Abraham Lincoln papers

1 From to George B. McClellan [Copy in an Unknown Hand] , May 9, 1862

1 In his President's General War Order No. 2 of March 8, 1862, Lincoln had dictated the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac from twelve divisions into four , on the grounds that no commander could give adequate attention to each of a dozen divisions. The new corps were entities with commanders, named by Lincoln, who were subordinate to General McClellan. McClellan reluctantly acquiesced in the arrangement, until after the on the Peninsula on May 5, 1862. He claimed then that at least a thousand Union lives had been lost on account of the organization into corps. From Secretary of War Stanton McClellan demanded authority either to reorganize his army by divisions or to replace incompetent corps commanders. Lincoln's response follows. See Collected Works, V, 149-150, 209n.


Fort Monroe, Va. May 9, 1862

My dear Sir:

I have just assisted the Secretary of War in framing the part of a despatch to you, relating to Army Corps, which despatch of course will have reached you long before this will. I wish to say a few words to you privately on this subject. I ordered the Army Corps organization not only on the unanimous opinion of the twelve Generals whom you had selected and assigned as Generals of , but also on the unanimous opinion of every military man I could get an opinion from, and every modern military book, yourself only excepted. Of course, I did not, on my own judgment, pretend to understand the subject. I now think it indispensable for you to know how your struggle against it is received in quarters which we cannot entirely disregard. It is looked upon as merely an effort to pamper one or two pets, and to persecute and degrade their supposed rivals. I have had no word 2 from Sumner, Heintzelman, or Keyes. The commanders of these Corps are of course the three highest officers with you, but I am constantly told that you have no consultation or communication with them; that you consult and communicate with nobody but General Fitz John Porter, and 3 perhaps General Franklin. I do not say these complaints are true or just; but at all events it is proper you should know of their existence. Do the Commanders of Corps disobey your orders in any thing?

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1585600 4 When you relieved General Hamilton of his command the other day, you thereby lost the confidence of at least one of your best friends in the Senate. And here let me say, not as applicable to you personally, that Senators and Representatives speak of me in their places as they please, without question; and that officers of the army must cease addressing insulting letters to them for taking no greater liberty with them.

But, to return, are you strong enough — are you strong enough, even with my help — to set your foot upon the necks of Sumner, Heintzelman, and Keyes all at once? This is a practical and very serious question for you.

2 Brigadier Generals Edwin Sumner, Samuel P. Heintzelman and Erasmus D. Keyes commanded the Second, Third and Fourth Corps respectively.

3 Brigadier General William B. Franklin commanded a division in Irvin McDowell's First Corps.

4 Brigadier General Charles S. Hamilton was replaced by McClellan as commander of the Third Division of the Third Corps by General .

The success of your army and the cause of the country are the same; and of course I only desire the good of the cause.

Yours truly

A. Lincoln

[Endorsed by Lincoln:]

To Gen. McClellan

May 9, 1862

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1585600