopment and demonstra- the space center for dem- fuel cells, solar panels, aux- tion of renewable and more onstration purposes. This iliary power units and other efficient energy technolo- technology was showcased energy systems is too often gies also has the potential on the national stage at the undervalued.” to benefit Kennedy op- U.S. Department of En- NASA/Jim Grossmann The proposed regional erationally, helping NASA ergy’s Advanced Research Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana, left, discusses a Space Act Agree- innovation center will focus meet federal sustainability Projects Agency-Energy ment he just signed with Mike Aller, executive director of the Space Coast Energy on enabling end-stage tech- mandates and support space (ARPA-e) Energy Innova- Consortium (SCEC) on March 11. Looking on, from left, are Scott Lewit, chairman of the SCEC’s board of directors; Bennett Boucher, SCEC board member; and nology development and technology development. tion Summit near Washing- Rodger Rees, SCEC chief financial officer. demonstration of renew- The first project under- ton, D.C., in February. Page 6 March 22, 2013 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013 Page 7 2013 KSC WALK/RUN By Cheryl Mansfield Spaceport News ending additional meaning to the term ic timing system that automatically records Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana (center foreground) is among the runners at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle "runway," the KSC Fitness Center their times as they cross the finish line, and Landing Facility on March 19. sponsored the 19th Annual Kennedy complete event results are available through L Some of the more than 40 volunteers hand out participant numbers at Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Space Center Walk/Run on March 19 at the the fitness center a few days later. Facility on March 19. Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) runway. "The event encourages physical activity Despite clouds earlier in the day, 276 Ken- and positive spirit at Kennedy," said Veronica nedy employees gathered under a bright blue Komar, the fitness professional who orga- sky at the 5 p.m. race time to begin the trek. nized the event. "It helps employees reach Whether running the 5K, 10K or walking a their health and wellness goals beyond the two-mile course, participants got to enjoy the fitness center." event, knowing that the goal was fitness and As an added bonus, the participants were better health. treated to a spectacular launch view as a "The KSC run is a great way to showcase United Launch Alliance Atlas V lifted off the importance of health and fitness in our from Space Launch Complex 41 on a U.S. lives, and to support one another in our fit- Air Force mission, carrying the second ness goals," said Kennedy Director Bob Ca- Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) bana, who ran in the event for the fifth time. GEO-2 satellite into orbit. "The runway at the SLF is a unique place In addition to the participants, the event to have it, and although they assure me they drew more than 40 volunteers who assisted haven't, it sure seems like the distance be- Komar with the race logistics. tween the runway markers has been increas- ing the last few years. Remember, speed isn’t Veronica Komar (holding microphone), event organizer from the KSC Fitness Center, welcomes employees to the 19th Annual Kennedy Space Center Walk/Run on March 19. Rollerbladers were among the participants who trekked around Kennedy Space Center's Shuttle Landing Facility on March 19. everything; participation is what counts." Learn about a few NASA spinoffs that help Runners' results are clocked by an electron- people reach their fitness goals, Page 12

Photos by NASA/Jim Grossmann

Electronic timing tags were attached to participants' shoes Joy and relief overcome three "victors" as they cross the finish line of the to record their performance times. At the starting line on the Shuttle Landing Facility runway, a few hundred runners are given the green light to begin the 19th Annual Kennedy Space Center Walk/Run on March 19. 19th Annual Kennedy Space Center Walk/Run on March 19. Page 8 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013 TAGES study gets to roots of station plant growth

By Steven Siceloff Spaceport News he Transgenic Arabi- dopsis Gene Expres- Tsion System (TAG- ES) study conducted in November 2009 aboard the International Space Station, showed plant roots grow in different directions in space just as they do on Earth. This is an unexpected result researchers say will influence the way seeds and plants will be handled on space missions that could call on space-grown food to feed . The finding, "Plant growth strategies are remodeled by spaceflight," was published in BMC Plant Biology 2012. "It shows us that grav- NASA file/2009 Astronaut Jeffrey Williams, commander, works on the payload Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit-Cambium-Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression ity just isn't essential in System (APEX-TAGES) in the pressurized Japanese Experiment Module aboard the space station on Dec. 15, 2009. root orientation, and that is something that is novel for and stability to plants on from where you are sown plants grew in space or in a Paul, who has flown the scientific community Earth. Varieties of plants, so you can go out and find facility on Earth, the traits numerous investigations in general," said Anna-Lisa from fruit-bearing vines to the nutrients you need is matched all the conditions aboard shuttle and station Paul, Ph.D., a researcher at tall trees, grow their root something that's inherent of the space station, except missions, said the results the University of Florida systems differently. It was in the programming of the for the weightlessness. show that mission planners and one of the principal thought, Paul said, gravity plant, and that programming "These patterns of root can count on plants grow- investigators of the experi- was the primary influence works just fine even when growth, usually referred ing in space or possibly on ment team. "We've always on plant cells to tell them you don't have a gravity to to as skewing and waving, other worlds. thought that these kinds how to change direction. It drive it," Paul said. have been well character- "The better we are at of movements of plants turns out that's not the case, Paul worked with ized on Earth as growth making the spaceflight depended on gravity." the research found. University of Florida col- strategies the plant uses to hardware in which we grow Roots provide nutrients "The ability to get away league Robert Ferl, Ph.D., avoid objects as it grows," plants a benign habitat, the on the experiment, which Paul said. "It was always better gardeners in space grew different varieties of thought that the patterns we become," Paul said. Arabidopsis -- a mustard- were generated through a "The fact that we have like plant -- in an enclosure combination of a touch re- less and less impediment NASA calls the Advanced sponse between the root tip to growing plants on orbit Biological Research System and whatever it is running makes it easier and easier (ABRS) aboard the space into (a rock, a hard surface, to envision growing things station for several weeks. etc.) and the force of gravity either on long interplanetary A camera documented the pulling on the root tip. So, trips or on other planetary root growth of the plants, the fact you can see those surfaces." and the researchers com- same patterns and behaviors As explorers head into pared the growth to that of on orbit, where there is no deep space in the com- identical plants kept inside gravity to pull on the root, ing years, Paul said it is the Orbital Environment was very intriguing. This inevitable that they will Simulator in the Space Life gives us, and the scientific take plants with them as a Sciences Laboratory at community in general, fun- potential food source. Kennedy Space Center. damental insights into how "When we leave Earth's The scientists were plant roots work -- insights orbit, we're going to take

NASA surprised to find that the you could not get on the plants with us," Paul said. Crew image of the Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit-Transgenic root patterns were basically ground, as the natural force "We are explorers. It's what Arabidopsis Gene Expression System (APEX-TAGES) study during identical for the two groups of gravity overwhelms the we do as a species, and it's . of plants. Whether the inherent response signals." exciting to be a part of it." March 22, 2013 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 9 Scenes Around Kennedy Space Center

NASA/Cory Huston The walls come down as demolition as the Base Operations Building is deconstructed in the Industrial Area at Kennedy Space Center on March 11. The two-story building was constructed in 1965 as office space for workers. Kennedy is deconstructing some of the older facilities due to their age and to reduce maintenance and repair costs.

NASA/Jim Grossmann Inside the Educator Resource Center at the Kennedy Space Center NASA/Kim Shiflett Visitor Complex, science teacher April Lanotte displays some of the Workers off-load a component of a Saturn V first stage engine materials used to demonstrate NASA’s Museum in a Box activities March 21 at Port Canaveral. It recently was recovered off the coast for K-12 students. Lanotte, who is an Albert Einstein Distinguished of Florida during an expedition funded by Jeff Bezos, founder and Educator Fellow working in NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission CEO of Bezos also owns Blue Origin, a company Directorate, was at Kennedy on March 19 to train education special- NASA is working with as part of its Commercial Crew Program. ists in a new series of lessons and activities.

NASA/Charisse Nahser Molly Bauck, president of the Royal Rosarians from Portland, Ore., adds "Royal Water" to a rose planted March 11 to honor Kennedy CLICK ON PHOTO NASA/Jim Grossmann Space Center contractor and civil service employees for dedicating Workers from Canaveral Construction of Mims, Fla., continue to re-grade the lime rock in sections of the crawlerway leading to Launch Pad their lives, skills and knowledge to the U.S. space program for the 39B at Kennedy Space Center on March 13. The crawlerway is being upgraded to improve the foundation and prepare it to support the past 50 years. The ceremony took place in the Rocket Garden at weight of NASA’s Space Launch System and mobile launcher on the crawler-transporter during rollout. For more on the Ground Systems the visitor complex. Development and Operations Program, click on the photo. Page 10 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013 Launch pad of the future takes shape By Linda Herridge Spaceport News he launch pad of the future is taking shape at Kennedy TSpace Center as the Ground Systems Development and Opera- tions (GSDO) Program, along with Center Operations, continues with upgrades and modifications to Launch Pad 39B. Center Operations is providing several services to GSDO to man- age and implement the upgrades. Systems engineers and construction managers are working on studies, designs and construction require- ments for several Pad B projects. Jose Perez Morales, the GSDO pad element project manager, said that many Pad B projects have been successfully completed. Photo courtesy of URS/Jeffry Miller Construction is nearly complete on the new hydraulic elevators on Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center. The Ground Systems Development and “Center Operations has been Operations Program and Center Operations continue to upgrade and modify the pad where NASA's Space Launch System with the Orion spacecraft atop it an integral part of the pad team,” will send humans deeper into space than ever before. he said. “Their dedication to the success of the team continues to be rotating and fixed service structures launcher in size and capacity. extremely important.” used for the Space Shuttle Program The contract to build the eleva- "Center Operations has One of the most visible new were deconstructed, two of the old tors was awarded in 2011 to Ivey’s been an integral part features on the pad surface is a steel elevators also were removed. A Construction Inc. of Merritt Island, of the pad team. Their and concrete structure that houses single old hydraulic elevator was Fla. The architectural and engi- dedication to the success two elevators and the associated left on the pad surface. neering firm that designed them is of the team continues to machinery required to operate “Center Operations performed a Reynolds, Smith and Hills, also of be extremely important." them. The elevators will provide study of different design concepts," Merritt Island. access from the pad surface to the Jones said. "Ultimately, it was de- Other projects recently com- Jose Perez Morales, “0” level, or deck, of the mobile cided to replace it with two new pleted include minor modifications GSDO pad element traction elevators.” to the Pad Terminal Connection launcher. project manager According to Lori Jones, a The elevators, which open to- Room, replacing the old Halon fire project manager in the Construc- ward the west, were designed to system with a new sprinkler sys- tion of Facilities Division, when the be similar to those on the mobile tem, and removal of hypergol fuels that will interface with the mobile and the oxidizer farms that were launcher and replacing the water used for the Space Shuttle Program. lines and unused piping beneath Interfaces on the mobile launch- the pad, in an area called the cata- er’s utility platform were modified; combs. Concrete repair to the cata- the water tower was refurbished comb roof will continue. and repainted; the liquid hydrogen The liquid hydrogen, liquid oxy- and liquid oxygen spheres were re- gen and other interfaces on the pad paired, sandblasted and repainted; or pad structures will be updated. and repair work was done on con- Beneath the pad structure in the En- crete slopes and surfaces around vironment Control Room, ducts that the pad. supported space shuttles will be Jones said the office currently is removed, and a new system will be working to identify concepts for a designed and built to replace them. new flame trench and flame deflec- “It’s been really interesting to tor. The old flame trench and wall be part of this project, because it’s bricks, as well as Apollo-era rails my first opportunity to be around that were part of a movable flame at the beginning of a program and deflector, will be removed. Design to help prepare the ground systems for the GSDO Program,” Jones said. NASA/Cory Huston work is not scheduled to begin “We can be a gateway to space for The mobile launcher nears the base of Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center, passing near one of until 2015. three 600-foot-tall lightning towers, as it makes its way back to the park site near the Vehicle Assembly Future work includes refur- NASA’s Space Launch System and Building in November 2011. bishing or modifying the piping other launch vehicles.” March 22, 2013 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 11 New diagnostic tools may benefit patients in space

By Anna Heiney beating, and a number of Spaceport News other variables," explained Dr. Ken Cohen, a physiolo- magine diagnosing a gist with InoMedic Health sick patient in space -- Applications at Kennedy. or halfway around the I "A lot of these change in world. space and have a very big Two new technologies in effect on astronaut physiol- early development at Ken- nedy Space Center could ogy." send real-time information Because the RFII data about astronauts' heart and can be monitored from a lung health to doctors on central location, multiple the ground. Compact and devices could be used to portable, both technologies monitor several patients have the potential to pro- simultaneously, such as in vide advanced telemedicine NASA/Glenn Benson a car accident with multiple capabilities not only for Early in development, this Radio Frequency Impedance Interrogation (RFII) device that may someday provide advanced injured victims. telemedicine capabilities in space and for doctors and patients on Earth. NASA, but for doctors and "You put one of these on patients on Earth. ment, Electrical Impedance locations on Earth. ment is the Radio Frequen- each person and you only "If you get sick up there, Tomography Technology The EITT device is a belt cy Impedance Interrogation need one or two people to the doctor can't put a stetho- (EITT) is designed to pro- of electrodes worn around (RFII) technology, which monitor them," Tipton said. scope on you, take a picture vide images allowing doc- the portion of the body to be provides information about "The device can help point of you, or get your blood- tors to monitor a patient's imaged. Once placed on a a patient's cardiac perfor- you to the individuals that work analyzed," said Dr. airflow or blood flow. While patient, it sends its observa- mance using low-power need immediate care." David Tipton, NASA's chief tools such as X-ray, magnet- tions to a computer, which radio frequency. It's about NASA and InoMedic medical officer at Kennedy. ic resonance imaging (MRI) then converts that signal the size of a cell phone Health Applications are "The doctor, who is on and ultrasound are well to a still image or even a and uses only 1/100th the working together to develop Earth, has to figure out known, they don't work stream of live data. This in- power. these technologies. what's wrong with you -- in well in a space environment formation can be sent from "It just lies flat on the "I'm definitely excited a place where he can't reach due to radiation, user train- space to the ground or from subject's chest, and it gives about it," Cohen said. "It's you -- and then figure out ing, size and power usage remote locations anywhere an indication of cardiac technology development, how to treat you." considerations. These same in the world. performance: how well the and that's one of the things I Still early in develop- limitations exist in remote Farther along in develop- heart's beating, how fast it's think NASA is all about."

Spotlight on Commercial Crew Development

Boeing Sierra Nevada Corp. SpaceX CST-100/Atlas V Dream Chaser/Atlas V Dragon/Falcon 9 The Boeing Company is working with its chosen Sierra Nevada Corp. (SNC) Space Systems recently Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) continues CST-100 spacecraft launch provider, United Launch hosted discussions with NASA about the Dream Chaser's to work with NASA on plans for a Dragon pad abort test Alliance, toward testing a newly developed liquid non-toxic main and reaction control propulsion systems. at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch oxygen feed line duct that will transfer the super-cold The reaction control system will give the spacecraft the Complex 40. The test will help the company assess the propellant from its onboard liquid oxygen tank to its ability to steer in space by providing small amounts of spacecraft's integrated launch abort system, para- dual-engine Centaur configuration. The Centaur is the directional thrust for docking with the International Space chutes and supporting avionics. Throughout NASA's rocket component that will navigate the spacecraft to Station. The main propulsion system is much more pow- human spaceflight endeavors, pad abort tests have its intended orbit. Boeing also is preparing for a series erful, and generally capable of providing thrust in one played an important role in evaluating the ability of a of wind tunnel tests, which are important steps toward direction for aborts or orbital insertion burns. SNC also spacecraft's launch abort system to get an astronaut ensuring its integrated crew transportation system can discussed with NASA its environmental control and life crew to safety in the event of an emergency on the provide crews a safe ride to orbit. support systems that will be needed to support a crew. launch pad. Page 12 SPACEPORT NEWS March 22, 2013

NASA Employees of the Month: March NASA Spinoffs: Did you know?

The 19th annual KSC Run/Walk took place earlier this week. Here are a few NASA spinoffs that have been helping us keep fit.

Technology originally developed for the boots worn on the moon has been applied to athletic shoes in the mid-sole section. A process known as "blow rubber molding" used in producing helmets was applied to create hollow athletic shoe soles designed to be filled with shock-absorbing materials.

Conditions such as motion sickness present a significant challenge to astronauts in space. Utilizing biofeedback training NASA methods, NASA's research led to the Employees for the month of March are, from left, Lois M. Clutter, Ground Processing; Michael C. Carbone, Engineering and Technology; Nicholas R. Moss, Center Operations; Timothy R. Lewis, Safety invention of Zephyr’s consumer device, the and Mission Assurance; Donna M. McFarr, Engineering and Technology; and Laura A. Ulrich, Launch HxM, which monitors heart rate, speed, and Services Program. Not pictured is Alex J. Bengoa, Ground Systems Development and Operations. distance for everyday fitness training.

The Orbotron, a tri-axle exercise Looking up and ahead . . . machine patterned after a NASA * All times are Eastern training simulator, has three orbiting rings corresponding to roll, pitch and March 28 yaw. The user's stomach remains in the Assembly Flight: 34S Mission: Expedition 35/36 center of all axes, eliminating dizziness. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz TMA-08M Use of the machine can improve aerobic Launch Site: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan capacity, strength and endurance. Description: Soyuz TMA-08M will carry three Expedition 35/36 crew members to the International Space Station (ISS). Studies into astronaut exercise in space No Earlier than April 16 have led to the development of a reha- Mission: Orbital Sciences Corp. Test Flight bilitation aid that applies air pressure to Antares Launch Vehicle: mimic the Earth’s gravity on a patient’s Launch Site: Wallops Flight Facility, Va. Launch Pad: 0A lower body in order to unload weight, Launch Window: TBD which reduces the stress placed on the Description: Orbital Sciences is scheduled to test its Antares rocket. Testing will enable lower body during rehabilitation. the rocket to eventually carry experiments and supplies to the International Space Station.

April 18 For more about NASA Spinoffs, go to Mission: ISS Automated Transfer Vehicle 4 Launch Vehicle: Ariane 5 Launch Site: Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana Launch Pad: ELA-3 Description: The European Space Agency’s ATV-4, also known as the “Albert Einstein,” John F. Kennedy Space Center will deliver several tons of supplies to the ISS, docking with the Zvezda Service Module, on the Russian segment of the station. Spaceport News April 24 Mission: ISS Resupply Spaceport News is an official publication of the Kennedy Space Center and is published Launch Vehicle: ISS 51 online on alternate Fridays by Public Affairs in the interest of KSC civil service and contractor Launch Site: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan employees. Description: Progress 51 will carry supplies, hardware, fuel and water to the ISS. Contributions are welcome and should be submitted three weeks before publication to Public Affairs, IMCS-440. Email submissions can be sent to May 28 Assembly Flight: 35S Managing editor ...... Stephanie Covey Mission: /37 Editor ...... Frank Ochoa-Gonzales Launch Vehicle: Soyuz TMA-09M Assistant editor ...... Linda Herridge Launch Site: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Copy editor ...... Kay Grinter Description: Soyuz TMA-09M will carry three Expedition 36/37 crew members to the ISS. Editorial support provided by Abacus Technology Corp. Writers Group. NASA at KSC is on the Web, at To watch a NASA launch online, go to SP-2013-02-050-KSC