Vidin Ruse (Rousse) Dobrich (Shoumen) Montana Varna





Esseterre is the largest distillery in Through the dōTERRA Co-Impact Esseterre is also doTERRA’s primary Social Teahouse mentor working with an enroled youth at a food and nutrition workshop.  Bulgaria, with farming and distillation Sourcing® approach, Esseterre is distillation facility for imported operations headquartered in Dobrich, 50 currently working with over 100 Frankincense and Myrrh resins from A Helping Hand for Bulgaria’s Youth Healing Hands is also funding programmes to kilometres north of Varna in the heart of Lavender and Melissa farmers. Annually Somaliland and Ethiopia, which are Esseterre is also dedicated to involving the youth of help revitalise local orphanages in the Dobrich lavender production. Esseterre currently Esseterre produces on-site more than distilled year-round. Esseterre has become Bulgaria. Through donations from dōTERRA Healing area through improvements to bathrooms and operates 37 different distillation units for the 50,000 kilogrammes of Lavender oil and a world leader in resin distillation quality Hands™, Esseterre is supporting an innovative addressing other needs. variety of oils produced. 1,000 kilogrammes of Melissa oil. and oil yield. Bulgarian non-profit organisation known as The Social Teahouse. In Bulgaria, a disproportionate The Milk Canteen in Dobrich provides affordable number of orphans need more resources than are meals for all children between the ages of 10 available. Many are forgotten by the State at a months and 3 years old. dōTERRA Healing Hands young age, never gaining access to the necessary has helped the Milk Canteen with new and updated Esseterre is a growing company and Due to Bulgaria’s prime growing With the most advanced state of- opportunities to avoid lives of despair and hardship. equipment, renovated employee bathrooms and at present directly employs more than conditions and skilled labour, Esseterre the-art GC/MS and FID laboratory in a new vehicle so that they can provide home 90 full-time staff, including engineers, has an extensive product list. Esseterre Bulgaria, this on-site capability ensures The Social Teahouse provides training and deliveries. accountants, logistics managers and is a major essential oil producer for production of the best quality oils, while opportunity to youths who are leaving state care, technical experts. On a seasonal basis dōTERRA, including the production of also exploring the viability of brand new providing a three-year mentorship programme that Esseterre and dōTERRA Healing Hands also it will employ upwards of 180 employees. Lavender, Melissa, Yarrow and Summer oils for dōTERRA and providing quality builds professional and personal skills. dōTERRA work with and provide funding for other local Indirectly, it supports hundreds of farmers Savory. It has also partnered with bonuses for farmers. Healing Hands has funded the purchase and organisations and projects in Dobrich and Bulgaria Rebuilding Bulgaria from contracted farms, their full-time and other farmers and distillers nearby refurbishment of key infrastructure for the Social to ensure broader support in the local community. seasonal employees, as well as other for expanded production capacity as Teahouse’s new headquarters in Varna. doTERRA THE ESSETERRE CO-IMPACT STORY experts like architects, engineers and needed. researchers. © 2019 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC. All words with trademark or registered trademark symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of dōTERRA Holdings, LLC. A New and Different Chapter Strategically Placed for Bulgaria Basing operations in Dobrich Bulgaria is a country rich with opportunity, but it There are, however, opportunities to help write a Farming partners near was a strategic choice. has faced challenges in reaching its full potential. new and different chapter for Bulgaria. The country full-term Melissa field Esseterre’s distillery is Bulgaria is part of the European Union (EU), but remains an agricultural haven for growing an close to the distillery. ƒ centrally located to the has one of the lowest GDP in the EU—with nearly abundance of aromatic plants and the people are Lavender and Melissa farms a quarter of its population living at or below the rich in know-how. In particular, the Black Sea climate supplying the raw materials, Main distillery global poverty line—and is presently experiencing zone of Bulgaria produces some of the world’s best minimising risks and loading floor. ‚ Seed and Fennel Seed, as well as dōTERRA’s producing the highest quality the most extreme population decline in the world. Lavender and Melissa. Its sunny and dry climate Frankincense and Myrrh resins imported from oils possible. Melissa Sadly, each year emigration erases dozens of towns during harvest, coupled with dry, well-drained, Somaliland and Ethiopia, are distilled year round should not be transported from Bulgaria’s map. High death and low birth sandy soil, is ideal for these aromatic plants. For including during the colder, non-farming months. rates are also significant factors in depopulation, these reasons, dōTERRA over long distances but lack of opportunity is the primary driver for chose Eastern Bulgaria as post-harvest, since the Although created and owned by dōTERRA, this migration away from the country. As the the place to realise a vision plant is easily damaged Esseterre is really a Bulgarian firm, built and nation’s men and women search for jobs abroad, of creating a world-class and needs to be distilled managed by . Expert managers, severe structural and industrial decay becomes production centre for some shortly after harvesting. distillers, farmers and engineers make up the increasingly common. Experts on distribution of EU of its most valued oils. As such, Esseterre does team. Along with impeccable industry-related funds cite the high concentration of investments not harvest Melissa that skills, the Esseterre team is characterised by a and resources in certain regions, at the expense The result is a Bulgarian is grown more than shared commitment to positively impact their own of others, as a contributing factor to lagging company established in 2015 50 kilometres from its communities. Esseterre has brought new investment infrastructure and a diminishing population. called Esseterre Bulgaria distillery. Lavender is also to the area and is partnering with dozens of local EOOD. Esseterre is a farming best distilled within one farmers, and there are many more who are eager to Before the fall of Communism, Bulgaria was not and distilling operation day of harvesting. join forces with Esseterre’s mission and dōTERRA’s only an active industrial nation, it also had some with headquarters and a Co-Impact Sourcing® approach. Not only does of the world’s pre-eminent essential oil research, production centre in the Esseterre offer farmers a chance to increase their development and production. Organisations like agricultural heart of Bulgaria A Year-Round incomes through the production of higher value the Rose Institute in were renowned for at Dobrich. Esseterre is Industry crops, but also on-time payments, long-term fair their sophistication and cutting-edge research. now the largest distillery in Esseterre has initially pricing, production and harvesting support, and In the Post-Communist era, not only did industry Bulgaria and will continue to focused on Lavender and technical knowledge-sharing. falter, as evidenced by the crumbling factories revitalise the essential oils Melissa oil production, but around Dobrich, but the Rose Institute, not able industry through dōTERRA’s the farmers are capable to withstand the darkening shade of corruption, Co-Impact Sourcing® Esseterre’s first and anxious to do even more. The distillery operates Reviving a Legacy withered as well. Without the State’s guiding hand approach, becoming a Melissa planting.  year round in order to facilitate a more efficient and Esseterre’s distillery is located on the outskirts of an and subsidies, Bulgarian farmers stopped planting significant force for facilitating optimal use of Bulgaria’s abundant, high quality industrial town surrounded by many empty fields aromatic crops, tore down and sold distilleries, sustainable, diversified aromatic plants. Among the crops that Esseterre and abandoned warehouses—legacies of Bulgaria’s Esseterre’s main and sowed their fields with wheat, sunflower and development in Bulgaria. will distill during the Lavender and Melissa off- past, but not its future. Esseterre is not a company distillery with twelve of corn, the focus of substantial government funding. seasons are Yarrow and Summer Savory. Esseterre that simply aims to just grow and distill Lavender. the thirty-seven operating Now large-scale agro-business dominates the has also established additional relationships with Rather, its goals are to produce the highest quality distillation units. „ commercial landscape and small, independent other farmers and distillation partners nearby for essential oils for dōTERRA’s needs while revitalising farmers are a part of Bulgaria’s storied past. expanded capacity as needed. Furthermore, in the country’s agricultural and industrial legacy, thus order to make full productive use of Esseterre’s building a stronger today and tomorrow for farmers facilities, a variety of seed oils such as Coriander and their communities.