YU Athletes Talk Sports with Donovan

At Victoria ' Colts Drill Teams From Tackle Speaks to Guests at Dinner ; Bowling Green, Kent State to Participate Pictures on Pages 1, 4 and '5.

Company P, The First Regiment, Youngstown University Student will host the Annual Regional Ass'n last Sunday evening honor• Drill Meet on Sat. March 26th at ed Mickey Yugovich and Tom the 79th Fighter Group Air Base Smolanovich for their outstanding at Vienna, Ohio. contributions to YU sports at a testimonial dinner held at the The Drill Meet will be held from Victoria Restaurant. About 125 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Approximately 200 guests heard addresses from Art Cadets representing Ohio colleges Donovan, tackle for the Baltimore will participate in the Drill exhibition'. Colts and Dr. Howard W. Jones, Two Marine Sgts. from the Marine president of the university. John Reserve will judge the Drill Teams. David Poole Jr., editor-in-c'hief of the Jambar, and Jerry Harkle- Trophies will be awarded in the rode, YUSA vice-president, pre• following categories: Regular sented trophies to Smolanovich Platoon Drill, "Squad Drill and and Yugovich, following the Individual Drill. PENGUINS CHAT WITH PRO: Tom Smolanovich (left) and Mickey Yugovich (far right) discuss dinner. The Regional Drill Meet is operat• sports with Art Donovan, tackle for the Baltimore Colts during last Sunday's testimonial at the The two athletes were chosen as ed on a "revolving" basis and each Victoria Restaurant. Donovan spoke to guests following the dinner. YUSA officials hope the testi• YU's top athletes in a poll of area member school hosts the event every monial dinner honoring the outstanding athletes of die year will become an annual affair. sports casters and writers conducted four years. by the Jambar in cooperation with Schools participating in the Drill YUSA. Nine radio and television., Meet are: John Carroll, Akron U.', SAI -Elects stations and The Youngstown Kent state and Youngstown Uni• Vindicator sports staff took part in versity. the voting. Editor's Note: The following article appeared in last weeks Jambar and we Pershing Rifle 1st Lt. Colson, of 1960 Officers Yugovich is a senior enrolled in the believe the event to be of such importance that repetition is in order. Youngstown University, is the Drill School.of Business Administration at Meet Officer. The Social Science Club and the English Society will sponsor a The Alpha Nu- chapter of Sigma Youngstown and has played on the •Alpha Iota elected officers, for'' the Symposium on Censorship, open to the entire student body, on first string of the YU basketball Refreshments will be provided and 1960-61 sch'ool term. the public is invited. Thursday, March 24, 1960 at 8:00 p.m. in Strouss Memorial Audi• team throughout his 4 years at torium. Views will be presented by Common Pleas Court Judge Officers-elect are: Pres., Nancy Youngstown. In his freshman year he Erskine Maiden, Atty. John W. Powers, Rev. prank Schulman and Bennett; Vice Pres., Lynne Botsco; scored 503 points for the Penguins giving him the all-time record for a Dr. Gordon O'Brien with Dr. Kelsie Harder serving as moderator. Recording sec, Nancy DeForest; freshman eager. This year he bucket• Judge Maiden graduated from Corr. see., Ravenna Swetts; Treas., ed 1917 points, placing him second Atty. J.w. Powers Is'presently the Cassandra Nelson; chaplain, Lois Economics Parley Rayen School. He attended Harvard among the all-time scorers at YU. College, Harvard Law school, west• chairman of the ways and Means Tamplin; Sgt. of arms, Carolee 1 Tony Knott, a 1956 graduate, holds Dr. Taighi Kermani, professor of Committee of citizens for Decent Mislevy and Eve Witt, editor. ern Reserve University Law school. the number one position with 2,218 economics at Youngstown, has been In 1916,, Judge Maiden was admitted Literature. Prom 1932 through 1936 Formal installation of the new points. selected to participate in the Pro• to the practice of law. He practiced he was the director of Comn-erce for gram for Teachers of Economics on the State of Ohio in Colu,mbus. He officers will take place on April 6th. until 1931 when he was elected to Yugovich recently has ~beeh con- . Recent developments in Applied Common Pleas Court, judge Maiden was also the Law Director for the tacted by the St Louis Hawks and Economics. The Program will be has taught at the Youngstown uni• city of Youngstown during Mayor Class Rings O'Neil's term of office. From 1949 to several other NIBL teams who desire held in August at the University of versity school of Law 28 years. He is 1954 he served as Municipal judge Now on Sale (Continued on Page 2) Chicago. a member of the Junior Order of in Youngstown. He has- been State United American Mechanics, Masonic Graduating seniors who The program is supported by a and National Director forthe Cerebral Order, Order of Scottich Clan for 50 wish to purchase YU class RILlJanquet To grant from the General Electric Palsy Foundation. years, Kiwanis Club and the rings should contact Ray Foundation. Professors are nominated Tabernacle United Presbyterian Brenner at 200 W* Federal Be Held at by the university and are on the Rev. Prank Schulman is teaching In Church. St. or phone RI 45346. basis of education and back gr,oiind, Pilgrim Church (Continued on Page 3) Seniors have a choice of three A similar program was held at stones; ruby, sapphire, ,or George Winsen, Humorist, Case Institute of Technology last Kiwanis Form SAI Members onyx. The rings are all Summer. priced at §33-90 and *a--$5 Educator Will Speak Service Club Attend Workshop deposit is required. Delivery The Religion In Life Annual Horizon Collects will be frpm 8 to 10 weeks. Banquet will ibe at the Pilgrim At Michigan Collegiate church, 322 Wick Avenue, Material for Circle K, a service club sponsored Thursday, iMarch 31, at 6:30 p.m. by the Kiwanis Club, is in the Spring Issue process of being organized on the YU Nancy Bennett, Ravenna Swetts and Mr. George Winsen, humorist and campus. One of the purposes of the Lois Tamplin of Sigma Alpha Iota Mistake in Dues educator, will speak on "A Formula/ Poetry, short stories (1500-2000 group will be to interest local high attended an officers' works hop at for Your 'Success' in Life". Appear• In the March 18th issue of the words), essays and art work to be school students in attending Youngs• the University of Michigan in Ann ing also on the program is the Rayen JAMBAR, the statement was made used in the spring issue of the town University. Arbor on March 18th and 19th. Boys Octet. 'Horizon' are being collected now that the senior class had voted to by the staff. Material submitted must Several students have been meeting Nancy Bennett performed a vocal raise Senior Class dues from $10 to The banquet is subsidized by RIL, be typed and must include the name of with the object of securing the'per• solo at the convention, she was $15. This was incorrect. thus the price is $1.00 to anyone who purchases a ticket; The remain-' the contributor before it will he mission of the University and a accompanied'by Miss Swetts. The senior class dues for, the ing costs are.paid by RIL. considered. Contributions may be charter from the Kiwanis. ¥U men Prof. Wiley Hitchcock, of the graduating class of 1960 has been dropped in the Horizon boxes in the. who are interested in joining can University of-Michigan's School of set at $8.00 per student. This is an Tickets for the dinner may be Library and Main Buildings anytime contact Ron Lautzenheiser of Music,, discussed contemporary music increase from last years charge of obtained atthe Chaplains Office and before the deadline - May 1. Youngstown at SW=22242 or Rudy at the closing banquet. $5.00 per student. • from Betty Fabry, ticket chairman. Schlais of Hubbard at KE-43465. PAGE TWO THE JAMBAR Friday, March 25, I960

Scholarships Rhee Working To Insure Published weekly except, during vacation and scheduled examination periods. Editorial and business offices are located in 22 Pollock House. To Be Given Mailing address—Box 69, Youngstown University, Youngstown 3, Ohio. Political Victory Phone—Ext. 9. Applicants Must Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Ohio College News Associa• y Enter Before By Lynn C. Newland tion, Penn-Ohio Collegiate Press Association. National Advertising May 1 Deadline Representative; National Advertising Service Inc. 18 E. 50th St., New Important presidential primaries are being held York 22, New York. t Ten osteopathic college scholar• in the United States now and in South Korea a ships of $1,000 each will be award• Dave Poole Presidential election is being held which is worthy ed by the Auxiliary to the American Editor of attention to us in the States. Korea is ihe land Osteopathic Association for the which occupied our time, money, resources and Lynn -Newland Frank Court entering classes in the fall of i960;. Managing Editor Managing Editor armies from 1950 to the signing of an armistice in Osteopathic scholarships appli• July of 1953* This is the country we rescued from Paul Jagnow Pete Shoemaker cants . for the entering classes of the arms of Communism; in die "police aciion" or City Editor Business Manager 1960 must have an acceptance or a war, whichever you prefer. It is interesting to note Prof. Harold Crites tentative acceptance from any one of how this country, whose freedom we fought for, Advisor the six approved osteopathic manages its elections. Its supposedly "free" and colleges; all of which require a democratic elections. minimum of three years of pre- Newland professional work. South Korea has two political parties. The Liberal Party and the Democratic Party. Syngman Rhee is boss of the Liberal machine The scholarships will be awarded and the deceased Chough Pyunk Ok was leader of the Democratic on the basis of financial need, good faction; Dr. John M, Chang is now recognized as the Democratic We are proud to say that some of our faculty members did note scholarship, strong motivation to• the seriousness of the. censorship issue in the trial ended last ward the osteopathic school of leader. week testing the merits'of the book "Sex Life of a Cop", and medicine and outstanding personality Because of the death of Chough Ok, Rhee will be unopposed anc5 testified for the defense. traits. ultimately re-elected by South Korea's ten million voters- We .commend those faculty members who did testify, not only for Information about the osteopathic Even so, Rhee's Liberals are not being fair about the election their appearances but for the excellent manner in which they colleges, scholarships and appli• The incessant drive to win this and all other elections can be at• handled themselves on the witness stand. The erudite answers cation forms will be sent upon re• tributed to the Democrats' Dr. John M. Chang who defeated Rhee'*. competency of their testimony was a bright spot in the proceedings. quest by the Scholarship chairman, personal candidate for the Vice Presidency in 1956. Since this Auxiliary to the American Osteo• victory of the Democrats Rhee has vowed it will never happen again. pathic Association, 212 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, Illinois. And, Syngman Rhee is employing many underhanded efforts to insure his party's victory this week. Applications for the national Government jeeps are used to carry loudspeakers to drown out osteopathic college scholarships speeches of the Democratic candidates.. Jeeps carrying campaign The Choice is Yours must be completed' and sent to the scholarship chairman prior to May 1, banners with,re-elect Rhee slogans. It appears that the thugs, -hoodlurfts and other racketeers that, 1960. Winners will be announced Democratic campaign workers are being coerced by gangs of infest the city of Youngstown have abandoned their usual cautious after May 15th. juveniles; gangs supported by Rhee. The hoodlums not only assault attitudes and have become more daring in their illicit activities. the opposition, but break up political rallies and steal campaign The recent assassination of gangland figure, Joseph (Sandy) Naples literature. and the recent bombing of the plush Sands Lounge are enough to YU Music School substantiate this statement. Because.Rhee is unopposed for the Presidency the contest is for Hears Dr. Harris the Vice Presidency. In* a free election the Democratic incumbent, As in all underworld crimes, clues are few -- or so claims the Chang, could probably win. His opponent is Lee Ki Poong. Poong The School of Music of Youngstown. Youngstown Police Dept. In any event, it is highly questionable has not attended Assembly sessions for a year. University heard a lectureAgiven by whether the purporters of these atrocities will ever be apprehended. Dr. Roy Harris on Tues., Mar. 22. Do the Democrats have -a chance in this election? "If a free It is even more questionable that if arrests are made, that there will Dr. Harris, has been repeatedly election were guaranteed/' said Dr. Chang, "there is not the be any convictions. named as the composer who represents slightest doubt that I would win a landslide." And, according to The methods of the underworld are well known. Via means of the culmination of contemporary the Liberal Party "everything" is under control. Evidently so. bribery, intimidation and other equally repulsive methods the under• American musical composition. His It is quite difficult to reconcile these accounts of coercion in my world rot continues to grow and thrive in our community. topic was, "Music In Contemporary Soviet Russia", Dr. Harris was mind in light of the fact that only seven years ago this country was* On whom do we place the blame for this flagrant disregard for appointed as a cultural ambassador struggling for its freedom from Communist oppression. justice? The Police Dept.? No! The judicial system? No! The to Soviet Russia by the state De• Ironical, isn't it, that a country which came so close to losing its- blame lies with those people who continue to call puke, like Naples> partment in 1958. freedom has resorted to terrorist methods to insure political victory. "a good guy"! the people who contribute to the livelihood of this scum by playing the "bug" and padding the underworld pocket. In 1938 Roy Harris completed his These people must shoulder the blame for the virulent condition of Third Symphony which established this city. him as one of the foremost American King's Second Childhood Revealed composers. This work also secured Until these people decide to quit padding the underworlds pocket for Harris the enviable position of with money and decide to dissolve personal ties with the under• being one of the most performed of In "Mine Enemy Grows Older" world -- then and only then — will the army of hoodlums, thugs, all American composers. Dr. Harris By Audrey A. Zagorec murders, whoremasters, crooked politicians and other degenerate is one of the most picturesque and Item 3. And this is the most disgraceful. The worst aspect of the King explains he will not begin miserable conditions to be found in the two campus, eating places is his autobiography as others do in By John S. Knight the disrespect shown to the ladies who clean the garbage from the childhood and then proceed in orderly tables. [Conveniently, rather carelessly, left there by the students. (publisher, Knight newspapers) fashion toward the conclusion of Too many editorial pages .... read as if the editor life, old age. His life skips and hops To witness these deplorable conditions semester after, semester - it's a series of anecdotes - it's a. were more interested in wordage than wisdom and produces a cynical attitude in the minds of The Jambar staff about/ zany world that can't be ignored. the student body of Youngstown University, wallop .... _ ' Thus this is a story, of a dope We are tired of pointing out these conditions every semester. I get the impression that while the average editor feels he must bean authority on, everything from the addict with a calcified kidney - King This entire mess is so trivial. You.are supposedly students at an repeatedly reminds his readers of his institution for higher learning. ' aardvarkto Zacha'riah, he is so mild-mannered about . it all that no reader gets mad enough to cancel \* kidney condition - hoping that he would live long enough to finish If you, as college students, haven't yet acquired a knowledge of his subscription. .This tipid and torpid approach to writing one page, then one chapter; basic manners, heed our advise; -there is no better opportunity than the grave questions of our times hardly calculated : he, of course, lived to finish the now to learn. - to stimulate thought, and thus does not serve the entire book and see the calamity it function for which editorial pages are intended .... is creating among the reading We have drifted a long way from the fire-eating, public. Alexander King, explosive The Social Science Club and the.English Society will sponsor a "sockem-rockem" breed of editors to the comfort• and anarchic being, full of good wilt Symposium on Censorship, open to the entire student body, on able conformists who are against sin and the and salt-free baby food lives in h* Thursday, March 24, 1960 at 8:00 p.m. in Strouss Memorial Audi-: Democratic Party .... second-childhood hoping that it will torium. be as .full of raptures and heart• --- reprinted from Newsweek magazine. breaking surprises as the first one was. Friday, March 25, I960 THE JAMBAR PAGE THREE


At Victoria By Pat McGarren Why is it — thie only time you.remember that you!re out of razor Baltimore Colts blades is in the morning when you roll out of bed, and you.have to Tackle Speaks to use the same blade you've been using for the past ten days. ;Well, at least your mother remembers to keep in a good stock of band- Guests at Dinner aids, i . . ,. (Continued from Page .1) It is the morning after the night before, you're putting on your shoes,' and the lace snaps ... for the fourth time. There is not his talents for pro cage .work. - enough lace left to tie another knot, so what do you do ... break, •During his four.years at Woodrow down and buy another pair of laces, paint your feet black or start Wilson High School he was named wearing thick soc ks. to both the all-city and all-state cage squads. This year he was SEEN IN THE CAFETERIA named a. member of the "Who's Who It saddens us to see a man make a fool of himself in front of his in small College Basketball" by true-love. While looking for-some earth-shocking event in the Cafe• the NCAA. teria, we witnessed this little episode. Smolanovich who sparked Coach Some fellow, trying to impress his girl by acting very nonchalant Dwight (Dike) Beede's football and debonaire, flipped out a cigarette with the air of a man who has teams for the last four years received complete iJ|ntro£ of his environment, -and- casually lit it. with his. the trophy for the most valuable solid-gdltfT imported, variable flame lighter, complete with a football player at the testimonial.-He rhinestone flint wheel and mink wick. ;As, the initial flash ended has played at numerous positions on and the smoke began to clear, he noticed someone 'snickering the gridiron, but finally came, into beside him. To his horror, he found ou£ he was smoking the-cork- his own at the end pos ition and as a tipped, charcoal activated filter, which was emitting an aroma that. defensive halfback. was sending people screaming to the windows and doors for fresh air. Basis for his nomination was his uncanny pass receiving ability and The moral of this story . . . don't smoke .cigarettes with filters general all around playing ability for at only one end. Try the newest of the brands, DEATH, the cigar• the Penguins. Last December he ette with filters' at.both ends, giving ^ou.four inches of cotton signed a professional football con• recessed cotton filters and one-half inch of slightly stale vegetable tract with the Ottawa Roughriders of fibers, guaranteed tq.,be gathered in DEATH is recommended by that the Canadian Circuit. At Youngstown' popular quartet, the Pour Sore Throats, whose current hit is "Give he also excelled in punting on fourth Me Your Heart, bear; Iwant to Create a Monster-". down manuevers and scored many extra points for the Beedemen.

Smolanovich is married to the The most beautiful former Carolyn Jones of Poland, Ohio, and has two children. new look in diamonds Father John Lucas, philosophy and religion instructor, gave the invoca• TALE OF \THE TAPE: Apparently /the California smog hasn't tion in the absense of Father Paul impaired die vision of the male students at San. Francisco City Petric, YU Catholic Chaplain. College. It seems that the 41-inch bust measurement of pretty Harold R. Freas, president of Sandy Cherniss, 21-year-old sophomore, is causing such a rise in YUSA and coordinator of the event, temperature among the male population on campus that the school welcomed guests and ' give the. administration has beseeched her to be "as inconspicuous as tributes to the athletes, chuck possible** when on campus. A campus spokesman said she has Perazich of the Youngstown vindica• been asked to please, please wear loose clothing — maybe some• tor introduced guest speaker, Dono• thing like a school dress. van following the dinner.

COPYRIGHT 1937 THE COCA-COL* COMPANY Donovan amused guests w ith anecdotes about his career with the Baltimore Colts and answered questions concerning professional football. Pres.. Jones spoke about Yugovich

and Smolanovich, commending them; on their sportsmanship and humility throughout their years on the grid• iron and cage floor. ft *

The testimonial dinner was the, first sponsored by the Youngstown University Student Ass'n and promis• es to be an annual affair. Censorship ymposium ENGAGEMENT RINGS (Continued from Page 1) > the Department of Philosophy and is You hove to see it to believe it! Looks like o diamond star minister of the Unitarian Church of- floating on' her finger. And it makes any dicmond look bigger,, Youngstown. brighter, more beautiful. Don't.even think of any other en• Dr. O'Brien is a professor in the gagement ring until you see the dazzling "Evening Star"* col• Department of English and Dr. Harder Aricarved is an assistant professor of English lection at your jeweler's.' here at the University. And, for j-eal proof of value, ask your jeweler about Art- corved's famous nationwide Permanent Value Plan. It gives Because this particular issue is'of such present concern, it is hpped you the right to apply your ring's full 'current retail price, that the student body and faculty will should .you ever desire to, toward a larger Arfcorved give strong support by attending the diamond--any time—at any of the thousands of Artcarved Symposium in full number. jewelers throughout the country. Phyllis Green of the Social Science IMPORTANT. Every genuine "Evening Star" diamond is guaranteed in writing, for co'or... cvt ... clority... and carat weight and only Arlcorved -stamps Club andv Rita Nolle of the English Society are serving as co-chairmen the exact diamond weight in (he ring. It's a genuine "Evening Stor" only wheivlhe name is stamped in the ring.

Beloved by brides for more than one hundred years (1850-1960) Miss Hendricks To Talk We'd like to admit right here and now that the On Marriage at RIL main reason we run advertisements like this is to -^K rtcarved get yovt, dear reader, to drink Coca-Cola to the Religion in Life Fellowship's DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS virtual exclusion of all other .beverages. The feature speaker forthis week is Mrs. sooner you start going along with us, the sooner Gertrude Hendricks, * Director of J. R. Wood & Sons, Inc., Dept. CP, 2IC E. 45th St., Now York 17, N. Y, we'll both begin to get more out of life. Family Life Education, Youngstown FREE: Send me more facts about diamond rings and "WEDDING GUIDE FOR Board of Education. Mrs. Hendricks' BRIOE AND GROOM." Also name of nearest (or home-town) Artcarved Jeweler. BE REALLY REFRESHED topic is' "Looking Ahead - Traits Name. That Make You Liked", and concerns Address- Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cota Company by getting along in school, on the job, in marriage, and in the home. City .County or Zone. COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. OF YOUNGSTOWN. O. •"IVIHIHO »T*»" AH11ID rt>*. (tlHOJ tHU'OttilO SHOW DITAIl. J. *. WOOD I *OH», INC. Chatting things over with Art Donovan, Baltimore Colts tackle are (left to right) Harold R. Freas, president of YUSA; Dr. Howard W. Jones, president of Youngstown University, Donovan, Dean Joseph E. Smith, dean of the university and Jerry Harklerode, vice president of the student ass'n. Donovan amused guests with anecdotes about his career with the Colts and answered questions on Giving Tom Smolanovich's trophy the once-over is former YU professional football. great Ralph G°Mston (center) who is now playing for the Hamilton Tiger Cats of the Canadian Football League as Mickey Yugovich looks on. The 36-inch trophies were donated by jeweler, Ed Menaldi*of 2312 Market St.

Mickey Yugovich (right) receives a trophy' for his outstanding contributions to Youngstown University' athletics during the 1959-60 • Art Donovan (center) discusses the testimonial dinner with university president, Dr. Howard Jones , school year from Jerry Harklerode, Vice President of the Youngs• town University Student Ass'n. In the background is a life-size full and dean of the'university, Joseph E. Smith. Pres. Jones also addressed die guests and complimented color photograph of Yugovich. Yugovich and Smolanovich on their "modesty" during their sports careers at YU. . Friday, March 25, I960 THE JAMBAR PAGE FIVE

m (Author of "7 Was a TeerwQt Dwarf", "The Many Loves of Dobie G>M$'\ etc.)


As everyone knows, the most serious problem facing American colleges today is the shortage of parking space for students' cars. Many remedies have been offered to solve this vexing dilemma.

(For instance, it has been suggested that all students be required to drive small foreign sports cars which can be carried in the purse or pocket. This would, of course, solve the parking prob-, lem but it would make double dating impossible—unless, that is, the boys make the girls run along behind the car. But that is no solution either because by the time they get to the prom the girls will be panting so hard that they will wilt their corsages. Another suggested cure for our, parking woes is that all students smoke Marlboro cigarettes. At first glance this seems an excellent solution because we all know Marlboro is the cigarette which proved that flavor did not go out when filters came in—and when we sit around and smoke good Marlboros we are so possessed by sweet contentment that none of us wishes ever to leave, which means no gadding about which means no driving, which means no parking problem. But the argument in favor,of Marlboros overlooks one im• portant fact: when you run out of Marlboros you must go get some more, which means driving, which means parking, which means you're right back where you started. Probably the most practical suggestion to alleviate the campus parking situation is to tear down every school of dentistry m the country and turn it into a parking lot. This is not to say that dentistry is unimportant.! Dentistry is im• portant and vital and a shining part of our American heritage. But the fact is there is no real need for separate schools of den• tistry. Dentistry could easily bemoved to the school of mining engineering. Surely anyone who can drill a thousand feet for oil can fill a simple little cavity. John David Poole Jr., editor-in-chief of the Jambar presents Tom Smolanovich his award for outstanding achievement in football at the testimonial dinner held "at the Victoria Restaurant last Sunday.

yke MemSf Mi

This experiment—combining dentistry with mining engineer• ing—has already been tried at several colleges—and with some very interesting results. Take, for instance, the case of-a dental student named Fred C. Sigafoos. One day recently Fred was out practicing with his drilling rig in a vacant lot just off ca^mpus. He sank a shaft two hundred feet deep and, to his surprise and delight, he struck a detergent, mine. For a while Fred thought his fortune was made but he soon learned that he had drilled into the storage tank of the Eagle Laundry. Walter P. Eagle, president of the laundry, was mad as all get- out and things looked mighty black for Fr«d. But it all ended well. When Mr. Eagle called Fred into \m office to chew him out, it so happened that Mr. Eagle's beautif ul daughter, Patient - Griselda, was present. For years Patient Griselda had been patiently waiting for the right man. "That's him!" she cried upon spying Fred—and today Fred is a full partner jn:the Eagle .

Laundry in charge of pleats and ruffles. ®1060 MuxShuimim

*4* ^ " ' !

Speaking of laundries reminds us of cleanliness which in turn reminds us of filtered Marlboros and unfdtered Philip Morris—both clean and-fresh to the taste—both available in soft pack and flip-top box.

An Ohio State sophomore yes• terday was charged with illegal possession of narcotics. Police say he has admitted steeling more than 40 grains of jnoi.*phine from his The three responsible for coordinating ^the successful testimonial uncle, who is a doctor in Pennsyl• are shown discussing die dinner. Pictured left to right are: John vania. r David Poole Jr., editor-in-chief of die Jambar; Harold R. Freas, Another student, who was also president of the Youngstown University Student Ass'n and Jerry •I'M mt wrve Mer ttroa, wr *T T* MAMiirr ( £AK'r MWWWJJ W HUM. * Harklerode, vice president of YUSA. questioned, was released. PAGE SIX THE JAMBAR Friday, Match 25, I960 KSK Forms Mothers Club at Youngstown Kappa Sigma Kappa's recently organized Mothers Club held its first meeting at the home of Mrs, Richard Weachter, 481 Orlo Lane, Youngs• town, Ohio, last week, to elect officers for the year. by Frank Court The newly elected officers are; Mrs. Paul Brahney, Pres.; Mrs. Ralph DeMain, vice Pres.; Mrs. Jose ph IF IT IS OUR PRIVILEGE TO VOICE AN OPINION, Moran, sec'y and Mrs. Henry Joseph, SO TO TEMPER THE FUZZ AH THAT WILL BARF THE DOMINION: Treas; —the antithesis NoDoz® could save your life. IN THE BOOK OF REQUESTS WE'LL VENTURE TO ENTER, of perspicacity. Right? Worth knowing? Right! LET THERE BE NO CLASSROOMS IN THE STUDENT CENTER. The new officers held their first the home of Mrs. DeMain Too often, driving a car, is like reading a textbook. It can make you In keeping with the trend toward expans ion and campus improve• 153 Lincoln Park Dr. Youngstown, drowsy no matter how much sleep you get. But; safe NoDpz fights this ment, Niittsta U. .had planned the building of a Student Center. Ohio, following the election. kind of "hypnosis." Safe NoDoz alerts you. with The student tx>dy was overjoyed and waited anxiously for the KSK members, Ralph DeMain and caffeine—the same refreshing stimulant in construction to begin. coffee and tea. Yet non-habit-forming p^*[i to arouse emotions. James Dolby were responsible for A Nasty Rumor organizing the Mothers Club. NoDoz is faster, handier, more reliable. *" The address went like this: "Four So to keep perspicacious while yo.u drive, . Meanwhile, campus life continued score and seven years ago the "Was your friend shocked over the study, and work—keep NoDoz handy. in its usual unbalanced manner, board of directors brought forth on death-of his mother-in-daw?" ! The safe stay awake tablet —available everywhere. Another fine product of Grove Laboratories. concerned with the things that most this corner a new college, conceived "Shocked? He was electrocuted!" •collegiate intellectuals are normal• in cement, and dedicated to the. ly concerned with. Money, avoiding proposition that all men are ignorant work and graduation! and need educated. Huttsta U. remained a happy and "Now we are engaged .in a grave prosperous institution. That is, it campus problem, testing whether Columbus discovers the was happy until a- nasty rumor spread classrooms should be allowed in our among the student body that class• Student Center. We, are met in rooms were being planned for the confusion and should retire to the Student Center. coffee bar because it probably . Bitter feelings were directed at the won't do any good to complain. It is administration by the students as a altogether fitting and proper that we result of the rumor. They felt it a should do this." errlble injustice to include class• rooms in a Student Center that was supposed to be built solely for the recreation of the ivy-leaguers. There was no shortage of classrooms. And therefore, no need for them in the Student center. Something had to be done to stop it.

Cruddly's Speeches And something was done. Gustavus Cruddly, an allocution major, deliver• ed a series of haranguing speeches

to the students trying purposelyv-to incite their angry, inexperienced minds to a point of rebellion against the administration. ''At various times throughout the day, Gustavus would emerge from the This is the B-52. Advanced as ft library with a soap-box under his may be, this airplane has one thing arm. He would place the soap-box on in common with the first war- the ground, himself on the soap-box galleys oi ancient Egypt... and and with a wave of his arm begin to with the air and space vehicles of deliver an addres s full of passionate, the future. Someone must chart its vehement adjectives. course. Someone must navigate it. Students would gather, by the For certain young men this pre• hundreds and cheer him on. crying sents a career of real executive "hoovah" each time he condemned the inconsiderate decision that opportunity. Here, perhaps you would place classrooms in the will have the chance to master a Student Center. profession full of meaning, excite• ment and a Naviga• Interesting Addresses tor in the U. S. Air Force. His addresses were marvelous. He To qualify for Navigator train• had, in his collection, some of the, ing as an Aviation Cadet you must best ever recorded. He had the be an American citizen between 19 addresses of fascinating brunettes and 26)4—single, healthy and in• with tan and creamy complexions,, telligent. A high school diploma is sultry red-heads with eyes the color required, but some college is highly or rare emerald and frosty blondes desirable. Successful completion of with sparkling eyes and al• the training program leads to a luring white streaks in their hair. He commission as a Second Lieuten• also had an effective address that he ant... and your Navigator wings. used, complete with hand movements. If you think you have what it "Flavor, Ho!" The Admiral Shouted takes to measure up to the Avia• tion Cadet Program for Naviga• As He Sighted[FTLTER-BLENP" tor training, see your local Air Force Recruiter. Or clip and mail, this coupon. From the Captain's Log... Winston! It is the only cigarette with a1 modern filter plus Filter- There's a place for tomorrow's One Day Out. Weighed anchor Blend—rich, golden tobaccos not leaders on th$ and set sail in search of a filter .only specially selected, but also Aerosfiace Team. cigarette that really tastes like a specially processed for filter smok• cigarette. Crew thinks this is wild ing. Crew now thinks this is a goose chase. pleasure cruise. One Week Out. Have sighted One Year Out. Crew has muti• many filter cigarettes and smoked HAVE YOU Mftil THIS C'OUPOM TODAY nied. Refuses to go back to the Old same. Crew still thinks the world AVIATION CADET INFORMATION World (non-Winston Hemisphere). REMEMBERED DEPT. SCL02 is flat. BOX 7606, WASHINGTON -J, D.C. I agree. Therefore I am founding a I am between 19 and 26>/2, a citjzen of the U.S. and a high school graduate One Month Out. Discovered colony called Filter-Blerid. Colony's with years of college. Please send me detailed information on trie New World of smoking pleasure: motto will be: Aviation Cadet program. NAME- m it! STREET. "Winston tastes a cigarette should! CRfPPLEbiBiHJDffiM: CITY- COUNTY. -STATE. R.J, REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO..WIHSTOH-SALEH.N.C.