(19 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, , N.\i.1. Telephone: Museum 5030)

ffiELll!iIKJlY }JCLYSIS 01" F.'IRE REPORTS FlWJl FIRE nsrc••DES, IN ' GRR~T DRIT_\IN, 1956 .

The results of a preliminary analysis of reports show that during 1956

approx~nately the Fire Brigades, attended 111 200* fires in and Wales and approxinmtely 10 500 in Scotland. The, number of incidents ~ttended by each B'ire iJrigade is given in Table 1.

In England and Wales, one firenun lost his life and approxil~~tely 340 firemen were injured: The Fire Service assisted in the 'rescue of approximately 300 persons fronl dangerous situations. In Scotland, no member of the ,Fire Service was killed and approximately 30 were injured: The F'ire

Service assisted in rescuing approximately 50 persons from ,dangerous situations. Further details are given in Tables 2 and 3.

-, H The totals .of fires quoted on this pase have been rounded off to the nearest hundred, and the totals of non-fatal casualties and of persons rescued to the nearest 10: exact figures will be given in the ,detailed returns which'will be prepared later in the year.


© BRE Trust (UK) Permission is granted for personal noncommercial research use. Citation of the work is allowed and encouraged.

\ )

Table 1

l!'IDES _~TTENDED sr FIl·m BRIG.~DES :m GRE:.T lill~T~·.nf, 1956

.... , I 1 Note; The figures in this table are ba~ed on reports received up to 19th l?ebruary, 1957: they are subject to slight r0vision as further information is received. . ----;------r-- Numb~r--·: Jhre DriFade of ! ---' -' _...:.------,- I-~~.:.':~.--.._i . ~ I ~ngJ.~n~ and ·~al~~_:....Q.~tx FiI.~}i~i_fia_~e~ I ! ~.nglcEC'y I 145 Bcdf'or'dshd.r-e . 763 . Berks. and Reading 1 173 Brecon Co. and Radnor 126 Duckinghamshire 1 15h Ca131'narvons11i1' o 365 I Cambridgeshire 353 Cardignnshire and Cal~rthenshire 567 2 363 Cornw~ll 750 Cumber-Land 480 Denbigh and Montgomery.. 510 Derbyshire 1 258 Devonshire 1 211 Dorsetshire 1 306 Durham Co. 1 668 Ely, Isle of 186 . Essex 4 488 I Flintshi1'e 402 I Glamorganshirc 1 630 . j Gloucestershirc 895 3 1 91 Herefordshire 259 Hertfordshire . 2 126 Hunting<1onshire 196 Kent and Canterbury· 4,419 5 053 Leicestershire and Rutland 526 Lines•. (Holland) . 185 I Li~cs. (Kesteven) 230 Lines. (Lindsey) . 570 I Lnndon c.c. 9 515 i Merioneth 99. ~iadlesox I 5 129 .! Jhonmouthshir e 598 '1 Norfolk 930 i Northamptons hire 484 I j Nor thumb er-Land .633 I . :: Nottinghamsh.ire 1 391 I Oxfordshire 441, i t Pembrok eshdr-e 162 Peterboroughl, Soke of j \ , 138 Salop 760 Scilly, lsI C~ of I I Somersctshir-e 1 008 i .StD.ffordsh~l"-e, l' 884 I Suf'f'o.Lk 1i',~ ,~t' ~ ff Lk ..- t d I . h ! , ...... <;.1.=., ou 0 ,. i{eS an PSWlC 1 101 5 125' f Sussex, :i:ast 1 226 j ~uss~x, i;'.'est 9.62 .I \/ar-vnckshire 1 326 : 11es t!!no:rland 106 IFight, Isle of 248 I ! I L.. ._------I '

- 2 - .. \

Table 1 (cont.)

FIRES ~l.TTENDED BY It'If?.E BRIG"~DES IN GRE.~T BRIT_~I1'T, 1956 ------, 'I Number " li'ire i3rigade of I-- ' +_~fire".

Wiltshire 845 Worcester Co. and hares. C.B. 1 095 Yorks. (East Riding) 267 Yorks.' (North Riding) 825' Yorks. (West Riding) 2 998

England and 1\ales - County Boroughyire Brigaaes , Barnsley 120 Barrow in Furness 270 Bath 204­ J3irkenhcad 530 Birmingham 2 '762 Blackburn 282 Dlaclcpool 4-03 Bo.lton. 385 Dootle ' 34-0 Bournemouth 519 Braclford 629 Brighton- 429 Bristol 1 24l+ Burnley 263 Burton on Trent 88 • nury : 196 Cardiff 606 Carlisle 179 Chest~r' 217 Coventry 769 Croydon 517 Darlington 199 Derby 316 Dcwsbury 160 Doncaster 203 Duc11ey 200 Eastbourne 170 East Ham 245 Exeter 234­ Gloucester 1GO Grea t Yarrnou th 129 Grin13by 205 Halifax 209 " . Hastings 149 ., Hudc1ers'fielal 237 " Xings ton upoin Hull' 619 Leeds ,934 Leicester 654­ Lincoln 219 Liverpool 2 101 Manchester 2 067 }.{erthYJ: '1Y di':'il 91 Middlesbrouf,~h 355 ~\r ewcas tIe oin Tyne and Ga teshead 753 Newport (l,~om.) 339 Northampton 177 Norwich 322 Nottingham 741 ,~ . '. J I ,~ '. Table 1 (corrta.) PIRES .i·.r.I.'TENDED BY Flllli BRIG.j)ES 1N GRE..~T BRIT..~nr, 1956 -- \.. .- ,/-NLiiilb;;- , of __-!L~::::_ I I ! Oldh.1.m ' I u I 299 Oxford I 181 Plymputh I ,379 I I POl'tsmouth 455 \ Preston 293 RochdaLe 2-/6 . I Rotherham 173 I st. Helens 244 Salford 1102 Sheffield 742 SmethVlick and \lest' Bromwich 371) 767 Southend 280 f Sou thpor t 220 South Shields 250 stockport 372 Stolce-or.'-Trent 489 Sunderland. ·439 ' Swansea :: 425 - v, ITynemouth 185 i iTakefie:j.d 140 I Vl'ullasey , 290 l;ral sal l , 329 l liarrinRro n 203 ! tJest r-r;m 64-3 I\ies t Hartlepool 221 i Wigan ' : 205 " ~[ol verhainpton 354­ i York 195 1 I I f Total number of fires attended in -----I I i E~gland J and Wales ; 111 155 I I 1 Scotland I I : Glasgow I 2 555 " Lanark 1 190 i Central 703 I ~~restern 997 : South ~festern 739 • South Eastern 1 719 Fife 4-81 Perth and Kinross 253 Angue 711 North Eastern' 891 Northern 269 ,Total number of fires attenued in '------Scotland, 10 508

" - 4 -

I \,, 'I.

Table 2

N.~TURE OF INJlJhIES OF c:.;SU,~'rIES IN ~'m::;s ,iTTENIlEDBY F'IRE BRIG,UJES IN GHR;T BRIT"iIN,1956' . ,- 'Note: The figures in this table are based on reports received up to 19th February, 1957: they are subject to slight revi~ion as . CJ further information is received. * Casualties who suffered shock in addition to another injury lmve been classified according to the nature of thc other injury. ,------,.------..., i England and \iales k. ~cotla~~ .._ Nature of injury F'ire i Other I I Fire I Other ( Brig- : casual- I TotalBrig- I casual- Total ades t i es ades I t~8S ------,-- ~--t---r--! ._J.. .. -.----- Fa~~n~a:~~l~~=~dS ••••••••••• I' 333 3331 - I 41 " 41 I Overcome by gas or smoke... 1 97 98 I ~ I 14 14 I Other and undefined injuries 31 31 + 5 I 5 0--~; l Total .•.•..... e , •• ••• 0 ••••• 1, i 1,61 462 ,-,-- : j , ,I I INfm-fatal casualties , Burns and scalds •••.•...... 2 128 130. .. ~ ,Bruises, cuts, abrasions ... 10 I 11 I 21 I ,I Dislocations, sprains, 6 1 7 I ov~~~~~~~; ~;~'~~'~~~k~'::: 2 17 19 'I More than on" of the above

injuries 0••••• I ~~~~~*a~d'~~d~fi~~d'i~j~;i~~

Tetal ...... 342 • Total casualties ......

Note: ~ change in procedure in the reporting of casualties was introduced in 1954" affecting mainly those occurring to Fire Brigade personnel.

- 5- \ Table .3 Pffi$ONS RESCUED OR ESC.lPED BY ElvIERGl1WY HlL.NS .F'ROM :nRES .~TT.ENDlli) BY li'lliE BRIG.ADES TIl GRE.:'.'l' BRIT.~IN t 1956

Note; The figures in this table are based on reports recedved up to 1.9th 'February t 1957: .they are subject to slight revision as further'orma tion is received.

,..------_._--_._-_._------_.------_._.__ ._---~ , Number of persons i l.ppliances· 0;1.' metl{ods used \---Enol';;if'\ -~ __.,__., .. ._ ..:.j,__~~:I~~lC~_.l __:~~.~~~~~ I· Rescue with Fire Brigade assistance from' i '/ BuiJ.0.:!- nzs ! I ~·~u i;om~tio escape line •••••••••••••••••••• E~c< (h:'.lld operated) ••.•••••••••••• ~ • ~ •• .35 2 Laa&:er, exbens.ion ~ ••••••••••.• ~ 56 7 i first floor ; ,..6 •• I. .32 turntabI e (hand)· •••••••••.••••••• turritable (mechanical) ••••••••••• 6 I 5 other or undefined ••••••••••••••• 75 3 Ladder and Line •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 .1.I I n~ ~ Li ill III II • .. . ' . .! Ot:n~1~; ~ I appar'atus III .. III 11 0 •••• III II •• 0 It • 5 ! h'i'~liO~u. t nPl-i8.ratus " . 88 29 ~ I Ships 0 •• '" 0 .. 1 !i _ Road vehicles •. '" Ill' " ill •• ,; . ;..----_.1 __._+- ---_ ..._- I f Total e • " .. 304 i I I , i Rescue without Fire Brigade assis~~nce from I t "':41ircraft " III 1 Buildings .Au tcma tic'escape line •••••••••••••••.•••• 2 Carried or ass~stea out •••••••••••••••••• 177 63

Jwnping sheet '" " .. 7 I ~ i Ladder ." 0 " oil .. III . 97 , 7 Lowered from windows, roof, etc. • ••• I •••• 80 13 Other or undefined methods ••••••••••••••• 9 ; Ships III 1II "• " I " . 7 ! Road vehicles " ". 8 --~ - I I ._. ----·----1 .. I. 'l'otal ..• t " .. 387 : 84 IEscape by emergency means from i . I , I I .~ircraft I ; B.J..loc: out . .3 2 j 1 Phrough exits or from debris ••••••••••••• I T11rc,vi1 c1 Gar ' . 1 .! I Othor or W1Qefined methods ••••••••••••••• I j i I Buildings . ~utonmtic escape line •••••••••••••..•.•.• I Climbing over roof ••••••••••••••••••••••• 42 2 Fixc6. fire escape " . 6 .1 Jwnping from upstairs v;indow, roof ••••••• 76 8 Ladder ' . I 26 I ~iding down drainpipe, sheets, rope, etc. 22 I Through ground floor windows ••••••••••••• 17 I Other or undefined methods ••••••••••••••• 10 ! Ships t " . 9 i I Road vehi.cLes f" • "" •• ','" "• .3 I Trains ...... , ...... •I . I I I I Total ...... , ... 21lj. ! ,I ------_._----_._-_._---!... _-_._------I• I 1 i 'l'otal persons rescued OL 1 escaped •••.••.••.•• .905 161 . ------_._------...... -._._- ... - _..... _>-----, - 6 ( '1

lli CONFIDENCE Corrigenda No.1 F.R. Note No. 299



The following corrections should be made to the Preliminary Analysis of fire reports from Fire Brigades in Great Britain, 1956:-

1. Paragraph 2, 1st line: delete "In England and Wales, «ne fireman lost his life •• "; replace by "In England and Jiales, two firemen lost their lives •• "

2. Table 2. Against item "Fatal casualties, Burns and scalds" insert 1 in column 1 (i.e. in Fire Brigades in England and ~ales). The total fatal casualties in Fire Brigades in Ellgland and Wales shnuld be 2 and the grand total of casualties in Fire Brigades in England and Wales should be 344.