Grayslake Central High School Sophomore English Summer Reading Assignment 2017

Enduring Understanding:

Effective readers examine the author's use of language (figurative language, detail, syntax, and other devices) in order to arrive at a textually-supported interpretation of the work.

Essential Question:

What effect does society have on the development of an individual's identity?


From ’s , choose one of the following novellas – not The Breathing Method – within the book:

 Rita Hayworth & Shawshank  Apt Pupil 

Reading Assignment:

Thoughtfully read the novella, keeping in mind that you will be thinking and writing about the influence of society and development of the character(s). While reading, consider how the relationship between these two concepts and annotate (mark the text) as you read. Your annotations can focus on passages that help to answer the following questions:

 What are some of the important influences – setting, culture, family, friends, neighbors, etc. – on the main character or characters’ lives?  What are the norms and values of the society in the novella?  In what ways does the main character(s) differ from the norms in his/her community or environment, and how does that influence him/her?  What are some of the pressures that the main character(s) must cope with in the early stages of the story?  How does King characterize the main character(s) when we first meet them?  What are the key turning points in the character or characters’ journeys?  How has the character changed – behaviorally, emotionally, and/or psychologically – over the course of the story?

Writing Assignment:

After reading and annotating carefully, you will write a skeleton essay answering the essential question:

What effect does society have on the development of an individual's identity?

Your skeleton essay will focus on how the main character(s) and their journeys provide a specific answer to this essential question. Your response will include the following:

 A thesis statement identifying the author, title of the novella, and your answer to the essential question as relates to your novella of choice.  3 body paragraphs, each with 1 contextualized, blended, and cited quotation. o 1 paragraph examining the beginning of the novella (how the character is at the beginning) o 1 paragraph examining the middle of the novella (how the character starts changing) o 1 paragraph examining the end of the novella (how the character is at the end)  Analysis for each quote precisely explaining how the particular language in the quote advances your thesis in a meaningful way.


This assignment is due the first week of school. It will be entered as 30 points, and it is the first grade of the semester.

'A' assignments will look as follows:

• Writing is focused by a clearly stated main idea • Main idea is supported through insightful analysis • Analysis accurately and thoroughly focuses on the essential question • Writing is clear and free of errors

* It might be a good idea to look back at your "strongest" paper from freshman year and remind yourself of successful organization, style, and analysi
