Center for Special Studies Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

News of the Israeli-Palestinian Confrontation April 1-15, 2006

Escalation in the Gaza Strip as a result of a significant increase in Contents Qassam rocket fire

Main points

Important events

Statistical data

Israeli and international community policies

The functioning of the new

Rockets fired into Israeli territories, a A flyer distributed by the IDF on government scene from a video cassette distributed April 7, calling upon Gaza residents to by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The keep away from bombarded Qassam rocket is clearly launched close to a launching sites Al-Arabiya TV, April residential area (Al-Jazeera TV, April 2). 7).

Main points Recent events focused on the escalation in the Gaza Strip: in the face of a sharp increase in the number of Qassam rockets fired at Israeli population centers in the western (the number of identified landings doubled) the IDF expanded its preventive counter-t errorism actions. It attacked Gaza Strip targets (terrorist-operatives and their installations) from the air and bombarded launch sites with artillery fire. Terrorist-operatives involved in the rocket launchings were killed (as were a number of civilians who lived near the sites and were killed by mistake); nevertheless the rocket fire did not cease.

Israel, the United States, the European community and the UN all passed resolutions or decisions which in effect isolated the Hamas government and stopped the transfer of financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. However, the measures adopted allow for the continuation of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people through the auspices of non-government organizations and the UN relief agencies, with the aim of preventing a humanitarian crisis. Hamas continued its efforts to find alternate sources of financing, currently without success.

During its first two weeks the Hamas government had difficulty in functioning and in taking effective steps to deal with the most pressing issu es, including a financial crisis, continued anarchy, escalation in the Gaza Strip and increasing international isolation. Important Events Escalation of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and IDF responses During the first half of April there was a sharp increase in the amount of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip at Israeli population centers in the western Negev (See Statistical Data). The number of rocket launchings doubled and 51 Qassam rocket landings in Israeli territory were identified,1 as opposed to 25 during the last two weeks of March.

On April 6, one of the rockets set fire to a factory in Zikim (near Ashqelon) causing serious damage to the factory and to vehicles parked nearby. On April 14, a Qassam rocket fell next to the Kibbutz dining room during dinner; no casualties were reported. Prominent among the terrorist organizations firing rockets were the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC). Hamas did not take part in the attacks.

Qassam rockets fired at (Al-Jazeera TV, April 2)

As a result of the increased rocket attacks, the IDF broadened the scope of its preventive and counter-terrorism activities. They included firing artillery at areas in the northern Gaza Strip from which the rockets were launched and attacking terrorist targets (terrorist-operatives and installations) from the air. Within that framework,

1 There were also dozens which were either not identified or which fell into the sea or in the Gaza Strip.

2 South of the ruins of the settlement of Dugit a casino was attacked. The terrorists had been using it to conduct observations and had built a dirt battery around it from which they launched rockets. A soccer field in the Gaza neighborhood of Rimal, which served as a training ground, was bombarded. Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades offices in Beit Lahia and in Gaza City which had been used for terrorist operations were attacked on April 7 and 12.

A vehicle carrying PRC terrorists was attacked from the air on April 7 as it left the organization’s training camp. One of those killed was Iyad Abu al-‘Aynayn, a senior commander of the PRC and one of its rocket engineers. His son was killed as well, as were four other terrorist-operatives.

On April 8 the Israeli Air Force attacked a vehicle carrying Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades terrorists who were on their way to fire Qassam rockets, killing them. The vehicle was near the Sajaya neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip at the time. Later the same day the Air Force attacked a training camp belonging to the Fatah/ Abu Rish faction in the Khan Yunis district, killing 7 terrorist-operatives.

On April 1 and 7, before the IDF activities, flyers were dropped for the Palestinian population. For a picture of one of the flyers and its translation see below:

Right: The flyer dropped on April 7, calling upon the population to distance itself from the terrorists’ rocket launching sites. Left: Children holding a flyer (Al-Jazeera TV, April 7).


Translation To the residents of the Gaza Strip: In accordance with our previous warning, during the past few hours the IDF has been bombarding areas and people who launch rockets. For your own safety Keep away from the areas terrorists use to launch rockets Israel Defense Forces Headquarters

According to IDF sources, 12 terrorist-operatives were killed during the actions. A number of civilians were killed by mistake, among them a 12-year old girl, who lived or lingered near an area from which rockets were launched. IDF Chief of Staff Halutz expressed his regret at her death and added that “We do not decide where rockets will be launched from, the terrorists do” (Haaretz, April 12).

PPPaaallleeessstttiiinnniiiaaannn rrreeeaaaccctttiiiooonnnsss tttooo ttthhheee eeessscccaaalllaaatttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee GGGaaazzzaaa SSStttrrriiippp

Abu Mazen half-heartedly condemned the rocket fire, saying that if Palestinian had fired rockets, their actions were deplored, but noted that it did not justify Israel’s military escalation (Palestinian News Agency and Ramatan News Agency, April 11).

The IDF’s intensive actions caused a wave of comments from Hamas government spokesmen:

DDD One Hamas spokesman claimed that the goal of the IDF activity was to stop aid to the Hamas government and to exert constant pressure on the Palestinian population to undermine the work of the new government and to bring about its collapse (Al-Quds, April 10).

DDD Ahmad Bahar, the Palestinian Legislative Council’s deputy chairman, claimed that the Hamas government had not decided to end its attacks against Israel and that it did not intend to prevent the [Palestinian terrorist] organizations from firing Qassam rockets (, April 11). 4

DDD A spokesman for the interior ministry condemned the IDF actions in the Gaza Strip and said that they had “set the area on fire” and panicked the local population (Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda, April 9).

Israeli action sets the area on fire: Khaled Abu Hilal, interior minister spokesman (Al-Jazeera TV, April 9)

MMMaaassssss---mmmuuurrrdddeeerrr aaattttttaaaccckkk fffoooiiillleeeddd ooonnn ttthhheee eevvveee ooofff ttthhheee PPPaaassssssooovvveeerrr SSSeeedddeeerrr

On the afternoon of April 12, a few hours before the Passover Seder, the IDF foiled a infiltration by two Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades terrorists near the Kissufim crossing. The two were shot by IDF forces near the fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Two Kalashnikov assault rifles, six magazines and four hand grenades, as well as a walkie-talkie and wire-cutters were found with the bodies.

In our assessment, the two were on their way to a mass-murder attack at an IDF post or civilian community in the area during the Passover Seder. Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the planned attack. In a video taped before the attack, the two terrorists stated that they were going to carry out a suicide bombing attack named Islamic Dawn in retaliation for Israel’s having attacked the commanders of the terrorist organizations. Ihab Miqdad, a senior Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades officer, announced that he expected more suicide bombing attacks to be carried out within the green line (Radio Monte Carlo, April 13).

5 AAAnnn eeexxxppplllooosssiiivvveeesss lllaaabbbooorrraaatttooorrryyy eeexxxpppooossseeeddd iiinnn SSSaaammmaaarrriiiaaa

On April 12 IDF forces exposed a PIJ explosives laboratory in the village of Burqin (west of Jenin). They found 30 kg (66 lbs) of explosives, and devices and explosive belts ready for detonation.

AAArrrrrreeessstttsss iiinnn JJJuuudddeeeaaa aaannnddd SSSaaammmaaarrriiiaaa

The Israeli security forces continued arresting dozens of wanted terrorists in Judea and Samaria, some of whom were involved in the carrying out or planning of ruthless attacks, including suicide bombing attacks within Israel:

DDD During a series of arrests in Bethlehem on April 3, Ra’id Muhammad Hussein ‘Abayat, head of Bethlehem’s Fatah/Tanzim, was killed. He had been wanted by the Israeli security forces since 2001 because of his involvement in terrorist activities, including the murders of Avi Boaz in the Beit Sahour area on January 15, 2002, and of police superintendent Moshe Dayan, who was ambushed while riding his motorcycle east of Bethlehem on March 2, 2002.

DDD On April 5 Israeli security forces arrested two , members of the PIJ, who were planning a suicide bombing attack within Israel. During the arrest the Palestinian opened fired, slightly wounding an IDF officer.

DDD During a series of arrests in Bethlehem on April 9, Jaber Fawwaz ‘Id Ahras, the most wanted Fatah/Tanzim terrorist, was killed after he opened fire on the Israeli forces. Ahras, who originally came from the Gaza Strip, had been wanted for three years for his involvement in the planning and execution of many terrorist attacks. Among them was the murder of two Israeli soldiers on November 18, 2003: Sergeant First Class Shlomi Belski and First Sergeant Shaul Lahav, near the roadblock at the Tunnel Road leading from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Most of his activities were directed by the PRC in the Gaza Strip.

6 EEExxxpppooossseeeddd::: ttthhheee ttteeerrrrrrooorrriiisssttt gggrrrooouuuppp ttthhhaaattt cccaaarrrrrriiieeeddd ooouuuttt ttthhheee aaattttttaaaccckkk aaattt MMMiiigggdddaaallliiimmm iiinnn SSSaaammmaaarrriiiaaa

The arrest of ‘Azzam Ahmad Mahmoud Zayn al-Din, a Fatah operative from Nablus, has recently been made public. He was arrested by the Israeli security forces on March 7 while attempting to escape from the country. ‘Azzam al-Din (with ‘Abd al- Rahman Suleiman ‘Ali Othman, who has not yet been apprehended), was involved in the murder of Eldad Abir in the office of the gas station near Migdalim on the trans-Samaria highway, southeast of Nablus. Hani Mustafa Hussein Hussein al-Din was also arrested; he had been involved in the murder and had aided the two murderers to escape.

Eldad Abir The interrogation of ‘Azzam al-Din revealed that a few days before the attack, the three terrorists conducted observations of the gas station and the paths leading away from it which could be used for their escape. On the night before the attack they wrote their wills. On the day of the attack two of them, armed with a knife and gun, entered the gas station and shot Eldad Abir while he was sitting in his office and then stabbed him. After that they escaped to Nablus and from there were driven to Jericho.

7 SSStttaaatttiiissstttiiicccaaalll dddaaatttaaa222 MMMooonnnttthhhlllyyy dddiiissstttrrriiibbbuuutttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee aaattttttaaaccckksss cccaaarrrrrriiieeeddd ooouuuttt sssiiinnnccceee ttthhheee dddiiissseeennngggaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt





300 Rocket Fire Small Arms Fire 250 197 Anti-Tank Fire 173 180 Personal Assaults 200 150 148 Suicide Bombers 118 150 91 Explosive Charges 98 Grenades 76 100 50

0 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr. 1-16

As of the early morning of April 16, 2006. 2

8 MMMooonnnttthhhlllyyy dddiiissstttrrriiibbbuuutttiiiooonnn ooofff rrroooccckkkeeettt aaannndd mmmooorrrtttaaarrr ssshhheeellllllsss




75 91 100 70 68 63 51 46 43 50 26

0 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr. 1-16 Rockets Mortar Shells Unidentified

MMMooonnnttthhhlllyyy dddiiissstttrrriiibbbuuutttiiiooonnn ooofff IIIsssrrraaaeeellliii cccaasssuuuaaallltttiiieeesss

74 80


55 60

50 50 41

40 33

26 30

19 20 9 9 8 8 10 1 1 1 1 2 0 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr. 1-16

Total Killed Total Wounded

9 IIIsssrrraaaeeellliii aaannnddd iiinnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll cccooommmmmmuuunnniiittyyy pppooollliiiccciiieeesss iiinnn dddeeeaaallliiinnnggg wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt IIIsssrrraaaeeelll

On April 9 the Israeli government held deliberations regarding its policy toward the Hamas government. Certain principles were agreed on, the most important of which were:

DDD The State of Israel will not have any contact with the PA, which has, in its view, become a hostile authority. Existing contacts will be minimized but there will be no personal rejection of Mahmoud ‘Abbas (Abu Mazen), the PA chairman.

DDD A state effort will be made to prevent the international community from having contacts with the Hamas government: foreign visitors to Israel who meet with members of Hamas will not be received by Israeli officials and authorities.

DDD Humanitarian aid will be extended to the Palestinian population but not through Palestinian government channels: Israel will coordinate such efforts with the international community.

DDD The crossings between Israel and Gaza Strip will be opened to allow the passage of humanitarian aid, subject to security considerations.

With regard to the implementation of those policies, on April 9 Israeli officers of the Administration for Coordination and Liaison in Jericho informed their Palestinian colleagues that they had to evacuate the District Coordination Offices (next to the offices of the Coordination Administration and Liaison at Vered Jericho.)

10 TTThhheee UUUnnniiittteeeddd SSStttaaattteeesss::: AAA fffrrreeeeeezzzeee ooonnn mmmooonneeetttaaarrryyy aaaiiiddd aaannnddd aaa bbbaaannn ooonnn cccooonnntttaaaccctttsss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt

Adam Ereli, the deputy spokesman for the State Department said: “We've advised our mission in Jerusalem, as well as other missions around the world that ... there should be no contact between US government officials and PA officials who are under the authority of the prime minister or any other minister in the Hamas-led government. This includes working-level officials in those ministries…If they're working in a Hamas- led ministry, no matter what their affiliation is, we're not going to have contact with them.” However, he added, that US diplomats could remain in contact with Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president, and "the officials directly under the Palestinian Authority” (USIS and the Al-Jazeera Internet site, April 1).

At the same time, the US Congress passed a law according to which the PA was an entity governed by a terrorist organization, and was therefore not entitled to tax-payers’ dollars (April 6). As a result the American government officially announced that it was stopping financial aid to the PA. For the present, aid will be transferred only through NGOs and UN agencies. The first step was the cancellation of the transfer of $240 million dollars which was supposed to reach the PA in the next few days (Reuters, April 6).

On April 12 the American Treasury Department issued an order forbidding Americans to have commercial ties with the PA. It does not effect government institutions affiliated with Abu Mazen or with private individuals and institutions which are not affiliated with the Hamas government. In addition, special permission will be issued for NGOs and international organizations dealing with humanitarian aid to continue their activities.

TTThhheee EEEuuurrrooopppeeeaaannn UUUnnniiiooonnn::: AAA fffrrreeeeeezzzeee ooonnn ttthheee tttrrraaannnsssfffeeerrr ooofff fffiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll aaaiiiddd

The European Union decided to stop direct transfers of financial aid to the Hamas government and not to have political contacts with it because of its refusal to accede to

11 the Union’s three basic demands. The freeze on transfers was authorized by the Unions Foreign Ministers in Luxemburg. In effect, the Union froze direct bilateral aid from its member nations, the sum of 30 million euros. A spokeswoman for the Union stated that the freezing of direct financial aid would not prevent the transfer of humanitarian aid, which would be channeled through NGOs and UN agencies.

However, Marc Otte, the European Union’s envoy to the Middle East, gave a very broad definition to the term “humanitarian aid,” saying it was not limited to the provision of food, water and electricity, but also to the daily functioning of education,3 health-related activities, etc. He also said that the EU would act through UNRWA, other UN institutions and channels which would be set up in the coming weeks (CNN, April 11).

TTThhheee UUUNNN::: CCCooonnntttaaaccctttsss wwwiiittthhh pppooollliiitttiiicccaaalll mmmeemmmbbbeeerrrsss ooofff ttthhheee HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt aaarrreee fffooorrrbbbiiiddddddeeennn

The UN, a member of the Quartet, made decisions similar to those of the United States and the European Union, and advised its support agencies not to have contact with senior members of the new Hamas government. All contacts would be reduced to the professional working level to ensure the continuation of humanitarian programs and to prevent a humanitarian crisis in the PA (Reuters, Jerusalem, April 11).

RRRuuussssssiiiaaa::: RRReeefffuuusssaaalll tttooo aaadddooopppttt ttthhheee sssaaammmee llliiinnneee aaasss ttthhheee QQQuuuaaarrrttteeettt

Russia continued to take an exceptional stand and refused to take the same line as the Quartet and accept the international consensus. On April 11, Sergei Labrov, the Russian foreign minister, said that to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, the Hamas government

3 Thus, legitimization is given (under the heading “humanitarian aid”) to the support of an educational system which raises the younger Palestinian generation to hate Israel, ignore its existence and which indoctrinates violence and terrorism as the solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The English translation of the Special Information Bulletin about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as it is expressed in Palestinian textbooks will shortly appear.

12 should be worked with and not ostracized. However, he added that Hamas had to fulfill the demands of the international community to recognize Israel and return to the negotiating table (Moscow, ITAR-TAAS, April 11).

HHHaaammmaaasss RRReeeaaaccctttiiiooonnnsss

Hamas reacted to the steps taken by Israel, the United States, the international community and UN with characteristic resentment, representing them as an attempt at “extortion” and punishment for the Palestinian people. It expressed its disappointment at the silence of the Arab/Muslim world and noted that pressure from the international community would not make Hamas give up its principles.

In that context,

DDD Ismail Haniya, Palestinian prime minister, represented the American and European Union decisions as punishment for the Palestinian people for its democratic vote. The decisions, he said, would only increase the Palestinians’ suffering, and he noted that his government would not give up its principles in the face of the American and European “blackmail” of freezing monetary aid (AP, April 8).

Ismail Haniya: The international community cannot renounce its responsibility to the Palestinian people (Palestinian TV, April 9).

13 The European Union

The reduction of aid seen through Arab eyes: Israel “punishes” the Palestinians but hides under the EU hat (Al-Watan, April 11).

DDD ‘Aziz al-Dweik, chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said at a Hamas protest demonstration in Ramallah that the Palestinian people preferred to go hungry rather than capitulate and compromise its rights and principles. He called upon the Palestinian people to stand by the government and to support it. Farhat Ass’ad, a Hamas spokesman, announced that a campaign was being launched to break the siege against the Palestinian people and its government (Ma’a News Agency, April 11).

DDD Throughout the Gaza Strip there were mass Hamas-inspired demonstrations to protest the aid freeze. The participants called upon the world not to punish the Palestinian people for voting for Hamas.


Palestinian police participating in a protest demonstration (Reuters, April 10; photograph: Muhammad Salam)

TTThhheee fffuuunnnccctttiiiooonnniiinnnggg ooofff ttthhheee nnneeewww HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt

OOOvvveeerrrvvviiieeewww During its first two weeks, the Hamas government had to face the exigencies of reality and cope with its most pressing inherited problems. Internally it is faced with the pressing problems of an economic crisis, continued anarchy, the issue of terrorism (which has become acute in view of the increase in rocket fire from the Gaza Strip),4 and everything concerning the international economic boycott imposed on the PA by the United States and the European Union. In addition there is the growing power struggle between Abu Mazen and Ismail Haniya and his government for control of the Palestinian Authority’s power bases.

The Palestinian government has functioned so far as follows:5

DDD The issue of terrorism: Hamas has still refrained from actively carrying out attacks against Israel but its terrorist-operatives have made every effort to improve their capabilities, i.e., training, acquiring and developing weapons in view of their renewed integration into the cycle of terrorism expected in the future. The Hamas government has not acted against those who carry out attacks. The government’s

4 It has become even more acute because of the suicide bombing attack at the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv on April 16. A Special Information Bulletin about the attack will be issued shortly. 5 An analysis of the first two weeks of the new Hamas government is available in English at 15 senior members have continued publicly justifying the continuation of attacks, including suicide bombing attacks, and announcing that the movement will not renounce the path of violence and terrorism.

DDD Recognition of the State of Israel: This is a core issue and one of the minimum demands of Israel, the United States and the European Union of Hamas. It is diametrically opposed to radical Islamic ideology and Hamas’s basic principles. In response to the pressure exerted by the international community, Hamas spokesmen have continued to wriggle and resort to double-talk. In interviews with the media they have sent militant messages to Palestinian and Arab audiences but softened their tone, and sometimes even changed the content of the messages, for the international community.6

DDD The economic crisis: The Hamas government has continued its efforts to acquire funding from the Arab/Muslim world, especially to pay its March salaries, so far with no meaningful success. Most of its efforts have been directed at Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Iran and Algeria. In addition, it has tried some creative methods to raise money, such as an Internet campaign for donations and weighing the possibility of suing Israel in the Israeli Supreme Court to collect frozen tax and customs receipts. All the while, senior members o the Hamas government have claimed that the Palestinian people prefer to make do with little rather than give up their principles, i.e., radical Hamas principles.7

6 A Special Information Bulletin on the subject is available in Hebrew and will soon be available in English. 7 That is, Hamas is trying to make the Palestinian people a hostage to its radical Islamic principles. 16 TTThhheee cccaaallllll fffooorrr dddooonnnaaatttiiiooonnnsss ooonnn ttthhheee HHHaaammmaasss IIInnnttteeerrrnnneeettt sssiiittteee

Translation of the notice: Call of donations To support the firm stand of your Palestinian brothers, to foil the Zionist plans which aspire to force them [the Palestinians] to give up their legitimate national rights, we call upon you to contribute to the Palestinian people [money that you can deposit] on one of the following bank accounts:

Account number 5004-124448 in Al-Muhandesin Branch of the Arab Bank in Cairo, Egypt; and account number 777-777-7 in the MISR International Bank

DDD Hamas’s media strategy: 999 The use of doubletalk by senior Hamas figures: to try to bridge the significant gaps between its radical Islamic terrorism-supporting ideology and the demands of the international community, Hamas uses a media strategy of ambiguousness and doubletalk (or “different languages,” to quote a Hamas spokesman). Senior Hamas figures have repeatedly sent different and sometimes contradictory messages, depending upon whether they face Palestinian and Arab or Western media.

17 999 Sharpening the tone of hate propaganda and incitement on Palestinian television: Palestinian television has come under increasing pressure from the Hamas government to adopt its line of radical Islamic ideology and to stress support for the “resistance” [i.e., violence and terrorism directed against Israel]. In effect, during the past few weeks there has been a certain increase in the dosage of hate propaganda on Palestinian television, although it has been far from the level it reached during the first years of the ongoing violent Israeli-Palestinian confrontation.

EEExxxaaammmpppllleeesss ooofff hhhaaattteee ppprrrooopppaaagggaaannndddaaa cccllliiipppsss ssshhhooowwwnnn ooonnn PPPaaallleeessstttiiinnniiiaaannn ttteeellleeevvviiisssiiiooonnn

From a video clip shown on March 18 From a video clip entitled “I am a and other dates: “The day we meet the Palestinian” broadcast on March enemy we will not fear even if he is 18 and other dates: “With a stone, mighty. We will not compromise our a slingshot and a knife, I will make stolen right.” the earth spew forth like a volcano.”

DDD False anti-Israel propaganda: At the same time, the Hamas government has attempted to defame Israel and to incite criticism against it by recycling false claims and libels which were the fodder of the Palestinian propaganda machine during the Arafat era. One was the utterly fabricated accusation that the IDF has used shells containing weakened uranium which can penetrate the infrastructure and destroy crops, another that Israel is building a synagogue, museum and pilgrimage site under Al-Aqsa mosque.

18 DDD First indications of Hamas’s radical Islamic cultural codes assimilated by the Palestinian population: So far, Hamas has not passed legislation in the spirit of radical Islamic religious law, but some of its newly-appointed ministers have issued practical instructions which partake of the worldview of extremist Islam. They include permission for members of the Palestinian security forces to grow beards, the struggle against “the culture of belly dancing” and the distribution of forbidden films, reinforcing the “culture of resistance” [i.e., violence and terrorism directed against Israel] and the preservation and strengthening of Hamas’s social infrastructure (the da’wah).

TTThhheee pppooowwweeerrr ssstttrrruuuggggggllleee bbbeeetttwwweeeeeennn AAAbbbuuu MMMaazzzeeennn aaannnddd ttthhheee HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueeesss

In the PA, which in effect functions as a double-headed authority, the power struggle for authority between Abu Mazen (Fatah-supported PA chairman) and Ismail Haniya (Hamas prime minister) continued and even intensified.

One of the main points of disagreement is control of the security forces. To strengthen his authority, Abu Mazen appointed Rashid Abu Shubaq as commander of the internal security forces, which include the preventive security apparatus, the police and civil defense. So far it is uncertain whether Rashid Abu Shubaq, who belongs to Fatah, will formally be subordinate to Sayid Siyam, interior minister, or to Abu Mazen’s office, although there is no doubt that Abu Mazen strives to control of the security forces.

Another point of disagreement which arose recently was control of the Gaza Strip crossings (and the revenue they entail) particularly the Rafah crossing. Abu Mazen made his point by replacing the security forces at the Rafah crossing with the presidential guard, forestalling criticism on the pretext that he was afraid the European observers, fearing for their safety, would leave the crossing. On April 10 the formal ceremony was held which transferred authority over the Rafah crossing to the Palestinian presidential guard (Ramatan News Agency, April 10).


In addition, Abu Mazen holds other key positions as chairman of the PA and of the PLO’s executive committee, for example, in the realms of finance, foreign policy, information and the treatment of prisoners. With that in mind, Hamas issued an announcement deploring attempts made by Fatah to appropriate the government’s authority and in effect create a parallel “shadow” government and to empty the Hamas government of its authority. However, it should not be forgotten that the Hamas government has been legitimized by the Palestinian people and enjoys their support, and Abu Mazen has neither sufficient power nor resources to create an effective presidential régime, and he has no interest in a showdown with Hamas.

A meeting held between Abu Mazen and Ismail Haniya to find a solution for the disagreements between them. After the meeting the formation of a committee to discuss the sharing of authority was announced (Palestinian TV, April 9). So far, the tension continues.

TTThhheee HHHaaammmaaasss gggooovvveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnttt aaatttttteeemmmppptttsss tttooo bbrrreeeaaakkk ooouuuttt ooofff iiitttsss iiinnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll iiisssooolllaaatttiiiooonnn

The Hamas government has continued its efforts, with no significant success, to break out of its international isolation. To that end it has done the following:

DDD Foreign minister Mahmoud al-Zahar left for Cairo on his way to tour the Arab/Muslim states (including Algeria) to raise money. Egypt announced that its senior officials would not meet with him, claiming previous engagements. Al-Zahar is to meet ‘Amr Mussa, secretary of the Arab League. 20

DDD During May, a Hamas delegation is planning to visit South America, China and other Asian countries. In preparation, Mahmoud al-Zahar met with the Chinese representative in the Gaza Strip. So far, no formal invitation has been issued (Reuters, April 5).

DDD A Palestinian Legislative Council delegation of six left for Iran on April 11 to participate in the Jerusalem Conference. Other participants are representatives of the various Palestinian terrorist organizations and Hezbollah. The Palestinian delegation will again ask for financial aid for the Hamas government.8

DDD A delegation of three Hamas ministers, including ‘Abd al-Razzeq,

the minister of the national economics, left in the middle of April for a round of visits to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain in an urgent attempt to find funding.

AAAnnnaaarrrccchhhyyy cccooonnntttiiinnnuuueeesss

Signs of anarchy have continued in the PA-administered territories. Two of the causes are the delay in paying the salaries of the security forces and the continuing tension between Fatah and Hamas. The most prominent events have included the armed takeover of government offices and public institutions (chiefly by Fatah operatives and the security forces). The Hamas government, like its predecessor, is helpless in dealing with the growing anarchy and blames its rivals (i.e., Fatah and Abu Mazen) for inciting the events and for responsibility for the economic crisis.

8 In the meantime it has been reported that at the conference’s final session Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki said that Iran would transfer $50 million (IRNA, April 16). He did not clarify how the money would be transferred or give a definite date.

21 Some examples of anarchy:

DDD In Khan Yunis, a few dozen armed members of the security forces took over the main roads and the Legislative Council building to protest not having received their salaries (April 15).

DDD In Ramallah more than 20 armed Fatah/Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades gunmen took over the offices of the government, including the government building and the ministry of transportation. They did so to protest the minister of transportation’s decision to freeze the issuing of taxi licenses promised by the previous government (April 13 and 14).

DDD ] Approximately 60 marked gunmen invaded the Khan Yunis district courthouse, dragged the workers into the street and fired guns into the air (April 11).

The Arabic media reported that the terrorist organizations had taken over areas in the northern Gaza Strip evacuated by the Israelis as part of the disengagement plan and turned them into training camps. For example, the Arab Liberation Front announced that a month-long military course had been completed on “liberated lands” in which dozens of operatives had taken part (Ma’a News Agency, April 15). Khaled Abu Hilal, spokesman for the interior and national security ministry, stated that the establishment of military training grounds was “the natural right” of the various organizations, but he added: “We cannot agree to the serious anarchy of attacks and takeovers of government property through the exploitation of the slogan of resistance” (Dunia al-Watan, April 13).