Church Marlborough, MA Our parish mission is to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19).


Weekend Mass Schedule English ~ Saturday: 4:30 p.m., Eucharistic Adoration Sunday: 7:30 a.m., Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m.— 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. before daily Mass. Spanish ~ Sunday: 12:30 p.m. First Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. & First Saturday Portuguese ~ Sunday: 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel. Daily Mass Schedule Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m.

Sacrament of Baptism is ordinarily celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Instructions for parents and godparents are usually held the Sunday prior to Baptism at 3:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel. You are invited to call the parish office at 508-485-0016 to make arrangements for your child’s sacrament.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel. Other times by appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements should be made by calling the rectory at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office for the sacrament and notify the parish office in case of hospitalization.

Thank You for your generous support.

Offertory Rev. Steven Clemence, Pastor [email protected] December 8: $ 13,631.43

Rev. Przemyslaw Kasprzak Special Collections in December

Rev. Adriano Albino de Castro December 8—Immaculate Conception Offering December 15—Maintenance & Development Deacon Charles Rossignol December 25—Clergy Benefit Trust

Deacon Elcio F. Dos Santos, Jr.

Pablo Martinez, Principal 508-460-3402

Mrs. Lee Ann Rempelakis, Parish Secretary 508-485-0016 Saturday, December 21, 2019 Mrs. Margie Sáez, Religious Education 4:30pm Charlie Callahan 508-481-7535 Sunday, December 22, 2019 7:30am Edward & Laura Sherman Mrs. M. Neurene O. de Menezes 9:00am People of the Parish Brazilian Secretary 11:00am Manuel & Ana Domingues 508-460-1255 5:00pm Cleary Mrs. Elizabeth Alcantar, Spanish Secretary Monday, December 23, 2019 508-787-0506 7:30am William G. Fischer Tuesday, December 24, 2019 - Christmas Eve 7:30am No Intentions Christmas Eve Masses: Contact Us 4:00pm St. Mary’s Chapel, 4:00pm Upper Church: Church, 6:00pm Upper Church, 8:00pm 11 Prospect Street Portuguese, Upper Church, 12:00 am Midnight Marlborough, MA 01752 Mass Upper Church

Parish Mailing Address: Wednesday, December 25, 2019 - Christmas Immaculate Conception Parish 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:30pm Spanish 17 Washington Court Thursday, December 26, 2019 Marlborough, MA 01752 7:30am Annette Alera Parish office: Friday, December 27, 2019 9 Washington Court 7:30am Wilson Tsao Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Tel: 508-485-0016 /Fax: 508-480-9644 Saturday, December 28, 2019 Email: [email protected] 7:30am Sheila B. Canavan ~ 14th Anniv.

Parish School: 4:30pm Ernest Bonetti ~ 2nd Anniversary Pre-School through Grade 8 Sunday, December 29, 2019 Tel: 508-460-3401/ Fax: 508-460-6003 7:30am Personal Intention Web: Email: [email protected] 9:00am Helena Cabral, Joe Rego 11:00am John W. Sullivan ~ 9th Anniversary St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: 5:00pm People of the Parish Phone: 978-763-0578 Email: [email protected]

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish this letter to be the Christmas card to all of you, especially for those who did not receive any cards, who are alone tonight, or away from family and friends.

“And so, this is Christmas!” After four weeks preparing ourselves during Advent, we welcome into our hearts, the Child Jesus who is born for us. In order to celebrate Christmas, it is necessary to have faith, otherwise it will be like any other holiday.

Christmas is the greatest time of adoration, in which the divine (angels) and the human (Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds), heaven and earth, come together to contemplate the birth of our Savior. In this silent night, as the Prophet says “For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.” (Is 9:6)

Let us celebrate Christmas with holiness, having in our hearts that which is essential, namely, love, friendship, forgiveness and reconciliation. As we celebrate it with our families and friends, let’s not forget HIM in our prayers and in our hearts. He is the main focus of this day/season. Indeed, he is the focus of our lives, the light that shines in our darkness.

As we exchange gifts these days, keep in mind the words of Benedict XVI at the midnight mass in 2006, “Among the many gifts that we buy and receive, let us not forget the true gift: to give each other something of ourselves, to give each other something of our time, to open our time to God.” Regardless if the gift is expensive or cheap, whoever cannot give a little bit of himself with the gift, always gives little. And if someone does not receive any gifts, remember that in this Holy Night, we can receive the greatest gift ever, God, himself is given to us! God takes our humanity, so that He can give us His divinity!

I pray that the Child Jesus may find the doors of our hearts opened to receive Him, so that we can glorify and praise God for all we have heard and seen.

On behalf of our priests, staff and IC parish and school community we wish you and your family MERRY CHRISTMAS, FELIZ NAVIDAD, FELIZ NATAL, JOYEUX NOËL.

God bless, Fr. Steven

Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve 4:00pm English - St. Mary’s Chapel 4:00pm English - Upper Church 6:00pm English - Upper Church 8:00pm Portuguese - Upper Church 12:00am Midnight Mass English - Upper Church

Christmas Day - All Masses are in Upper Church 8:00am English 10:00am English 12:30pm Spanish The Parish office will be closed Tuesday, December 24, Wednesday, December 25 and Thursday, December 26th. IC School News Dear ICS Families and IC Parishioners,

This season of Advent has been a wonderful opportunity for our students. They have learned the meaning that lies behind the symbols the Church uses to help us enter into this period before the coming of our Savior. The Advent Wreaths, their greenery and circular shape are a sign that God the Father has no beginning or end and are a reminder of eternal life. Students know that the four candles represent the four weeks until the celebration of Christmas. They have learned that the colors of the candles are our liturgical colors: purple for preparation and rose for joy. And finally, the light of the candle reminds us that Christ is our Light and that in Him there is no darkness.

With our faith in mind during this Advent season it has been nothing but the utmost joy to celebrate this time with our children, who in their religion classes have begun to enter in what the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is and what it means to them. As we prepare for the birth of our Savior we remember to keep the real reason for the season in our hearts. Sometimes the rush and craziness get in the way of remembering what Christmas is all about. For this reason, our children always await the opportunity to partici- pate in the Immaculate Conception’s Giving Tree (Advent Children Project). For they learn that giving is much more im- portant than receiving and to help those who are less fortunate in our community. We are both blessed and grateful for the generosity of our families and parishioners who have not just supported us through donations, but also as shopping angels.

We want to thank all the parishioners who have helped us participating of the Advent Giving tree. Also, thank you for your support to the school fundraisers with the Wreath Sale and the Christmas Breakfast. We want to than especially the ICSPA for organizing the Christmas Breakfast. It was a great success!

We wish you a wonderful season and a very Merry Christmas! ======Estimadas Familias de ICS y Feligreses de IC, Esta temporada de Adviento ha sido una oportunidad maravillosa para nuestros estudiantes. Han aprendido el significado detrás de los símbolos que la Iglesia usa para ayudarnos a entrar en este período antes de la venida de nuestro Salvador. Las Coronas de Adviento, el verde y su forma circular son una señal de que Dios el Padre no tiene principio ni fin y son un recordatorio de la vida eterna. Los estudiantes saben que las cuatro velas representan las cuatro semanas hasta la cele- bración de la Navidad. Han aprendido que los colores de las velas son nuestros colores litúrgicos: púrpura para la prepara- ción y rosa para la alegría. Y finalmente, la luz de la vela nos recuerda que Cristo es nuestra Luz y que en Él no hay oscu- ridad.

Con nuestra fe en mente durante esta temporada de Adviento, has sido de máxima alegria celebrar este tiempo con nues- tros estudiantes, quienes en sus clases de religión han comenzado a comprender qué es la Segunda Venida de Jesucristo y lo que significa para ellos. Mientras nos preparamos para el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador, recordamos mantener el verdadero significado de esta temporada en nuestros corazones. A veces, la prisa y la locura se interponen en el recuerdo de lo que se trata la Navidad. Por esta razón, nuestros niños siempre esperan la oportunidad de participar en el Árbol de Donación de la Inmaculada Concepción (Proyecto Advent Children). Porque aprenden que dar es mucho más importante que recibir y ayudar a aquellos que son menos afortunados en nuestra comunidad. Estamos bendecidos y agradecidos por la generosidad de nuestras familias y feligreses que no solo nos han apoyado a través de donaciones, sino tambien como "angeles de compras".

¡Les deseamos una temporada maravillosa y una muy feliz Navidad! ======Queridas famílias do ICS e paroquianos do IC, esta temporada do Advento tem sido uma oportunidade maravilhosa para nossos alunos. Eles aprenderam o significado que está por trás dos símbolos que a Igreja usa para nos ajudar a entrar nesse período antes da vinda de nosso Salvador. As Grinaldas do Advento, sua vegetação e sua forma circular, são um sinal de que Deus Pai não tem começo nem fim e são um lembrete da vida eterna. Os alunos sabem que as quatro velas representam as quatro semanas até a celebração do Natal. Eles aprenderam que as cores das velas são as cores litúrgicas: roxo para a preparação e rosa de alegria. E, finalmente, a luz da vela nos lembra que Cristo é a nossa Luz e que Nele não há trevas.

Com a nossa fé durante a época do Advento, não foi nada além da maior alegria celebrar esse tempo com nossos filhos, que em suas classes religiosas começaram a entrar no que é a Segunda Vinda de Jesus Cristo e o que significa para eles. Ao nos prepararmos para o nascimento de nosso Salvador, lembramos de manter em nossos corações a verdadeira razão da temporada. Às vezes, a pressa e a loucura atrapalham a lembrança do que é o Natal. Por esse motivo, nossas crianças sempre aguardam a oportunidade de participar da Árvore de Doação da Imaculada Conceição (Projeto Advent Children). Pois eles aprendem que dar é muito mais importante do que receber e ajudar aqueles que têm menos sorte em nossa co- munidade. Somos abençoados e gratos pela generosidade de nossas famílias e paroquianos que não apenas nos apoia- ram através de doações, mas também como "anjos de compras".

Desejamos a você uma temporada maravilhosa e um Feliz Natal! Christmas Flower Remembrances

Richard McDonough and Marjorie Cobb Unborn Children McDonough Family The Leonard Family Maxwell & Margaret Fellows Val and Mary Perrault Deceased Members of The & Helen Colacchio Aggie and Eddy LaBossiere Lehane and Oates Family Edward Josephson Jr. Catherine and Joe Roland & Peggy Paul Hank Mulcahy LaBossiere Sister M. Eucharia The Grogan Family Teresa and Eddy Gunning Ronald Glode Michael Buttiglieri Lorraine and Peter Galvin James McQuaid Robert F. McGurrin Rita and Howard Aseltine Charles Trombetta Fratantuono Family Stephen Martin Theresa Trombetta Edward & Sheila McDonald Bob LaBossiere Lawrence Trombetta John Bochen Jan Kelleher Robert & Marguerite Daley Estrella Gomez Ann Gauthier Forrest & Frances Smith Alfredo Sevillo Ricky Gauthier Forrest & Kyong Smith Anita Sevillo Enrique Franco Andrea Smith Heitker Estelle Bochen Rogelia Franco Cynthia Lynn Coyle K. Tibbets Jim Laren Robby Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mello & Vivienne Lepore Frances & Kevin Theis Son Eugene Pilardi Paula Monfalcone Edmund & Catherine Cysack Liz Pulver Janet Smith Edward & Barbara Burns Skip Ward Peter & Gail Farrell Robert Dupuis John & Helen O’Brien Ralph & Sandra Shatos Edmire Hinckley Harold & Mary Donahue Patricia Farrell Louis Hinckley John & Mary O’Brien Meg E. Shatos Flora Dupuis Harold, John, Bill & Doris Daniel John Farrell Oscar Dupuis Donald & Barbara O’Brien Sharon Farrell Ryan O. Sebastian Teresa Pikul Stephen Hamilton Francis & Susan Kane Francis Pater Bernadette LaFollette Naomi & John Yanosick Emilia Pater Margaret Farina Anna & Angelo Bisol Elizabeth Walker Joe Farina Dot & Jack Santella Ruth Carder Elinor Ahern Tina Bisol Kelley Theresa & Pasquale Grasso Joe Ahern Gordon & Enes Lynch and David, Margery & Charles Joseph Cleary Family Lefebvre Brendan Cleary Donald Schofield Fran Rizzelli John & Marjorie Wojdula Caroline Schofield Cherylynn Brassard Joseph & Elizabeth Cleary Walter Gauvin David C.Luz,Jr. Enrique Garrido Jr. Lorraine Gauvin David R. Luz Florence Chisholm Arthur Leandres Eric Pierce Philip Bolton Sr. Donna Leandres Bacon Patrick Barry Elaine Chisholm The William Quinn Family Joan Marrazzo Susan Georga Kopoulos James A. Correia, Jr. Logan Bebeau The Leonard Family Gail Bissonnette Thomas Kurbs Deceased Neubauer & Albert Vandette Lizette Temple DeMarco Families The Connell Family Joseph Romard McDonough Family The Tompkins Family Ed Dufault Farone Family Christmas Flower Remembrances

Henry & Rose Hutch Bill & Natalie Lyons Fran, Doris & Jason George E. Hutch Regan & Fitzgerald Families Bombard Catherine Hutch MacDonald Family Philip P. Donovan Opal W. O’Coin Martino Family William A. King The Greska Family The Arruda Family Mary Anne King Alphonse Blais Beverly Holtman The Farr Family James Fernandes Arnold Holtman Elaine Donovan Liberata Fernandes Mabel & Peter Blanchard Charles Donovan Diago Fernandes Elizabeth & Delphin Aucoin Joey Camacho Annamma Fernandes William & Pricilla Aucoin Paty Camacho Arthur Stella Hamalainen Doris & Ray Siira Carmella & Douglas Bradley Francis & Margaret Langelier Gloria & Joe Warren Luiz Campos Lacevdo Kiem & Yeu Vu Francis Boland Maria Socorro Campos Nancy Renaud William & Anna Brennan Tuyoshi Siraga Tarr Family Lorraine Comas Lucas deSouza Dallamora Family William & Mary Dever Jim Culhane Fr. Michael Bercik OFM David & Ellen Prendergast John Doyle Deacon Christopher Meyers Cleary Family Mary Lou Lovering Susan L. Hydro Prendergast Family D’Aurora Family Nancy J. Rebakas The Pratt Family The Gastaldo Family The Sartori Family Caroline & Julius Choni Raymond Marcotte The LaForme Family George Choni Howard & Priscilla Lutke The Ghiloni Family Gaston Renaud Donald & Lorraine Morgan Don & Lorrie Morgan Anne Renaud Steve Tenney John & Mary Benedetto Marjorie Cobb Bill Sontag, Jr. Edward & Annette Cusson Francis Thomas Joseph & Elizabeth Kelley Harry & Rose Marchese Jean Thomas Bill & Johanna Sontag Mary Beth Daley The Kish Family The Montes de Oca Family John J. Collins Anne Bouley Julia & Thomas Waldron Stephen A. Scerra Luke & Elaine Looney Paul & Lawrence Bertrand Ferdinand & Josephine Colleen Looney Arther & Helen Palmer Scerra Sandy Santiago Artie Palmer Anthony & Mary Mutti Bud & Winnie Cato Sara & Katie W. John & Mary Lehane Bonetti & Langelier Family Nancy Bertrand Catherin Beach Ralph P. Albertini Jose Leonardo Ken & Rita Oates Sophia Grosso Manuel Domingues Bridget Publicover Ferdinand Grosso Jason Leonardo Robert Publicover Carmen Grosso Jason Simoes Carl & Bernice Moreau Custoda Grosso Maria Simoes Harold & Frances Publicover Francis Sullivan Eugene & Dolores Richard The Koester Family Maria Cornetta Everrett & Barbara Achorn Leo Reynolds Eric Siwko Jr. Timothy Ford Clifford H. Blair Christopher N. Lynn Maggie Achorn Timothy Blair Patricia Koslak Melinda Morgan & Katie Richard H. King Patricia Matchinski Richard Jim & Esther Clancy Ellen Foley Fleming Christmas Flower Remembrances

Francis “Bud” & Patricia Foley David Weatherbee Val & Jeanne Roy Marian & Romeo Vachon Ralph & Isabel Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Dziokonski Peg & Bob Callahan Julian & Ann Demeo Paul, John, Michael Demeo Julian, Joseph, William Donovan William Donovan John McGrath Richard & Jane Solito Richard Solito Jr. Theodore Pelletier Orai,Jeannette & Paul Avey George, Lorraine & Shirley Wright Rita Bondreau Rita Lapine Nancy Bertrand Mary Sullivan John Sullivan Fortunata Oppedisano Richard F. McQuaid Anne & Edward Jolley Mary Anne & Bill King Kathleen M. King Marcella King William & Catherine King Cody & Sobol Family Robert E. & Elizabeth A. White Vincenzo & Carmela Ferro Dr. Robert A. & Dorothy H. Dolan The Dolan Family Patrick A. & Alice M. Landers The Landers Family Donald & Catherine Avey Clifford & Florida Avey Daniel & Ellen Buckley Michael R. Brennan St. Vincent de Paul The IC St. Vincent de Paul Conference would like to thank the Immacu- late Conception parishioners for your continued support, both financial and prayerful. Through a combination your generous financial donations and grants, our Conference provided $70,000 in support to those in need in Marlborough from Oct 1 2018 through Sept 30 2019. We assist- ed with food, clothing, housing, utility bills, and many other needs. Your prayers helped us provide 1350 hours of service to our communi- ty. Thank you for your continued support in our mission to help those in need!! If you would like more information about St. Vincent de Paul, would like to get involved, or are in need of assistance, please contact us at 978-763-0578or [email protected].

Immaculate Conception Religious Education News The Office of Religious Education and Catechists send warm wishes to all the Parish Families for a blessed and wonderful Christmas Season.

Contact Mrs. Saez via email if you have any questions at the Religious Education Office. ([email protected]). Thank you.

IC PARISH BIBLE STUDY on Saturdays 10 a.m. in Monsignor Meehan Hall. For more info contact Chris Snyder, 508-303-3717, [email protected]. IC PARISH CATHOLIC QUIZ #19 Q: What is the "Torah"? A: [in next week's bulletin] Answer to Quiz #18 Q: Why is the Old Testament Important? A: "The Old Testament is indispensable in understanding the New. The New Testament is the climax to a story, if you don't know the first part of a story, then the ending doesn't mean that much." [Bishop Robert Barron] St. Augustine observed, "The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New."

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Tuesday, December 31

4:00pm Vigil - Upper Church

Wednesday, January 1

8:00am English – Upper Church

10:00am English - Upper Church

10:00am Portuguese - St. Mary’s Chapel

12:30pm Spanish - Upper Church TELÉFONO: 508-787-0506 MISA en español; domingo a las 12:30 pm CONFESIONES: Sábados 3:00 – 4:00 pm. Domingos 12:00 a 12:30 pm. ADORACION EUCARISTICA:1er.viernes del mes: Enero 3 8am a 3 pm. MATRIMONIOS: Parejas deben contactar la parroquia al menos 6 meses antes de la boda. El curso prematrimonial es obligatorio. Las parejas que quieran regularizar su unión en la Iglesia también deben contactar la parroquia y hablar con el Padre Steven. GRUPO MARIANO: Jueves, de 7:00 a 8:00 pm, en la Iglesia de abajo. GRUPO CARISMATICO: Viernes, de 7:00 a 8:00 pm en el Convento. COMITÉ GUADALUPANO: El Comité Guadalupano es un grupo de ministerio y servicio que se reúne una vez al mes para planear y evaluar las actividades en nuestra parroquia. Todos están bienvenidos.

POSADAS DE NAVIDAD DICIEMBRE 16 A DICIEMBRE 25, 2019  Lunes 16 de diciembre – 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Martes 17 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Miércoles 18 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Jueves 19 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Viernes 20 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Sábado 21 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Domingo 22 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Lunes 23 de diciembre - 7:00 pm (Meehan Hall)  Martes, 24 de diciembre - Noche Buena - No Hay Posada  Miércoles, 25 de diciembre - Navidad - Ultima posada después de misa de 12.30 pm*


Miercoles 25 de diciembre, 2019 Miercoles 1 De Enero, 2020 Misa en español – 12:30 pm Misa en español – 12:30 pm *Inmediatamente después los invitamos a participar de la *Solemnidad de Santa Maria, Madre de Dios última posada en la iglesia de abajo.

FELIZ NAVIDAD Los sacerdotes y el personal de la Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción les desean una Navidad llena de Paz y del Espíritu Santo. Muchísimas gracias a todos los voluntarios quienes participaron en la organización de las festividades de diciembre.

SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL La Conferencia IC San Vicente de Paúl quisiera agradecer a los feligreses de la Inmaculada Concepción por su continuo apoyo, tanto financiero como de oración. Mediante una combinación de sus generosas donaciones financieras y subsidios, nuestra Conferencia proporcionó $ 70,000 en apoyo a los necesitados en Marlborough desde el 1 de octubre de 2018 hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2019. Asistimos con alimentos, ropa, vivienda, facturas de servicios públicos y muchas otras necesidades. Sus oraciones nos ayudaron a brindar 1350 horas de servicio a nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo en nuestra misión de ayudar a los necesitados! Si desea obtener más información sobre San Vicente de Paul, desea participar o necesita ayuda, contáctenos al 978-763-0578 o [email protected]

CATECISMO 2019-2020 Domingo diciembre 22, de 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía. Clases de catecismo dominical en espa- ñol en el edificio conocido como Lower School (25 Washington Court). Domingo diciembre 29, NO HAY CLASES Domingo enero 5, de 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía. Clases de catecismo dominical en español en el edificio conocido como Lower School (25 Washington Court).

HORARIO DE SECRETARIA Lugar: Convento - 9 Washington Court, Marlborough, MA 01752 Horario: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves - 3:30 - 6:30 pm. Asistente Pastoral: Elizabeth Alcantar - Teléfono: 508 787 0506 Email: [email protected] Brazilian Community Information


Terça-feira, 24 de dezembro

6:30am Adoração ao Santissímo Sacramento na igreja de baixo. 7:30am - 4:00pm Missa em Inglês na igreja de baixo. 4:00pm - 6:00pm - 23:30pm Missa em Inglês na igreja de cima. 8:00pm Missa em Português na igreja de cima.

Quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro (Natal do Senhor) ✙ 8:00am e 10:00am – Missa em Inglês na igreja de cima. ✙ 12:00am – Missa em Português na Michael Parish em Hudson. ✙ 12:30pm – Missa em Espanhol na igreja de cima.

Terça-feira, 31 de dezembro 6:30am Adoração ao Santissímo Sacramento na igreja de baixo. 7:30am Missa em Inglês na igreja de baixo. ✙ 4:00pm Missa da Vigília-Solenidade de Maria em Inglês na igreja de cima.

Quarta-feira, 01 de Janeiro (Santa Maria Mãe de Deus)

7:00am Adoração ao Santissímo Sacramento. ✙ 8:00am -1 0:00am – Missa em Inglês na igreja de cima. ✙ 10:00am Missa em Português na igreja de baixo. ✙ 12:30pm Missa em Espanhol na igreja de cima.

✙ Missas de Preceito: Para os católicos, é de comparecimento obrigatório participar das Missas nestes dias.

~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo da Imaculada Conceição gostaria de agradecer aos paroquianos da IC pelo seu apoio contínuo, tanto financeiro, quanto por suas orações. Através de uma combinação de suas doações financeiras generosas e também fundos de várias organizações, os Vicentinos da IC forneceram $70,000 de apoio aos necessitados em Marlborough, de 1° de outubro de 2018 a 30 de setembro de 2019. Demos assistência com alimentos, roupas, moradia, pagamento de contas, e muitas outras necessidades. Com sua ajuda, pudemos prover 1,350 horas de serviço à nossa comunidade. Obrigado pelo seu apoio contínuo à nossa missão de ajudar aqueles que necessitam! Se gostaria de receber mais informações sobre a Sociedade São Vicente de Paulo, se gostaria de se envolver, ou se precisa de assistência, por favor entre em contato conosco pelo número 978-763-0578 ou por email: [email protected].


MISSAS: Domingos às 7:00pm. CONFISSÕES: Sábados das 3:00pm às 4:00pm. Domingos antes e após a missa. CATEQUESE: Para os adultos aos sábados das 9h30 às 11h30 e para crianças e adolescentes das 4:00h às 5:30pm no pré- dio da Escola Católia. GRUPO DE ORAÇÃO (RCC): Sexta- Feira- 19:30pm na igreja de baixo. TERÇO DOS HOMENS: Na primeira e terceira Terça Feira de cada mês às 8:00pm na cafeteria da Escola católica. Maid informações na secretaria paroquial. MATRIMÔNIOS: Os casais devem entrar em contato com a paróquia pelo menos 6 meses antes do casamento. O Curso de noivos é obrigatório. Também aqueles que desejam regularizar a união na igreja deve contactar a paróquia e falar com o Padre Adriano. <><><><>Horário da Secretaria<><><><> Local: 9 Washington Court (Convent School – Ao lado da casa Paroquial) Marlborough, MA 01752 Horários: Se- gunda à Sexta de 3:00 às 7:00pm Tel. p/ Contato: (508) 460-1255 Secretária: Neurene E-mail: [email protected]

Linda Alamshah, Dede Bernier, Kathy Bernier, Raymond Bourgeois, Frances Brescia, Meryl Brickman, Jeff Chapman, Juan Cius, Ryan Comeau, Larry Cooper, David Conrad, Father Francis Cornely, Joseph Cox, John Daglis, Wanda Daglis, Christina Danghon, Alex DiBuono, Elsa DiTullio, Declan Donnelley and Family, Michael Donovan, Mary Dorr, Madison Doss, Ashton Dougherty, Pina Dunklee, Diane Fagan, Adele Fontana, Yvonne Fricault, Michael Geraci, Maryanne Honohan, Debbie Iacobucci, Patty Johnston, Baby Wendy Kersting, Agnes & Francis Kevit, Deborah Lazazzero, Neil Licht, William Lucey, Helen Lusher, Burke Mahoney, Madeline Mahoney, Bob Manion, Lester Marshall, Mario Martins, Patrick Mauro, Paul McBrien, McCombs Family, William McGrath, Kathy McGuire Buono, John McIntyre, Robbie McQuaid, Richard Milner, John Mockus, Tony Mooradian, Larry Mullaney, Jen Murphy, Marilyn Neilsen, Michael O’ Brien, Gordon O’Neal, Michael T. O'Neill, Perez Garcia Family, William Plourde, David Prendergast, John Pucillo, Dan Radwell, Rebecca, Reno Family, Richard Rice, Sandra Richards, William Robinson, Dan Savage, Bob St. George, Scott Snyder, Jacqueline Smith, Cathy Suiter, William Sweeney, Ric Taylor, Holly Temple, Nicole Temple, Pedro Torres, Ann Thompson, Al Winzenried, John & Mary Wood, Wyman Family, Billy Zilembo

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