INSIDE:• Yushchenko’s first 100 days: tackling economic problems — page 3. • On the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II — page 4. • Victor Morozov continues to promote the — page 15.

Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE KRAINIANNo. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine recalls 10 million war dead, honors veterans on Victory Day ZvarychT sees campaign U W to force his resignation, suspectsby Zenondiaspora, Zawada others Press Bureau KYIV – After years of embellishing his educational and professional experi- ence, Ukraine’s Justice Minister Roman Zvarych admitted to the Ukrainian peo- ple at a May 10 press conference what he had told The Ukrainian Weekly in an exclusive interview two weeks ago. Before 40 reporters and at least a dozen television cameras, Mr. Zvarych admitted to having completed no diploma other than a bachelor’s degree from Manhattan College, despite claiming for eight years to have earned a master’s degree in phi- losophy from Columbia University. “I don’t have a master’s degree diplo- ma from Columbia University,” Mr. Zvarych said. “Instead, I have a degree that is the equivalent of a master’s degree from Columbia or any other aca- demic institution. Without such a degree of academic learning, I would not have had the opportunity to be a teacher at New York University.” Despite the admission, Mr. Zvarych maneuvered through his second scandal in three months and clearly has the back- AP/Sergei Chuzavkov ing of President and President Viktor Yushchenko, Prime Minister and other members of the administration place flowers at Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who a Kyiv memorial to heroes of World War II. deliberately avoided comment on his background. by Zenon Zawada lies and loved ones. been a mixture of grief and joy,” Mr. Mr. Zvarych said he suspects an Kyiv Press Bureau Children, able to recognize veterans Yushchenko said. “For four years of war, organized campaign is under way to pos- by the rows of Soviet medals on their Ukraine paid 10 million lives of its sons KYIV – Morning showers on May 9 sibly force his resignation. He blamed jackets, greeted the heroes with bright and daughters for our freedom and the did not dampen the spirits of Red Army allegedly warring nationalist factions in red roses. Marching bands played Red right to live on our land. This is a very the Ukrainian diaspora and even mem- veterans, who turned out by the thou- Army anthems and children pranced big price to live freely on your independ- bers of the Komsomol, or Communist sands to celebrate their victory 60 years about in Ukrainian folk costumes. ent land.” Youth League. ago against the forces of Nazi Germany. At the parade’s helm marched It was the first Victory Day celebration Mr. Zvarych, 51, is a native of Yonkers, The days of cheering on tanks and under Mr. Yushchenko’s presidency, and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, N.Y., who settled in Ukraine and became heavy military vehicles are no longer in therefore the issue of recognizing the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and the first American to acquire Ukrainian vogue. Instead, about 3,000 veterans Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) had been citizenship in January 1995. He was elect- strolled down Kyiv’s main street, the other leading government figures. ed as a National Deputy to Ukraine’s Khreschatyk, surrounded by their fami- “For 60 years, the May 9 holiday has (Continued on page 12) on March 29, 1998. After being appointed as Ukraine’s Justice Minister on February 5, he became enmeshed in the Yushchenko Foreign policy is top priority of Yushchenko’s first 100 days government’s first scandal when he by Zenon Zawada impossible without Ukraine.” Russia also became apparent, particularly threatened to resign, and then backed off, Kyiv Press Bureau President Yushchenko also developed when Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko following a government decision to ban extremely close ties with Georgian canceled a planned visit to Moscow in the re-export of oil, a business his wife KYIV – Foreign policy proved to be President Mikheil Saakashvili, who late April the day after the Russian Svitlana is involved in. The ban was Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko’s shares the Ukrainian president’s vision of Federation’s top prosecutor said criminal never implemented. top priority during his first 100 days in integrating his nation into the European charges were still pending against her. During his May 10 press conference, office, as he devoted much time traveling Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty journalists engaged in the political theater and meeting the leaders of Ukraine’s crit- Organization (NATO). European Union led by Mr. Zvarych, in which he made ical international partners. His first action as president, however, certain admissions, denied prior state- During his first month in office, Mr. His visits to Brussels, Washington and was a symbolic trip to Moscow, a gesture ments and tiptoed around past untruths. Yushchenko put relations with Europe at Berlin aimed to solidify Ukraine’s rejuvenat- intended to reassure Russian Federation He stressed those qualifications that the top of his agenda, visiting the ed image internationally and reinforce the President Vladimir Putin that Ukraine are real and qualify him for the position European Parliament and Council of new administration’s commitment to direct- seeks to maintain constructive relations of justice minister, and then ultimately Europe in Strasbourg, France; and the ing Ukraine toward European integration. left the stage amidst a cloud of contradic- with its “strategic partner,” a phrase fre- European Union and NATO headquarters “Ukraine is the heart of Europe,” Mr. tion and confusion, without directly quently repeated by Ukraine’s leader dur- in Brussels, Belgium. Yushchenko told the Council of Europe, admitting to any particular lie. ing his first 100 days in office. In addressing Europe’s leaders, the continent’s top human rights body, on Simultaneously, the new government’s (Continued on page 12) January 25. “The future of Europe is determination to change its relations with (Continued on page 23) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Moscow continues to undermine NEWSBRIEFS Ukraine to re-examine OUN-UPA activities German television channels ZDF and ARD, President Vladimir Putin said on democracy in independent Ukraine KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor May 5 that the term “occupation” is not Yushchenko has instructed Prime appropriate for Soviet control over the by Taras Kuzio attached to the executive branch, deeded Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to resume an Baltic states and Eastern Europe after 1945, Eurasia Daily Monitor Hlitsyniya to the International Children’s inquiry into the activities of the and he called for an end to speculation on Center Artek in the Crimea. The director Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists the topic. Mr. Putin said that the Baltic Russian President Vladimir Putin’s of Artek then sold Hlitsyniya to (OUN) and its partisan force, the states first gained their independence as a plans to purchase Leonid Brezhnev’s res- Vneshtorgbank, which was acting on Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), by a result of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk that idence in the Crimea have collapsed. behalf of the Russian Directorate for relevant governmental commission no Bolshevik Russia and Germany concluded USSR Dacha No.1, named Hlitsyniya, is State Affairs attached to the Russian later than July 1, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian in February 1918, according to a transcript among the Ukrainian properties excluded executive. Russia had already paid 30 Service and Interfax reported on May 10. of the interview published on from privatization. Nevertheless, Mr. percent of the cost (estimated at 78 mil- According to the Presidential Secretariat, “Later, in 1939, Russia and Germany Putin attempted to acquire it from lion hrv or $15.5 million) to Artek. the commission is tasked with reaching decided differently: Germany agreed that Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma as a The scandal surrounding Hlitsyniya legally and historically substantiated con- this part of Europe should return to the token of gratitude for supporting Mr. follows another one in Crimea. Mr. clusions on the OUN-UPA and working influence of the Soviet Union,” he said. “In Kuchma’s designated successor, Viktor Kuchma had lobbied for 350 hectares of out an official government position on fact, the Baltic countries were pawns in big Yanukovych, in the 2004 presidential prime land near Yalta to be given to these organizations. (RFE/RL Newsline) world politics and this, of course, is the elections. The dacha is an apt symbol for Russia to build a hunting lodge for Mr. President leads V-Day march tragedy of these peoples,” Mr. Putin added. Moscow’s apparent need to maintain a Putin (Ukrayinska Pravda, January 31). As for condemnation of the Molotov- presence in Ukraine. Hlitsyniya was sold around the same KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor Ribbentrop pact, the Russian president said Subsequently, Ukrainian President time other prime Ukrainian assets were Yushchenko, after attending the Moscow that “the highest representative body of the Viktor Yushchenko said that Kyiv is con- transferred to Russia. Mr. Bakai transferred military parade in Red Square on May 9, Soviet Union condemned it in 1989. ... sidering an alternative residence for Mr. the Dnipro, one of Kyiv’s premier hotels, returned to Kyiv to lead a march of Should we do it every day, every year?” In Putin. This comment is itself unusual, as on December 28 (four days after he was Ukrainian World War II veterans in the cap- another interview with the German daily world leaders normally do not have offi- dismissed as head of the DSA) at the cost ital center later the same day, Ukrainian Bild published on May 5, Mr. Putin said he cial residences in foreign countries. Mr. of 92 million hrv ($18 million). The Dnipro media reported. Mr. Yushchenko delivered is against comparing Joseph Stalin and Yushchenko bluntly ruled out Hlitsyniya Hotel had also appeared on a list of state a speech to the veterans, wishing them long Adolf Hitler. “I can’t understand you equat- and warned against constructing relations properties unavailable for privatization. lives and urging them to help build a “free ing Stalin and Hitler. It goes without saying with Russia through shady privatization The Dnipro-Elit company that “pur- and independent Ukraine.” Mr. Yushchenko that Stalin was a tyrant, whom many call a deals, apparently a practice used under chased” the Dnipro Hotel is headed by also reiterated his earlier appeal for recon- criminal. But he wasn’t a Nazi. And it was President Kuchma (Ukrayinska Pravda, Russian businessman Maxim Kurochkin. ciliation between Soviet veterans and those not Soviet troops that first crossed the bor- May 4). At the time he was deputy head of the who fought in the nationalist Ukrainian der, but the other way around,” Mr. Putin On October 21, 2004, just 10 days Russian Club, headquarters to the Insurgent Army (UPA) against both the stated. (RFE/RL Newsline) before the first round of the 2004 presi- Russian “political advisors” brought in to Soviet and the Nazis during World War II. help Mr. Yanukovych win the presidential dential election, Ihor Bakai, then head of (RFE/RL Newsline) Visas for EU citizens may be abolished election. Mr. Kurochkin is reportedly the Directorate on State Affairs (DSA) linked to organized crime and is wanted Holocaust victims recalled at Babyn Yar KYIV – Czech Foreign Minister Cyril in Ukraine on numerous counts of corrup- Svoboda told journalists in Kyiv on May Dr. Taras Kuzio is visiting professor at tion and fraud. He now lives in Moscow. KYIV – A gathering commemorating 11 that Ukraine is considering lifting visa the Elliot School of International Affairs, Many Russian and Ukrainian citizens Holocaust victims at the Menorah monu- requirements for European Union citizens George Washington University. The article fleeing criminal charges in Ukraine have ment in Kyiv’s Babyn Yar on May 5 started indefinitely, CTK reported. Svoboda was above, which originally appeared in The moved to Moscow. Besides Messrs. with a moment of silence. Over 30,000 commenting on his meeting with Ukrainian Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Kurochkin and Bakay, former Central Jews, , Russians, Gypsies and Foreign Affairs Minister Monitor, is reprinted here with permission representatives of other ethnic groups were earlier the same day. If this happens, Mr. from the foundation ( (Continued on page 17) shot there over a two-day period in 1941. Svoboda added, the Czech Republic will In all, 150,000 were killed there by the reciprocate by issuing free visas to Nazis during World War II. Moshe Asman, Ukrainians. Ukraine scrapped visa require- triggers dispute with Ukraine chief rabbi of Kyiv, said in an interview ments for EU citizens and Switzerland with TV Channel 5: “We must do every- from May 1 to September 1. As a recipro- thing possible to prevent outbreaks of cal measure, the Czech Republic, Lithuania by David Marples northern suburb of Miensk. racism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine. We Eurasia Daily Monitor However, while some of the opposi- and Hungary decided to grant free visas to must learn the lessons of history. We must Ukrainians within the same period. Mr. tion met legally at a church built to com- understand what ignoring this horrible During the annual April 26 commemo- memorate Chornobyl victims, about 150 Svoboda also said in Kyiv that the Czech ration of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster, tragedy can lead to.” That same day repre- Republic is interested in legalizing people assembled near the presidential sentatives of the Israeli Embassy in Belarusian authorities detained several residence to submit a petition on Ukrainian laborers in that country, who foreign nationals, including citizens of Ukraine awarded the title of “Righteous usually perform unqualified work and Chornobyl-related problems to the head Among the Nations of the World” for sav- Russia and Ukraine. The arrests that of state. The group included Mr. mostly work illegally. (RFE/RL Newsline) occurred at one of the commemorations ing Jews during World War II to several Bahdanovich, in addition to members of more Ukrainians. In total, according to the Kyiv, Toronto sign memorandum in Miensk have caused serious tensions the Youth Front, and leaders of youth with Kyiv, after the Belarusian authori- embassy’s press service, 279 Ukrainians movements from Russia and Ukraine. KYIV – Kyiv Mayor Oleksander ties initially refused to release five have already been awarded this distinction. The militia quickly intervened and 33 Omelchenko and Toronto Mayor David Ukrainian citizens taken into custody (Religious Information Service of Ukraine) people were arrested, including Mr. Miller signed a memorandum in Kyiv on near the residence of President Bahdanovich, Zmitser Dashkevich of the Putin denies “occupation” of Baltics May 12 on deepening cooperation Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Youth Front, eight Russians, including April 26 traditionally sees a large correspondents of the Russian Newsweek MOSCOW – In an interview with (Continued on page 26) march in the center of Miensk led by the and Moskovsky komsomolets, and five political opposition. However, for the Ukrainians from the organization 19th anniversary two applications were National Alliance (Narodnaya Volya, FOUNDED 1933 sent to the Miensk City Council. The April 28). The majority of those detained first, from Maryna Bahdanovich, a mem- were taken to the Lenin militia depart- HE KRAINIAN EEKLY ber of the executive of the United Civic ment in Miensk. TAn English-languageU newspaperW published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Party and Uladzimir Labkovich of the Most of the arrested foreign nationals a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Belarusian Popular Front, requested a received sentences of 9-15 days in prison, Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. meeting near Bangalore Square on behalf causing immediate consternation in Periodicals postage paid at Parsippany, NJ 07054 and additional mailing offices. of the “Ten” allied parties and groups. At Russia and Ukraine. In Moscow on April (ISSN — 0273-9348) the same time the Conservative Christian 29, leaders of the Oborona youth organi- Party of the Belarusian Popular Front zation, Yabloko and the Union of Right The Weekly: UNA: (CCP BPF) appealed for a meeting in Forces held a meeting to demand the Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Yakub Kolas Square. immediate release of their colleagues. In The city authorities agreed to the Ten St. Petersburg, a picket began outside the Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz group, but rejected the latter request Belarusian Consulate (NTV, April 29). The Ukrainian Weekly Editors: 2200 Route 10 Andrew Nynka (Narodnaya Volya, April 23). Instead, the The Belarusian Foreign Ministry main- CCP BPF held its meeting in Kurapaty, a P.O. Box 280 Ika Koznarska Casanova (part time) tained that the two journalists detained Parsippany, NJ 07054 had no accreditation to work in Miensk. Dr. David R. Marples is professor of At the request of the Russian Foreign The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] history, University of Alberta, and direc- Ministry, the arrested Russians were tor of the Stasiuk Program for the Study released on April 30 (Charter 97, May 3). The Ukrainian Weekly, May 15, 2005, No. 20, Vol. LXXIII of Contemporary Ukraine, Canadian Copyright © 2005 The Ukrainian Weekly Institute of Ukrainian Studies. (Continued on page 17) No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 3 Yushchenko’s first 100 days: tackling economic problems

by Yana Sedova not be privatized,” said Valentyna Semeniuk, NBU chairman Volodymyr Stelmakh cy happen again, it will indicate an excep- Special to The Ukrainian Weekly the new chair of the State Property Fund. didn’t precisely explain the reason behind tional absence of professionalism of people She added that Kryvorizhstal would the hryvnia’s abrupt appreciation from 5.19 in power responsible for this sphere,” said KYIV – When assuming office in soon be returned to the state and not per U.S. dollar to 5.05 per U.S. dollar. But Oleksander Suhoniako, the president of the January, President Viktor Yushchenko resold since the government considers it he insisted it is was necessary to comply Ukrainian Banks Association. vowed to address such economic prob- a strategic enterprise. with the 2005 budget, which is based on the The controversial appreciation of the lems as bribery, slowing growth and The main lever the fund can use to 5.1 hrv per U.S. dollar exchange rate. national currency coincided with a fuel inflation inherited from his predecessor. claim the mill is the investment defaults Additionally, “the poor will gain by crisis in April in which world prices were He also needed to fulfill his campaign from the oligarchs, Ms. Semeniuk said. appreciation of the hryvnia, because they rising. assurances of reform that would enable “In this case, the contract of purchase can don’t have savings in dollar currency,” Negotiations between Ms. Tymoshenko entrepreneurs to comply with the law and be canceled,” she said. Mr. Stelmakh said. and Russian oil companies were successful. pay taxes, as well as integrate and com- The fund plans to examine state prop- Economists, on the other hand, said The companies agreed to cut prices, keep pete with Europe. erty and identify inefficient enterprises in that the hryvnia’s appreciation cost the them reduced and supply the agricultural In his inauguration speech, President three months. average Ukrainian 5 or 6 percent of those sector with diesel fuel at discounted prices. Yushchenko reiterated these priorities, The fund also initiated a delay in pri- savings kept in U.S. dollars. Ms. Tymoshenko, in turn, promised to stressing that no one would feed at the vatization of Ukrtelecom, Ukraine’s The bank’s decision was not well- provide the Russian companies tax public trough and that he would bring the largest telecommunications firm. received by the Ukrainian president, who returns, to the tune of $25 million. nation’s economy out from under the Ms. Semeniuk also said that about 20,000 remarked, “Do we have to use such To make matters even more conven- shadows. state enterprises disappeared since 1991 – coarse methods and rummage through the ient, the hryvnia’s appreciation further Economists agree that the first 100 they were found neither among state nor pri- wallets of Ukrainians in the dark?” minimized any loss in revenue from days of Mr. Yushchenko’s presidency is a vate property. The fund will find out what The revaluation hit savings and com- reduced oil prices. period too brief to draw conclusions. happened to these enterprises, she said. plicated conditions for manufacturers, As a result, some Social Democratic However, it is enough to reveal the new The fund expects to add to the budget Mr. Yushchenko said. “The government Party – United national deputies in the administration’s economic priorities. about $1.3 billion this year, she said. should make manufacturers’ interests its Verkhovna Rada said the hryvnia’s apprecia- top priority,” he added. Reprivatization Inflation tion could have been one of the tactics used The Ministry of the Economy had been to persuade Russian oil companies to sup- Reprivatization was among the first Ever since the Verkhovna Rada passed planning to appreciate the hryvnia step-by- port the Cabinet’s decision to cut fuel prices. economic issues addressed by the the 2005 national budget, described by Mr. step through the end of the year, said Serhii Mr. Stelmakh dismissed the notion as Yushchenko administration. At the first Yushchenko as the most socially oriented in Teriokhin, the nation’s economy minister. ridiculous. Cabinet of Ministers meeting on independent Ukraine’s history, the adminis- He criticized the National Bank’s hastiness February 5, the government agreed to tration’s political opponents have repeatedly and said that Mr. Stelmakh should have Import duties return Kryvorizhstal to the government. warned of a looming threat of inflation. consulted with his ministry first. Reduction of import duties was also Kryvorizhstal is Ukraine’s largest steel The fourth-quarter 2004 inflation rate Additionally, the hryvnia’s apprecia- among the first priorities of the new gov- mill. Ignoring several more lucrative bids was 6.3 percent, and the first-quarter 2005 tion could potentially cut GDP growth by ernment. for the factory, former President Leonid rate was 4.4 percent, Ms. Tymoshenko said. 2 percent, he said. In February, before the Unreasonably high import duties had Kuchma had allowed the mill to be sold In accordance with the new budget, appreciation, Mr. Teriokhin predicted caused Ukrainian businessmen to pay to a partnership consisting of his son-in- minimum monthly pensions will increase GDP growth of 9 percent. bribes to customs officials, Mr. Teriokhin law Viktor Pinchuk, Donetsk oligarch 17 percent to $63 a month, and minimum Prime Minister Tymoshenko, however, said. The bribes were a fraction of what Rynat Akhmetov and the former Donetsk monthly government wages will increase did not criticize the National Bank. they would have paid in duties, and the Oblast Chair Boris Kolesnykov, who is 27 percent to $63 a month, said Viktor “What we see now is a real market,” Ukrainian government lost millions in currently in prison on charges of extor- Pynzenyk, Ukraine’s finance minister. Ms. Tymoshenko said. “This is the value revenues as a result, he said. tion and attempted murder. Government salaries for skilled workers, of the hryvnia and the dollar.” Customs inspections were tightened. Besides Kryvorizhstal, President such as doctors, teachers and scientists, According to the Constitution of To implement the reduced import duties, Yushchenko said about 30 enterprises will rise 57 percent, Mr. Pynzenyk said. Ukraine, the stability of the national cur- Ms. Tymoshenko proposed a “Smuggling would be included in a reprivatization list The government planned to incremen- rency is provided by the National Bank. Stop!” program. he wants compiled. tally increase minimum wage payments Moreover, the exchange rate was a finan- The Economy Ministry prepared a bill His estimate markedly differed from through September 2005. cial barometer for the economy of to revise Ukraine’s Customs Code so that that of Prime Minister Yulia Until the 2.7 percent appreciation of the Ukraine. The appreciation came at a cost the revised tariffs would be low enough Tymoshenko, who said that as many as hryvnia against the U.S. dollar announced of some measure of stability and trust the to eliminate bribery and would comply 3,000 enterprises would be reviewed. The on April 20, the National Bank of Ukraine government had earned with the with World Trade Organization standards. Cabinet of Ministers so far has compiled (NBU) kept the nation’s money supply Ukrainian people, experts said. Meanwhile, importers stopped trade in a list of 27 enterprises for examination. under control by buying excess hryvni in “If we, during the year, let the same “Enterprises of strategic importance can- order to prevent inflation. devaluation of the dollar or any other curren- (Continued on page 16) NEWS ANALYSIS: The first 100 days of the Yushchenko administration

by Roman Kupchinsky opposition’s claims that Mr. Kolesnykov is believed by some to be hiding in Israel. man, was seen as being less dedicated to RFE/RL Belarus and Ukraine Report the victim of political revenge for his sup- The only remaining hang-up in the fighting corruption. The conflict also port of during last year’s case seems to be a controversy over involves unclear lines of responsibility Despite lingering hopes by some Russian election, few view this defense seriously and recordings made by Mykola between the Cabinet and the National politicians to see him fail and the ever- most agree with the government that he was Melnychenko, whose erratic behavior Security and Defense Council, and has the increasing shrillness of a badly decimated involved in a criminal act. and refusal to hand over the original makings of a turf fight. opposition, the government of Ukrainian The Kolesnykov case, along with a recordings he purportedly secretly made One scandal reported by RFE/RL’s President Viktor Yushchenko is surviving court decision that the privatization of the in President Kuchma’s office are holding Ukrainian Service that has generated bad and going about the business of governing. giant Kryvorizhstal enterprise in 2004 up the prosecution, according to an inter- publicity concerns Justice Minister The Yushchenko-Tymoshenko team cele- was illegal, has created the impression view with Procurator General Sviatoslav Roman Zvarych. Mr. Zvarych, who brated its first 100 days in office on May 3 that the Yushchenko government has Piskun in Ukrainska Pravda on April 24. renounced his U.S. citizenship in 1993 to and by tradition deserves a report card. taken on the Donetsk clan as its first tar- Mr. Kuchma is also believed to be become a Ukrainian subject, threatened The new government of Ukraine came get in the anti-corruption struggle. The closely linked to large-scale fraud and to resign if the Cabinet passed a regula- to power on the momentum generated by fact that the two men who most benefited embezzlement allegedly conducted by his tion forbidding the resale of oil from the , which, in turn, was from the Kryvorizhstal privatization – property office chief, Ihor Bakai. Mr. Ukraine. Soon it became known that Mr. powered by Mr. Yushchenko’s repeated Viktor Pinchuk (Mr. Kuchma’s son-in- Bakai, who is in hiding in Russia, is being Zvarych’s wife was employed by an oil pledges to clean up corruption in Ukraine. law) and Rynat Akhmetov (the generally sought by Ukrainian law-enforcement company that was exporting oil. The This long-overdue housecleaning has been acknowledged leader of the Donetsk clan) officials who want to question him about a Cabinet did not pass the regulation and the overriding feature of the first 100 days – are being targeted is proof for many that number of suspect deals he authorized in Mr. Zvarych remained in the government. in office of Yushchenko and his prime min- Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. Tymoshenko 2004 involving tens of millions of dollars. Soon afterwards the Ukrainska Pravda ister, Yulia Tymoshenko, who has person- have set their priorities on reforming and The first 100 days have also demonstrat- website conducted an investigation which ally taken the lead in this respect. cleaning up the Donbas while punishing ed that the government led by Prime it claimed showed that Mr. Zvarych had The newly appointed heads of the “power the Kuchma clan for past crimes. Minister Tymoshenko is plagued by person- lied about graduating from Columbia ministries” – the Security Service of Ukraine The Yushchenko government is widely al conflicts and squabbles. The most visible University. Mr. Zvarych maintained that (SBU), the Internal Affairs Ministry and the expected by its supporters to arrest and try conflict is between Ms. Tymoshenko and he did graduate from Columbia. Procurator General’s Office – have all been former President Kuchma on charges Petro Poroshenko, the secretary of the Ukrainska Pravda then published a docu- working overtime investigating hundreds of relating to the slaying of journalist Heorhii National Security and Defense Council. It ment from the registrar’s office of the officials of the former regime of President Gongadze. In its first 100 days in office, has long been known that Mr. Poroshenko university stating that he did not. Leonid Kuchma. Criminal charges have the new government has arrested two sus- wanted to become prime minister and that Ms. Tymoshenko took a sanguine view been filed against a small number of them pects, both high-level Internal Affairs President Yushchenko’s choice of Ms. of the matter and in an interview for the thus far, the most visible case being that of Ministry officers, who have confessed to Tymoshenko was influenced by pressure newspaper Dzerkalo Tyzhnia stated that Borys Kolesnykov, head of the Donetsk killing Gongadze. A third suspect, Internal from those who saw her as an uncompro- Mr. Zvarych rarely attends Cabinet meet- Oblast Council, who is in prison awaiting Affairs Ministry Gen. Oleksiy Pukach, has mising figure who would combat corrup- trial on charges of extortion. And, despite the an arrest warrant out for him and is tion, while Mr. Poroshenko, a rich business- (Continued on page 16) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

ON THE 60th ANNIVERSARY OF THE END OF WORLD WAR II ANALYSIS: Mykola Lebed and the UPA FOR THE RECORD: OSCE chairman by Roman Kupchinsky Lebed rose to prominence for his role in RFE/RL Belarus and Ukraine Report planning the OUN’s 1934 assassination of Polish Interior Minister Bronislaw reflects on end of second world war As the leaders of several former Soviet Pieracki. Arrested by the Gestapo as he LJUBLJANA – The chairman-in-office has been dedicated to building peace and republics prepared to commemorate the tried to cross Germany to the free city of of the Organization for Security and security through cooperation for the last 60th anniversary of the end of World War Danzig, Mr. Lebed was turned over to Cooperation in Europe, Slovenian 30 years, can take pride in the contribu- Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel, issued II in Europe on May 9 in Moscow, Poland and sentenced to death, a sen- tion it has made. the following statement on Monday, May Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko tence that was later commuted to life in And yet, we live in a world that is still 9, on the 60th anniversary of the end of announced on March 5 that he wanted to prison. He was sent to a prison camp in threatened with dangers and challenges World War II. see a reconciliation between veterans of the Belarusian town of Bereza Kartuska. to us all. the Soviet armed forces and those who When Germany invaded Poland in When we consider how far we have served in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1939, Mr. Lebed escaped and rejoined come in 60 years in terms of building a (UPA). the OUN in western Ukraine. Shortly We mourn the tens of more united Europe, we can be proud of This announcement prompted the pub- afterward, the OUN split into two fac- what has been achieved. Reflecting on lication on various pro-Russian websites tions and Lebed joined the group headed millions of people who the past should also put into perspective in Ukraine – including http://www.anti- by Stephan Bandera that came to be lost their lives, as victims the comparatively minor issues on which – a number of articles known as OUN-b. we lack agreement today. Indeed, when denouncing the UPA as “German collab- The OUN-b anticipated that conflict of the war, the Holocaust, we consider what we all share – the orators” and attacking Mr. Yushchenko’s between Germany and the Soviet Union occupations and acts of desire for peace, security and prosperity statement. was imminent and believed that it would for ourselves and our children – it can be Natalia Vitrenko, a leader of Ukraine’s be possible to use the conflict to establish repression. said that the common ground on which Progressive Socialist Party, declared that an independent Ukrainian state. To we stand is wide and strong. she intends to present documents from Let us not let the lessons of the past achieve this, they sought a tactical Sixty years ago this month, a world at the 1945-1949 Nuremberg trials in which alliance with Hitler. The Germans fade, nor allow minor differences to the UPA is listed as a party to German war and a devastated Europe breathed a undermine our common project. allowed the OUN-b to form two battal- sigh of relief as the bloody battles of the war crimes. However, Ukrainian ions – Roland and Nachtigall – which Let us continue our collective efforts to American historian Dr. Taras Hunczak second world war came to an end. create a common, indivisible democratic were dispatched to Ukraine on the eve of We mourn the tens of millions of peo- says no such documents exist and Ms. the German invasion to conduct recon- security space in Europe where good- Vitrenko, to date, has not produced any. ple who lost their lives, as victims of the neighborly relations are the norm and naissance. The units saw little action and war, the Holocaust, occupations and acts For its part, Mr. Yushchenko’s govern- were soon disbanded. where there is no tolerance of discrimina- of repression. We honor all those who ment has said it will exhibit formerly Following the German invasion of the tion and extremism. Let us pull together fought for the victory of humanity against secret documents from its archives that Soviet Union in June 1941, Bandera’s to free this generation from the threat of dictatorship, oppression and against purport to show that the UPA, along with OUN faction proclaimed Ukrainian inde- new global menaces, like terrorism. aggression. We owe them an incalculable other organizations, fought against the pendence in Lviv on June 30, 1941. The The OSCE can and must play a key debt and will never forget their sacrifice. Germans. Germans, however, had little use for the role in building the Europe that our fore- Our generation grew up in the shadow The story of the UPA and its founder, Ukrainian nationalists by this time and fathers dreamed of 60 years ago. As we of the war, as young people who wit- Mykola Lebed, is seen by many as hav- the Gestapo arrested Bandera and most reflect on 60 years since the end of the nessed the reconstruction or children of ing been distorted during the past 60 of the OUN-b leadership in July 1941. war and 30 years since the signing of the parents who had first-hand knowledge of Helsinki Final Act, let us pay tribute to years. Soviet propagandists, Russian Bandera spent most of the war in a con- the horrors of the war. We have grown up those who died fighting for the principles nationalists and Ukrainian Communists centration camp. in a world that has sought never to repeat that we hold so dear. And let us move have all denounced the UPA as collabora- Mr. Lebed took over as head of the such a tragic legacy, by developing the forward in our work determined to over- tors who, after the war, became OUN-b and began organizing the UPA in United Nations, European Union and come the past and to do our part to make “American agents” and actively fought to western Ukraine as an anti-German guer- other organizations. The OSCE, which the world a safer place. separate Ukraine from the Soviet Union. rilla force. In January 1944, Mr. Lebed’s Although Ukraine is now independent, wife, Daria, who had helped him plan the this has not prevented the UPA’s detrac- Pieracki assassination, was arrested by tors from continuing their ideological the Gestapo and sent to the Ravensbruck attacks. concentration camp along with their 2- RESOLUTION: On the Soviet occupation Mr. Lebed, a leader of the year-old daughter. At that time the Following is the text of a resolution Whereas, the Russian Federation Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists German police circulated a “Wanted: regarding the Soviet occupation of refuses to condemn those responsible and (OUN), founded the UPA in western Ukraine and other nations that was compensate victims; Ukraine in 1942. Born in 1909, Mr. (Continued on page 6) adopted by several Ukrainian organiza- Whereas, the USSR denied legitimate tions in the diaspora (list of signatories self-determination to numerous peoples appears at the end). and nations in Eastern and Central Europe, and elsewhere within the USSR, Quotable notes Whereas, the Russian Federation is for nearly 50 years; Dear friends, 60 years have passed since the end of the World War II. I have inviting world leaders to celebrate the Whereas, the Russian Federation is just arrived from the parade on the Red Square in Moscow, where I saw the pres- 60th anniversary of the defeat of Nazism deliberately equating the concept of vic- idents of Russia and Germany standing next to each other, where Wehrmacht on 9 May 2005; tory with “liberation” and rejecting any soldiers were invited to Moscow to meet veterans of the Great Patriotic War, to Whereas, May 9, 1945, is generally notion of the USSR’s aggression against sit at a roundtable and shake each other’s hands. accepted as the first day of the “Cold Ukraine, the Baltic states and the other Sixty years have passed since the great victory. In our hearts we have forgiven War” during which the USSR posed a captive nations of the former USSR; the Germans, the Japanese and the Poles. We have forgiven those who possibly continual, intentional and dangerous Whereas, the Russian Federation’s were on the other side of the front line. But we have not forgiven ourselves. threat to the security and freedom of the ongoing distortion of historical truth is Unfortunately, veterans of World War II have not yet offered their hands to the peaceful democratic nations of the world; the primary cause of the general mistrust veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. I know how difficult this process is. I Whereas, the Russian Federation claims the peoples of Eastern and Central know what pain there is in the hearts of tens of thousands of veterans when rec- that the USSR made the most important Europe have towards Russia and of the onciliation is discussed today. contribution, compared to the Allies of the consequent tensions in the region; But I am asking you, veterans, I am taking my hat off and begging you to time, in this victory over Nazism; Be it resolved that Ukraine’s president, offer your hands to each other. This is necessary for the future of Ukraine. This is WHEREAS the Russian Federation His Excellency Viktor Yushchenko, honor necessary for us to show that everything is all right in Ukrainian society. We has not acknowledged the USSR’s collu- the valor and sacrifices of all those have put a full stop in our history.” sion with Nazi Germany in invading and Ukrainians who fought for Ukraine’s occupying most of Eastern and Central freedom before, during and after the sec- – Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to World War II veterans in Kyiv on Europe, including western Ukraine, ond world war by remaining in Ukraine’s May 9, quoted by Channel 5 TV and cited by RFE/RL Belarus and Ukraine Report. through the “Treaty of Non-Aggression capital, Kyiv, on May 8 and 9, 2005, and Between Germany and the USSR and the by so doing also hallow the memory of all “For much of Eastern and Central Europe, victory brought the iron rule of Secret Additional Protocol, August 23, victims of Nazi and Soviet oppression. another empire. The V-E Day [Victory in Europe Day] marked the end of fas- 1939” (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact); Endorsed by: Association of Ukrainians cism, but did not end oppression. The agreement at Yalta followed in the unjust Whereas, the Russian Federation, as in Great Britain, Federation of Australian tradition of Munich and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Once again, when power- the recognized successor to the USSR, Ukrainian Organizations, Le Comité pour ful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations was somehow expend- refuses to accept culpability for subjugat- La Défense de la Démocratie en Ukraine able. Yet this attempt to sacrifice freedom for the sake of stability left a continent ing and coercively controlling most of (CDDU), l’Union des Français d’Origine divided and unstable. ... The captivity of millions in Central and Eastern Europe the nations and peoples of Eastern and Ukrainienne (UFOU), Le Comité Ukraine will be remembered as one of the greatest wrongs of history.” Central Europe for 50 years; 33, Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Whereas, the Russian Federation is Association, Ukrainian American Civil – U.S. President George W. Bush, speaking in Riga on May 7, as quoted by trivializing the Stalinist and post-Stalinist Liberties Association, Ukrainian American RFE/RL Newsline. crimes against subjugated peoples, Justice Committee, Ukrainian Genocide- including Russians; Famine Association – U.S.A. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 5 FOLLOW-UP ON THE NEWS: World scouting’s Husar speaks about patriarchate, decision on Ukraine’s representative is postponed dialogue with Orthodox, new pope Religious Information Service of Ukraine since discussion of this issue in the by Zenon Zawada Kyieva (SPOK) as Ukraine’s representa- Roman Curia was requested by the late Kyiv Press Bureau tive to the organization as of a May 1 LVIV – Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Pope John Paul II. The cardinal also said deadline. If less than 5 percent of World head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic that the issue of a UGCC Patriarchate KYIV – The World Organization of Scout Conference members had opposed Church (UGGC), spoke about the matter was recognized as absolutely legitimate, the Scout Movement (WOSM) SPOK’s membership, SPOK would have of a patriarchate for the UGCC and not as an unheard of radical change, announced in a letter dated May 2005 automatically become a WSOM member. Catholic-Orthodox dialogue, as well as which is why we should expect a normal that it had postponed its decision on However, many of Ukraine’s most the possible role of Pope Benedict XVI further development of the matter, espe- which scouting organization will repre- important leaders wrote letters to the in these matters, according to a release cially considering that it has been devel- sent Ukraine, said Serhii Letenko, Plast’s WOSM in support of Plast Ukrainian posted on oping for so many years. spokesman in Ukraine. A decision is now Scouting Organization, including “I think that the key issue here is the “Pope John Paul II of blessed memory expected in September. President Viktor Yushchenko, Patriarch issue of ‘radical steps,’” said Cardinal did more than just confirm that a Eduardo Missoni, secretary general of Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Husar. “We are not expecting any radical Patriarchate for our Church is justified WSOM, wrote to the organization’s inter- – Kyiv Patriarchate, and Cardinal national commissioners: changes in the structure of our Church, or and canonically right. He said he wanted Lubomyr Husar of the Ukrainian Greek- “As at 30 April 2005, the deadline for any unforeseen new approaches. The to proclaim it himself. He did not get to Catholic Church. National Scout Organizations to oppose patriarchate status is not a matter of radi- do this for lack of time and life. Plast had opposed SPOK’s member- this application, eight NSOs had done so. cal change. The patriarchate, the patriar- However, the matter is moving, and I can ship, arguing that Plast is Ukraine’s This is marginally above the 5 percent chal structure, is a normal way of exis- foresee no special hold-ups and difficul- largest and most active scouting organi- limit required by the WOSM tence, a normal structure of any Eastern ties in the process,” said Cardinal Husar. zation, with more than 10,000 members Constitution for the application to be Church with its own law [sui juris]. And Cardinal Husar also expressed his nationwide. referred to the next World Scout every church, as it develops and grows, thoughts on the new pope’s role in the It also has a 84-year history in Ukraine Conference for a final decision. comes to a certain point where the com- development of Catholic-Orthodox dia- and adheres to the scouting principles set “The World Scout Committee, at its pletion of this structure is quite natural, logue. forth by Robert Baden-Powell, the meeting in Rome, Italy, on 17-19 April and not in any way radical.” “I am certain that the new pope, founder of scouting. 2005, had already considered the ques- Cardinal Husar also said that he thinks Benedict XVI, will be interested in the Plast’s Chief Scout Lubomyr tion of SPOK’s application to member- Pope Benedict XVI is well acquainted issue of Christian unity,” the cardinal Romankiw, who said he received the with the matter of patriarchates generally, ship as the NSO of Ukraine. In view of WSOM’s letter on May 5, told The and especially the UGCC Patriarchate, (Continued on page 20) questions that have been raised during Weekly that he expects an official visit the past month concerning the validity of to Ukraine from the WSOM to take the application from SPOK, the World place shortly. Filaret says political developments Scout Committee decided that it would According to Mr. Missoni’s letter, a spe- not, in any case, immediately declare cial mission will be sent to Ukraine to SPOK as a WOSM member-organiza- “thoroughly establish the facts of the case.” should spur idea of national Church tion, until it had carried out an independ- Afterwards, he wrote, “A full report on the ent investigation under the responsibility conclusions of this investigation will be Religious Information Service of Ukraine According to the patriarch, this was of the secretary general to establish the made to the World Scout Conference in felt during the recent presidential elec- actual situation of SPOK within Tunisia in September 2005 to enable the KYIV – “The Orange Revolution tions. “Consolidation is possible through Ukraine.” conference to make a final decision on the should help the creation and recognition creating a single Church,” he said. WOSM had been planning to recog- application for admission of SPOK as a of a national Church in Ukraine. The At the same time, Patriarch Filaret nize the Spilka Pionerskykh Orhanizatzii WOSM member-organization.” Ukrainian National Church already exists stressed that no Church can be estab- as the Kyivan Patriarchate,” said lished by presidential decree, because Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko), head of that would be state interference in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Church affairs. OBITUARY: Barbara Bachynsky, Patriarchate (UOC-KP), on May 1. The patriarch said he thinks a national According to Patriarch Filaret, his Ukrainian Orthodox Church can be creat- Church is autocephalous because it is ed by the clergy and the faithful, while 71, activist in UNA and UNWLA dependent neither on the Moscow nor the the Constantinople Patriarchate should NEW YORK – Barbara Bachynsky, After the war Barbara “Varka” Constantinople patriarchates but is an confirm its autocephalous status. longtime activist of the Ukrainian Ciolko lived in the displaced persons autocephalous Church in Ukraine. The UOC/KP leader said he thinks National Association and the Ukrainian camp in Mittenwald, Germany. In 1949 He also said that Ukrainian President there are grounds for this move, namely a National Women’s League of America, she emigrated to the United States, set- Viktor Yushchenko supports the creation recent statement by a representative of died suddenly on Tuesday, May 10. tling at first in Jersey City, N.J. She of a national Church in Ukraine. “This is the Constantinople Patriarchate, in which Mrs. Bachynsky was born on later lived in New York City. not political vengeance,” the patriarch he said the Patriarchate recognizes only February 1, 1934, in Ternopil in the Mrs. Bachynsky was active in the said. “Every head of state should take the canonical territory of the Russian family of Mykhailo and Kateryna Ukrainian community, especially in the care of the unity of the nation and the Orthodox Church within its pre-1686 Ciolko. In 1944, due to the events of Ukrainian National Association and the consolidation of society. How can society boundaries, that is, excluding Ukraine. World War II, the Ciolko family was Ukrainian National Women’s League be consolidated if the Kyiv Patriarchate According to Patriarch Filaret, “this was forced to flee to the West. of America. and the Moscow Patriarchate oppose done so that the Ecumenical Patriarch She was employed by the UNA for each other?” could issue a decree on autocephaly.” 12 years, working in its organizing department. In addition, she was secre- tary of UNA Branch 184 and chaired the New York District Committee of the UNA. She was a member of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv starts UNA General Assembly, holding the position of advisor for two terms. Mrs. Bachynsky was elected a delegate to immigrant visa processing several UNA conventions and was a KYIV – On May 4, the U.S. Embassy Applicants who were interviewed in professional insurance agent. began issuing immigrant visas for Warsaw and were asked to present addi- Within the UNWLA Mrs. Ukrainian citizens in Kyiv. Previously, tional documents will complete their Bachynsky held several posts in Branch immigrant visa applicants had to travel to immigrant visa cases in Warsaw. 83 and on the national executive board. the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw to complete The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv will soon Surviving are her husband, Jarema, the immigrant visa process. send information packets with instruc- and son, Yarema, with his family. Implementing immigrant visa process- tions on how to schedule an immigrant A panakhyda will be held on ing in Kyiv saves significant time and visa interview to all applicants on-file. Sunday, May 15, at the Peter Jarema resources for Ukrainian citizens who no Applicants who have notified the Funeral Home, 129 E. Seventh St., in longer have to travel to Poland. Embassy that they have already collected New York. The funeral liturgy will be The vast majority of immigrant visas all of the required documents and are offered the next day at 9:30 a.m. at for Ukrainians are issued on the basis of ready to be interviewed will then receive New York’s St. George Ukrainian existing family ties to the United States. appointment packets containing an Catholic Church on East Seventh Applications for the Diversity Visa pro- appointment date, application forms and Street. gram (“visa lottery”) will continue to be additional instructions. Barbara Bachynsky processed in Warsaw; refugee applica- For the purposes of fairness and effi- tions will continue to be processed in ciency, immigrant visa interviews are Moscow. conducted by appointment only. For The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv has additional information, readers may con- Tired of second-hand news? received over 600 pending immigrant tact [email protected] or visit Read The Weekly to get the news first hand as reported and prepared visa cases in various stages of comple- by our experienced team of editors and correspondents. tion from the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw. grantvisas_eng.html. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

60 YEARS AFTER THE END OF WORLD WAR II THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Bush’s Victory Day tour The liberating truth by Bohdan Kaczor Nationalists, the underground that led the For Russian President Vladimir Putin, “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of national liberation movement. The Nazis the century” was the demise of the USSR. For U.S. President George W. Bush, “Arbeit Macht Frei.” liquidated many OUN members, many of “the captivity of millions in Central and Eastern Europe” within the Soviet That slogan met me, over 60 years whom were interned in the concentration empire was “one of the greatest wrongs of history.” ago, as I walked through the gates of hell camps, alongside Jews, Poles, Russians, These two statements, made at different times in recent weeks by the two lead- at Auschwitz. It means: “Work makes in fact among men and women of every ers, reveal the tricky balancing act that the U.S. president faced as he traveled last you free.” The truth is, millions of people nationality found in Nazi-occupied week to Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia and Georgia to mark the 60th anniversary died at Auschwitz, finding freedom only Europe. We were all equal then, and we of the end of World War II in Europe. (In fact, the itinerary itself was the source through death. should be equally remembered now. of some controversy, as the Russian president made known his displeasure that his I was just a teenager in Ukraine when And yet, today there are some who big party in Moscow would be sandwiched between other high-profile events.) the war started. The Soviets came, want to whitewash the Soviet terror, the To his credit, President Bush kept on message. declaring they had come to liberate us. crimes of Lenin and Stalin, and who are In Latvia, he paid homage to the people of the Baltic states, noting that “The Instead, hundreds of thousands of now trying to label us as collaborators. Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian people showed that the love of liberty is stronger Ukrainians, Poles and Jews were arrest- They want the world to forget that on the than the will of an empire.” The victory of the Allies in World War II, he stated, was a ed. They disappeared into Stalin’s gulag. day the gates into Auschwitz opened, in paradox, for, though it brought the defeat of Nazism and freedom for millions, “For Some were taken to a place called August 1940, the Soviets were on much of Eastern and Central Europe, victory brought the iron rule of another empire.” Bykivnia, on the outskirts of Kyiv. It Hitler’s side. The Baltic nations, he said, “kept a long vigil of suffering and hope,” adding, became a huge and secret government Where I was during the war is some- “Though you lived in isolation, you were not alone. The United States refused to rec- killing field and burial zone. The late thing I can demonstrate just by rolling up ognize your occupation by an empire. The flags of free Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania Pope John Paul II paid tribute to the vic- my sleeve. My number speaks for itself. – illegal at home – flew proudly over diplomatic missions in the United States.” tims of Stalinism there on June 24, 2001. Where were those who now wish to dis- Most unexpected were President Bush’s references to the Yalta agreement, the igno- He knew that many millions of miss the crimes of Stalinism, those in ble deal among Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin that relegated Eastern Europe to Soviet Ukrainians were victims of the NKVD, Russia who seek to claim the honor of domination and led to the forced repatriation of thousands to the USSR. “The agree- SMERSH and later the KGB – men, defeating Hitler’s hordes but shy away ment at Yalta followed in the unjust tradition of Munich and the Molotov-Ribbentrop women and children slaughtered only from recognizing how the dishonor of Pact. Once again, when powerful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations because Ukrainians dared to want to be their country’s collaboration with the was somehow expendable,” Mr. Bush said. He went on to acknowledge that the U.S. free. Several execution centers were set Nazis resonates, to this very day? was partly to blame for leaving “a continent divided and unstable” and asked: “Had we up in places like Vinnytsia, the Kyiv Several days ago, politicians gathered fought and sacrificed only to achieve the permanent division of Europe into armed Lukianiv Cemetery and others. in Moscow to acknowledge the defeat of camps? Or did the cause of freedom and the rights of nations require more of us?” Hitler finally turned on Stalin and Nazi Germany. The end of the second It is noteworthy that Mr. Bush made clear U.S. regrets over Yalta, while issuing invaded the Soviet Union on June 21, world war should indeed be solemnly a not-too-veiled challenge to his host in Moscow to, for his part, address the issue 1941. Now it was Nazis who said they’d commemorated. I don’t deny that mil- of the Nazi-Soviet pact. But Mr. Putin did not budge. He had defended the pact as come to free us, from Soviet tyranny. lions fought and died in the ranks of the a step to “ensure its (the USSR’s) interest and its security on its western borders.” The truth is, they enslaved and mur- Red Army, resisting Nazi aggression. I He bristled at the mere mention of the word “occupation” and said that the Red dered millions of Ukrainians. I became a also remember that no other nation lost Army had entered the Baltic states upon invitation, thus resurrecting the old Soviet commodity, trapped and numbered, one as many of its people as Ukraine did in line. His response to the suggestion that he should repudiate the Molotov- of the millions of helots they intended to Nazi-occupied Europe. Ribbentrop Pact was: “We already did it” – a reference to a 1989 decision by the use until I was spent, after which I would In the 60 years since my release from Soviet Parliament – “What, we have to do this every day, every year?” And then be discarded. I still have my number. It’s Auschwitz, I know the truth is a force there was this telling remark: “We consider this matter closed. ...We must not allow tattooed on my forearm, No. 154754. I that heals, forgives and reconciles. The the dead to grab us by our sleeves and prevent us from moving forward.” was, in some ways will always be, that truth is that both the Nazis and the After President Bush attended the Soviet-style Victory Day celebrations in number. Every day I am reminded of Soviets slaughtered innocents in the mil- Moscow and acknowledged the USSR’s contributions to defeating Hitler – a Auschwitz. lions. most unfortunate gaffe was his reference to 27 million “Russians” (read Soviet Of course, we resisted. Ukraine’s The Russian Federation, the legal suc- citizens) who died in the war – he headed to Georgia. There he praised the nationalist partisans organized an anti- cessor state to the Soviet Union, has not Georgian people who had demanded their independence from the USSR 16 years Nazi and, later, anti-Soviet insurgency renounced its participation in the ago but whose protests were crushed by the Soviet army; the Georgians who that continued an armed struggle against Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 and returned a year later and tore down the statue of Lenin, and then declared inde- foreign occupation well into the 1950s. publicly apologized for the terror they pendence; and the Georgians who 18 months ago participated in the Rose I was arrested because I was a member unleashed on the captive nations. Revolution “to complete the task you began in 1989.” of the Organization of Ukrainian Germany has. Why hasn’t the Russian “Georgia is today both sovereign and free, and a beacon of liberty for this Federation? region and the world,” the president continued. “The path of freedom you have Bohdan Kaczor is president of the As a Ukrainian nationalist, a chosen is not easy, but you will not travel it alone. ... as you build a free and World League of Ukrainian Political Holocaust survivor and as a believer in democratic Georgia, the American people will stand with you,” he pledged. Prisoners and honorary chairman of the Christ, I also remember John the Referring to other examples of movements toward freedom, Mr. Bush said: Ukrainian American Civil Liberties Apostle’s injunction: “And you will “before there was a purple Revolution in Iraq, or an Orange Revolution in Ukraine, Association. This article was translated know the truth, and the truth will set you or a Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, there was the Rose Revolution in Georgia. Your from the Ukrainian by Marko Suprun, free.” In order to build a future on free- courage is inspiring democratic reforms and sending a message that echoes across executive director of the UACLA, and dom’s foundation, leaders of the world the world: Freedom will be the future of every nation and every people on Earth.” distributed by the UACLA. must acknowledge the truth. And thus, President Bush transformed his Victory Day tour into a paean to free- dom. As he said in Margraten, in the Netherlands: “There is no power like the power of freedom and no solider as strong as a soldier who fights for that freedom.” resistance force by Soviet secret-police Mykola Lebed... (NKVD) troops in 1950, when the last (Continued from page 4) UPA commander-in-chief, Roman May Dead or Alive” poster for Mr. Lebed Shukhevych, was killed in an ambush. In Turning the pages back... throughout occupied Ukraine. a measure designed to separate the parti- By mid-1944 the UPA was at its height sans from local residents who shared their goals, millions of Ukrainians were deport- and its estimated strength was close to ed from western Ukraine to secure regions 16 50,000 troops brandishing captured in eastern Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the German and Russian small arms. The UPA late 1940s and early 1950s. 2004 On May 16, 2004, our editorial argued that “Ukraine’s place is cited in German military and police doc- In 1944, Mr. Lebed was sent abroad is in Europe.” It came on the heels of celebrations as 10 new uments as killing numerous German troops countries joined the European Union. However, the EU’s east- by the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation during encounters in 1943-1944. A guide Council, an underground political body ward expansion had drawn a new dividing line across Europe, to these documents can be found on the as “Europe” stopped at the borders of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Moldova. EU that oversaw the UPA, to garner support website for its struggle from the Allies. Mr. Commissioner for Enlargement Gunter Verheugen stated flat out that Ukraine, Russia In 1944 the German occupation and Moldova had no chance of gaining membership in the EU, whose president, Lebed managed to obtain limited covert authorities began organizing the Romano Prodi, said that there were no prospects for Ukraine or Belarus to join. help from the United States, which in Ukrainian Waffen SS Division To be sure, Ukraine’s President Leonid Kuchma and his administration were much turn used the UPA as an early-warning Halychyna to fight on the eastern front. less than clear about Kyiv’s intentions, vacillating between the West and the East, pur- system in case Soviet forces intended to suing something they dubbed a “multi-vectored” foreign policy. Speaking at Columbia The UPA actively opposed the formation invade Western Europe. University, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Carlos Pascual put it succinctly: “The of this division and instead urged young In 1949 he came to the United States at question for Ukraine is whether its leaders see the country as a part of Europe, and, if Ukrainians to join the anti-German parti- the behest of the CIA and continued his so, will they take the necessary steps to make a European Ukraine a reality.” sans. However, as the Soviet Army activities on behalf of Ukrainian independ- Today, however, Ukraine has a new leader who has spoken clearly and loudly: advanced westward, they encountered ence by establishing the Prolog Research “Ukraine is the heart of Europe,” President Viktor Yushchenko told the European UPA guerrillas against whom they fought Corp. in New York. Prolog existed until Council on January 25. pitched battles in late 1944 and 1945. 1989. Mr. Lebed died in the United States The UPA continued its struggle after in 1998, and his personal archive is at the Source: “Ukraine’s place is in Europe” (editorial), May 16, 2004, Vol. LXXII, No. 20. the war and was eventually liquidated as a Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 7


If only Iraq were like Ukraine: DoubleDoubleby Khristina ExposurExposur Lew ee a journalist’s experiences by Yaroslav Trofimov the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri brought tens of When I packed my bags to travel to thousands of Lebanese to demonstrate for Rhapsody in Orange Kyiv to cover Ukraine’s Orange free elections and an end to Syrian domi- It’s been five weeks since Viktor him to be more dynamic.” Revolution last fall, I took all the usual nation. (Just like many in Russia pretend Yushchenko’s triumphant visit to the When he came out of the building a things that I’ve learned to bring on that Ukraine is an abnormal formation United States as the extraordinarily elect- few minutes later, these very same stu- reporting trips: a satellite phone, a hel- that will be reabsorbed in the greater ed president of Ukraine, and the days of dents – none Ukrainian – burst out met and a bullet-proof vest. homeland one day, Syrians tend to think orange balloons and saffron neckties are chanting “Yushchenko! Yushchenko!” As a foreign correspondent for The of Lebanon as an artificially separated behind us. Mr. Yushchenko’s administra- And suddenly President Yushchenko Wall Street Journal, it’s been my job part of Greater Syria; Syria even refuses tion has long rolled up its sleeves and came alive, making his way into the since 2001 to hopscotch around the to maintain an embassy in Beirut.) settled into the hard work ahead, but for crowd, smiling, holding out his hands to world, covering war and mayhem from In downtown Beirut, at a student pro- a moment, let’s bask in the exuberance of greet his well-wishers. It was a sponta- Afghanistan to Iraq to Liberia. Used to testers’ tent city that so much resembled those three heady days in April. neous, unscripted moment, and it was things getting out of hand, I was bracing the one on Kyiv’s Independence Square, As a reporter and a photographer, I’m awesome. for a bloody showdown – this time in the posters on a billboard showed the in the unique position of watching histo- There were one or two other moments city where I was born. Ukrainian rallies. Instead of orange ry as it unfolds, very often behind the during his very tight, very scripted next Fellow reporters, some of whom I had scarves, the Lebanese went for red and lens of my very old Nikon. It’s an advan- full day in Washington, on April 6: the last seen in Baghdad, were equally glum. white – the colors of their national flag. tageous place to be – you’re invisible to solemnity and grace with which he Our opinion of human nature undermined The Syrians’ most powerful ally in your subject behind the sharp flash, and accepted a gift from the director of the by watching so much bloodletting up close, Beirut, Hezbollah leader Hassan you get drawn into a private realm that United States Holocaust Memorial we instinctively feared that something Nasrallah, understood the symbolism all few others see. This is the payback for Museum, right after lighting candles for too well. Unlike pro-Russian politicians the sometimes countless hours you spend the victims of Babyn Yar and Auschwitz in Kyiv, he managed to assemble his own waiting to capture the perfect image, in the Hall of Remembrance, or the gen- giant, pro-Syrian rally in the heart of the jostling with other photographers who uine warmth he expressed for former Lebanese capital, bellowing from the are trying to do the same. Czech President Vaclav Havel when they balcony: “Here, it is not Ukraine!” Viktor Yushchenko is a curious sub- greeted one another at a reception in the And indeed it wasn’t. Syrian troops ject. He is serious and single-mindedly Ukrainian president’s honor hosted by may be gone now, but a pro-Syrian determined to create a better Ukraine the National Democratic Institute and the administration remains in charge in than he inherited. During the two days International Republican Institute at the Beirut. And, unlike in Ukraine, the politi- that I photographed him in Washington Willard Hotel. cal crisis there – just as in the rest of the for Svoboda (the UNA’s Ukrainian-lan- The defining moment for me came at Middle East – is punctuated by deadly guage newspaper), he repeatedly talked the concluding banquet for 1,200 held at car bombings as sectarian tensions bub- about how, after a rocky start, Ukraine the Omni Shoreham Hotel. The president ble up to the surface again. Blood all too was ready to take its rightful place at the got up to deliver his keynote address, the often has to be washed off the streets. center of Europe; how even though it had fifth speech I would hear him give in two achieved independence in 1991, Ukraine days. He hit all his talking points, and * * * was not truly free until now; about how then he switched gears and began talking the Orange Revolution gave voice to the about the early days of the Orange Many in Washington nowadays want to true character of the Ukrainian people. Revolution. He said, and I paraphrase, portray American efforts to revamp the Mr. Yushchenko speaks with convic- that he himself wasn’t sure that it all Muslim world as something akin to the tion, yet I couldn’t help wondering how wouldn’t end in violence and confusion, Cold War campaigns to end oppression in it was that he galvanized hundreds of that it was only through God’s blessing Eastern Europe; I have even heard U.S. thousands to protest in the snow of that the will of the Ukrainian people tri- officials mention Ukrainian and Iraqi Kyiv’s Independence Square. Then I saw elections in the same breath, as intercon- umphed. He gave the audience a moment nected steps in a global march of freedom. him at Georgetown University. He had to absorb his confession, and then he This should be no surprise. Some of the delivered a speech to a packed auditori- moved on to another topic. very people in charge of combating “the um of Georgetown students, outlining his I don’t know if it was the allusion to would just go wrong. And indeed, it would- axis of evil” today were actively fighting vision for the future of Ukraine. divine intervention or the admission of n’t have taken much – one trigger-happy “the evil empire” back in the 1980s. Afterwards, a group of 30 or so students doubt, but, for me, a leader was born, policeman, one or two agents provocateurs Being a former citizen of that evil milled about his limousines, and I over- and suddenly the snow wasn’t so cold – for the scenes of panic and pain to replace empire, it’s hard to agree with such compar- heard one saying to the other, “I expected anymore. TV images of cheerful, dancing crowds on isons. I remember, as a teenager in the Independence Square. We all know, of 1980s, listening furtively to U.S.-funded course, how differently things in Ukraine Radio Liberty, trying to make out forbidden turned out to be. Nobody was roughed up, words as a Soviet jammer whined siren-like let alone killed. My bulletproof vest never on the same frequency. For people in the left the suitcase. The protest movement, Soviet bloc, chafing under a totalitarian spurred by a sense of wounded dignity, regime, America beckoned as a symbol of achieved tremendous results without freedom and national liberation. It’s precise- spilling a drop of blood. For people like me, ly this fresh sense of gratitude that prompted who had spent months in Baghdad, where so many countries in the so-called “New the dead are usually counted by the dozen, Europe” to send troops to help the U.S. in this was little short of miracle. In a world Iraq as the “Old Europe” giants of Germany caught in a spiral of violence, Ukraine and France watched from the sidelines. offered an inspiring moment of hope. But, in the Muslim world, the opposite Soon, in Egypt, an opposition party equation is now in place. While in adopted the orange scarves of the Eastern Europe largely pro-American Ukrainian protests in its drive for more peoples lived under anti-American freedom. But, unlike authorities in Kyiv, regimes, among Islamic lands anti- the ones in Cairo responded by throwing American fury is most widespread in the party’s leader in jail. Then, in Beirut, American allies: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan – and now, of course, Iraq. Yaroslav Trofimov, who was born in Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Ukraine, is a roving foreign correspon- Communist societies crumbled from dent for The Wall Street Journal and the within as their public opinion defected to author of “Faith at War: A Journey on America’s side. Nationalist feelings, the Frontlines of Islam, from Baghdad to directed against Moscow, helped bring Timbuktu” (Henry Holt, May 2005; about democracy from Warsaw to Tbilisi. In 1990-1992 his How different from the Middle East! free-lance articles were published in The There, regimes have to pander to anti- Ukrainian Weekly; many of them were American feelings to survive; being an written for Rukh Press International. Mr. Arab nationalist today almost by defini- Trofimov will present his new book and tion means being anti-American. share his experiences at 7 p.m. on May If only Iraq were like Ukraine. If only 18 at the Ukrainian Institute of America, one didn’t have to wear a bulletproof 2 E. 79th St., New York. vest every day in Baghdad. Viktor Yushchenko waves to Georgetown students. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20


living comfortably in Brighton Beach, was following protocol and, as the N.Y., or in Kyiv, I’d nod my head and Ukrainian World Congress president, was Ukraine needs study say yes, let the past go, don’t ask ques- among the first to greet President Other communities and lustration of past tions. I’d further say I look forward to Yushchenko; the members of the Ukrainian also face problems Dear Editor: Steven Spielberg’s coming Hollywood American community were doing their Dear Editor: Rightly disgusted with the excesses of movie on World War II Ukraine, in very important job – welcoming the I read with interest the article on Ukrainophobia that accompany the per- development since the 1990s with Ukrainian president and letting their leader Boston’s Ukrainian community by Prof. secution of alleged Ukrainian war-crimi- Leonid Kuchma’s billionaire oligarch know that they are proud of his courage. Peter T. Woloschuk. My comments have to nals, Dr. Myron B. Kuropas in his col- son-in-law Viktor Pinchuk. In that The Consulate General of Ukraine also do with Ukrainian communities all over the umn “Orange justice: Pora” (April 10) movie, there will be plenty of “under- expresses its deep appreciation to the United States, of which Boston is only one. has urged that President Viktor standing,” “bridge building,” true history Ukrainian National Women’s League of My grandparents, on both sides, were Yushchenko set up an Official and love for Ukrainians. America and to its president, Iryna Ukrainian immigrants. My parents were Commission of Inquiry into Soviet War I’m 49, and between 1986 and 1994, Kurowyckyj, for providing its account to born in New York and Massachusetts. All Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in published a hundred letters and op-eds in transfer money provided by the Ukrainians were married at the old St. George’s. My Ukraine, which would then try to bring newspapers on the U.S. Justice of the U.S.A. for 5-year old Nastia Ovchar. maternal grandmother, Barbara to justice Soviet perpetrators in Ukraine Department’s Office of Special We did not have time to hunt down Gruchowsky, was one of the early mem- and in foreign countries. Investigations (OSI), and I know a little other people’s errors or to listen to some- bers of the Ukrainian National Women’s To which Dr. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky about how it continues to this day to rail- body’s private conversations (a security League of America. I loved everything replied that Ukraine doesn’t need an road and ruin elderly East European émi- guard’s, for example). Instead we were Ukrainian, and at age 3 danced with Walter “OSI analogue” because “President grés accused of low-level Nazi collabo- doing our job, together. Bacad’s dance troupe in New York City. Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia ration, all the while refusing to go after Esteemed friends, we thank you all for In 1959 we moved to Lexington, Mass., Tymoshenko have many more immediate Jewish collaborators (with one fluke your assistance and your participation. We and began attending the Ukrainian Catholic issues ‘on their plate.’” In essence, Dr. exception). are confident that on April 5 all of you Church in Jamaica Plain. My father, John, Deychakiwsky suggests concentrating on We can’t blame the Communists or observed that the faces of the people at was on the building committee and helped educational activities and turning the Kuchma-Pinchuk from holding us back the JFK Library showed nothing short of build the church that now exists there. other cheek on Soviet criminals (May 1). today for the Ukrainian war archives, or amazement. This apart from the work we There were some problems. My par- Given the premise that genocide was worry about Soviet threats against do, must be one more advocate of ours. ents changed their name from Wasylyshyn committed against the Ukrainian nation Ukrainian families setting the record Dear colleagues, the most important to Wylder. They also chose not to speak in 1932-1933 and that the losses have straight. thing is that you have been working for Ukrainian at home – but rather to raise been stupendous (for instance, in his elo- By all means, create a genocide the sake of Ukraine for many years. American Ukrainian children. We lived in quent address to the joint meeting of the authority on the sufferings of Ukrainians, Everybody in Ukraine also and we also the suburbs, not the city. U.S. Congress, President Yushchenko with museums, traveling lecturers, text- appreciate everything you’ve done for As a result, my brother and I never said, “The Holodomor Famine...took books, films and TV shows. Let us also our country. learned to speak Ukrainian. We went to away 20 million lives of Ukrainians”) see movies on criminal oligarchs and Still, we have a lot of work to do. Soyuzivka. I chose to hang out with the turning the other cheek might be a noble, mobsters who are selling more than “Let’s not pay attention to those who Ukrainian teenagers in Boston, my brother but not a wise thing to do. Permit me to 100,000 Ukrainian women and little girls are just envious of our success. Let us did not. Eventually, through the Harvard suggest an intermediate solution. into sex slavery abroad. not speak of them, but look, and pass ...” students club – I met and married my Dr. Deychakiwsky is right about the We Ukrainians cannot let the moment (“Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri). Ukrainian husband, Zachary Wochok (also tremendous time pressure on the slip away; we have the intellectuals and a third-generation Ukrainian American) Yushchenko administration. On the other money to capture the Communist war Serhii Pohoreltsev who does speak Ukrainian. Our four adult hand, witnesses of the Famine-Genocide criminal story for the world to see. It New York children do not speak Ukrainian. We are rapidly dying out, and written docu- would be like throwing away a good his- attend St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Mission in ments in Ukraine have a way of disap- tory book, a sin to not record the crimes The letter-writer is Ukraine’s consul Sacramento, Calif. My children know they pearing. For those two reasons I would against Ukrainians. general in New York. are American Ukrainian. suggest two parallel approaches. On a regular Sunday we have less President Yushchenko should continue Peter B. Hrycenko than 60 people at our church in a city the efforts to build a public Holodomor Allentown, Pa. with hundreds of thousands of new and genocide museum and research cen- UNWLA comments Ukrainian immigrants. Most go to other ter in downtown Kyiv, not somewhere churches, or not at all. The church site is out on the Dnipro. This idea is accept- for the record on loan from the Diocese of Sacramento. able to Dr. Deychakiwsky. Consulate’s response Dear Editor: We do have the Ukrainian Club of Secondly, and even more urgently, In an article that appeared in The Northern California for cultural issues – there should be established a part-schol- to Woloschuk article Ukrainian Weekly on April 24, Prof. but our church struggles to exist. arly, part-political, but above all, very Dear Editor: Peter T. Woloschuk did a tremendous Being an American first, then a secure Institute for the Study of Soviet The April 24 article called “The good, injustice to the Ukrainian National Ukrainian, has not been easy. I have been War Crimes and Crimes Against the bad and the ugly ...” made us appeal Women’s League of America. In the part snubbed many times over the years. There Humanity (or, Genocide) in Ukraine, to those of you mentioned in the article of the article called “The ugly,” he insin- were clubs that I could not join, when in which will be given a monopoly for as “bad and the ugly.” uates that our organization stuck its nose reality I’m more Ukrainian than many. access to sensitive Soviet records, To tell you the truth, we were indig- into something that did not concern us, The lack of coordination of commit- including, in particular, documents of the nant with the information presented by besides other derogatory remarks. tees in Boston appears in all Ukrainian Cheka-GPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB from the author of the article, and our first The UNWLA came to little Nastia communities. Whether it is the churches 1917 until August 23, 1991. Such insti- desire was to disprove, step by step, Ovchar’s assistance at the request of the (Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, etc.) or tutes have been set up in Germany and in every and each critical remark stated in Embassy of Ukraine to the U.S.A. We which immigrant wave people came in, Poland. The records would be useful for the article, starting with the fact that we received a telephone call followed up there are too many cliques for the good possible prosecution of remaining Soviet did not need (and did not have) any “go- with an e-mail to assist the family in and growth of a dynamic community. perpetrators, which would please Dr. betweeners” in our communication with need. The e-mail from the Embassy of Boston is not the only community to Kuropas and others. In addition, they the Kennedy Library Foundation, Boston Ukraine is dated March 24, and that is be plagued with organizational factions. would be even more important for the Shriners’ Hospital or Ukrainian commu- when our interest started, not on the day The “intelligentsia” – of which the pro- “lustration,” or vetting, of Ukrainian nity members, most of whom we have of the visit of President Yushchenko to fessor apparently is one – looks down on politicians and government officials. the honor to know or be their friends. Boston. Upon hearing from the the parishioners who keep the churches But then we thought: Let’s not waste Ukrainian Embassy I contacted the clean and open. Yaroslav Bilinsky our time. The work we are doing togeth- Boston branch of the UNWLA and In Boston, it’s Harvard; New York has Newark, Del. er is our advocate. instructed them to immediately provide Columbia; San Francisco has Stamford. The weeks before the arrival of the any assistance necessary to the family. There are Ukrainians who are alumni of The letter-writer is professor emeritus, Ukrainian delegation headed by President Apparently the good professor is not all of these universities and more – yet, University of Delaware. Viktor Yushchenko to Boston kept us all familiar with the work of Soyuz Ukrainok they do not attend our tiny churches or busy and excited at the same time. We Ameryky and our accomplishments over send their money to keep our doors open. were honored to meet the leaders of the the last 80 years. If he was he would think Many have married outside the Orange Revolution, our country’s leaders. twice before spewing his trash. As for Ukrainian community, but many do not We must tell the story All of us did a great job while preparing helping others, I would be delighted to find the church-goers of the same class – for this visit. We also knew that it was a send him information concerning our help or culture. I know this for a fact – as I of Communist crimes big responsibility of ours. to needy Ukrainians in Brazil, Poland, the am American, Ukrainian, educated, a Dear Editor: That very day, April 5, we were busy former Yugoslavia and Ukraine. church worker and a church-goer. Dr. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky in his May also: the members of the official delegation I feel Prof. Woloschuk owes us an The Ukrainian communities in all cities 1 letter “Ukraine doesn’t need an OSI headed by President Yushchenko were apology. big and small need to find the “Orange” in analogue” says that if Ukraine goes on a doing their job – strengthening relations their localities to bring them together to hunt for Communist war criminals, with our strategic partner, the United States; Iryna Kurowyckyj support the best of the Ukrainian commu- “[o]ne could never hunt down and find the members of President Yushchenko’s New York nity in the United States and Ukraine. all those who were guilty; many might staff and we, as Ukrainian consular officers, already be dead anyway.” were doing our job in providing all the nec- The letter-writer is president of the Barbara Wylder Wochok If I were a communist war criminal essary arrangements. Askold Lozynskyj UNWLA. Davis, Calif. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 9


out that the person Mr. Lupan sought will we stand out like goats? information from at the Kennedy Library A favorite saying by His Beatitude Defending Boston’s Peter Woloschuk was on vacation for the two weeks prior Ilarion, former long-time metropolitan of to the Yushchenko visit and was not the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukrainian community responds to critics directly involved in the planning, and Dear Editor: Dear Editor: Canada, now deceased (may he rest in that I doubt that she would have respond- I would like to respond to the article Having read a number of responses peace.), was, “To serve God is to serve ed to Mr. Lupan’s hectoring by giving by Peter Woloshchuk published in The last week to my article in The Weekly, people.” For those of us of Ukrainian out any type of information anyway. I ancestry, living in the United States or in Ukrainian Weekly on April 24. As a pas- “The good, the bad, and the ugly” (April can only hope that Mr. Lupan is a better Canada, who are our people? tor of the Ukrainian Catholic church in 24), I can only say that most of them lawyer than he is investigator. As Americans or as Canadians, we are Boston, I am compelled to defend the including those written by Messrs. As for Soyuz Ukrainok, the article obligated to serve our fellow American community I serve and my own family Walter Lupan and Evhen Muzyka as well attempted to address only the issues and Canadian citizens, respectively. But from such unjust remarks. as Ms. Nadia Annese and Ms. Vera around their local branch’s recent activi- also, we should not forget, Matthew The truth: The visit of President Trojan opted to take the easy way out ty with the Boston visit. I am aware of 15:4, “Honor your father and mother.” Viktor Yushchenko to Boston on April 5, and shoot the messenger rather than the good work that Soyuz Ukrainok does Am I wrong to expand this command- during which he received the Profile in attempt to deal with the message. generally, particularly its aid to various ment of God to include all of our ances- Courage Award at the Kennedy Library I’m grateful that I live in the United Ukrainian communities in South tors? If I am right, then we have an obli- was a great success. It was a very memo- States which has enshrined the idea of America. However, as far as I know, and gation also to the people of Ukraine, rable and exciting day for all of us fellow freedom of speech in the Constitution. I could be mistaken, the Boston branch where our ancestors lived. Ukranian Americans who took time off Based on the reaction, at least of the writ- has never before reached out to help Our loyalties, therefore, must be joint from work and school, brought their par- ers that I have mentioned, I get the funny someone in a local hospital in the way and hyphenated. That makes us ents, grandparents (some even in wheel- feeling that if they had their way, I’d be that it has now. In the article, I was Ukrainian ethnics in the United States chairs) and children to greet and wel- in the first cattle car heading for Siberia. specifically referring to the fact that a and in Canada. Our people, then, are come the true people’s president At the outset, let me say that I stand member of the local organization Ukrainian Americans or Ukrainian Yushchenko. by the comments that I made. attempted to use the plight of a badly Canadians. Consequently, it is with these The half-truth: As dean of Boston of As someone who has been involved in injured little girl and a worthy fund-rais- people, respectively, that we should the Ukrainian Catholic Church, the planning of large-scale public events ing effort to apparently develop a person- stand when we serve people, our fellow Stamford Eparchy, I had the great privi- on a regular basis for more than 20 years al connection with a member of the citizens as well as the people of our lege and honor to be a part of the wel- and who is accustomed to doing “post Kennedy family. As I wrote, I believe ancestral homeland, Ukraine. coming group, which also included the mortems” as a learning tool for the that there are many people from Ukraine Very Rev. Mitred Roman Tarnawsky, future, I honestly believe that the time with medical conditions who have need- Stan Humenuk pastor of St. Andrew’s Ukrainian has come for the Ukrainian community in ed our support and have not gotten it. We Calgary, Alberta Orthodox Church in Boston, and three Boston, and elsewhere, to take a long, as a community should be able to pro- girls from our Ukrainian community; hard look at itself, what it is, what its pur- vide for them as well. Oksana Hoshowsky, Natalka pose is, the way that it presents itself, and However, the main theme of my arti- Hoshowsky and my daughter Marta the way that it reaches out to the broader cle was that the event wound up being About the Yalta event Nalysnyk. The girls, dressed in community with its special events. hugely successful and there were many Ukrainian national costumes, welcomed There were major problems with the tremendous moments. In looking back at Ukrainian Institute President Yushchenko with the tradition- planning and execution of President though, it is fair to reflect on what Dear Editor: al korovai, while I presented an icon of Viktor Yushchenko’s visit to Boston. The worked, what didn’t, and lessons learned. Askold Lozynskyj’s letter about the the Mother of God. Neither my wife nor last-minute cancellation of his speech at One lesson is that the official repre- Yalta conference was interesting, gen- my son were part of the welcoming the Kennedy School of Government at sentatives of the Ukrainian government uine and represented popular opinion. group and none of us were ever Harvard University and the rescheduling and of the Ukrainian American commu- Had he attended the conference, he informed that it was even discussed. If of his arrival at the Kennedy Library nity need to increase their level of pro- would have enjoyed to hear that three out such a discussion ever took place, I am after 2,000 invitations had been mailed fessionalism if Ukraine and/or the of the four speakers shared his views. curious as to how Mr. Woloshchuk man- out are but two obvious examples. As I Ukrainian cause are to be taken seriously Only one, the representative of the aged to learn about all of this when he mentioned in my article, if it were not for and presented in a favorable light. Roosevelt Foundation, tried to defend did not attend a single committee meet- the efforts of an ad hoc group of volun- I also believe that these individuals the results of the conference and its con- ing? teers, the award ceremony would not need to think outside the confines of sequences. The lie: Mr. Woloshchuk stated in his have happened, or if it did, would not their own little “hromady” if we are ever This brings up another point. Should article that the Ukrainian National have been open to the broader Ukrainian to get a well-crafted message out to a this conference have taken place at the Women’s League of America of Boston American community in the greater broader constituency. It is clear that with Ukrainian Institute of America? An influ- “suddenly decided to take an interest in Boston area. the changes in Ukraine such opportuni- ential and prestigious American institu- Nastia Ovchar – after they learned of the It is my understanding that there were ties now exist. They must not be wasted. tion, the Roosevelt Foundation invited Kennedy family interest.” Members of similar problems with the Yushchenko Finally, I wrote my piece with the the UIA to co-sponsor the conference the Boston branch of Soyuz Ukrainok visit in both Washington and Chicago, and hope of stimulating some thought, some and exhibit about this historic event at and both Ukranian parishes, Christ the that New York City had particular diffi- honest discussion, and some change. To our location because Yalta is in Ukraine. King UCC and St. Andrew UOC visited culties. There was not a single press con- paraphrase an old maxim: Unless we are The prevailing opinion of our members Nastia almost immediately upon her ference or media opportunity in any of the willing to learn from our history, we are was that cooperation with this great arrival at Shriners’ Hospital and assisted cities, media information and outreach doomed to repeat its mistakes. American institution could not only be her mother, Olia Ovchar, in any way she were lacking, planning was belabored and beneficial to the institute but also to the Peter T. Woloschuk needed providing financial and moral often at cross purposes, and events and Ukrainian cause as well. By the way, the Boston support. This was two weeks prior to times were changed almost at whim. conference was probably attended by President Yushchenko’s visit to Boston As I said in my article, the more American intellectuals and politi- during which the Kennedy family Yushchenko visit was a success, but it cians than any other Ukrainian affair. learned about Nastia’s story. Our seemed to happen in spite of – rather Ethnicity and faith The other point may be strictkly jour- Ukranian community in Boston, includ- than as a result of – the efforts that were nalistic. It is unusual to publish readers’ ing Soyuz Ukrainok, has a long history put into it. letters with editorial endorsement. of helping families whose children I choose not to answer all of the points cannot be separated Highlighting the reader’s letter with quotes receive follow-up treatment at not only made in response to my article. Most of Dear Editor: Let me add to Ihor Lysyj’s “Our eth- from the letter is usually reserved for arti- Shriners but many other medical facili- them are unworthy even of the people cles not letters. In this case it sounds like ties around Boston, by providing room, who penned them and several are simply nicity and our faith,” (letter, April 17), in response to the April 3 column Taras the editors’ endorsement, which is con- board and financial support. Mr. boorish. The fact that these writers felt a trary to your basic policy of impartiality. Woloshchuk’s unfair criticism of those need to defend the “official” Ukrainian Szmagala Jr., “Should we put our faith who, out of compassion, sincerely offer institutions (whatever they are) and “offi- first?” I presume that Christianity is the faith of Taras Szmagala. In Christianity’s Andrij Paschuk help to those in need shows his lack of cial” community leaders and apparently New York involvement in the everyday life of our don’t understand the meaning of the term Holy Scriptures, Matthew 25:31-46, we see that on judgment day, “shall be gath- Ukrainian community. “ad hoc” clearly illustrates the reason EDITOR’S NOTE: Publishing a letter Mr. Woloshchuk owes an official pub- why 74,000 out of the 75,000 Ukrainian ered all nations, and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd to the editor or highlighting letter- lic apology to the Ukrainian community Americans living in the greater Boston writer’s opinion in the headline over of Boston for the inappropriate and dis- area want nothing to do with them. divides his sheep from the goats: ...” Am I wrong in understanding that one cannot his/her letter does not in any way consti- respectful remarks made in his article. I would like to point out, however, tute editorial endorsement. Our Christian faith teaches us “To err is that Mr. Lupan’s petulant and pedantic separate one’s ethnicity from one’s faith? human and to forgive is divine.” The approach was beyond the pale. He If so, how can one put one’s faith first, or “selo,” which Mr. Woloschuk tries to admits to calling the Kennedy Library conversely, put one’s ethnicity first? The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters The question then becomes with to the editor. Letters should be typed (dou- correct on how to behave in public, is and he also went out of his way to check ble-spaced) and signed; they must be origi- ready to forgive, if he has the simple my employment status. Let me, first of which nation will we as individuals nals, not photocopies. Letters are accepted human decency to apologize. all, point out that the introduction to my stand? With the Romans from Rome? also via e-mail at [email protected] article was pretty clear as to what I do With the Byzantines from Byzantium? The daytime phone number and address Father Yaroslav Nalysnyk and from the description given that I am With the Muscovites from Moscow? Or, of the letter-writer must be given for verifi- Boston an adjunct professor. Let me also point when being among their flocks of sheep, cation purposes. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

Scholar explains how Canada’s leaders justified internment of immigrants by Dale Barbour Alberta and British Columbia, and forced to work on public works projects. WINNIPEG – A total of 8,579 people “Much of Canada’s public parks sys- of Ukrainian and Central European tem infrastructure was built by the descent interned in Canada during the detainees,” Prof. Kordan said. “When first world war, 1914-1918, were caught you drive along the Bow Valley Parkway in the middle of two battles. The war in Banff National Park you’re driving on between the alliance and central powers a highway built with their labor.” was the most obvious, but it was the About 800 of the interned people had internal debate between imperialist and been merchant marines for Germany or the nationalists in Canada that might have Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the vast been the most telling. majority were simply civilians living in Prof. Bohdan Kordan of the University Canada. Of all the combatants in the first of Saskatchewan delivered the 2005 Prof. world war, only Canada went so far as to Michael and Dr. Iraida Tarnawecky treat civilians as prisoners of war – Distinguished Lecture, titled “Canada’s Germany and Great Britain also interned Enemy Aliens During World War I: The civilian enemy aliens but in those countries Predicament of Belonging,” on Thursday, the civilians had far more freedom and March 31, to over 150 people in St. were not put to work on public projects. Andrew’s College. So why did Canada choose to intern The lecture was hosted by the Center civilians? for Ukrainian Canadian Studies and The most obvious reason would be before the presentation, center director that Canada was caught in patriotic war Denis Hlynka drew the audience’s atten- frenzy and quickly turned on people from tion to lists of names posted through the the Austro-Hungarian Empire, seeing University of Saskatchewan political science Prof. Bohdan Kordan chats with retired Slavic studies professor Iraida Tarnawecky before delivering the distinguished lecture lecture hall. them as potential enemies. named after Dr. Tarnawecky and her husband, Prof. Michael Tarnawecky. “We’ve posted the names of the indi- The truth, however, is more complicat- viduals who were interned in the camps,” ed. defend the country that you would to be part of the country. Mr. Hlynka said. “There are 85 pages of “When you see statements from offi- expect.” But at this point Canada was still a names in all and you’re welcome to look cials about why the policy was necessary, If anything, the official record portrays dominion of the British Empire. Control through them after the lecture to see if what is so clear from the archives is that a coolly dispassionate attempt to carry there are any names familiar to you.” there is very little evidence of the patriot- of internal policy rested with the out the policy of internment, he added. The enemy aliens were detained in 24 ic argument,” Prof. Kordan said. “There Canadian Parliament, while control of The closest rationale Prof. Kordan camps across Canada, most of them in isn’t the shrill rhetoric about the need to external affairs rested with Great Britain. could find in the records was a statement When the Conservatives came to power in 1914 from a deputy justice minister under Robert Borden in 1911, they tilted concluding that there was nothing under toward the imperialist view of Canada. University of Alberta and CIUS international law to prevent Canada from But the imperialist world view compli- interning its enemy aliens. cated things for immigrants, Prof. The truth of the matter lies in where Kordan said. Imperialism was based on honor the memory of Peter Jacyk the new immigrants – who had been part the view that people were ultimately of the great 19th century wave of settlers loyal to the crown, or leadership, of the by Anna Biscoe in Canada – fit in Canada. country they were born in. So people EDMONTON – The president of the During the pre-World War I wave of who came to Canada from the Austro- University of Alberta, Dr. Rod Fraser, and immigration when the Wilfred Laurier Hungarian Empire were seen as still the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Liberals had been in power, the focus had owing their first allegiance to that Studies hosted an intimate dinner on April been on settling the country. The new empire. 11 in which the memory and philanthropy immigrants had actively recruited to Under the imperial system, immi- of Peter Jacyk in support of Ukrainian come to Canada. The approach to citizen- grants to Canada could become natural- studies were honored. The evening also ship was nationalist – people could marked the 16th anniversary of the Peter become citizens of Canada by choosing (Continued on page 20) Jacyk Center for Ukrainian Historical Research, which was established at Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta in 1989. In his remarks, Dr. Fraser spoke of Canadian government gives Ukraine Ukrainian studies as being one of the steeples of excellence at the University priority in its foreign policy review of Alberta. He noted that the Peter Jacyk OTTAWA – Liberal MP Borys ship,” said Mr. Wrzesnewskyj. “Our Center and CIUS maintained a high stan- Wrzesnewskyj (Etobicoke Center) and ‘special relationship’ was based on hun- dard of scholarship, research and publi- chair of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary dreds of thousands of human ties cations, all of which were very important Friendship Group welcomed the federal between our two countries and the fact to Mr. Jacyk. He also recalled that, dur- government’s new “white paper” on for- that the 1.1 million Ukrainian-Canadians ing his 10 years as president of the eign policy, unveiled on April 19 in can be considered one of Canada’s The central portion of the portrait of University of Alberta, he had heard Mr. Ottawa, not only for its vision, but for its founding peoples. During the Orange the late Peter Jacyk that was present- Jacyk give one of the best convocation commitment to invest Canadian resources Revolution our government gave sub- ed to his daughter Nadia Jacyk in speeches when he was conferred with an in strategic, foreign development assis- stance to the term “special relationship.” recognition of his outstanding contri- honorary doctorate in 1995. tance in countries such as Ukraine. By including Ukraine on the new list of bution to Ukrainian studies at CIUS, To mark the special relationship The International Policy Statement 25 Development Partners our govern- University of Alberta. between the university and Mr. Jacyk, (IPS) sets out a new framework to make ment has clearly signaled that this “spe- Dr. Fraser presented his daughter Nadia Official Development Assistance (ODA) cial relationship” is evolving into a Jacyk with a portrait of her father, com- Mr. Jacyk had selected. more effective by targeting Canadian strategic one. There is tremendous poten- missioned by the university. The portrait Dr. Zenon Kohut, director of CIUS, efforts and resources into key countries tial for Canada’s and Ukraine’s relation- by Edmonton artists Izabella Orzelski- spoke highly of how important Mr. and key sectors within these countries. ship to develop in the areas of commerce, Konikowski and Bogdan Konikowski Jacyk’s contributions were in sustaining Canada currently provides development environment, defense and culture.” includes pictures and photographs that Ukrainian scholarship at the university assistance to 155 countries. Of those The new international plan focuses on highlight important milestones in Mr. level. Dr. Frank Sysyn, director of the countries, only 18 receive assistance val- five sectors: good governance, private- Jacyk’s life. Jacyk Center, outlined the work of the ued at more than $10 million annually sector development, environmental sus- In her thank-you for the tribute to her center and, in particular, gave an update and 54 receive less than $1 million annu- tainability, health and basic education. father’s memory and the portrait, Ms. on the progress of the monumental trans- ally. Under the new IPS, the government Canada Corps, which was the mechanism Jacyk spoke of his high regard for the lation project of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s of Canada will focus bilateral develop- by which 500 Canadian election University of Alberta and CIUS, and his 10-volume “-Rus’.” ment programming on 25 “Development observers were provided during the appreciation of the excellent work being He concluded by saying that Mr. Jacyk is Partners.” Orange Revolution in Ukraine, will con- carried out in Ukrainian studies. greatly missed. Ukraine is the only European country tinue to play a key role in developing The Peter Jacyk Center for Ukrainian Among those present at the evening to make the list of 25 “Development partnerships between government, civil Historical Research was created on the were Judith Fraser and members of the Partners” and that is great news accord- society and the private sector. basis of a $1 million endowment from board of directors of the Petro Jacyk ing to Mr. Wrzesnewskyj. The federal government’s “white Mr. Jacyk and matched with a $2 million Educational Foundation (of which Ms. “Since my election last year I have paper” on foreign policy can be located grant from the government of Alberta. Jacyk is president): Dr. Jeanette been speaking about the tremendous at Today, that endowment has grown to Bayduza, Eugene Zalucky, Dr. Peter opportunity that exists in evolving our pic/ips/ips-en.asp and the complete list of over $7 million and supports various Jacyk, Walter Jacyk and Andriy ‘special relationship’ between Canada Development Partners can be found at projects and publications, many of which Brygidyr. and Ukraine into a strategic relation- No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 11 Ukrainian Historical Association marks 40th anniversary by Olexander Dombrowsky Her main focus, however, was on the commemorated its 40th anniversary by Prague intellectual atmosphere and the period following l991 and the significant organizing special conferences in Lviv, influence of Oleh Kandyba-Olzhych. The NEW YORK – A scholarly conference impact that the UHA had on historical Kyiv and Ostroh at which scholars exam- speaker succinctly analyzed commemorating the 40th anniversary of research in Ukraine following the disinte- ined the important role that the Ukrainian Antonovych’s scholarly interests, evalu- the founding of the Ukrainian Historical gration of the Soviet Union. She particu- Historian played in preserving and ated his significant contribution in pro- Association (UHA) was held on April 3 larly noted the major contributions expanding Ukrainian historiographic moting the work of Ukrainian scholarly at the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and presently being made by historians in knowledge, especially during the Soviet institutions, particularly the Ukrainian Sciences in New York. Sponsored by the Ukraine who are active UHA members period. Today, this journal is accepted by Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Historical Section of the Ukrainian and the substantial increase in their publi- historians in Ukraine as being one of the UHA. As literary editor of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the cation of scholarly works. most prestigious scholarly periodicals on Historian, Dr. Antonovych helped guide U.S., the Ukrainian Historical According to Dr. Atamanenko, there is Ukrainian history and an important forum the journal to its prominent position. In Association, the Institute for Ukrainian no doubt about the pervasive influence for publishing serious research. concluding his presentation, Dr. Wynar Diaspora Studies of the National that the UHA has had on shaping histori- The UHA has also offered historians in porposed that a special compilation of University of “Ostroh Academy,” and the cal knowledge and on influencing the Ukraine an opportunity for research and this outstanding scholar’s works be pub- World Scholarly Council of the direction in which Ukrainian historiogra- publication through its monograph series: lished in order to honor his life and last- Ukrainian World Congress, the confer- phy is developing in Ukraine. The signif- Historical Studies, Ohloblyn Studies, ing contribution to Ukrainian scholarship. ence focused on the extensive legacy cre- icant accomplishments of UHA in Hrushevskyi Epistolary Sources, “Olexander Ohloblyn’s Research on ated by UHA during its forty year exis- Ukraine can be directly attributed to its Memoirs, Historical Sources, etc. She Hetman Mazepa’s Era” was the topic of tence and also on the substantial contri- practice and promotion of a “partnership” concluded that the UHA would likely Prof. Yuri Gajecky’s presentation, in bution to historical knowledge made by approach: close cooperation with major continue to be a significant factor in help- which he examined this outstanding his- three of its members; Prof. Olexander Ukrainian national universities, the schol- ing shape future historical knowledge in torian’s contribution to understanding the Ohloblyn, past president of both UHA arly institutes of the Academy of Science Ukraine. Ukrainian Baroque era, as well as the life and the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and of Ukraine, and other cultural and schol- Dr. Olexander Dombrowsky, head of and activities of the famous hetman of Sciences in the U.S.; Dr. Marko arly organizations such as, for example, the Ancient History Section of the Ukraine. Based on an analysis of Antonovych, past president of the the Hrushevskyi museums in Kyiv and Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences Ohloblyn’s extensive research, Prof. Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences Lviv; the activist role of members of its and general secretary of the UHA, dis- Gajecky offered a number of important in the U.S., Vice-President of the UHA branches, located at academic centers in cussed the long-term cooperative rela- conclusions regarding the statist nature of and co-editor of its journal, Ukrainian the various regions of Ukraine, who tionship between the academy and the the scholar’s research, his analysis of the Historian; and Dr. Roman Klimkevich, organize historical conferences on a peri- UHA, noting that both of these associa- processes that occurred within the initiating member of UHA and founder odic basis; and an active publication pro- tions have often organized joint confer- Ukrainian society during the Mazepa and secretary of the Ukrainian gram in Ukraine which has resulted in the ences and co-sponsored the publication period, and the direct influence that Ivan Genealogical and Heraldic Society. publication and dissemination of impor- of a number of scholarly monographs. Mazepa’s activities had upon Ukraine. The conference was opened by Prof. tant historical works, often published This cooperative relationship can be The final speaker was Ludmilla Lubomyr Wynar, president of UHA and jointly with major academic institutions. traced to the outstanding historian Prof. Shpylova, librarian at the Ukrainian head of the Historical Section of the Dr. Atamanenko also noted that the Olexander Ohloblyn, who served as pres- Academy of Arts and Sciences, who in Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences, UHA was instrumental in initiating, ident of both of these organizations. The her presentation, “Roman Klimkevich’s who introduced the speakers and also organizing and sponsoring the speaker noted that many scholars simul- Archival Materials in UVAN,” discussed requested a moment of silence to honor International Congress of Ukrainian taneously belong to the three Ukrainian how Dr. Klimkevich’s personal archives the memories of its recently deceased Historians. The first congress was held in academic organizations, the Ukrainian were acquired from his widow, Natalia members, Dr. Marko Antonovych and the 2000 at Chernivtsi National University, Academy of Arts and Sciences, the UHA Klimkevich. Ms. Shpylova analyzed the Rev. Dr. Alexander Baran, past president the second took place at the Kamianets- and the Shevchenko Scientific Society. nature of this archival collection and of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Podilsk National University in 2003, On the basis of new source materials, offered her own proposals on systemati- Sciences in Canada and vice-president of while the third is planned for Kyiv in Dr. Wynar discussed the direction of Dr. cally organizing these sources. the UHA. 2006. By bringing together Ukrainian Antonovych’s life in his presentation, Following the presentations, the audi- The central theme of the conference historians, these congresses provide “Marko Antonovych, as a Person and an ence participated in a question and was addressed by Prof. Alla Atamanenko, scholars with the opportunity to review Organizer of Scholarly Life.” Dr. answer period. Dr. Dombrowski director of the Institute of Ukrainian and analyze the state of Ukrainian histo- Antonovych, the son and grandson of two informed those present about the acade- Diaspora Studies of the National riography and its future direction. of Ukraine’s most outstanding historians, my’s Visti, and Dr. Atamanenko dis- University of Ostroh Academy. In her In her presentation Dr. Atamanenko Dmytro and Volodomyr Antonovych, was cussed the contents of the recently pub- presentation, “The Ukrainian Historical also pointed to the UHA’s journal, a highly respected scholar in his own lished new issue of the Ukrainian Association and the Development of Ukrainian Historian, as being a signifi- right and a tireless organizer of Ukrainian Historian, which is dedicated to Historical Scholarship,” Dr. Atamanenko cant factor in determining the trends in social and scholarly life in the diaspora. Mykhailo Hrushevskyi and Oleh began with an overview and analysis of which historiography in Ukraine has Dr. Wynar examined the fundamental Kandyba. The participants were given the the UHA’s development and its contribu- developed. She noted that 2004 marked events, individuals and factors in the opportunity to view a display of various tion to Ukrainian scholarship from the 40 years of uninterrupted publication of childhood and youth of Dr. Antonovych UHA publications and materials from the time of its establishment in the U.S. in this scholarly journal. Although founded which played a role in forming his char- Klimkevich archives which was organ- 1965 up until 1991. in the U.S. in 1964, historians in Ukraine acter and world outlook, especially the ized by Ms. Shpylova. Shevchenko Society participates in convention of Association for Study of Nationalities

At this year’s convention, the Feminine Perception of Ukraine in Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) Geopolitics and Literature” and chaired organized two roundtables. “Is Ukraine by Dr. Maria Rewakowicz (Rutgers and in Europe or Eurasia?” organized by Dr. NTSh), offered presentations by Drs. Larissa Onyshkevych (president of Onyshkevych, Serhii Bilenkyi (Harvard NTSh) and chaired by Dr. Mark von University), Michael Naydan (University Hagen (Columbia and NTSh) attracted of Pennsylvania and NTSh) and Anna the largest audience and evoked a spirited Chumachenko (Kherson University, discussion, attesting to the importance Ukraine, and NTSh). and the timeliness of the question raised At this year’s ASN convention 13 pan- by the title. The speakers were Dr. els were devoted to Ukrainian themes, Alexander Motyl (Rutgers University including such topics as “Ukraine Under and NTSh), former Canadian Leonid Kuchma,” “The 2004 Ukrainian Ambassador to Ukraine, Derek Fraser Presidential Election,” “Yushchenko’s (University of Victoria, Canada), Serhiy First 100 Days” and “Ukraine’s Orange Pohoreltsev, Ukraine’s consul-general in Revolution Through Photos, Films and New York, Dr. Nadia Diuk (director, Music.” Central Europe and Eurasia, National The following NTSh members partici- Endowment for Democracy), and Eugene pated in other panels: Yaroslav Bilinsky, Fishel (U.S. Department of State). Alexandra Hrycak, Michael Rywkin, On April 16 an abbreviated version of Roman Szporluk, Martha Trofimenko the above roundtable was presented at and Myroslava Znayenko. The society the NTSh headquarters under the title also presented an exhibit of its selected At the April 16 conference at NTSh headquarters. From the left: Serhiy Pohoreltsev, “The End of the Concept of Eurasia?” It publications. Alexander Motyl, Eugene Fishel, Mark von Hagen, Nadia Diuk, Derek Fraser. was introduced by Dr. Onyshkevych and It is worth noting that the ASN was chaired by Dr. Taras Hunczak (Rutgers founded in 1971 by Prof. Stepan Horak NEW YORK – The 10th Annual Nationalism: Identity, Empire, Conflict,” and NTSh). The speakers were (then vice-president of NTSh), who for World Convention of the Association for was hosted by the Harriman Institute of Ambassador Fraser, Consul-Gen. many years was the ASN president as the Study of Nationalities (ASN), dedi- Columbia University on April 14-16. Pohoreltsev, and Drs. Diuk and Motyl. well as the chief editor of its journal, cated to the theme “Understanding More than 300 people participated. The other NTSh roundtable, titled “A Nationalities Papers (1972-1984). 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

government set up tents where hot kasha Ukraine recalls... cooked during the chilly, damp evening (Continued from page 1) was served. brewing in the media and among Ukrainian Afterwards, Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. citizens leading up to the holiday. Tymoshenko joined the veterans in a Unlike his predecessors, Mr. Victory Day tradition by toasting with 100-gram shot glasses of vodka, chased Yushchenko did not shy away from down with kasha scooped from bowls. addressing the UPA veterans. Nor did he Later that night there were fireworks refraining from addressing the rift in in tribute to the veterans. Ukrainian society that has been a painful Leading up to the day’s festivities, and divisive matter for the millions still Red Army veteran organizations were alive in Ukraine who lived through the fiercely opposed to any involvement of horrendous second world war. UPA veterans. In fact, during the afternoon, as Red “We are determined – if any Army veterans celebrated in Kyiv’s cen- Banderites show up at Khreschatyk on ter, Ukraine’s 24-hour news station Victory Day, then the veterans will take Channel Five aired the UPA documen- any measures to prevent them from par- tary, “Between Hitler and Stalin – ticipating,” said Yurii Shilovtsev, a mem- Ukraine in World War II.” ber of the Center in Defense of Historical “In our hearts, we forgave the Truth of the Great Patriotic War. Germans, the Japanese, the Poles, we for- The center’s director, Boryslav Yatsko, gave everyone possible on the other side complained that in the span of the last 15 AP of trenches,” Mr. Yushchenko told the years all of Ukraine’s historiography has A Red Army veteran shares a toast with Ukraine’s president and prime minister. crowd. “We just haven’t been able to for- been stripped of historical truth and com- give each other. Veterans of the Great pletely falsified with a new history of the Patriotic War, unfortunately, have yet to nation. the morning of May 9, as well as a cere- percent were opposed. Meantime, only extend their hands to UPA veterans.” Every major Ukrainian city held pub- mony to place flowers at the soldiers’ 33 percent of Ukrainians polled support- “I know just how difficult this process lic festivities and ceremonies to honor graves, Interfax said. ed Red Army and UPA veterans reconcil- is. ... But I am asking you, veterans, I am the World War II veterans. Communist Party members also held ing, while 33 percent were opposed. taking my hat off and begging you to Even in Lviv, Ukraine’s stronghold of meetings at Kholmy Slavy and Marsov Western Ukrainians were most sup- offer your hands to each other. This is nationalism, oblast government officials, Field. portive of reconciliation, according to the necessary for the future of Ukraine ... so city council members and army command- Ukrainians are more willing to support poll, with 67 percent in support and only that we can show that everything is all ers placed flowers on the graves of Soviet reconciliation between Red Army and 9 percent against. right in Ukrainian society,” he said. soldiers buried at Kholmy Slavy, Interfax German soldiers than between Red Army Ukrainians in the nation’s southern Mr. Yushchenko delivered his remarks reported. Afterwards, the government lead- and UPA soldiers, according to a poll oblasts responded the most negatively to outside the Museum of the Great ers visited a hospital for disabled war veter- conducted by Kyiv’s Razumkov Center Red Army-UPA reconciliation, with only 19 Patriotic War located under Kyiv’s mas- ans to honor them and give valuable gifts. for Economic and Political Studies. percent in favor and 51 percent against it. sive Motherland statue. Lviv’s Russian Cultural Center organ- About 37 percent of Ukrainians polled The poll, conducted between April 23 To greet and serve the soldiers who ized a panakhyda at Marsov Field in supported the notion of Soviet and and 28, involved more than 2,000 gathered underneath Motherland statue, the honor of the fallen Red Army soldiers on German veterans reconciling, while 29 respondents.

The Weekly obtained and reviewed all At the press conference, Mr. Zvarych “I found out the origin and instruments Zvarych sees... three copies. asserted that he never laid claim to the of this action: beginning with the improp- (Continued from page 1) Ever since the 1998 edition of Who’s “academic rank” of professor, when the er spelling of my last name and ending Mr. Zvarych also insisted that all the Who, Mr. Zvarych has claimed to have a Who’s Who biographies he authored and with the blatant lie,” Mr. Zvarych wrote approved since 1998 state that he had biographical information he submitted to master’s degree in philosophy from in a Ukrainian-language statement dis- been an NYU professor between 1983 publisher Kyiv Informatsia Servis (KIS), Columbia University. In a campaign flier tributed at the event. printed in 1995 or 1996, Mr. Zvarych and 1991, or eight years. “Involved and manipulated were old which annually releases its Who’s Who claimed that he “graduated (‘zakinchyv’) Instead, Mr. Zvarych said he had the diaspora ideological wars and scores in Ukraine volumes, was accurate, Columbia University.” right to use the title of “professor,” which between Banderites, Melnyktivsti and “except for a few mistakes.” Since the 1995 Who’s Who edition, Mr. is how his colleagues and students Dviykari. I understand the representatives When citing a degree he said was equiv- Zvarych has also been claiming that he referred to him. of these ‘patriotic’ circles – Ukraine is alent to a master’s, Mr. Zvarych did not wrote a candidate’s dissertation on Plato. Mr. Zvarych referred to himself as a independent. There’s no one to fight elaborate on what it might be, but said he In both Europe and North America, a can- “vykladach” throughout the press confer- against. All that’s left is to fight against had brought back certificates verifying that didate’s dissertation would imply that Mr. ence, which may be translated into each other. To me, it’s an empty matter. I he had studied at Columbia University. Zvarych had already achieved a master’s English as a teacher or lecturer. have more important work to do.” Mr. Zvarych said he obtained docu- degree and entered a doctoral program. Mr. Zvarych was a part-time lecturer Dr. Taras Kuzio, a visiting professor at ments from Columbia University, New In an April 28 interview with The at NYU’s School of Continuing and the Institute of European, Russian and York University and Manhattan College Weekly, Mr. Zvarych said that this work Professional Studies between 1989 and Eurasian Studies at George Washington during a three-day trip to New York City was not a dissertation, but a “preparatory 1991, according to Josh Taylor, an NYU University, said Mr. Zvarych’s Dviykari last week. However, he did not share these work” on the subject of not only the onto- spokesman. comment is likely a veiled reference to him. with the press. He said he gave copies of logical, but also the epistemological bases When asked whether he had signed his Dr. Kuzio worked for the Prolog the documents to the Cabinet of Ministers. of Platonic ethics. “This was a work that Who’s Who profile forms, Mr. Zvarych Research Corp., which publishes Journalists never doubted that Mr. was supposed to become the basis of a acknowledge that he did, though they Suchasnist, a literary journal associated Zvarych had studied at Columbia doctor’s thesis,” Mr. Zvarych said. contained mistakes and some parts of the with the Dviykari, an ideological spin-off University, and The Ukrainian Weekly In his Who’s Who entries since 1998, forms were not in his handwriting. from the Ukrainian nationalist move- has previously reported that Mr. Zvarych Mr. Zvarych has also claimed he was an When similarly confronted about his ment. However, Dr. Kuzio said he him- attended Columbia University between assistant professor at Columbia University Who’s Who forms on Channel 5 televi- self was never a Dviykar. the fall of 1976 and the spring of 1978. between 1981 and 1983. An assistant pro- sion on May 10, Mr. Zvarych acknowl- Dr. Kuzio has been critical of Mr. The Weekly also confirmed that Mr. fessorship is a tenure-track position that edged that his 2003 form bore his signa- Zvarych’s conduct. On April 29, Zvarych earned a bachelor’s degree from requires completion of a doctorate diploma. ture, but claimed that someone had Ukrayinska Pravda ran an opinion piece Manhattan College in 1976. The same claim was made until late included false information after he signed written by Dr. Kuzio in which he states The enterprising Ukrainian Internet news April on the official website of the Cabinet the document. that the Zvarych scandal has already cast a site Ukrayinska Pravda broke the scandal on of Ministers of Ukraine, where it was writ- This remark drew a sharp response negative image of Ukraine internationally. April 14, when it first reported that Mr. ten: “In 1891 [sic] graduated form [sic] from the Who’s Who editors, who Mr. Zvarych’s claim to have a degree Zvarych had lied on his official biography Columbia University (New York), philos- staunchly defended the reliability of their equal to that of a master’s is an insult to posted on the Cabinet of Ministers website. ophy faculty. Ph.D. thesis ‘Ontological publications. “The utmost proper treat- anyone who’s actually invested time and As it turns out, the Ukrainian govern- bases of Plato ethics’ (1981). 1981-1983 – ment of sources has insured our work money into completing an actual master’s ment pays KIS for biographical informa- Assistant Professor of Philosophy in since 1991, the beginning of work on our degree, Dr. Kuzio commented. tion posted on its websites, and included Columbia University. 1983 to 1991 – reference book,” read a statement “Instead of accepting guilt, he’s done in its Intranet system to which Cabinet of Professor in New York University.” released by KIS. the same thing the Kuchmites have done Ministers and Verkhovna Rada employ- Recently, however, all information related Editors change biographies only when and claim there’s a conspiracy against ees have access to, said Yurii Marchenko, to Mr. Zvarych’s education and academic adding information from official sources him,” Dr. Kuzio told The Weekly. “That is the director of KIS. career has been deleted from the site. such as campaign fliers or government not a good sign for the new government. KIS received its biographical informa- Mr. Zvarych backed off his claims about sources, Mr. Marchenko told The It’s the same tactics as in the Kuchma era.” tion directly from Mr. Zvarych, who being a professor in his interview with The Weekly, but they never subtract or When asked whether he had discussed completed three Who’s Who profile Weekly: “I didn’t have a title. I was an change information. the possibility of resignation with Mr. forms and signed one of them, he said. assistant. I had the possibility for seven or Instead of acknowledging his deceit, Yushchenko, Mr. Zvarych said he is pre- Mr. Zvarych completed and submitted eight years of delivering lectures. This Mr. Zvarych blamed what he described as pared to do so if either the president or three biographical forms for Who’s Who: wasn’t paid work. This was simply schol- warring factions in the Ukrainian diaspo- Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko deter- the first in 1994, the second form some- arly satisfaction that I gained for the schol- ra for his most recent scandal, leaving mine that he is unqualified to serve. He time between October 1997 and February arly preparation at Columbia University many Ukrainian journalists scratching 1998 and the third form in June 2003. for my goal, which was the doctorate.” their heads in skepticism. (Continued on page 13) No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 13


Caving any caver has ventured below ground, Irina Slutskaya took first place with a cer star who’s played the past seven sea- according to the BBC. score of 222.71, and Italy’s Carolina sons in the U.S.-based Major Soccer A team of Ukrainian spelunkers (cave The team christened the chamber Kostner took third place with a score of League, made his season debut with D.C. explorers) set a new record for the deep- Game Over. But the group now wants to 200.56. United after missing five MLS games as est descent into a cave. The nine-strong return to the cave to see whether it leads well as four Champions’ Cup matches group traveled 2,080 meters (6,822 feet) Biathlon even deeper, the BBC reported. because of a broken foot. underground, passing the elusive 2,000- Ukraine’s Andrii Deryzemlia took sec- “It was good for me to get a few min- meter mark while in a cavern at Krubera, Ice hockey utes,” Kovalenko said, according to the the world’s deepest known cave located ond place in the men’s 12.5-kilometer Ukraine was ousted from the qualifica- pursuit at a World Cup event in Khanty- Washington Post. “I was excited, the fans in Georgia’s Caucus Mountains. were excited and it was nice to be able to The May 2005 issue of National tion round of the 2005 International Ice Mansiysk, Russia, on March 15-19. Hockey Federation World Championship, Norway’s Ole Einar Bjoerndalen finished help the guys again.” Geographic features a story on the team Kovalenko, a Ukrainian-born mid- and their expedition. The team, a part of finishing in sixth place in its group of six first, while Poland’s Tomasz Sikora took teams that included Latvia, as well as third place. Ukrainians Oleksander fielder, didn’t expect to be available until the Ukrainian Speleological Association’s May 21. But the bone on the outside of Call of the Abyss project, was sponsored perennial powerhouses Sweden, Canada, Bilanenko, Viacheslav Derkach and Finland and the United States. Ruslan Lysenko came in at 16th, 30th his right foot made steady improvement by the National Geographic Society, and and he was able to rejoin United for full was part of a four-year project that made Ukraine finished the tournament with and 46th, respectively. one point, which it earned after tying the Deryzemlia of Ukraine took 10th place training sessions in recent weeks. breaking the 2,000-meter mark its goal. “I don’t think Dema is ready for 90 By blasting open tight passages, cavers United States 1-1. Starting goaltender in the men’s 10-kilometer sprint, while Konstyantyn Simchuk was credited with Germany’s Sven Fischer took first place. minutes right now,” United Coach Peter revealed long corridors descending deep- Nowak told the Washington Post. “He’s er and deeper in Krubera, a cave set in a stellar performance in keeping the Oleg Ryzhenkov of Belarus took second game tight. place, and Norway’s Halvard Hanevold still coming back and it was nice to give Georgia’s breakaway, mountainous him some minutes, but it’s going to be region of Abkhazia. Ukraine lost both of its other games: took third place. Ukrainians Derkach, 3-0 to Latvia and 2-1 to Canada, though Bilanenko and Lysenko came in at 18th, another week to 10 days for him to get “Even now, we don’t know whether his fitness back. ... He always competes, we’ve reached the limit – or if it will go it took a late third-period goal on the 20th and 37th, respectively. power play for Canada to beat Ukraine. Ukraine’s team of Derkach, he always has his heart out there. I’m on. We’re pretty sure we’ll eventually go pretty happy with his progress.” Austria hosted the 16-team tournament Deryzemlia, Nina Lemesh and Oksana even lower,” said Alexander Klimchouk, Kovalenko, 27, had started almost the veteran caver who organized the mis- in the towns of Vienna and Innsbruck. Khvostenko took seventh place in the mixed 4x6-kilometer relay, while the every game in which he appeared since sion, according to the British Ice skating becoming a regular for Chicago in 2000. team from Russia took first place. Broadcasting Corp. (BBC). Last year, in his second season with Russia’s No. 2 team took second place in The expedition included a support Ukrainians Elena Hrushina and Ruslan United, he finished second on the team in the race, while Germany took third place. team of 56 cavers and six members of a Honcharov took third place in the ice assists with 10 and evolved into a ram- Khvostenko of Ukraine took 15th discovery team that had to negotiate ver- dancing competition at the 2005 World bunctious left-side midfielder after place in the women’s 12.5-kilometer tical drops and bursts of freezing water. Figure Skating Championships held in spending most of his time in Washington mass start, while Russia’s Olga Zaitseva During the descent, which took place Moscow on March 14-20. The pair as a defensive midfielder. His aggressive took first place. Germany’s Kati Wilhelm between August and September 2004, the earned a score of 213.95, while Russia’s play helped United win its fourth title in team was also forced to blast rubble from Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov took second place, and Russia’s Anna MLS’s nine-year history. tight passages so that they could move took first place with a score of 227.81. Bogaliy took third place. During this past offseason, however, deeper into the cave. Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Agosto of Boxing Kovalenko broke his foot while jogging In one instance, a flooded passage the United States took third place with a in Kyiv and underwent surgery upon his blocked the team’s progress. But col- score of 221.26. The Ukrainian pair of Volodymyr Klitschko knocked out return to the United States. leagues Denis Kurta and Dmitry Fedotov Yulia Holovina and Oleh Voiko took 21st Eliseo Castillo in the fourth round of their With the team’s ample depth in mid- squeezed through a narrow, 100-meter- place with a score of 213.95. bout in Dortmund, Germany, on April 23. field, Kovalenko acknowledged that it long passage, which successfully In the pairs figure skating competition, The win came by way of technical knock- would be difficult for him to reclaim a bypassed the flooded area. Ukraine’s Tatiana Volozhar and Stanislav out and was the first loss for the Cuban starting job, whether it’s on the left side In October, a team of nine cavers was Morozov took 10th place with a score of Castillo. Klitschko (44-3) dropped or in a disruptive central role. sent back to Krubera to pick up where the 156.38 and Russia’s Tatiana Totmianina Castillo with a jarring straight right with “It doesn’t matter if I played last year previous group left off. They examined and Maxim Marinin took first place with nine seconds left in the round, The New or if I played for five years,” Kovalenko unexplored leads in the cave’s lowest a score of 198.49. Maria Petrova and York Times reported. Castillo rose to his said. “Any player who comes in, whether section until they broke through to a new Alexei Tikhonov of Russia took second feet, but the referee stopped the fight. he’s been hurt or is a new player, it’s a series of passages and vertical pits. On place with a score of 188.21, while Dan Meanwhile, Volodymyr’s brother, challenge to prove yourself. You have to October 19, 2004, team leader Yuri Zhang and Hao Zhang of China took Vitalii Klitschko, the World Boxing be better than the guys playing right now. Kasjan dropped down to a lower chasm third place with a score of 180.22. Council title-holder, recently underwent I think it’s good for everyone because and discovered from his altimeter that he In the woman’s competition, Ukraine’s back surgery and is not scheduled to fight there’s always someone there to push the had passed 2,000 meters. Elena Liashenko took 10th place with a sooner than September of this year. starters. Time will show what’s going to More pits and passages brought the score of 174.18, while Ukrainian Soccer happen. I’m just going to work hard like I explorers to a sandy chamber at 2,080 American Sasha Cohen took second always do and hopefully I’ll get the meters (6,822 feet), the deepest to date place with a score of 214.39. Russia’s Dema Kovalenko, the Ukrainian soc- time.”

“being pinned against a wall,” he’s in a as a national deputy in Ukraine’s formity to European norms,” Mr. Zvarych sees... different world where the rules of fair Verkhovna Rada for six years, but also in Zvarych said. “To this day, I can say with (Continued from page 12) play have yet to evolve, said Mykhailo acting as a lawyer who won cases in court. full responsibility that I consider myself cast himself as a loyal servant of the Pohrebynskyi, the director of the Kyiv He referred to a court case that he an expert of European law.” Orange Revolution. Center for Political Research and spoke and won during the Orange During his press conference, Mr. “If you believe that Roman Zvarych is Conflict Studies. Revolution on behalf of President Zvarych also claimed, that when arriving fighting to stay in power, then believe me “The fact that he will stay in his posi- Yushchenko in which he argued against in Ukraine in 1991 he had the intention it’s far from that,” Mr. Zvarych said. “I tion, and that he will possibly remain the creation of 460 voting districts in the of leading an academic career, but then am simply following orders from the after this accusation reveals that we are Russian Federation. was “dragged into politics.” He said he president of Ukraine. If the president of still far from those norms that the new He also cited a court case in which he never fought to attain political power. Ukraine ordered me to be a policeman in government is calling for,” Mr. helped defend a large family with many “When I was 15 years old, I took an a certain district, then I would do that.” Pohrebynskyi said. “(The government) is children from eviction. oath, which came down to one thing: ‘You The day after Mr. Zvarych’s press con- not new, but just a particular reincarna- Ukraine has no equivalent of a bar will achieve Ukrainian statehood or you ference, Ms. Tymoshenko said that Mr. tion of the old government with the old association, and there are no necessary will die fighting for it,’ ” Mr. Zvarych Zvarych “gave absolutely exhaustive rules of life.” exams or licenses in order to practice law. said. “I’ve lived my whole life according answers to all questions.” Reporters also questioned whether Mr. In his April 28 interview with The to this principle. Never in my worst President Yushchenko’s office, when Zvarych thought he was qualified to lead Weekly, Mr. Zvarych stressed other valu- dreams would I have imagined that, once I contacted by The Weekly on May 11 and Ukraine’s Justice Ministry, given that he able experience in developing Ukrainian finally achieved my goal and had the abili- 12, declined to comment on the matter. has no formal legal education and now jurisprudence, including his service on ty to work on behalf of my nation and for Ukraine’s political experts were divid- that it is apparent he has completed only the Verkhovna Rada’s Committee on the betterment of national interests, which ed as to whether they believed Mr. a bachelor’s degree. Legal Reform, a temporary parliamentary I could only dream of in the diaspora, that Zvarych should resign. In his defense, Mr. Zvarych pointed subcommittee that developed on all this would come back against me.” Those recommending that he resign out that he never claimed to have a for- Ukraine’s Civil Code and his tenure as Mr. Zvarych said that every revolution said he should do so because of the dam- mal legal education, a fact that Mr. vice-chairman of the Rada’s Committee in history required a sacrifice, and it was age he’s done to the new leadership’s Yushchenko was well aware of when on European Integration. possible that he would fill that role for image. Resigning would spare any fur- appointing him as justice minister. “All bills that were to be considered the Orange Revolution. ther discreditation or distrust, they said. Mr. Zvarych stressed that he had gained by the Verkhovna Rada were supposed to He said that no one can take away While Mr. Zvarych is from the West, adequate knowledge of Ukrainian have gone through this committee, which what he has: “What do I have? First of where he would have to resign after jurisprudence not only during his service would issue a conclusion as to its con- all, my conscience.” 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20 Edward Evanko’s new journey – as a Ukrainian Catholic priest by Christopher Guly His career took off when he returned to North Special to The Ukrainian Weekly America in the late ‘60s. He hosted his own national weekly television variety OTTAWA – Over a career that has spanned four series, “The Ed Evanko Show” on the Canadian decades and included appearances in Broadway musi- Broadcasting Corp. (CBC) English network out of cals (“The Music Man,” “A Little Night Music”) and in Winnipeg for one season. such Shakespearean classics as “Richard II” and “King He appeared in over 200 musicals in Canada, the Lear” at Canada’s prestigious Stratford Festival, U.S. (including on Broadway) and Japan. Edward Danylo Evanko loved a good story that featured He recorded Broadway cast albums for Capitol the occasional twist in the plotline. Records and RCA Records, a pop album for Decca and But he never expected that his life would imitate art. two albums featuring Ukrainian songs. Next month, the 66-year-old Winnipeg-born son of He twice performed for the Queen and once for the Ukrainian immigrants will return to his hometown Queen Mother. parish, Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, In 1982, he traveled to Ukraine and appeared as a in the city’s working-class, multicultural North End dis- trict, where he was baptized and where he received his guest artist with the Winnipeg-based Oleksander first holy communion. Koshetz Choir. This time, and now sporting a salt-and-pepper beard, More recently, he had roles in such movies as he will go there to receive another sacrament when “Double Jeopardy” and in several TV series, including Metropolitan Michael Bzdel, Winnipeg’s Ukrainian “Chicago Hope” and “3rd Rock from the Sun.” Catholic archeparch, will bestow on him the holy orders In 1997, Mr. Evanko moved to Vancouver. He got and ordain him a deacon. some acting jobs on Canadian-made TV shows (“Outer Less than two months later – on August 6 – Mr. Limits,” “Cold Squad” “La Femme Nikita”) and taught Evanko will return to the church, lay prostrate before acting. the archbishop and be ordained a priest in the Winnipeg He also became an active parishioner of Vancouver’s Archeparchy. Roman Catholic Holy Rosary Cathedral where he Among the friends invited to the ceremony: actress would read scripture during Sunday mass – and where Edward Danylo Evanko Ann Blyth, who earned an Academy Award nomination his life would take a dramatic turn in 2001. for her supporting role in the 1945 film, “Mildred “I was at an Easter Sunday brunch and the associate wouldn’t last long. Pierce.” pastor came up to me and said, ‘Edward, have you ever After visiting the Ukrainian Catholic Basilian As a rookie clergyman, the new Father Edward will thought about the priesthood?’ ” explained Mr. Evanko. monastery in Rome, he discovered his vocation was serve as pastor of two rural parishes in the southwest “I said, ‘When I was an altar boy.’ He then said, ‘You pulling him in another direction. Manitoba communities of Rossburn and Russell, both only need say the word and you can be in Rome this fall “When I started singing vespers with the priests and of which he has never visited before. But he does studying for the priesthood.’ I burst into tears and then brothers, I had this incredible feeling. I thought, ‘Oh my know each is located about a three-hour drive from said: ‘You know, you’re absolutely right. That’s what I gosh, I’m not Roman Catholic. I’m Ukrainian Catholic! Winnipeg – and a world away from the bright lights of must do.’ I didn’t even say, ‘Give me a day or a week to What am I doing here?’ Having grown up in a western- London, New York and Los Angeles, cities he once think about this.’ It was like this door opened that I did- ized Ukrainian Catholic church in Winnipeg, the differ- called home. n’t even know was there.” ence between the two never struck me before until “How are you gonna keep them down on the farm That autumn, Mr. Evanko was on the path to priest- then,” he noted. when they’ve seen Pa-ree?” jokes Mr. Evanko when he hood when he enrolled at Pontificio Collegio Beda in So he contacted Metropolitan Stefan Soroka, the recalls a concern some of his superiors may have had Rome as a Roman Catholic seminarian for the Ukrainian Catholic archeparch of Philadelphia, and was during his recent time as a seminarian. Vancouver archdiocese. accepted in 2002 as a Ukrainian Catholic seminarian at Not that long ago, he might have felt the same way, “It was not easy at all,” recalled Mr. Evanko. “I felt St. Josaphat Seminary in Washington, where he also considering the success he enjoyed in show business. like the rich young man in the Gospel who’s told to get attended Catholic University of America. After studying at the renowned Bristol Old Vic rid of everything.” But it still wasn’t quite the right fit. Theatre School in the early 1960s, Mr. Evanko landed The following Easter Sunday he sang in a choir at a Mr. Evanko wanted to be a priest in Canada – ideally spots as a tenor with Benjamin Britten’s English Opera mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s attached to the Winnipeg Archeparchy. Company and the Welsh National Opera, and received a Basilica. three-year contract with the BBC Singers. However, Mr. Evanko’s time in the Eternal City (Continued on page 20) Rector of Ukrainian Catholic University completes spring visit to U.S.

by Matthew Matuszak “These trips have three purposes,” Legatus, an organization for Catholic Mr. Kurey. “In the fall, we’ll be visiting explained Mr. Kurey. “To thank donors business professionals, hosted a talk by major cities, such as New York, Chicago, CHICAGO – The Rev. Borys for their support, to update donors on the the Rev. Gudziak on “The Presidential Philadelphia and Parma.” Gudziak, rector of the Ukrainian Catholic good works their donations are making Election in Ukraine and the Catholic The Catholic University of America in University (UCU), recently completed a possible at the Ukrainian Catholic Church,” at St. Maximilian Kolbe Washington hosted the rector on April 7. whirlwind tour of Toronto, Los Angeles, University, and to invite people to get Catholic Church in Westlake Village, St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church Florida, Washington, Baltimore and involved in the developing miracle that is Calif., on April 1. and Selfreliance Baltimore Federal Detroit. He crisscrossed North America the Ukrainian Catholic University.” In Los Angeles on April 2 and 3, the Credit Union welcomed the Rev. from March 29 to April 11. Consequently, the Rev. Gudziak met Rev. Gudziak visited the local Ridna Gudziak to Baltimore on April 8. “We were overwhelmed by the out- with many old friends and made many Skhola (Ukrainian Studies school), Plast On April 9 Rev. Gudziak visited the pouring of support from people every- new ones. The Ukrainian community Ukrainian Scouting Organization, and Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, where we went,” said John F. Kurey, continues to support the UCU and the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mich., and the next day he celebrated president of the Ukrainian Catholic Rev. Gudziak, and Roman Catholics are Ukrainian Catholic Church. divine liturgy at Our Lady of Perpetual Education Foundation (UCEF). joining the cause as well. Though recent events in Rome have, Help Ukrainian Catholic Church in near- understandably, received much attention by Dearborn Heights. “We were inspired in Ukraine as elsewhere, the Ukrainian by the dedication of the local clergy to Catholic hierarchy has made the universi- supporting the Ukrainian Catholic ty a priority concern. “I spoke with Education Foundation,” said Mr. Kurey. Blazhennyshyi Lubomyr [Husar] a few “The priests in every parish we visited days before Father Borys arrived to dis- devoted themselves ceaselessly to mak- cuss the trip with him,” said Mr. Kurey. ing Father Borys’ visit a success. I am so “His Beatitude encouraged me to take the grateful to them for their help.” UCEF’s message to every part of After some private meetings in New America, because the Ukrainian Catholic York on April 11, the Rev. Gudziak flew University is such an important institution back to Ukraine to attend an international and it desperately needs help. I promised conference on theology hosted by the Mr. Blazhennyshyi that we would do just Ukrainian Catholic University. that. Mr. Blazhennyshyi also asked me to For further information on future extend his thanks to our supporters for tours, and the UCU in general, readers supporting the UCEF and the Ukrainian should contact the Ukrainian Catholic Catholic University. His Beatitude is Education Foundation, 2247 W. Chicago 1,000 percent supportive of our efforts and Ave., Chicago, IL 60622; phone, (773) I am very grateful to him for his support.” 235-8462; e-mail, [email protected]; web- Ukrainian parishes in St. Petersburg site, and North Port, Fla., were the Rev. The Rev. Gudziak will be returning to Father Borys Gudziak, rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University (center), Gudziak’s next “port of call,” from April the U.S. in November and visiting the speaks with John Palance, brother of actor Jack, and his wife, Rita, during his 4 to 7. “Father Borys focused on visiting following cities: New York, Philadelphia, recent trip to Los Angeles. smaller communities this spring,” said Chicago, Detroit and Parma, Ohio. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 15

Victor Morozov of Ne Zhurys fame continues to promote the Ukrainian language by Yaro Bihun His initial plan was to produce a in record time. Special to The Ukrainian Weekly Ukrainian translation before the Russian “When my friends ask me now if I version was published, so that even in plan to beat the Russians again, I tell WASHINGTON – When Ukraine’s the Russian-speaking eastern areas of them – jokingly, of course – that this popular bard Victor Morozov was per- Ukraine, children would demand to read time we want to beat out the original forming with the Ne Zhurys (Don’t it. English.” Worry) ensemble in the waning years of Unfortunately, it took a whole year to He expects the first printing of the the Soviet Union, one of the many songs get a publisher (A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA- next Potter book to be, like the previous in their repertoire that must have given HA) and still another year to lock in volume, around 60,000 copies. Gorbachev’s “glasnost” censors heart- translation rights. By that time, the first Unlike the Russian Harry Potter trans- burn was “Viddaite Movu” (Give Us four books had already been published in lation effort which last year used three Back Our Language). English and in Russian. “So we had to translators, Mr. Morozov works alone. The song’s refrain demanded the play catch-up,” he said, and it paid off. He tried sharing the work with another return of the Ukrainian language, long He published the first four and, as the top-notch translator in an earlier edition, suppressed in favor of Russian under fifth book, “Harry Potter and the Order but that resulted in more work in the Soviet rule, to its rightful place in of Phoenix,” was about to come out, he editing phase in order to blend the two Ukraine. isolated himself from all interruptions translations into a unified whole. That was in 1989. After independence, and distractions, and completed the His publisher, A-BA-BA-HA-LA- Ukrainian became the official language translation of the 800-page tome in less MA-HA, is considered the leader in of Ukraine, but few would maintain than two months. high-quality children’s literature. today that the battle has been won. It was the first translation of the book Established in the early 1990s by poet Russian continues to dominate in the in Europe, which was an honor, he said, Ivan Malkovych, it was the first private country’s media, cinema and book pub- but, better still, it beat the Russian trans- publishing house in Ukraine. lishing, and in just about everything in lation by three months. “And that was If the Harry Potter project is not the eastern and southern regions of the very important, because when the chil- enough work for Mr. Morozov for the country. The cover of the Ukrainian translation Five years ago, Victor (he uses the of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Anglicized spelling) Morozov rejoined Phoenix.” this fight. This time not with his voice and guitar, however, but with a computer Mr. Morozov still performs – he and his knowledge of English, which had appeared at the Shevchenko monument been his major in Lviv University many rally during the Washington visit by years ago. He began translating popular Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko children’s literature into Ukrainian and in April and just last Sunday was sched- getting Ukrainian children hooked on uled to sing at the annual Lviv city festi- reading in their mother tongue. val – but his translations now demand Run-of-the-mill children’s books equal, if not more, of his time. wouldn’t achieve much, of course, but J. He talked about his life as a singer and K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series cer- translator in an interview for The tainly would. And it did. In a country Ukrainian Weekly while visiting where a Ukrainian-language book selling Washington. 5,000 copies is considered a bestseller, The idea of translating the Harry Mr. Morozov’s translations of the first Potter books into Ukrainian came to him five Harry Potter books together have when he was in Canada in 2000 and wit- sold 300,000. nessed first-hand the Harry Potter mania It wasn’t easy at first, he admits, but the in the West. At that time, he said, there series has taken on a life of its own, and were precious few books being published the youngsters’ appetite for the next book, in Ukrainian that children found interest- while maybe not as exaggerated as it is in ing. A Ukrainian Harry Potter, he the West, is astonishing and growing. thought, would do it.

A poster from the 1989 Ne Zhurys U.S. tour. Victor Morozov is seen on the bottom left.

dren in Ukraine began looking in earnest next few months, he found for himself for a translation, they were able to get another book project which is due at their hands on the Ukrainian and not the about the same time. The film, “Charlie Russian version.” and the Chocolate Factory,” based on the Furthermore, he added, it helped in children’s classic by Roald Dahl, is also the sale of the previous editions of his due to be released in mid-July. Even Potter translations. Many children, though Ukrainian children will probably including those in central and eastern see the movie dubbed in Russian, as is Ukraine, liked his fifth translation so the normal practice in Ukraine, thanks to much that they wanted to read his previ- Mr. Morozov and his publisher, if they ous Potter volumes. then would like to read the book, it will “It may not have been a huge victory, be ready for them – in Ukrainian. but it was a victory for the Ukrainian Mr. Morozov does not limit his trans- language nonetheless,” he said. lating work to children’s books. Indeed, He credits the Harry Potter series for before taking on Harry Potter, he trans- raising the interest of children in reading lated three books by Paulo Coelho and books, after years of being distracted by one by Benedict Anderson. computer games and television. During the interview in Washington, Mr. Morozov also described those heady “Without a doubt, Harry Potter is the pre-independence years of performing most popular book among children,” he with Ne Zhurys. said. “Despite its length and lack of illus- The problems were immense, he said. trations, they read it and they can’t wait The Communist Party was still in charge, for the next installment to come out.” the KGB was keeping a close watch on And that will be in mid-July. So now everything. The programs of all concerts he is preparing to go into seclusion once Victor Morozov visited the Shevchenko monument in Washington. again in order to get that translation out (Continued on page 19) 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

Yushchenko’s first 100... CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS (Continued from page 3) TO PLACE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI, (973) 292-9800 x 3040 anticipation of a Verkhovna Rada vote. Though the bill was read in the Rada, deputies did not pass the entire bill, cit- SERVICES MERCHANDISE Are you looking for a gift? ing its failure to take into account the Visit to find a gift for inability of domestic manufacturers and everyone for any occasion: producers to compete with certain FIRST QUALITY original woodworks - jewelry boxes, imported goods, especially meat. decorative plates, crosses, vases, Easter eggs UKRAINIAN TRADITIONAL-STYLE and much more! Instead, they settled for certain amend- ments that allowed lower duties on fruit MONUMENTS and vegetables not grown in Ukraine, SERVING NY/NJ/CT REGION CEMETERIES clothes, shoes and cellular phones. OBLAST These amendments have provided the WEST2282 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ARKA Ont., Canada M6S 1N9 foundation and support for the new MEMORIALS “Smuggling Stop!” program already P.O. BOX 746 Fine Gifts implemented. Chester, NY 10918 Authentic Ukrainian Handicrafts At an April 27 Cabinet of Ministers 845-469-4247 Art, Books, CDs, Ceramics Andrew R. CHORNY meeting, Ms. Tymoshenko said about BILINGUAL HOME APPOINTMENTS Embroidered Goods and Supplies Manager $257 million was added to the budget Gold Jewelery, Icons, Magazines Newspapers, Pysankas and Supplies during the first quarter of this year due to All Services to Ukraine, Mail-orders the “Smuggling Stop!” program, calling Ukrainian Book Store this a real breakthrough. Largest selection of Ukrainian books, dance supplies, Easter egg supplies, music, icons, Tel.: (416) 762-8751 Fax: (416) 767-6839 Some experts believe that many busi- greeting cards, giftwear, and much more. e-mail: [email protected] nessmen who import goods into the Ukrainian market will not cut prices in 10215-97st response to reduced duties, but keep the Edmonton, AB T5J 2N9 PROFESSIONALS éëàè ÉÄÇêàãûä higher difference instead. èðÓÙÂÒ¥ÈÌËÈ ÔðÓ‰‡‚ˆ¸ Toll free: 1-866-422-4255 Á‡·ÂÁÔ˜ÂÌÌfl ìçë The bribery system will continue, even after the initial amendments imple- JOSEPH HAWRYLUK Licensed Agent mented in the Customs Code, said Apon Record Company, Inc. Oleksander Baranovskyi, a leading Ukrainian National Ass’n, Inc. P.O. Box 3082, Long Island City, NY 11103 LAW OFFICIES OF expert at the Razumkov Center for Tel. 718-721-5599 ZENON B. MASNYJ, ESQ. 79 Southridge Drive, West Seneca, NY 14224-4442 Visit us at: Since 1983 Economic and Political Studies. Tel.:(716) 674-5185, Fax: (716) 675-2238 “If you reduce import duties, that • Serious Personal Injury E-mail:[email protected] New VHS History of Ukraine • Real Estate/Coop Closings doesn’t mean the situation will change • Business Representation immediately,” he said. “We need time for The Swearing-in and the Inaugural • Securities Arbitration it to start working.” Speech of the Ukrainian President • Divorces FATA MORGANA • Wills & Probate Viktor Yushchenko 157 SECOND AVENUE Music for all your music needs Weddings, Zabavas, VHS APON -2008, 2 hrs 20 min, Concerts, Festivals and Private Parties NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10003 Contact Oleksij (609) 747-1382 or email us at price $35.00 incl. postage (212) 477-3002 The first 100 days... [email protected] (By Appointment Only) (Continued from page 3) Visit our website: The Orange Revolution in Ukraine ings and that his presence is rarely APON -2009, 1 hr 20 min., missed. price $28.00 incl. postage. CARDIOLOGIST President Yushchenko himself has concentrated on foreign affairs during his Inaugural Concert Petro Lenchur, MD, FACC first 100 days in office. His visit to the APON -2010, 1 hr 20 min., Board Certified: United States was considered a glowing price $28.00 incl. postage. Cardiovascular success, considering that while he was Disease, addressing Congress, Ukrainian troops With every video purchased, you'll get Interventional, were being pulled out of Iraq. a free Apon audio cassette. Nuclear Cardiology, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Internal Medicine visit to Kyiv in March, although not regarded as a major step in Ukrainian- The only Ukrainian-speaking Interventional Russian reconciliation after Mr. Putin’s Cardiologist in NY and NJ. The A SPECIAL OFFER: blatant support for Viktor Yanukovych Volumes I and II of In-office cardiac testing at two convenient during the election campaign, nonethe- LUNA BAND locations: less helped to ease tensions. Music for weddings, zabavas, “The Ukrainian Weekly 2000” Mr. Yushchenko’s trip to Ashgabat in festivals, anniversary celebrations. 776 E. Third Ave. 1432 Hylan Blvd. March to discuss natural-gas deliveries OLES KUZYSZYN phone/fax: (732) 636-5406 and “Ukraine Lives!” Roselle, NJ 07203 Staten Island, NY 10305 and his reported success in convincing e-mail: [email protected] (908) 241-5545 (718) 351-9292 Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov FOR ONLY $30! to sign a long-term gas supply agreement with Ukraine can also be viewed as a ECONOMY AIIRFARES JOB OPPORTUNITY positive achievement. + tax Mr. Yushchenko’s goal of NATO Lviv/Odesa $675 (round trip) membership for Ukraine advanced dur- + tax Mechanic-Sheet metal installer, 7 years ing the alliance’s meeting in Lithuania in one way $480 (round trip) + tax experience minimum, for air conditioning April, where the door was opened for (round trip) Ukraine’s eventual membership. Kyiv $549+ tax contractor in LIC/NY, $15/hour. one way round trip) When taking into consideration that in $380 Drivers License, good English. Ukraine there is no transition period for a Fregata Travel Call (347) 219-0059. new government to familiarize itself with 250 West 57 Street, #1211 the workload of its predecessor, an over- New York, NY 10107 “The Ukrainian Weekly 2000” is a Tel.: 212-541-5707 Fax: 212-262-3220 two-volume collection of the best sight that can lead to a chaotic beginning * Restrictions apply HVAC mechanic in LIC/NY: for any government, the Yushchenko- and most significant stories that Air conditioning, pipe fitter, boiler, Tymoshenko team has not fared poorly. have appeared in the newspaper refrigeration, controls The first 100 days saw a certain since its founding through 1999. IKO Productions 7 years experience minimum, good English. amount of hurried and contradictory Call (347) 219-0059. statements by new ministers and one, in - Sound Systems “Ukraine Lives!” transports readers particular Prime Minister for - Audio/Visual Solutions back to the time of perebudova and Humanitarian Affairs , the independence regained in 1991, - Lighting FOR RENT has been criticized in the press for being - Disc Jockey Service and gives an overview of the first too vocal about matters that do not con- decade of life in newly independent cern his portfolio. Despite this, the over- (586) 558-8876 Ukraine. all performance of the new government 3 Bedroom apt. in private home has to be seen as more than satisfactory in Jersey City, N.J. To order copies of all three unique and earns at least a “B” if not higher. Kitchen, living and dining rooms. Minutes books, please call (973) 292-9800, President Yushchenko earns an “A-,” Insure and be sure. from New York City and which could have been an “A+” were it ext. 3042. Join the UNA! close to transportation and shopping. not for his old habit of promising more Call Olga (201) 795-2189 than he is prepared to deliver at times. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 17

Russia centrists. Russia, like the CIS Moscow continues... Election Observation Missions (EOM), (Continued from page 2) supports and intervenes on behalf of Kobzar Society receives grant Election Commission Chairman Serhii fraudulent elections and authoritarian Kivalov, former Interior Minister Mykola regimes. In return, Moscow expects to be rewarded with property rights. from Maria Hulai-Lion Foundation Bilokin, former Sumy Oblast Chairman LEHIGHTON, Pa. – The Kobzar the people at the grass-root level. In an interview in Strategiya Rosii, Volodymyr Shcherban, and former Odessa Society, a 501 (c) 3 charitable corpora- To date, the Kobzar Society has deliv- Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Mayor Ruslan Bodelan now live in the tion that provides computer technology ered, as humanitarian aid free-of-charge Ivanov picks up Mr. Yanukovych’s theme Russian capital (Ukrayinska Pravda, May to youth in Ukraine, recently announced to the recipient, over 500 late-model of not recognizing the defeat of pro- 4). Mr. Bilokin is reportedly “often seen that it has received a grant of $30,000 refurbished computers to over 100 educa- Russia centrists through democratic revo- together with Kurochkin and with Bakay” from the Maria Hulai-Lion Foundation of tional institutions throughout Ukraine. lutions. Nevertheless, he, like Mr. in Moscow (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 5). Brooklyn, N.Y. These computers were placed in schools Yanukovych, realizes that Moscow must Russia has long provided citizenship Orest J. Hanas, president and co- (public-, church- or synagogue-based), deal with the newly elected authorities. founder of Kobzar Society, together with libraries, hospitals, cultural and volun- to nationals living in separatist enclaves Mr. Ivanov describes all three revolutions directors Eugene Mychajliw and Stefan teer-based organizations affecting many such as the Transdniester and Abkhazia. from a legal viewpoint as having been Reshetylo, with profound gratitude thousands of Ukraine’s young to prepare Now it is giving Russian citizenship to undertaken in an “unconstitutional and accepted the grant from Volodymyr them for the tasks of building a free, individuals fleeing from criminal justice. non-democratic manner” (Ukrayinska Maychenko and Sergey Davidenko, two prosperous and democratic state. Moscow regards these people as a “per- Pravda, May 4). He remains “skeptical” directors of Maria Hulai-Lion Using the funds received from the secuted opposition.” Russia has even that these three revolutions can be Foundation. Maria Hulai-Lion Foundation, the placed a draft resolution condemning described as the “victory of democracy.” This “princely” grant, in conjunction Kobzar Society already dispatched 10 “repression” against the opposition in Specifically, he asks, “Please explain with other donations, will sponsor a num- computers to Ivano-Frankivsk and 13 Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan before how is it possible that democracy has tri- ber of computer learning centers at computers are destined for the Parliamentary Assembly of the umphed if the basic principles of democ- schools, orphanages and other non-gov- Primary/Secondary School No. 4 in the Council of Europe. racy have been infringed in the attain- ernmental institutions throughout city of Periatyn, Poltava Oblast. According to the head of the State ment of this victory?” (Ukrayinska Ukraine. Recent elections in Ukraine Tax-deductible donations may be sent ’s Committee on International Pravda, May 4). proved that the computers and Internet to Kobzar Society, P.O. Box 37, Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, “We are Free elections, according to Messrs. Lehighton, PA 18235. Readers may visit concerned by the decisions of the Yanukovych and Ivanov, and the CIS are powerful instruments used to advance Ukrainian authorities directed towards observer missions, are evaluated on the causes of freedom, foster democracy the website for pressuring the opposition that lost the elec- whether or not pro-Russian centrists or and free-market commerce and empower more details. tions and their attempts at taking revenge neo-Soviet forces win, regardless of the upon them” (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 3). means used to attain these ends. UKRAINIAN BUILDERS OF CUSTOM HOMES Following this line of reasoning, Mr. Consequently, they believe that protests WEST COAST OF FLORIDA Yanukovych recognizes the newly elect- against electoral fraud are illegitimate and ed authorities in Kyiv but does not accept should be dealt with by the use of force. TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT CORP. his defeat in 2004. He believes that the Former Polish President Lech Walesa • Over 25 years of building experience Ukrainian Constitution and legislation recently revealed to The Observer (May • Bilingual were violated in December 2004, when 1) that Mr. Yanukovych had ordered • Fully insured and bonded the run-off election was repeated and Mr. Internal Affairs Ministry troops to • Build on your lot or ours Yushchenko won. Despite massive evi- advance against the Orange Revolution • Highest quality workmanship dence to the contrary, Mr. Yanukovych last November and December. Violence denies that he himself was involved in and a civil war were averted only when Ihor W. Hron, President Lou Luzniak, Executive V.P. any election fraud (Ukrayinska Pravda, the Ukrainian military intervened in (941) 270-2411 (941) 270-2413 April 26). defense of protestors. Zenon Luzniak, General Contractor Russia’s support for the “opposition” So long as Moscow insists that suspect Serving North Port, Venice, South Venice and area in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan is no elections were conducted in a “free and fair coincidence, as all three have experi- manner,” Russia and the West will remain enced revolutions that removed pro- at odds over this fundamental issue.

The contentious dispute realistically Belarus triggers... was a minor tempest. The detained pro- (Continued from page 2) testers are now banned from returning to The Ukrainians, however, were forced Belarus for five years. The president of to serve out the terms of their detention, Belarus, meanwhile, was not even in despite angry protests from Ukraine’s Miensk on April 26, as he had begun his usual “working visit” to the contaminated Foreign Affairs Ministry. Ukrainian regions of Homiel and Vetka (Mienskiy Foreign Affairs Minister Borys Tarasyuk Kurier, April 28). Belarus is reportedly maintained that Belarus was applying spending over $13 million in 2005 to double standards, ignoring requests for rehabilitate farmland in contaminated the release of its citizens from Ukraine, areas, a program that began in 2002, with while acquiescing to similar demands some of the locally produced foodstuffs from Russia. Mr. Tarasyuk recalled that (butter, cheese, milk and others) exported at a recent session of the U.N. to Russia (Belarus segodnya, April 26- Commission on Human Rights, Ukraine May 2). had voted for a resolution criticizing However, this controversial campaign Belarus for violations in this sphere is less relevant to the April 26 protests (Narodnaya Volya, May 5). than the political situation in Belarus, The Ukrainian Foreign Affairs which led to the arrival in Belarus of Ministry sent a note of protest to the activists from Russia and Ukraine. Belarusian authorities, pointing out that Plainly, also, the so-called Orange requests from representatives from the Revolution in Kyiv has caused consterna- Ukrainian Embassy in Miensk to see the tion among the Belarusian authorities, arrested citizens were rejected, which exacerbated by the recent pronouncement violated the 1963 Vienna Convention on of U.S. President George W. Bush that Consular Relations. The Ukrainian diplo- Belarus is the “last remaining dictator- mats were not even allowed to know the ship in Europe” and that the United HAVE YOU HEARD? PURCHASE A PREPAID names of the detained protesters States will work with countries in the (Narodnaya Volya, April 28). region to ensure that the next presidential 20-YEAR ENDOWMENT POLICY FROM The Ukrainians in question, including elections are “free” (Associated Press, a deputy of the Lutsk City Council, Ihor May 5). THE UNA FOR $2,287.26* AND I WILL RECEIVE Guz, who had been shouting “Today The harsh overreaction of official A CHECK FOR $5,000** JUST IN TIME FOR Ukraine, Tomorrow Belarus!” went on a Miensk to protesters from its neighbors is hunger strike to protest their treatment, a reflection of its fear of what has hap- MY COLLEGE EDUCATION. WHAT ARE YOU while the Belarusian authorities post- pened in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan over poned a court hearing scheduled for May the past five months. With an open bor- WAITING FOR? CALL THE UNA AT 1-800-253-9862 2 to hear an appeal from the detained der, there is little to prevent youth AND LET’S GET STARTED. Ukrainians (Charter 97, May 3). In Kyiv, activists in Russia and Ukraine from vis- the National Alliance set up at least 10 iting Belarus with impunity. They could tents near the Belarusian Embassy and provide a new impetus for the hard- * FOR AGES 0 THROUGH 3 1/2 YEARS OLD also created symbolic anti-tank barri- pressed Belarusian opposition and antag- ** MINIMUM FACE AMOUNT OF $5,000 cades with barbed wire (Narodnaya onize a regime that is now subject to Volya, May 6). unprecedented international attention. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20 No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 19


Austria in 1984, Poland, Latvia and Russia in 1987, Romania and Ukraine Memoirs of a choirmaster in 1989, Ukraine again in 1991, New Zealand and Australia in 1994, Spain in both instructive and interesting 1997, England in 1999, and Scotland, “Memoirs of the Ohio Boychoir (Or Everything You Should Want to Know About England and Canada in 2001. Being a Choirmaster)” by Alexander Musichuk. Published by the author, 2004; sec- Ukrainians would no doubt be ond edition, 2005. 151 pp. $12. interested in the book because of fine references to Ukraine, which include Ohio Boychoir is best remembered by Weekly during those years just before the two chapters of the choir’s visits. Ukrainians in America because of the inter- collapse of the Soviet Union. Ukrainian choir leaders might be est created by the choir’s concert tours to Director Musichuk retired last year at the interested in learning about Mr. Ukraine. Under the direction of Alexander age of 80 during the choir’s 13th year. He Musichuk’s experiences in the train- Musichuk, this fine community boychoir of has written a book, “Memoirs of the Ohio ing and development of the boys’ young Americans toured Ukraine in the Boychoir (Or Everything You Should Want unique voices. There has already summers of 1989 and 1991, while Ukraine to Know About Being a Choirmaster).” been much interest expressed by was still part of the Soviet Union. The second printing of the book is choral directors across America in The choir was one of the very first now available. Six chapters have been reaction to the first printing. groups to visit Ukraine after the cultural added, along with elaborations on exist- A special price of $12 is available exchange program was resumed by ing chapters. Two additional pictures to readers of The Ukrainian Weekly, Presidents Ronald Reagan and Mikhail have also been added. plus a $2 shipping and handling fee. Gorbachev. Their experiences in Ukraine The book chronicles the choir’s travels To order, readers may write to: were highly publicized by The Ukrainian around the globe: France, Germany and Alexander Musichuk, 8857 Elsmere Drive, Parma, OH 44130; telephone, (440) 884-6507. poser-performers, such as Mr. Morozov, Victor Morozov... Eduard Drach, the composer of “Viddaite (Continued from page 15) movu” who hailed from Kryvyi Rih, had to be approved by official censors. Marichka Burmaka in , the “And we started singing songs about kobzar Vasyl Zhdankin and others. Soviet stereotypes, about Kaganovich, “It was, so to speak, a musical form of among other things.” Their director, journalism. All one needed was a guitar Ostap Fedoryshyn, was constantly being and a newly written song which could be summoned to party headquarters, where performed immediately, without any spe- they would veto some of the things they cial arrangement.” planned to perform. He said that this musical form was “Still, there was this opening, similar, widespread and popular then “probably in a way, to what we went through and because the people were looking for the felt recently with the Orange truth at a time when lies permeated their Revolution,” Mr. Morozov said. “There society, and only the bards could provide was new energy coming up from within; them with the satire or historical songs one could feel that it was a time of long forbidden by the regime.” change. At the same time there was an All this was pre-independence, Mr. insecure feeling, because we didn’t know Morozov said. After independence, the how all of this would end.” cabaret and bard musical forms went into Mr. Morozov said that people would a decline, “as did most everything else.” tell them, “Guys, what are you doing? After independence, there were high They can put you away.” And they very hopes that life would quickly change for well could have, he said, because the old the better and that Ukraine would flour- “structures” were still there. ish – politically, economically, culturally. “But we went ahead anyway, sensing “But, after the initial burst of energy, that great changes were coming, and we crises would come up,” he said. “First it knew that a good way to rid the people of was economic, and then everything else their fear was through satire, jokes and went downhill.” laughter,” he said. “Pessimism set in and it affected most “Maybe that’s why Ne Zhurys became everything, including the bard movement so popular then. The people could shed and groups like Ne Zhurys. The people their shells of fear at our performances,” had had enough of satire; they became Mr. Morozov noted. more interested in survival,” he pointed Being a satirical cabaret theater, a out. genre with historical roots in Lviv, Ne Recalling those years as he looks at Zhurys was unique in Ukraine. But in the euphoria, new energy and hopes born other parts of the country, as well as in in the recent Orange Revolution, Mr. Lviv, much of that kind of work was also Morozov said he hopes that, this time, carried on by the “bards,” the poets-com- the people will not be disappointed. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

tion uniquely tailored to the traditions “If it’s done well with an eye and an be quite a challenge.” Edward Evanko’s... and rites of the Ukrainian Catholic ear to aesthetics and true prayerfulness, it No audition or rehearsal for a show he (Continued from page 14) Church. can have a galvanic effect where you previously endured compared to the Once again he was on the phone, this The veteran singer, actor and record- leave changed and somewhat trans- scrutiny he also faced as a seminarian. time to make his case before ing artist had finally hit the right notes formed as a result,” he noted. “You’re constantly evaluated on every- The thesis also had some personal sig- thing – from how you relate to the cook Metropolitan Bzdel and Winnipeg’s for the next phase of his life. He even managed to meld one of his lifelong pas- nificance for him and built on an earlier to how you conduct yourself in chapel,” Auxiliary Bishop David Motiuk. “We sions into his studies for a master of the- paper he had written titled “Transforming he said. “It’s been described to me as had a meeting,” explained Mr. Evanko, ology degree in Eastern Christian studies. the Toxic Seeds of Excessive Mourning boot camp. It’s a very humbling “but it wasn’t sort of, ‘Oh absolutely, (He had obtained a bachelor of arts into a Harvest of Peace and Joy.” process.” come on down.’ They got back to me.” degree in English literature from the Mr. Evanko’s mother, Justyna But Mr. Evanko was not unprepared Act III of this personal drama led to a University of Manitoba in Winnipeg in Dmytryk, died a week before his 13th for the grueling task of spiritual forma- denouement. 1959.) birthday. He never quite got over that tion. And for that, he has the theater to Archbishop Bzdel accepted Mr. For his master’s thesis, Mr. Evanko loss until he began his graduate studies at thank. “As an actor, you’re constantly Evanko as one of his seminarians and in chose to write about the “Byzantine- the Sheptytsky Institute and began having to assess yourself because you’re 2003 sent him to Holy Spirit Seminary Slav” funeral liturgy and the “facilitation researching the concept of “lype” (pro- the raw material for the parts you play in Ottawa, where he would also attend of therapeutic Christian grieving.” Not nounced lee-pay), the Greek word for and you can’t allow some personality the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky surprisingly, the paper focused on “excessive sadness” and one of the “eight trait of yours to go unexamined,” he Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at singing – “not only the singing we hear evil thoughts” or sins identified by the pointed out. St. Paul University – and unlike but the singing we take part in during a 4th century theologian Evagrios. Now, he prepares to take on the Catholic University – receive an educa- funeral liturgy,” he explained. “It was kind of a catharsis for me and biggest role of his life – albeit with a hint gave me a new understanding of what of familiarity, if not destiny. death is as not an ending, but the begin- Seventeen years ago at the Manitoba ning of eternal life,” explained Mr. Theater Center in Winnipeg, Mr. Evanko Evanko. was cast as a priest in “Tsymbaly,” a While shedding a pain dating back to story by Vancouver playwright Ted Galay childhood wasn’t easy, spending four about a fictional Ukrainian settlement in years in the fishbowl existence of semi- rural Manitoba. nary life was no less difficult, he said. “When the vestments arrived for the “There were times I kept thinking, ‘What play, I recognized them,” explained Mr. are you doing to yourself? This is so Evanko, his voice lowering to a hush for hard’ – living cheek by jowl with people dramatic effect. that you have nothing in common with, The liturgical garb was from Blessed sharing a bathroom down the hall – it can Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church.

should work on effectively promoting the Husar speaks... coming together of Christians.” (Continued from page 5) In addition, Cardinal Husar stressed said. “He said this unequivocally in his that this dialogue should not take the first address to the cardinals who gath- form of political agreements or compro- ered in Rome. It’s quite natural: whoever mises, but rather should be a manifesta- considers himself a Christian, especially tion of a sincere wish to fulfill God’s will a leader of this level, cannot ignore the together. important matter of Christian unity. This “The Pope of Rome cannot limit him- is not a matter of personal likes, it is a self to one Church or some part of the matter of living according to God’s law. needs facing it. He must be open to all The Church must be one: so it was con- needs, and the need of unity among ceived and founded by Jesus Christ. And Christians is an extremely important, sig- every Christian, as far as they are able, nificant matter,” said the cardinal.

ers of war. Scholar explains... But it would be events on the ground (Continued from page 10) that would lead to Canada putting that ized citizens of Canada but they could sort of reasoning into action. not become citizens of the British “The period in 1913-1914 was a time Empire – only people born in Canada of economic depression in Canada,” could be considered British Empire citi- Prof. Kordan said. “And the enemy zens, Prof. Kordan said. aliens came to bear the burden of the fal- As Canada rolled into war in 1914, tering economy. Management and unions these sort of distinctions became critical felt the enemy aliens should be the first – to the imperial mind the loyalty of to be let go.” immigrants was questionable and under Often the recent immigrants were left the imperial system their position as citi- looking for work and congregating in the zens in the empire was tenuous. It was cities. Local communities were unable to by this reasoning that the Canadian gov- provide support for the enemy aliens, so ernment was able to justify to itself that it left the federal government wondering enemy aliens could be considered prison- what its obligations were toward the recent immigrants. While the enemy aliens had been invited to come to Canada in a nation-building effort, after 1914 the priority of Canada became the war. As the war scare grew in 1914 and the imperial ideology gained ascendancy, the problem of status and obligations toward the enemy aliens resolved itself by terming them prisoners of war and interning them. “But it was less a result of what was happening on the ground than a failed conceptualization of belonging,” Prof. Kordan said. “Ultimately it was a failed policy and imperialism as an approach for creating identity would also be a fail- ure. It was unsustainable for Canada, which would inevitably come to base its identity on a citizenship polity.” The Tarnawecky lecture is made pos- sible through an endowment fund created by Michael Tarnawecky, a former engi- neering professor at the university, and Iraida Tarnawecky, a former Slavic stud- ies professor. No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 21 Ukrainian products win big at Toronto Wine and Cheese Show TORONTO – Ukrainian products sub- brewery is almost three centuries old and that products of such calibre hail from had been a vodka competition, because mitted for competition at the prestigious is renowned for producing some of their homeland,” obsered Victor our Slava Ultra-Premium Vodka is phe- Toronto Wine and Cheese Show have Europe’s best beers. Koszarny, sales director for Multiculture nomenal.” The vodka is also available at won medals in all their categories. The Slavutych, although a relatively new Bevco and a Ukrainian-Canadian himself. the LCBO and will be launched soon competition was judged by a distin- brand, is already the second-best selling “We have a great selection of Ukrainian across the rest of Canada and the U.S. guished panel of experts. beer in Ukraine. Brewed in central products at the LCBO. It is really satisfy- To find out more about these and other Lvivske lager beer won the gold medal Ukraine, it has already won numerous ing that they are getting the recognition products from Ukraine, readers may log for best European-style larger, while international awards and has been named that they deserve. I only wish that there on to Slavutych won a bronze medal in the Ukraine’s best tasting beer. Slavutych same category. and Lvivske are available at LCBO Krimsekt semi-dry sparkling wine stores throughout Ontario, as well as in won the bronze for sweet sparkling wine. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. No gold or silver medals were awarded Mr. Vellinga said he is delighted also in this category. This adds to the gold with Krimsekt’s win. “This builds on our medal won by Krimsekt Brut sparkling extraordinary gold medal win in Ottawa wine at the Ottawa Food and Wine Show last year,” he said. Krimsekt sparkling in November of 2004. wines are made in the champagne John Vellinga, CEO of Multiculture method. They are double fermented for Bevco (the Canadian distributor for all three years to create natural carbonation, three products), said he is extremely hand-riddled and crafted with the same pleased with the result. “This is extraordi- meticulous techniques as the great cham- nary. We won medals with three out of the pagne houses of France. four products that we submitted. It is our The Krimsekt winery was founded 54 mission to bring the best of Ukraine to the years ago and is one of the only wineries in rest of the world. This proves that not only the world located entirely underground – in are we bringing the best of Ukraine, but a vast 25-hectare complex of deep caves that the best of Ukraine is also the best in and cellars that was once a gypsum mine. the world,” said Mr. Vellinga. Just like the chalk caves of Champagne, Oliver Dawson is a noted beer expert France, these deep caverns keep tempera- and president of the Beer Lover’s Tour ture and humidity perfect for producing Company. Mr. Dawson said, “I have and cellaring champagne-method wines always been impressed by these two fine year-round. The grapes are grown in the products. Not only have they won ideal soil and climate of the historic medals, including a gold, but they have Crimean Peninsula, Mr. Vellinga explained. done so in very distinguished company.” Krimsekt bubblies can be purchased Creemore Springs tied Slavutych for the by the case of six though special order. bronze, while Steam Whistle won the sil- To place an order, Ontario residents need ver medal. “This proves that Lvivske and to contact the company directly at 1-800- Slavutych are winners, even when com- 867-5978 (ext 5). Customers can have pared to some of the best beers in the Krimsekt delivered to an LCBO store market,” Mr. Dawson added. near them within a couple of weeks. Lvivske lager, the gold medal winner, Krimsekt is available also in is produced in Lviv, one of Ukraine’s Saskatchewan and Alberta. most historic and beautiful cities. The “Ukrainian Canadians should be proud 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20 No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 23

foreign policy team focused heavily on impressed political observers. Though the fully open,” said Dr. Shcherbak, “but it’s Foreign policy... obtaining political dividends from the Ukrainian president spent most of his a very significant step forward.” (Continued from page 1) nation’s rejuvenated image in Europe, time delivering speeches and building GUAM President Yushchenko asked that they they handled the strained relations with relations with American leaders, a handful consider Ukraine for European Union their eastern neighbor with restraint. of concrete results were likely to emerge. With the majority of GUAM’s membership, insisting that his nation After Mr. Yushchenko’s working visit Namely, the U.S. Congress will likely (Georgia-Ukraine-Armenia-Moldova) could meet the necessary requirements. to Moscow, Mr. Putin visited Kyiv in late respond to Mr. Yushchenko’s request to member nations taking a decidedly pro- Ukraine’s leaders were encouraged by the March in order to discuss, among other waive the Jackson-Vanik trade sanctions, Western course in their foreign policies, January 13 vote in the European Parliament things, the creation of a Russia-Ukraine said Dr. Taras Kuzio, a visiting professor President Yushchenko was able to rein- in support of a resolution that called for giv- gas transit consortium that would include at the Institute for European, Russian and vigorate and redirect the organization at ing Ukraine “a clear European perspective,” Germany, and later possibly France and Eurasian Studies at George Washington its April 22 meeting in Chisinau, possibly leading to EU membership. Italy. University in Washington. Moldova. “The European Parliament vote was an Mr. Putin placed a heavy emphasis of Congress applied the Jackson-Vanik As a result, European Union and especially important event which proved Ukraine’s participation in the Single sanctions to Soviet Ukraine in 1974, a NATO membership have emerged as pri- that Ukraine can be a future member of Economic Space that would include means of exerting economic pressure to orities for GUAM. President Yushchenko the European Union,” said Dr. Yuri Belarus and Kazakhstan. ease emigration restrictions against Jews. also advocated turning GUAM into a Shcherbak, Ukraine’s former ambassador Mr. Yushchenko said he wouldn’t be Mr. Yushchenko’s Washington visit “large-scale regional organization” with to the U.S. “This is very important for us.” opposed to the SES as long as it didn’t reaped one certain reward, in the form of its own headquarters and secretariat. On February 21 Ukraine and the EU interfere with Ukraine’s ability to enter a bill passed by Congress on May 6 that At the same time, President signed a three-year Action Plan in Brussels the EU, which is his administration’s top allocates an additional $60 million in Yushchenko has stressed that GUAM is through which the EU expressed support foreign policy priority. urgent funding to support democracy- not an alternative to the Single Economic for Kyiv’s bid to obtain market economy Ms. Tymoshenko’s cancellation of her building programs in Ukraine. Space fiercely advocated by Mr. Putin or status, to join the World Trade Organization trip to Russia in early April raised eye- U.S. President George W. Bush made the Commonwealth of Independent States. and to sign a free trade agreement. brows in Moscow, signaling the new the initial request for the additional sup- GUAM’s decidedly Westward shift in Meetings with German and Polish Ukrainian government’s intention to con- port in February, and informed Mr. recent months likely led to the officials produced agreements to improve duct foreign policy independently and on Yushchenko of the proposal during the Uzbekistan government’s announcement and expand Ukraine’s ability to transport equal terms with Moscow. historic April visit. in recent weeks that it is withdrawing fuel into the EU. Any resulting tensions were quickly Another step toward improved rela- from the economic partnership. Ms. Tymoshenko reached agreements eased when Defense Minister Anatolii tions occurred on May 4 when the U.S. Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov to form a joint-committee with Polish Hrytsenko and National Security and Embassy in Kyiv announced it would has led an authoritarian government in authorities to begin work on extending Defense Council Secretary Petro begin issuing immigrant visas for suppression of human rights. He has also the Odesa-Brody pipeline to the cities of Poroshenko agreed to visit Moscow in Ukrainian citizens in Kyiv. (See related enjoyed tight relations with Mr. Putin. Plotsk and Gdansk in Poland. her stead. story on page 5.) Previously, immigrant In order to encourage travel to Ukraine, Their purpose was to persuade Russian visa applicants had to travel to the U.S. particularly during the Eurovision 2005 leaders that Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic inte- Embassy in Warsaw to complete the Song Contest, Mr. Yushchenko dropped gration and GUAM members do not immigrant visa process. Want to reach us visa requirements for all European Union threaten Russia’s interests. An accomplishment as significant as citizens between May 1 and September 1. Russian-Ukrainian relations haven’t any in the first 100 days of U.S.-Ukraine by e-mail? In return, Mr. Yushchenko asked for worsened, observers said, but they also relations under the Yushchenko adminis- Editorial materials: relaxed visa restrictions, particularly for aren’t likely to improve very much as long tration occurred when NATO ministers [email protected] Ukrainian businessmen and students, as Mr. Putin manages to serve the remain- decided in mid-April to extend Ukraine when he addressed the German der of his presidential term through 2008. an invitation to begin an Intensified Subscription Department: Bundestag in Berlin. [email protected] United States Dialogue on Membership, the first step to possible membership. Russia Advertising Department: Mr. Yushchenko’s three-day visit to the “Certainly, this still isn’t achievement [email protected] While President Yushchenko and his U.S. in early April resoundingly of membership, and the door to it is not 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20 No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 25 UAV Post 35 of Palatine plans conference on UPA

by Roman Golash The post participated in sending pack- ages to troops in Iraq with a “Yellow PALATINE, Ill. – The Ukrainian Ribbon Group” based in Palatine. The American Veterans 1st Lt. Ivan Shandor commander, Lt. Col. Gerald Nestor, sent Post 35 in Palatine, Ill., has completed its the post a certificate of achievement for planning stages and is now moving for- the effort. ward to full implementation of its agenda. On June 11, the post will hold an “UPA Post membership for 2005 has increased Conference” at the Selfreliance Ukrainian from 20 to 31 members. The membership American Federal Credit Union in includes honorary members: Lida Shandor- Chicago from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The com- Davenport, Gen. David Grange and Prof. munity is invited to attend. The keynote Petro Potichnyj. The post chaplain is Father Bohdan Kalynyuk of St. Andrew Ukrainian speaker will be Prof. Petro Potichnyj of Orthodox Church in Bloomingdale, Ill. Canada. Prof. Potichnyj joined the UPA at Nine members are active or retired age 14. When he came to the United members of special operations. Eleven States he joined the United States Marine members are active or retired in the med- Corps. and served in Korea. ical branches. One member served as a The conference will address the histo- personal dentist to President Ronald ry of the UPA and the impact the UPA Reagan, another works for the Centers has had on world history and military for Disease Control. One member speaks strategy. The Global War on Terrorism six languages and has performed special and what was learned from the UPA will operations missions around the world. also be addressed. The conference will be Six served in the Navy, four in the Air geared toward youth and will emphasize Force and four in the Marine Corps. the core values the UPA developed to The post also has two associate mem- fight communism and fascism. Speakers bers: one is a former physician with the will discuss the terms “insurgent,” “free- Ukrainian army and the other is a student dom fighter” and “terrorist,” and how of military history. they applied to the UPA versus how they This diverse group of veterans has ded- apply to current conflicts. icated itself to work in the community, On Sunday, the post chaplain will con- help Ukraine recognize the Ukrainian duct liturgy followed by a moleben at the Insurgent Army (UPA) and work with military cemetery next to the church. youth groups. The post takes part in com- After the moleben a social hour will take munity events, helped organize a trip to place in the church hall. Fort Knox for the Ukrainian American For more information readers may Youth Association (SUM) and continues contact Roman G. Golash via e-mail at to study the heroic exploits of the UPA. [email protected].

For a quick look at of the top news in each week’s issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, check out our website: 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20

ers are continuing to serve their 15-day ed to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Ukrainian-Russian commission formed NEWSBRIEFS terms. (RFE/RL Newsline) the first 100 days of Viktor Yushchenko’s (Continued from page 2) presidency. The event took place on May MOSCOW – Russian President Presidents discuss Miensk protesters Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counter- between the two cities, Interfax reported. 2 in Kyiv’s Roman Catholic Church of St. Nicholas, which still has not been returned part, Viktor Yushchenko, signed a state- The document envisages the development MOSCOW – Ukrainian President to the faithful. At the start of the event, ment in Moscow on May 8, setting up a of cooperation and exchanges of experi- Yushchenko met with his Belarusian coun- Church hierarchs gave welcoming speech- Putin-Yushchenko commission and outlin- ence in the fields of municipal administra- terpart, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, in es. Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) of the ing 15 points of cooperation, Ukrainian tion, construction, transportation, waste Moscow on May 8, on the sidelines of a Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv media reported. President Yushchenko told processing, environmental protection, sci- summit of the Commonwealth of journalists that the Single Economic Space ence, culture and other areas of public life. Patriarchate mentioned in his speech that Independent States, Ukrainian media all present at the event met, as during the and a free-trade zone are priorities in the According to Mr. Miller, there are some countries’ bilateral cooperation. Ukrainian reported. Mr. Lukashenka reportedly told Orange Revolution, to join in sincere 80,000 people of Ukrainian origin living National Security and Defense Council Mr. Yushchenko that he failed to grant prayer for the president and government, in Toronto. (RFE/RL Newsline) Secretary Petro Poroshenko said on UT-1 early release to five Ukrainian citizens walking “the road of truth, democracy and television on May 8 that the other aspects Miensk frees four jailed Ukrainians jailed in Miensk over their participation in liberty.” The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic of Russian-Ukrainian interaction relate to an anti-presidential protest on April 26 Church was represented by Bishop Vasyl problems connected with the deployment MIENSK – Belarusian authorities on because of “technical reasons.” Mr. Medvit of Kyiv and Vyshhorod, who May 6 released the final four Ukrainian of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Yushchenko said Mr. Lukashenka told him recalled the need to change our lives and anti-Lukashenka protesters who were Sevastopol and border cooperation, includ- that he had been unaware of all details of to overcome the “wickedness and decep- arrested during a demonstration in Miensk ing a simplified procedure for crossing the the arrest. “We have turned this page, and I tion” that stand in the way. Auxiliary on April 26, RFE/RL’s Belarus Service and border and an agreement on readmission. think this issue will be removed from the Bishop Vitalii Skomarovskyi of the Belapan reported. In addition to Oleksander Mr. Poroshenko also said the Ukrainian [Ukrainian-Belarusian] agenda,” Mr. Roman Catholic Diocese of Kyiv and Hrymaliuk, Oleksander Mishlai and Ihor president asked President Putin to facilitate Yushchenko added. Ten Russians arrested Zhytomyr recalled that during the Orange Huz, the leader of Ukraine’s National along with the Ukrainians on April 26 were the creation of national Russian television Alliance youth organization – who were all Revolution the people of Ukraine made a and radio stations in the Ukrainian lan- granted early release on April 30, while all “choice of hope” for the better. The bishop expected to be released on that date, which the Ukrainians, with the exception of one, guage and a national newspaper in said he looked forward to seeing these Ukrainian. Mr. Putin reportedly supported completed their 10-day jail terms – the had to serve their jail terms in full. All have hopes come true and stressed that what the this initiative. (RFE/RL Newsline) Belarusian authorities freed Andrei Bokach, now been released. (RFE/RL Newsline) who had been sentenced to 15 days and was parishioners of St. Nicholas were praying for during the event in the church’s base- Yushchenko for veterans’ reconciliation to be released on May 11. Along with the Christian Churches pray for presidency four Ukrainians, five Belarusian opposition ment are the president, the government and that their hopes of gaining the church KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko activists sentenced for the same demonstra- KYIV – The Christian Churches of appealed to Ukrainian veterans of the Soviet tion were released on May 6, while two oth- Ukraine organized a prayer event dedicat- back as their property come true. Hryhorii Komendant, head of the All-Ukraine Army and the nationalist Ukrainian Union of the Association of Evangelical Insurgent Army (UPA) on the 1+1 televi- Baptists, expressed certainty that the new sion channel on May 8 to find mutual government’s program is based on faith in understanding and reconciliation on the 60th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Jesus Christ. Senior Bishop Leonid Padun Germany, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical reported. “We have forgiven the Japanese, Church stressed in his address that the Germans, the Poles,” Mr. Yushchenko Christ’s Resurrection is the most impor- said. “We only have not forgiven each other. tant holiday for the whole of humanity ... For the glory of your children and grand- and that it is very significant that children – shake hands with each other! The Churches understand the need for each Ukrainian people will appreciate your step.” other and the importance of common According to a recent poll by the prayer. (Religious Information Service of Ukraine) (Continued on page 27) No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 27

Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. On NEWSBRIEFS December 8, just days before the final vote, (Continued from page 26) State Duma Speaker and Kremlin insider è·ÒÚÓ‚¥è·ÒÚÓ‚¥ í퇷Óðˇ·ÓðË Razumkov Center in Kyiv, possible recon- Boris Gryzlov said, “Only the victory of ciliation between German and Soviet veter- the pro-Russian candidate [Yanukovych] ... ans is assessed positively by 37 percent of can save the country from collapse.” ̇̇ Î¥ÚÓÎ¥ÚÓ 2005ð.2005ð. Ukrainians and negatively by 29 percent; (RFE/RL Newsline) possible reconciliation between Soviet and Lukianenko: Hero of Ukraine UPA veterans is backed by 33 percent and ÇËıÓ‚ÌÓ-‚˯ͥθ̥ Ú‡·ÓðË ‰Îfl ìèç Ú‡ ìèû opposed by 33 percent of Ukrainian respon- KYIV – The title of Hero of Ukraine dents. (RFE/RL Newsline) was conferred on National Deputy Levko ÇÓ‚˜‡ íðÓÔ‡ Lukianenko, a legendary fighter for inde- Pope roomed with Ukrainian seminarian pendence of Ukraine. In a decree, signed çÓ‚ËÈ ëÓͥΠby President Viktor Yushchenko, it is LVIV – Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head èËÒ‡ÌÌËÈ ä‡Ï¥Ì¸ underscored that this highest state award of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, is presented to the parliamentarian “for 9-30 ÎËÔÌfl, 2005ð. said on April 22 that the new pope, unconquerable will, civil courage and Benedict XVI, should be well-acquainted selflessness in defending ideals of free- with the affairs of Ukrainian Greek- dom and democracy and for outstanding äð‡ÈÓ‚ËÈ Ç˯ͥθÌËÈ í‡·¥ð (äÇí) Catholics. “The fact is, he shared his room personal contribution in the formation at the seminary with a Ukrainian, Pavlo 31 ÎËÔÌfl - 12 ÒÂðÔÌfl, 2005ð. and development of independent Kohut, now a priest in France. Father Ukrainian state.” (Ukrinform) Pavlo is an ardent patriot of his Church and his people. I imagine that during that Ukraine closed to NATO membership talks ëÔˆ¥flÎ¥Á‡ˆ¥ÈÌ¥ Ú‡·ÓðË year the young Josef Ratzinger must have heard a lot about Ukraine and its Church VILNIUS – Ukrainian Foreign Affairs life,” said the cardinal. (Religious Minister Borys Tarasyuk told a news äð‡ÈÓ‚¥ Ú‡ Ï¥ÊÍð‡ÈÓ‚¥ Ú‡·ÓðË í‡·¥ð ¢Óθ٥ÒÚ¥‚ Information Service of Ukraine) conference after a foreign-minister level ìÍð‡ªÌ‡ çÓ‚ËÈ ëÓͥΠNATO-Ukraine meeting in Vilnius on Bakai, Scherban put on wanted list April 21 that Kyiv could complete the ÎËÔÂ̸ - ÒÂðÔÂ̸, 2005ð. 31 ÎËÔÌfl - 6 ÒÂðÔÌfl, 2005ð. necessary military and political reforms KYIV – Following a court ruling, the for joining NATO within the three years, 퇷¥ð ëÚ‡ð¯Ó„Ó û̇ˆÚ‚‡ êÓ‚ÂðÓ‚ËÈ í‡·¥ð Ukrainian Internal Affairs Ministry has put Ukrainian and international news agen- Ihor Bakai, former head of the presidential cies reported. NATO Secretary-General ÇÓ‚˜‡ íðÓÔ‡ Lehighton, PA property-management department, on Jaap de Hoop Scheffer backed Kyiv’s 9-24 ÎËÔÌfl, 2005ð. 6-13 ÒÂðÔÌfl, 2005ð. Interpol’s wanted list, Ukrainian media NATO membership goal but refused to reported on May 4. Simultaneously, ministry give a timetable. “NATO has invited officials appealed to their Russian col- Ukraine to begin ... an intensified dia- èÓ˜‡ÚÍÓ‚ËÈ çÓ‚‡ˆ¸ÍËÈ í‡·¥ð åÓðÒ¸ÍËÈ í‡·¥ð leagues for help in discovering the where- logue on Ukraine’s aspirations to mem- abouts of former Central Election bership ... without prejudice to any even- ÇÓ‚˜‡ íðÓÔ‡ Pittsfield, MA Commission head Serhii Kivalov, former tual alliance decision,” Reuters quoted 10-16 ÎËÔÌfl Ú‡ 24-30 ÎËÔÌfl, 2005ð. 6-13 ÒÂðÔÌfl, 2005ð. Internal Affairs Minister Mykola Bilokin, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer as saying. “It former Sumy Oblast Chairman Volodymyr would be the choice of Ukraine to choose Scherban, and former Odesa Mayor Ruslan its partners and it is the sovereign matter ᇠ‰Ó‰‡ÚÍÓ‚‡ÏË ¥ÌÙÓðχˆ¥flÏË, ÔðÓ¯Û Á‚ÂðÌÛÚËÒfl ̇ ÏÂðÂÊÓ‚Û ÒÚÓð¥ÌÍÛ Bodelan, against all of whom Ukrainian of Ukraine,” Russian Foreign Minister prosecutors have launched criminal proceed- Sergei Lavrov said in Vilnius the same ings. The next day Ukraine’s Internal Affairs day. (RFE/RL Newsline) Ministry put Mr. Scherban on the interna- tional wanted list following a decision by NATO chief sees “long road” regional prosecutors. (RFE/RL Newsline) BRUSSELS – The secretary-general of FSB opens SMERSH museum NATO pledged his support for Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko’s quest to MOSCOW – The FSB (successor to the join the 26-nation alliance, but warned SUMA (Yonkers) KGB) has opened at its headquarters on that Kyiv faces a “long and winding road” Lubianka Square a museum devoted to the before it can finally become a member. In Federal Credit Union Soviet wartime military counterintelligence an interview with the Financial Times, service SMERSH (an acronym from the Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said, “Ukraine has Russian phrase “death to spies”), RTR clearly indicated that it wants to go along reported on May 6. Speaking at the open- the long and winding road to member- ing ceremony, SMERSH veteran Maj. Gen. ship.” He added, “Given the fact that there Leonid Ivanov said he and his group in has been a peaceful revolution, the mem- May 1945 took part in the identification of bership standards can be much more easi- Adolf Hitler’s corpse, as well as the per- ly fulfilled by the Yushchenko government 3 Month CD sonal belongings and documents of other than by the [former] Kuchma govern- leaders of Nazi Germany. Analysts noted ment.” But the secretary-general refused that SMERSH was also responsible for to set any timetable for Ukraine’s mem- APR (3.05% APY) repression and mass deportations in the bership ambitions. (Financial Times) occupied countries of Central and Eastern 3.00% Europe. SMERSH was directly subordinate Ukrainians trust Church most to Stalin, who during World War II was also defense minister. (RFE/RL Newsline) KYIV – Ukrainians have the highest trust in the Church, then the president and the Putin denies interference in election Cabinet of Ministers, according to a poll 2 Year CD conducted by the Democratic Initiatives MOSCOW – President Vladimir Putin Fund whose results were posted on April told German journalists on May 6 that the 8 by The high rankings of the APR (4.08% APY) Kremlin did not interfere in last year’s president and the Cabinet of Ministers presidential election in Ukraine, ITAR- are a first, according to poll organizers. 4.00% TASS reported. “We did nothing that can The Church received the highest trust .25% extra for CD deposits $100,000 or more. be qualified as direct interference into the ranking of 66 percent. Then 60.4 percent BONUS! affairs of the republic,” Mr. Putin said. of the respondents said they trust “Give me at least one example of when I President Viktor Yushchenko and 52.2 Main Office campaigned for one of the candidates.” He percent declared trust in the Cabinet of 125 Corporate Blvd. said that Moscow “intensified contacts with Ministers. “For the first time in the histo- Yonkers, New York 10701-6841 the acting authorities [in Ukraine] mostly ry of independent Ukraine, the poll Tel: 914-220-4900 Fax: 914-220-4090 upon their own initiative,” adding that demonstrated a high level of trust in the Moscow’s only goal in such situations is central government,” noted the commen- E-mail address: [email protected] “not to allow using unlawful methods in tary by Democratic Initiatives. Polling 1-888-644-SUMA the political struggle in the post-Soviet took place on March 18-27 in all regions space.” Mr. Putin said that he is “worried of Ukraine, as well as the Autonomous about destabilization” in the region, adding, Republic of Crimea and the cities of “look what happened in Kyrgyzstan.” Kyiv and Sevastopol. Sociologists polled During the campaign, Mr. Putin met sever- 2,039 respondents age 18 and older. The al times with then Ukrainian President sample error is 2.2 percent. (Religious Leonid Kuchma and his favored successor, Information Service of Ukraine) 28 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005 No. 20


Saturday, May 21 Suggested donation: $20; students, free. Soyuzivka’s Datebook For more information contact Svitlana NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific Fedko Shiells, (703) 506-4745. May 14, 2005 July 10-July 16, 2005 Society invites the public to a presentation Wedding Discovery Camp – Session #1, by Dr. George Grabowicz, Dmytro CHICAGO: The Chicago Business and for ages 8-12 Cyzevskyj Professor of Ukrainian Professional Group will host a lecture by May 20, 2005 Literature, Harvard University, of his new Nadia Komarnycky McConnell titled Ellenville High School Junior Prom July 17-July 22, 2005 book “Texts and Masques” (Kyiv: “Building and Sustaining Democracy in Chemney Day Camp – Session #1, Krytyka, 2005, in Ukrainian). The presen- Ukraine: The Role of NGOs.” Ms. May 21, 2005 for ages 4-7 tation will take place at the society’s build- McConnell, president and co-founder of the Wedding ing, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth and U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, will discuss the July 17-July 23, 2005 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For additional role of non-governmental organizations in May 20-22, 2005 Discovery Camp – Session #2, information call (212) 254-5130. paving the way for the success of the Girl Scout Troop 856 Camp Out for ages 8-12 Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the NEW YORK: The New York work that remains to be accomplished to Adventure Camp – Session #1, Ensemble presents a Spring Concert cele- ensure that democracy endures. With May 27-30, 2005 for ages 13-16 Memorial Day Weekend BBQ brating the 25th anniversary of Julian offices in Kyiv and Washington, the 14- Kytasty as musical director of the New and Zabava year-old foundation manages programs that July 22-24, 2005 York Bandura Ensemble. Performers facilitate democratic development, encour- Adoptive Parents Weekend, sponsored Ukrainian Language Immersion include the New York Bandura Ensemble age free market reform and enhance human by the Embassy of Ukraine and Weekends offered at State under the direction of Mr. Kytasty and the rights in Ukraine while advancing Ukraine the UNA University of New York New Paltz Yevshan Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble under as a cornerstone of regional stability and as the direction of Alex Kuzma. The concert a full partner in the community of nations. June 1, 2005 July 24-July 29, 2005 program will feature the New York pre- The event will be held at the Ukrainian Ellenville High School Chemney Day Camp – Session #2, mier of Julian Kytasty’s “Chornobyl Institute of Modern Art, 2320 W. Chicago Scholarship Banquet for ages 4-7 Carol” and other works for bandura Ave. A champagne brunch will be served at ensemble and choir. The concert will be 1 p.m. The presentation will begin at 2 p.m. June 4, 2005 July 24-July 30, 2005 held at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Admission: $15, members; $20, non-mem- Wedding Discovery Camp – Session #3, Church, 30 E. Seventh St., at 7:30 p.m. bers and guests. For additional information for ages 8-12 Admission: $10. For additional informa- call (847) 359-3676. June 6, 2005 Adventure Camp – Session #2, tion call (212) 995-2640. Highland High School Senior Day Thursday, May 26 for ages 13-16 Sunday, May 22 June 6-9, 2005 WASHINGTON: The Washington Group July 24-August 6, 2005 WASHINGTON: The Washington Group Cultural Fund, in cooperation with the Clergy Days Teachers Seminar, Ukrainian Cultural Fund, in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine, invites the public to Embassy of Ukraine, presents the an exhibition of woodcuts by Jacques June 10-12, 2005 Educational Council of New York City Cerberus Piano Trio – Mykola Suk, piano; Hnizdovsky (1915-1985), one of the lead- Ukrainian Language Immersion Byron Tauchi, violin; Andrew Smith, cello ing graphic and woodcut artists in Weekend offered at State July 29-31, 2005 – in a program of works by Myroslav America. The event will take place at 7 University of New York New Paltz “A day in the life of a UPA Partisan Skoryk, Ildebrando Pizzetti and Anton p.m. at the Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M Soldier” event Arensky. Meet the artists at the reception St., N.W. During the exhibit and reception, June 11, 2005 following the performance. The concert there will be an opportunity to purchase Wedding July 31-August 5, 2005 will take place at 3 p.m. at the Lyceum, the woodcuts on display. For more infor- Scuba Course for ages 12 and up 201 S. Washington St., Old Town mation contact Svitlana Fedko Shiells, June 12-17, 2005 Alexandria, Va. (handicapped accessible). (703) 506-4745. UNA Seniors’ Week and Conference August 1-5, 2005 June 18, 2005 Golf Week Wedding August 5, 2005 Need a back issue? Cabaret Show with Ron Cahute & If you’d like to obtain a back issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) to: June 19, 2005 Administration, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Father’s Day Program company June 25, 2005 August 5-7, 2005 Wedding Sports Jamboree Weekend June 26-July 3, 2005 August 6, 2005 Tabir Ptashat – Session #1 Afternoon Barabolya Show with Ron Cahute & company, followed June 26-July 8, 2005 by entertainment by band HRIM Tennis Camp for ages 10-18 Saturday Zabava with Burya on Veselka Patio & DJ in Veselka Hall June 27-July 1, 2005 Exploration Day Camp – Session #1, August 7, 2005 for ages 7-10 UNWLA Day and Sunday concert July 3-July 10, 2005 August 7-20, 2005 Tabir Ptashat – Session #2 Traditional Ukrainian Folk Dance Camp July 4-July 8, 2005 Exploration Day Camp – Session #2, August 13, 2005 for ages 7-10 Miss Soyuzivka Weekend and Zabava with Tempo July 8-10, 2005 Ukrainian Language Immersion August 20, 2005 Weekend offered at State Dance Camp Performance University of New York at New and Zabava with Fata Morgana Paltz August 27, 2005 Wedding

To book a room or event call: (845) 626-5641, ext. 140 216 Foordmore Road P.O. Box 529 Kerhonkson, NY 12446 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

To subscribe: Send $55 ($45 if you are a member of the UNA) to The Ukrainian Weekly, Subscription Department, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054