


Aji Yogi Panggayuh English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Fatma Hetami English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229 Email: [email protected]

Abstract The objectives of this research are (1) to explain adult fantasy as a result of Bourgeois cultural hegemony‘s view on aristocratic life represented in Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin, (2) To describe the effect of adult fantasy represented by the main characters, (3) the similarities of adult fantasy depiction in Cinderella, Catskin, and Rumpelstilskin. The research used a descriptive qualitative method by using two different approaches, sociology of literature and comparative literature. The result indicates that adult fantasy represented in Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin can be seen through general pictures of main characters, symbols and social life construction available in the settings, plots and conflicts. Meanwhile the Adult fantasy brings psychological problems, known as Cinderella Complex and Peter Pan Syndrome. Lastly, there are similarities of adult fantasy depiction in Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin that rely on how female characters of the stories are being rejected, how male characters are respectful and considered as rulers, and concept of symbols that lead to luxury.

Keywords: Adult Fantasy, Bourgeois Cultural Hegemony, Fairytale, Cinderella Complex, and Peterpan Syndrom

Introduction Fairytale is a long lasting literary work, is a fiction story tells anything popular to any ages from children to adult. about miracle which ends by happy ending. Perault‘s Cinderella, Jacob‘s Catskin and According to Zipes (2012), fairy tales serve a Grimm‘s Rumpelstiltskin are the top three meaningful social function, not just for fairytales from all over the world. They keep compensation but for revelation: the worlds showing their existence for hundreds years projected by the best of our fairy tales reveal since the first publication in 17th century. It the gap between truth and falsehood in our is interesting to know a fact that those immediate society. Fairy tales remains children stories attracted many teenagers and people about what problems come to the adults; they can tell the synopsis and even get society so that readers are considered to into. This phenomenon happens because analyze the incidents well and solve the there is an adult fantasy which reflecting the problem. Fairy tales teaches children morals condition of society at that time. But now or lessons usually by example. They teach that kind of concept is not relevant to today‘s the difference between good and evil, that world, the era has changed into a really life can be very unfair, but one can find competitive world. People who are amazed happiness regardless. Fairy tales teach us by those stories should be aware that they lessons, and they entertain us with tales of live in a real world, not in fantasy. mystical wonder.

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Fantasy commonly uses magic and other cultures; cultures influence the development supernatural phenomena as a primary plot of personalities. There are both universal and element, theme, or setting. It is a popular culture-specific aspects of variation in genre, having found a home for its, moreover personality‖. The portraits of society will the fantasy stories were filmed and accepted influence individuals to acknowledge and as the interest of society is high. Todorov copy the social tendency as a conceptual (1975: 31) states ―the fantastic ... implies an fantasy. In children stories like fairy tale, integration of the reader into the world of the adult fantasy can lead into a looking for role characters; that world is defined by the figure, romantic vision and dream for the reader‘s own ambiguous perception of the future. But there is also negativity as the events narrated‖. Mostly, ―seeing is effects of adult fantasy such as syndromes or believing‖ is being practiced by people. complexes. For the boys, they may have a Seeing here does not always mean visually maturity problem called peter pan syndrome using eyes right away, but imagination as and the may possess Cinderella well. Todorov here tries to solve this problem complex. Both of them should be recognized by assigning the hesitation to an implied early to prevent children from a reader. psychological disorder.

Fantasy can be illogical things inside. The In line with this, the researchers are children very like to play the illogical things interested in analyzing the depiction of adult without knowing whether it is true or untrue. fantasy as represented in Perrault‘s The fantasy which is in the fairy tale will Cinderella, Jacob‘s Catskin and Grimm‘s help the children to develop their imagination Rumpelstiltskin fairytales. In revealing the related to the background and plot of the depiction therefore, the researchers will focus story in the fairy tale. In the each era, the on (1) how the adult fantasy as a result of story of each fairy tales can be developed by Bourgeois cultural hegemony‘s view on the people who are in the certain era. In aristocratic life is represented in the short, the fantasy which is in the fairy tale is fairytales, (2) the effect of adult fantasy very useful to develop the imagination of the represented by the main characters, (3) the children in each era. similarities of adult fantasy depiction in the fairytales. Adult fantasy is a fantasy which appears in children‘s mind containing fantasy about With regard to hegemony, Gramsci‘s most what they want to be or do when in their interesting ideas cluster around the concept adulthood. Children are often believed to of cultural hegemony is when he used to think fantastically about the behavior of and address the relation between culture and interactions between physical objects power under capitalism (Lears, 1985: 568). (Woolley, 1997: 6). The fantastical thought is Gramsci used the word ‗hegemony‘ to say obtained from what they see and what they the dominance of one social class over experience, and then unexpectedly they begin others. Thomas (2010: 351) states that ―The to create a fantasy as the further action or as basic promise of the theory of hegemony is the result of their observation. After one with few would disagree: the man is not observing the activities, events and cultural ruled by force alone, but also by ideas‖. In condition around their society, they try to the simple language, hegemony can be imitate some trending behavior that is described as the influences of leadership or happening in a society into their personality. dominance of the certain group. The This idea is supported by Triandis and Suh mechanism which is used by the upper class (2002: 133) who conclude ―Ecologies shape is that the upper class gives some ideologies

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 that have to be accepted by the lower class. is a structure in which the means of In addition, Thomas (2010: 352) states, ―The production and distribution are privately concept of hegemony is really a very simple owned and operated for profit. Capitalists one. It means political leadership based on believe that increasing GDP (per capita), the the consent of the led‖. It is very clear that in main unit in measuring wealth, is set to bring the concept of hegemony there are two better standards of living, including better groups. The first acts as the leader and the availability of food, housing, clothing, and second acts as the follower. The higher class health care. Capitalism came in Europe to is always in the leadership position. The replace feudalism which was not effective higher class always leads the lower class in anymore. Aristocrats were the class who lost every aspect; ideology, politic, economic, the benefit from economic and social etc. Hegemony is processed and applied during the collapsing of during the political transformation. In the feudalism. Bourgeoisie, the urban merchant political transformation, people need new and manufacturing class, also expanded in ideology, furthermore the upper class or the size and social significance. Aristocrats and dominance created ideologies which have to bourgeois shared many values and interests be accepted by the lower class. Dylan (2011: in common, though they were in conflict 4), ―Typically, hegemony is created in a afterwards. Indeed, this conflict played an process of decisive political transformation: important role in the French Revolution at revolution‖. The ideology is about the norms the end of the 18 century. Katz (1993: 370) and culture of the society. Gramsci divided assumes ―The fundamental contradiction of the society into two groups; intellectual the feudal relations of production lay in the society and civil society (Alex, 2013: 4). cleavage between the nobility's monopoly of Intellectual society is they who always create political and military power and the the ideology and civil society is they who peasantry's role in organizing the economy‖. always accept and do the ideology. In Feudalist focuses in agrarian system where transferring the ideology, the intellectual the control of traditional farming was totally society often gets the ignorance from the under the control of the landlords. Its civil society. Furthermore, the intellectual currency was a land rented from the landlord society often forces the civil society to accept or aristocrat to the peasants or vessels with the ideology they created. In Gramsci‘s the crop and taxation as the payment. Time cultural hegemony, understanding how ideas after time, a new social class came up in actually function in society is a vivid Europe between aristocrat and peasant, they approach. This concept of hegemonic were bourgeois. Bourgeoisie as the middle consensus acknowledges differences in class began its new role as a merchant that wealth and power even in ―democracies‖ and slowly replacing the position of landlord seeks to show how those inequalities have owned by aristocrat. been maintained or challenged in the sphere of culture (Lears: 527). This concept was Bourgeoisie as the activist of capitalism created as Gramsci‘s critics about the ended the domination of feudal aristocracy government in his era, its purpose was to who were pressing down the labors by high identity those elements in dominant culture taxation. They focused on the business that serve existing power relation and some purpose in economy and industry this led the groups that disagree and want to subvert birth of industrial era in European countries them. like England, and . This condition gave more opportunities to labors Capitalism is one of the most influential to feed their families. As capitalist economy factors that define economic classes today. It is empowered by a political authority to own

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 and control the use of property for private Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin gain subject to a set of laws and regulations. perform adult fantasy in children literary It has been a great interest that in capitalist work. Adult fantasy is a fantasy which economy workers are free to work for wages, appears in children‘s mind, containing capital is free to earn a return, and both labor fantasy about what they want to be or do in and capital are free to enter and exit from their adulthood. The fantastical thought is various lines of business. obtained from what they see and what they experience, then unexpectedly they begin to In Gramsci‘s point of view, bourgeois create a fantasy as the further action or as the cultural values were tied to , popular result of their observation. After observing culture and religion. In the western world, the activities, events and cultural condition since the late capitalist economy around their society, they try to imitate some development, the bourgeois describes a trending behaviour that is happening in a social class characterized by their ownership society into their personalities. This concept of capital, and their related culture. For the can be seen through the analysis of the main individual, the word "bourgeois" belongs to characters in the fairytales, symbols that masculine and bourgeois is feminine. represent adult fantasy and social life According to Marxist philosophy, the term construction implied in the fairytales‘ setting, bourgeoisie denotes the social class who plot and conflict. owns the means of production and whose societal concerns are the value of property General Picture of Main Characters and the preservation of capital, in order to Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin ensure the perpetuation of their economic show a complex story which apparently uses supremacy in society. gender role difference between male and female that may be strongly implemented in Research Methodology the background society, resulting strong In designing this research, the writer used a characterization which make it successful. A descriptive qualitative method by employing basic element in the stories is beauty. two approaches, sociology of literature and Although the prince knew nothing about the comparative study. By using the first ‘s personality, he instantly fell in love approach, the researchers highlight with her simply because of her beauty. For conditions of society in Cindrella, Catskin the first time, she had secured her position as and Rumpelstiltskin and reveal how an honored lady only by showing up her Bourgeois cultural hegemony‘s view on stunning look in the grand ball held by young aristocratic life results in adult fantasy. lord where all attendants praised her much. Meanwhile the second approach was used to This general picture implies that a girl or find the similarities of adult fantasy depiction woman does not need to be well educated or represented in Cinderella, Catskin and having a compatible personality, as long as Rumpelstiltskin. The data were in the form of she can show them her beauty she will be words, phrases, sentences, and dialogues both respected and wanted (Jacob, 1894: 2). dealing with topic of analysis. Yet, in daily life she had no place to show up Finding and Discussion her beauty and grace. She portrayed how Adult Fantasy as a Result of Bourgeois women were despised by society and even Cultural Hegemony‘s View on Aristocratic family. Women were helpless and powerless Life Represented in Perrault‘s Cinderella, that they could not stand by themselves. Jacob‘s Catskin and Grimm‘s Cinderella lived the days in a catastrophe. It Rumpelstiltskin started to ruin her life when father as the only

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 man who love her began to lose his attention. by its glamor. It was true that wealth can She could not help herself for been being influence somebody else‘s mind (Jacob, treated wickedly by the step family. It caused 1894: 4). Wealth also creates a strong figure her loneliness and hardship (Perault, 1697: of person. This influence also inflicted the 1). Catskin itself indirectly told that woman girl in Rumpelstiltskin who was threatened is considered as a vulnerable creature so that by the greedy king (Grimm, 1812: 1). The many parents prefer to have son than ending of those stories showed a cultural daughter (Jacob, 1894: 1). As experienced by concept of society. For aristocrat families, Catskin, because his father wanted a son so exogamy was not really implemented. They that Catskin was ignored entirely by his prefer to wed a person from the same level in father and he even wanted Catskin to order to preserve the class of society. Yet for immediately go out of his house by marry her a certain reason, to marry a lower class to anyone who proposed her for the first time woman would be alright with one condition. (Jacob, 1894: 2). The character of Catskin is If she could lift the people‘s almost like Cinderella where she is acknowledgement on the man‘s honor. powerless, and she can only gain her desires Cinderella and Catskin were very well through the aid of somebody else. The respected as the most beautiful and miller‘s daughter in Rumpelstiltskin got a fashionable figure among all of the women. terrific accusation by her father that she Their background was not so important could die because of her father‘s deceit. This anymore since the people only saw the illustrates that woman is only valued as a tool positive appearance they brought to the eyes rather than a human being, just like a poor at the grand ball. Everybody said the prince who had no rights to speak or deny an and young lord were so lucky to wed them. intimidation (Grimm, 1812: 1). Though she The prince became more famous and loved was probably too young, the intimidation by his people. While the girl in could happen in domestic circumstance and Rumpelstiltskin could make the king richer workplace. Girls and women at that time and richer (Grimm, 1812: 1). used to work as maid, spinner or labor in mill Adult Fantasy Symbols and factory. In one hand, female labors were considered as the lowest quality, made them As shown in Cinderella, Catskin and were paid in very low wage. Many factories Rumpelstiltskin, adult fantasy can lead into a had more female labors than male labors further creation of dreams. It can be a because they were considered more looking for role figure, romantic vision and profitable and they could reduce company dreams for the future. There are several expenses. Other than that female labor was dominant adult fantasy found in those stories. also easy to push, intimidate and governed. It happened that the king's son gave a ball, As there were more female labors than men and invited all persons of fashion to it. Ball is at that time, intimidation struck them more a symbol of luxury, a place for mature often. aristocrats having fun and showing off their power, wealth and self-esteem. This On the other hand, men were given privilege celebration event used to be an event to in social life. They have power over women. compete in dignity (Perault, 1697: 2). In The male main characters are shown as the Catskin, ball is a symbol of an honor king and prince whose command is celebration in welcoming the arrival of a everything, the orders should be done grand figure. This celebration of rich clan perfectly (Perault, 1697: 8). When there was attract the attention of fine figure, mature a time for young lord hosting the grand ball, men and women from the well-known Catskin‘s interest to go there was influenced family. To go to this grand ball is a dream for

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 every men and women as they can find their Social Life Construction: Bourgeois Cultural best partner easier in that occasion, pick up Hegemony or be picked up (Jacob, 1894: 2). The social life construction in Perault‘s The second dominant symbol is fashion. Cinderella, Jacob‘s Catskin and Grimm‘s Fashion as a symbol of appearance can Rumpelstiltskin took place in around 17th increase somebody‘s good look and boost century where the land was ruled by a king their pride. A natural physical appearance and the aristocrat dominated all aspect in life. which is covered and polished by good taste The government applied feudalism system fashion will look stunning and more eye that relied on agrarian as their most resource, catching. Cinderella and Catskin were very is proven by the main setting of beautiful but nobody noticed until they Rumpelstiltskin when the king put the girl in underwent the grand ball wearing best a room full of straw (Grimm, 1812: 1). The dresses and clothes that made them were 17th era in Western Europe was having a praised by the very fine figures and wanted movement that might lead into a power by the prince. In Rumpelstiltskin, and reshuffle. Once the tax was considered too jewelry became a very dominant symbol high, peasantry could not afford their asset to regarded to adulthood. Gold is a symbol of cultivate the land. Trend of Bourgeois as the wealth. With that gold someone will be class of merchants develops and result the considered as a rich and successful man, by construction of their cultural hegemony in having gold it means they can role anything society. Bourgeois respected the process of since gold was the most valuable hard work while aristocrats was born in transactional thing. Jewelry mentioned in the wealth and got everything instantly without story were necklace and ring belonged to the hard work. So they cut this symptom infected miller‘s daughter. Necklace and ring are the society by writing their ideas in children symbols of grace for woman. They were story. They were pretty sure that younger needed as well as make up and fashion. By generation could use their common sense in wearing these jewels, a lady will look more analyzing values in literary works. beautiful and graceful. It can be an asset for Addressing a ―madam‖ call for a noble women that is why Rumpelstiltskin agreed to woman was commonly practiced in 17th help the girl as she would give it as the return century. European people were still (Grimm, 1812: 1). practicing in using French word as a result of language civilization (Perault, 1697: 1). The last but not least adult fantasy symbol is Meanwhile, Catskin father‘s behaviour marriage. In Cinderella, Catskin and represents society‘s conservative culture Rumpelstiltskin, marriage is a symbol of where only a boy who can be a heir of the success, it is believed as a way to reach family. He showed how Society implemented happiness and get out of the problem, a tradition to free a young girl to live without especially for women. Getting married will her parent. A 15 years old girl was ready for elevate a woman which means she can stop a marriage, it described that mentally that girl looking for spouse whom they needed a had to have a standard criteria of a maturity. protection from. She has been ready to be his (Jacob, 1894: 1). dependant, and for him, this marriage will give him pride to have the new heir as well Effects of Adult Fantasy Experienced by as it symbolizes self-preservation regarding Main Characters in Cinderella, Catskin, to one‘s heredity (Perault, 1697: 9); and Rumpelstiltskin (Jacob, 1894: 4); (Grimm, 1812: 1). There are some negative effects of adult fantasy such as syndromes or complexes. The

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 adult fantasy obtained from fairy tale can Catskin always relied on henwife anytime affect boys and girls or even men and women she was in trouble. Be back in the time, 15 to be engaged in psychological problems. For years old girl was mature enough to be a the girls and women, they may posses bride which means she should be ready for Cinderella complex while boys and men may standing with her own opinion to find out a have a maturity problem called peter pan solution. Catskin‘s act of limiting minds and syndrome. Both of them should be potential leads her into dependence (Jacob, recognised early to prevent children and even 1894: 1). Meanwhile, the miller‘s daughter adult from a psychological disorder. from Rumpelstiltskin also sustained this psychological dependency syndrome. She Cinderella Complex was very surrender about her destiny when Cinderella Complex is a psychological her father mentioned that she could spin the dependency syndrome. This complex straw into gold. And when she had been internalized deeply and naturally in women‘s locked in a room by the King for spinning the mind. Women with this complex would straw into gold in just one night, she just willingly give over their own growth, cried without pleading for her independency. preferring dependence to independence. She should have told the truth to the King Besides, they feel that they need a man to that she was just an ordinary girl (Grimm, lean on. In other words, women with the 1812: 1). Cinderella complex have both the deep wish to be taken care of by others either physically Peterpan Syndrome or psychologically (Dowling, 1981: 21). Peter Pan Syndrome affects people who do Hence, like Cinderella, this woman was not want or feel unable to grow up, people always waiting for someone or something with the body of an adult but the mind of a external to change her life. Dowling believes child. They do not know or want how to stop that the Cinderella complex makes women being a child and grow as an adult. They are retreat from the full use of their minds, their unable to grow up and take on adult potential, and their creativity. responsibilities, and even dress up and enjoy themselves as teenagers when they are over Cinderella complex in Perrault‘s Cinderella 30 years old. Some characteristics of the is indicated firstly by the absence of rights disorder are the inability of individuals to which happened to Cinderella. She never take on responsibilities, to commit spoke about what she wanted or felt, and themselves or to keep promises, excessive chose to grieve over her distress instead. care about the way they look and personal Apparently she had a wish to get to the ball well-being and their lack of self-confidence, but pretty sad that she did only supposing even though they don‘t seem to show it and ‗what if I could‘ without planning anything actually come across as exactly the opposite. to make it real. The lack of courage and The male main characters in these stories confidence put herself into an irritating life imply the peter pan syndrome because the that she was always be dreaming and was prince or king never grew up according to the never been able to help herself out (Perault, maturity not age. These men want to function 1697: 3). Having excellence ideas in doing both as a man and a child. When it benefits make up for her sisters yet not enough to them like a matter of love and other manly make herself confident and optimist. All the pursuits, they claim themselves as gentlemen misery she had undergone everyday had who are strong and assertive. But when there swept away her confidence so that she could is a circumstance that faces them into a not acknowledge any potential that actually requirement of responsibility, they will play a she really had. In line with Cinderella,

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 role of a child. A sufferer of Peter Pan threatening the girl with a death penalty. syndrome is also very childish. After knowing the girl can spin the straw into gold the King wed her just because he The King‘s son was attracted and much wanted to gain his wealth. His concern to a wanted to know who Cinderella is, yet his personal pleasure without thinking how the big curiosity did not ignite his enthusiasm. other‘s feeling is an example of an Instead of looking for her with his guards and irresponsibility. It was told that the king did messengers, he just waiting until they found not show any attempt to fight for his her. As the result, he did not witness how daughter when a manikin come to take her. A smooth Cinderella put the glass slipper to her king generally must have a great strength and foot and more she pulled out the other one power, but his response for the obligation to from her pocket. He had known her but it did the family did not came up like it seemed to not drive his manly instinct to be brave or a be unimportant to him. In this conflict, the little bit gentle to pick up the princess, role of husband and king was being absent, because again he commanded the guards to no story about him tried to help his queen bring her to the palace. He did not have and little princess. He was not able to be care responsibility over his desire. Of course this man in the family, he had just gone. This is not a good moral of the prince figure, and problem should be for the family not only for it potentially not to be a genuine relationship, her as they had already married and both of having less sincerity and efforts (Perault, the king and the queen should help each 1697: 8). A young lord should have a brave other (Grimm, 1812: 1).The fact said the and resilient nature but what the young lord truth that she had to fight without her showed was the opposite, instead of looking husband‘s assistance. He represented the for ways to marry Catskin he was sulking his absence of man in the family. It was a shame mother with whimper and words (Jacob, for the king did not bestow his family with 1894: 4). A man with Peterpan syndrome is protection. This remarks the biggest going to be very egoist. As seen in disadvantage of the syndrome, the person Rumpelstiltskin when the king marry a girl who is suffering peter pan syndrome does not just because of a chance to gain his wealth. feel that they are part of the problem, they His greed is not an example of good deeds, are not aware of it. he just concerned with his personal pleasure. It is a proof that Peter Pan Syndrome can Similarities of Adult Fantasy Depiction attack even the most powerful gentleman and Its Effects as Represented in because of an absence of responsibility. A Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin king has to be wise so that he can rule the Similarities among Cinderella, Catskin and kingdom, land and its people into a Rumpelstiltskin are in adult fantasy depiction prosperity. But what happened was and adult fantasy effects. Adult fantasy unpredictable, the king made his people depiction carries general pictures of main under pressure with the power that he characters and symbols. The main characters possessed. He manipulated people‘s trust of Cinderella, Catskin and Rumpelstiltskin simply in order to increase his riches. He had similarities in both gender, male and should be wise when the miller told him that female. Female main characters lived with his daughter could do impossible work. But rejection from the people surrounding. But he was actually not a wise man, he forced a there was a similarity known to be a culture girl to spin straw into the gold, locked her by of fairy tale, the main character girl was himself in a room for three times. His beautiful. This quality of her became a basic decision was too emotive as he blinded by element, which in the end it took her into a the greed. And he made it worse by new life where rejection and ill treatment

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The 5th ELTLT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS October 2016 changed into warm love and joy. The second the male character is always described as a similarity came from male main characters. ruler or aristocrat man. This culture of fairy Either the king‘s son, young lord or the king tale reveals the same ideology of symbol that was a man with authority on the land. Their they appreciate properness by luxury. orders were to be obeyed, anything they wanted always be done. The similarity in Bibliography symbol they used was properness valued by Bates, Thomas R. 1975. Gramsci and the luxury. Theory of Hegemony. University of Pennsylvania Press The similar effects of the three stories are Demirović, Alex. 2013. Foucault, Gramsci divided into Cinderella complex and peterpan and Critical Theory – Remarks on syndrome. There is one similarity in their Relationship Technical Cinderella complex represented by University: Berlin Cinderella, Catskin and the miller‘s daughter. Dowling, Colette. 1981. The Cinderella Those women wished to be saved. Not only Complex: Women's Hidden Fear of women in story who represented the Independence. Simon & Schuster. similarity of adult fantasy effect, but also the ISBN 0-671-73334-6. men. The king‘s son, young lord and the king Dylan, Riley. 2011. Hegemony, Democracy, were all having the same behaviour. They and Passive Revolution in Gramsci's. tend to be passive and not working hard. The California Italian Studies. University power they had, made them effortlessly of California: Berkeley doing action. The way they chose in Katz, Claudio. 1993. Karl Marx on the pursuitting a was an opposite of Transition from Feudalism to manhood and leadership. However, they still Capitalism. got what they asked for. Lears, T.J. 2000. The Concept of Cultural Hegemony: Problems and Conclusion Possibilities. First, adult fantasy as a result of Bourgeois Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org cultural hegemony‘s view on aristocratic life Triandis, Harry C. and Suh, Eunkook M. represented in Cinderella, Catskin and 2002. Cultural Influences on Rumpelstiltskin is influenced by general Personality. Department of pictures of main characters, adult fantasy Psychology, University of Illinois symbols and social life construction. Second, Todorov, Tzvetan. , 1975. The Fantastic: A the finding of this study also shows that adult Structural Approach to a Literary fantasy brings effects on society as Genre. Ithaca: Cornell University represented by the main characters in these Press stories. They are psychological problems, Woolley, Jacqueline D. 1997. Thinking about known as Cinderella Complex and Peter Pan Fantasy: Are Children Fundamentally Syndrome. Third, the similarities of adult Different Thinkers and Believers fantasy are indicated from adult fantasy from Adults? depiction and its effects. From the depiction, Zipes, Jack. 2012. The Irresistible Fairytale: it is obtained that there is a similarity known the Cultural and Social History of a to be a culture of fairy tale, beauty is the Genre. Princeton University Press main attribute of female main character and

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