Portland Daily Press: August 04,1880

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Portland Daily Press: August 04,1880 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-VOL. IS. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1880. |Sï.^kUViï$!ÎÈ TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE II Ι,,,ΚΒΜ^ΙΒΗΒΜΜΒΜΒΜΒΜΜΒΒηΒίίΙΒΜΗίΗΜΜΒΜΒΜΒΚΒΒΜΜΜΜΜΜΚΜΜΒ^^^ΜΒΒΒΒΚΒΜΒΒ»··»»»···™»*»··»··"·"^·!»'1 Μ·"■—PEBgH .ΙΜΜ^ίΜΙΙΙ—ίΗΙΙΙΙΙ· I ΙΙ'^ΜΒΜΒΒ—ΒΒΙΙΙ II· Β niMM'IU'fl II II |||ijBaaBMMM«»MiMMM······————————————————Mtm, ......... DAILY THE PORTLAND PRESS, BUSINESS The Complaints Wade to HOTELS. CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS T H E PEE88. Against Governor Hampïox understands tlie issue retain it at every hazard and iu spite of the Published even? dty {Sundays excepted) by the Davis. before the people and states it frankly. In utmost efforts of local enemies aud their North- ern allies. We are requested by the highest V4IRIX t ffD Pi BLISHING CO., R. a speech made in the other he BARNES Jit. WEDXESÏtAY MORÏÎTÎG, AUGUST 4. j Some of the friends of the prohibitory Virginia day competent Democratic authority to invite »U '··.« Γ'ήτι,ακπ Insurance Λ said: What is You Democratic candidates to attend the a.· xoa.■ St., BËST HOTEL· jîciiî and Accountant, cause are by their unwisdom putting in seri- Virginia's duty now? Uepubli- ,f HË; 50 can meeting. They are expected to be on r. κ >'ear. :'o KXCHANCE how much de- i<;h hollars tuai'eubscrU· STREET, We'll) not read anonymous letters and com m ω α ous the work to have hardly realize, ray friends, hand." if peril good they profess »r e-u»' x-ji'v λ rear, paid lu advance Portland. I?le. the IN π,_ WOSLD cations. The name ami ad:irese of the writer are in ! at heart. The unreasonable pends upon action of your State? With a And this is a free country! all complaints they Eiepsesents Plicuix cases indispcii*nV.}(· ».or necessarily for publica- united South 138 electoral we IHL MAINE STATE PRESS Assurance are preferring against Governor Davis, their casting votes, Ί1ΚΪ fr\ Γ^ Co. of London, Commercial Ν. tion but as a ci good faith. κ Y., guaranty need New York and and be- Y. λ published every Thuuui·-».·» î»iohn->.u at 60 violent denunciations of men whose only Indiana, I [S. Mail.] and New York e cannot to return or com- loyalty if in advance at $2.00 a City Fire 6usur*. undertake preserve ch.-, paid year. to is lieve we shall liavo them. Consider what Hancock's "Miserable Devils." aucc Co's. munications tnat are not used. temperance as strong as their own and ·-- ·■■ i ia KitTisiNti : of «ht Attention to settlement of Lee and Jackson would do were »·' one inch space, given Estates aiul In- whose services to it have been as they alive. The visitors to Governor's Island have he- ·«·· 1 » oiuru ··. constitutes a solvency matters. Also and Double valuable, "square." Single entry These are the same come cerus books of principles for which somewhat less numerous since a friend ? '>. *»«· ..or m. ire, daily tirst week; 75 ,*ϊτ opened, examined, balanced and closed. KvfttY regular attaché of tbe Prkss is furnished and their threats independent political » continu Bonds and Merchandise ci·· .i er; tbin insertions or less, L.OO; Stocks, bought and sold *itb à Card certiiicate they for four years. Remember the of Geu. Hancock betrayed confidence FifthJIvenuejFiftiethStreet on signed by Stanley Pullen, action to embarrass the fought by pul>- ■ authori- v«îr olhei" u.ty after first week, 50 cents. commission. jy2dtf only sçrve OPPOSITE CATHEDRAL· I Editor. All steamboat and hotel men who forth their life blood 011 lishing the fact that the General's for iinli square, three insertions or less, 75 tents railway, managers j ties in the and to poured epithet i»,fter. will coufer engaged enforcing law, r>M; week, $1.00: 50 cents per week AT A a favor upon ils by demanding credentials Virginia's soil, and do not. abandon them them is "'miserable devils." The expression Si"»C(.:iA Notices, one-third additional. of j divide the party whose creation the law is G ι every person claiming to represent our journal. is out its is ruder head of "Amusements" and "Auction New yorkVt) η·ύ now. Knnember that vote strong, inventor understood to be a iy-i and whose work is the mass of upon your de- S ai three inser- | great pro- γμ," $2.00 per square per week; master of language of a strength which ban- tion ur NEAR GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT· pends the success of the Democratic ticket. less, $1.50. liibitory legislation upon our statute book. it from Advertisements inserted in the 'Mains Stath ishes the tongue of those who do not These men to learn from Purns" which has a large circulation in every pari ought the glee Philadelphia Press: General Hancock's swear. Geu. Hancock has tlatly declared that <»f tli .· Slate), for *1.00 per square for lirst insertion, with the which opposition papers greet letter of is the crowd who torment him with visits are a and r.'' i:e»;îs per square for each subsequent. Inser- acceptance not long, but that is -.TKPIIF,» their tion. Elevated R.R.Station. BEKRï, grumblings and menaces that the ene- not its dimension that is of pack of office-seekers, many of whom boldly Iddress all communications to only worthy I mies of are demanded an office as the of services to <JUTLAND PLBLISHJMi Of) temperance legislation hoping remark. A young minister once price eÙROPEAN plaN , Card and lob preached Printer, to be rendered. It is excusable that lie profit by Republican dissensions, and for old Dr. Emmons. As they came down perhaps ^P. XI l'Lgxll STKEET. should have to them the "mis- I cherish the belief that with the friends of out of the pulpit the ambitious supply, fish- applied epithet EN TERTA1NMEN TS. erable devils." The voters of the will JOSliÎÏTfullÉR prohibition divided they can succeed in doing ing for a compliment, said to the veneiable country do well to note the fact that the Democratic PROPRIETORS ftWMiÔ & DRUi with it. The which has : away Press, always clergyman "I hope I did not weary you candidate has discovered iu his own a FM&W3mo been an of party temperance legislation, with the length of my sermon?" "No," Cou!iM^loi>-aMi;iw, advocate horde of "miserable devils," who are already strongly deprecates these unreasonable and answered the keen GRAND drily witied Doctor, "nor for office like a of ANNUAL EXCURSION cent κ nnial block, howling pack wolves, which, untimely complaints. its breadth either." General ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, by Hancock's maddened by the smell of blood, h»wl iu pur- AND on the 93 SBt. Just how unreasonable their of their European Plan, Hî^ciiango complaints letter will not weary anybody either by its suit victims. Those of the ten million ALBERT H. HUMES JOSIAH H DBUMMOND. JOSIAH H. JS. voters of the nation who are not blinded Proprietor DRUMMOND, against Governor Davis are will be seen by or its breadth. by no25 dtf length ignorance or should observe that the Teuipie SJrcet, Portland, Me. a prejudice, perusal of the following article from the of office-seekers is the Formerly part of the old Adams liouBe. ho\^bg preponderating X>x?. Ο, 0Γ. 0"E3I3E2.WlS3r. FOR Lewiston written its ex- It was in May, that Gen. element of the clamor for a from a ll«- REGATTA This House will be open all hours of the PRESIDENT, Journal, by editor, 1878, Plaisted, change night. publiean to a Democratic Administration. The Night office up one flight. Gov. one of the most ardent who is now a Greenback held the — liV THE — Dingley, ablest, apostle, torment of Hancock office-seekers is l· urnished or Unfurnished Rooms to with or by in let, conversation with a without hoard. DENTIST, and most faithful prohibitionists in the following reporter of striking contrast with the quiet in which Geu. mayl9dly ITliDDLE «ï'iîEliT, JAMES A. ^ a man the Commercial : Garfield has bcon permitted to remaiu at his Over H. II. I2ay'«, GARFIELD, State, whose loyalty to the cause of Bangor OF OHIO. home in Mentor. Although Republicans ex- Artificial teeth inserted, from one tooth temperance has never been and —"Are you in sympathy with the Green- UNION BOWING ASSOCIATION ο a full set. questioned, back movement? ect he will have the patronage of the Presi- Teeth and in whose services in its behalf have been of Gen. Plaistal—"1 am not. at his have no Λ .A.T SAMOSET tilled, cleansed extracted the best FOR VICE the The doctrine is a dan- ency disposal, they pack HOUSf possible manner and at low PRESIDENT, gerous one." "miserable devils" to torment him bids for prices. highest value: by Bt«*i«ieeice, i remet· Pl«a.<«:iot St. "1 should consider the annihilation of National office. The quiet dignity of the Republican Mouse Maine. tf The made Banks one of the financial evils LAKE Island, Chester complaints against Gov. Davis at greatest that cnuld candidate has won admiration throughout the MARANACOOK, A. Arthur, the recent state come upon our temperance convention were eountty." nation, and now that he is about to make a Since the fine new hotel was built at that in Kennebec he had not the the on Mouse this HEALTH LIFT OP NEW YORK. appointed trip through Empire State his way to Island, Bootlibay Harbor, ROOMS, constable that the Gardiner asked The Boston Post is getting alarmed about WINTECROP, ,4,4*-always charming seaside resort has been peti'ioncrs the metropolis, it is certain that the demon- for, but another man; and that in Penobscot the stration i£sSgrowing in popularity.
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