CHINA: 4 TH1 iNLAND WATERWAYS E788 V. 6 May, 2003 la aterway Regulation Project Public Disclosure Authorized for the North River (Shaoguani-Qinigyuan Section) Sub-Compornent 7

Environmental Action Plan Public Disclosure Authorized

Draft Third

5/2003 Public Disclosure Authorized

South China Instittite of Environmental Sciences, SEPA Public Disclosure Authorized

______mmf General Responsibility: Professor Xu Zhencheng, Director of SCIES Technical Responsibility: Professor Han Baoxin, Deputy Director EPA work Responsibility: Mr. Liang Mingyi

Complied by: Liang Mingyi, EIA Certificate GD-03828 Zhang Yuhluan, EIA Certificate GD-03824 Cai Xinde, EIA Certificate GD-03820

Qian Donglin, EIA Certificate GD- 13102 Li Zhaoyong, EIA Certificate GD-03832 Shen Qian, EIA Certificate GD-03830 Others by Zengweiyi ,Wangtao, Zhuxuedong, and Zhoujian Examined by: Han Baoxin Finalized by: Xu Zhencheng CONTENTS


1.1 PROJECT LOCATION ...... 3...... 3 1.2 THE CONSTRUCTION SCALE AND THE DESIGN STANDARD OF THE WATERWAY ...... 3...... 3 1.3 PROJECT SCHEME 3...... 3 1.3.1 Section A Mengzhouba Dam to Men Eli (Natural River) (about 30km) and Section B Menzli to Wushinan (seasonal fluctuation course)habout 4km) ...... 3 1.3.3 Section C Baishivao Dam to Guanvinvan (NaturalRiver) (abouit 7khn) and Section D Guanyinvan to Daluodu (seasonal fluctuation corurse)(about 4okn) ...... 3..3 1.3.4 Section E FeilaixiaDam to OinQvuan Bridge (NaturalRiver)f(about 30km) ...... 3 1.4 TIMING ...... 5 1.4.1 The First Phase. 5 1.4.2 The Second Phase. 5 1.4.3 ProjectB1udEet and Investment Arran2Zement...... S...... 5 1.4.4 Equipments...... 5 1.5 CONDITIONS OF ENGINEERING AND PR(OJECT PLAN ...... 5 1.5.1 Trafflic Conditions ofEnkyineering...... S 1. 5.2 Conditions of Project Field...... 6 1. 5.3 .Suppl of materials, iwater and power...... 6 1.5.4 Sediment Disposal...... 7 1.6 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FACTORS ...... 13 1.6. 1 AMIain tvpes of engineering wtork...... 13 1.6.2 Altain construction technoloQies and mneasures ...... 13 1.6.3 Process of environmental impact identification and selection ...... 14








5.1 IMPLEMENT'ATION OF MITIGATIION MEASUltES ...... 40 5.2 ENVIRONMENT ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITIES AND SYSTEM . 40 5.2.1 Organization Framework.40 5.2.2 Responsibilities 41 5.2.3 Environnmental monitorinz report.42 5.3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS .43 5.4 TRAINING AND BUDGET .43 5.4.1 Contents of training.43 5.4.2 Traininepeople in environmental inanaZement department.44 5.4.3 On-the-iob-traininzof environmental monitoringand manakement personnel. 44 5.4.4 Traininge for all responsiblepersons of each sub-projects and constructors 45 5.5 TIME SCHEDULE FOR ENFORCEMENT OF EAP .45


1 .ENVIRONMENT STANDARDS AND CONTROL STrANDARDS OF POLLUTANTS .46 1. ISurface. Water.46 1.2 Noise.7 ...... 4 1.3 Air Envionment.48 1.4 River sediments ...... : 48 1.5 Soils.48 2 TECHNICAL GUIDELINES 49

. FIwWe-5 i& MOar 1. Project Description 1.1 Proiect Location

The -Oingyuan section of the North River, 184 kilometers long, winding through the canyons and basins in the. northern part of Guanedong province, is the midstream of tihe North River. Its geographical coverage is east longitude 111 50' to 1140 50'. north latitude 23° 40' to 250 40'. The river course for reiulation is from Sliaoguan downstream to the Oingyuan North River Highway Bridge. The location of the proiect is shown in Figure 1. 1.

1.2 The Construction Scale and the Design Standard of the Waterway

The channel may arrive at Grade V through renovation. It is possible for channel Dimensions to amount up to i.3x40x260 meters when the guarantee rate of the comprehensive stage duration curve method is 95%. The passage capacity of the channel exceed 1.13million tons when the self-propelled barge of 300-ton capacity or the fleet of 2x300-ton capacity passes through the channel.

1.3 Proiect Scheme

This project is to improve navigation condition of the North River (Shaoguan-Oingyuan). The civil works of the project are constructed in the follow river sections of the North River (Shaoguan-): three natural river courses (including Section A Mengzhouba Dam-Mengli. Section C Baishiyao Dam-Guanyinyan and Section E Feilaixia Dam-Oingyuan Beijiang Bridge), and two seasonally fluctuating water level course(including Section B Menli-Wushinan and Section D Guanyinyan-Daluddu). This proiect mainly considered four kinds of civil works: groynes. spurs (showed following drawingI and 2), retaining, bank- revetment. and dredging. Figure 1.2a,b.c shows the civil works of the proiect. From upriver to downriver of the North River (Slhaoguan-Oingyuan), an introduction to the project is as follows:

1.3.1 Section A Menizzhouba Dam to Mengli (Natural River) (about 30km) and Section B Men_li to Wushinan (seasonal fluctuation course)(about 41m)

Totally 19 spots of dangerous shoals locatein a 32.1 kilometers course, which need to be regulated. The main civil works is as following: (1) To construct 116 spurs and groins, amount to 16.08 kilometers long and 471.500 mn: (2) To dredge 555.800 m3 ofsediments: and (3) To construct 3.800 m3 of revehtnent.

1.3.3 Section C Baishiyao Dam to Guanyinvan (Natural Rivcr)(about 7km) and Section D Guanviniyan to Daluodu (seasonal ftiuctuation course)(about 4kim)

T'o reg,ulate 7 dangerous shoals, regulation length is 9.0 kilometers of river course; and to construct 38 spurs and groins, totally 7.57 kilometers long antI 16.2700 m3 . Among them: (1) 32 spurs, totally 5.30 kilometers long and 122.000 ni3: and 3 (2) 6 groins, total 2.27 kilometers long and 40,700 in . (3) To dredge 157,000 m3 of sediments.

1.3.4 Section E Feilaixia Dam to Oingvuan Bridge (Natural River)(about 30km)

To reg-ulate 15 dangerous shoals, regulation length is 31.9 kilometers of river course: and to construct 80 spurs and gmins. totally 23.60 kilometers long and 690,200 mi3.Among them: 3 (1) 76 spurs, total 21.34 kilometers long and 60()670 i : and

3 1.64 i 0 guanC i0

h n Cita lunangua Sectin) Sub-Copon

: >; ,. . . o *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City

t !g > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~River,Lak-e 4~~~~~~~~~

i q . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Project location

>/ ~~~~~~~~~~i .r Scale °50 so lrJ

Fig. 2-1 Location of Guangdong Waterway Regulation Project for the North River (Shaoqun-Qingyuan Section) Sub-Component

4 (2) 4 groins, total 2.26 kilometers long and 58,500 ni3. (3) To dredge 312,000 m3 of sediments: and (4) To construct 25,000 m3 of banik revetment. 1.4 Timing!

The project implementation will be divided into two phases. That is as follows:

1.4.1 The First Phase The first phase of the proiect implementation will last from 2004 to die first half of the year 2006. The river sections to be regulated in the first phases include: Section C Baishiyao Dam to Guanyinyan, Section D Guanyinyan to Daluodu .and section E Feilaixia Dam to Oingyuan Bridge.

1.4.2 The Second Phase The second phase of the project implementation will start in die second half of the year 2006 and ends in the vear 2007. The river sections to be regulated in the second phase include section of Mengzliouba Dam to Wushinan (includirug Section A Mengzhouba Darn to Mengli, and Section B Mengli to Wushina!).

1.4.3 Project Budget and Investment Arrangement

The detailed budgetary estimation is under working. The proiect budgetary estimate and investment arrangement are listed in the Table 1-4-1.

Table 1-4-1 Proiect budeetary estimate and investment arrangement (The Exchanee rate of US$ to RMB is 8.27) YEARZ VESTKEAIT ~ 'FTOTAL YEAR I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 |INVESTMENil Investment rate 100% 25% 30% 30% 15% Investment RMB (O000 Yuan) 280,000 7000 84000 42,000 US$(x 1000)* 33,857.3 8.464.3 10,157.2 10157.2 5078.

1.4.4 Eiquipmcnts The main equipments used for the proiect include dredpers. towboats, cranes, trucks, bulldozers and concrete mixers. The files are shown in table 1-4-2.

Table 1-4-2 Main types enuipment used for the proiect Equip ment TYPE AMOUN'I (ABOUT) Suction dredger 80-I 00MM/H 4 Clamshell dredger 2.5-8.OM/CLAMSI-iEl,L 6 Dumb barge and towboat 120M-' 88KW 10 Crane 1-2T 5 Truck 3.5-8T 8 Bulldozer 74KW 5 Concrete mixer GZB-600 5 1.5 Conditions of Engineering and project plan

1.5.1 Traffic Conditions of Engineerin_

5 On the basis of site inspections by Task-Group, it is known that the traffic along the Northern River is rather convenient, on the east bank the main road is Yin-Ying (Oingyuan-Yingde) road (named S203), and every village or town has suburban road connecting the dock on the both banks of the river, 65% of the suburban roads are naved with concrete and others are paved with sand-stone, so it is sure that the traffic can meet the demand of field construction and it is not necessary to construct extra traffic ways and temporary docks or widen any road for the proiect. The traffic programming during the project is shown in figure 1-2-a.b,c.

1.5.2 Conditions of Proiect Field

Characteristics of the project: (I)Construction will be in low-water season, while the exposed bed of Northern River is wider than usual and usually it is 400-1000m wide, so it is rather good for the project. (2)The docks on both banks are enough. The materials needed during the project can be conveyed by truck to the nearest dock and then shipped to the construction field, thus much land will not be needed temporarily. Task-Group has determined through investigation that the docks needed by the project would include Chetouzhou dock, Baitu dock. Wushi dock, Kengkouzui dock, dock near Jiangkou town, dock near zhouxin town and so on. These docks will be used for transmitted construction materials, mainly stone, and sandstone secondly. The docks above-menitioned are showed in figure 1-2a,b,c. (3) Trhere is enough land on both sides of Northern River to be used as construction field for the storage of large stones temporarily, which are needed by revetment proiect. The banks, which need muchi revetment, include the one from Wushi Power plant to Wushiian. the one from Lunzhou (nearby Feilaixia) to Oixinggang. and that from Hululing to Xiaoshinan (nearby Oinvyuan Bridge). All temporary construction fields of the above banks are arranged on the banks of the river. (4) Since the river is wide enougi,l the construction field is scattered, and the constructions are well-arranged and strictly managed, it is assured that there is no influences on norimial shipmenit security and drainage during the construction.

1.5.3 Supply of niaterials, water and power

( I ) Local supply of construction materials: Constrtiction materials needed by the proiect, like large scale concrete, stone and sand, should be purchiased in the nearest market as a r ule, and the sources of the materials are Shaoe_Uan city, Yingde city and Oingyuan city, no more than 5-lSKm far from the construction fields. Accordingy to the consLIltation and investigation to local environment department, country-land department and constructors of waterwav bureau, all the stones needed for this project are from local stone mines, belonginpg to local town or village (including Gantang Town and Chishui Town of Shaoguan city. Baishiyao village anI( Guanyinvan village of Yingde city, Yuantan town of Oingyuan city), and runby private institute legally. There are no villages neal the mines. The locations of the stone mines, for the proqect, are shown in figurel-2a.b,c and table 1-5-1 in detail. Due to the reason that we only neeci a small quantity of sand for the proiect (about 2660 cube meters), the sand can be purchased from the local legal provider along the bank of the river.

(2) Water and power supplies to the proiect: Water for construction can be pumpeci from Northern River directly: and water after disinfecting and purifying can be used for household.: local power transforminilt substations can supply power for the project.

6 Table 1-5-i Stone mines for renovation along middle Northern River Name of River Name of Belongs to Belongs Convey Earthwork Vegetation Digged Shipment bank mines local town to City distance needed kind and dock (kmn) * (I 0000m3) coverage level Mengzhou Gantan, GantanglCh Shao- 5-10/11- 21.8061 Shrubbery, Yes Che'e Tan Dam--Baitu HillVChis ishui village guan 2* 60% hui H-illl Baitu-WVtshinan Wushi Shiiin Shao- 3*/1-10* 25.4273 Shrubbery, Yes Baitu Shiiing villae guan 50% Hill Baishiyao Dani Longtou Gaopotan Yin-de 1*23* 6.9222 Shrubbery, Yes Baishiyao &nk y Hill village 40% GgTinyAi Dangan Datangwei Yinyg-de 1.5*/4-5* 9.3497 Shnibbery, Yes Kengkouz eg,h!ua Hill y 60% ui Feilaixia Dam-r Shi Hill Yuantan Qijz 1015*/5 69.4330 Shrubbery. Yes Jiangkou, Xiaoshnan Ellage 70%/O Zhouxin Note 65% of the above road are paved with concrete and others with sandstone *LandL]cariage distance she I above and shipment distance shownbelow.

1.5.4 Sediment Disposal The plan for disposal of sedinent dredged or excavated during the proiect is as follows: (1) Because the main section of the middle reach of North River (Beiiiang) is much wider than desipn requirements (widest is approximately 1000 m)and because there are extensive shallow areas along both banks, sediment generated by dredging, both of the channel and during construction of the spurs and groynes will be disposed in the shallow areas between the spurs. The deposition in these areas will further enhance the river regulation created by the spurs and the channel dredging. No dredged materials can be disposed on the riverbanks along the waterway.

(2) Sediment generated by dredging/excavation for channel re-alignment will also be disposed on the areas between the newly constructed spurs and along the riverbanks. However, it is likely that little, if any, of such materials will actually be dumped in the water.

(3) Project revetments will consist of stonework of 1.5 m heighit and a total of 20.000 cu m. From site inspections, it has been determined that there will be little, if any. excess dirt created by the excavations. According to the construction methods used in other proiects, any excess dirt produced in the construction is usually used to infill wet areas or wasteland. As per project design, the revetment construction will maintain the bank at its original gradient. The Proiect mostly includes clearing off sulface shirbbery/debris, and leveling up rough slopes with earthwork Thus any soils excavated, can be re-used as fill and the volume of waste can be reduced greatly. The above disposal sites for dredged sediment and excavated soil spoil are mostly in the areas between spurs at distances of spurs-fields 100-200m far from the waterway (as shown in Figures 1-2a.b,c and Table 1-5-2.)

7 Table 1-5-2 Schedule of dregs-dumping field proposed

River sections Name of Generation Character Dumping Location of Area Length class of water Non- Tvpe of shoal & bank process of Of Volume Sediment occupied rectified water qualiy Protectio Fishina intake rectified dredges (on sediment ( me) Disposal cr ( kma) n area area Water l land/under Area water)* _ Section A and Niue and Dredged Sand and coarse 26243 Left bank of 17500 1.1 IV No No Non Section B Nanshe shoal trench/dredeed sand and eravel island . (Mengzhou-Dam Tongguzhou Dredged Sand and coarse 24137 Left bank of 1600 1.3 IV No No Irrigation =______trench/dredeed sand and gravel island station Wushinan) Shuaivi shoal DredEed Sand and coarse 7351 Left bank of 4900 1.1 IV No No Non trench/dredged sand and e-ravel island Sanbalian - Dredged Sand and coarse 33188 L. & R. sour 22100 1.4 IV No No Non Baituzhan trench/dredged sand and gravel fields Xiaokengsha - Dredged Sand and coarse 525 L. & R. spurs 300 1.7 III No No Non Huanema trench/dredeed sand and eravel field Xiatou Baishanan Reconstruction lI l 0 0 III No No Non SDurs Zhigao SHoal- Dredged Sand and coarse 380993 Right sours 254000 2.0 III No No Non Shitou Mountain trench/dredged sand and eravel field Jie shoal Dredged Sand and coarse 37294 Right spur 24800 1.5 III No No Non trench/dredeed sand and cravel fields Zhupooan Dredeed Sand and coarse l L 0 0 III No No Non trench/dredeed sand and gravel Futou Mountain Dredeed Sand and coarse 5014 Lefl spur 3300 3.0 fil No No Non trench/dredeed sand and gravel fields Wushi power Dredged Sand and coarse 60614 Left sour 40400 3.0 III No No water vlant - trench/dredged sand and eravel fields intake _Wushinan .

8 Continuation of Tablel-5-2

Sanbanzhou- Dredged trench/dredeed Sand and 59385 Left spur fields 39600 1.4 III No No Irrigation North Baishi kiln pebble station Section C and North Dredged trench/dredeed Sand 21891 Left spur fields 14600 1.3 III No No Non

Section D Kenekouzui _ (Baishiyao Dam- Liansgshuiiinn Dredged trench/dredzed Sand 48947 Rigzht spur fields 32600 1.3 III No No Irrigation Daluodu) station Fenghuangzhui- Dredged trench/dredged Sand 42512 Left sour fields 28300 1.8 m No No Irrigation Daluodu station Laowanshan- Dredged trench/dredged Sand 68250 Rieht spur fields 45500 2.0 II No No Non The third pit

Zhuzhankou- Dredged trench/dredged Sand 101382 Rieht spur fields 67600 5.5 IT No No Non Section E Meikengkou______(Feilaixia Dam- Lunzhou- Dredged trench/ dredged Sand 182572 Left sour fields 121700 4.2 II Yes No liation XiaoshilinV(bearb- Oixinggang Xiasiing-trb maiond Oingyun Li Oingvuan Bridge)) water Factory Hululing- Dredged trench/dred2ed Sand 12206 Lefts spur fields 8100 4.2 II Yes No Non Xiaoshinan I Total of proiect 1112507 726900 l _ Remarks "Dredged trench" shall be carried out in dry shoal(on land) during low water period; "Dredged" means under-water dredging: . According to the comments t f constructional corporation. the area of dregs-pumpine field shall be calculated based on 1.2 - 1.5 m each pile.

9 Xil an

shui Hill Shaojianchangr |

Dongnon U Huanans i an

Al N ostiaoguan Sift Factory 8 nt< \/ ia h u w~~~iauwu

* ~engzhouba Dam oZhangwu inmeno ! Dacuno j Wunijiao ongguzho /\Sixteenth Metallurgy build Co.

''N''tv ho\ < \ Ia\ - | ,, ' \ . 2$.-Xiasanduo Menzhka , Protect sites

-~ ,,'.X /(SectionA) - \ .

N - - t \ /1\ oShuikou oYangw

W+E\>r; 1 . \ '. . _uJi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ang

0 0.85 1.7km Baitu oHuangniga g .. Legend ID City / ./ \River oYoushitian / Road eGuanbotang s High speed // oYa ~~~~~~~~~~~~Railway // -= Bridge - Existing Dam /°xuwu :o / ~ @3 Dredging site gdong| Drinking water

Baisha cHelin - Irrigation AIR3'N\, S GroinlRevetment/ PingjiangboD \\ oLutou Disposal site oShangsh j Quarry

Shangjieang\ oAiajinshan \ | \ *-Doulongwan X I E\| Longwu o .

Project sites Lur1gw- (Section B) cMengli Shijin Hilt

oWenwu aoguan Power house uXhi Power Station

\ " / t/~~~~~~~~~~~ushi

oTanghu XiaoeueJjn Project sites along the North River(Section A,B)

10 oZhuwei ; ..... '. i stp>°Lon tu ; Hillf | oNiugangban

Yu'andino 8rishiyao Dam

// '. cGaoblotango

/ 1 \*\/ / cLushu oYingde Tea field Hospital

j ,/1 F qcJiangjiazhou oYigde Rock mine E

Dangan Hill \ ' ...... sites 0 0.55. / i!!1.1km .. oProec N !Pngde Tea OldoaTiger mountain (Section C) Yingde Tea jl,do w T

(Xintian Proiect sites __ o~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~HuangwoHuangniuxu 5 ~~~~~(Section D) Legend KengkouzuiV/ cEgongtang \ River

AIR5 o Wangbu .- Road n s 6 - \ AXiacn. \ High speed Liangshuijin Railway 'N. - ~~~~~~~~~~~Bridge

'o'H ~~ ~ ~ ~ - Existing Dam Liangshuijing3 enhuangzui Dredging site

- Drinking water Irrigation 0 s [ Groin/Revetment/ oBaisha _ _ _ _ Disposal site -j Quarry Project sites along the North River(Section C,D) -- ''- 1. 111 1x1rs Iy - ' - -~~ -v Legend ngFeliaDmLegendng auw-4l=lly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oXianrenshi OZ city \. River 0Vaoyeping1 2 km oMeizikeng Huangdar koi

Road Q 2km - 1%.o High speed oUhw 0Zhangdong ,.- Railway engkoubijia Forestry centre -- ouanHwupai - Bridge i - __-ct / Existing Dam Proiectsiites_- // - DamExisting ~~~~~~(Section E) - aihexip B Dredging site ( oXiutianluo - Drinking water ~ Irrigation ig oXiatou 'oShangdatang olinkeng Groin/RevetmentV 0 Disposal site Baishikeng 7 / oQing! in Quarry oHougangx( oXiayatan oPingshanrT

o' °Hengtian

.'| oQingxin Xiar-a - o u

c°Changpu -|j ,Changu ,oBaimeikeng - ,/ Gekpeng - gkou oHleluowei ianluowan DoQinA ua,n- oShigudun Das haiia W imiao Hlwe

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oYongxinhiI.aoHdon

0 ZuoshilinghifutooDashakouoin tanq e oJiguana

n .2 C Project sites along the North River(Section E) Environmental Action Plan for Norlh-River(Shaoeuan-Oingvuo,,) Waterwav Reeulatior Prolect

1.6 Engineering Analysis of environmental impact factors

1.6.1 Main types of engineering woric

A waterway regulation proiect usually adopts such engineering measures as damming (spurs and groynes), dredging, thus to reach the standard of inland waterway, aiming to widen the passageway, augment the sRecifications of waterway, guarantee constant water flow, hience regulate the water flow rate, and control the gradient ratio of the waterway to be less than the accepted value recorded by a self-powered vessel going up the stream. and improve the water flow to prevent traffic blockage from arising in the waterway.

1.6.2 Main construction technologies and measures Dredging project

The dredging proiect mainly includes Dredging project on riverbed and Shoreline and channel re-alignment on land.

(I)Dredging proiect on riverbed

This part include dredging proiect on riverbed so as to obtain the depth and width standard in the project design. The main working procedure is: digging sediment under water-Clearing-Slit- loading spoil with barges( to be disposed in sites or be reused as materials for building) - dredging up waterwav. The practical working procedure is to dig earthwork under water by 3 dredger with 25-8.0m grappling bucket or 80-120m3 /h sucker, then to dispose spoil in the spur-fields (area between the two spurs) as mannual alluvium proiect and to dredge up the navigational channel finally. The most earthwork-comes from downriver to Feilaixia, which is about 1031.450m3 . covering 27.9% of whole earthwork.

(2)Shoreline and channel re-alignment project

There are 5 sites needing Shoreline and channel re-alignment proiect in the whole waterway. This project cuts the waterway with small curve semi-diameter to meet the demands of standards in the waterway renovation project design. The 6nain working procedure is: digging earthwork - chamfering on land and dredging both sides of the cutting liie-flowing the manmade-riverbed. The practical working procedure is: taking advantages of mechanisms such as grab, bulldozer and vehicles as tools and assisted by manpower, chamfering on land, while dredging up on the upward and backward to the cutting-line by dredger, and finally new waterway passes through. The range between Zhigaotan-Shitoushan (Mengzhou-Dam to Hutoushan section), with a 2.0km-long cutting-line and with the most earthwork 247,800m3. (covering 22.3% of whole earthwork.) costs the most, and its spoil is reused to refill Spur-fields. Other proiects have comparatively less earthwork. Spurs/Groins project

There are 226 spurs/groins to be built in the project presentation. The total length is 46.71km and has an earth-rock works of 1324.000 cube meters. including 210 Spurs and 16 Groins . Construction sites are arranged in low water area usually. The main working procedure includes: dredging trench - mattress paving -sand-cushion and iackstone paving. Because the root of jackstone dam to be renovated is on dry bank, the proiect can be on land. The dredging trench has small earthwork usually, and is applicable to manpower. just loading the spoil, paving the sand-cushion and iackstone: while in the area of water it is applicable to wadding sinking, jack-pillow and iackstone. The last step is to repair the surface of slope structure construction by manpower. Bank Rcvetinent project

On the basis of site investigations, most banks along the whole sea-route have been revetted, and

13 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoogua,i-OinAvt-an) Waterway Remdlation Proiect

the banks with no revetment mainly include Wushi Power Plant- Wushinan, Lunzhou-Oixinggang. Hululing.-Xiaoshinan (Feilaixia-Oiangyuan Bridge section). which is 15km long on both sides with earthwork of 30k cube meters. The main working procedure of bank revetment is: repairing shoreline- iackstone- stonework-hardening the surface of revetment - forestation. Practically it is earthwork-digging first, then slope repairing, followed by filter bed paving, and finally stonework on the surface of revetment. The bank revetnient will maintain the bank with original gradient, and slope project includes mainly clearing surface shrubbery and leveling up rough slopes with earthwork, so the waste earthwork can be refilled and spoil can be reduced greatly. The proiect is mainly done in low water or dry beach, seldom in water. Accordilg to the shape of the slope, the proiect can be finished by manpower or mechanism.

1.6.3 Process of environmental impact identification and selection Analysis of influencing factors during waterway regulation process (I) During waterway regulation working process, bottom sedinent may be caused to suspend. influencing the water CIuality and the ecological environment in the water area of the construction site: dredging and structures may occupy certain water area, damage the habitat of benthos and will influence the habitat of aquatic life and fish, but the impacts on the species. community and quantity of organisms will be little. The ecological environment in the water area within the construction site will be restored to its normal state on the completion of waterway regulation. (2) Such construction transporter as the stone-dumper ships, transport ships etc. Will produce oil-contained wastewater, life-sewage, solid waste and other wastes, influencing the water environment in some degree. (3) As the waterway regulation work is launched in a comprehensive range, the traveling of those construction transporters will influence the normal traffic of vessels, and maybe constitute hidden dangers or even accidtnts. (4) Construction work noises will influence the acoustical environment along the banks (5) Backfilling work will influence the ecological environment on the land areas on the banks. Environmenit influence analysis on dredging work (I) Operating dredge boats will stir riverbed mud up to suspend, influencing the water environment and the habitat of benthos. (2) Rising the buckets to put mud into a towboat may cause splash or leak of some mud, thus to influence the underwater environment. (3) Leakage or spillage of sediment may arise during transporting work, thus to bring suspended substances into the water. (4) Dredge boats and muck barges may produce vessel wastes. Environment influencing analysis. on construction site (I)T'he temporary prefabrication site of the construction occupies certain land area, thus harming the local ecological environment to a small degree. (2) Transportation and storage operations of sands and stone materials may lead to the occurrence of dust. (3) Concrete mixers, cranes and other construction machines as well as transporting vehicles would make noise. (4) Construction personnel will produce life-sewage and garbage during their working process. To sum up, the influencing factors on the environment in the construction process of this proiect are illustrated in Figure 1-4.

14 EnvironnmentalAction Plan for North-River,lShaoguan-Oinpyuan)Watenvay Repulation Proiect

Inf|unce on Ecological

Slurry and On-site other construction Suspended Dust produced by loading and substances and-unloading, storage renovation l operations of spurs Engineering

SecoIndary dust Transport and storage I _of__Veslwts emission on roads steel concrete I ~~~~~~~~~steelconcrete structures Wastes discharged I Such wastes as by transport ships obsolete knitted bags

Vessel accidents t

Formation of suspended Dredge boat ] substances _

Leakage or IFr s Ispillage of Spoil barge | slurry I l_l_I_._ Influence on water quality, and habitat of aquatic life Iging zone Backfilling onto land | AL A [ Mud discharging zone g | area

[Suspended __ _ _ _l_l_l substances | | ~~~~~Releaseof heavy inetal|l l IpollutanitsI

Figiire 1-i Illustrationi for analysis of influencing factors on the cnvironment

15 FnvironmentalAction Planfor North-River(Shaoguan-Oinuaon) 11aterway Regulation Proiect

2. Discussion of Sensitive Locations

2.1 Water Environment

(1) Water Ouality Protection of Dinking Water Protection Areas There are three drinking water protection areas along the North River middle section located at Qingyuan, Feilaixia Reservoir and Yingde. Analysis to the project shows that only Qingyuan drinking water protection area may be impacted by the project; the pollution must be controlled too so that water quality of the North River and its tributaries to consist with their functions (grade It toll[). ( F,go 2- 1). (2) Protection of Water Intakes According to analysis of the materials of the latest project, ten pumping stations in the middle reach of North River are in the section of the construction. Among the stations two are drinking water stations that is, Wushi Electric Plant drinking water station (no in drinking water protection area) and Qingyuan drinking water station(in drinking water protection area), the others are all smaller pumping stations for irrigation. So priority should be given to protection of the water quality of the two drinking water stations. Also pumping stations should be adopted protected.

(F, 9 2-2), 2.2 Ecological Environment

The construction times will about three years from 2004 to 2007. The normal hydrology condition and the living condition of aquatic will be interfered due to the construction of the project; the vegetation be damagecl and living condition of aquatic bionies (such as fish) will be changed. Although the perturbation caused by construction of the project is unavoidable, but we must minimize, however, can take some measure to protect the surrounding.

The main objectives for ecological environmient are fishery resources in river and vegetation recovery. ( Ft 2-d ) (FIj2-4)

2.3 Air Environment

Earth and stone excavation, pilling and transport the building material, etc. will cause dust in the construction period of the project. The dust should be so controlled that the regional air quality can reach the class 2 standaid of quality standard for environmental air.

According to the analysis of the result of the locale research, the air sensitive points mainly include the resident zones along the transportation routes of the project vehicles(from the stone field to the dock), tilere are the Chezhoutou, Baitu town, Baisha town, Wushi town, Kengkouzuiand and Zhouxin town. (7 J1-

2.4 Acoustic Environment

The equipment, such as concrete trucks, etc. are the main noise pollution sources in construction time, some of them belong to the strong noise pollution sources. The noise level must be controlled within national standard or specific trade standard. Main objective for acoustic environment is residential area both along the river and the transport road. According to the results of the locale investigation, the sensitive points of noises include the

16 Environmentol Action Plan for North-River(Sihao-euan'-Oinpvuan)Wloatervav Regn,lation Proiect resident zones along the both sides of the transportation routes of the construction vehicles (from the stone field to the dock), there are Chezhoutou, Baitu town, Baisha town, Wushi town, Kengkouzui and and Zhouxin town. ( F19 1-2 >

2.5 A Summary on Environmentally Sensitive Spots

According the analysis mentioned above, all the sensitive spots and characteristics of them for the project are shown in table 2-5-la.b. which including water intakes, the water quality protected zones. no-fishing zones, noise sensitive spots and air sensitive spots.

17 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shpouan-Ona v an) Waterway Reetilttion Proiect

Table2-5-la A Summary on Environmentally Sensitive Spots Environmen Name/ Location and other characteristics Explain of particular location Tar et of rotection -tally with construction point Sensitive /transportation line Spots _ I)No-fishing Area from 1000 m of Upriver about Ikm of Proicet Fishes zone of upstreaun Baishiyao-Dam to section C. downriver about Baishivao 1000 m of downstream of 30km of Proicet section B: Power Station Baishiyao-Dam in Beiiiang Beijiang water area from Upriver about Ikm of Proicet Fishes converge place of Shegang section D ono- Ishg protection dyke and Yinving No-fshing zone o highway to Feilaixia Dam Nonfishing oFeilicat a (including, discharging zones proiect channel). (about 2km water (F2-3 ) area) Beiiiang water area from 50 Downriver about 1km of Fishes 3) fishing zone m of upper reaches of Proicet section D between two Old-Beiiiang Bridge to 50 m Oingyuan of lower reaches of New- Bridges Beiiiang Bridge. (about 2km water area ) On of river. Belong to About 300m downstream Water q alit in I)Tongguzhou irrigation stations. Irrigating dredging point in section A; IV class farmland about 60 ha. not in water protection area 2) Wushi -tower On For drinking(for About 500m downstream Water q ality in Station Pep. 10.000) and industry. dredging Statio_, not in waterpoint protection in section area B; 111 class On of river. Belong to 400-600m down proiect site Water q iality in 3) Baishiyao irrigation stations. Irrigating C. not in water protection III class farmland about 60 ha area 4) On of river. Belong to, About 200m nearby dredging Water q iality in Liangshuiiinig Irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section D; not in Ill class 60 ha for farmland water protection area On of river. Belong to About 200m nearby dredging Water q ality in ) g irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section D: not in 111 class Fenghluanwzui farmland bout 60 ha water protection area Walter _ Wntater On of river. Belong to About 300m nearby dredging Water g ality in intakes 6) Xialiao irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section E; in water 11class

(82-2 ) ______farmland bout 179 ha protection area .' On of river. Belong to About 100m nearby retaining Water g lality in 7) LunzhouL irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section E: in water 11class farmiland bout 167 ha protection area On of river. Belong to About 100m nearby retaining Water g iality in 8) Dashaiiao irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section E: in water 11 class farmland bout 167 ha protection area On of river. Belong to About 200m nearby dredging Water q iali!y in 9) Zhouxin irrigation stations. Irrigating point in section E; in water 11class farmland bout 133 ha protection area . On For drinking(for About 300-600m Water q iality in 10) Oixingang Pep. 180,000) and industry. downstream dredging point in 11 class section E: in water protection area

18 Environmental Action Plan for Nort/z-River(Shaoguan-Oingvuan) Waterway Regulation Proiect

Table2-5-lb A Summary on Environmentallv Sensitive Snots Environmen Explain of particular location Tar et of r rotection -tally Name/ Location and other characteristics with construction point Sensitive /transportation line spots Water 1) Yingde The river-section from About 8km downstream of Water glality is quality Drinkin_Water Baisha to Oiaoxia of Yingde proiect site D,about more 11-III class protection Protection Area City in-Beiiian River. about 30km upstream of proiect site standard zoon 20km I E 2)Feilaixia The river-section from About 5km upstream of Water utality is (p1,2- ) Reservoir Shangkeng to Feilaixia-Dam proiect site E, about more 11-111 class Drinking Water of Oingyuan City in Beiiian 40km downstream of project standard Protection Area River. about 10km. site D 3)Qingyuan The river-section from There are parts of Water q iali!y is Drinking Water Jiangkouxun to l-luilan of construction point of project 11-III class Protection Area Oingvuan City in Beiiian sites E in the area standard River. about 25km. I) Chezhoutou On Belong to village about 30-50m by the Noise I ovel is of SHAOGUAN, about 70 transportation line class 3 st indard people will be impacted 2)Baitu town On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Noise I-vel is of SHAOGUAN, about 150 transportation line class 3 st ndard people will be impacted 3)Baisha town On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Noise IJvel is of SHAOGUAN. about 70 transportation line class 3 st ndard noise people will be impacted sene4)Wshiftown On Belong to town of about 10-20m by the Noise I vel is spot sSHAOGUAN, about 200 transportation line class 3 st mdard ( Rg. 1-2 ) people will be impacted 5)Kengkouzui On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Noise I vel is of YINGDE, about 70 people transportation line class 3 will be impacted 6)zhouxin On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Noise I-vel is of OINGYUAN. about 50 transportation line class 3 st ndard people will be impacted I) Chezhoutou On Belong to village about 30-50m by the Air. qu lity is of SHAOGUAN. about 70 transportation line class 2 st indard pgple will be impacted 2)laitutowmn On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Air qu llitv is of SHAOGUAN. about 150 transportation line class 2 st ndard people will be impacted 3)BLaisha towvn On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Air qu ility is Air of SHAOGUAN. about 70 transportation line class 2 st indard sensitive people will be impacted t4)WLshi town On Belong to town of about 10-20m by the Air u Ii is spot-sSHAOGUAN, about 200 transportation Inze class 2 st indard (Rm i) _ people will be impacted 5)Kengkouzui On Belong to town about 30-50m by the Air qu Lliy is of YINGDE, about 70 people transportation line class 2 st ndard will be impacted 6)zhouxin On Belong to town about 30-50m by the -Air qu lity is of OINGYUAN. about 50 transportation line class 2 st ndard people will be impacted

19 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoguan-Oi,wvuna) IYaterivav Reeulation Project

3. Environmental Protection Measures and Budget According to the nature of the project and the analysis of environmental impacts, The proposed Proiect has been determined to have a limited number of significant or moderately significant adverse (deleterious) impacts during construction. These adverse impacts could be avoided or remedied by taking remedial or technical measures, thus bringing the project into full play to create economic, social and environmental benefits and minimize the adverse impacts.

3.1 Design Phase

a) Proper silt disposal and stockpiling sites oii shore shall be well selected for dredging project. b) Structures re-building shall be well arranged to avoid bank flushing.

3.2 Construction Phase

3.2.1 Mitigation Measures and Sugestion on Water quality

During the dredging construction period, the following mitigation measures should be taken to protect the water environment. (1 ) The environmental protection matter in surrounding water area should be fully emphasized duriing the dredging construction period. The dredging construction within the water protection area in Oingycvan should not be operated witilout permission of locad EPB and WB. Extensive sections of exposed river bank in various constriLction areas will be protected from erosion by use of geotextiles to protect the water froni pollution: and he task of water auality monitoring should be well enforced in the stage of constructioni. (2) Employing advanced construction equipments according whith the nation relevant techniQue request, optimizing construction techniques During construction in river sections between Qingyuan Feilaixia gorge and Qingyuan Beiiiang Bridge and between Yingde Baishiyao and Daluodu, owning to the sand deposit property of riverbed, hydraulic dredging equipments with low pollution (such as Suction dredger)shoUild be employed to reduce mud leakage and re-suspension during dredging. (3 ) The contractors should consult with and get authorization from the proiect office before starting the work, arranging the number, location and dredging schedule of watercrafts to reduce the stirring strength and influence extent of the dredging area and its bottom deposit, especially to reduce the dredging strength towards river sections between Lunzhou to Qixinggang and the downstream reach of Wushi power plant. When dredging along the water intake zone of water supply, the construction must notify water plant carefully monitor water quality . and temporarily cut water supply when necessary. Because the period of highest demands on potable water usually in daytimes, construction should be operated at night. to avoid affecting water supply as'far as possible. (4 ) When constructioning watercrafts have site-fixed operation, are at anchor in the water area. ship anchoring and or are having construction encamping, the construction watercrafts should select rational environmental protection measures based on the condition of the construction sites property, so as to avoid accidents of water area pollution by ship contaminants. Among them, the

20 FnvironmentalAction Planfor North-RiverdShaoeua,Oinevuan) Waterway Remelation Proiect

oil-containing sewage generated by construction ships watercrafts must be collected and processed uniformly by oil-water separator, and theii discharged when reaching the disposal standard. The sewage generated by the work staff at the construction watercrafts should be reduced to the lowest degree. And the disposal of trash from the construction crafts should strictly abide by the Disposal .Standard for Watercrafts Poll.

3.2.2 Mitigation Measures and Suggestion in Dredging Sediments


In the process of removing of dredging sediments, the following measures should be taken: (I) According to the constitution property of riverbed deposit in Beiiiang, the contents of organic material and heavy metal in dredging sediments are little, so the harm to environment caused by them is negligible Considering the water source protection area in Oingyuan. however, it is suggested that the dredging sediments should not be placed in areas between groins. But in low-lying areas 500 meters from the river shore (the land protection range of water source protection area), and that protection measure should be taken to preserve water and soil. Therefore, according to the newly Possibility report of Beiiiantt. the dredging sediments (mainly contain sand and scree) all will be used in the revetment or the refilling of areas between groins for the project. The deposition in these areas will further enhance the river regulation created by the spurs and the channel dredging. (2) When digged silt and earth stone pile are temporarily placed on riverside. the locations should be selected based on the standard that they are not easy to be eroded, such as low-lyiig beach, and the simrple cofferdam and barrel-drain should be built beforehand to prevent direct influx into river and small quantity of slop of the sediments. (3) To guarantee construction security durinig dumpage of dredging sediments and rational operation of peripliery river-route and other water area functional sections, the obvious signs should be set ontside the dumpage sites , to facilitate conistruction ships enter and practise dumpage task, and avoid uninecessary pollution accidents. Meanwhile it should be performed with permission of administration department. (4) The dredging crafts must strictly follow the proposed chaninel alignment and dispose of dredged selimenits the sediments in the dumpage sites. It is forbidden to discharge the sediment beyond the appointed dumpage sites. According to the experience of dumpage practice, it is important to follow the above rule in order to reduce the impact on the water environment around the dumpage sites to the minimum degree. Some personnel can be arranged to supervise the dumpage actions if necessary. (6) No leakage is allowed when the dredginig crafts transport the sediments to the dumpage sites. At the same time. the construction group should have close contact with the local weather report department, so that precautions can be taken in advance in case of bad weather. For example, they can stop dredging or dumpage when the know it is going to rain. (7) It is necessary to have a good performance at the sediments monitoring . during constructioni.

21 Environnmental Action Plan for North-River Sliao uan-Oinevuan)Iaterway Ree'ulation Project

3.2.3 Mitigation Measures and Sugiestion on Air Environment

In order to protect the air environment in the residential area along the transportation route, the following mitigation measures should be tukeni during the construction period. ( I ) The dropped trash in construction docks should be cleared regularil, supplemented with necessary measure of spreading water to repress dust, no less than two or three times each day, to keep ground without flying dust. To spray water on roads within 50m near Chetou Village, Baitu Town, Wushi, Kengkouzui, Zhouxin Town, and .liangkou Town. (2) When vehicle carrying earth stone pile, sand gravel stuff, cement and other building materials enters the site, it is necessary to cover stuff that generates dust easily withi cloth, limit velocity of passing vehicles, decrease falling gap of loaded materials, and avoid leakage caused by gale weather or road wallow. (3) According to the local dominating wind orientation and distribution of sensitive points in surrounding environment, piling field and concrete mixing field should be reasonably arranged during construction, such as 200 in or more away from and, if possible. lee-side of the residential areas. Meanwhile the stuff of easily flying dust should be piled in warehouse and covered witi cloth. (4 ) The construction management department should pal attention to weather forecast in construction area, and do well in the flying dust prevention works. Measures of spreading water, covering and suppressing stuff in the bad weather conditions of great wind and dryness should be taken. (5) Construction sections should cooperate with local environment protection inspection staff, to strengpthen inspection to key district, such as near Chetou Village, Baitu Town, Wushi, Kengkouzui, Zhouxin Town. and Jiangkou Town, and suivey the TSP concentration in atmosphere circumstance so as to supply data for effective control of TSP pollution. (6) It is necessary to carry out air monitoring during construction.

3.2.4 Mitiization Measures and Su!j!estion on Construction Noise

( I ) To reasonably arrange the operation time (construction will be forbided in nighttime) of docks and schedule of ship construction and strengthen supervision and management of construction docks and transport routes, to avoid impact on sensitive points in surrounding circumstance. (2) To select withi priority the construction equipments according with the nation relevant technique request and low noise and concentrate on the regular maintenance and repair of construction equipments for keeping their good running status. (3) To regulate and administer uniformly the construction vehicles and control the vehicle flow density. To effectively decrease the times of horning when entering the leave fields and installs noise suppressor of vehicles for effectively reducing impact of traffic noise on surrounding circumstance. (4) To carry out noise'monitoring during construction.

22 Environmental Action Plan for Norxh-River(SJiaoo-ua-Oingpuan) IVatenvav Reulation Project

3.2.5 Mitigation Measures and Suiggestion on Land Ecological


The preferred order of mitigation measure to reduce the ecological impact is: avoidance, reduction, restoration or rebuilding, and compensation. In the factual implementation, the reconnaissance and selection of quarry is based on the synthesized considerations of location factors, including repair engineering section, demand capacity, transport condition, stone stuff and reserve. Therefore, the emphasis of mitigation measure is reductioll of ecological destroy, and to restore the ecological system similar to or more eminent than the existing status after stone mining. ( I ) To Reduce Ecological Influence via Optimizing Choice of Quarrv Because the quarry is pre-selected based on the engineering demand capacity, the reserve of stone in every field is abundant. It is proposed to choose and mine the stuff fields with little vegetatioin covering, small biological mass quantity, and bad ecological quali under the circumstance of good road and transport conditions, but retain the stuff fields with good natural vegetation structure and eminent ecological quality. (2) Compensation for-Environmental Impact and Rebuilding of Ecological Circumstance If some organic species and ecological circumstance are affected by the engineering, the engineering group will compensate by the means of restoration of similar ecological circumstance with same species. Because the organisms destroyed in the engineering are local common species, the restoration of ecological circumstance can be fulfilled by means of planting the local species. In deed, the newly constructed ecological system shouldn't be thoroughly the same as the former one: the restoration should be fulfilled based on the actual conditions and optimizing combination choice of species. (3) Take measures of soil and water conservation in quarry site. According to the local condition, the construction contractors will plant bermude. lawngrass, bamboo and axonopus compressus on ehe riverbank and Ouarry sites

3.2.6 Mitigation Measures and Suagestioii on Aquatic Organisms and

Fishery Resources

(I ) To dredge in separate section manner and decrease the dredging intensity so as to benefit the adaptation and restoration of fishery resources and organisms. (2) The construction time shouldn't conflict the reproducing and growth season of fish resources that is usually from May to July for dominating fish species in Beiiiang River. (3) The construction units should consult fisherv administration department, to guarantee the least loss of fry. After construction, the construction units should pay some economic compensation to the administration department through negotiation, providing some capital to buy fry and cooperating with fishery administration department in fry breeding to restore fishery resources.

23 EnvironmentalAction Planfor North-River Shaocnani-Oinm'an) Waterway ReIulation Project

3.3 Operation Phase

3.3.1 Emergency measures of unexpected traffic accidents It is suggested that the waterway management department should intensify the supervision to the ships transporting toxic and harmful materials. The transportation of dangerous materials should be registered to the public security departments of communication. Relevant managerial staff and the employed should get on-the-job training, and those on duty must hold license so as to prevent the accidents of leakage from happening. In case of leakage accident, such responsible departments as the public security department, the environmental protection department and the communication department must be informed in time, and the personnel, vehicles, facilities and medicines should be well organized in the emergency treatment so as to control the influence area of the accident to a minimum scale.

24 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoeuan-Oingyman) Waterway Regulation Project

3.4 Summary of Environmental Mitigation Measures and Budget

Table 3-4-1 Summary of Environmental Mitigation Measures Category ImPlemented_Mitigationmeasures Supervising Estimated cost Project design phase Air pollution 1. Choose the constructing site; Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible 2. Arrange place for workers' living area. Construction Office or Project 3.Choose the access road and quarry contractors Company Noise 1. Choose the constructing site; Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible pollution 2. Choose the line of transportation of construction material; Construction Office or Project 3. Arrange the constructing scheme. contractors Company Water 1. Choose the constructing site; Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible environment 2. Arrange the constructing scheme. Construction Office or Project 3. Select the address and size of the spurs/grions, contractors Company 4. Carefully study and demonstrate the normal storage level during project design. Ecological 1. Arrange the detail constructing scheme; Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible environment 2. In the main bank, increase and strengthen the embankment and add Construction Office or Project new facility of bank protection. contractors Company 3.To reduce ecological influence by optimizing choice of quarry; Safety 1. Exchange the information of constructing scheme with local traffic Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible department, local government department, etc. Construction Office or Project contractors Company Others 1. The mitigation measures must be written into the Bidding Documents, Design & the Project Enforcement Negligible and the contract documents must ensure the implementation of mitigation Construction Office or Project measures. contractors Company

25 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaovuan..aingyuan) Waterway Rezulation Project

Construction phase Water (a)The environmental protection matter in surrounding water area should be fully emphasized Construction the Project 3640,OOORM pollution during the dredging construction period. The dredging construction within the water protection contractors Enforcement B area in Qingyuan should,not be operated without permission of locad EPB. Extensive sections Office or Project of exposed river bank in various construction areas will be protected from erosion by use of Company geotextiles to protect the water from pollution; and he task of water quality monitoring should MEPB's and be well enforced in the stage of construction. GDEPB (b)Employing advanced construction equipments according whith the nation relevant technique request, optimizing construction techniques During construction in river sections between Qingyuan Feilaixia gorge and Qingyuan Beijiang Bridge and between Yingde Baishiyao and Daluodu, owning to the sand deposit property of riverbed, hydraulic dredging equipments with low pollution, such as Suction dredger should be employed to reduce mud leakage and re-suspension during dredging. (c)The contractors should consult with and get authorization from the project office before starting the work, arranging the number, location and dredging schedule of watercrafts to reduce the stirring strength and influence extent of the dredging-area and its bottom deposit, especially to reduce the dredging strength towards river sections between Lunzhou to Qixinggang and the downstream reach of Wushi power plant. When dredging along the water intake zone of water supply, the construction must notify water plant carefully monitor water quality, and temporarily cut water supply when necessary. Because the period of highest demands on potable water usually in daytimes, construction should be operated at night, to avoid affecting water supply as far as possible. (d)When constructioning watercrafts have site-fixed operation, are at anchor in the water area, ship anchoring and or are having construction encamping, the construction watercrafts should select rational environmental protection measures based on the condition of the construction sites property, so as to avoid accidents of water area pollution by ship contaminants. Among them, the oil-containing sewage generated by construction ships watercrafts must be collected and processed uniformly by oil-water separator, and then discharged when reaching the disposal standard. The sewage generated by the work- staff at the construction watercrafts should be reduced to the lowest degree. And the disposal of trash from the construction crafts should strictly abide by the Disposal Standardfor Watercrafts Poll.

26 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoeuan-Oinevuan) Waterway Regulation Project

Noise (a)To reasonably arrange the operation time (construction will be forbided in nighttime) of Construction the Project 300.OOORMB docks and schedule of ship construction and strengthen supervision and management of construction docks and transport routes, to avoid impact on sensitive points in surrounding OfficeorEProject circumstance. (b)To select with priority the construction equipments according with the nation relevant Company vehicle technique request and low noise and concentrate on the regular maintenance and repair MEPB's and of construction equipments for keeping their good running status. GDEPB (c)To regulate and administer uniformly the construction vehicles and control the vehicle flow density. To effectively decrease the times of horning when entering the leave fields and installs noise suppressor of vehicles for effectivelv reducing impact of traffic noise on surrounding circumstance. (d)To carry out noise monitoring during construction. Air pollution (a) The dropped trash in construction docks should be cleared regularly, supplemented with Construction the Project 300,OOORIVIB necessary measure of spreading water to repress dust, no less than two or three times each day, contractors Enforcement to keep ground without flying dust. To spray water on roads within 50m near Chetou Village, Baitu Town, Wushi, Kengkouzui, Zhouxin Town, and Jiangkou Town. Office or Project (b)When vehicle carrying earth stone pile, sand gravel stuff, cement and other building Company materials enters the site, it is necessary to cover stuff that generates dust easily with cloth, limit MEPB's and velocity of passing vehicles, decrease falling gap of loaded materials, and avoid leakage GDEPB caused by gale weather or road wallow. CAccording to the local dominating wind orientation and distribution of sensitive points in surrounding environment, piling field and concrete mixing field should be reasonably arranged during construction, such as 200 m or more away from and, if possible, lee-side of the residential areas. Meanwhile the stuff of easily flying dust should be piled in warehouse and covered with cloth. (d)The construction management department should pay attention to weather forecast in construction area, and do well in the flying dust prevention works. Measures of spreading water, covering and suppressing stuff in the bad weather conditions of great wind and dryness should be taken. (e)Construction sections should cooperate with local environment protection inspection staff, to strengthen inspection to key district, such as near Chetou Village, Baitu Town, Wushi, Kengkouzui, Zhouxin Town, and Jiangkou Town, and survey the TSP concentration in atmosphere circumstance so as to supply data for effective control of TSP pollution. . (f) It is necessary to carry out air monitoring during construction.

27 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoguan-Oinevuan) IWaterwav Regulation Proiect

Ecological 1. Ecological restoring should be at the same time with the finishing of construction at each Construction the Project 700,OOORMB environment quarry and sediment-discharging site. And it should be combined with the reservation of soil contractors Enforcement and water. The bamboo destroyed in the revetment should be restored as far as possible. Office or Project 2. To dredge in separate section construction manner and decrease the dredging construction Company intensity so as to benefit the adaptation and restoration of fishery resources and organisms. MEPB's and 3. The construction time shouldn't conflict the reproducing and growth season of fish GDEPB resources that is usually from May to July for dominating fish species in Beijiang River. 4. The construction units should consult fishing administration department, to guarantee the least loss of fry. After construction, the construction units should pay some economic compensation to the administration department through negotiation, providing some capital to buy fry and cooperating with fishery administration department in fry breeding to restore fishery resources. 5. Use the earth bags to prevent the soil erosion during the construction; 6. Take measures of soil and water conservation in quarrv site. 7. According to the local condition. bermude. lawngrass. and axonopus compressus can be planted on the riverbank and Quarry sites. Safety 1. Before constructing of the project, notify the society in order to avoid the influence of the Construction the Project Negligible water traffic order. contractors Enforcement 2. Investigating the amount of the traffic, optimizing the route for construction vehicles, and Office or Project avoid constructing material deliveries at the rush hours of traffic. Company 3. Request the construction vehicle drivers to obey the traffic rules, thus ensuring the safety of MEPB's and all those driving. GDEPB 4. Take care of hygiene of construction workers at building site, to prevent the infectious _ disease and epidemic disease.

28 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoguan-Oinevuan) Waterway Regulation Proiect

Dredging (a) According to the newly Possibility report of Beijiang, the dredging sediments (mainly Construction the Project 200,OOORMB sediments contain sand and scree) all will be used in the revetment or the refilling of areas between contractors Enforcement groins for the project. The deposition in these areas will further enhance the river regulation Office or Project created by the spurs and the channel dredging. Company (b) When digged silt and earth stone pile are temporarily placed on riverside, the locations MEPB's and should be selected based on the standard that they are not easy to be eroded, such as low-lying GDEPB beach, and the simple cofferdam and barrel-drain should be built beforehand to prevent direct influx into river and small quantity of slop of the sediments. CTo guarantee construction security during dumpage of dredging sediments and rational operation of periphery river-route and other water area functional sections, the obvious signs should be set outside the dumpage sites, to facilitate construction ships enter and practise dumpage task, and avoid unnecessary pollution accidents. Meanwhile it should be performed with permission of administration department. (d)The dredging crafts must strictly follow the proposed channel alig,nment and dispose of dredged sediments the sediments in the dumpage sites. It is forbidden to discharge the sediment beyond the appointed dumpage sites. According to the experience of dumpage practice, it is important to follow the above rule in order to reduce the impact on the water environment around the dumpage sites to the minimum degree. Some personnel can be arranged to supervise the dumpage actions if necessary. (e)No leakage is allowed when the dredging crafts transport the sediments to the dumpage sites. At the same time, the construction group should have close contact with the local weather report department, so that precautions can be taken in advance in case of bad weather. For example, they can stop dredging or dumpage when the know it is going to rain. (f)It is necessary to carry out the sediments monitoring during construction.

29 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaozuan-Oinzvuan) Waterway Regulation Project

Others (a). Environmental inspection and administration the Project 850,OOORMB Enforcement Office or Project Company MEPB's and GDEPB| Operation phase Traffic It is suggested that the waterway management department should intensify the supervision to Locad WB & Locad WB & accidents the ships transporting toxic and harmful materials. The transportation of dangerous materials GDWB GDWB should be registered to the public security departments of communication. Relevant managerial staff and the employed should get on-the-job training, and those on duty must hold license so as to prevent the accidents of leakage from happening. In case of leakage accident, such responsible departments as the public security department. the environmental protection department and the communication department must be informed in time, and the personnel, vehicles, facilities and medicines should be well organized in the emergency treatment so as to control the influence area of the accident to a minimum scale.

30 Environmental Action Plan for Atorth-River-(Sha6ann-Oinzvian) Waterway Rezulation Project

Table3-4-2a A Summary on Environmentally Sensitive Spots Environme | Name/ Location and other characteristics Explain of particular Mitigation measures would be Target of protection Estimated cost n-tally location with adopted Sensitive construction point Spots /transportation line I)No-fishing Area from 1000 m of upstream Upriver about lkm of Construction should be Fishes zone 600,000RMB of Baishiyao-Dam to 1000 m of Projcet section C, forbided during May to July in Baishiyao downstream of Baishiyao-Dam in downriver about 30km this year. Power Station Beijiang of Proicet section B; 2) No-fishing. Beijiang water area from converge Upriver about 1km of Construction should be Fishes zon No-fishmof place of Shegang protection dyke Projcet section D forbided No-fishing during May to July in Feioxaand Yinying highway to Feilaixia this year zones Feilaixia Dam (including discharging Dam project channel), (about 2krm water area) 3) fishing zone Beijiang water area from 50 m of Downriver about Ikm Construction should be 3)efishmgzone upper reaches Fishes between of Old-Beijiang of Projcet section D forbided during May to July in two Bridge to 50 m of lower reaches of this year, and adopted silt Bridges New- Beijiang Bridge. (about 2km control curtain about 100m .ridges water area ) downstream the dredging sites On of river. Belong to About 300m Reduce the dredging strength Water quality in 3840,000RMB Water irrigation stations. Irrigating downstream dredging IV class of (including intakces I) Tongguzhou farmland about 60 ha. point in section A; not GB3838-2002 water quality in water protection protection area zone's) On for drinking (for Pep. About 500m Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 2) Wushi 10,000) and industry. downstream dredging and adopted 2)wer silt control curtain III class -of Wushion point in section B; not about 100m downstream the GB3838-2002 Power Station in water protection dredging sites .______area On of river. Belong to 400-600m Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in irrigation stations. Irrigating downstream project and adopted silt control curtain III class 3) Baishiyao of farmland about 60 ha site C, not in water about 100m downstream the GB3838-2002 protection area dredging sites

31 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaoruan-Oinp-vuan) Waterwav Regiulation Proiect

On of river. Belong to About 200m nearby Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 4) Irrigation stations. Irrigating 60 ha dredging point in and adopted silt control curtain III class of Liangshuijing for farmland section D; not in water about 100m around the dredging GB3838-2002 ______p______protection area sites On of river. Belong to About 200m nearby Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 5) irrigation stations. Irrigating dredging point in and adopted silt control curtain IIl class of Fenghuangzui farmland bout 60 ha section D; not in water about 100m around the dredging GB3 838-2002 protection area sites On of river. Belong to About 300m nearby Reduce the- dredging strength, Water quality in 6) Xial iao ir-igation stations. lIrrigating dredging point in and adopted silt control curtain 11 class of farmland bout 179 la section E; in water about lOOm around the dredging GB3838-2002 protection area sites On of river. Belong to About 100m nearby Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 7) Lunzhou irrigation stations. Irrigating retaining point in and adopted silt control curtain 11 class of farmland bout 167 ha section E; in water about OOmI around the dredging GB3838-2002 protection area sites On of river. Belong to About 100m nearby Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in irrigation stations. Irrigating retaining point in and adopted silt control curtain 11 class of 8) Dashajiao farmland bout 167 ha section E; in water about lOOm around the dredging GB3838-2002 protection area sites On of river. Belong to About 200m nearby Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 9)Zhouxin irrigation stations. Irrigating dredging point in and adopted silt control curtain 11 class of 9)Zhouxin farmland bout 133 ha section E; in water about 100m around the dredging GB3838-2002 protection area sites On for drinking (for Pep. About 300-600m Reduce the dredging strength, Water quality in 10) Qixingang 180,000) and industry. downstream dredging and adopted silt control curtain 1I class of point in section E; in about lOOm around the dredging GB3838-2002 water protection area sites I_ I

Note At the same time ,these following mitigation measures should be adopted on the environmentally sensitive spots in the river: (a) The oil-containing sewage generated by construction ships watercrafts should be collected and processed uniformly by oil-water separator, and then discharged when reaching the disposal the DisposalStandardfor Watercrafts Poll; (b) And the disposal of little living-sewage and garbage from constructors should strictly abide by the DisposalStandardfor Watercrafts Poll. ©Water quality monitoring should be carried out during construction phase.

32 -EnvironmentalAction Plan for North-River(Shao-euan-Oinzvuan) Waterway Regulation Project

Table 3-4-2b Mitigation measures at environmentally sensitive spots on construction phase Environmen- Explain of particular Mitigation measures tally would Target of protection Estimated cost Name/Location and other characteristics location with be adopted Sensitive construction point Spots /transportation line Water 1) Yingde The river-section from About 8km downstream Reduce the dredging Water quality is II-III The estimated. quality Drinking W'ater Baisha to Qiaoxia of Yingde of project site D, about strength, and adopted silt class standard of cost had been protection Protection Area City in Beijian River. about more 30km upstream of control curtain about 100m GB3838-2002 in the zoo70 20km11 project site E around thle dredging sites water-intakes's 2)Feilaixia The river-section from About 5km upstream of Not Water quality is II-I11 Reservoir Shangkeng to Feilaixia-Dam project site E, about class standard of Drinking Water of Qingyuan City in Beijian more 40km downstream GB3838-2002 Protection Area River. about I Okm. of project site D 3)Qingyuan The river-section from There are parts of Reduce the dredging Water quality is -Illll Drinking Water- Jiangkouxun to Huilan of construction point of strength, and adopted silt class standard Protection Area Qingyuan City in Beijian project sites E in the control curtain about 100m GB3838-2002 River. about 25km. area around the dredging sites noise 1) Chezhoutou On Belong to village About 30-50m by the (a) Construction will sensitive be Noise level is class 3 300,OOORMB of SHAOGUAN, about 70 transportation line forbided in nighttime; standard spots of people will be impacted (b) To regulate and GB3396-1993 2)Baitu town On Belong to town About 30-50m by the administer uniforrmly the Noise level is class 3 of SHAOGUAN, about 150 transportation line construction vehicles and standard of people will be impacted control the vehicle flow GB3396-1993 3)Baisha town On Belong to town About 30-50m by the density Noise level is class 3 of SHAOGUAN, about 70 transportation line OTo effectively decrease the standard of people___ will be impacted _ times of homing GB3396-1993 4)Wushi town On Belong to town About 10-20m by the (d) Installs noise suppressor Noise level is class 3 of SHAOGUAN, about 200 transportation line of vehicles standard of people will be impacted (e) noise monitoring GB3396-1993 5)Kengkouzui On Belong to town About 30-50m by the during construction phase. Noise level is class 3 of YINGDE, about 70 transportation line of GB3396-1993 .______people ______will be impacted_

33 EnvironmentalAction Plan for North-River(Shaoeuan-Oinzvuan) Waterwaiv Rezutation-Proaect

6)zhouxin On Belong to town About 30-50m by the Noise level is class 3 of QINGYUAN, about 50 transportation line standard of upeople will be impacted GB3396-1993 _ 1)Chezhoutou On Belong to village About 30-50m by the (a) Spreading water to Air quality is class 2 300,OO0RMB of SHAOGUAN, about 70 transportation line repress dust, no less than standard of __people will bejinpacted .___._ two or three times each day GB3095-1996 2)Baitu town On Belong to town About 30-50m by the (b) cover stuff that generates Air quality is class 2 of SHAOGUAN, about 150 transportation line dust easily with cloth standard of people will be impacted CAii moniitor-ing during GB3095-1996 3M3:tislha town On R.hank Belonw Itto own AbouL 30->5(m by the construction phase. Air quality is class 2 Air of SI-IAOGUAN, about 70 transportationi line (d) cleaning thae surface standar-d of sensitive people will be impacted transportation line no less GB3095-1996 4)Wushi town On Belong to town About 10-20m by the than two or three times each Air quality is class 2 spots- ~~~~~~ofSHAOGUAN, about 200 transportation line day standard of people will be impacted GB3095-1996 5)Kengkouzui On Belong to town About 30-50m by the Air quality is class 2 of YINGDE, about 70 transportation line standard of people will be impacted GB3095-1996 6)zhouxin On Belong to town About 30-50m by the Air quality is class 2 of QINGYUAN, about 50 transportation line standard of I people will be impacted GB3095-1996 Note: At the same time. these following mitigation measures should be adopted on the environmentally sensitive spots in the river: (a) The oil-containing sewage generated by construction ships watercrafts should be collected and processed uniformly by oil-water separator. and then dischaged when reaching the disposal the DisposalStandard for Watercrafts Poll; (b) And the disposal of little living-sewage and garbage from constructors should strictly abide by the DisposalStandard for Watercrafts Poll. C Water guality monitoring should be carried out during construction phase.

34 Environmental Aclion Plan for North-RiverShaognoan Oingan) Waterwav Renilation Promect

4. Environment Monitoring and Budget

The location and distribution of environmental supervision sites during the construction period is shown in Fig 4-12.

4.1 Dredging AVaste Monitoring and It's Budget

The river channel dredging waste monitoring is mainly for the purpose of managing sedimenlt-associated contamilinants and controlling impacts to the aquatic and ecological environments. (1) Monitorinjg point and monitoring frequency: According to the monitored results anciently, 5 monitoring sections (2 monitoring points) at the river sections wvith significant areas to be dredged have been selected the monitor the implementation progress once in every 2 months. See Table 4-1-1. (2)Monitoring itemiis: Monitoring content includes 9 items: Cadmiu.n, Mercury. Lead. Chrome. Arsenic, Nickel. Copper. Zinc and Petroleu-m. (3) Estimatctl inonilourintg analysis expenses: Monitoring sampling costs RMB200 each time at per point, the analysis-testing fee is RMB50 for each item, and the sample pirocessing fee is RMB200 per item. (4) Travel f'ees aiitl otlier monitorinig fees Each time sampliin g at eacli poinit costs I day for 2 persons, 1 car, I boat, with travel fee at RMB500/day-petson. car fee at RMB 1.000/day, boat fee at RMB500/day. In consideration ofolher oiice-.tion samples, consumables and unipredictable fees, the cost shall be estinated at 5% higherithan ilhe monitoring analysis fees and travel fees, so the total bottom mud monitoring cost is abouLt RNIB325.000. Table 4-1-1 River chInInIel dred in' wastes monilorin2 points distribtition and Monitoring Fees Location N/lonitoring Monitoring frequency and Total (including other L______pninlt times per year fees) Oixinggan,g Oirm.tYua1 n Once/2 month, total 6 the cost shall be times/year estimated at 5% Oingvuani Jiangckou- 2 Once/2month. total 6 higher Feilaixia times/ ear Yingde Baislia - , Once/2 month, total 6 Kengkouzuei times/year Quiiang County Wushi 2 Once/2month. total 6 Power Plant times/year Ouiiang COunty 2 Once/2month. total 6

Chetouzhou - times/year Mengzhouba Total 10 325. 000

35 r,nvironnmenrL ACrt)ot i lan ior Norti-Rver(,aaOguanVii,uan)Waterway Reeulation Project

4.2 Water Environiment Monitoring Plan and Budget

(D)Monitoring sectioni: 2 monitoring sections should be set near the water intake of the river sections to be dredged. one ahout 100m downstream the of dredging/disposal area. the other at the water intake section olTriver. In addition, at olher seclions of the river to he dredged, only I monitoring section will be set at about 100m downstreairi [lie dredging/disposal areas. All the sections are shown in Table 4-2-1. the Environment Inipact Assessment Technical Guidelines issued by State Environment Protection Administration (I IJ/T2. 1-2.3---93) are adopted as the monitoring method (2)Monitoring items: total 10 water quality monitoring items at the sections of the river to be dredged: DO. pHi. SS. NFH-N, T-P. Petroleum, Cr, Pb. As and H-lg. (3)Monitorine F'rtetiency: In the year befor-e construction phase, above monitoring items shall be once quarterly. During the coinstrLuctionl phase. Monitoring for SS. DO. plI should be conducted on a weekly base, Other parameteres should be carried out once a month. The monitoring task above-mentioned can be assigned to the prOvincial or municipal environmental monitoring centers. (4) Estimated Mloitoring Analysis Expenses: monitoring sampling costs RMB200 each time at per point. and thl analysis testing fees is RMB50 per item, and the sample processing fees is RMB 100 per item. (5) Travel 1ees and t(lliher monitoring fees Each tiie sAmpliine at each point costs one day for 2 persons. I car. I boat, with travel fee at RMB500/day-p,er.son cLr l.e at RMBI,000/day, boat fee at RMB500/day. In consideraitioni oi other operation samples, consumables and unpredictable fees, the cost shall be estimated at 5O,% Il _gher thani the mnonitoring analysis fees and travel fees, so the total water monitoring cost is abouL IRMB450,000.

Tnble 4-2-1 River chninrj.l wvater itiality monitoring points distribution and moiitorin!e fees Location Monitoring Monitoring frequency Total (includ ng section other fees) inguan ixingga Water pIant 2 Once quarterly in the year before the cost shall be Ouiiang County_WusIhi iover 2 construction phase: and estimated at 1% Plant Water plant monitoring for SS, DO. pH higher Ouiiang County ltzaitu 1 ,\v l I shotild be weekly, other dredged river-section_ parameters should be carried out Yingde city Guanyinvaii .-xvn t once one a month during the CP. dredged river-section_ Total 6 About 450,0000B

4.3 Environ muetit .iir and Noise Monitoring Plan and Budget

(1) Monitorina 1miiit: Scnsitive points at the construction site and along the transportation liie, totally 6 noise )nin rijgLpoints and 6 air monitoring points. See Table 4-3-1. (2) Monitorin2 ilvii.s: TSI'. PM . Noise (Leq(A)).

(3! Monitorin_ fIrcquency: In the 1It year of construction, monitoring shall be carried out two times/week. Tlheni if t!e monitorineg results indicate that the density of noise is lower than the evaluation standard or if teil chllinige is small, it may be adiusted to 4 monitoring times in one year, respectively at spring. sjimmcr, autumin and winter. The monitoring task may be assigned to provincial or muwicip:d, ;vironinental inonitoring centers.

36 Envjironnient/ AlAcio: Plan (tr A'orih-RivertShaoeutan-Oiniyiuan) Waterway Rejulation Proiect

(4) Estimated A\koniitorinig Analysis Expenses: each tine monitoring samrnling costs RMB200 at per point, an.! the analysis testing fees is RMB100 per item, and the noise monitoring costs RMB50 per circle. (5) T'ravel l'ees a 11(d oither moinitorinig fees Samplinjg a eacli Opint each time costs 2 days for 2 persons, I car, with travel fee at RMB500/day-personi, car 1ee at RMB],000/day. In consideration oCither operation samples, consumables and unpredictable fees, the cost shall be estilmatedL at 5° ;, iigher than the monitoring analysis fees and travel fees, so the total air and noise monilorlng, co.: is about RMB530.000. Table 4-3-1 Eiivir'oi -it Airi and Noise Monitoring Points Distribtition And Monitoring Fees Location t .;Jtorinj, Monitoring fiequency Total Point (including other fees) Zhouxin To%vn I Monitoring frequency for air. and noise should be the cost shall Kengkouzhiui. _ 2 times/week in the first year during the CP. be estimated Wushi Town I at 5% higher Baisha Town I BaiTu_Towil Chetouzloot_ I I T'otal 6 __1430.OOORMB

4.4 Monitoring I -n Sullmary and budget

(I)The m1iniuoiri. _ ask aboved mentionied can be assigned to the provincial or municipal environmental muoinitorimw centers. (2) It is requICStedI th;.r the Project Enforcement Office of GDWB should integrate monitoring data into the quili rterly ibr-lernentation reports to the Bank. (3) A monitiri,ig i forma;l is as follows table4-4-1.

37 Envi'iromnn, altr,IAction Plan frJ- North-RivertShaoa Ln-Oin uan) Wate_way Reeulation Project

Table 4-4-1 The monitoring plan and budget (RMB) Phase Items M oiiitoriig locations Mon itoring index Monitoring Frequency Budget nmethod Air Zlioiixi'i Town, Kengkouzhui, PMO) Dlust, 2 days, 3 Once aweek 430000 \Vushi Town, Baish;, Town, times a day Noise 13ai ii luown, Chetouzlou, Leq(A) 2 days, 3 Once a weck times a day Water (I)Qingyuan Qixinggang Water DO, pH, SS, 2 days, 2 (1) Once quarterly in 450,000 plant: (2) Qujiang Cottiiy Wushi NI-13-N, T-P, tines a the year before Powrcr IPlant Water plant; (3) Petroleumi, Cr, day; construction phase; QL,ji;,1gi Counity Baitu lown Pb, As and I-Ig (2) Monitoring for SS, . .1r1dcled r-iver-section; (4) Yingde DO, pH, and once ra. city 3aishiyao Town dredged weekly during the Cl'. o rivel-sectLion (3) Other parameters u should be once one E______month during the CP. o Sediments (i) Qingytuian Qixinggang, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, I day, Once in every 2 325,000 (2)t)bitw uan1 Jiaiglkotu - As, Ni, CLI, Zt Itime a months I:ciklixi; dreciged secthII; and Petroleum day (3) Yin-de Baislia Kcuglkouzuei dredged scction; (4) Qujiang Count\ Wushi V'o't Ir aiantdredged section; (5)Qiijititg County Ch11tolot1t 011 NMenerizhouha Operation (I)According to hlicrcislt of years ofI monitoring, the river width between the upper stream and the down Period stream of the coIKirijirii, section oillers little, so does the water depth and some other water conditions. And the water ttiiilii v of the consukiction sectioni and the routine monitored section is basically stable. 350,000/year Therefore, ti io:vrl-erly water Imility nionitoiing data of operation period can be obtained by the provilt. r jiiunicipt;: environinental tiottitoiing centers. (2)Accordilg to iIC I lAon thepprk(it, thie impactsofdtist. noiscand sedimentsduringtheoperation period are light on enviromtent; therefore. the dust, noise and sedimenits monitoring during the operation period can be caaicellcd.

38 K W+E Y l u % >ins~~ *g ;uoshan S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~luhei]houn

i0 5 l10km 1 n h-zihi . / eyuan ;Fen ~~~ZZ - H~~~~~~~~~~~~ougongdu CAula ng iV ~/ongnan .n-n < ~ . C r%iMe'; ouba A , >;ngnanf cLvivlf 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~/tSectIonA.t)

Loyang/ . .Fengtian CN2

C.MN,Bqisha-: -CN QJiangwan C.A3! jj B/!C N Shaxi

Gumushui , sShi s2 CWNshinan *.Dabu Zhangshi: ~~~~~~~~~~ R~engkuo 9abu LuoL MAjingliao:J \ ' ;.-Tielong

iBoluo pibgkeng Sha uo

! . c~~~~~~~Shigutang 5/ awnh, tang Hengshitang Yuning. ,,tawan~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~C.A5A& Bat' h'cto /

WHL,aflQnaOaf C.N Prolect sites 4unb angbom . angbo Iihu Kengkouzu CW en

Jiiis S hPIU, Guanyinya'Qiaotou --

Jiangwan I Mingjing i i Yingd .

Hegongkengkuc ,,Da2hbn ..YuWan Jiulong -'k-*Y~ Jiuloeg % '9--J Qiaoxia¢/ ? :tIHuanggang * j'

.-Shae Suban Qp 6 :Baisha abeiNShuibi 4;? 'pi

.>Dadong. Lianjiangkuo 5 Gaogang - YnLing .Xinzhou

,0 \ Ji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-ngi0 Lixi ? Heyun (

-Yuba *j.LongnanFogang S Legend ;I5 1 < '- Jianba _ Road Shangkeng// ShenpingS . Railway

Zhukeng .Gaotian . [. lraix ia . y Existing Dam j Prolect sites -Minan :Huanghua i (Secton El _ - Pajian 9R -' U ~~~~~Noise :Q n . . a ig R. ::LOngshan

Huilan:m cw- o 0 Sediment

l *Yuantan"g cMine - Water quality The Location and Distribution of Enviromental Monitoring Sites During the C.P. 39 Environmental Action Plan fbr North-River(Shaoguian-Oinpuan) Waterwav Reeulation Proiect

5.Implementation of Mitigation measures and Monitoring

5.1 Implementation of Mitigation measures

Based on the requirement of Environment Protection Administration Regulations for Construction Proiects, Administration Regulations of Checking and Accepting of Environment Protection Facility completion for Construction Projects, and Environmenlt Protection Action Program for the Proiect, the environment protection measures of the project should be designed and implemented at the same time witih the construction. Accordilg to the requirement of the World Bank, the respective units and their responsibility in the mitigatioln measures are defined and listed in table 5-1-1. The following activity will be fulfilled in the Action Program. Table 5-1-l Plan of Imnlemenitation of Environmental Protection Measures Construction phase Supervision Implementation units Management institutes organization The action nrogram in Project The contractors of GDWB the construction period Enforcement construction Office or Project Company

5.2 Environment Admiiiistration Organization, Responsibilities and


For better supervision and administration of the environment protection for the construction proiect, the different levels of administrative oreanizations of this project shall establish correspondinu environment administration organizations. The organizations then can set the environment protection and administration system for overall administration of the environment issues of this project, so as to ensure realization of the environment protection targets.

5.2.1 Organization Frameworlk Ti-he systemil of environmenit protection adin inistration of this project is "leader responsible for the overall situation, implementation by different levels, division for responsibility and centralized management by specialized department". Accordinig to the characteristics of the construction project, the project headquarters and its sub-divisions shall set special environment protection departments (each work area shall have special full-time environment protection staff). The person in charge of the department shall take charge of the relevant wvork of environment protection, with specific indicators assigned to specific responsible persons, and appropriate reward and punishmenit system shall be established to ensure fulfillnent of the environment protection measures and its effects. The recommended structure of environment protection administration of this project is shown in Figure 5-2-1 a and Figure 5-2- l b. Each work area shall assign full-tine environment protection staff and set special fund for environment protection construction in the work area. The General Director of the project is responsible for overall environment protection in this project, and the person in charge of the environmenit protection administration depaitment shall be responsible for implementing various environment protection systems. The sub-divisions of the headquarters and the environment 40 Environmental Action Plan for North-River(Shaogunrn-Oingvuan) Materivav Regulation Project

protection departments of each work area shall focus on fulfillment of the environment protection measures to carry out self-inspection on the environment protection in the workc areas. Any violation of the measures discovered in the supervision and inspection shall be corrected timely to ensure successful implementation of the environmenit protection measures in each work area. Make any suggestion I'roiect Enforcement Office of GDWB 4 (6 dedicated person) Quarterly report Report once one month field office for the Beiiiang Proiect (2 dedicated person )

C Report once one monta

Oingyuan river-stcuon ein inistrtion o o Yintderi ver-section PO (12ddadeo dedicated person)| dedicated| PO1-2 c person

1]2 person for path-time in eveProi river-secrion

. TwReport once one monthl Conistruction Contractor l ~~~~~~~~(1-3 units)I Figure 5-2-la Structure of environment protection administrationi organization on copstruction phase

Proiect Enforcement Office of GDWB (6 dedicated person)e d e adthepy rovr WBo Quar-ter-ly report PEO forthe Beifiang Proviect (2 dedicatecd per-son )

j Quarterly report

OinPQYUan WB | E (- y Sinopattie Yingde WB l PEO (1-2 per-soii for part-time) | PEOo pr-i-e E (2pisi1-2 person for part ti mej Figure 5-2-lb Structure of environment protection astinisyestration organiznipentation ln Theyal phlase

5.2.2 Rcsponisibilities Respsoisibilities ( l) Proiect Eniforcem-ent Office of GDWB Thle general manager are expected to uwiderstand the overall dynamics of environment protection bf this proiect. and to be r-esponsible for the overall environment protectionand approving enivironm-ent protection system, post system and implenientation plan. l hey should also

41 Environmental Action Plan for Nort/l-River(Shaos!uan-Oinpvuan)IVaterwav Rer.ulation Project

coordinate the relation between relevant departments and organizations and guarantee the personnel, money and materials necessary for environment protection. At the same time, the main task is to organize daily monitoring on the water quality: air, noise and solid wastes of the project based on the monitoring plan. The results of environimental supeivision and monitoring should be integrated into the quarterly implementation reports to the Bank by the PEO. (2) Field offices for the Beijiang Project (including PO of construction river-sections) PO, as the field offices for the Beijiang Proiect, it shall be familiar with the proiect implementation plan, the pollution prevention technology and policies, and the constitution of the technicians. Its main responsibilities are: a) to formulate project environment protection rules and regulations and supervise the implementation of the regulations: b)to formulate and implement environment protection plan: c)to organiz6 ecological and environmental monitoring: d) to propose the administration plan and iinprovement suggestions for operation of the environment facilities of this project. This department shall timely report to the project headquarters about the work of environment protection and shall cooperate with different levels of competent environment authorities in supervision and inspection of environimienit protection. Circuit supervision and inspection system sholIId be established, with the following main responsibilities: to conduct regular supervision on the construction and operation of the environment protection measures of this proiect. collect the problems of environment protection and propose suggestions for solving the problems. (3) The construction contractors Usually each contractor undertakes each mitigation measure at the construction stage. The construction contractors should attach the implemenitation regQiirements of mitigation measures of environmienit protection and the requiremenits of supervision and staff training to their bidding documents.

5.2.3 Environimlental monitoriiing report

A system for reporting of the monitoring resuIlt should be established. The floxv chart (Fig. 5.1) shows the procediure of reporting of monitorimig results.

Local environmiiental monitorino ceniter

+~~~~~E or GEMCLclEP

World Bank B7

Figtire 5-2-2 Reporting procedure of monitorinig results The proiect enforcement office sihould give a monthly report of the monitoring results in the construction period to Guangdong Provincial Waterway Bureau, the local Oiigyuan and Shaoeuan Environmental Protection BureauL. Each quarter of the year. GDWB should send a quarter report

42 Envir-onnental Action Plan for North-RiveriSliaoeuan-Oinpvuan) Watervay Reeulation Proect

of monitoring results to Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau and also World Bank, because aniual reports are too late for the Bank to make any suggestion if necessarv. Each year, the GDWB shiould send an annual report of monitoring results to Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau and World Bank. Further more, the results of environmental monitoring conducted by an external local monitoring center should be also reported to the Bank in the quarterly proiect reports.

5.3 Contract documents

Good bidding documents and g4ood contract documents are crucial to ensure the implementation of mitigation measures. According to the regulations of Environment Protection Administration Regulations for Construction Proiects, Administration Regulations of Checking and Accepting of Environment Protection Facilitv completion for Construction Projects, and Environment Protection Action Program for l'roiect, GDWB should list the content, requirements and targeets of the proiect action program in the clauses of the construction contract when it is signed. In that way. the mitigation measures can be effectively implemented, and the progress, the effect, and the problein in implementation can be reported to the GDWBin time. The GDWB should also regularly entiust the local E-nvironmental Monitoring station or GDEMS to have on-spot monitoring during construction and to transfer the reports to GDWB, EPB and the World Bank, so as to ensure the successfuil implementation of the mitigation measures.

5.4 Training and Budget

Training of staff in charge of supervision and monitoring, responsible persons in each section, and construction workers are indispensable for the implementation. All the staff including construction workers shall receive at least one tine of environmenital protection training, while the major environmental protection staff siall receive position training.

5.4.1 Contents of training Environment protuccion kuinwledge and ability training During the construction phasc, hlie Employer and the constructor shall invite environment protection experts to carry out an overall environment protection concept training for all construction workers and supervisors, clarifying the major environmental problems and necessary measures during construction phase. During the operation phase, Beijiang Project tcam should regularly organize environment protection knowledge training ;or all staff. So that they can clarify the possible problems that could exist within their assigned areas, stress the negative consequence that may result from failing to take necessary enviroiinment protection measures and implant the environment protection idea to the mind of every one ol' ile staff. Environment prolectioni ability training The key construction and operation staff such as installation or maintenance personals, drivers, office members in Project and environment protection supervisors from the Project and persons in charge of the docks shall receive environment protection ability training. The process of training includes:

43 FnvEironmental ActaiL Plan for INorth-River(Shaogcan--Qingyua,) Matenvrv Regulation Prqipec

a) Expert lecture b) Site visit of similar environment protection installationsLc) Irregular national or international long-term or short-term training- d) Twelve men will be sent abroad in two separate groups to receive training.

5.4.2 Training people in environmental management department The arrangement of training time One year before construction, when Project Office is founded, Department of Environmental management should be organized. Departmenit of Environmental Management should communicate with local Environmental P'rotection Bureau, and arrange training for people of department self. Training time should be 1-3 months. Three stages include: (1) Knowledge of environmental protection training: experts of environmental protection and administrators from Environmental Protection Bureaus are invited to give lectures. Or some visual materials are good, like VCD or tapes. Let them understand importance of environmental- protection in social economical development and sustainable development. It needs about 4 weeks. (2) Practice in site: Find a typical waterway regulatory engineering completed, and visit the engineering. Learn experiences of environmental management from the engineering. Let them discuss problems appeared in the engineering and the methods solved problems. The results could be considered as management principles under consultation of local EPB. This training needs about 4 weeks. (3) Training abroad: Choose a few administrators and send them to study abroad. There are some similar waterway regulatory engineeringS abroad where advanced environmental management experience have gotten, especially engineering loaned by World Banik. By analyzing conditions of the waterway to be constructed, make a program of environmental management. This training needs about 5-6 weeks. Training fees

(1) Domestic training A total of 100,000 Yuan is needed (20 persons/month and the training fee for a person being 5,000 Yuan). (2) Abroad training A total of US$120. 000 is needed (12 persons/month and the training fee for a person being US$ I 0,000).

5.4.3 On-the-job-training of environmental monitoring and management personnel

The on-the-job-training of environmental monitoring and management personnel aims to enhance the environmental monitoring and management at the construction phase and the operation phase and to ensuLe the quality of environmental monitoring and the efficient environmental managemilenit, so that tile quality of the whole project will be raised. During the on-the-job-training, the administrative staff of environmnental monitoring may know more about the issues and shortages occurring in the environmental monitoring and management, which should be reported to the environmenital protection department of the project in time so as to be helpful for taking measures to adjust and deal with them. The on-the-job-training at the construction stage will last one month, being at tihe first season of the 2nd year and the 4th season of the 3rd year at the

44 Fnvirotmental Action Plan for North-River4aognanQing-Qi7uan) Waterway Regulation Priect

construction stage respectively. Related environmental experts or environmental managers with similar experience will be invited to explaii the possible environmental issues and their countermeasures on site. The estimated training fee is 20,000 Yuan.

5.4.4 Training for all responsible persons of each sub-projects and constructors Before the construction work starts, all responsible persons and constructors of the successful bidders shall receive systematic training of environmental protection knowledge, so as to avoid environmental damages resulting from miss and fault during the construction phase. The objective of training for the responsible persons of contractors is to clarify their environmental protection responsibility, and the objective of training for constructors is to emphasize the importance of right operation manners in the construction and the operation phases, especially mobile drivers must receive position training of environmental protection. The principals of the project environmental protection department will be in charge of these trainings, and the main tasks are to. clarify the possible environmental loss happening during the construction, identify the adaptable environmental protection measures, and the possible measures for tackling environmental problems. Through training, the principals of works will understanid their duties for environmental protection, and the consequence for environmental damages. lThe constrniction workers will know directly the protection extent and means for the environmental sensitive locations. For the project, the training for the project principals and constructors will last I week, and the estimated total cost will be 20,000 Yuan.

5.5 Time Schedule for Enforcement of EAP

Based on the time schedule of the project, invitation for bid of the constrtiction works will be done from the 4'i' season of 2003 to the 4th season of 2004. The construction will start in the 4'' season of 2004, and will be finished by the end of 2007. The EAP work out the time schedule for enforcemenlt of enviroiiniental protection measures after the above time schedule of the project construction. If there any adjustment to the project tine schedule, the EAP time schedule will make appropriate change. Time schedule for enforcemenit of environmental action plan is listed Table 5-2. I'Hblc5-ES- Time schedule for enfoicement of environmental protection scheme Item Year Year Year Year Year Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

1. Design and ready stage - 2.SS treatment in the construction site 3. Noise and dust control during construction_ 4. Environmental monitoring in the construction phase

5. Training 6. Vegetation recovery in the construction site

4fi Fnvironmental Action Pln for Northi-River Shaomuan-Qin.Uuatj) II'atenvqv RegulationPLg liect


I.Environment Standards and Control Standards of Pollutants

l.lSurface Water

Water Qualitv Standardl

According to the "Water Resource QUality Protection Programn of Guangdong Province" and "Water Environmental Function Directorv (trial), the environment functions of the North River and its tributaries must meet the needs for: drinking water source. agriculture, industry and fishery. Therefore. according to the requirements of "Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)". the environmental quality standards for surface water assessment are listed in the Tablel-l-I and Tablel-1-2. Besides, the following standards are as references: I) Water Quality Standard for Fisheries (GB1 1607-89). The stipulations for SS in the standard says; increased SS concentrationi in the water by any activity is no more than lOm/.L". "no harmful impacts should be allowed on any fish, shrimp or shellfish. if suspended solid set down to the bed": 2) ffvgiene Standardfor Drinking Water (GB5479-85): and 3) Standardfor Irr igation water Qualitv (GB5084-92).

Table 1-1-1 Slecification of Water quality of surface-watcr and Discharging River Erom To Length Quality Dischargin Location (km) standard Notlh Shazhouwei Baisha (SG) 3 IV 2 Shaoguan North Baisha (S) Majhigliao EIIIQ I Shaoguan. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Qinvua North Ma ingliap Shakoux 5 If Forbidden QigLvuan No_rth Shakouxu BJaisha 1 1 lQigua -North Baisha (YD) Yingde Bidee 18 11 Forbidden Oingyuan Northl Yingcle Bridge Jiheishi 40 TI Ohigyua | North Jiuhenlgshi Nw Nortih 31 if Forbidden Qingyuan River Brid ge Nanshuii Nanshui MengzhoiL 32 11 I Shaoguan Reservoir Dam Dama Wenjiang Dazhen DFloganzui 3,5 L Forbidden Qingyuant Shuikou Lianjiang Xiniu Town Liajiang Ill 1 Qingyuan

Paian Fogang Town Pajian2 mouth 40 II 1 Qingyuan

Tablel-1-2 Environmental quality standards for surface water (GB3838-2002) (mg/L) Items class I -1 1II l 1Y Y nL 6-9 Oxygenl Saration rate 6 15 13 12

46 Environmental Action Plan for XNrth-River(Shaop-uan-Oinvti:an) WatenvvvRep,utlation Project

90% (or 7.5) Permanganate salt index S 2 4 6 10 15 COD 15 15 20 30 40 BOD, 3 3 4 6 10 NH-IN S 0.15 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 T-P (based on P) S 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 T-N (for lake and water 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 conservancy based on N)

Cu 0.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Zn 0.05 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 F S 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 Se S 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 As 0.05 0.Q5 _Q,5 0.1 o.I He 0.00005 0.00005 0.0001 0.001 0.001 Cd 0.001 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 Cr6* 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 Pb 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 CN- 0.005 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.2 phenol < 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.1 Petroleumi 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.5 1.0 surfactantt 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Sulfide S 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 Faecal coliform (CFUIL) S 200 2000 10000 20000 40000

Coontrol Stanidardt of Water PollutantsDischar'e "Effluent limit for wvater pollutants of Guangdong Province" (DG44/26-200 1) is taken into the consideration whenl Control standard of pollutants effluent is decided. Besides. "Effluent standard for pollutants from ships" (GB3552-83) is a relerence. The control stiindard of effluent for the North River is also listed in the l'able 1-1-3.

Table 1-1-3 Dischar ging limitation of contaminations in water (DB44/26-2001)( ni/L) (Part)

Polluted SS BODi CODcr PetroleLml- Sulphide 1iiF3-N Plhosphate (based on materials . _ Class I 60 20 90 5.0 0.5 10 0.5

Class 2 100 30 110 8.0 1.0 15 1.0

Class 3 400 300 500 20 2.0

1.2 Noise "Standardof environment noise of urban area" (GB3096-93) is a reference for noise assessment. which listed in Tablel-2-l.Class I noise stanclard is applied for any schools, hospitals and residential areas: 55 dB for daytime allowed highest noise level, 45 dB for nighttime. Class 2 noise standard is applied for commixing areas of commnercial areas, residential areas and industrial areas: 60 dB for daytime allowed highest noise level. 50 dB for nighttime. Class 3 noise standard is applied for industrial areas.

47 Enivi-ronrienIal Action Planfor North-RiteroS/woeuan-Otnruan)IVaie,a,vi, Reda'ltion Proiect

Table 1-2-1 Standards of Environmental Noise in Urban Area ( GB3096-93)

Type_ Davtime Nighttime 0 50 40 I 55 45 2 60 50 3 65 55 4 70 60

"Standardof noise at boundary of industrialenterprises" (GlB12523-90) is for noise assessment and control for the project sides. Which listed in Tablel-2-2.

Table 1-2-2 Limitation of noise in constructionial scoipe (GB12523-90) Len dBLA) Construction Main source of noise Limitation of noise phase Daytime Nighttime Earth and stone Bulldozer, excavator, loading 75 55 machine and so on Pililg _ Each kind of piling machsine 85 Construction prohibited Structure Mixer of concrete, vibratinig stick, 70 55 electrical saw and so on Decoration Crane, elevator and so on 65 55

1.3 Air Environment

I'lie Standards for air quality assessment and air pollutants emission control are Standard grade 2 in "Ambient air quality standard"(GB3095-1996). standard grade 2 in "IntegratedEmission limit for airpollutantis of Guangdong Province" (DB44/27-200 1). Listed respectively Table 1-3-1.

Table 1-3-1 Quality Standards of Environimental Air (GB3095-1996) Name of Time of Limitation of consistence ( mg/cu in at STP) contamination recording Standard I Standard 11 Standardlil TSP Annual average 0.08 0.20 0.30 Dailyaverage 0.12 0.30 0.50

SO 2 Hourly average 0.15 0.50 0.70 Daily average 0.05 0.15 0.25 Annual average 0.02 0.06 0.10 NO, Hourly average 0.12 0.24 0.24 Daily average 0.08 0.12 0.12 Annual average 0.04 0.08 0.08

1.4 River sediments

Standard grade 2 in the "Environment quality standard for soils" (GB 15618-1995) is for river sediments: and "Pollutants control standard for sludge used in farmland' (GB4284-84) is the reference for the silts dredged out.

1.5 Soils

Class 3 of "Environment quality standard for soils" (GB15618-1995) is applied for soil assessment of the proiect. The standard values are listed in the Table 1-5-1.

48 Environmental Action Plan for North-Rivez,VSiaoeuonainevuon) _laterwva RemLlation P-roiect

Table 1-5-1 Class 3 of "Environment qualitv standard for soils" (GB15618-1995) (Part) Parameter Cd L:g As Cu Pb Cr Zn Ni Paddy I Farmiland Paddy Farmland Value (mg/k) 1.0 1.5 30 40 400 500 400 300 500 20

2 Technical Guidelines

1) Environment Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines issued by State Environment Protection Administration (H./T2. 1-2.3---93): 2) Environment Imnpact Assessment Technical Guidelines - Non-pollution EcoloEical Impacts issued by State Environment Protection Administration (HJ/T19-97); 3) Environment Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines- Acoustic Environment issued by State EnvironmentProtection Administration (HJ/T2.4-95): 4) Guidance of EIA for Water Conservancv and Waterpower Projects (trial) (SDJ302-88) 1989; 5) Guidance of EIA for Inland Waterwvay Projects issued by Commnwications Ministry (JTJ227-2001); 6) Comprehensive Guidelines of Water and Soil Conservation (GB/TI 6453.6-1996); and 7) Technical Specification of Water and Soil Conservation for Development Project (SL201-98).

49 'A' IB ~ \ luoshan HYiIiu'

7 / haoguang S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hgan 0 5 10km ngyaozhu*zhixi,-Jy\ / - yuan t Fen -' cjr -Io / u ^ Xilian ang I, -y { ~,Mnn ouba) -

! \ < ,t rongnan (1% ngtgu -. I---- Al Van - it- ' - - P rotectsit., ; SLoyan~~~g^ ^'- - Baiu 1 - s Ruyuang Ruy'an -Jiangwan Baisha ) - :---1 Qujiang - | ' -Shaxi ; _- ~~~~ i ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~eng! .Gumushui ;roiB1I1-shi (

A --Dabu t\ - {Sevioni31 Zhangshi _ 0

A ) , Z ~~~~~~~~Luokeng AjiW '<

0^ / - - -- ts I-- /-, I -e; ; - MAi-a- .c---"--' \ . /\' /S,j. ,/ xi

qlpgkeng -S|uo /

A' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~w

\ o~~~~~~~Shigutang }i 'lawatn`- h Hengshitang7 Yunling i

Huanam} V /~~~~~~~~~~~-f- ieangbo.r H N2hngbo J -{ _ 2 ngfuo 0 azen; Jiash 4 V UPU Guanyinyan ~~~~~~~~Baish* j Q t Jiangwan ,

WMingjing I d in / ... in' ~Yin gde / ml ;;)Hegongkengkuo- a an sYuwan. Jiulong .adinornD.knking Water -- 0rz I _ n; QiA- o t xiag.;/.-rn-- Qiaoxia

: Shabei /Shuibn 8,aishaa

'; Dadong Lianjtsn kuo Gaogang 7jriLmng Xinzhou' ( (

-ey~in p environDrinkino Qingxi Lixi ) ) - Jing\o _ -Heyun ~

.,Yuba -- '----oang-

I WIProtcclionAf!a -~ -*-. X F.laci a Drinking WrItr / Zhul .ng Shangken / ProtecnrznAre.

Shenpinlg- - ,.htteng ,l *;Gaotian

i-..-/ ai | uMinan

k.~,~ingyuan~' .0mg f'PaJtIng-R liongshan&ng '1,-, Qingxin ' J u Road Class 11

''ii- -. ;G~~~~~~~aoqi~ Huilan A

0< Qixinho2Yua . ln ta,ng'7 -- -- qExistingDam Class IV -- I v~~Minle ______F;M-t Water Quality Targets & Drinking Water Protection Area in the North-River(Part) rKJ \ Baishaiing V Jiangwano



0 2.5 5km Y . 1 P _ ffi / > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ylngciien\ IiTuwT Hogongkengku-he

ak ztia . < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Data'shuizha Yichaongoia,/F


6;huibian g6habei

' r iangkuo *oadong

Lixi} I O X


Shenping. IHengshi.

Gaotian i- iii ixal

-rz lfAinan

Prolect sites - iS.ction E) _ -- - SjiganOnong

Xiao. s' ^ iLegend U0ingxin Xialiao ngkUio.. * ngkoii tin *~~~~~~~~Residential area -asha ~Lunzhota .oqiao 'G Existing Dam Ongyuas Dashajiive Port 5fl . _-v 1 1 *.D ; . ) River Oxinggan\5 itx = Inae alon th No'th Rivr(;ndeQiyan - Road /uanan :Railway Water pumping fengke \s - fi Z ! w Drinking _ Irrigation fPY-2a Water Intakes along, the North River(Yingde-Qingyuan) *YIliu h


haoguan Port

UHotjgongdu iilian' Ch - a

~~~L , , ~~~~~~~~huzhou^ \;

gui Chelfo abB i m ~SUoItanto

fengilen )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prolec.tsites W engtian uJieng


Baishn-/ ) I i eShaxi

Prolect sltes (Section BI L Zhupotantanmo' Stoengi n 2 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ) ,~~~~~~~~~shidieang

SAlushira n


I uokeng \-

Majingliao , .0, !~~~~~~~~~~~~~rtln



4i-.r`. Legend

Hongshitang Yunlinyg* .ibSiluchanrV * Residential area Baihiq *aolou7n Existing Dam

g Geopotan k tf _ Port ~.Prolect sites BaishiyEonarr (Section Cl _____ X ~~~~~~River

' ! ^Road

8,;uanyinn - _ - - _ Protectsites Railway

L ...... I(N Er ni Water pumping Guanyinyan'. \ Drinking \ e Baisha, } Irrigation 1,A2 +Water Intakes along the North River(Shaoguan-Yingde)

52 I// K - Y iIiu S tinM Juoshan wtsg v - < ~~~~~ > ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~Hexi 0 5 1 Okm . /Fe ngyaozhuzi,zhixi. -Xilian . tang ~j :o gnann a .H9ugonu Lnggu wen u ,ag

t J . - . ~~~~~~~~~Fengtian - PmleasRe$0 . Loyag Bait ~ .

rJsangwan* . . Baish; |iangwan .. L ;Shaxi -

Gumushui . / __ hi .Dabu Zhangshi,

Jra7ngaeo ;.Tielong

cliLkeng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~hbuo

\wan- Shigutang - !> awan---, Hengshitang Yuningi - No-lishin Area

ngbontTraotatl>9; /L - - - Huangbo an g p o h u ;a ti n fu o c Dh a e n j ..:Qia-oto-u

Jiangwan Mingjing

Hegongkengkuo c.Yuwan Jiulong , D iaoxia/ *I'Huanggang

Shabei Shuibia

an ing Dadong Uanhiangkuo Gaogang Y,niing Xinzhou



iYuba *longnan t ~~~~~~~~~~Shangkeng,./ Zhuileng (P,4E, ~~Shenpin0 Gaotian ilaixia

/X40wsinnare. f =Y4> i Minan Longthan Jntp - Huanghua t.

cQingxin / Iangkuo - Legend n uRen J. gkouXUn .Gaoqiaoad - i Raiway ~~MinIe 4Dam Huilan,,J.-.. Da } >,(~~~~~~4ua t uatan Minle A No-fishing Area rFfZ-3 No-fishing areas in the North River 55 Chishu

4 \ h .hu ~ W~ ~ _Hewu, 0 thish i E ...... s ,, huw

ua Dam SIi/@,angXancun

7-""W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lgn


N BajiaXl+_ gM=River Road sL Dock

s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dam DrDaln .. 0.5 1km - ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Irfigatian -. ~~~~~~ ~Quarry I Farm land

Mengzhouba ::i Grass Bamboo

.- alidbyt U ; , N .-.-.< Sandbank Project site: - Dredging . Retaining Dumping sites mngrnei Et - spurs/groins

/ ]hangxiang\5 .. w % ,X :b

, / ,; dEgV~~~~~~~~uzhai X

Present Situation of Land and Forest along the North River (Mengzhouba Dam-Baitu) (section A-1) Town E .m River -Road A + ( W+E _G . 7np9tang< >; V s,9 Road- R ailway anPgu 0 0.5 W 4 Dock Irrigatian ~1Quarry _,_-' z) _ f rFarmland Xii¶lihongcun i Abor-Bush-Grass 'N. / ~~Grass -_ '-. j'g *;:Bamboo |_ S , \ Huang;wu \ ^- Sandbank Project site: Dredging

-Retaining * Dumping sites / r Spurs/groins

-;L. -' lik ~~~~~Lutou' / \I

Miu, XsR\\. Hl ,/

* ~~~~~~~~~Shangs(npo6- D ; C tU 1 - f x l t X~~ ~~~-u - ' | - Hex a 7

-'Iahnp Se.bsanpo Ta,ngmian

Xiajie l ! N .. _ov..._.'... ..

Zhonggjletan - \ hao/g;.n ang/ ; 'I W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'mh

Huangshu Zhac

. \ I ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ X |~~~~~~Wushi- _-t-.W Ua swu- U*I .- ,' ~ ~~~ Caowu~ U. h

Xinyewu Ta Lng Niuqiao3 Guangmingdadui / _I

---_HIuangripo ~~_\ -; ~~~~Daiwu |\ '_0-f

Zhangshi~~x'Caod6oulong Xiwu u9hachoni

Guangs-h'Iwu .

J- 2-46b Present Situation of Land and Forest along the North River (Baitu-Wushinan) (section A-2,B) N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

in chahangyh Chachangiiudui ;

Chacha changliu

a2(217) Laohu Hill (1 7)

Da| gan-lill(2 , ShiziHi.

'-Kendkouzui - h-ll:

tu,hyingyan ngo \Wnb

ia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y \

Dashandor Hill (298

Town Abor-Bush-Grass iopm River . :.:: Grass

Road . Bamboo

,, Railway Sandbank

} Dock Project site: Dam Dredging

I Irrigatian Retaining rj Quarry * Dumping sites I J Farm land - spurs/groins __/- _ _ j,2-4C Present Situation of Land and Forest along the North River (Baishiyao Dam-Fenghuangzui) (section C,D)

56 Legend __n-Road River Zhongxinwe -Railway c_ _ 2k.1 1 1 s Dock - Dam H a gdo Irrigatian ! Quarry . Farm land , , Abor-Bush-Grass XiaenI I Grass r Bamboo Sandbank _ng Project site: IDredging / -~~Retaining(_ / * Dumping sites [ - 1Spurs/groins X(

- . rago

F' 4d Present Situation of Land and Forest along the North River(Feilaixia Dam-qingyuan) (section E)