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DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth. Let's read! We will certainly often learn this sentence everywhere. When still being a childrens, mom made use of to order us to consistently read, so did the instructor. Some e-books DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth are fully read in a week and also we need the commitment to sustain reading DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth What around now? Do you still enjoy reading? Is reviewing simply for you that have responsibility? Not! We below provide you a brand-new e-book entitled DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth to review. DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - THE ODYSSEY OF A TRICKFILMMAKER - AN ILLUSTRATED MEMOIR (VOLUME 1: THE OUTWARD JOURNEY) BY JIM DANFORTH PDF


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This is the story of visual effects artist Jim Danforth's journey from a childhood in rural areas of the Midwest to the soundstages of Hollywood and London; and how a shy boy with no inside contacts managed to fulfill his dream of working in The Movies. Volume One describes Jim's work with , the creator of Gumby; his feature film stop-motion animation assignments on Jack the Giant Killer; The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm; 7 Faces of Dr. Lao; It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; and others; plus his involvement with the creation of The Pillsbury Dough Boy. Volume One concludes with a detailed account of Danforth's challenging assignment as designer, director, and animator of the visual effects for When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth. The book also contains Danforth's recollections of interesting people he encountered during his professional journey.

● Sales Rank: #2278853 in Books ● Published on: 2011-08-15 ● Binding: CD-ROM ● 828 pages


● Clickable sidebars and footnotes filed with additional facts. ● Auxiliary sections describing various pre-digital effects techniques and now-obsolete processes. ● 828 pages of text, in addition to the forward, sidebar, and auxiliary material. ● Over 720 photos, drawings, and paintings in the main text; plus more in the sidebars. ● Distributed on a CD in a DVD-sized "snap-case."

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A Visual Feast as you peek over the shoulder of a great artist! By Richard A. Catizone Jim Danforth's "Dinosaurs, Dragons & Drama" book is here at last!!! This is not only a well versed narrative, but an absolute visual feast as well!

First, let me say that Jim has again outdone himself in terms of the quality and completeness of this memoir. He writes in a very easy, straightforward style that is most enjoyable. He has delineated the good and the bad, and tempers it all with an evenness that demonstrates a desire to tell the reality without attempting to inflict any intentional harm. It starts with Jim's childhood and early teen years, and you feel you are there with him and his family as the seeds of creativity and artistry begin to mold him. Far from being dry, he has made even these early years an interesting tale.

No doubt, for most, the "exciting" chapters will be the ones that deal with the creative joys and practical tribulations of his work in commercials and feature films. In-depth chapters (actually they ALL are very in- depth) on Jack the Giant Killer, Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm, 7 Faces of Dr. Lao, and When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth will amaze even those who think they have heard and seen it all. While the tendency will be to hop to the chapters you think you want to read first, I would encourage you not to do that. Jim has woven a story, and as any good storyteller will do, he references elements in later places that are continuations of previous strands. Also, to get the best picture of his development and ascent as an artist, animator,director, matte painter, armature maker (and everything else he can do) is more interesting in my view to see it being built line-upon- line in chronological order.

For the die-hard stop-motion aficionado who is amazed at the how-to aspects, there are plenty of armature drawings and photos, photos of sculptures, partially completed and fx shots, and all types of behind-the-scenes shots from these films. It is an intimate photographic look at Jim's life that properly parallels the descriptive and voluminous text through which he takes us on the journey of his life experiences. All told in a way that makes you feel that you are actually watching Jim go through it all... and you feel the joy and the heartbreak of personal and business situations.

As a bonus, a printed "insert" card of Jim's "Gilgamesh and the Serpent" drawing from 1963 in included inside the CD "snap-case," but there are many "extra" features interspersed throughout the book itself. One such surprise contains behind-the-scenes shots from Mighty Joe Young that I have never seen published before. They help fulfill a desire I personally have to see every such shot from Joe (and all such films). There are wonderful profiles of Al Whitlock and many people who had an influence and working relationship with Jim, giving everyone a broader insight to the industry itself. Some of these features are within the book proper, and others have a designated area to select, and that opens up additional pages of information regarding that particular subject.

This is a CD-format book of the finest quality, compatible with both PC and Mac. Using Adobe Reader (a free program you can download if you don't already have it), you can thumb through the pages as easily as any physical book. Right and Left arrow keys (or page up/page down) will turn the pages, and the Bookmarks tab gives you instant access to the entire table of contents and chapters menu. An added advantage is that you can zoom in for a better look at the images, something one often wishes for in a physical book where the amount of content has precluded a proper size. While the layouts are very nice throughout, and I found the picture sizes to be just fine, one does have the option of a closer look. So, if you want a closer look at a model or an armature, zooming-in is a fingertip control away.

Without question, this first volume is a "must-have." Congratulations and thanks, Jim, for putting all your time and effort into sharing all of this information. I think I can speak for a vast multitude of others that we very much appreciate what you have done in your career, and sharing that in such a meaningful way in this magnificent book.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The life and career of an FX wunderkind - what a journey! By Scott McRae Jim Danforth's long-awaited memoir "Dinosaurs, Dragons & Drama" Vol.1 has finally arrived - in eBook format. At first, there was initial disappointment upon learning that this wasn't a hardcover edition. However, this "pro-paper bias" was soon dispelled after I began to comfortably read the 1000+ digital pages on my laptop (a coffee table book of equivalent size would be pretty heavy!) Photographic detail is sometimes sacrificed in printed books because of page-size limitations, so I was pleased with the eBook's ability to zoom-in on the CD images (especially Danforth's beautiful armatures) without incurring any resolution loss.

There's a wealth of information detailing the interesting visual effects processes and methodologies of the pre-digital era, and this "tech" text is accompanied by hundreds of rare and fascinating photos. The myriad tricks and techniques that Jim Danforth describes are intriguing, but it's the personal and political side of his story that is more revealing. Career anecdotes regarding his animation and effects work are colorful and engaging, but it is the insightful (and sometimes unflattering) self-revelations that distinguish this memoir. Intertwined with the historical account, Jim Danforth has related forthright observations about himself, his personal relationships, and the film professionals with whom he has worked or encountered. Those who had expected "Dinosaurs, Dragons & Drama" to be a "fluffy" autobiography, are in for a big surprise. I hope that Dinosaurs, Dragons & Drama Vol.2 is released soon - I want to read the rest of the story!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Monumental Journey through the life of a Cinematic Genius By Klaatu Barada Nikto Several years ago, when I was screening individual effects scenes from a variety of films, I juxtaposed the final T-Rex shot at the end of JURASSIC PARK (when the "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" banner flutters to the ground in front of the behemoth) with the Mother Dinosaur "deer-in-the-mouth" shot from Jim Danforth's Oscar-nominated magnum opus of the same name. I'll never forget the audience response. Several people exclaimed: "That dinosaur looks every bit as realistic as the T-Rex!" I emphatically agreed, saying that beautifully-done could be as amazing as CGI.

Jim Danforth once said that if had made only one movie, THE 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD, his place in fantasy film history would be absolutely secure. In response, I'd add that if Jim Danforth had only made WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH, his reputation as a special effects genius would be equally secure. But, as with Ray, Jim has given us more, much more, over the years. One of the big surprises of Jim's book is just how many effects shots he has done and how many different effects techniques he has mastered. Jim has always brought to his film work a determination to expand the repertoire of the effects artist; he didn't stick with one technique the way that Harryhausen did with split-screens and process photography, instead deploying an effects palette far grander than that of his mentors.

Jim Danforth's passion for excellence now extends beyond his screen credentials to his written work. DINOSAURS, DRAGONS, & DRAMA, Volume One of Jim's autobiography, documents the remarkable imagination and dedication that this effects artist has consistently brought to his chosen craft.

Anybody who is fascinated with special effects techniques will find Jim's book a staggering source of technical information. As an example, if you've ever puzzled over the differences between the Dunning and the Williams matting processes (I admit that I have), you won't after reading this book. Again and again, as I read about how certain effects were done, one word kept coming to mind: Overwhelming. When explaining special effects techniques, not only does Jim provide a startling level of detail, but he also makes clear just how incredibly clever are the early magicians of the screen. This book is a much-needed corrective to the notion that technical ingenuity is of recent vintage.

But it would be a huge mistake to suggest that Jim's book will appeal only to the techies. The most charming aspect of the work is how accessible it is. Jim's writing style is so engaging that the reader feels as if he's participating in a conversation with a close friend. I often found myself laughing out loud at Jim's hilarious (and occasionally depressing) anecdotes about the film business. If you've ever had trepidations about the daily goings-on in "La La Land," this book will likely confirm them. (They didn't start yesterday.) Of greatest interest in this regard is Jim's recounting of incidents regarding personality conflicts (and more than a little professional jealousy) at the famous effects house Project Unlimited.

There are also many fascinating "sidebars," slices of information revealing the artistic and cultural influences in Jim's life, his personal likes and dislikes, and his encyclopedic knowledge of both the technology and the business of filmmaking. I don't want to give away any "surprises" and take away from anyone's joy of discovery, the very same joy that greeted me on practically every page of the book. Let me just say that you'll get answers to questions such as these:

* In Jim's opinion, what pair of classic science-fiction films would have benefited the most from the use of stop-motion animation? * What Ray Harryhausen movie does Jim think most highly of as a movie? * What behind-the-scenes efforts initiated by Jim made it into the final cut of JACK THE GIANT KILLER and what did not? * What work did Jim do (and not do) on THE OUTER LIMITS? * What valuable lessons did Jim learn from master matte painter Albert Whitlock? * Why did it take Jim more than a year to complete the effects work for WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH?

I haven't yet said anything about the visual delights of the book. It contains hundreds of photographs, many of them painstakingly retouched and colorized by Jim's skilled hand, photos that you have never seen anywhere else. They are not limited to Jim's own work; there are behind-the-scenes shots from MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, THE BLACK SCORPION, and any number of other classic effects-oriented movies.

Here's an example of the great visuals you'll get. I suspect there are many who remember the Famous Monsters photo of Jim's JACK THE GIANT KILLER sculpture of a giant that never appeared in the final film. Just wait until you see that photo in glorious color. Next to it is another photo of the same sculpture, taken from a different angle, revealing that the giant has two heads!

Some readers might be wary of the fact that the book is entirely on a single CD-ROM. I confess that I had some reservations about this delivery format, but now that I've seen the results, I'm very pleased with Jim's choice. There are over one thousand pages of material on the disc, and I found that reading and viewing them on my computer screen was more relaxing than a printed book experience would be for a book of this size. Jim put in a great deal of effort to make his book readable on a computer monitor, and that effort has paid off.

Jim Danforth has created a truly spectacular and memorable Volume One... just in time for Christmas! Every Monster Kid lucky enough to order this masterpiece will be absolutely enthralled with it.


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DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth. Let's read! We will certainly often learn this sentence everywhere. When still being a childrens, mom made use of to order us to consistently read, so did the instructor. Some e-books DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth are fully read in a week and also we need the commitment to sustain reading DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth What around now? Do you still enjoy reading? Is reviewing simply for you that have responsibility? Not! We below provide you a brand-new e-book entitled DINOSAURS, DRAGONS & DRAMA - The Odyssey Of A Trickfilmmaker - An Illustrated Memoir (Volume 1: The Outward Journey) By Jim Danforth to review.